diff --git a/src/hooks/usePaginatedReportActions.ts b/src/hooks/usePaginatedReportActions.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a82253b7c0..000000000000
--- a/src/hooks/usePaginatedReportActions.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-import {useMemo} from 'react';
-import {useOnyx} from 'react-native-onyx';
-import * as ReportActionsUtils from '@libs/ReportActionsUtils';
-import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
- * Get the longest continuous chunk of reportActions including the linked reportAction. If not linking to a specific action, returns the continuous chunk of newest reportActions.
- */
-function usePaginatedReportActions(reportID?: string, reportActionID?: string) {
-    // Use `||` instead of `??` to handle empty string.
-    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
-    const reportIDWithDefault = reportID || '-1';
-    const [sortedAllReportActions = []] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${reportIDWithDefault}`, {
-        canEvict: false,
-        selector: (allReportActions) => ReportActionsUtils.getSortedReportActionsForDisplay(allReportActions, true),
-    });
-    const reportActions = useMemo(() => {
-        if (!sortedAllReportActions.length) {
-            return [];
-        }
-        return ReportActionsUtils.getContinuousReportActionChain(sortedAllReportActions, reportActionID);
-    }, [reportActionID, sortedAllReportActions]);
-    const linkedAction = useMemo(() => sortedAllReportActions.find((obj) => String(obj.reportActionID) === String(reportActionID)), [reportActionID, sortedAllReportActions]);
-    return {
-        reportActions,
-        linkedAction,
-    };
-export default usePaginatedReportActions;
diff --git a/src/pages/ReportDetailsPage.tsx b/src/pages/ReportDetailsPage.tsx
index b1ef9fbfdd97..dcbad36d1eda 100644
--- a/src/pages/ReportDetailsPage.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/ReportDetailsPage.tsx
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ScreenWrapper from '@components/ScreenWrapper';
 import ScrollView from '@components/ScrollView';
 import useLocalize from '@hooks/useLocalize';
 import useNetwork from '@hooks/useNetwork';
-import usePaginatedReportActions from '@hooks/usePaginatedReportActions';
 import useThemeStyles from '@hooks/useThemeStyles';
 import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
 import type {ReportDetailsNavigatorParamList} from '@libs/Navigation/types';
@@ -80,10 +79,21 @@ function ReportDetailsPage({policies, report, session, personalDetails}: ReportD
     const {translate} = useLocalize();
     const {isOffline} = useNetwork();
     const styles = useThemeStyles();
     // The app would crash due to subscribing to the entire report collection if parentReportID is an empty string. So we should have a fallback ID here.
     // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
     const [parentReport] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${report.parentReportID || '-1'}`);
-    const {reportActions} = usePaginatedReportActions(report.reportID);
+    const [sortedAllReportActions = []] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${report.reportID ?? '-1'}`, {
+        canEvict: false,
+        selector: (allReportActions: OnyxEntry<OnyxTypes.ReportActions>) => ReportActionsUtils.getSortedReportActionsForDisplay(allReportActions, true),
+    });
+    const reportActions = useMemo(() => {
+        if (!sortedAllReportActions.length) {
+            return [];
+        }
+        return ReportActionsUtils.getContinuousReportActionChain(sortedAllReportActions);
+    }, [sortedAllReportActions]);
     const transactionThreadReportID = useMemo(
         () => ReportActionsUtils.getOneTransactionThreadReportID(report.reportID, reportActions ?? [], isOffline),
diff --git a/src/pages/home/ReportScreen.tsx b/src/pages/home/ReportScreen.tsx
index 3f37663928ff..d8d98fe32d96 100644
--- a/src/pages/home/ReportScreen.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/home/ReportScreen.tsx
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ import useIsReportOpenInRHP from '@hooks/useIsReportOpenInRHP';
 import useLastAccessedReportID from '@hooks/useLastAccessedReportID';
 import useLocalize from '@hooks/useLocalize';
 import useNetwork from '@hooks/useNetwork';
-import usePaginatedReportActions from '@hooks/usePaginatedReportActions';
 import usePrevious from '@hooks/usePrevious';
 import useThemeStyles from '@hooks/useThemeStyles';
 import useViewportOffsetTop from '@hooks/useViewportOffsetTop';
 import useWindowDimensions from '@hooks/useWindowDimensions';
+import {getCurrentUserAccountID} from '@libs/actions/Report';
 import Timing from '@libs/actions/Timing';
 import Log from '@libs/Log';
 import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ type ReportScreenOnyxProps = {
     /** The policies which the user has access to */
     policies: OnyxCollection<OnyxTypes.Policy>;
+    /** An array containing all report actions related to this report, sorted based on a date criterion */
+    sortedAllReportActions: OnyxTypes.ReportAction[];
     /** Additional report details */
     reportNameValuePairs: OnyxEntry<OnyxTypes.ReportNameValuePairs>;
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ function ReportScreen({
     betas = [],
+    sortedAllReportActions,
     reportMetadata = {
         isLoadingInitialReportActions: true,
         isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
@@ -279,14 +283,12 @@ function ReportScreen({
     const prevReport = usePrevious(report);
     const prevUserLeavingStatus = usePrevious(userLeavingStatus);
     const [isLinkingToMessage, setIsLinkingToMessage] = useState(!!reportActionIDFromRoute);
-    const [currentUserAccountID = -1] = useOnyx(ONYXKEYS.SESSION, {selector: (value) => value?.accountID});
-    const {reportActions, linkedAction} = usePaginatedReportActions(report.reportID, reportActionIDFromRoute);
-    const isLinkedActionDeleted = useMemo(() => !!linkedAction && !ReportActionsUtils.shouldReportActionBeVisible(linkedAction, linkedAction.reportActionID), [linkedAction]);
-    const isLinkedActionInaccessibleWhisper = useMemo(
-        () => !!linkedAction && ReportActionsUtils.isWhisperAction(linkedAction) && !(linkedAction?.whisperedToAccountIDs ?? []).includes(currentUserAccountID),
-        [currentUserAccountID, linkedAction],
-    );
+    const reportActions = useMemo(() => {
+        if (!sortedAllReportActions.length) {
+            return [];
+        }
+        return ReportActionsUtils.getContinuousReportActionChain(sortedAllReportActions, reportActionIDFromRoute);
+    }, [reportActionIDFromRoute, sortedAllReportActions]);
     // Define here because reportActions are recalculated before mount, allowing data to display faster than useEffect can trigger.
     // If we have cached reportActions, they will be shown immediately.
@@ -311,6 +313,10 @@ function ReportScreen({
     const screenWrapperStyle: ViewStyle[] = [styles.appContent, styles.flex1, {marginTop: viewportOffsetTop}];
     const isEmptyChat = useMemo(() => ReportUtils.isEmptyReport(report), [report]);
     const isOptimisticDelete = report.statusNum === CONST.REPORT.STATUS_NUM.CLOSED;
+    const isLinkedMessageAvailable = useMemo(
+        (): boolean => sortedAllReportActions.findIndex((obj) => String(obj.reportActionID) === String(reportActionIDFromRoute)) > -1,
+        [sortedAllReportActions, reportActionIDFromRoute],
+    );
     // If there's a non-404 error for the report we should show it instead of blocking the screen
     const hasHelpfulErrors = Object.keys(report?.errorFields ?? {}).some((key) => key !== 'notFound');
@@ -402,12 +408,12 @@ function ReportScreen({
     const isLoading = isLoadingApp ?? (!reportIDFromRoute || (!isSidebarLoaded && !isReportOpenInRHP) || PersonalDetailsUtils.isPersonalDetailsEmpty());
     const shouldShowSkeleton =
-        !linkedAction &&
+        !isLinkedMessageAvailable &&
         (isLinkingToMessage ||
             !isCurrentReportLoadedFromOnyx ||
             (reportActions.length === 0 && !!reportMetadata?.isLoadingInitialReportActions) ||
             isLoading ||
-            (!!reportActionIDFromRoute && !!reportMetadata?.isLoadingInitialReportActions));
+            (!!reportActionIDFromRoute && reportMetadata?.isLoadingInitialReportActions));
     const shouldShowReportActionList = isCurrentReportLoadedFromOnyx && !isLoading;
     const currentReportIDFormRoute = route.params?.reportID;
@@ -682,16 +688,28 @@ function ReportScreen({
     }, [fetchReport]);
+    const {isLinkedReportActionDeleted, isInaccessibleWhisper} = useMemo(() => {
+        const currentUserAccountID = getCurrentUserAccountID();
+        if (!reportActionIDFromRoute || !sortedAllReportActions) {
+            return {isLinkedReportActionDeleted: false, isInaccessibleWhisper: false};
+        }
+        const action = sortedAllReportActions.find((item) => item.reportActionID === reportActionIDFromRoute);
+        return {
+            isLinkedReportActionDeleted: action && !ReportActionsUtils.shouldReportActionBeVisible(action, action.reportActionID),
+            isInaccessibleWhisper: action && ReportActionsUtils.isWhisperAction(action) && !(action?.whisperedToAccountIDs ?? []).includes(currentUserAccountID),
+        };
+    }, [reportActionIDFromRoute, sortedAllReportActions]);
     // If user redirects to an inaccessible whisper via a deeplink, on a report they have access to,
     // then we set reportActionID as empty string, so we display them the report and not the "Not found page".
     useEffect(() => {
-        if (!isLinkedActionInaccessibleWhisper) {
+        if (!isInaccessibleWhisper) {
         Navigation.isNavigationReady().then(() => {
             Navigation.setParams({reportActionID: ''});
-    }, [isLinkedActionInaccessibleWhisper]);
+    }, [isInaccessibleWhisper]);
     useEffect(() => {
         if (!!report.lastReadTime || !ReportUtils.isTaskReport(report)) {
@@ -701,7 +719,7 @@ function ReportScreen({
     }, [report]);
-    if ((!isLinkedActionInaccessibleWhisper && isLinkedActionDeleted) ?? (!shouldShowSkeleton && reportActionIDFromRoute && reportActions?.length === 0 && !isLinkingToMessage)) {
+    if ((!isInaccessibleWhisper && isLinkedReportActionDeleted) ?? (!shouldShowSkeleton && reportActionIDFromRoute && reportActions?.length === 0 && !isLinkingToMessage)) {
         return (
@@ -815,6 +833,11 @@ export default withCurrentReportID(
             isSidebarLoaded: {
                 key: ONYXKEYS.IS_SIDEBAR_LOADED,
+            sortedAllReportActions: {
+                key: ({route}) => `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${getReportID(route)}`,
+                canEvict: false,
+                selector: (allReportActions: OnyxEntry<OnyxTypes.ReportActions>) => ReportActionsUtils.getSortedReportActionsForDisplay(allReportActions, true),
+            },
             reportNameValuePairs: {
                 key: ({route}) => `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_NAME_VALUE_PAIRS}${getReportID(route)}`,
                 allowStaleData: true,
@@ -843,6 +866,7 @@ export default withCurrentReportID(
             (prevProps, nextProps) =>
                 prevProps.isSidebarLoaded === nextProps.isSidebarLoaded &&
+                lodashIsEqual(prevProps.sortedAllReportActions, nextProps.sortedAllReportActions) &&
                 lodashIsEqual(prevProps.reportMetadata, nextProps.reportMetadata) &&
                 lodashIsEqual(prevProps.betas, nextProps.betas) &&
                 lodashIsEqual(prevProps.policies, nextProps.policies) &&
diff --git a/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx b/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
index f84c75823753..b5990ee5d002 100644
--- a/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
+++ b/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
@@ -200,104 +200,81 @@ let reportAction9CreatedDate: string;
  * Sets up a test with a logged in user that has one unread chat from another user. Returns the <App/> test instance.
-async function signInAndGetAppWithUnreadChat() {
+function signInAndGetAppWithUnreadChat(): Promise<void> {
     // Render the App and sign in as a test user.
     render(<App />);
-    await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
-    await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
-    const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('loginForm.loginForm');
-    const loginForm = screen.queryAllByLabelText(hintText);
-    expect(loginForm).toHaveLength(1);
-    await act(async () => {
-        await TestHelper.signInWithTestUser(USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_A_EMAIL, undefined, undefined, 'A');
-    });
-    await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
-    User.subscribeToUserEvents();
-    await waitForBatchedUpdates();
-    const TEN_MINUTES_AGO = subMinutes(new Date(), 10);
-    reportAction3CreatedDate = format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 30), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING);
-    reportAction9CreatedDate = format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 90), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING);
-    // Simulate setting an unread report and personal details
-    await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${REPORT_ID}`, {
-        reportID: REPORT_ID,
-        lastReadTime: reportAction3CreatedDate,
-        lastVisibleActionCreated: reportAction9CreatedDate,
-        lastMessageText: 'Test',
-        participants: {[USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID]: {hidden: false}},
-        lastActorAccountID: USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID,
-        type: CONST.REPORT.TYPE.CHAT,
-    });
-    const createdReportActionID = NumberUtils.rand64().toString();
-        [createdReportActionID]: {
-            automatic: false,
-            created: format(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING),
-            reportActionID: createdReportActionID,
-            message: [
-                {
-                    style: 'strong',
-                    text: '__FAKE__',
-                    type: 'TEXT',
-                },
-                {
-                    style: 'normal',
-                    text: 'created this report',
-                    type: 'TEXT',
+    return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct()
+        .then(async () => {
+            await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+            const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('loginForm.loginForm');
+            const loginForm = screen.queryAllByLabelText(hintText);
+            expect(loginForm).toHaveLength(1);
+            await act(async () => {
+                await TestHelper.signInWithTestUser(USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_A_EMAIL, undefined, undefined, 'A');
+            });
+            return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+        })
+        .then(() => {
+            User.subscribeToUserEvents();
+            return waitForBatchedUpdates();
+        })
+        .then(async () => {
+            const TEN_MINUTES_AGO = subMinutes(new Date(), 10);
+            reportAction3CreatedDate = format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 30), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING);
+            reportAction9CreatedDate = format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 90), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING);
+            // Simulate setting an unread report and personal details
+            await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${REPORT_ID}`, {
+                reportID: REPORT_ID,
+                reportName: CONST.REPORT.DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME,
+                lastReadTime: reportAction3CreatedDate,
+                lastVisibleActionCreated: reportAction9CreatedDate,
+                lastMessageText: 'Test',
+                participants: {[USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID]: {hidden: false}},
+                lastActorAccountID: USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID,
+                type: CONST.REPORT.TYPE.CHAT,
+            });
+            const createdReportActionID = NumberUtils.rand64().toString();
+            await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${REPORT_ID}`, {
+                [createdReportActionID]: {
+                    actionName: CONST.REPORT.ACTIONS.TYPE.CREATED,
+                    automatic: false,
+                    created: format(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING),
+                    reportActionID: createdReportActionID,
+                    message: [
+                        {
+                            style: 'strong',
+                            text: '__FAKE__',
+                            type: 'TEXT',
+                        },
+                        {
+                            style: 'normal',
+                            text: 'created this report',
+                            type: 'TEXT',
+                        },
+                    ],
-            ],
-        },
-        1: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 10), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '1', createdReportActionID),
-        2: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 20), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '2', '1'),
-        3: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(reportAction3CreatedDate, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '3', '2'),
-        4: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 40), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '4', '3'),
-        5: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 50), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '5', '4'),
-        6: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 60), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '6', '5'),
-        7: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 70), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '7', '6'),
-        8: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 80), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '8', '7'),
-        9: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(reportAction9CreatedDate, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '9', '8'),
-    });
-        [USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_B_EMAIL, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, 'B'),
-    });
-    // We manually setting the sidebar as loaded since the onLayout event does not fire in tests
-    AppActions.setSidebarLoaded();
-    await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
-let lastComment = 'Current User Comment 1';
-async function addComment() {
-    const num = Number.parseInt(lastComment.slice(-1), 10);
-    lastComment = `${lastComment.slice(0, -1)}${num + 1}`;
-    const comment = lastComment;
-    const reportActionsBefore = (await TestHelper.onyxGet(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${REPORT_ID}`)) as Record<string, ReportAction>;
-    Report.addComment(REPORT_ID, comment);
-    const reportActionsAfter = (await TestHelper.onyxGet(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${REPORT_ID}`)) as Record<string, ReportAction>;
-    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
-    const newReportActionID = Object.keys(reportActionsAfter).find((reportActionID) => !reportActionsBefore[reportActionID])!;
-    await act(() =>
-            [newReportActionID]: {
-                previousReportActionID: '9',
-            },
-        }),
-    );
-    await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
-    // Verify the comment is visible (it will appear twice, once in the LHN and once on the report screen)
-    expect(screen.getAllByText(comment)[0]).toBeOnTheScreen();
+                1: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 10), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '1', createdReportActionID),
+                2: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 20), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '2', '1'),
+                3: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(reportAction3CreatedDate, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '3', '2'),
+                4: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 40), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '4', '3'),
+                5: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 50), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '5', '4'),
+                6: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 60), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '6', '5'),
+                7: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 70), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '7', '6'),
+                8: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(format(addSeconds(TEN_MINUTES_AGO, 80), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING), USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '8', '7'),
+                9: TestHelper.buildTestReportComment(reportAction9CreatedDate, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, '9', '8'),
+            });
+            await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, {
+                [USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_B_EMAIL, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, 'B'),
+            });
+            // We manually setting the sidebar as loaded since the onLayout event does not fire in tests
+            AppActions.setSidebarLoaded();
+            return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+        });
-const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
 describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
     afterEach(() => {
@@ -342,6 +319,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 // Since the last read timestamp is the timestamp of action 3 we should have an unread indicator above the next "unread" action which will
                 // have actionID of 4
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
                 const reportActionID = unreadIndicator[0]?.props?.['data-action-id'];
@@ -357,6 +335,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
             .then(async () => {
                 await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
                 // Verify the unread indicator is present
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -379,6 +358,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
             .then(() => {
                 // Verify the unread indicator is not present
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
                 // Tap on the chat again
@@ -386,6 +366,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
             .then(() => {
                 // Verify the unread indicator is not present
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -495,6 +476,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
             .then(() => {
                 // Verify the indicator appears above the last action
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
                 const reportActionID = unreadIndicator[0]?.props?.['data-action-id'];
@@ -529,6 +511,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
             .then(() => {
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -537,23 +520,30 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 return waitFor(() => expect(isNewMessagesBadgeVisible()).toBe(false));
-    it('Keep showing the new line indicator when a new message is created by the current user', async () => {
-        await signInAndGetAppWithUnreadChat();
-        // Verify we are on the LHN and that the chat shows as unread in the LHN
-        expect(areYouOnChatListScreen()).toBe(true);
+    it('Keep showing the new line indicator when a new message is created by the current user', () =>
+        signInAndGetAppWithUnreadChat()
+            .then(() => {
+                // Verify we are on the LHN and that the chat shows as unread in the LHN
+                expect(areYouOnChatListScreen()).toBe(true);
-        // Navigate to the report and verify the indicator is present
-        await navigateToSidebarOption(0);
-        await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
-        let unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
-        expect(unreadIndicator).toHaveLength(1);
+                // Navigate to the report and verify the indicator is present
+                return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
+            })
+            .then(async () => {
+                await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
+                const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
+                expect(unreadIndicator).toHaveLength(1);
-        // Leave a comment as the current user and verify the indicator is not removed
-        await addComment();
-        unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
-        expect(unreadIndicator).toHaveLength(1);
-    });
+                // Leave a comment as the current user and verify the indicator is removed
+                Report.addComment(REPORT_ID, 'Current User Comment 1');
+                return waitForBatchedUpdates();
+            })
+            .then(() => {
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
+                const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
+                expect(unreadIndicator).toHaveLength(1);
+            }));
     xit('Keeps the new line indicator when the user moves the App to the background', () =>
@@ -565,6 +555,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
             .then(() => {
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -573,6 +564,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
             .then(() => navigateToSidebarOption(0))
             .then(() => {
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 const unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -581,6 +573,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 return waitForBatchedUpdates();
             .then(() => {
+                const newMessageLineIndicatorHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.newMessageLineIndicator');
                 let unreadIndicator = screen.queryAllByLabelText(newMessageLineIndicatorHintText);
@@ -604,10 +597,11 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                 // Navigate to the chat and simulate leaving a comment from the current user
                 .then(() => navigateToSidebarOption(0))
-                .then(() =>
+                .then(() => {
                     // Leave a comment as the current user
-                    addComment(),
-                )
+                    Report.addComment(REPORT_ID, 'Current User Comment 1');
+                    return waitForBatchedUpdates();
+                })
                 .then(() => {
                     // Simulate the response from the server so that the comment can be deleted in this test
                     lastReportAction = reportActions ? CollectionUtils.lastItem(reportActions) : undefined;
@@ -625,7 +619,7 @@ describe('Unread Indicators', () => {
                     // This message is visible on the sidebar and the report screen, so there are two occurrences.
-                    expect(screen.getAllByText(lastComment)[0]).toBeOnTheScreen();
+                    expect(screen.getAllByText('Current User Comment 1')[0]).toBeOnTheScreen();
                     if (lastReportAction) {
                         Report.deleteReportComment(REPORT_ID, lastReportAction);
diff --git a/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts b/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
index dffb2b4e312a..9ca0969abc6a 100644
--- a/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
+++ b/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import {Str} from 'expensify-common';
 import Onyx from 'react-native-onyx';
-import type {ConnectOptions, OnyxKey} from 'react-native-onyx';
 import CONST from '@src/CONST';
 import * as Session from '@src/libs/actions/Session';
 import HttpUtils from '@src/libs/HttpUtils';
@@ -248,33 +247,5 @@ const createAddListenerMock = () => {
     return {triggerTransitionEnd, addListener};
- * Get an Onyx value. Only for use in tests for now.
- */
-async function onyxGet(key: OnyxKey): Promise<Parameters<Required<ConnectOptions<typeof key>>['callback']>[0]> {
-    return new Promise((resolve) => {
-        // eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/prefer-onyx-connect-in-libs
-        // @ts-expect-error This does not need more strict type checking as it's only for tests
-        const connectionID = Onyx.connect({
-            key,
-            callback: (value) => {
-                Onyx.disconnect(connectionID);
-                resolve(value);
-            },
-            waitForCollectionCallback: true,
-        });
-    });
 export type {MockFetch, FormData};
-export {
-    assertFormDataMatchesObject,
-    buildPersonalDetails,
-    buildTestReportComment,
-    createAddListenerMock,
-    getGlobalFetchMock,
-    setPersonalDetails,
-    signInWithTestUser,
-    signOutTestUser,
-    onyxGet,
+export {assertFormDataMatchesObject, buildPersonalDetails, buildTestReportComment, createAddListenerMock, getGlobalFetchMock, setPersonalDetails, signInWithTestUser, signOutTestUser};