A powerful chat censoring plugin for PocketMine-MP
PocketMine-MP plugins
PocketMine-MP API 3.0.0
ChatCensor let you block censored words, IP addresses, websites, spam, caps, set allowed and unallowed characters and mute/unmute players in chat. You can also easily customize actions for each censored word.
- Word censor: block censored words on chat or even on commands!
- URL/IP censor: prevent players from sending IP addresses or URLs on chat
- Anti-caps: remove caps from messages or block them
- Anti-spam: advanced anti-spam check which will prevent players from sending the same message twice or spamming on chat
- Mute/Unmute players: temporarily or permanently mute players on chat
- Maximum message length: prevent players from sending long messages
- Allowed/Unallowed characters: limit allowed characters on messages
- Customizable user-side messages
EvolSoft Website: https://www.evolsoft.tk
This Plugin uses the New API. You can't install it on old versions of PocketMine.
Please support the development of this plugin with a small donation by clicking 💵 here. Your small donation will help me paying web hosting, domains, buying programs (such as IDEs, debuggers, etc...) and new hardware to improve software development. Thank you 😄
Configuration (config.yml):
# Censor settings
# Enable censor
enabled: true
# Let players with chatcensor.bypass.censor permission bypass this restriction
allow-bypassing: false
# Check bad words inside words (may slightly slow down your server)
advanced-mode: false
# Check commands
check-commands: false
# Log message to player
log-to-player: true
# Block messages containing URLs (a message will be sent to the player if log-to-player is enabled)
block-urls: true
# Block messages containing IP addresses (a message will be sent to the player if log-to-player is enabled)
block-ips: true
# Anti-caps settings
# Enable anti-caps
enabled: true
# Let players with chatcensor.bypass.anti-caps permission bypass this restriction
allow-bypassing: false
# Log message to player
log-to-player: true
# Block the message (if block-message is disabled, the message will be converted to lower case)
block-message: true
# Anti-spam settings
# Enable anti-spam
enabled: true
# Let players with chatcensor.bypass.anti-spam permission bypass this restriction
allow-bypassing: false
# Log message to player
log-to-player: true
# Spam checking mode (0 = the same message can't be repeated, 1 = delayed spam checking, 2 = both)
mode: 1
# Delay (in seconds)
delay: 5
# Mute/Unmute settings
# Log the mute message to the player
log-mute: true
# Log the unmute message to the player
log-unmute: true
# Log message to player
log-to-player: true
# Default mute time
time: "30m"
# Characters/Message checking settings
# Enable characters/message checking
enabled: true
# Let players with chatcensor.bypass.char-check permission bypass this restriction
allow-bypassing: false
# Log message to player
log-to-player: true
# Maximum message length (set to 0 to disable this feature)
max-length: 0
# Allow backslash in messages
allow-backslash: false
# Allowed characters in messages (set to "" to disable this feature)
allowed-chars: "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890.:,;-_|!/?"
# Unallowed characters in messages (set to "" to disable this feature)
unallowed-chars: ""
Messages (messages.yml):
# No URLs message
no-urls: "{PREFIX} &cYou can't send URLs on messages!"
# No IP addresses message
no-ips: "{PREFIX} &cYou can't send IP addresses on messages!"
# No swearing message
no-swearing: "{PREFIX} &cPlease don't swear!"
# No caps message
no-caps: "{PREFIX} &cUppercase characters are not allowed on messages"
# Invalid/Unallowed characters message
invalid: "{PREFIX} &cYou can't send this message because it contains invalid characters"
# Message too long message
too-long: "{PREFIX} &cYou can't send this message because it's too long"
# No spam message
no-spam: "{PREFIX} &cPlease don't spam"
# Spam delay message
spam-delay: "{PREFIX} &cPlease wait &e{DELAY} seconds&c before sending another message"
# Muted message (when the muted player tries to send a message)
muted-error: "{PREFIX} &cYou can't send message because you are muted"
# Muted message
muted: "{PREFIX} &cYou have been muted for &e{DURATION}&c by &e{PLAYER}&c!"
# Unmuted message
unmuted: "{PREFIX} &cYou have been unmuted by &e{PLAYER}&c!"
Add and configure a denied word:
- Run the command "/addword <word>"
- Go to ChatCensor plugin directory and open "words.yml" file
- Find the world in the list and customize its settings
These are the censored word settings:
# Delete the message containing the word
delete-message: false
# Replace the censored word
enable-replace: true
# The text which will replace the censored word
replace-word: "****"
# List of commands to execute
# Available tags:
# - {PLAYER}: Player name of the player who sent the message containing the censored word
# Example:
# commands:
# - "tell {PLAYER} Do not swear please!"
# - "ban {PLAYER}"
commands: []
- chatcensor.* - ChatCensor permission tree.
- chatcensor.bypass.* - Bypass ChatCensor features.
- chatcensor.bypass.censor - Bypass ChatCensor word censor feature.
- chatcensor.bypass.anti-caps - Bypass ChatCensor anti-caps feature.
- chatcensor.bypass.char-check - Bypass ChatCensor char-check feature.
- chatcensor.bypass.anti-spam - Bypass ChatCensor spam-check feature.
- chatcensor.commands.* - ChatCensor commands permission tree.
- chatcensor.commands.help - Let player read ChatCensor commands help.
- chatcensor.commands.info - Let player read info about ChatCensor.
- chatcensor.commands.reload - Let player reload ChatCensor configuration.
- chatcensor.commands.addword - Let player add a censored word.
- chatcensor.commands.removeword - Let player remove a censored word.
- chatcensor.commands.mute - Let player mute a player.
- chatcensor.commands.unmute - Let player unmute a player.
- chatcensor.commands.listmuted - Let player show the list of muted players.
Almost all our plugins have API access to widely extend their features.
To access ChatCensor API:
1. Define the plugin dependency in plugin.yml (you can check if ChatCensor is installed in different ways):
depend: [ChatCensor]
2. Include ChatCensor API in your plugin code:
//ChatCensor API
use ChatCensor\ChatCensor;
3. Access the API by doing: