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How to create a non expiring certificate in Visual Studio

Anthony edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 8 revisions

Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 | Visual Studio Tools | Developer Command Prompt for VS2012 | right click and "Run as administrator"

Right click and paste the following commands

MakeCert /n "CN=YourCertName" /r /h 0 /eku "," /e "01/16/2174" /sv YourCertName.pvk YourCertName.cer 
pvk2pfx -pvk YourCertName.pvk -spc YourCertName.cer -pfx YourCertName.pfx –f

*Note the date format is the US standard MM/DD/YYYY *Note the "-f" parameter is used for overwriting an existing file

In the Visual Studio project properties select "Signing" click on "Select from File…"

Navigate to C:\Windows\System32 and select the certificate file (*.pfx)

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