diff --git a/udap-common.js b/udap-common.js
index 230a092..cb10c69 100644
--- a/udap-common.js
+++ b/udap-common.js
@@ -252,16 +252,6 @@ function getCertsAndPrivKeysFromBinary(pkcs12String, password) {
 //This method will take the certificate used to sign the JWT, and then compare it with the community cert+chain to ensure it's valid.
 async function validateCertWithCrlAndCertChain(udapJwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject) {
-    // Validate cert is not on CRL
-    try {
-        await validateCrl(udapJwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject)
-    }
-    catch (e) {
-        console.error("cert Expiration/Revocation Exception:")
-        console.error(e)
-        throw e
-    }
     //Validate cert is part of our trust community.
     try {
         await validateCertChain(udapJwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject)
@@ -275,7 +265,7 @@ async function validateCertWithCrlAndCertChain(udapJwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorO
     return true
-async function validateCrl(jwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject) {
+async function validateCrl(certObject, parentCertObject) {
     const distributionPoints = []
     //Internal method to deal with the different things we can see in the cRLDistributionPoints extension.
@@ -293,7 +283,17 @@ async function validateCrl(jwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject) {
-    const ext = caTrustAnchorObject.getExtension('cRLDistributionPoints')
+    const ext = certObject.getExtension('cRLDistributionPoints')
+    //Skip CRL validation if there's none called out on the cert.
+    if(!ext) {
+        console.warn("A certificate was found in the chain that does not have a CRL. This may introduce security risks.")
+        return
+    }
+    if(!parentCertObject) {
+        console.warn("No CRL issuer was provided - unable to verify proper issuance of the CRL. This may introduce security risks.")
+    }
     console.debug("Distribution Points: ")
@@ -315,12 +315,40 @@ async function validateCrl(jwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject) {
                 const crl = new pkijs.CertificateRevocationList({
                     schema: asn1crl.result
+                /* TODO: Get this working- right now we're not validating the CRL itself.
+                if(parentCertObject) {
+                    console.log("Checking the signature of the CRL...")
+                    console.log("Issuer to validate against:")
+                    console.log(JSON.stringify(parentCertObject))
+                    console.log("CRL")
+                    console.log(JSON.stringify(crl))
+                    var parentCertAsn1 = pki.certificateToAsn1(parentCertObject)
+                    var parentCertDer = asn1.toDer(parentCertAsn1)
+                    var parentCertBER = new Uint8Array(parentCertDer).buffer
+                    var asn1jsParentCert = asn1js.fromBER(parentCertBER)
+                    var pkijsCert = new pkijs.Certificate({ schema: asn1jsParentCert.result });
+                    console.log(JSON.stringify(pkijsCert))
+                    pkijs.setEngine("NodeJS", new pkijs.CryptoEngine({ crypto: new Crypto() }));
+                    const valid = await crl.verify(
+                        {
+                            "issuerCertificate": pkijsCert
+                        }
+                    )
+                    if(!valid) {
+                        throw new Error("The signature validation of the CRL failed!")
+                    }
+                }
+                */
                 for (let index in crl.revokedCertificates) {
                     var revokedCertificate = crl.revokedCertificates[index]
                     var revCertSerial = pvutils.bufferToHexCodes(revokedCertificate.userCertificate.valueBlock.valueHex)
                     console.debug("Cert Serial number: " + revCertSerial)
-                    if (jwtCertObject.serialNumber.toLowerCase() == revCertSerial.toLowerCase()) {
+                    if (certObject.serialNumber.toLowerCase() == revCertSerial.toLowerCase()) {
                         console.debug("Cert on CRL:")
                         throw new Error("certificate revoked")
@@ -343,17 +371,17 @@ async function validateCrl(jwtCertObject, caTrustAnchorObject) {
 //It will first fetch the chain at runtime, and then compare against the trust anchor.
 async function validateCertChain(cert, caTrustAnchorObject) {
     console.debug("Inbound Cert to validate: ")
-    console.debug(cert)
+    console.debug(JSON.stringify(cert))
     console.debug("Trust Anchor to validate against: ")
-    console.debug(caTrustAnchorObject)
+    console.debug(JSON.stringify(caTrustAnchorObject))
     try {
         const caTrustAnchor = caTrustAnchorObject
         var caStore = pki.createCaStore()
-        const inboundCertChain = await getCertChain(cert)
+        const inboundCertChain = await buildCertChain(caTrustAnchor, cert)
         var chainVerified = pki.verifyCertificateChain(caStore, inboundCertChain)
         console.debug('Certificate chain verified: ', chainVerified)
@@ -367,44 +395,73 @@ async function validateCertChain(cert, caTrustAnchorObject) {
 //Gets the certificate chain from the inbound certificate used at runtime.
-async function getCertChain(inboundCert) {
+//This method will check all the CRLs along the way, and if we encounter the root trust anchor, we'll stop.
+//Anything in the chain that's "above" our designated trust anchor is ignored.
+async function buildCertChain(trustAnchor, inboundCert) {
     const certChain = []
+    var previousCert = null
     var currentCert = inboundCert
-    var parent = null
+    var parentCert = null
     do {
-        certChain.push(currentCert)
-        parent = currentCert.getExtension('authorityInfoAccess')
-        if (parent != null) {
+        const parentUrl = currentCert.getExtension('authorityInfoAccess')
+        if (parentUrl != null) {
             //TODO:  Try to parse this like CRL sample .fromDer
-            var parentUrl = parent.value.toString().split('\u0002')
-            var parsePos = parentUrl[1].indexOf('http')
-            var aiaUrl = parentUrl[1].substring(parsePos)
-            console.debug("AIA Cert URI: " + aiaUrl)
-            const httpResponse = await axios.request({
-                'url': aiaUrl,
-                'responseType': 'arraybuffer',
-                'method': 'get',
-                'headers': { 'Accept': 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }
-            })
-            console.debug("1. HttpResponse  Data:")
-            console.debug(httpResponse.data)
-            if (httpResponse.data != null) {
-                var cerDer = forge.util.createBuffer(httpResponse.data, 'raw')
-                var asn1Cert = asn1.fromDer(cerDer)
-                console.debug("AIA Cert: " + asn1.prettyPrint(asn1Cert))
-                currentCert = pki.certificateFromAsn1(asn1Cert)
-            }
-            else {
-                throw new Error('Could not retrieve cert: ' + httpResponse.statusCode)
-            }
+            var parentUrlValue = parentUrl.value.toString().split('\u0002')
+            var parsePos = parentUrlValue[1].indexOf('http')
+            var aiaUrl = parentUrlValue[1].substring(parsePos)
+            console.debug("AIA Cert URI: " + JSON.stringify(aiaUrl))
+            parentCert = await getCertificate(aiaUrl)
+            if (!parentCert) {
+                throw new Error('A parent certificate was identified but could not be retrieved.')
+            }
         else {
-            currentCert = parent
+            parentCert = null
+        await validateCrl(currentCert, parentCert)
+        console.log("Certificate has been validated- adding to the chain!")
+        certChain.push(currentCert)
+        previousCert = currentCert
+        currentCert = parentCert
-    while (currentCert != null)
+    while (currentCert != null && previousCert.subject.hash != trustAnchor.subject.hash)
     console.debug("2. Finished with chain")
+    console.debug("Chain length: " + certChain.length)
+    console.debug(JSON.stringify(certChain))
     return certChain
+async function getCertificate(certificateUrl) {
+    const httpResponse = await axios.request({
+        'url': certificateUrl,
+        'responseType': 'arraybuffer',
+        'method': 'get',
+        'headers': { 'Accept': 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }
+    })
+    console.debug("1. HttpResponse  Data:")
+    console.debug(httpResponse.data)
+    try {
+        var cerDer = forge.util.createBuffer(httpResponse.data, 'raw')
+        var asn1Cert = asn1.fromDer(cerDer)
+        console.debug("AIA Cert: " + asn1.prettyPrint(asn1Cert))
+        return pki.certificateFromAsn1(asn1Cert)
+    }
+    catch(error) {
+        console.debug("The certificate was not provided in DER format.  Attempting to parse PEM...")
+    }
+    try {
+        return pki.certificateFromPem(httpResponse.data)
+    }
+    catch(error) {
+        console.debug("The certificate was not provided in PEM format. Not sure what to do...")
+    }
+    return null