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ServerAuth API

Flavius12 edited this page May 24, 2015 · 14 revisions

Basic Tutorial

1. Define the plugin dependency in plugin.yml (you can check if ServerAuth is installed in different ways):

depend: [ServerAuth]

2. Include ServerAuth API and ServerAuth Events in your php code:

//PocketMine Event Listener
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
//ServerAuth API
use ServerAuth\ServerAuth;
//ServerAuth Events
use ServerAuth\Events\ServerAuthRegisterEvent;

3. Create the class:

class Example extends PluginBase implements Listener {

4. Check if ServerAuth API is compatible (insert this code in onEnable() function)

if(ServerAuth::getAPI()->getAPIVersion() == "(used API version)"){
            //API compatible
            //Register Events
            $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
            //API not compatible

5. Handle a ServerAuth event (in this tutorial we will handle the ServerAuthRegisterEvent):

public function onRegister(ServerAuthRegisterEvent $event){
  $player = $event->getPlayer();
  $player->sendMessage("You are now registered, " . $player->getName());

6. Call the API function:


ServerAuth API Events

ServerAuth API Functions