- Introduction to Python
- Installing python
- Chosing an IDE
- Jupyter notebooks
- Importing libraries
- Basic arthmetic
- Basic data import
- Basic markdown
- Basic git and github
- Project: Cloning a github repo, creating a jupyeter notebook, adding it to version control, reading in a dataset, performing a basic manipulation, commiting changes to git, pushing changes to github.
- Tour of programming in python
- Control flow
- Data structures
- Creating functions
- OOP concepts in python
- text processing
- Project: write a basic prediction function using thresholding and MRIcloud values.
- NumPy and matplotlib
- Plotting in python
- Arrays and mathematical data structures in python
- Project: creating an 3D array of MRIcloud imaging data. Performing a simple statistical summary across one dimension of the array. Plotting the result.
- Pandas
- Data manipulation and cleaning
- Project: reading in MRICloud text data; putting it into a pandas dataframe. Performing data wrangling on the datarfame. Creating numerical summaries and exploratory plots.
- Pytorch, Scipy
- Regression, linear and generalized linear models in python
- Setting up pytorch
- Pip and conda.
- Project: prediction Alzheimer's disease status using the ADNI database.
- Lab on running deep networks in python
- Project: convoluational neural network for lesion segmentation.
- Lab on running deep networks and evaluation
- Project: evaluation of a NN algorithm for "Early Prediction of the Impending Onset of Septic Shock in Patients with Sepsis."