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ServerAuth Installation

Flavius12 edited this page May 23, 2015 · 6 revisions


  1. Make sure that PocketMine-MP isn't running otherwise close it
  2. Put ServerAuth phar plugin on your PocketMine-MP server plugins directory
  3. Run PocketMine-MP


#ServerAuth plugin default configuration
#Keep logged in by IP
IPLogin: false
#Allow not authenticated users to move
allow-move: false
#Block chat for not authenticated users
block-chat: true
#Block commands for not authenticated users
block-commands: true
#Login/Register timeout
timeout: 60
#Minimum password length
minPasswordLength: 6
#Maximum password length
maxPasswordLength: 16
#Password hash algorithm
passwordHash: "sha256"
#ServerAuth language
language: "EN_en"
#ServerAuth message prefix
prefix: "&1[ServerAuth] "
#Show join message (defined on join-message in the current language file)
show-join-message: true
#Use MySQL (set this to false if you want to save data in local files)
use-mysql: false
#MySQL settings
  #MySQL host
  host: "host"
  #MySQL port (default 3306)
  port: 3306
  #MySQL username
  username: "username"
  #MySQL password (you can leave it blank if your database doesn't need password)
  password: ""
  #MySQL ServerAuth database
  database: "serverauth"
  #ServerAuth table prefix
  table_prefix: "srvauth_"
#Login settings
  #Enable login on your server
  enabled: true
  #Login message interval
  message-interval: 2
#Register settings
  #Enable register on your server
  enabled: true
  #Require password confirmation
  password-confirm-required: false
  #Max registrations per IP
  #max-ip: 3
  #Register message interval
  message-interval: 2
#Change Password settings
  #Enable changepassword on your server
  enabled: true
  #Require password confirmation
  password-confirm-required: true
#Logout settings
  #Enable logout on your server
  enabled: true
#Unregister settings
  #Enable unregister on your server
  enabled: true
  #Require password confirmation
  require-password: true

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