diff --git a/src/libs/actions/Report.js b/src/libs/actions/Report.js
index 57c9d7ec9fe9..9d321c39ac22 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/Report.js
+++ b/src/libs/actions/Report.js
@@ -170,12 +170,15 @@ function getSimplifiedReportObject(report) {
const isLastMessageAttachment = /]+)\/>/gi.test(lastActionMessage);
const chatType = lodashGet(report, ['reportNameValuePairs', 'chatType'], '');
- // We are removing any html tags from the message html since we cannot access the text version of any comments as
- // the report only has the raw reportActionList and not the processed version returned by Report_GetHistory
- // We convert the line-breaks in html to space ' ' before striping the tags
- const lastMessageText = lastActionMessage
- .replace(/((
]*>)+)/gi, ' ')
- .replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '') || `[${translateLocal('common.deletedCommentMessage')}]`;
+ let lastMessageText = null;
+ if (report.reportActionCount > 0) {
+ // We are removing any html tags from the message html since we cannot access the text version of any comments as
+ // the report only has the raw reportActionList and not the processed version returned by Report_GetHistory
+ // We convert the line-breaks in html to space ' ' before striping the tags
+ lastMessageText = lastActionMessage
+ .replace(/((
]*>)+)/gi, ' ')
+ .replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '') || `[${translateLocal('common.deletedCommentMessage')}]`;
+ }
const reportName = lodashGet(report, ['reportNameValuePairs', 'type']) === 'chat'
? getChatReportName(report, chatType)
: report.reportName;