diff --git a/TPE/TopPanel_Text.xml b/TPE/TopPanel_Text.xml
index 44fa380..1a64bb9 100644
--- a/TPE/TopPanel_Text.xml
+++ b/TPE/TopPanel_Text.xml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[ICON_RESOURCE_TOYS] Number of Luxury Resources Owned:({1_Type} type)
- [ICON_RESOURCE_TOYS] Ressources de luxes possedées:({1_Type} type)
+ [ICON_RESOURCE_TOYS] Nombre de ressource de luxe possédé : ({1_Type} différentes)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Own Extra Luxury Resources[NEWLINE]
- [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Mes ressources de luxes en trop[NEWLINE]
+ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources de luxe en double[NEWLINE]
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Team Extra Luxury Resources
- [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources de luxes de mes coéquipiers en surplus
+ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources de luxe en double de l'équipe
[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]World Extra Luxury Resources
- [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources de luxes en surplus chez les autres joueurs
+ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources de luxe en double des autres joueurs
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Team Extra Strategic Resources
- [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources stratégiques de mes coéquipiers en surplus
+ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources stratégiques de l'équipe
[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]World Extra Strategic Resources
- [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources stratégiques en surplus chez les autres joueurs
+ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ressources stratégiques en double des autres joueurs
+{1_Num} [Icon_ProductionLarge] 生产力
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
Total Production of the Empire
- Production globale dans mon Empire
+ Production totale
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
Production Growth Curve
- Courbe de croissance de la production
+ Historique de la production
+{1_Num} [Icon_FoodLarge] 食物
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
Total Food of the Empire
- Nourriture globale dans mon Empire
+ Production de nourriture totale
{1_Num} [Icon_Citizen] 人口
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
Total Citizen of the Empire
- Nombre de citoyens dans mon Empire
+ Population totale
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TPE/UI/TopPanelExtension.lua b/TPE/UI/TopPanelExtension.lua
index 27327b2..98f47c0 100644
--- a/TPE/UI/TopPanelExtension.lua
+++ b/TPE/UI/TopPanelExtension.lua
@@ -310,17 +310,23 @@ function RefreshLuxuryResourcesType()
local TeamMore = false
local WorldMore = false
+ local localPlayerId = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
+ local localTeam = Players[localPlayerId]:GetTeam()
+ local localPlayerDiplomacy = localPlayerId:GetDiplomacy()
- for j, playerID in ipairs(PlayerManager.GetAliveMajorIDs()) do
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and Game.GetLocalPlayer() ~= playerID then -- 是队友
- local LUXURYstr = GetMoreLUXURYstr(playerID)
+ for j, playerId in ipairs(PlayerManager.GetAliveMajorIDs()) do
+ local playerTeam = Players[playerId]:GetTeam()
+ if localTeam == playerTeam and localPlayerId ~= playerId then -- 是队友
+ local LUXURYstr = GetMoreLUXURYstr(playerId)
if LUXURYstr then
TeamMore = true
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() ~= Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and Game.GetLocalPlayer() ~= playerID then
- local LUXURYstr = GetMoreLUXURYstr(playerID)
+ if localTeam ~= playerTeam and localPlayerId ~= playerId and localPlayerDiplomacy:IsAtWarWith( playerId ) == false then
+ local LUXURYstr = GetMoreLUXURYstr(playerId)
if LUXURYstr then
WorldMore = true
LUXURYWorldtext = LUXURYWorldtext..LUXURYstr
@@ -330,11 +336,13 @@ function RefreshLuxuryResourcesType()
if TeamMore == true and isLuxuriesTradingAllowed == true then
sToolTopText = sToolTopText..LUXURYtext
- sYieldPerTurnText = sYieldPerTurnText.."[icon_PressureHigh]"
if WorldMore == true and isLuxuriesTradingAllowed == true then
sToolTopText = sToolTopText..LUXURYWorldtext
+ end
+ if ((TeamMore == true or WorldMore == true) and isLuxuriesTradingAllowed == true) then
sYieldPerTurnText = sYieldPerTurnText.."[icon_PressureHigh]"
@@ -350,7 +358,6 @@ end
-- ===========================================================================
function GetMoreLUXURYstr(playerID)
- local pPlayerConfig = PlayerConfigurations[playerID];
local leaderType = PlayerConfigurations[playerID]:GetLeaderTypeName();
local LeaderName = Locale.Lookup(GameInfo.Leaders[leaderType].Name);
@@ -395,8 +402,9 @@ end
-- ===========================================================================
function IsTradableResources(Resource)
local localPlayerID = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
+ local localPlayerTeam = Players[localPlayerID]:GetTeam()
for j, playerID in ipairs(PlayerManager.GetAliveMajorIDs()) do
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and Game.GetLocalPlayer() ~= playerID then -- 是队友
+ if localPlayerTeam == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and localPlayerID ~= playerID then -- 是队友
local pForDeal :table = DealManager.GetWorkingDeal(DealDirection.OUTGOING, localPlayerID, playerID);
local possibleResources :table = DealManager.GetPossibleDealItems(localPlayerID, playerID, DealItemTypes.RESOURCES, pForDeal);
if (possibleResources ~= nil) then
@@ -522,9 +530,11 @@ if BaseFile == "TopPanel_Expansion2" then
local WorldStrategicYtext = Locale.Lookup("LOC_TOP_PANEL_WORLD_MORE_STRATEGIC_NAME")
local TeamMore = false
local WorldMore = false
+ local localPlayerTeam = Players[localPlayerID]:GetTeam()
for j, playerID in ipairs(PlayerManager.GetAliveMajorIDs()) do
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and Game.GetLocalPlayer() ~= playerID then -- 是队友
+ local playerTeam = Players[playerID]:GetTeam()
+ if localPlayerTeam == playerTeam and localPlayerID ~= playerID then -- 是队友
local Strategicstr = GetMoreStrategicstr(playerID,resource)
if Strategicstr ~= 0 then
TeamMore = true
@@ -532,7 +542,7 @@ if BaseFile == "TopPanel_Expansion2" then
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() ~= Players[playerID]:GetTeam() and Game.GetLocalPlayer() ~= playerID then
+ if localPlayerTeam ~= playerTeam and localPlayerID ~= playerID then
local Strategicstr = GetMoreStrategicstr(playerID,resource)
if Strategicstr ~= 0 then
WorldMore = true
@@ -626,7 +636,8 @@ end
-- 判断队友是否解锁了资源
-- ===========================================================================
function GetTeamVisibleResources(playerID)
- if Players[Game.GetLocalPlayer()]:GetTeam() == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() or playerID == Game.GetLocalPlayer() then -- 是队友
+ local localPlayerId = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
+ if Players[localPlayerId]:GetTeam() == Players[playerID]:GetTeam() or playerID == localPlayerId then -- 是队友
local pPlayerResources = Players[playerID]:GetResources();
for i, kdate in ipairs(g_TopPanelResources) do
if pPlayerResources:IsResourceVisible(kdate.Hash) then
diff --git a/TopPanelPro.modinfo b/TopPanelPro.modinfo
index 60e997d..384377a 100644
--- a/TopPanelPro.modinfo
+++ b/TopPanelPro.modinfo
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
[icon_You]Add indicators for Food, Production, Population, and Luxury Resources to the Top Panel.
- [icon_You]Ajoute des indicateurs pour la Nourriture, la Production, la Population, and les ressources de luxes dans le panneau du haut.
+ [icon_You]Ajoute des indicateurs pour la nourriture, la production, la population et les ressources de luxe sur le panneau supérieur.