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Commands and Permissions

Eufranio edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 5 revisions


  • /pbq ~ pbq.command.main Displays some basic info about all the commands
  • /pbq resetOneTime <quest line> [<player>] ~ pbq.command.reset This command resets the oneTime status of all Quests of the specified quest line for you, or the specified player
  • /pbq spawn <entity> ~ pbq.command.spawn Spawns an entity of the specified type with NPC properties (no movement, AI, fall, etc)
  • /pbq checkProgress [<player>] <quest line> ~ pbq.command.checkprogress Checks the progress of the specified player (or you) in the specified quest line
  • /pbq setProgress [<player>] <quest line> <progress> ~ pbq.command.setprogress Sets the progress of the specified player (or you) in the quest line to the supplied value
  • /pbq status <quest line> ~ pbq.command.status Displays the status message for you if PBQMessages is loaded
  • /pbq addQuest <quest ID> <quest line> [<walk/click>] ~ pbq.command.addquest Assigns a quest with the supplied ID and line to the clicked entity or block (if walk or click is supplied)
  • /pbq delete <block/npc> ~ pbq.command.delete Deletes the Quest assigned from a block or from the clicked NPC

Permissions needed for players to run Quests pbq.admin: with it admins are able to identify blocks/NPCs that have no quest assigned (by walking on/right clicking them)

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