diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/authorChecklist/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/authorChecklist/index.js index 3f0c090d2a43..7c2bcf8618b8 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/authorChecklist/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/authorChecklist/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9434,158 +9431,158 @@ module.exports = function (fromModel) { /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; - - -module.exports = { - "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], - "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], - "aqua": [0, 255, 255], - "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], - "azure": [240, 255, 255], - "beige": [245, 245, 220], - "bisque": [255, 228, 196], - "black": [0, 0, 0], - "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], - "blue": [0, 0, 255], - "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], - "brown": [165, 42, 42], - "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], - "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], - "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], - "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], - "coral": [255, 127, 80], - "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], - "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], - "crimson": [220, 20, 60], - "cyan": [0, 255, 255], - "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], - "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], - "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], - "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], - "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], - "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], - "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], - "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], - "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], - "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], - "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], - "darkred": [139, 0, 0], - "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], - "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], - "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], - "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], - "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], - "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], - "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], - "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], - "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], - "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], - "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], - "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], - "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], - "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], - "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], - "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], - "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], - "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], - "gold": [255, 215, 0], - "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], - "gray": [128, 128, 128], - "green": [0, 128, 0], - "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], - "grey": [128, 128, 128], - "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], - "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], - "indianred": [205, 92, 92], - "indigo": [75, 0, 130], - "ivory": [255, 255, 240], - "khaki": [240, 230, 140], - "lavender": [230, 230, 250], - "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], - "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], - "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], - "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], - "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], - "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], - "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], - "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], - "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], - "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], - "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], - "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], - "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], - "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], - "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], - "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], - "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], - "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], - "lime": [0, 255, 0], - "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], - "linen": [250, 240, 230], - "magenta": [255, 0, 255], - "maroon": [128, 0, 0], - "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], - "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], - "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], - "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], - "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], - "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], - "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], - "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], - "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], - "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], - "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], - "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], - "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], - "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], - "navy": [0, 0, 128], - "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], - "olive": [128, 128, 0], - "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], - "orange": [255, 165, 0], - "orangered": [255, 69, 0], - "orchid": [218, 112, 214], - "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], - "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], - "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], - "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], - "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], - "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], - "peru": [205, 133, 63], - "pink": [255, 192, 203], - "plum": [221, 160, 221], - "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], - "purple": [128, 0, 128], - "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], - "red": [255, 0, 0], - "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], - "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], - "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], - "salmon": [250, 128, 114], - "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], - "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], - "seashell": [255, 245, 238], - "sienna": [160, 82, 45], - "silver": [192, 192, 192], - "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], - "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], - "slategray": [112, 128, 144], - "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], - "snow": [255, 250, 250], - "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], - "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], - "tan": [210, 180, 140], - "teal": [0, 128, 128], - "thistle": [216, 191, 216], - "tomato": [255, 99, 71], - "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], - "violet": [238, 130, 238], - "wheat": [245, 222, 179], - "white": [255, 255, 255], - "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], - "yellow": [255, 255, 0], - "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] -}; + + +module.exports = { + "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], + "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], + "aqua": [0, 255, 255], + "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], + "azure": [240, 255, 255], + "beige": [245, 245, 220], + "bisque": [255, 228, 196], + "black": [0, 0, 0], + "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], + "blue": [0, 0, 255], + "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], + "brown": [165, 42, 42], + "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], + "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], + "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], + "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], + "coral": [255, 127, 80], + "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], + "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], + "crimson": [220, 20, 60], + "cyan": [0, 255, 255], + "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], + "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], + "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], + "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], + "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], + "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], + "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], + "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], + "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], + "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], + "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], + "darkred": [139, 0, 0], + "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], + "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], + "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], + "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], + "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], + "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], + "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], + "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], + "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], + "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], + "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], + "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], + "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], + "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], + "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], + "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], + "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], + "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], + "gold": [255, 215, 0], + "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], + "gray": [128, 128, 128], + "green": [0, 128, 0], + "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], + "grey": [128, 128, 128], + "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], + "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], + "indianred": [205, 92, 92], + "indigo": [75, 0, 130], + "ivory": [255, 255, 240], + "khaki": [240, 230, 140], + "lavender": [230, 230, 250], + "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], + "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], + "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], + "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], + "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], + "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], + "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], + "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], + "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], + "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], + "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], + "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], + "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], + "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], + "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], + "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], + "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], + "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], + "lime": [0, 255, 0], + "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], + "linen": [250, 240, 230], + "magenta": [255, 0, 255], + "maroon": [128, 0, 0], + "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], + "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], + "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], + "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], + "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], + "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], + "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], + "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], + "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], + "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], + "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], + "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], + "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], + "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], + "navy": [0, 0, 128], + "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], + "olive": [128, 128, 0], + "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], + "orange": [255, 165, 0], + "orangered": [255, 69, 0], + "orchid": [218, 112, 214], + "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], + "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], + "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], + "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], + "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], + "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], + "peru": [205, 133, 63], + "pink": [255, 192, 203], + "plum": [221, 160, 221], + "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], + "purple": [128, 0, 128], + "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], + "red": [255, 0, 0], + "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], + "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], + "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], + "salmon": [250, 128, 114], + "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], + "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], + "seashell": [255, 245, 238], + "sienna": [160, 82, 45], + "silver": [192, 192, 192], + "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], + "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], + "slategray": [112, 128, 144], + "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], + "snow": [255, 250, 250], + "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], + "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], + "tan": [210, 180, 140], + "teal": [0, 128, 128], + "thistle": [216, 191, 216], + "tomato": [255, 99, 71], + "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], + "violet": [238, 130, 238], + "wheat": [245, 222, 179], + "white": [255, 255, 255], + "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], + "yellow": [255, 255, 0], + "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] +}; /***/ }), @@ -14016,1303 +14013,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -16849,9 +16846,12 @@ exports["default"] = newComponentCategory; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -16860,11 +16860,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/awaitStagingDeploys/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/awaitStagingDeploys/index.js index 3f809a36b82a..56079c0f2cd8 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/awaitStagingDeploys/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/awaitStagingDeploys/index.js @@ -1,114 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 970: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); - -/** - * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. - * - * @param {String} name - The name of the input. - * @param {Object} options - Options to pass to core.getInput - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. - * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. - * @returns {any} - */ -function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (input) { - return JSON.parse(input); - } - return defaultValue; -} - -/** - * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Object} options - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - * @returns {string|undefined} - */ -function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (!input) { - return defaultValue; - } - return input; -} - -module.exports = { - getJSONInput, - getStringInput, -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4502: -/***/ ((module) => { - -/** - * Simulates a while loop where the condition is determined by the result of a Promise. - * - * @param {Function} condition - * @param {Function} action - * @returns {Promise} - */ -function promiseWhile(condition, action) { - console.info('[promiseWhile] promiseWhile()'); - - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const loop = function () { - if (!condition()) { - resolve(); - } else { - const actionResult = action(); - console.info('[promiseWhile] promiseWhile() actionResult', actionResult); - Promise.resolve(actionResult).then(loop).catch(reject); - } - }; - loop(); - }); -} - -/** - * Simulates a do-while loop where the condition is determined by the result of a Promise. - * - * @param {Function} condition - * @param {Function} action - * @returns {Promise} - */ -function promiseDoWhile(condition, action) { - console.info('[promiseWhile] promiseDoWhile()'); - - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - console.info('[promiseWhile] promiseDoWhile() condition', condition); - const actionResult = action(); - console.info('[promiseWhile] promiseDoWhile() actionResult', actionResult); - actionResult - .then(() => promiseWhile(condition, action)) - .then(() => resolve()) - .catch(reject); - }); -} - -module.exports = { - promiseWhile, - promiseDoWhile, -}; - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -9850,1476 +9745,1476 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +/***/ }), -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} +"use strict"; -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } +}; -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} +/***/ }), -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) } - - return "%" + hex; + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } +/***/ }), - return str; -} +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} +/***/ }), -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); +"use strict"; - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - return cStr; -} +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; +} - return parseInt(input, R); +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; +} - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; +} - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - numbers.push(n); - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; - - -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; - -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); - -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; - -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; - - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) - -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) - - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) - -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - f.called = false - return f -} - -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4219: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - - -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - - -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - - -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; - - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } - } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. @@ -12254,10 +12149,10 @@ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ const throttle_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2891)); -const ActionUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(970)); +const ActionUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6981)); const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); const GithubUtils_1 = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); -const promiseWhile_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4502); +const promiseWhile_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9438); function run() { console.info('[awaitStagingDeploys] run()'); console.info('[awaitStagingDeploys] ActionUtils', ActionUtils_1.default); @@ -12307,6 +12202,68 @@ if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { exports["default"] = run; +/***/ }), + +/***/ 6981: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { + +"use strict"; + +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getStringInput = exports.getJSONInput = void 0; +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +/** + * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. + * + * @param name - The name of the input. + * @param options - Options to pass to core.getInput + * @param [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. + * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. + */ +function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (input) { + return JSON.parse(input); + } + return defaultValue; +} +exports.getJSONInput = getJSONInput; +/** + * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. + */ +function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (!input) { + return defaultValue; + } + return input; +} +exports.getStringInput = getStringInput; + + /***/ }), /***/ 9873: @@ -12315,9 +12272,12 @@ exports["default"] = run; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -12326,11 +12286,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/checkDeployBlockers/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/checkDeployBlockers/index.js index ccfab5e85ebd..ed02825b9ea5 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/checkDeployBlockers/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/checkDeployBlockers/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -22,7 +19,6 @@ __nccwpck_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); const _ = __nccwpck_require__(5067); const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); -const CONST = __nccwpck_require__(9873); const GithubUtils = __nccwpck_require__(9296); const run = function () { @@ -91,7 +87,7 @@ if (__nccwpck_require__.c[__nccwpck_require__.s] === module) { run(); } -module.exports = run; +/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (run); /***/ }), @@ -9143,1303 +9139,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11519,9 +11515,12 @@ function wrappy (fn, cb) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11530,11 +11529,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/createOrUpdateStagingDeploy/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/createOrUpdateStagingDeploy/index.js index 6fa8d0368fee..992d6dcd9732 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/createOrUpdateStagingDeploy/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/createOrUpdateStagingDeploy/index.js @@ -1,195 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 9338: -/***/ ((module) => { - -const replacer = (str) => - ({ - '\\': '\\\\', - '\t': '\\t', - '\n': '\\n', - '\r': '\\r', - '\f': '\\f', - '"': '\\"', - }[str]); - -/** - * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output - * - * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 - * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading - * - * @param {String} inputString - * @returns {String} - */ -module.exports = function (inputString) { - if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); - } - - // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes - return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8007: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; -__nccwpck_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); -/* harmony export */ __nccwpck_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { -/* harmony export */ "MAX_INCREMENTS": () => (/* binding */ MAX_INCREMENTS), -/* harmony export */ "SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS": () => (/* binding */ SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS), -/* harmony export */ "getPreviousVersion": () => (/* binding */ getPreviousVersion), -/* harmony export */ "getVersionNumberFromString": () => (/* binding */ getVersionNumberFromString), -/* harmony export */ "getVersionStringFromNumber": () => (/* binding */ getVersionStringFromNumber), -/* harmony export */ "incrementMinor": () => (/* binding */ incrementMinor), -/* harmony export */ "incrementPatch": () => (/* binding */ incrementPatch), -/* harmony export */ "incrementVersion": () => (/* binding */ incrementVersion) -/* harmony export */ }); -const _ = __nccwpck_require__(5067); - -const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { - MAJOR: 'MAJOR', - MINOR: 'MINOR', - PATCH: 'PATCH', - BUILD: 'BUILD', -}; -const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; - -/** - * Transforms a versions string into a number - * - * @param {String} versionString - * @returns {Array} - */ -const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { - const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); - const [major, minor, patch] = _.map(version.split('.'), (n) => Number(n)); - - return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; -}; - -/** - * Transforms version numbers components into a version string - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @param {Number} patch - * @param {Number} [build] - * @returns {String} - */ -const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; - -/** - * Increments a minor version - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { - if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); - } - - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); -}; - -/** - * Increments a Patch version - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @param {Number} patch - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { - if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); - } - return incrementMinor(major, minor); -}; - -/** - * Increments a build version - * - * @param {String} version - * @param {String} level - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); - - // Majors will always be incremented - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - return incrementMinor(major, minor); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); - } - - if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); - } - - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); -}; - -/** - * @param {String} currentVersion - * @param {String} level - * @returns {String} - */ -function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - if (major === 1) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - if (minor === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - if (patch === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); - } - - if (build === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); -} - - - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -11992,1691 +11806,2285 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +/***/ }), -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} +"use strict"; -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } +}; -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} +/***/ }), -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) } - - return "%" + hex; + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} +/***/ }), -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} +/***/ }), -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } +"use strict"; - return cStr; -} -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - return parseInt(input, R); +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; } -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; +} - numbers.push(n); - } +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; +} - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; +} - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - return ipv4; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } + } + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; + // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. + self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { + socket.on('free', onFree); + socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); + req.onSocket(socket); - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + function onFree() { + self.emit('free', socket, options); + } - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; + function onCloseOrRemove(err) { + self.removeSocket(socket); + socket.removeListener('free', onFree); + socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); } + }); +}; - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + var placeholder = {}; + self.sockets.push(placeholder); - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; + var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { + method: 'CONNECT', + path: options.host + ':' + options.port, + agent: false, + headers: { + host: options.host + ':' + options.port } + }); + if (options.localAddress) { + connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; + } + if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { + connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; + connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + + new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); + } - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } + debug('making CONNECT request'); + var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); + connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later + connectReq.once('error', onError); + connectReq.end(); - let value = 0; - let length = 0; + function onResponse(res) { + // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. + res.upgrade = true; + } - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } + function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { + // Hacky. + process.nextTick(function() { + onConnect(res, socket, head); + }); + } - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } + function onConnect(res, socket, head) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); + socket.removeAllListeners(); - pointer -= length; + if (res.statusCode !== 200) { + debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', + res.statusCode); + socket.destroy(); + var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + + 'statusCode=' + res.statusCode); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); + return; + } + if (head.length > 0) { + debug('got illegal response body from proxy'); + socket.destroy(); + var error = new Error('got illegal response body from proxy'); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); + return; + } + debug('tunneling connection has established'); + self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(placeholder)] = socket; + return cb(socket); + } - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } + function onError(cause) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - let numbersSeen = 0; + debug('tunneling socket could not be established, cause=%s\n', + cause.message, cause.stack); + var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + + 'cause=' + cause.message); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); + } +}; - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(socket) { + var pos = this.sockets.indexOf(socket) + if (pos === -1) { + return; + } + this.sockets.splice(pos, 1); - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } + var pending = this.requests.shift(); + if (pending) { + // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one + // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed. + this.createSocket(pending, function(socket) { + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + }); + } +}; - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } +function createSecureSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket.call(self, options, function(socket) { + var hostHeader = options.request.getHeader('host'); + var tlsOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.options, { + socket: socket, + servername: hostHeader ? hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '') : options.host + }); - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } + // 0 is dummy port for v0.6 + var secureSocket = tls.connect(0, tlsOptions); + self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(socket)] = secureSocket; + cb(secureSocket); + }); +} - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - ++numbersSeen; +function toOptions(host, port, localAddress) { + if (typeof host === 'string') { // since v0.10 + return { + host: host, + port: port, + localAddress: localAddress + }; + } + return host; // for v0.11 or later +} - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; +function mergeOptions(target) { + for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { + var overrides = arguments[i]; + if (typeof overrides === 'object') { + var keys = Object.keys(overrides); + for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) { + var k = keys[j]; + if (overrides[k] !== undefined) { + target[k] = overrides[k]; } } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; } - - return address; + return target; } -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; +var debug; +if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\btunnel\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) { + debug = function() { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { + args[0] = 'TUNNEL: ' + args[0]; + } else { + args.unshift('TUNNEL:'); } + console.error.apply(console, args); } - - return output; +} else { + debug = function() {}; } +exports.debug = debug; // for test -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } +/***/ }), - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } +/***/ 5030: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { + +"use strict"; - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); + +function getUserAgent() { + if (typeof navigator === "object" && "userAgent" in navigator) { + return navigator.userAgent; } - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; + if (typeof process === "object" && "version" in process) { + return `Node.js/${process.version.substr(1)} (${process.platform}; ${process.arch})`; } - return asciiDomain; + return ""; } -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } +exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; +//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } +/***/ }), - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } +/***/ 5840: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } +"use strict"; - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v1", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v.default; } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v3", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v2.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v4", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v3.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v5", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v4.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "NIL", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _nil.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "version", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _version.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "validate", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _validate.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _stringify.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _parse.default; } +})); - return host; -} +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8628)); -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} +var _v2 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6409)); -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} +var _v3 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5122)); -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } +var _v4 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9120)); - path.pop(); -} +var _nil = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5332)); -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} +var _version = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1595)); -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; +var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; +/***/ }), - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; +/***/ 4569: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + +"use strict"; - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +function md5(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); } + + return _crypto.default.createHash('md5').update(bytes).digest(); } -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +var _default = md5; +exports["default"] = _default; - return true; -}; +/***/ }), -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } +/***/ 5332: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } +"use strict"; - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; +var _default = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; +exports["default"] = _default; - return true; -}; +/***/ }), -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } +/***/ 2746: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - return true; -}; +"use strict"; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - return true; -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - return true; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; +function parse(uuid) { + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); } - return true; -}; + let v; + const arr = new Uint8Array(16); // Parse ########-....-....-....-............ -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } + arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; + arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; + arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; + arr[3] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-####-....-....-............ - return true; -}; + arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[5] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-####-....-............ -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } + arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[7] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-####-............ - return true; -}; + arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[9] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-....-############ + // (Use "/" to avoid 32-bit truncation when bit-shifting high-order bytes) -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } + arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 0x10000000000 & 0xff; + arr[11] = v / 0x100000000 & 0xff; + arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 0xff; + arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; + arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; + arr[15] = v & 0xff; + return arr; +} - return true; -}; +var _default = parse; +exports["default"] = _default; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; +/***/ }), - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); +/***/ 814: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } +"use strict"; - return true; -}; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; +var _default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; +exports["default"] = _default; - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } +/***/ }), - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } +/***/ 807: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } +"use strict"; - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - return true; -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = rng; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - return true; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } +const rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); // # of random values to pre-allocate - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } +let poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; - return true; -}; +function rng() { + if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { + _crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; + poolPtr = 0; } - return true; -}; + return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); +} -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; +/***/ }), - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } +/***/ 5274: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } +"use strict"; - return true; -}; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); + +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +function sha1(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); } - return true; -}; + return _crypto.default.createHash('sha1').update(bytes).digest(); +} -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } +var _default = sha1; +exports["default"] = _default; - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. +/***/ }), - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +/***/ 8950: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } +"use strict"; - return true; -}; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +/** + * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: + * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX + */ +const byteToHex = []; + +for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { + byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1)); +} + +function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { + // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance + // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434 + const uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one + // of the following: + // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to + // "undefined" in the uuid) + // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields + + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); } - return true; -}; + return uuid; +} -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } +var _default = stringify; +exports["default"] = _default; - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } +/***/ }), - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +/***/ 8628: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - this.buffer += cStr; - } +"use strict"; - return true; -}; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } +var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); - return true; -}; +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); + +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; +// **`v1()` - Generate time-based UUID** +// +// Inspired by https://github.com/LiosK/UUID.js +// and http://docs.python.org/library/uuid.html +let _nodeId; - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } +let _clockseq; // Previous uuid creation time + + +let _lastMSecs = 0; +let _lastNSecs = 0; // See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid for API details + +function v1(options, buf, offset) { + let i = buf && offset || 0; + const b = buf || new Array(16); + options = options || {}; + let node = options.node || _nodeId; + let clockseq = options.clockseq !== undefined ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; // node and clockseq need to be initialized to random values if they're not + // specified. We do this lazily to minimize issues related to insufficient + // system entropy. See #189 - output += serializeHost(url.host); + if (node == null || clockseq == null) { + const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; + if (node == null) { + // Per 4.5, create and 48-bit node id, (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1) + node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 0x01, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; + if (clockseq == null) { + // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq + clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 0x3fff; } - } + } // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch, + // (1582-10-15 00:00). JSNumbers aren't precise enough for this, so + // time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer milliseconds) and 'nsecs' + // (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00. - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } + let msecs = options.msecs !== undefined ? options.msecs : Date.now(); // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock + // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock - return output; -} + let nsecs = options.nsecs !== undefined ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs) -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 10000; // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } + if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === undefined) { + clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 0x3fff; + } // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new + // time interval - return result; -} -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; + if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === undefined) { + nsecs = 0; + } // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; + if (nsecs >= 10000) { + throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); } - return usm.url; -}; + _lastMSecs = msecs; + _lastNSecs = nsecs; + _clockseq = clockseq; // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; + msecs += 12219292800000; // `time_low` -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; + const tl = ((msecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nsecs) % 0x100000000; + b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl & 0xff; // `time_mid` + + const tmh = msecs / 0x100000000 * 10000 & 0xfffffff; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tmh & 0xff; // `time_high_and_version` -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 0xff; // `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (Per 4.2.2 - include variant) -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; + b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 0x80; // `clock_seq_low` -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; + b[i++] = clockseq & 0xff; // `node` + + for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { + b[i + n] = node[n]; } - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + return buf || (0, _stringify.default)(b); +} +var _default = v1; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { +/***/ 6409: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; - -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; +var _md = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(4569)); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +const v3 = (0, _v.default)('v3', 0x30, _md.default); +var _default = v3; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 5998: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) +"use strict"; -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = _default; +exports.URL = exports.DNS = void 0; -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - f.called = false - return f -} +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) +var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); + +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +function stringToBytes(str) { + str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); // UTF8 escape + + const bytes = []; + + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { + bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f + + return bytes; } +const DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; +exports.DNS = DNS; +const URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; +exports.URL = URL; -/***/ }), +function _default(name, version, hashfunc) { + function generateUUID(value, namespace, buf, offset) { + if (typeof value === 'string') { + value = stringToBytes(value); + } -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + if (typeof namespace === 'string') { + namespace = (0, _parse.default)(namespace); + } -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); + if (namespace.length !== 16) { + throw TypeError('Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)'); + } // Compute hash of namespace and value, Per 4.3 + // Future: Use spread syntax when supported on all platforms, e.g. `bytes = + // hashfunc([...namespace, ... value])` -/***/ }), + let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value.length); + bytes.set(namespace); + bytes.set(value, namespace.length); + bytes = hashfunc(bytes); + bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 0x0f | version; + bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; -/***/ 4219: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; -"use strict"; + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; + } + return buf; + } -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); + return (0, _stringify.default)(bytes); + } // Function#name is not settable on some platforms (#270) -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; + try { + generateUUID.name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty + } catch (err) {} // For CommonJS default export support -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; + generateUUID.DNS = DNS; + generateUUID.URL = URL; + return generateUUID; } -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} +/***/ }), -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} +/***/ 5122: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} +"use strict"; -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } - } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); +var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; - } +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. - self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { - socket.on('free', onFree); - socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - req.onSocket(socket); +function v4(options, buf, offset) { + options = options || {}; - function onFree() { - self.emit('free', socket, options); - } + const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` - function onCloseOrRemove(err) { - self.removeSocket(socket); - socket.removeListener('free', onFree); - socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - } - }); -}; -TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - var placeholder = {}; - self.sockets.push(placeholder); + rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; + rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided - var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { - method: 'CONNECT', - path: options.host + ':' + options.port, - agent: false, - headers: { - host: options.host + ':' + options.port + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; } - }); - if (options.localAddress) { - connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; - } - if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { - connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; - connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + - new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); + + return buf; } - debug('making CONNECT request'); - var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); - connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later - connectReq.once('error', onError); - connectReq.end(); - - function onResponse(res) { - // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. - res.upgrade = true; - } - - function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { - // Hacky. - process.nextTick(function() { - onConnect(res, socket, head); - }); - } - - function onConnect(res, socket, head) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - socket.removeAllListeners(); - - if (res.statusCode !== 200) { - debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', - res.statusCode); - socket.destroy(); - var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + - 'statusCode=' + res.statusCode); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - return; - } - if (head.length > 0) { - debug('got illegal response body from proxy'); - socket.destroy(); - var error = new Error('got illegal response body from proxy'); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - return; - } - debug('tunneling connection has established'); - self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(placeholder)] = socket; - return cb(socket); - } - - function onError(cause) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - - debug('tunneling socket could not be established, cause=%s\n', - cause.message, cause.stack); - var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + - 'cause=' + cause.message); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - } -}; - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(socket) { - var pos = this.sockets.indexOf(socket) - if (pos === -1) { - return; - } - this.sockets.splice(pos, 1); - - var pending = this.requests.shift(); - if (pending) { - // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one - // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed. - this.createSocket(pending, function(socket) { - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - }); - } -}; - -function createSecureSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket.call(self, options, function(socket) { - var hostHeader = options.request.getHeader('host'); - var tlsOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.options, { - socket: socket, - servername: hostHeader ? hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '') : options.host - }); - - // 0 is dummy port for v0.6 - var secureSocket = tls.connect(0, tlsOptions); - self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(socket)] = secureSocket; - cb(secureSocket); - }); -} - - -function toOptions(host, port, localAddress) { - if (typeof host === 'string') { // since v0.10 - return { - host: host, - port: port, - localAddress: localAddress - }; - } - return host; // for v0.11 or later -} - -function mergeOptions(target) { - for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { - var overrides = arguments[i]; - if (typeof overrides === 'object') { - var keys = Object.keys(overrides); - for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) { - var k = keys[j]; - if (overrides[k] !== undefined) { - target[k] = overrides[k]; - } - } - } - } - return target; -} - - -var debug; -if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\btunnel\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) { - debug = function() { - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); - if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { - args[0] = 'TUNNEL: ' + args[0]; - } else { - args.unshift('TUNNEL:'); - } - console.error.apply(console, args); - } -} else { - debug = function() {}; + return (0, _stringify.default)(rnds); } -exports.debug = debug; // for test +var _default = v4; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 5030: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { +/***/ 9120: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); - -function getUserAgent() { - if (typeof navigator === "object" && "userAgent" in navigator) { - return navigator.userAgent; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - if (typeof process === "object" && "version" in process) { - return `Node.js/${process.version.substr(1)} (${process.platform}; ${process.arch})`; - } +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - return ""; -} +var _sha = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5274)); -exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; -//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +const v5 = (0, _v.default)('v5', 0x50, _sha.default); +var _default = v5; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 5840: +/***/ 6900: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; @@ -13685,84 +14093,22 @@ exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v1", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v3", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v2.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v4", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v3.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v5", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v4.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "NIL", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _nil.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "version", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _version.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "validate", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _validate.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _stringify.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _parse.default; - } -})); - -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8628)); - -var _v2 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6409)); - -var _v3 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5122)); - -var _v4 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9120)); - -var _nil = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5332)); - -var _version = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1595)); +exports["default"] = void 0; -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); +var _regex = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(814)); -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); +function validate(uuid) { + return typeof uuid === 'string' && _regex.default.test(uuid); +} -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +var _default = validate; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 4569: +/***/ 1595: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; @@ -13773,1138 +14119,607 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports["default"] = void 0; -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -function md5(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); +function version(uuid) { + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); } - return _crypto.default.createHash('md5').update(bytes).digest(); + return parseInt(uuid.substr(14, 1), 16); } -var _default = md5; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5332: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; -var _default = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; +var _default = version; exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 2746: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; +/***/ 2940: +/***/ ((module) => { +// Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback +// The wrapper function should do some stuff, and return a +// presumably different callback function. +// This makes sure that own properties are retained, so that +// decorations and such are not lost along the way. +module.exports = wrappy +function wrappy (fn, cb) { + if (fn && cb) return wrappy(fn)(cb) -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; + if (typeof fn !== 'function') + throw new TypeError('need wrapper function') -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); + Object.keys(fn).forEach(function (k) { + wrapper[k] = fn[k] + }) -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + return wrapper -function parse(uuid) { - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); + function wrapper() { + var args = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + args[i] = arguments[i] + } + var ret = fn.apply(this, args) + var cb = args[args.length-1] + if (typeof ret === 'function' && ret !== cb) { + Object.keys(cb).forEach(function (k) { + ret[k] = cb[k] + }) + } + return ret } +} - let v; - const arr = new Uint8Array(16); // Parse ########-....-....-....-............ - - arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; - arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; - arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; - arr[3] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-####-....-....-............ - arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[5] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-####-....-............ +/***/ }), - arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[7] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-####-............ +/***/ 566: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[9] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-....-############ - // (Use "/" to avoid 32-bit truncation when bit-shifting high-order bytes) +"use strict"; - arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 0x10000000000 & 0xff; - arr[11] = v / 0x100000000 & 0xff; - arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 0xff; - arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; - arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; - arr[15] = v & 0xff; - return arr; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const core_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +const format_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2168)); +const fs_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7147)); +const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); +const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); +const GitUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1547)); +async function run() { + // Note: require('package.json').version does not work because ncc will resolve that to a plain string at compile time + const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs_1.default.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')); + const newVersionTag = packageJson.version; + try { + // Start by fetching the list of recent StagingDeployCash issues, along with the list of open deploy blockers + const { data: recentDeployChecklists } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.listForRepo({ + log: console, + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY, + state: 'all', + }); + // Look at the state of the most recent StagingDeployCash, + // if it is open then we'll update the existing one, otherwise, we'll create a new one. + const mostRecentChecklist = recentDeployChecklists[0]; + const shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist = mostRecentChecklist.state !== 'open'; + const previousChecklist = shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist ? mostRecentChecklist : recentDeployChecklists[1]; + if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { + console.log('Latest StagingDeployCash is closed, creating a new one.', mostRecentChecklist); + } + else { + console.log('Latest StagingDeployCash is open, updating it instead of creating a new one.', 'Current:', mostRecentChecklist, 'Previous:', previousChecklist); + } + // Parse the data from the previous and current checklists into the format used to generate the checklist + const previousChecklistData = GithubUtils_1.default.getStagingDeployCashData(previousChecklist); + const currentChecklistData = shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist ? undefined : GithubUtils_1.default.getStagingDeployCashData(mostRecentChecklist); + // Find the list of PRs merged between the current checklist and the previous checklist + const mergedPRs = await GitUtils_1.default.getPullRequestsMergedBetween(previousChecklistData.tag ?? '', newVersionTag); + // Next, we generate the checklist body + let checklistBody = ''; + let checklistAssignees = []; + if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { + const stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees = await GithubUtils_1.default.generateStagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees(newVersionTag, mergedPRs.map((value) => GithubUtils_1.default.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(value))); + if (stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees) { + checklistBody = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueBody; + checklistAssignees = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueAssignees.filter(Boolean); + } + } + else { + // Generate the updated PR list, preserving the previous state of `isVerified` for existing PRs + const PRList = mergedPRs.map((prNum) => { + const indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist = currentChecklistData?.PRList.findIndex((pr) => pr.number === prNum) ?? -1; + const isVerified = indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist >= 0 ? currentChecklistData?.PRList[indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist].isVerified : false; + return { + number: prNum, + url: GithubUtils_1.default.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(prNum), + isVerified, + }; + }); + // Generate the deploy blocker list, preserving the previous state of `isResolved` + const { data: openDeployBlockers } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.listForRepo({ + log: console, + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.DEPLOY_BLOCKER, + }); + // First, make sure we include all current deploy blockers + const deployBlockers = openDeployBlockers.map((deployBlocker) => { + const indexInCurrentChecklist = currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers.findIndex((item) => item.number === deployBlocker.number) ?? -1; + const isResolved = indexInCurrentChecklist >= 0 ? currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers[indexInCurrentChecklist].isResolved : false; + return { + number: deployBlocker.number, + url: deployBlocker.html_url, + isResolved, + }; + }); + // Then make sure we include any demoted or closed blockers as well, and just check them off automatically + currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers.forEach((deployBlocker) => { + const isResolved = deployBlockers.findIndex((openBlocker) => openBlocker.number === deployBlocker.number) < 0; + deployBlockers.push({ + ...deployBlocker, + isResolved, + }); + }); + const didVersionChange = newVersionTag !== currentChecklistData?.tag; + const stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees = await GithubUtils_1.default.generateStagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees(newVersionTag, PRList.map((pr) => pr.url), PRList.filter((pr) => pr.isVerified).map((pr) => pr.url), deployBlockers.map((blocker) => blocker.url), deployBlockers.filter((blocker) => blocker.isResolved).map((blocker) => blocker.url), currentChecklistData?.internalQAPRList.filter((pr) => pr.isResolved).map((pr) => pr.url), didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isTimingDashboardChecked, didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isFirebaseChecked, didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isGHStatusChecked); + if (stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees) { + checklistBody = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueBody; + checklistAssignees = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueAssignees.filter(Boolean); + } + } + // Finally, create or update the checklist + const defaultPayload = { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + body: checklistBody, + }; + if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { + const { data: newChecklist } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.create({ + ...defaultPayload, + title: `Deploy Checklist: New Expensify ${(0, format_1.default)(new Date(), CONST_1.default.DATE_FORMAT_STRING)}`, + labels: [CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY], + assignees: [CONST_1.default.APPLAUSE_BOT].concat(checklistAssignees), + }); + console.log(`Successfully created new StagingDeployCash! 🎉 ${newChecklist.html_url}`); + return newChecklist; + } + const { data: updatedChecklist } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.update({ + ...defaultPayload, + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention + issue_number: currentChecklistData?.number ?? 0, + }); + console.log(`Successfully updated StagingDeployCash! 🎉 ${updatedChecklist.html_url}`); + return updatedChecklist; + } + catch (err) { + console.error('An unknown error occurred!', err); + core_1.default.setFailed(err); + } +} +if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { + run(); } +exports["default"] = run; -var _default = parse; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 814: +/***/ 9873: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { "use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const GIT_CONST = { + GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', + APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, + APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', + OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', + LABELS: { + STAGING_DEPLOY: 'StagingDeployCash', + DEPLOY_BLOCKER: 'DeployBlockerCash', + INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', + }, + DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, +}; +exports["default"] = CONST; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; -var _default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 807: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 1547: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; })); -exports["default"] = rng; - -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -const rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); // # of random values to pre-allocate - -let poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; - -function rng() { - if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { - _crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); - - poolPtr = 0; - } - - return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const child_process_1 = __nccwpck_require__(2081); +const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); +const sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(3902)); +const VERSION_UPDATER = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(8982)); +/** + * @param [shallowExcludeTag] When fetching the given tag, exclude all history reachable by the shallowExcludeTag (used to make fetch much faster) + */ +function fetchTag(tag, shallowExcludeTag = '') { + let shouldRetry = true; + let needsRepack = false; + while (shouldRetry) { + try { + let command = ''; + if (needsRepack) { + // We have seen some scenarios where this fixes the git fetch. + // Why? Who knows... https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/31459 + command = 'git repack -d'; + console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); + (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); + } + command = `git fetch origin tag ${tag} --no-tags`; + // Note that this condition is only ever NOT true in the 1.0.0-0 edge case + if (shallowExcludeTag && shallowExcludeTag !== tag) { + command += ` --shallow-exclude=${shallowExcludeTag}`; + } + console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); + (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); + shouldRetry = false; + } + catch (e) { + console.error(e); + if (!needsRepack) { + console.log('Attempting to repack and retry...'); + needsRepack = true; + } + else { + console.error("Repack didn't help, giving up..."); + shouldRetry = false; + } + } + } } - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5274: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function sha1(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); - } - - return _crypto.default.createHash('sha1').update(bytes).digest(); +/** + * Get merge logs between two tags (inclusive) as a JavaScript object. + */ +function getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag) { + // Fetch tags, exclude commits reachable from the previous patch version (i.e: previous checklist), so that we don't have to fetch the full history + const previousPatchVersion = VERSION_UPDATER.getPreviousVersion(fromTag, VERSION_UPDATER.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); + fetchTag(fromTag, previousPatchVersion); + fetchTag(toTag, previousPatchVersion); + console.log('Getting pull requests merged between the following tags:', fromTag, toTag); + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let stdout = ''; + let stderr = ''; + const args = ['log', '--format={"commit": "%H", "authorName": "%an", "subject": "%s"},', `${fromTag}...${toTag}`]; + console.log(`Running command: git ${args.join(' ')}`); + const spawnedProcess = (0, child_process_1.spawn)('git', args); + spawnedProcess.on('message', console.log); + spawnedProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { + console.log(chunk.toString()); + stdout += chunk.toString(); + }); + spawnedProcess.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { + console.error(chunk.toString()); + stderr += chunk.toString(); + }); + spawnedProcess.on('close', (code) => { + if (code !== 0) { + return reject(new Error(`${stderr}`)); + } + resolve(stdout); + }); + spawnedProcess.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); + }).then((stdout) => { + // Sanitize just the text within commit subjects as that's the only potentially un-parseable text. + const sanitizedOutput = stdout.replace(/(?<="subject": ").*?(?="})/g, (subject) => (0, sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1.default)(subject)); + // Then remove newlines, format as JSON and convert to a proper JS object + const json = `[${sanitizedOutput}]`.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '').replace('},]', '}]'); + return JSON.parse(json); + }); } - -var _default = sha1; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8950: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - /** - * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: - * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX + * Parse merged PRs, excluding those from irrelevant branches. */ -const byteToHex = []; - -for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { - byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1)); +function getValidMergedPRs(commits) { + const mergedPRs = new Set(); + commits.forEach((commit) => { + const author = commit.authorName; + if (author === CONST_1.default.OS_BOTIFY) { + return; + } + const match = commit.subject.match(/Merge pull request #(\d+) from (?!Expensify\/.*-cherry-pick-staging)/); + if (!Array.isArray(match) || match.length < 2) { + return; + } + const pr = Number.parseInt(match[1], 10); + if (mergedPRs.has(pr)) { + // If a PR shows up in the log twice, that means that the PR was deployed in the previous checklist. + // That also means that we don't want to include it in the current checklist, so we remove it now. + mergedPRs.delete(pr); + return; + } + mergedPRs.add(pr); + }); + return Array.from(mergedPRs); } - -function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { - // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance - // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434 - const uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one - // of the following: - // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to - // "undefined" in the uuid) - // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields - - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); - } - - return uuid; +/** + * Takes in two git tags and returns a list of PR numbers of all PRs merged between those two tags + */ +async function getPullRequestsMergedBetween(fromTag, toTag) { + console.log(`Looking for commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}...`); + const commitList = await getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag); + console.log(`Commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}:`, commitList); + // Find which commit messages correspond to merged PR's + const pullRequestNumbers = getValidMergedPRs(commitList).sort((a, b) => a - b); + console.log(`List of pull requests merged between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}`, pullRequestNumbers); + return pullRequestNumbers; } +exports["default"] = { + getValidMergedPRs, + getPullRequestsMergedBetween, +}; -var _default = stringify; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 8628: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 9296: +/***/ (function(module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; })); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -// **`v1()` - Generate time-based UUID** -// -// Inspired by https://github.com/LiosK/UUID.js -// and http://docs.python.org/library/uuid.html -let _nodeId; - -let _clockseq; // Previous uuid creation time - - -let _lastMSecs = 0; -let _lastNSecs = 0; // See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid for API details - -function v1(options, buf, offset) { - let i = buf && offset || 0; - const b = buf || new Array(16); - options = options || {}; - let node = options.node || _nodeId; - let clockseq = options.clockseq !== undefined ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; // node and clockseq need to be initialized to random values if they're not - // specified. We do this lazily to minimize issues related to insufficient - // system entropy. See #189 - - if (node == null || clockseq == null) { - const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); - - if (node == null) { - // Per 4.5, create and 48-bit node id, (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1) - node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 0x01, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.POLL_RATE = exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = void 0; +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, import/no-import-module-exports */ +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3030); +const plugin_paginate_rest_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4193); +const plugin_throttling_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9968); +const EmptyObject_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8227); +const arrayDifference_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7034)); +const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); +const GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX = new RegExp('https?://(?:github\\.com|api\\.github\\.com)'); +const PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/pull/([0-9]+).*`); +const ISSUE_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/issues/([0-9]+).*`); +const ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/(?:pull|issues)/([0-9]+).*`); +exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX; +/** + * The standard rate in ms at which we'll poll the GitHub API to check for status changes. + * It's 10 seconds :) + */ +const POLL_RATE = 10000; +exports.POLL_RATE = POLL_RATE; +class GithubUtils { + static internalOctokit; + static POLL_RATE; + /** + * Initialize internal octokit + * + * @private + */ + static initOctokit() { + const Octokit = utils_1.GitHub.plugin(plugin_throttling_1.throttling, plugin_paginate_rest_1.paginateRest); + const token = core.getInput('GITHUB_TOKEN', { required: true }); + // Save a copy of octokit used in this class + this.internalOctokit = new Octokit((0, utils_1.getOctokitOptions)(token, { + throttle: { + retryAfterBaseValue: 2000, + onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { + console.warn(`Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); + // Retry five times when hitting a rate limit error, then give up + if (options.request.retryCount <= 5) { + console.log(`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`); + return true; + } + }, + onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { + // does not retry, only logs a warning + console.warn(`Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); + }, + }, + })); } - - if (clockseq == null) { - // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq - clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 0x3fff; + /** + * Either give an existing instance of Octokit rest or create a new one + * + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get octokit() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.rest; } - } // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch, - // (1582-10-15 00:00). JSNumbers aren't precise enough for this, so - // time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer milliseconds) and 'nsecs' - // (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00. - - - let msecs = options.msecs !== undefined ? options.msecs : Date.now(); // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock - // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock - - let nsecs = options.nsecs !== undefined ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs) - - const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 10000; // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression - - if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === undefined) { - clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 0x3fff; - } // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new - // time interval - - - if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === undefined) { - nsecs = 0; - } // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested - - - if (nsecs >= 10000) { - throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); - } - - _lastMSecs = msecs; - _lastNSecs = nsecs; - _clockseq = clockseq; // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch - - msecs += 12219292800000; // `time_low` - - const tl = ((msecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nsecs) % 0x100000000; - b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl & 0xff; // `time_mid` - - const tmh = msecs / 0x100000000 * 10000 & 0xfffffff; - b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tmh & 0xff; // `time_high_and_version` - - b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version - - b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 0xff; // `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (Per 4.2.2 - include variant) - - b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 0x80; // `clock_seq_low` - - b[i++] = clockseq & 0xff; // `node` - - for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { - b[i + n] = node[n]; - } - - return buf || (0, _stringify.default)(b); -} - -var _default = v1; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6409: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - -var _md = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(4569)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -const v3 = (0, _v.default)('v3', 0x30, _md.default); -var _default = v3; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5998: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = _default; -exports.URL = exports.DNS = void 0; - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function stringToBytes(str) { - str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); // UTF8 escape - - const bytes = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { - bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); - } - - return bytes; -} - -const DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; -exports.DNS = DNS; -const URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; -exports.URL = URL; - -function _default(name, version, hashfunc) { - function generateUUID(value, namespace, buf, offset) { - if (typeof value === 'string') { - value = stringToBytes(value); + /** + * Get the graphql instance from internal octokit. + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get graphql() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.graphql; } - - if (typeof namespace === 'string') { - namespace = (0, _parse.default)(namespace); + /** + * Either give an existing instance of Octokit paginate or create a new one + * + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get paginate() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.paginate; } - - if (namespace.length !== 16) { - throw TypeError('Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)'); - } // Compute hash of namespace and value, Per 4.3 - // Future: Use spread syntax when supported on all platforms, e.g. `bytes = - // hashfunc([...namespace, ... value])` - - - let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value.length); - bytes.set(namespace); - bytes.set(value, namespace.length); - bytes = hashfunc(bytes); - bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 0x0f | version; - bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; - - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; - } - - return buf; - } - - return (0, _stringify.default)(bytes); - } // Function#name is not settable on some platforms (#270) - - - try { - generateUUID.name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty - } catch (err) {} // For CommonJS default export support - - - generateUUID.DNS = DNS; - generateUUID.URL = URL; - return generateUUID; -} - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5122: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function v4(options, buf, offset) { - options = options || {}; - - const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` - - - rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; - rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided - - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; - } - - return buf; - } - - return (0, _stringify.default)(rnds); -} - -var _default = v4; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9120: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - -var _sha = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5274)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -const v5 = (0, _v.default)('v5', 0x50, _sha.default); -var _default = v5; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6900: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _regex = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(814)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function validate(uuid) { - return typeof uuid === 'string' && _regex.default.test(uuid); -} - -var _default = validate; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1595: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function version(uuid) { - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); - } - - return parseInt(uuid.substr(14, 1), 16); -} - -var _default = version; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2940: -/***/ ((module) => { - -// Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback -// The wrapper function should do some stuff, and return a -// presumably different callback function. -// This makes sure that own properties are retained, so that -// decorations and such are not lost along the way. -module.exports = wrappy -function wrappy (fn, cb) { - if (fn && cb) return wrappy(fn)(cb) - - if (typeof fn !== 'function') - throw new TypeError('need wrapper function') - - Object.keys(fn).forEach(function (k) { - wrapper[k] = fn[k] - }) - - return wrapper - - function wrapper() { - var args = new Array(arguments.length) - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { - args[i] = arguments[i] - } - var ret = fn.apply(this, args) - var cb = args[args.length-1] - if (typeof ret === 'function' && ret !== cb) { - Object.keys(cb).forEach(function (k) { - ret[k] = cb[k] - }) - } - return ret - } -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 566: -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const core_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); -const format_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2168)); -const fs_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7147)); -const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); -const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); -const GitUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1547)); -async function run() { - // Note: require('package.json').version does not work because ncc will resolve that to a plain string at compile time - const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs_1.default.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')); - const newVersionTag = packageJson.version; - try { - // Start by fetching the list of recent StagingDeployCash issues, along with the list of open deploy blockers - const { data: recentDeployChecklists } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.listForRepo({ - log: console, + /** + * Finds one open `StagingDeployCash` issue via GitHub octokit library. + */ + static getStagingDeployCash() { + return this.octokit.issues + .listForRepo({ owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY, - state: 'all', + state: 'open', + }) + .then(({ data }) => { + if (!data.length) { + throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); + } + if (data.length > 1) { + throw new Error(`Found more than one ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); + } + return this.getStagingDeployCashData(data[0]); }); - // Look at the state of the most recent StagingDeployCash, - // if it is open then we'll update the existing one, otherwise, we'll create a new one. - const mostRecentChecklist = recentDeployChecklists[0]; - const shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist = mostRecentChecklist.state !== 'open'; - const previousChecklist = shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist ? mostRecentChecklist : recentDeployChecklists[1]; - if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { - console.log('Latest StagingDeployCash is closed, creating a new one.', mostRecentChecklist); + } + /** + * Takes in a GitHub issue object and returns the data we want. + */ + static getStagingDeployCashData(issue) { + try { + const versionRegex = new RegExp('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9]+))?', 'g'); + const tag = issue.body?.match(versionRegex)?.[0].replace(/`/g, ''); + return { + title: issue.title, + url: issue.url, + number: this.getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(issue.url), + labels: issue.labels, + PRList: this.getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue), + deployBlockers: this.getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue), + internalQAPRList: this.getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue), + isTimingDashboardChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked the \[App Timing Dashboard]/.test(issue.body) : false, + isFirebaseChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[Firebase Crashlytics]/.test(issue.body) : false, + isGHStatusChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[GitHub Status]/.test(issue.body) : false, + tag, + }; } - else { - console.log('Latest StagingDeployCash is open, updating it instead of creating a new one.', 'Current:', mostRecentChecklist, 'Previous:', previousChecklist); - } - // Parse the data from the previous and current checklists into the format used to generate the checklist - const previousChecklistData = GithubUtils_1.default.getStagingDeployCashData(previousChecklist); - const currentChecklistData = shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist ? undefined : GithubUtils_1.default.getStagingDeployCashData(mostRecentChecklist); - // Find the list of PRs merged between the current checklist and the previous checklist - const mergedPRs = await GitUtils_1.default.getPullRequestsMergedBetween(previousChecklistData.tag ?? '', newVersionTag); - // Next, we generate the checklist body - let checklistBody = ''; - let checklistAssignees = []; - if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { - const stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees = await GithubUtils_1.default.generateStagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees(newVersionTag, mergedPRs.map((value) => GithubUtils_1.default.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(value))); - if (stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees) { - checklistBody = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueBody; - checklistAssignees = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueAssignees.filter(Boolean); - } - } - else { - // Generate the updated PR list, preserving the previous state of `isVerified` for existing PRs - const PRList = mergedPRs.map((prNum) => { - const indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist = currentChecklistData?.PRList.findIndex((pr) => pr.number === prNum) ?? -1; - const isVerified = indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist >= 0 ? currentChecklistData?.PRList[indexOfPRInCurrentChecklist].isVerified : false; - return { - number: prNum, - url: GithubUtils_1.default.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(prNum), - isVerified, - }; - }); - // Generate the deploy blocker list, preserving the previous state of `isResolved` - const { data: openDeployBlockers } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.listForRepo({ - log: console, - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.DEPLOY_BLOCKER, - }); - // First, make sure we include all current deploy blockers - const deployBlockers = openDeployBlockers.map((deployBlocker) => { - const indexInCurrentChecklist = currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers.findIndex((item) => item.number === deployBlocker.number) ?? -1; - const isResolved = indexInCurrentChecklist >= 0 ? currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers[indexInCurrentChecklist].isResolved : false; - return { - number: deployBlocker.number, - url: deployBlocker.html_url, - isResolved, - }; - }); - // Then make sure we include any demoted or closed blockers as well, and just check them off automatically - currentChecklistData?.deployBlockers.forEach((deployBlocker) => { - const isResolved = deployBlockers.findIndex((openBlocker) => openBlocker.number === deployBlocker.number) < 0; - deployBlockers.push({ - ...deployBlocker, - isResolved, - }); - }); - const didVersionChange = newVersionTag !== currentChecklistData?.tag; - const stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees = await GithubUtils_1.default.generateStagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees(newVersionTag, PRList.map((pr) => pr.url), PRList.filter((pr) => pr.isVerified).map((pr) => pr.url), deployBlockers.map((blocker) => blocker.url), deployBlockers.filter((blocker) => blocker.isResolved).map((blocker) => blocker.url), currentChecklistData?.internalQAPRList.filter((pr) => pr.isResolved).map((pr) => pr.url), didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isTimingDashboardChecked, didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isFirebaseChecked, didVersionChange ? false : currentChecklistData.isGHStatusChecked); - if (stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees) { - checklistBody = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueBody; - checklistAssignees = stagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees.issueAssignees.filter(Boolean); - } - } - // Finally, create or update the checklist - const defaultPayload = { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - body: checklistBody, - }; - if (shouldCreateNewDeployChecklist) { - const { data: newChecklist } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.create({ - ...defaultPayload, - title: `Deploy Checklist: New Expensify ${(0, format_1.default)(new Date(), CONST_1.default.DATE_FORMAT_STRING)}`, - labels: [CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY], - assignees: [CONST_1.default.APPLAUSE_BOT].concat(checklistAssignees), - }); - console.log(`Successfully created new StagingDeployCash! 🎉 ${newChecklist.html_url}`); - return newChecklist; + catch (exception) { + throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue with correct data.`); } - const { data: updatedChecklist } = await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.issues.update({ - ...defaultPayload, - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention - issue_number: currentChecklistData?.number ?? 0, - }); - console.log(`Successfully updated StagingDeployCash! 🎉 ${updatedChecklist.html_url}`); - return updatedChecklist; - } - catch (err) { - console.error('An unknown error occurred!', err); - core_1.default.setFailed(err); } -} -if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { - run(); -} -exports["default"] = run; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9873: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { - GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', - APP_REPO: 'App', - APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', - OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', - LABELS: { - STAGING_DEPLOY: 'StagingDeployCash', - DEPLOY_BLOCKER: 'DeployBlockerCash', - INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', - }, - DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', -}; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; -exports["default"] = CONST; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1547: -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); - if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { - desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + /** + * Parse the PRList and Internal QA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. + * + * @private + */ + static getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue) { + let PRListSection = issue.body?.match(/pull requests:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)\r?\n\r?\n?/) ?? null; + if (PRListSection?.length !== 2) { + // No PRs, return an empty array + console.log('Hmmm...The open StagingDeployCash does not list any pull requests, continuing...'); + return []; + } + PRListSection = PRListSection[1]; + const PRList = [...PRListSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])] (${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ + url: match[2], + number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), + isVerified: match[1] === 'x', + })); + return PRList.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); } - Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); -}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - o[k2] = m[k]; -})); -var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { - Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); -}) : function(o, v) { - o["default"] = v; -}); -var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { - if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; - var result = {}; - if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); - __setModuleDefault(result, mod); - return result; -}; -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const child_process_1 = __nccwpck_require__(2081); -const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); -const sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9338)); -const VERSION_UPDATER = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(8007)); -/** - * @param [shallowExcludeTag] When fetching the given tag, exclude all history reachable by the shallowExcludeTag (used to make fetch much faster) - */ -function fetchTag(tag, shallowExcludeTag = '') { - let shouldRetry = true; - let needsRepack = false; - while (shouldRetry) { - try { - let command = ''; - if (needsRepack) { - // We have seen some scenarios where this fixes the git fetch. - // Why? Who knows... https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/31459 - command = 'git repack -d'; - console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); - (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); - } - command = `git fetch origin tag ${tag} --no-tags`; - // Note that this condition is only ever NOT true in the 1.0.0-0 edge case - if (shallowExcludeTag && shallowExcludeTag !== tag) { - command += ` --shallow-exclude=${shallowExcludeTag}`; - } - console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); - (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); - shouldRetry = false; + /** + * Parse DeployBlocker section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. + * + * @private + */ + static getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue) { + let deployBlockerSection = issue.body?.match(/Deploy Blockers:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)/) ?? null; + if (deployBlockerSection?.length !== 2) { + return []; } - catch (e) { - console.error(e); - if (!needsRepack) { - console.log('Attempting to repack and retry...'); - needsRepack = true; - } - else { - console.error("Repack didn't help, giving up..."); - shouldRetry = false; - } - } - } -} -/** - * Get merge logs between two tags (inclusive) as a JavaScript object. - */ -function getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag) { - // Fetch tags, exclude commits reachable from the previous patch version (i.e: previous checklist), so that we don't have to fetch the full history - const previousPatchVersion = VERSION_UPDATER.getPreviousVersion(fromTag, VERSION_UPDATER.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - fetchTag(fromTag, previousPatchVersion); - fetchTag(toTag, previousPatchVersion); - console.log('Getting pull requests merged between the following tags:', fromTag, toTag); - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - let stdout = ''; - let stderr = ''; - const args = ['log', '--format={"commit": "%H", "authorName": "%an", "subject": "%s"},', `${fromTag}...${toTag}`]; - console.log(`Running command: git ${args.join(' ')}`); - const spawnedProcess = (0, child_process_1.spawn)('git', args); - spawnedProcess.on('message', console.log); - spawnedProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { - console.log(chunk.toString()); - stdout += chunk.toString(); - }); - spawnedProcess.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { - console.error(chunk.toString()); - stderr += chunk.toString(); - }); - spawnedProcess.on('close', (code) => { - if (code !== 0) { - return reject(new Error(`${stderr}`)); - } - resolve(stdout); - }); - spawnedProcess.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); - }).then((stdout) => { - // Sanitize just the text within commit subjects as that's the only potentially un-parseable text. - const sanitizedOutput = stdout.replace(/(?<="subject": ").*?(?="})/g, (subject) => (0, sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1.default)(subject)); - // Then remove newlines, format as JSON and convert to a proper JS object - const json = `[${sanitizedOutput}]`.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '').replace('},]', '}]'); - return JSON.parse(json); - }); -} -/** - * Parse merged PRs, excluding those from irrelevant branches. - */ -function getValidMergedPRs(commits) { - const mergedPRs = new Set(); - commits.forEach((commit) => { - const author = commit.authorName; - if (author === CONST_1.default.OS_BOTIFY) { - return; - } - const match = commit.subject.match(/Merge pull request #(\d+) from (?!Expensify\/.*-cherry-pick-staging)/); - if (!Array.isArray(match) || match.length < 2) { - return; - } - const pr = Number.parseInt(match[1], 10); - if (mergedPRs.has(pr)) { - // If a PR shows up in the log twice, that means that the PR was deployed in the previous checklist. - // That also means that we don't want to include it in the current checklist, so we remove it now. - mergedPRs.delete(pr); - return; - } - mergedPRs.add(pr); - }); - return Array.from(mergedPRs); -} -/** - * Takes in two git tags and returns a list of PR numbers of all PRs merged between those two tags - */ -async function getPullRequestsMergedBetween(fromTag, toTag) { - console.log(`Looking for commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}...`); - const commitList = await getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag); - console.log(`Commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}:`, commitList); - // Find which commit messages correspond to merged PR's - const pullRequestNumbers = getValidMergedPRs(commitList).sort((a, b) => a - b); - console.log(`List of pull requests merged between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}`, pullRequestNumbers); - return pullRequestNumbers; -} -exports["default"] = { - getValidMergedPRs, - getPullRequestsMergedBetween, -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9296: -/***/ (function(module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); - if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { - desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; - } - Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); -}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - o[k2] = m[k]; -})); -var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { - Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); -}) : function(o, v) { - o["default"] = v; -}); -var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { - if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; - var result = {}; - if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); - __setModuleDefault(result, mod); - return result; -}; -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.POLL_RATE = exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = void 0; -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, import/no-import-module-exports */ -const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); -const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3030); -const plugin_paginate_rest_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4193); -const plugin_throttling_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9968); -const EmptyObject_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8227); -const arrayDifference_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7034)); -const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); -const GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX = new RegExp('https?://(?:github\\.com|api\\.github\\.com)'); -const PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/pull/([0-9]+).*`); -const ISSUE_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/issues/([0-9]+).*`); -const ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/(?:pull|issues)/([0-9]+).*`); -exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX; -/** - * The standard rate in ms at which we'll poll the GitHub API to check for status changes. - * It's 10 seconds :) - */ -const POLL_RATE = 10000; -exports.POLL_RATE = POLL_RATE; -class GithubUtils { - static internalOctokit; - static POLL_RATE; - /** - * Initialize internal octokit - * - * @private - */ - static initOctokit() { - const Octokit = utils_1.GitHub.plugin(plugin_throttling_1.throttling, plugin_paginate_rest_1.paginateRest); - const token = core.getInput('GITHUB_TOKEN', { required: true }); - // Save a copy of octokit used in this class - this.internalOctokit = new Octokit((0, utils_1.getOctokitOptions)(token, { - throttle: { - retryAfterBaseValue: 2000, - onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { - console.warn(`Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); - // Retry five times when hitting a rate limit error, then give up - if (options.request.retryCount <= 5) { - console.log(`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`); - return true; - } - }, - onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { - // does not retry, only logs a warning - console.warn(`Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); - }, - }, - })); - } - /** - * Either give an existing instance of Octokit rest or create a new one - * - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get octokit() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.rest; - } - /** - * Get the graphql instance from internal octokit. - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get graphql() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.graphql; - } - /** - * Either give an existing instance of Octokit paginate or create a new one - * - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get paginate() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.paginate; - } - /** - * Finds one open `StagingDeployCash` issue via GitHub octokit library. - */ - static getStagingDeployCash() { - return this.octokit.issues - .listForRepo({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY, - state: 'open', - }) - .then(({ data }) => { - if (!data.length) { - throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); - } - if (data.length > 1) { - throw new Error(`Found more than one ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); - } - return this.getStagingDeployCashData(data[0]); - }); - } - /** - * Takes in a GitHub issue object and returns the data we want. - */ - static getStagingDeployCashData(issue) { - try { - const versionRegex = new RegExp('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9]+))?', 'g'); - const tag = issue.body?.match(versionRegex)?.[0].replace(/`/g, ''); - return { - title: issue.title, - url: issue.url, - number: this.getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(issue.url), - labels: issue.labels, - PRList: this.getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue), - deployBlockers: this.getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue), - internalQAPRList: this.getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue), - isTimingDashboardChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked the \[App Timing Dashboard]/.test(issue.body) : false, - isFirebaseChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[Firebase Crashlytics]/.test(issue.body) : false, - isGHStatusChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[GitHub Status]/.test(issue.body) : false, - tag, - }; - } - catch (exception) { - throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue with correct data.`); + deployBlockerSection = deployBlockerSection[1]; + const deployBlockers = [...deployBlockerSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])]\\s(${ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ + url: match[2], + number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), + isResolved: match[1] === 'x', + })); + return deployBlockers.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); + } + /** + * Parse InternalQA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. + * + * @private + */ + static getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue) { + let internalQASection = issue.body?.match(/Internal QA:\*\*\r?\n((?:- \[[ x]].*\r?\n)+)/) ?? null; + if (internalQASection?.length !== 2) { + return []; } + internalQASection = internalQASection[1]; + const internalQAPRs = [...internalQASection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])]\\s(${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ + url: match[2].split('-')[0].trim(), + number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), + isResolved: match[1] === 'x', + })); + return internalQAPRs.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); } /** - * Parse the PRList and Internal QA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. - * - * @private - */ - static getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue) { - let PRListSection = issue.body?.match(/pull requests:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)\r?\n\r?\n?/) ?? null; - if (PRListSection?.length !== 2) { - // No PRs, return an empty array - console.log('Hmmm...The open StagingDeployCash does not list any pull requests, continuing...'); - return []; - } - PRListSection = PRListSection[1]; - const PRList = [...PRListSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])] (${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ - url: match[2], - number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), - isVerified: match[1] === 'x', - })); - return PRList.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); - } - /** - * Parse DeployBlocker section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. - * - * @private - */ - static getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue) { - let deployBlockerSection = issue.body?.match(/Deploy Blockers:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)/) ?? null; - if (deployBlockerSection?.length !== 2) { - return []; - } - deployBlockerSection = deployBlockerSection[1]; - const deployBlockers = [...deployBlockerSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])]\\s(${ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ - url: match[2], - number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), - isResolved: match[1] === 'x', - })); - return deployBlockers.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); - } - /** - * Parse InternalQA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. - * - * @private - */ - static getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue) { - let internalQASection = issue.body?.match(/Internal QA:\*\*\r?\n((?:- \[[ x]].*\r?\n)+)/) ?? null; - if (internalQASection?.length !== 2) { - return []; - } - internalQASection = internalQASection[1]; - const internalQAPRs = [...internalQASection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])]\\s(${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ - url: match[2].split('-')[0].trim(), - number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), - isResolved: match[1] === 'x', - })); - return internalQAPRs.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); - } - /** - * Generate the issue body and assignees for a StagingDeployCash. + * Generate the issue body and assignees for a StagingDeployCash. */ static generateStagingDeployCashBodyAndAssignees(tag, PRList, verifiedPRList = [], deployBlockers = [], resolvedDeployBlockers = [], resolvedInternalQAPRs = [], isTimingDashboardChecked = false, isFirebaseChecked = false, isGHStatusChecked = false) { return this.fetchAllPullRequests(PRList.map((pr) => this.getPullRequestNumberFromURL(pr))) @@ -14956,2695 +14771,512 @@ class GithubUtils { if (deployBlockers.length > 0) { issueBody += '**Deploy Blockers:**\r\n'; sortedDeployBlockers.forEach((URL) => { - issueBody += resolvedDeployBlockers.includes(URL) ? '- [x] ' : '- [ ] '; - issueBody += URL; - issueBody += '\r\n'; - }); - issueBody += '\r\n\r\n'; - } - issueBody += '**Deployer verifications:**'; - // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - issueBody += `\r\n- [${isTimingDashboardChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked the [App Timing Dashboard](https://graphs.expensify.com/grafana/d/yj2EobAGz/app-timing?orgId=1) and verified this release does not cause a noticeable performance regression.`; - // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - issueBody += `\r\n- [${isFirebaseChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked [Firebase Crashlytics](https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/expensify-chat/crashlytics/app/android:com.expensify.chat/issues?state=open&time=last-seven-days&tag=all) and verified that this release does not introduce any new crashes. More detailed instructions on this verification can be found [here](https://stackoverflowteams.com/c/expensify/questions/15095/15096).`; - // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - issueBody += `\r\n- [${isGHStatusChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked [GitHub Status](https://www.githubstatus.com/) and verified there is no reported incident with Actions.`; - issueBody += '\r\n\r\ncc @Expensify/applauseleads\r\n'; - const issueAssignees = [...new Set(Object.values(internalQAPRMap))]; - const issue = { issueBody, issueAssignees }; - return issue; - }); - }) - .catch((err) => console.warn('Error generating StagingDeployCash issue body! Continuing...', err)); - } - /** - * Fetch all pull requests given a list of PR numbers. - */ - static fetchAllPullRequests(pullRequestNumbers) { - const oldestPR = pullRequestNumbers.sort((a, b) => a - b)[0]; - return this.paginate(this.octokit.pulls.list, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - state: 'all', - sort: 'created', - direction: 'desc', - per_page: 100, - }, ({ data }, done) => { - if (data.find((pr) => pr.number === oldestPR)) { - done(); - } - return data; - }) - .then((prList) => prList.filter((pr) => pullRequestNumbers.includes(pr.number))) - .catch((err) => console.error('Failed to get PR list', err)); - } - static getPullRequestMergerLogin(pullRequestNumber) { - return this.octokit.pulls - .get({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - pull_number: pullRequestNumber, - }) - .then(({ data: pullRequest }) => pullRequest.merged_by?.login); - } - static getPullRequestBody(pullRequestNumber) { - return this.octokit.pulls - .get({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - pull_number: pullRequestNumber, - }) - .then(({ data: pullRequestComment }) => pullRequestComment.body); - } - static getAllReviewComments(pullRequestNumber) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.pulls.listReviews, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - pull_number: pullRequestNumber, - per_page: 100, - }, (response) => response.data.map((review) => review.body)); - } - static getAllComments(issueNumber) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listComments, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - issue_number: issueNumber, - per_page: 100, - }, (response) => response.data.map((comment) => comment.body)); - } - /** - * Create comment on pull request - */ - static createComment(repo, number, messageBody) { - console.log(`Writing comment on #${number}`); - return this.octokit.issues.createComment({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo, - issue_number: number, - body: messageBody, - }); - } - /** - * Get the most recent workflow run for the given New Expensify workflow. - */ - static getLatestWorkflowRunID(workflow) { - console.log(`Fetching New Expensify workflow runs for ${workflow}...`); - return this.octokit.actions - .listWorkflowRuns({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - workflow_id: workflow, - }) - .then((response) => response.data.workflow_runs[0]?.id); - } - /** - * Generate the well-formatted body of a production release. - */ - static getReleaseBody(pullRequests) { - return pullRequests.map((number) => `- ${this.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(number)}`).join('\r\n'); - } - /** - * Generate the URL of an New Expensify pull request given the PR number. - */ - static getPullRequestURLFromNumber(value) { - return `${CONST_1.default.APP_REPO_URL}/pull/${value}`; - } - /** - * Parse the pull request number from a URL. - * - * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Pull Request. - */ - static getPullRequestNumberFromURL(URL) { - const matches = URL.match(PULL_REQUEST_REGEX); - if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { - throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a Github Pull Request!`); - } - return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); - } - /** - * Parse the issue number from a URL. - * - * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Issue. - */ - static getIssueNumberFromURL(URL) { - const matches = URL.match(ISSUE_REGEX); - if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { - throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a Github Issue!`); - } - return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); - } - /** - * Parse the issue or pull request number from a URL. - * - * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Issue or Pull Request. - */ - static getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(URL) { - const matches = URL.match(ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX); - if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { - throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a valid Github Issue or Pull Request!`); - } - return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); - } - /** - * Return the login of the actor who closed an issue or PR. If the issue is not closed, return an empty string. - */ - static getActorWhoClosedIssue(issueNumber) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listEvents, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - issue_number: issueNumber, - per_page: 100, - }) - .then((events) => events.filter((event) => event.event === 'closed')) - .then((closedEvents) => closedEvents.at(-1)?.actor?.login ?? ''); - } - static getArtifactByName(artefactName) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.actions.listArtifactsForRepo, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - per_page: 100, - }).then((artifacts) => artifacts.find((artifact) => artifact.name === artefactName)); - } -} -exports["default"] = GithubUtils; -// This is a temporary solution to allow the use of the GithubUtils class in both TypeScript and JavaScript. -// Once all the files that import GithubUtils are migrated to TypeScript, this can be removed. -module.exports = GithubUtils; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3902: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const replacer = (str) => ({ - '\\': '\\\\', - '\t': '\\t', - '\n': '\\n', - '\r': '\\r', - '\f': '\\f', - '"': '\\"', -}[str] ?? ''); -/** - * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output - * - * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 - * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading - */ -const sanitizeStringForJSONParse = (inputString) => { - if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); - } - // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes - return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); -}; -exports["default"] = sanitizeStringForJSONParse; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8982: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.getPreviousVersion = exports.incrementPatch = exports.incrementMinor = exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = exports.incrementVersion = exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = exports.getVersionNumberFromString = void 0; -const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { - MAJOR: 'MAJOR', - MINOR: 'MINOR', - PATCH: 'PATCH', - BUILD: 'BUILD', -}; -exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS; -const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; -exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = MAX_INCREMENTS; -/** - * Transforms a versions string into a number - */ -const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { - const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); - const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map((n) => Number(n)); - return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; -}; -exports.getVersionNumberFromString = getVersionNumberFromString; -/** - * Transforms version numbers components into a version string - */ -const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; -exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = getVersionStringFromNumber; -/** - * Increments a minor version - */ -const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { - if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); -}; -exports.incrementMinor = incrementMinor; -/** - * Increments a Patch version - */ -const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { - if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); - } - return incrementMinor(major, minor); -}; -exports.incrementPatch = incrementPatch; -/** - * Increments a build version - */ -const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); - // Majors will always be incremented - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - return incrementMinor(major, minor); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); - } - if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); - } - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); -}; -exports.incrementVersion = incrementVersion; -function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - if (major === 1) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - if (minor === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - if (patch === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); - } - if (build === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); -} -exports.getPreviousVersion = getPreviousVersion; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8227: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.isEmptyObject = void 0; -function isEmptyObject(obj) { - return Object.keys(obj ?? {}).length === 0; -} -exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7034: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -/** - * This function is an equivalent of _.difference, it takes two arrays and returns the difference between them. - * It returns an array of items that are in the first array but not in the second array. - */ -function arrayDifference(array1, array2) { - return [array1, array2].reduce((a, b) => a.filter((c) => !b.includes(c))); -} -exports["default"] = arrayDifference; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2877: -/***/ ((module) => { - -module.exports = eval("require")("encoding"); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9491: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("assert"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2081: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("child_process"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6113: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("crypto"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2361: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("events"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7147: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("fs"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3685: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("http"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5687: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("https"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1808: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("net"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2037: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("os"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1017: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("path"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5477: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("punycode"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2781: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("stream"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4404: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("tls"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7310: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("url"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3837: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("util"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9796: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("zlib"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3286: -/***/ ((module) => { - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { - return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { - "default": obj - }; -} -module.exports = _interopRequireDefault, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5605: -/***/ ((module) => { - -function _typeof(o) { - "@babel/helpers - typeof"; - - return (module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { - return typeof o; - } : function (o) { - return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; - }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports), _typeof(o); -} -module.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6717: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -// Underscore.js 1.13.6 -// https://underscorejs.org -// (c) 2009-2022 Jeremy Ashkenas, Julian Gonggrijp, and DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors -// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); - -// Current version. -var VERSION = '1.13.6'; - -// Establish the root object, `window` (`self`) in the browser, `global` -// on the server, or `this` in some virtual machines. We use `self` -// instead of `window` for `WebWorker` support. -var root = (typeof self == 'object' && self.self === self && self) || - (typeof global == 'object' && global.global === global && global) || - Function('return this')() || - {}; - -// Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version: -var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype; -var SymbolProto = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' ? Symbol.prototype : null; - -// Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes. -var push = ArrayProto.push, - slice = ArrayProto.slice, - toString = ObjProto.toString, - hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty; - -// Modern feature detection. -var supportsArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined', - supportsDataView = typeof DataView !== 'undefined'; - -// All **ECMAScript 5+** native function implementations that we hope to use -// are declared here. -var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray, - nativeKeys = Object.keys, - nativeCreate = Object.create, - nativeIsView = supportsArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView; - -// Create references to these builtin functions because we override them. -var _isNaN = isNaN, - _isFinite = isFinite; - -// Keys in IE < 9 that won't be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed. -var hasEnumBug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable('toString'); -var nonEnumerableProps = ['valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString', - 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString']; - -// The largest integer that can be represented exactly. -var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; - -// Some functions take a variable number of arguments, or a few expected -// arguments at the beginning and then a variable number of values to operate -// on. This helper accumulates all remaining arguments past the function’s -// argument length (or an explicit `startIndex`), into an array that becomes -// the last argument. Similar to ES6’s "rest parameter". -function restArguments(func, startIndex) { - startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex; - return function() { - var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0), - rest = Array(length), - index = 0; - for (; index < length; index++) { - rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex]; - } - switch (startIndex) { - case 0: return func.call(this, rest); - case 1: return func.call(this, arguments[0], rest); - case 2: return func.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest); - } - var args = Array(startIndex + 1); - for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) { - args[index] = arguments[index]; - } - args[startIndex] = rest; - return func.apply(this, args); - }; -} - -// Is a given variable an object? -function isObject(obj) { - var type = typeof obj; - return type === 'function' || (type === 'object' && !!obj); -} - -// Is a given value equal to null? -function isNull(obj) { - return obj === null; -} - -// Is a given variable undefined? -function isUndefined(obj) { - return obj === void 0; -} - -// Is a given value a boolean? -function isBoolean(obj) { - return obj === true || obj === false || toString.call(obj) === '[object Boolean]'; -} - -// Is a given value a DOM element? -function isElement(obj) { - return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1); -} - -// Internal function for creating a `toString`-based type tester. -function tagTester(name) { - var tag = '[object ' + name + ']'; - return function(obj) { - return toString.call(obj) === tag; - }; -} - -var isString = tagTester('String'); - -var isNumber = tagTester('Number'); - -var isDate = tagTester('Date'); - -var isRegExp = tagTester('RegExp'); - -var isError = tagTester('Error'); - -var isSymbol = tagTester('Symbol'); - -var isArrayBuffer = tagTester('ArrayBuffer'); - -var isFunction = tagTester('Function'); - -// Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around some `typeof` bugs in old -// v8, IE 11 (#1621), Safari 8 (#1929), and PhantomJS (#2236). -var nodelist = root.document && root.document.childNodes; -if ( true && typeof Int8Array != 'object' && typeof nodelist != 'function') { - isFunction = function(obj) { - return typeof obj == 'function' || false; - }; -} - -var isFunction$1 = isFunction; - -var hasObjectTag = tagTester('Object'); - -// In IE 10 - Edge 13, `DataView` has string tag `'[object Object]'`. -// In IE 11, the most common among them, this problem also applies to -// `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set`. -var hasStringTagBug = ( - supportsDataView && hasObjectTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))) - ), - isIE11 = (typeof Map !== 'undefined' && hasObjectTag(new Map)); - -var isDataView = tagTester('DataView'); - -// In IE 10 - Edge 13, we need a different heuristic -// to determine whether an object is a `DataView`. -function ie10IsDataView(obj) { - return obj != null && isFunction$1(obj.getInt8) && isArrayBuffer(obj.buffer); -} - -var isDataView$1 = (hasStringTagBug ? ie10IsDataView : isDataView); - -// Is a given value an array? -// Delegates to ECMA5's native `Array.isArray`. -var isArray = nativeIsArray || tagTester('Array'); - -// Internal function to check whether `key` is an own property name of `obj`. -function has$1(obj, key) { - return obj != null && hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} - -var isArguments = tagTester('Arguments'); - -// Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE < 9), where -// there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type. -(function() { - if (!isArguments(arguments)) { - isArguments = function(obj) { - return has$1(obj, 'callee'); - }; - } -}()); - -var isArguments$1 = isArguments; - -// Is a given object a finite number? -function isFinite$1(obj) { - return !isSymbol(obj) && _isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)); -} - -// Is the given value `NaN`? -function isNaN$1(obj) { - return isNumber(obj) && _isNaN(obj); -} - -// Predicate-generating function. Often useful outside of Underscore. -function constant(value) { - return function() { - return value; - }; -} - -// Common internal logic for `isArrayLike` and `isBufferLike`. -function createSizePropertyCheck(getSizeProperty) { - return function(collection) { - var sizeProperty = getSizeProperty(collection); - return typeof sizeProperty == 'number' && sizeProperty >= 0 && sizeProperty <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX; - } -} - -// Internal helper to generate a function to obtain property `key` from `obj`. -function shallowProperty(key) { - return function(obj) { - return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key]; - }; -} - -// Internal helper to obtain the `byteLength` property of an object. -var getByteLength = shallowProperty('byteLength'); - -// Internal helper to determine whether we should spend extensive checks against -// `ArrayBuffer` et al. -var isBufferLike = createSizePropertyCheck(getByteLength); - -// Is a given value a typed array? -var typedArrayPattern = /\[object ((I|Ui)nt(8|16|32)|Float(32|64)|Uint8Clamped|Big(I|Ui)nt64)Array\]/; -function isTypedArray(obj) { - // `ArrayBuffer.isView` is the most future-proof, so use it when available. - // Otherwise, fall back on the above regular expression. - return nativeIsView ? (nativeIsView(obj) && !isDataView$1(obj)) : - isBufferLike(obj) && typedArrayPattern.test(toString.call(obj)); -} - -var isTypedArray$1 = supportsArrayBuffer ? isTypedArray : constant(false); - -// Internal helper to obtain the `length` property of an object. -var getLength = shallowProperty('length'); - -// Internal helper to create a simple lookup structure. -// `collectNonEnumProps` used to depend on `_.contains`, but this led to -// circular imports. `emulatedSet` is a one-off solution that only works for -// arrays of strings. -function emulatedSet(keys) { - var hash = {}; - for (var l = keys.length, i = 0; i < l; ++i) hash[keys[i]] = true; - return { - contains: function(key) { return hash[key] === true; }, - push: function(key) { - hash[key] = true; - return keys.push(key); + issueBody += resolvedDeployBlockers.includes(URL) ? '- [x] ' : '- [ ] '; + issueBody += URL; + issueBody += '\r\n'; + }); + issueBody += '\r\n\r\n'; + } + issueBody += '**Deployer verifications:**'; + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len + issueBody += `\r\n- [${isTimingDashboardChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked the [App Timing Dashboard](https://graphs.expensify.com/grafana/d/yj2EobAGz/app-timing?orgId=1) and verified this release does not cause a noticeable performance regression.`; + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len + issueBody += `\r\n- [${isFirebaseChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked [Firebase Crashlytics](https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/expensify-chat/crashlytics/app/android:com.expensify.chat/issues?state=open&time=last-seven-days&tag=all) and verified that this release does not introduce any new crashes. More detailed instructions on this verification can be found [here](https://stackoverflowteams.com/c/expensify/questions/15095/15096).`; + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len + issueBody += `\r\n- [${isGHStatusChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] I checked [GitHub Status](https://www.githubstatus.com/) and verified there is no reported incident with Actions.`; + issueBody += '\r\n\r\ncc @Expensify/applauseleads\r\n'; + const issueAssignees = [...new Set(Object.values(internalQAPRMap))]; + const issue = { issueBody, issueAssignees }; + return issue; + }); + }) + .catch((err) => console.warn('Error generating StagingDeployCash issue body! Continuing...', err)); } - }; -} - -// Internal helper. Checks `keys` for the presence of keys in IE < 9 that won't -// be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed. Extends `keys` in place if -// needed. -function collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys) { - keys = emulatedSet(keys); - var nonEnumIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length; - var constructor = obj.constructor; - var proto = (isFunction$1(constructor) && constructor.prototype) || ObjProto; - - // Constructor is a special case. - var prop = 'constructor'; - if (has$1(obj, prop) && !keys.contains(prop)) keys.push(prop); - - while (nonEnumIdx--) { - prop = nonEnumerableProps[nonEnumIdx]; - if (prop in obj && obj[prop] !== proto[prop] && !keys.contains(prop)) { - keys.push(prop); + /** + * Fetch all pull requests given a list of PR numbers. + */ + static fetchAllPullRequests(pullRequestNumbers) { + const oldestPR = pullRequestNumbers.sort((a, b) => a - b)[0]; + return this.paginate(this.octokit.pulls.list, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + state: 'all', + sort: 'created', + direction: 'desc', + per_page: 100, + }, ({ data }, done) => { + if (data.find((pr) => pr.number === oldestPR)) { + done(); + } + return data; + }) + .then((prList) => prList.filter((pr) => pullRequestNumbers.includes(pr.number))) + .catch((err) => console.error('Failed to get PR list', err)); } - } -} - -// Retrieve the names of an object's own properties. -// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`. -function keys(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return []; - if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj); - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) if (has$1(obj, key)) keys.push(key); - // Ahem, IE < 9. - if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); - return keys; -} - -// Is a given array, string, or object empty? -// An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties. -function isEmpty(obj) { - if (obj == null) return true; - // Skip the more expensive `toString`-based type checks if `obj` has no - // `.length`. - var length = getLength(obj); - if (typeof length == 'number' && ( - isArray(obj) || isString(obj) || isArguments$1(obj) - )) return length === 0; - return getLength(keys(obj)) === 0; -} - -// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs. -function isMatch(object, attrs) { - var _keys = keys(attrs), length = _keys.length; - if (object == null) return !length; - var obj = Object(object); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var key = _keys[i]; - if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false; - } - return true; -} - -// If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that can -// be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all functions added -// through `_.mixin`. Wrapped objects may be chained. -function _$1(obj) { - if (obj instanceof _$1) return obj; - if (!(this instanceof _$1)) return new _$1(obj); - this._wrapped = obj; -} - -_$1.VERSION = VERSION; - -// Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object. -_$1.prototype.value = function() { - return this._wrapped; -}; - -// Provide unwrapping proxies for some methods used in engine operations -// such as arithmetic and JSON stringification. -_$1.prototype.valueOf = _$1.prototype.toJSON = _$1.prototype.value; - -_$1.prototype.toString = function() { - return String(this._wrapped); -}; - -// Internal function to wrap or shallow-copy an ArrayBuffer, -// typed array or DataView to a new view, reusing the buffer. -function toBufferView(bufferSource) { - return new Uint8Array( - bufferSource.buffer || bufferSource, - bufferSource.byteOffset || 0, - getByteLength(bufferSource) - ); -} - -// We use this string twice, so give it a name for minification. -var tagDataView = '[object DataView]'; - -// Internal recursive comparison function for `_.isEqual`. -function eq(a, b, aStack, bStack) { - // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical. - // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](https://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal). - if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; - // `null` or `undefined` only equal to itself (strict comparison). - if (a == null || b == null) return false; - // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. - if (a !== a) return b !== b; - // Exhaust primitive checks - var type = typeof a; - if (type !== 'function' && type !== 'object' && typeof b != 'object') return false; - return deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack); -} - -// Internal recursive comparison function for `_.isEqual`. -function deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack) { - // Unwrap any wrapped objects. - if (a instanceof _$1) a = a._wrapped; - if (b instanceof _$1) b = b._wrapped; - // Compare `[[Class]]` names. - var className = toString.call(a); - if (className !== toString.call(b)) return false; - // Work around a bug in IE 10 - Edge 13. - if (hasStringTagBug && className == '[object Object]' && isDataView$1(a)) { - if (!isDataView$1(b)) return false; - className = tagDataView; - } - switch (className) { - // These types are compared by value. - case '[object RegExp]': - // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i') - case '[object String]': - // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is - // equivalent to `new String("5")`. - return '' + a === '' + b; - case '[object Number]': - // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. - // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN. - if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b; - // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values. - return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b; - case '[object Date]': - case '[object Boolean]': - // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their - // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations - // of `NaN` are not equivalent. - return +a === +b; - case '[object Symbol]': - return SymbolProto.valueOf.call(a) === SymbolProto.valueOf.call(b); - case '[object ArrayBuffer]': - case tagDataView: - // Coerce to typed array so we can fall through. - return deepEq(toBufferView(a), toBufferView(b), aStack, bStack); - } - - var areArrays = className === '[object Array]'; - if (!areArrays && isTypedArray$1(a)) { - var byteLength = getByteLength(a); - if (byteLength !== getByteLength(b)) return false; - if (a.buffer === b.buffer && a.byteOffset === b.byteOffset) return true; - areArrays = true; - } - if (!areArrays) { - if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false; - - // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s or `Array`s - // from different frames are. - var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor; - if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(isFunction$1(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor && - isFunction$1(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor) - && ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b)) { - return false; + static getPullRequestMergerLogin(pullRequestNumber) { + return this.octokit.pulls + .get({ + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + pull_number: pullRequestNumber, + }) + .then(({ data: pullRequest }) => pullRequest.merged_by?.login); } - } - // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic - // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`. - - // Initializing stack of traversed objects. - // It's done here since we only need them for objects and arrays comparison. - aStack = aStack || []; - bStack = bStack || []; - var length = aStack.length; - while (length--) { - // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of - // unique nested structures. - if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; - } - - // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects. - aStack.push(a); - bStack.push(b); - - // Recursively compare objects and arrays. - if (areArrays) { - // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary. - length = a.length; - if (length !== b.length) return false; - // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties. - while (length--) { - if (!eq(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) return false; + static getPullRequestBody(pullRequestNumber) { + return this.octokit.pulls + .get({ + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + pull_number: pullRequestNumber, + }) + .then(({ data: pullRequestComment }) => pullRequestComment.body); } - } else { - // Deep compare objects. - var _keys = keys(a), key; - length = _keys.length; - // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality. - if (keys(b).length !== length) return false; - while (length--) { - // Deep compare each member - key = _keys[length]; - if (!(has$1(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) return false; + static getAllReviewComments(pullRequestNumber) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.pulls.listReviews, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + pull_number: pullRequestNumber, + per_page: 100, + }, (response) => response.data.map((review) => review.body)); } - } - // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects. - aStack.pop(); - bStack.pop(); - return true; -} - -// Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal. -function isEqual(a, b) { - return eq(a, b); -} - -// Retrieve all the enumerable property names of an object. -function allKeys(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return []; - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); - // Ahem, IE < 9. - if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); - return keys; -} - -// Since the regular `Object.prototype.toString` type tests don't work for -// some types in IE 11, we use a fingerprinting heuristic instead, based -// on the methods. It's not great, but it's the best we got. -// The fingerprint method lists are defined below. -function ie11fingerprint(methods) { - var length = getLength(methods); - return function(obj) { - if (obj == null) return false; - // `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set` have no enumerable keys. - var keys = allKeys(obj); - if (getLength(keys)) return false; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - if (!isFunction$1(obj[methods[i]])) return false; - } - // If we are testing against `WeakMap`, we need to ensure that - // `obj` doesn't have a `forEach` method in order to distinguish - // it from a regular `Map`. - return methods !== weakMapMethods || !isFunction$1(obj[forEachName]); - }; -} - -// In the interest of compact minification, we write -// each string in the fingerprints only once. -var forEachName = 'forEach', - hasName = 'has', - commonInit = ['clear', 'delete'], - mapTail = ['get', hasName, 'set']; - -// `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set` each have slightly different -// combinations of the above sublists. -var mapMethods = commonInit.concat(forEachName, mapTail), - weakMapMethods = commonInit.concat(mapTail), - setMethods = ['add'].concat(commonInit, forEachName, hasName); - -var isMap = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(mapMethods) : tagTester('Map'); - -var isWeakMap = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(weakMapMethods) : tagTester('WeakMap'); - -var isSet = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(setMethods) : tagTester('Set'); - -var isWeakSet = tagTester('WeakSet'); - -// Retrieve the values of an object's properties. -function values(obj) { - var _keys = keys(obj); - var length = _keys.length; - var values = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - values[i] = obj[_keys[i]]; - } - return values; -} - -// Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs. -// The opposite of `_.object` with one argument. -function pairs(obj) { - var _keys = keys(obj); - var length = _keys.length; - var pairs = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - pairs[i] = [_keys[i], obj[_keys[i]]]; - } - return pairs; -} - -// Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable. -function invert(obj) { - var result = {}; - var _keys = keys(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - result[obj[_keys[i]]] = _keys[i]; - } - return result; -} - -// Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object. -function functions(obj) { - var names = []; - for (var key in obj) { - if (isFunction$1(obj[key])) names.push(key); - } - return names.sort(); -} - -// An internal function for creating assigner functions. -function createAssigner(keysFunc, defaults) { - return function(obj) { - var length = arguments.length; - if (defaults) obj = Object(obj); - if (length < 2 || obj == null) return obj; - for (var index = 1; index < length; index++) { - var source = arguments[index], - keys = keysFunc(source), - l = keys.length; - for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - if (!defaults || obj[key] === void 0) obj[key] = source[key]; - } + static getAllComments(issueNumber) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listComments, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + issue_number: issueNumber, + per_page: 100, + }, (response) => response.data.map((comment) => comment.body)); + } + /** + * Create comment on pull request + */ + static createComment(repo, number, messageBody) { + console.log(`Writing comment on #${number}`); + return this.octokit.issues.createComment({ + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo, + issue_number: number, + body: messageBody, + }); + } + /** + * Get the most recent workflow run for the given New Expensify workflow. + */ + static getLatestWorkflowRunID(workflow) { + console.log(`Fetching New Expensify workflow runs for ${workflow}...`); + return this.octokit.actions + .listWorkflowRuns({ + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + workflow_id: workflow, + }) + .then((response) => response.data.workflow_runs[0]?.id); + } + /** + * Generate the well-formatted body of a production release. + */ + static getReleaseBody(pullRequests) { + return pullRequests.map((number) => `- ${this.getPullRequestURLFromNumber(number)}`).join('\r\n'); + } + /** + * Generate the URL of an New Expensify pull request given the PR number. + */ + static getPullRequestURLFromNumber(value) { + return `${CONST_1.default.APP_REPO_URL}/pull/${value}`; + } + /** + * Parse the pull request number from a URL. + * + * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Pull Request. + */ + static getPullRequestNumberFromURL(URL) { + const matches = URL.match(PULL_REQUEST_REGEX); + if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { + throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a Github Pull Request!`); + } + return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); + } + /** + * Parse the issue number from a URL. + * + * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Issue. + */ + static getIssueNumberFromURL(URL) { + const matches = URL.match(ISSUE_REGEX); + if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { + throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a Github Issue!`); + } + return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); + } + /** + * Parse the issue or pull request number from a URL. + * + * @throws {Error} If the URL is not a valid Github Issue or Pull Request. + */ + static getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(URL) { + const matches = URL.match(ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX); + if (!Array.isArray(matches) || matches.length !== 2) { + throw new Error(`Provided URL ${URL} is not a valid Github Issue or Pull Request!`); + } + return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); + } + /** + * Return the login of the actor who closed an issue or PR. If the issue is not closed, return an empty string. + */ + static getActorWhoClosedIssue(issueNumber) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listEvents, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + issue_number: issueNumber, + per_page: 100, + }) + .then((events) => events.filter((event) => event.event === 'closed')) + .then((closedEvents) => closedEvents.at(-1)?.actor?.login ?? ''); + } + static getArtifactByName(artefactName) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.actions.listArtifactsForRepo, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + per_page: 100, + }).then((artifacts) => artifacts.find((artifact) => artifact.name === artefactName)); } - return obj; - }; -} - -// Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s). -var extend = createAssigner(allKeys); - -// Assigns a given object with all the own properties in the passed-in -// object(s). -// (https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign) -var extendOwn = createAssigner(keys); - -// Fill in a given object with default properties. -var defaults = createAssigner(allKeys, true); - -// Create a naked function reference for surrogate-prototype-swapping. -function ctor() { - return function(){}; -} - -// An internal function for creating a new object that inherits from another. -function baseCreate(prototype) { - if (!isObject(prototype)) return {}; - if (nativeCreate) return nativeCreate(prototype); - var Ctor = ctor(); - Ctor.prototype = prototype; - var result = new Ctor; - Ctor.prototype = null; - return result; -} - -// Creates an object that inherits from the given prototype object. -// If additional properties are provided then they will be added to the -// created object. -function create(prototype, props) { - var result = baseCreate(prototype); - if (props) extendOwn(result, props); - return result; -} - -// Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object. -function clone(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return obj; - return isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : extend({}, obj); -} - -// Invokes `interceptor` with the `obj` and then returns `obj`. -// The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in -// order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain. -function tap(obj, interceptor) { - interceptor(obj); - return obj; -} - -// Normalize a (deep) property `path` to array. -// Like `_.iteratee`, this function can be customized. -function toPath$1(path) { - return isArray(path) ? path : [path]; -} -_$1.toPath = toPath$1; - -// Internal wrapper for `_.toPath` to enable minification. -// Similar to `cb` for `_.iteratee`. -function toPath(path) { - return _$1.toPath(path); -} - -// Internal function to obtain a nested property in `obj` along `path`. -function deepGet(obj, path) { - var length = path.length; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - if (obj == null) return void 0; - obj = obj[path[i]]; - } - return length ? obj : void 0; -} - -// Get the value of the (deep) property on `path` from `object`. -// If any property in `path` does not exist or if the value is -// `undefined`, return `defaultValue` instead. -// The `path` is normalized through `_.toPath`. -function get(object, path, defaultValue) { - var value = deepGet(object, toPath(path)); - return isUndefined(value) ? defaultValue : value; -} - -// Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly on -// itself (in other words, not on a prototype). Unlike the internal `has` -// function, this public version can also traverse nested properties. -function has(obj, path) { - path = toPath(path); - var length = path.length; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var key = path[i]; - if (!has$1(obj, key)) return false; - obj = obj[key]; - } - return !!length; -} - -// Keep the identity function around for default iteratees. -function identity(value) { - return value; -} - -// Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of -// `key:value` pairs. -function matcher(attrs) { - attrs = extendOwn({}, attrs); - return function(obj) { - return isMatch(obj, attrs); - }; -} - -// Creates a function that, when passed an object, will traverse that object’s -// properties down the given `path`, specified as an array of keys or indices. -function property(path) { - path = toPath(path); - return function(obj) { - return deepGet(obj, path); - }; -} - -// Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version -// of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore -// functions. -function optimizeCb(func, context, argCount) { - if (context === void 0) return func; - switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) { - case 1: return function(value) { - return func.call(context, value); - }; - // The 2-argument case is omitted because we’re not using it. - case 3: return function(value, index, collection) { - return func.call(context, value, index, collection); - }; - case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) { - return func.call(context, accumulator, value, index, collection); - }; - } - return function() { - return func.apply(context, arguments); - }; -} - -// An internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied to each -// element in a collection, returning the desired result — either `_.identity`, -// an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor. -function baseIteratee(value, context, argCount) { - if (value == null) return identity; - if (isFunction$1(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount); - if (isObject(value) && !isArray(value)) return matcher(value); - return property(value); -} - -// External wrapper for our callback generator. Users may customize -// `_.iteratee` if they want additional predicate/iteratee shorthand styles. -// This abstraction hides the internal-only `argCount` argument. -function iteratee(value, context) { - return baseIteratee(value, context, Infinity); -} -_$1.iteratee = iteratee; - -// The function we call internally to generate a callback. It invokes -// `_.iteratee` if overridden, otherwise `baseIteratee`. -function cb(value, context, argCount) { - if (_$1.iteratee !== iteratee) return _$1.iteratee(value, context); - return baseIteratee(value, context, argCount); -} - -// Returns the results of applying the `iteratee` to each element of `obj`. -// In contrast to `_.map` it returns an object. -function mapObject(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var _keys = keys(obj), - length = _keys.length, - results = {}; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys[index]; - results[currentKey] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return results; } +exports["default"] = GithubUtils; +// This is a temporary solution to allow the use of the GithubUtils class in both TypeScript and JavaScript. +// Once all the files that import GithubUtils are migrated to TypeScript, this can be removed. +module.exports = GithubUtils; -// Predicate-generating function. Often useful outside of Underscore. -function noop(){} -// Generates a function for a given object that returns a given property. -function propertyOf(obj) { - if (obj == null) return noop; - return function(path) { - return get(obj, path); - }; -} +/***/ }), -// Run a function **n** times. -function times(n, iteratee, context) { - var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n)); - iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 1); - for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i); - return accum; -} +/***/ 3902: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// Return a random integer between `min` and `max` (inclusive). -function random(min, max) { - if (max == null) { - max = min; - min = 0; - } - return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); -} +"use strict"; -// A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer. -var now = Date.now || function() { - return new Date().getTime(); +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const replacer = (str) => ({ + '\\': '\\\\', + '\t': '\\t', + '\n': '\\n', + '\r': '\\r', + '\f': '\\f', + '"': '\\"', +}[str] ?? ''); +/** + * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output + * + * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 + * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading + */ +const sanitizeStringForJSONParse = (inputString) => { + if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); + } + // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes + return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); }; +exports["default"] = sanitizeStringForJSONParse; -// Internal helper to generate functions for escaping and unescaping strings -// to/from HTML interpolation. -function createEscaper(map) { - var escaper = function(match) { - return map[match]; - }; - // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped. - var source = '(?:' + keys(map).join('|') + ')'; - var testRegexp = RegExp(source); - var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g'); - return function(string) { - string = string == null ? '' : '' + string; - return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string; - }; -} - -// Internal list of HTML entities for escaping. -var escapeMap = { - '&': '&', - '<': '<', - '>': '>', - '"': '"', - "'": ''', - '`': '`' -}; -// Function for escaping strings to HTML interpolation. -var _escape = createEscaper(escapeMap); +/***/ }), -// Internal list of HTML entities for unescaping. -var unescapeMap = invert(escapeMap); +/***/ 8982: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// Function for unescaping strings from HTML interpolation. -var _unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap); +"use strict"; -// By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters. Change the -// following template settings to use alternative delimiters. -var templateSettings = _$1.templateSettings = { - evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, - interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, - escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getPreviousVersion = exports.incrementPatch = exports.incrementMinor = exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = exports.incrementVersion = exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = exports.getVersionNumberFromString = void 0; +const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { + MAJOR: 'MAJOR', + MINOR: 'MINOR', + PATCH: 'PATCH', + BUILD: 'BUILD', }; - -// When customizing `_.templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an -// interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is -// guaranteed not to match. -var noMatch = /(.)^/; - -// Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a -// string literal. -var escapes = { - "'": "'", - '\\': '\\', - '\r': 'r', - '\n': 'n', - '\u2028': 'u2028', - '\u2029': 'u2029' +exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS; +const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; +exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = MAX_INCREMENTS; +/** + * Transforms a versions string into a number + */ +const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { + const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); + const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map((n) => Number(n)); + return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; }; - -var escapeRegExp = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g; - -function escapeChar(match) { - return '\\' + escapes[match]; -} - -// In order to prevent third-party code injection through -// `_.templateSettings.variable`, we test it against the following regular -// expression. It is intentionally a bit more liberal than just matching valid -// identifiers, but still prevents possible loopholes through defaults or -// destructuring assignment. -var bareIdentifier = /^\s*(\w|\$)+\s*$/; - -// JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation. -// Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace, -// and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code. -// NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility. -function template(text, settings, oldSettings) { - if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings; - settings = defaults({}, settings, _$1.templateSettings); - - // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation. - var matcher = RegExp([ - (settings.escape || noMatch).source, - (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source, - (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source - ].join('|') + '|$', 'g'); - - // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately. - var index = 0; - var source = "__p+='"; - text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) { - source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escapeRegExp, escapeChar); - index = offset + match.length; - - if (escape) { - source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"; - } else if (interpolate) { - source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'"; - } else if (evaluate) { - source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='"; - } - - // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offset. - return match; - }); - source += "';\n"; - - var argument = settings.variable; - if (argument) { - // Insure against third-party code injection. (CVE-2021-23358) - if (!bareIdentifier.test(argument)) throw new Error( - 'variable is not a bare identifier: ' + argument - ); - } else { - // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope. - source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n'; - argument = 'obj'; - } - - source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," + - "print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" + - source + 'return __p;\n'; - - var render; - try { - render = new Function(argument, '_', source); - } catch (e) { - e.source = source; - throw e; - } - - var template = function(data) { - return render.call(this, data, _$1); - }; - - // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation. - template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}'; - - return template; -} - -// Traverses the children of `obj` along `path`. If a child is a function, it -// is invoked with its parent as context. Returns the value of the final -// child, or `fallback` if any child is undefined. -function result(obj, path, fallback) { - path = toPath(path); - var length = path.length; - if (!length) { - return isFunction$1(fallback) ? fallback.call(obj) : fallback; - } - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var prop = obj == null ? void 0 : obj[path[i]]; - if (prop === void 0) { - prop = fallback; - i = length; // Ensure we don't continue iterating. - } - obj = isFunction$1(prop) ? prop.call(obj) : prop; - } - return obj; -} - -// Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session). -// Useful for temporary DOM ids. -var idCounter = 0; -function uniqueId(prefix) { - var id = ++idCounter + ''; - return prefix ? prefix + id : id; -} - -// Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object. -function chain(obj) { - var instance = _$1(obj); - instance._chain = true; - return instance; -} - -// Internal function to execute `sourceFunc` bound to `context` with optional -// `args`. Determines whether to execute a function as a constructor or as a -// normal function. -function executeBound(sourceFunc, boundFunc, context, callingContext, args) { - if (!(callingContext instanceof boundFunc)) return sourceFunc.apply(context, args); - var self = baseCreate(sourceFunc.prototype); - var result = sourceFunc.apply(self, args); - if (isObject(result)) return result; - return self; -} - -// Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its -// arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. `_` acts -// as a placeholder by default, allowing any combination of arguments to be -// pre-filled. Set `_.partial.placeholder` for a custom placeholder argument. -var partial = restArguments(function(func, boundArgs) { - var placeholder = partial.placeholder; - var bound = function() { - var position = 0, length = boundArgs.length; - var args = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - args[i] = boundArgs[i] === placeholder ? arguments[position++] : boundArgs[i]; - } - while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]); - return executeBound(func, bound, this, this, args); - }; - return bound; -}); - -partial.placeholder = _$1; - -// Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments, -// optionally). -var bind = restArguments(function(func, context, args) { - if (!isFunction$1(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function'); - var bound = restArguments(function(callArgs) { - return executeBound(func, bound, context, this, args.concat(callArgs)); - }); - return bound; -}); - -// Internal helper for collection methods to determine whether a collection -// should be iterated as an array or as an object. -// Related: https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-tolength -// Avoids a very nasty iOS 8 JIT bug on ARM-64. #2094 -var isArrayLike = createSizePropertyCheck(getLength); - -// Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function. -function flatten$1(input, depth, strict, output) { - output = output || []; - if (!depth && depth !== 0) { - depth = Infinity; - } else if (depth <= 0) { - return output.concat(input); - } - var idx = output.length; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(input); i < length; i++) { - var value = input[i]; - if (isArrayLike(value) && (isArray(value) || isArguments$1(value))) { - // Flatten current level of array or arguments object. - if (depth > 1) { - flatten$1(value, depth - 1, strict, output); - idx = output.length; - } else { - var j = 0, len = value.length; - while (j < len) output[idx++] = value[j++]; - } - } else if (!strict) { - output[idx++] = value; +exports.getVersionNumberFromString = getVersionNumberFromString; +/** + * Transforms version numbers components into a version string + */ +const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; +exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = getVersionStringFromNumber; +/** + * Increments a minor version + */ +const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { + if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); } - } - return output; -} - -// Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments -// are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks -// defined on an object belong to it. -var bindAll = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - keys = flatten$1(keys, false, false); - var index = keys.length; - if (index < 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names'); - while (index--) { - var key = keys[index]; - obj[key] = bind(obj[key], obj); - } - return obj; -}); - -// Memoize an expensive function by storing its results. -function memoize(func, hasher) { - var memoize = function(key) { - var cache = memoize.cache; - var address = '' + (hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key); - if (!has$1(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments); - return cache[address]; - }; - memoize.cache = {}; - return memoize; -} - -// Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls -// it with the arguments supplied. -var delay = restArguments(function(func, wait, args) { - return setTimeout(function() { - return func.apply(null, args); - }, wait); -}); - -// Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has -// cleared. -var defer = partial(delay, _$1, 1); - -// Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once -// during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run -// as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration; -// but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass -// `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto. -function throttle(func, wait, options) { - var timeout, context, args, result; - var previous = 0; - if (!options) options = {}; - - var later = function() { - previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : now(); - timeout = null; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - }; - - var throttled = function() { - var _now = now(); - if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = _now; - var remaining = wait - (_now - previous); - context = this; - args = arguments; - if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { - if (timeout) { - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = null; - } - previous = _now; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); +}; +exports.incrementMinor = incrementMinor; +/** + * Increments a Patch version + */ +const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { + if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); } - return result; - }; - - throttled.cancel = function() { - clearTimeout(timeout); - previous = 0; - timeout = context = args = null; - }; - - return throttled; -} - -// When a sequence of calls of the returned function ends, the argument -// function is triggered. The end of a sequence is defined by the `wait` -// parameter. If `immediate` is passed, the argument function will be -// triggered at the beginning of the sequence instead of at the end. -function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { - var timeout, previous, args, result, context; - - var later = function() { - var passed = now() - previous; - if (wait > passed) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - passed); - } else { - timeout = null; - if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args); - // This check is needed because `func` can recursively invoke `debounced`. - if (!timeout) args = context = null; + return incrementMinor(major, minor); +}; +exports.incrementPatch = incrementPatch; +/** + * Increments a build version + */ +const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { + const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); + // Majors will always be incremented + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); } - }; - - var debounced = restArguments(function(_args) { - context = this; - args = _args; - previous = now(); - if (!timeout) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); - if (immediate) result = func.apply(context, args); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { + return incrementMinor(major, minor); } - return result; - }); - - debounced.cancel = function() { - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = args = context = null; - }; - - return debounced; -} - -// Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second, -// allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and -// conditionally execute the original function. -function wrap(func, wrapper) { - return partial(wrapper, func); -} - -// Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate. -function negate(predicate) { - return function() { - return !predicate.apply(this, arguments); - }; -} - -// Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each -// consuming the return value of the function that follows. -function compose() { - var args = arguments; - var start = args.length - 1; - return function() { - var i = start; - var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments); - while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result); - return result; - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will only be executed on and after the Nth call. -function after(times, func) { - return function() { - if (--times < 1) { - return func.apply(this, arguments); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { + return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); } - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will only be executed up to (but not including) the -// Nth call. -function before(times, func) { - var memo; - return function() { - if (--times > 0) { - memo = func.apply(this, arguments); + if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); } - if (times <= 1) func = null; - return memo; - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how -// often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization. -var once = partial(before, 2); - -// Returns the first key on an object that passes a truth test. -function findKey(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = keys(obj), key; - for (var i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - key = _keys[i]; - if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) return key; - } -} - -// Internal function to generate `_.findIndex` and `_.findLastIndex`. -function createPredicateIndexFinder(dir) { - return function(array, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var length = getLength(array); - var index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; - for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { - if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) return index; + return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); +}; +exports.incrementVersion = incrementVersion; +function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { + const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { + if (major === 1) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); } - return -1; - }; -} - -// Returns the first index on an array-like that passes a truth test. -var findIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(1); - -// Returns the last index on an array-like that passes a truth test. -var findLastIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(-1); - -// Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which -// an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search. -function sortedIndex(array, obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context, 1); - var value = iteratee(obj); - var low = 0, high = getLength(array); - while (low < high) { - var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); - if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; - } - return low; -} - -// Internal function to generate the `_.indexOf` and `_.lastIndexOf` functions. -function createIndexFinder(dir, predicateFind, sortedIndex) { - return function(array, item, idx) { - var i = 0, length = getLength(array); - if (typeof idx == 'number') { - if (dir > 0) { - i = idx >= 0 ? idx : Math.max(idx + length, i); - } else { - length = idx >= 0 ? Math.min(idx + 1, length) : idx + length + 1; - } - } else if (sortedIndex && idx && length) { - idx = sortedIndex(array, item); - return array[idx] === item ? idx : -1; + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { + if (minor === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); } - if (item !== item) { - idx = predicateFind(slice.call(array, i, length), isNaN$1); - return idx >= 0 ? idx + i : -1; + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { + if (patch === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); } - for (idx = dir > 0 ? i : length - 1; idx >= 0 && idx < length; idx += dir) { - if (array[idx] === item) return idx; + if (build === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); } - return -1; - }; + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); } +exports.getPreviousVersion = getPreviousVersion; + -// Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array, -// or -1 if the item is not included in the array. -// If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true` -// for **isSorted** to use binary search. -var indexOf = createIndexFinder(1, findIndex, sortedIndex); - -// Return the position of the last occurrence of an item in an array, -// or -1 if the item is not included in the array. -var lastIndexOf = createIndexFinder(-1, findLastIndex); - -// Return the first value which passes a truth test. -function find(obj, predicate, context) { - var keyFinder = isArrayLike(obj) ? findIndex : findKey; - var key = keyFinder(obj, predicate, context); - if (key !== void 0 && key !== -1) return obj[key]; -} +/***/ }), -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.find`: getting the first -// object containing specific `key:value` pairs. -function findWhere(obj, attrs) { - return find(obj, matcher(attrs)); -} +/***/ 8227: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// The cornerstone for collection functions, an `each` -// implementation, aka `forEach`. -// Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all -// sparse array-likes as if they were dense. -function each(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context); - var i, length; - if (isArrayLike(obj)) { - for (i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - iteratee(obj[i], i, obj); - } - } else { - var _keys = keys(obj); - for (i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - iteratee(obj[_keys[i]], _keys[i], obj); - } - } - return obj; -} +"use strict"; -// Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element. -function map(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length, - results = Array(length); - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return results; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.isEmptyObject = void 0; +function isEmptyObject(obj) { + return Object.keys(obj ?? {}).length === 0; } +exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject; -// Internal helper to create a reducing function, iterating left or right. -function createReduce(dir) { - // Wrap code that reassigns argument variables in a separate function than - // the one that accesses `arguments.length` to avoid a perf hit. (#1991) - var reducer = function(obj, iteratee, memo, initial) { - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length, - index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; - if (!initial) { - memo = obj[_keys ? _keys[index] : index]; - index += dir; - } - for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return memo; - }; - return function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) { - var initial = arguments.length >= 3; - return reducer(obj, optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 4), memo, initial); - }; -} +/***/ }), -// **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`, -// or `foldl`. -var reduce = createReduce(1); +/***/ 7034: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`. -var reduceRight = createReduce(-1); +"use strict"; -// Return all the elements that pass a truth test. -function filter(obj, predicate, context) { - var results = []; - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - each(obj, function(value, index, list) { - if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value); - }); - return results; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +/** + * This function is an equivalent of _.difference, it takes two arrays and returns the difference between them. + * It returns an array of items that are in the first array but not in the second array. + */ +function arrayDifference(array1, array2) { + return [array1, array2].reduce((a, b) => a.filter((c) => !b.includes(c))); } +exports["default"] = arrayDifference; -// Return all the elements for which a truth test fails. -function reject(obj, predicate, context) { - return filter(obj, negate(cb(predicate)), context); -} -// Determine whether all of the elements pass a truth test. -function every(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false; - } - return true; -} +/***/ }), -// Determine if at least one element in the object passes a truth test. -function some(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true; - } - return false; -} +/***/ 2877: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Determine if the array or object contains a given item (using `===`). -function contains(obj, item, fromIndex, guard) { - if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = values(obj); - if (typeof fromIndex != 'number' || guard) fromIndex = 0; - return indexOf(obj, item, fromIndex) >= 0; -} +module.exports = eval("require")("encoding"); -// Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection. -var invoke = restArguments(function(obj, path, args) { - var contextPath, func; - if (isFunction$1(path)) { - func = path; - } else { - path = toPath(path); - contextPath = path.slice(0, -1); - path = path[path.length - 1]; - } - return map(obj, function(context) { - var method = func; - if (!method) { - if (contextPath && contextPath.length) { - context = deepGet(context, contextPath); - } - if (context == null) return void 0; - method = context[path]; - } - return method == null ? method : method.apply(context, args); - }); -}); -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.map`: fetching a property. -function pluck(obj, key) { - return map(obj, property(key)); -} +/***/ }), -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.filter`: selecting only -// objects containing specific `key:value` pairs. -function where(obj, attrs) { - return filter(obj, matcher(attrs)); -} +/***/ 9491: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Return the maximum element (or element-based computation). -function max(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity, - value, computed; - if (iteratee == null || (typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null)) { - obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : values(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - value = obj[i]; - if (value != null && value > result) { - result = value; - } - } - } else { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(v, index, list) { - computed = iteratee(v, index, list); - if (computed > lastComputed || (computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity)) { - result = v; - lastComputed = computed; - } - }); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("assert"); -// Return the minimum element (or element-based computation). -function min(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity, - value, computed; - if (iteratee == null || (typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null)) { - obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : values(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - value = obj[i]; - if (value != null && value < result) { - result = value; - } - } - } else { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(v, index, list) { - computed = iteratee(v, index, list); - if (computed < lastComputed || (computed === Infinity && result === Infinity)) { - result = v; - lastComputed = computed; - } - }); - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable. -var reStrSymbol = /[^\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udfff]/g; -function toArray(obj) { - if (!obj) return []; - if (isArray(obj)) return slice.call(obj); - if (isString(obj)) { - // Keep surrogate pair characters together. - return obj.match(reStrSymbol); - } - if (isArrayLike(obj)) return map(obj, identity); - return values(obj); -} +/***/ 2081: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Sample **n** random values from a collection using the modern version of the -// [Fisher-Yates shuffle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher–Yates_shuffle). -// If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element. -// The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `_.map`. -function sample(obj, n, guard) { - if (n == null || guard) { - if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = values(obj); - return obj[random(obj.length - 1)]; - } - var sample = toArray(obj); - var length = getLength(sample); - n = Math.max(Math.min(n, length), 0); - var last = length - 1; - for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) { - var rand = random(index, last); - var temp = sample[index]; - sample[index] = sample[rand]; - sample[rand] = temp; - } - return sample.slice(0, n); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("child_process"); -// Shuffle a collection. -function shuffle(obj) { - return sample(obj, Infinity); -} +/***/ }), -// Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee. -function sortBy(obj, iteratee, context) { - var index = 0; - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - return pluck(map(obj, function(value, key, list) { - return { - value: value, - index: index++, - criteria: iteratee(value, key, list) - }; - }).sort(function(left, right) { - var a = left.criteria; - var b = right.criteria; - if (a !== b) { - if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1; - if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1; - } - return left.index - right.index; - }), 'value'); -} +/***/ 6113: +/***/ ((module) => { -// An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations. -function group(behavior, partition) { - return function(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = partition ? [[], []] : {}; - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(value, index) { - var key = iteratee(value, index, obj); - behavior(result, value, key); - }); - return result; - }; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("crypto"); -// Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute -// to group by, or a function that returns the criterion. -var groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - if (has$1(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value]; -}); +/***/ }), -// Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `_.groupBy`, but for -// when you know that your index values will be unique. -var indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - result[key] = value; -}); +/***/ 2361: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass -// either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the -// criterion. -var countBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - if (has$1(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1; -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("events"); -// Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all pass the given -// truth test, and one whose elements all do not pass the truth test. -var partition = group(function(result, value, pass) { - result[pass ? 0 : 1].push(value); -}, true); +/***/ }), -// Return the number of elements in a collection. -function size(obj) { - if (obj == null) return 0; - return isArrayLike(obj) ? obj.length : keys(obj).length; -} +/***/ 7147: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Internal `_.pick` helper function to determine whether `key` is an enumerable -// property name of `obj`. -function keyInObj(value, key, obj) { - return key in obj; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("fs"); -// Return a copy of the object only containing the allowed properties. -var pick = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - var result = {}, iteratee = keys[0]; - if (obj == null) return result; - if (isFunction$1(iteratee)) { - if (keys.length > 1) iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, keys[1]); - keys = allKeys(obj); - } else { - iteratee = keyInObj; - keys = flatten$1(keys, false, false); - obj = Object(obj); - } - for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - var value = obj[key]; - if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value; - } - return result; -}); +/***/ }), -// Return a copy of the object without the disallowed properties. -var omit = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - var iteratee = keys[0], context; - if (isFunction$1(iteratee)) { - iteratee = negate(iteratee); - if (keys.length > 1) context = keys[1]; - } else { - keys = map(flatten$1(keys, false, false), String); - iteratee = function(value, key) { - return !contains(keys, key); - }; - } - return pick(obj, iteratee, context); -}); +/***/ 3685: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on -// the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in -// the array, excluding the last N. -function initial(array, n, guard) { - return slice.call(array, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n))); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("http"); -// Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N -// values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with `_.map`. -function first(array, n, guard) { - if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null || guard ? void 0 : []; - if (n == null || guard) return array[0]; - return initial(array, array.length - n); -} +/***/ }), -// Returns everything but the first entry of the `array`. Especially useful on -// the `arguments` object. Passing an **n** will return the rest N values in the -// `array`. -function rest(array, n, guard) { - return slice.call(array, n == null || guard ? 1 : n); -} +/***/ 5687: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N -// values in the array. -function last(array, n, guard) { - if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null || guard ? void 0 : []; - if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1]; - return rest(array, Math.max(0, array.length - n)); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("https"); -// Trim out all falsy values from an array. -function compact(array) { - return filter(array, Boolean); -} +/***/ }), -// Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or up to `depth`. -// Passing `true` or `false` as `depth` means `1` or `Infinity`, respectively. -function flatten(array, depth) { - return flatten$1(array, depth, false); -} +/***/ 1808: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays. -// Only the elements present in just the first array will remain. -var difference = restArguments(function(array, rest) { - rest = flatten$1(rest, true, true); - return filter(array, function(value){ - return !contains(rest, value); - }); -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("net"); -// Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s). -var without = restArguments(function(array, otherArrays) { - return difference(array, otherArrays); -}); +/***/ }), -// Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already -// been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm. -// The faster algorithm will not work with an iteratee if the iteratee -// is not a one-to-one function, so providing an iteratee will disable -// the faster algorithm. -function uniq(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) { - if (!isBoolean(isSorted)) { - context = iteratee; - iteratee = isSorted; - isSorted = false; - } - if (iteratee != null) iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var result = []; - var seen = []; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) { - var value = array[i], - computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, i, array) : value; - if (isSorted && !iteratee) { - if (!i || seen !== computed) result.push(value); - seen = computed; - } else if (iteratee) { - if (!contains(seen, computed)) { - seen.push(computed); - result.push(value); - } - } else if (!contains(result, value)) { - result.push(value); - } - } - return result; -} +/***/ 2037: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of -// the passed-in arrays. -var union = restArguments(function(arrays) { - return uniq(flatten$1(arrays, true, true)); -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("os"); -// Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the -// passed-in arrays. -function intersection(array) { - var result = []; - var argsLength = arguments.length; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) { - var item = array[i]; - if (contains(result, item)) continue; - var j; - for (j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) { - if (!contains(arguments[j], item)) break; - } - if (j === argsLength) result.push(item); - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Complement of zip. Unzip accepts an array of arrays and groups -// each array's elements on shared indices. -function unzip(array) { - var length = (array && max(array, getLength).length) || 0; - var result = Array(length); +/***/ 1017: +/***/ ((module) => { - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - result[index] = pluck(array, index); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("path"); -// Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share -// an index go together. -var zip = restArguments(unzip); - -// Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]` -// pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of -// the corresponding values. Passing by pairs is the reverse of `_.pairs`. -function object(list, values) { - var result = {}; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(list); i < length; i++) { - if (values) { - result[list[i]] = values[i]; - } else { - result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1]; - } - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of -// the native Python `range()` function. See -// [the Python documentation](https://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range). -function range(start, stop, step) { - if (stop == null) { - stop = start || 0; - start = 0; - } - if (!step) { - step = stop < start ? -1 : 1; - } +/***/ 5477: +/***/ ((module) => { - var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0); - var range = Array(length); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("punycode"); - for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) { - range[idx] = start; - } +/***/ }), - return range; -} +/***/ 2781: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Chunk a single array into multiple arrays, each containing `count` or fewer -// items. -function chunk(array, count) { - if (count == null || count < 1) return []; - var result = []; - var i = 0, length = array.length; - while (i < length) { - result.push(slice.call(array, i, i += count)); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("stream"); -// Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results. -function chainResult(instance, obj) { - return instance._chain ? _$1(obj).chain() : obj; -} +/***/ }), -// Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object. -function mixin(obj) { - each(functions(obj), function(name) { - var func = _$1[name] = obj[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var args = [this._wrapped]; - push.apply(args, arguments); - return chainResult(this, func.apply(_$1, args)); - }; - }); - return _$1; -} +/***/ 4404: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Add all mutator `Array` functions to the wrapper. -each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) { - var method = ArrayProto[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var obj = this._wrapped; - if (obj != null) { - method.apply(obj, arguments); - if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) { - delete obj[0]; - } - } - return chainResult(this, obj); - }; -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("tls"); -// Add all accessor `Array` functions to the wrapper. -each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) { - var method = ArrayProto[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var obj = this._wrapped; - if (obj != null) obj = method.apply(obj, arguments); - return chainResult(this, obj); - }; -}); +/***/ }), -// Named Exports - -var allExports = { - __proto__: null, - VERSION: VERSION, - restArguments: restArguments, - isObject: isObject, - isNull: isNull, - isUndefined: isUndefined, - isBoolean: isBoolean, - isElement: isElement, - isString: isString, - isNumber: isNumber, - isDate: isDate, - isRegExp: isRegExp, - isError: isError, - isSymbol: isSymbol, - isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer, - isDataView: isDataView$1, - isArray: isArray, - isFunction: isFunction$1, - isArguments: isArguments$1, - isFinite: isFinite$1, - isNaN: isNaN$1, - isTypedArray: isTypedArray$1, - isEmpty: isEmpty, - isMatch: isMatch, - isEqual: isEqual, - isMap: isMap, - isWeakMap: isWeakMap, - isSet: isSet, - isWeakSet: isWeakSet, - keys: keys, - allKeys: allKeys, - values: values, - pairs: pairs, - invert: invert, - functions: functions, - methods: functions, - extend: extend, - extendOwn: extendOwn, - assign: extendOwn, - defaults: defaults, - create: create, - clone: clone, - tap: tap, - get: get, - has: has, - mapObject: mapObject, - identity: identity, - constant: constant, - noop: noop, - toPath: toPath$1, - property: property, - propertyOf: propertyOf, - matcher: matcher, - matches: matcher, - times: times, - random: random, - now: now, - escape: _escape, - unescape: _unescape, - templateSettings: templateSettings, - template: template, - result: result, - uniqueId: uniqueId, - chain: chain, - iteratee: iteratee, - partial: partial, - bind: bind, - bindAll: bindAll, - memoize: memoize, - delay: delay, - defer: defer, - throttle: throttle, - debounce: debounce, - wrap: wrap, - negate: negate, - compose: compose, - after: after, - before: before, - once: once, - findKey: findKey, - findIndex: findIndex, - findLastIndex: findLastIndex, - sortedIndex: sortedIndex, - indexOf: indexOf, - lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf, - find: find, - detect: find, - findWhere: findWhere, - each: each, - forEach: each, - map: map, - collect: map, - reduce: reduce, - foldl: reduce, - inject: reduce, - reduceRight: reduceRight, - foldr: reduceRight, - filter: filter, - select: filter, - reject: reject, - every: every, - all: every, - some: some, - any: some, - contains: contains, - includes: contains, - include: contains, - invoke: invoke, - pluck: pluck, - where: where, - max: max, - min: min, - shuffle: shuffle, - sample: sample, - sortBy: sortBy, - groupBy: groupBy, - indexBy: indexBy, - countBy: countBy, - partition: partition, - toArray: toArray, - size: size, - pick: pick, - omit: omit, - first: first, - head: first, - take: first, - initial: initial, - last: last, - rest: rest, - tail: rest, - drop: rest, - compact: compact, - flatten: flatten, - without: without, - uniq: uniq, - unique: uniq, - union: union, - intersection: intersection, - difference: difference, - unzip: unzip, - transpose: unzip, - zip: zip, - object: object, - range: range, - chunk: chunk, - mixin: mixin, - 'default': _$1 -}; +/***/ 7310: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("url"); + +/***/ }), -// Default Export - -// Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object. -var _ = mixin(allExports); -// Legacy Node.js API. -_._ = _; - -exports.VERSION = VERSION; -exports._ = _; -exports._escape = _escape; -exports._unescape = _unescape; -exports.after = after; -exports.allKeys = allKeys; -exports.before = before; -exports.bind = bind; -exports.bindAll = bindAll; -exports.chain = chain; -exports.chunk = chunk; -exports.clone = clone; -exports.compact = compact; -exports.compose = compose; -exports.constant = constant; -exports.contains = contains; -exports.countBy = countBy; -exports.create = create; -exports.debounce = debounce; -exports.defaults = defaults; -exports.defer = defer; -exports.delay = delay; -exports.difference = difference; -exports.each = each; -exports.every = every; -exports.extend = extend; -exports.extendOwn = extendOwn; -exports.filter = filter; -exports.find = find; -exports.findIndex = findIndex; -exports.findKey = findKey; -exports.findLastIndex = findLastIndex; -exports.findWhere = findWhere; -exports.first = first; -exports.flatten = flatten; -exports.functions = functions; -exports.get = get; -exports.groupBy = groupBy; -exports.has = has; -exports.identity = identity; -exports.indexBy = indexBy; -exports.indexOf = indexOf; -exports.initial = initial; -exports.intersection = intersection; -exports.invert = invert; -exports.invoke = invoke; -exports.isArguments = isArguments$1; -exports.isArray = isArray; -exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; -exports.isBoolean = isBoolean; -exports.isDataView = isDataView$1; -exports.isDate = isDate; -exports.isElement = isElement; -exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; -exports.isEqual = isEqual; -exports.isError = isError; -exports.isFinite = isFinite$1; -exports.isFunction = isFunction$1; -exports.isMap = isMap; -exports.isMatch = isMatch; -exports.isNaN = isNaN$1; -exports.isNull = isNull; -exports.isNumber = isNumber; -exports.isObject = isObject; -exports.isRegExp = isRegExp; -exports.isSet = isSet; -exports.isString = isString; -exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; -exports.isTypedArray = isTypedArray$1; -exports.isUndefined = isUndefined; -exports.isWeakMap = isWeakMap; -exports.isWeakSet = isWeakSet; -exports.iteratee = iteratee; -exports.keys = keys; -exports.last = last; -exports.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf; -exports.map = map; -exports.mapObject = mapObject; -exports.matcher = matcher; -exports.max = max; -exports.memoize = memoize; -exports.min = min; -exports.mixin = mixin; -exports.negate = negate; -exports.noop = noop; -exports.now = now; -exports.object = object; -exports.omit = omit; -exports.once = once; -exports.pairs = pairs; -exports.partial = partial; -exports.partition = partition; -exports.pick = pick; -exports.pluck = pluck; -exports.property = property; -exports.propertyOf = propertyOf; -exports.random = random; -exports.range = range; -exports.reduce = reduce; -exports.reduceRight = reduceRight; -exports.reject = reject; -exports.rest = rest; -exports.restArguments = restArguments; -exports.result = result; -exports.sample = sample; -exports.shuffle = shuffle; -exports.size = size; -exports.some = some; -exports.sortBy = sortBy; -exports.sortedIndex = sortedIndex; -exports.tap = tap; -exports.template = template; -exports.templateSettings = templateSettings; -exports.throttle = throttle; -exports.times = times; -exports.toArray = toArray; -exports.toPath = toPath$1; -exports.union = union; -exports.uniq = uniq; -exports.uniqueId = uniqueId; -exports.unzip = unzip; -exports.values = values; -exports.where = where; -exports.without = without; -exports.wrap = wrap; -exports.zip = zip; -//# sourceMappingURL=underscore-node-f.cjs.map +/***/ 3837: +/***/ ((module) => { +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("util"); /***/ }), -/***/ 5067: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 9796: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("zlib"); + +/***/ }), -// Underscore.js 1.13.6 -// https://underscorejs.org -// (c) 2009-2022 Jeremy Ashkenas, Julian Gonggrijp, and DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors -// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. +/***/ 3286: +/***/ ((module) => { -var underscoreNodeF = __nccwpck_require__(6717); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { + return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { + "default": obj + }; +} +module.exports = _interopRequireDefault, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; +/***/ }), +/***/ 5605: +/***/ ((module) => { -module.exports = underscoreNodeF._; -//# sourceMappingURL=underscore-node.cjs.map +function _typeof(o) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + return (module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { + return typeof o; + } : function (o) { + return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; + }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports), _typeof(o); +} +module.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; /***/ }), @@ -17670,8 +15302,8 @@ module.exports = JSON.parse('[[[0,44],"disallowed_STD3_valid"],[[45,46],"valid"] /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { -/******/ id: moduleId, -/******/ loaded: false, +/******/ // no module.id needed +/******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ @@ -17684,67 +15316,17 @@ module.exports = JSON.parse('[[[0,44],"disallowed_STD3_valid"],[[45,46],"valid"] /******/ if(threw) delete __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ } /******/ -/******/ // Flag the module as loaded -/******/ module.loaded = true; -/******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ -/******/ // expose the module cache -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.c = __webpack_module_cache__; -/******/ /************************************************************************/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { -/******/ for(var key in definition) { -/******/ if(__nccwpck_require__.o(definition, key) && !__nccwpck_require__.o(exports, key)) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); -/******/ } -/******/ } -/******/ }; -/******/ })(); -/******/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/harmony module decorator */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.hmd = (module) => { -/******/ module = Object.create(module); -/******/ if (!module.children) module.children = []; -/******/ Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', { -/******/ enumerable: true, -/******/ set: () => { -/******/ throw new Error('ES Modules may not assign module.exports or exports.*, Use ESM export syntax, instead: ' + module.id); -/******/ } -/******/ }); -/******/ return module; -/******/ }; -/******/ })(); -/******/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) -/******/ })(); -/******/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ // define __esModule on exports -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.r = (exports) => { -/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); -/******/ } -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); -/******/ }; -/******/ })(); -/******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat */ /******/ /******/ if (typeof __nccwpck_require__ !== 'undefined') __nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/"; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ -/******/ // module cache are used so entry inlining is disabled /******/ // startup /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ // This entry module is referenced by other modules so it can't be inlined diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/getArtifactInfo/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/getArtifactInfo/index.js index 50c071d06eb6..58c0757cc4d0 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/getArtifactInfo/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/getArtifactInfo/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9054,1303 +9051,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11491,9 +11488,12 @@ exports["default"] = run; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11502,11 +11502,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/getDeployPullRequestList/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/getDeployPullRequestList/index.js index 12af37c6bc9b..3aa28b8f2668 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/getDeployPullRequestList/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/getDeployPullRequestList/index.js @@ -1,241 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 970: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); - -/** - * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. - * - * @param {String} name - The name of the input. - * @param {Object} options - Options to pass to core.getInput - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. - * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. - * @returns {any} - */ -function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (input) { - return JSON.parse(input); - } - return defaultValue; -} - -/** - * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Object} options - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - * @returns {string|undefined} - */ -function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (!input) { - return defaultValue; - } - return input; -} - -module.exports = { - getJSONInput, - getStringInput, -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9338: -/***/ ((module) => { - -const replacer = (str) => - ({ - '\\': '\\\\', - '\t': '\\t', - '\n': '\\n', - '\r': '\\r', - '\f': '\\f', - '"': '\\"', - }[str]); - -/** - * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output - * - * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 - * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading - * - * @param {String} inputString - * @returns {String} - */ -module.exports = function (inputString) { - if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); - } - - // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes - return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8007: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; -__nccwpck_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); -/* harmony export */ __nccwpck_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { -/* harmony export */ "MAX_INCREMENTS": () => (/* binding */ MAX_INCREMENTS), -/* harmony export */ "SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS": () => (/* binding */ SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS), -/* harmony export */ "getPreviousVersion": () => (/* binding */ getPreviousVersion), -/* harmony export */ "getVersionNumberFromString": () => (/* binding */ getVersionNumberFromString), -/* harmony export */ "getVersionStringFromNumber": () => (/* binding */ getVersionStringFromNumber), -/* harmony export */ "incrementMinor": () => (/* binding */ incrementMinor), -/* harmony export */ "incrementPatch": () => (/* binding */ incrementPatch), -/* harmony export */ "incrementVersion": () => (/* binding */ incrementVersion) -/* harmony export */ }); -const _ = __nccwpck_require__(5067); - -const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { - MAJOR: 'MAJOR', - MINOR: 'MINOR', - PATCH: 'PATCH', - BUILD: 'BUILD', -}; -const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; - -/** - * Transforms a versions string into a number - * - * @param {String} versionString - * @returns {Array} - */ -const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { - const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); - const [major, minor, patch] = _.map(version.split('.'), (n) => Number(n)); - - return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; -}; - -/** - * Transforms version numbers components into a version string - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @param {Number} patch - * @param {Number} [build] - * @returns {String} - */ -const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; - -/** - * Increments a minor version - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { - if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); - } - - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); -}; - -/** - * Increments a Patch version - * - * @param {Number} major - * @param {Number} minor - * @param {Number} patch - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { - if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); - } - return incrementMinor(major, minor); -}; - -/** - * Increments a build version - * - * @param {String} version - * @param {String} level - * @returns {String} - */ -const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); - - // Majors will always be incremented - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - return incrementMinor(major, minor); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); - } - - if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); - } - - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); -}; - -/** - * @param {String} currentVersion - * @param {String} level - * @returns {String} - */ -function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - if (major === 1) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - if (minor === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); - } - - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - if (patch === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); - } - - if (build === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); -} - - - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -9327,1691 +9095,2285 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +/***/ }), -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} +"use strict"; -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } +}; -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} +/***/ }), -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) } - - return "%" + hex; + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - let str = ""; +/***/ }), - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - return str; -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} +/***/ }), -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); +"use strict"; - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - return cStr; -} +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; +} - return parseInt(input, R); +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; +} - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; +} - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - numbers.push(n); - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } + // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. + self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { + socket.on('free', onFree); + socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); + req.onSocket(socket); - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; + function onFree() { + self.emit('free', socket, options); } - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; + function onCloseOrRemove(err) { + self.removeSocket(socket); + socket.removeListener('free', onFree); + socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); } + }); +}; - let value = 0; - let length = 0; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + var placeholder = {}; + self.sockets.push(placeholder); - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; + var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { + method: 'CONNECT', + path: options.host + ':' + options.port, + agent: false, + headers: { + host: options.host + ':' + options.port } + }); + if (options.localAddress) { + connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; + } + if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { + connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; + connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + + new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); + } - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } + debug('making CONNECT request'); + var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); + connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later + connectReq.once('error', onError); + connectReq.end(); - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; + function onResponse(res) { + // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. + res.upgrade = true; } - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; + function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { + // Hacky. + process.nextTick(function() { + onConnect(res, socket, head); + }); } - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } + function onConnect(res, socket, head) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); + socket.removeAllListeners(); - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; + if (res.statusCode !== 200) { + debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', + res.statusCode); + socket.destroy(); + var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + + 'statusCode=' + res.statusCode); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); + return; } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; + if (head.length > 0) { + debug('got illegal response body from proxy'); + socket.destroy(); + var error = new Error('got illegal response body from proxy'); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); + return; } + debug('tunneling connection has established'); + self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(placeholder)] = socket; + return cb(socket); } - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } + function onError(cause) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); + debug('tunneling socket could not be established, cause=%s\n', + cause.message, cause.stack); + var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + + 'cause=' + cause.message); + error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; + options.request.emit('error', error); + self.removeSocket(placeholder); } +}; - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; +TunnelingAgent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(socket) { + var pos = this.sockets.indexOf(socket) + if (pos === -1) { + return; } + this.sockets.splice(pos, 1); - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; + var pending = this.requests.shift(); + if (pending) { + // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one + // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed. + this.createSocket(pending, function(socket) { + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + }); } +}; - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } +function createSecureSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket.call(self, options, function(socket) { + var hostHeader = options.request.getHeader('host'); + var tlsOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.options, { + socket: socket, + servername: hostHeader ? hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '') : options.host + }); - return asciiDomain; + // 0 is dummy port for v0.6 + var secureSocket = tls.connect(0, tlsOptions); + self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(socket)] = secureSocket; + cb(secureSocket); + }); } -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); +function toOptions(host, port, localAddress) { + if (typeof host === 'string') { // since v0.10 + return { + host: host, + port: port, + localAddress: localAddress + }; } - return output; + return host; // for v0.11 or later } -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; +function mergeOptions(target) { + for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { + var overrides = arguments[i]; + if (typeof overrides === 'object') { + var keys = Object.keys(overrides); + for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) { + var k = keys[j]; + if (overrides[k] !== undefined) { + target[k] = overrides[k]; + } } - ++currLen; } } + return target; +} - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; +var debug; +if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\btunnel\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) { + debug = function() { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { + args[0] = 'TUNNEL: ' + args[0]; + } else { + args.unshift('TUNNEL:'); + } + console.error.apply(console, args); + } +} else { + debug = function() {}; } +exports.debug = debug; // for test -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } +/***/ }), - return host; -} +/***/ 5030: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} +"use strict"; -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); + +function getUserAgent() { + if (typeof navigator === "object" && "userAgent" in navigator) { + return navigator.userAgent; } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; + + if (typeof process === "object" && "version" in process) { + return `Node.js/${process.version.substr(1)} (${process.platform}; ${process.arch})`; } - path.pop(); + return ""; } -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} +exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; +//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} +/***/ }), -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; +/***/ 5840: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, +"use strict"; - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v1", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v.default; } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v3", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v2.default; } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v4", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v3.default; } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "v5", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _v4.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "NIL", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _nil.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "version", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _version.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "validate", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _validate.default; } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _stringify.default; + } +})); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", ({ + enumerable: true, + get: function () { + return _parse.default; + } +})); - return true; -}; +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8628)); -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } +var _v2 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6409)); - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } +var _v3 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5122)); - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } +var _v4 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9120)); - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +var _nil = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5332)); - return true; -}; +var _version = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1595)); -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - return true; -}; +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } +var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); - return true; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } +/***/ }), - return true; -}; +/***/ 4569: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); +"use strict"; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - return true; -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - return true; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; +function md5(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); } - return true; -}; + return _crypto.default.createHash('md5').update(bytes).digest(); +} -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } +var _default = md5; +exports["default"] = _default; - return true; -}; +/***/ }), -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; +/***/ 5332: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); +"use strict"; - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - return true; -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; +var _default = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; +exports["default"] = _default; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } +/***/ }), - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } +/***/ 2746: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } +"use strict"; - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - return true; -}; +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +function parse(uuid) { + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); } - return true; -}; + let v; + const arr = new Uint8Array(16); // Parse ########-....-....-....-............ -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } + arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; + arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; + arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; + arr[3] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-####-....-....-............ - return true; -}; + arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[5] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-####-....-............ -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; + arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[7] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-####-............ - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } + arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[9] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-....-############ + // (Use "/" to avoid 32-bit truncation when bit-shifting high-order bytes) - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } + arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 0x10000000000 & 0xff; + arr[11] = v / 0x100000000 & 0xff; + arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 0xff; + arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; + arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; + arr[15] = v & 0xff; + return arr; +} - return true; -}; +var _default = parse; +exports["default"] = _default; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; +/***/ }), - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } +/***/ 814: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - return true; -}; +"use strict"; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; +var _default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; +exports["default"] = _default; - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +/***/ }), - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } +/***/ 807: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - return true; -}; +"use strict"; -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = rng; - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - return true; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } +const rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); // # of random values to pre-allocate - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } +let poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } +function rng() { + if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { + _crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); - this.buffer += cStr; + poolPtr = 0; } - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } + return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); +} - return true; -}; +/***/ }), -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; +/***/ 5274: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } +"use strict"; - output += serializeHost(url.host); - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } +var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; +function sha1(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); } - return output; + return _crypto.default.createHash('sha1').update(bytes).digest(); } -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} +var _default = sha1; +exports["default"] = _default; -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; +/***/ }), -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; +/***/ 8950: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } +"use strict"; - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - return usm.url; -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; +/** + * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: + * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX + */ +const byteToHex = []; -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; +for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { + byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1)); +} -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; +function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { + // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance + // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434 + const uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one + // of the following: + // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to + // "undefined" in the uuid) + // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); } - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + return uuid; +} +var _default = stringify; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { +/***/ 8628: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); +var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +// **`v1()` - Generate time-based UUID** +// +// Inspired by https://github.com/LiosK/UUID.js +// and http://docs.python.org/library/uuid.html +let _nodeId; +let _clockseq; // Previous uuid creation time -/***/ }), -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +let _lastMSecs = 0; +let _lastNSecs = 0; // See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid for API details -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) +function v1(options, buf, offset) { + let i = buf && offset || 0; + const b = buf || new Array(16); + options = options || {}; + let node = options.node || _nodeId; + let clockseq = options.clockseq !== undefined ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; // node and clockseq need to be initialized to random values if they're not + // specified. We do this lazily to minimize issues related to insufficient + // system entropy. See #189 -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) + if (node == null || clockseq == null) { + const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) + if (node == null) { + // Per 4.5, create and 48-bit node id, (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1) + node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 0x01, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; + } -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + if (clockseq == null) { + // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq + clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 0x3fff; + } + } // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch, + // (1582-10-15 00:00). JSNumbers aren't precise enough for this, so + // time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer milliseconds) and 'nsecs' + // (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00. + + + let msecs = options.msecs !== undefined ? options.msecs : Date.now(); // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock + // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock + + let nsecs = options.nsecs !== undefined ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs) + + const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 10000; // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression + + if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === undefined) { + clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 0x3fff; + } // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new + // time interval + + + if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === undefined) { + nsecs = 0; + } // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested + + + if (nsecs >= 10000) { + throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); } - f.called = false - return f -} -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + _lastMSecs = msecs; + _lastNSecs = nsecs; + _clockseq = clockseq; // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch + + msecs += 12219292800000; // `time_low` + + const tl = ((msecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nsecs) % 0x100000000; + b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tl & 0xff; // `time_mid` + + const tmh = msecs / 0x100000000 * 10000 & 0xfffffff; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 0xff; + b[i++] = tmh & 0xff; // `time_high_and_version` + + b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version + + b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 0xff; // `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (Per 4.2.2 - include variant) + + b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 0x80; // `clock_seq_low` + + b[i++] = clockseq & 0xff; // `node` + + for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { + b[i + n] = node[n]; } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f + + return buf || (0, _stringify.default)(b); } +var _default = v1; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 6409: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); +"use strict"; + + +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; + +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); + +var _md = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(4569)); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + +const v3 = (0, _v.default)('v3', 0x30, _md.default); +var _default = v3; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 4219: +/***/ 5998: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = _default; +exports.URL = exports.DNS = void 0; +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; +var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; -} +function stringToBytes(str) { + str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); // UTF8 escape -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} + const bytes = []; -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { + bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); + } -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; + return bytes; } +const DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; +exports.DNS = DNS; +const URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; +exports.URL = URL; -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; - - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } +function _default(name, version, hashfunc) { + function generateUUID(value, namespace, buf, offset) { + if (typeof value === 'string') { + value = stringToBytes(value); } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); + if (typeof namespace === 'string') { + namespace = (0, _parse.default)(namespace); + } - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; - } + if (namespace.length !== 16) { + throw TypeError('Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)'); + } // Compute hash of namespace and value, Per 4.3 + // Future: Use spread syntax when supported on all platforms, e.g. `bytes = + // hashfunc([...namespace, ... value])` - // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. - self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { - socket.on('free', onFree); - socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - req.onSocket(socket); - function onFree() { - self.emit('free', socket, options); - } + let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value.length); + bytes.set(namespace); + bytes.set(value, namespace.length); + bytes = hashfunc(bytes); + bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 0x0f | version; + bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; - function onCloseOrRemove(err) { - self.removeSocket(socket); - socket.removeListener('free', onFree); - socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - } - }); -}; + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; -TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - var placeholder = {}; - self.sockets.push(placeholder); + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; + } - var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { - method: 'CONNECT', - path: options.host + ':' + options.port, - agent: false, - headers: { - host: options.host + ':' + options.port + return buf; } - }); - if (options.localAddress) { - connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; - } - if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { - connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; - connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + - new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); - } - debug('making CONNECT request'); - var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); - connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later - connectReq.once('error', onError); - connectReq.end(); + return (0, _stringify.default)(bytes); + } // Function#name is not settable on some platforms (#270) - function onResponse(res) { - // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. - res.upgrade = true; - } - function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { - // Hacky. - process.nextTick(function() { - onConnect(res, socket, head); - }); - } + try { + generateUUID.name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty + } catch (err) {} // For CommonJS default export support - function onConnect(res, socket, head) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - socket.removeAllListeners(); - if (res.statusCode !== 200) { - debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', - res.statusCode); - socket.destroy(); - var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + - 'statusCode=' + res.statusCode); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - return; - } - if (head.length > 0) { - debug('got illegal response body from proxy'); - socket.destroy(); - var error = new Error('got illegal response body from proxy'); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - return; - } - debug('tunneling connection has established'); - self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(placeholder)] = socket; - return cb(socket); - } + generateUUID.DNS = DNS; + generateUUID.URL = URL; + return generateUUID; +} - function onError(cause) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); +/***/ }), - debug('tunneling socket could not be established, cause=%s\n', - cause.message, cause.stack); - var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' + - 'cause=' + cause.message); - error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; - options.request.emit('error', error); - self.removeSocket(placeholder); - } -}; +/***/ 5122: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -TunnelingAgent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(socket) { - var pos = this.sockets.indexOf(socket) - if (pos === -1) { - return; - } - this.sockets.splice(pos, 1); +"use strict"; - var pending = this.requests.shift(); - if (pending) { - // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one - // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed. - this.createSocket(pending, function(socket) { - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - }); - } -}; -function createSecureSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket.call(self, options, function(socket) { - var hostHeader = options.request.getHeader('host'); - var tlsOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.options, { - socket: socket, - servername: hostHeader ? hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '') : options.host - }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - // 0 is dummy port for v0.6 - var secureSocket = tls.connect(0, tlsOptions); - self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(socket)] = secureSocket; - cb(secureSocket); - }); -} +var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); +var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); -function toOptions(host, port, localAddress) { - if (typeof host === 'string') { // since v0.10 - return { - host: host, - port: port, - localAddress: localAddress - }; - } - return host; // for v0.11 or later -} +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -function mergeOptions(target) { - for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { - var overrides = arguments[i]; - if (typeof overrides === 'object') { - var keys = Object.keys(overrides); - for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) { - var k = keys[j]; - if (overrides[k] !== undefined) { - target[k] = overrides[k]; - } - } - } - } - return target; -} +function v4(options, buf, offset) { + options = options || {}; + const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` -var debug; -if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\btunnel\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) { - debug = function() { - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); - if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { - args[0] = 'TUNNEL: ' + args[0]; - } else { - args.unshift('TUNNEL:'); + + rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; + rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided + + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; } - console.error.apply(console, args); + + return buf; } -} else { - debug = function() {}; + + return (0, _stringify.default)(rnds); } -exports.debug = debug; // for test +var _default = v4; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 5030: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { +/***/ 9120: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); - -function getUserAgent() { - if (typeof navigator === "object" && "userAgent" in navigator) { - return navigator.userAgent; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ + value: true +})); +exports["default"] = void 0; - if (typeof process === "object" && "version" in process) { - return `Node.js/${process.version.substr(1)} (${process.platform}; ${process.arch})`; - } +var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - return ""; -} +var _sha = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5274)); -exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; -//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +const v5 = (0, _v.default)('v5', 0x50, _sha.default); +var _default = v5; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 5840: +/***/ 6900: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; @@ -11020,84 +11382,22 @@ exports.getUserAgent = getUserAgent; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v1", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v3", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v2.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v4", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v3.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "v5", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _v4.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "NIL", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _nil.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "version", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _version.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "validate", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _validate.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _stringify.default; - } -})); -Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", ({ - enumerable: true, - get: function () { - return _parse.default; - } -})); +exports["default"] = void 0; -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8628)); +var _regex = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(814)); -var _v2 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6409)); +function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -var _v3 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5122)); +function validate(uuid) { + return typeof uuid === 'string' && _regex.default.test(uuid); +} -var _v4 = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9120)); - -var _nil = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5332)); - -var _version = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1595)); - -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } +var _default = validate; +exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 4569: +/***/ 1595: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; @@ -11108,1015 +11408,546 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ })); exports["default"] = void 0; -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); +var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -function md5(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); +function version(uuid) { + if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { + throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); } - return _crypto.default.createHash('md5').update(bytes).digest(); + return parseInt(uuid.substr(14, 1), 16); } -var _default = md5; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5332: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; -var _default = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; +var _default = version; exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 2746: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; +/***/ 2940: +/***/ ((module) => { +// Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback +// The wrapper function should do some stuff, and return a +// presumably different callback function. +// This makes sure that own properties are retained, so that +// decorations and such are not lost along the way. +module.exports = wrappy +function wrappy (fn, cb) { + if (fn && cb) return wrappy(fn)(cb) -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; + if (typeof fn !== 'function') + throw new TypeError('need wrapper function') -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); + Object.keys(fn).forEach(function (k) { + wrapper[k] = fn[k] + }) -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + return wrapper -function parse(uuid) { - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); + function wrapper() { + var args = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + args[i] = arguments[i] + } + var ret = fn.apply(this, args) + var cb = args[args.length-1] + if (typeof ret === 'function' && ret !== cb) { + Object.keys(cb).forEach(function (k) { + ret[k] = cb[k] + }) + } + return ret } - - let v; - const arr = new Uint8Array(16); // Parse ########-....-....-....-............ - - arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; - arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; - arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; - arr[3] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-####-....-....-............ - - arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[5] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-####-....-............ - - arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[7] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-####-............ - - arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; - arr[9] = v & 0xff; // Parse ........-....-....-....-############ - // (Use "/" to avoid 32-bit truncation when bit-shifting high-order bytes) - - arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 0x10000000000 & 0xff; - arr[11] = v / 0x100000000 & 0xff; - arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 0xff; - arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 0xff; - arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 0xff; - arr[15] = v & 0xff; - return arr; } -var _default = parse; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 814: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { +/***/ 1935: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const core_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +const github_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5438)); +const ActionUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6981)); +const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); +const GitUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1547)); +async function run() { + try { + const inputTag = core_1.default.getInput('TAG', { required: true }); + const isProductionDeploy = ActionUtils_1.default.getJSONInput('IS_PRODUCTION_DEPLOY', { required: false }, false); + const deployEnv = isProductionDeploy ? 'production' : 'staging'; + console.log(`Looking for PRs deployed to ${deployEnv} in ${inputTag}...`); + const completedDeploys = (await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.actions.listWorkflowRuns({ + owner: github_1.default.context.repo.owner, + repo: github_1.default.context.repo.repo, + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention + workflow_id: 'platformDeploy.yml', + status: 'completed', + event: isProductionDeploy ? 'release' : 'push', + })).data.workflow_runs; + const priorTag = completedDeploys[0].head_branch; + console.log(`Looking for PRs deployed to ${deployEnv} between ${priorTag} and ${inputTag}`); + const prList = await GitUtils_1.default.getPullRequestsMergedBetween(priorTag ?? '', inputTag); + console.log('Found the pull request list: ', prList); + core_1.default.setOutput('PR_LIST', prList); + } + catch (error) { + console.error(error.message); + core_1.default.setFailed(error); + } +} +if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { + run(); +} +exports["default"] = run; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; -var _default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 807: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 6981: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; })); -exports["default"] = rng; - -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getStringInput = exports.getJSONInput = void 0; +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +/** + * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. + * + * @param name - The name of the input. + * @param options - Options to pass to core.getInput + * @param [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. + * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. + */ +function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (input) { + return JSON.parse(input); + } + return defaultValue; +} +exports.getJSONInput = getJSONInput; +/** + * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. + */ +function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (!input) { + return defaultValue; + } + return input; +} +exports.getStringInput = getStringInput; -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } -const rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); // # of random values to pre-allocate +/***/ }), -let poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; +/***/ 9873: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -function rng() { - if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { - _crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); +"use strict"; - poolPtr = 0; - } +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const GIT_CONST = { + GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', + APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, + APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', + OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', + LABELS: { + STAGING_DEPLOY: 'StagingDeployCash', + DEPLOY_BLOCKER: 'DeployBlockerCash', + INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', + }, + DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, +}; +exports["default"] = CONST; - return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); -} /***/ }), -/***/ 5274: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 1547: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6113)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function sha1(bytes) { - if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); - } else if (typeof bytes === 'string') { - bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, 'utf8'); - } - - return _crypto.default.createHash('sha1').update(bytes).digest(); -} - -var _default = sha1; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8950: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; })); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const child_process_1 = __nccwpck_require__(2081); +const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); +const sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(3902)); +const VERSION_UPDATER = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(8982)); /** - * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: - * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX + * @param [shallowExcludeTag] When fetching the given tag, exclude all history reachable by the shallowExcludeTag (used to make fetch much faster) */ -const byteToHex = []; - -for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { - byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1)); +function fetchTag(tag, shallowExcludeTag = '') { + let shouldRetry = true; + let needsRepack = false; + while (shouldRetry) { + try { + let command = ''; + if (needsRepack) { + // We have seen some scenarios where this fixes the git fetch. + // Why? Who knows... https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/31459 + command = 'git repack -d'; + console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); + (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); + } + command = `git fetch origin tag ${tag} --no-tags`; + // Note that this condition is only ever NOT true in the 1.0.0-0 edge case + if (shallowExcludeTag && shallowExcludeTag !== tag) { + command += ` --shallow-exclude=${shallowExcludeTag}`; + } + console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); + (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); + shouldRetry = false; + } + catch (e) { + console.error(e); + if (!needsRepack) { + console.log('Attempting to repack and retry...'); + needsRepack = true; + } + else { + console.error("Repack didn't help, giving up..."); + shouldRetry = false; + } + } + } } - -function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { - // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance - // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434 - const uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one - // of the following: - // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to - // "undefined" in the uuid) - // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields - - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); - } - - return uuid; +/** + * Get merge logs between two tags (inclusive) as a JavaScript object. + */ +function getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag) { + // Fetch tags, exclude commits reachable from the previous patch version (i.e: previous checklist), so that we don't have to fetch the full history + const previousPatchVersion = VERSION_UPDATER.getPreviousVersion(fromTag, VERSION_UPDATER.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); + fetchTag(fromTag, previousPatchVersion); + fetchTag(toTag, previousPatchVersion); + console.log('Getting pull requests merged between the following tags:', fromTag, toTag); + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let stdout = ''; + let stderr = ''; + const args = ['log', '--format={"commit": "%H", "authorName": "%an", "subject": "%s"},', `${fromTag}...${toTag}`]; + console.log(`Running command: git ${args.join(' ')}`); + const spawnedProcess = (0, child_process_1.spawn)('git', args); + spawnedProcess.on('message', console.log); + spawnedProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { + console.log(chunk.toString()); + stdout += chunk.toString(); + }); + spawnedProcess.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { + console.error(chunk.toString()); + stderr += chunk.toString(); + }); + spawnedProcess.on('close', (code) => { + if (code !== 0) { + return reject(new Error(`${stderr}`)); + } + resolve(stdout); + }); + spawnedProcess.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); + }).then((stdout) => { + // Sanitize just the text within commit subjects as that's the only potentially un-parseable text. + const sanitizedOutput = stdout.replace(/(?<="subject": ").*?(?="})/g, (subject) => (0, sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1.default)(subject)); + // Then remove newlines, format as JSON and convert to a proper JS object + const json = `[${sanitizedOutput}]`.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '').replace('},]', '}]'); + return JSON.parse(json); + }); +} +/** + * Parse merged PRs, excluding those from irrelevant branches. + */ +function getValidMergedPRs(commits) { + const mergedPRs = new Set(); + commits.forEach((commit) => { + const author = commit.authorName; + if (author === CONST_1.default.OS_BOTIFY) { + return; + } + const match = commit.subject.match(/Merge pull request #(\d+) from (?!Expensify\/.*-cherry-pick-staging)/); + if (!Array.isArray(match) || match.length < 2) { + return; + } + const pr = Number.parseInt(match[1], 10); + if (mergedPRs.has(pr)) { + // If a PR shows up in the log twice, that means that the PR was deployed in the previous checklist. + // That also means that we don't want to include it in the current checklist, so we remove it now. + mergedPRs.delete(pr); + return; + } + mergedPRs.add(pr); + }); + return Array.from(mergedPRs); +} +/** + * Takes in two git tags and returns a list of PR numbers of all PRs merged between those two tags + */ +async function getPullRequestsMergedBetween(fromTag, toTag) { + console.log(`Looking for commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}...`); + const commitList = await getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag); + console.log(`Commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}:`, commitList); + // Find which commit messages correspond to merged PR's + const pullRequestNumbers = getValidMergedPRs(commitList).sort((a, b) => a - b); + console.log(`List of pull requests merged between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}`, pullRequestNumbers); + return pullRequestNumbers; } +exports["default"] = { + getValidMergedPRs, + getPullRequestsMergedBetween, +}; -var _default = stringify; -exports["default"] = _default; /***/ }), -/***/ 8628: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { +/***/ 9296: +/***/ (function(module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { "use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -// **`v1()` - Generate time-based UUID** -// -// Inspired by https://github.com/LiosK/UUID.js -// and http://docs.python.org/library/uuid.html -let _nodeId; - -let _clockseq; // Previous uuid creation time - - -let _lastMSecs = 0; -let _lastNSecs = 0; // See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid for API details - -function v1(options, buf, offset) { - let i = buf && offset || 0; - const b = buf || new Array(16); - options = options || {}; - let node = options.node || _nodeId; - let clockseq = options.clockseq !== undefined ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; // node and clockseq need to be initialized to random values if they're not - // specified. We do this lazily to minimize issues related to insufficient - // system entropy. See #189 - - if (node == null || clockseq == null) { - const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); - - if (node == null) { - // Per 4.5, create and 48-bit node id, (47 random bits + multicast bit = 1) - node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 0x01, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; - } - - if (clockseq == null) { - // Per 4.2.2, randomize (14 bit) clockseq - clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 0x3fff; +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } - } // UUID timestamps are 100 nano-second units since the Gregorian epoch, - // (1582-10-15 00:00). JSNumbers aren't precise enough for this, so - // time is handled internally as 'msecs' (integer milliseconds) and 'nsecs' - // (100-nanoseconds offset from msecs) since unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00. - - - let msecs = options.msecs !== undefined ? options.msecs : Date.now(); // Per, use count of uuid's generated during the current clock - // cycle to simulate higher resolution clock - - let nsecs = options.nsecs !== undefined ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; // Time since last uuid creation (in msecs) - - const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 10000; // Per, Bump clockseq on clock regression - - if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === undefined) { - clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 0x3fff; - } // Reset nsecs if clock regresses (new clockseq) or we've moved onto a new - // time interval - - - if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === undefined) { - nsecs = 0; - } // Per Throw error if too many uuids are requested - - - if (nsecs >= 10000) { - throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); - } - - _lastMSecs = msecs; - _lastNSecs = nsecs; - _clockseq = clockseq; // Per 4.1.4 - Convert from unix epoch to Gregorian epoch - - msecs += 12219292800000; // `time_low` - - const tl = ((msecs & 0xfffffff) * 10000 + nsecs) % 0x100000000; - b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tl & 0xff; // `time_mid` - - const tmh = msecs / 0x100000000 * 10000 & 0xfffffff; - b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 0xff; - b[i++] = tmh & 0xff; // `time_high_and_version` - - b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 0xf | 0x10; // include version - - b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 0xff; // `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` (Per 4.2.2 - include variant) - - b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 0x80; // `clock_seq_low` - - b[i++] = clockseq & 0xff; // `node` - - for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { - b[i + n] = node[n]; - } - - return buf || (0, _stringify.default)(b); -} - -var _default = v1; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6409: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - -var _md = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(4569)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -const v3 = (0, _v.default)('v3', 0x30, _md.default); -var _default = v3; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5998: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; })); -exports["default"] = _default; -exports.URL = exports.DNS = void 0; - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2746)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function stringToBytes(str) { - str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); // UTF8 escape - - const bytes = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { - bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); - } - - return bytes; -} - -const DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; -exports.DNS = DNS; -const URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; -exports.URL = URL; - -function _default(name, version, hashfunc) { - function generateUUID(value, namespace, buf, offset) { - if (typeof value === 'string') { - value = stringToBytes(value); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.POLL_RATE = exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = void 0; +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, import/no-import-module-exports */ +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3030); +const plugin_paginate_rest_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4193); +const plugin_throttling_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9968); +const EmptyObject_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8227); +const arrayDifference_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7034)); +const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); +const GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX = new RegExp('https?://(?:github\\.com|api\\.github\\.com)'); +const PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/pull/([0-9]+).*`); +const ISSUE_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/issues/([0-9]+).*`); +const ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/(?:pull|issues)/([0-9]+).*`); +exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX; +/** + * The standard rate in ms at which we'll poll the GitHub API to check for status changes. + * It's 10 seconds :) + */ +const POLL_RATE = 10000; +exports.POLL_RATE = POLL_RATE; +class GithubUtils { + static internalOctokit; + static POLL_RATE; + /** + * Initialize internal octokit + * + * @private + */ + static initOctokit() { + const Octokit = utils_1.GitHub.plugin(plugin_throttling_1.throttling, plugin_paginate_rest_1.paginateRest); + const token = core.getInput('GITHUB_TOKEN', { required: true }); + // Save a copy of octokit used in this class + this.internalOctokit = new Octokit((0, utils_1.getOctokitOptions)(token, { + throttle: { + retryAfterBaseValue: 2000, + onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { + console.warn(`Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); + // Retry five times when hitting a rate limit error, then give up + if (options.request.retryCount <= 5) { + console.log(`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`); + return true; + } + }, + onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { + // does not retry, only logs a warning + console.warn(`Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); + }, + }, + })); } - - if (typeof namespace === 'string') { - namespace = (0, _parse.default)(namespace); + /** + * Either give an existing instance of Octokit rest or create a new one + * + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get octokit() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.rest; } - - if (namespace.length !== 16) { - throw TypeError('Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)'); - } // Compute hash of namespace and value, Per 4.3 - // Future: Use spread syntax when supported on all platforms, e.g. `bytes = - // hashfunc([...namespace, ... value])` - - - let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value.length); - bytes.set(namespace); - bytes.set(value, namespace.length); - bytes = hashfunc(bytes); - bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 0x0f | version; - bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; - - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; - } - - return buf; + /** + * Get the graphql instance from internal octokit. + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get graphql() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.graphql; } - - return (0, _stringify.default)(bytes); - } // Function#name is not settable on some platforms (#270) - - - try { - generateUUID.name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty - } catch (err) {} // For CommonJS default export support - - - generateUUID.DNS = DNS; - generateUUID.URL = URL; - return generateUUID; -} - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5122: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _rng = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(807)); - -var _stringify = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(8950)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function v4(options, buf, offset) { - options = options || {}; - - const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || _rng.default)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` - - - rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; - rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided - - if (buf) { - offset = offset || 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; + /** + * Either give an existing instance of Octokit paginate or create a new one + * + * @readonly + * @static + */ + static get paginate() { + if (!this.internalOctokit) { + this.initOctokit(); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style + return this.internalOctokit.paginate; } - - return buf; - } - - return (0, _stringify.default)(rnds); -} - -var _default = v4; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9120: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _v = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5998)); - -var _sha = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5274)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -const v5 = (0, _v.default)('v5', 0x50, _sha.default); -var _default = v5; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6900: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _regex = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(814)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function validate(uuid) { - return typeof uuid === 'string' && _regex.default.test(uuid); -} - -var _default = validate; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1595: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ - value: true -})); -exports["default"] = void 0; - -var _validate = _interopRequireDefault(__nccwpck_require__(6900)); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } - -function version(uuid) { - if (!(0, _validate.default)(uuid)) { - throw TypeError('Invalid UUID'); - } - - return parseInt(uuid.substr(14, 1), 16); -} - -var _default = version; -exports["default"] = _default; - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2940: -/***/ ((module) => { - -// Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback -// The wrapper function should do some stuff, and return a -// presumably different callback function. -// This makes sure that own properties are retained, so that -// decorations and such are not lost along the way. -module.exports = wrappy -function wrappy (fn, cb) { - if (fn && cb) return wrappy(fn)(cb) - - if (typeof fn !== 'function') - throw new TypeError('need wrapper function') - - Object.keys(fn).forEach(function (k) { - wrapper[k] = fn[k] - }) - - return wrapper - - function wrapper() { - var args = new Array(arguments.length) - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { - args[i] = arguments[i] + /** + * Finds one open `StagingDeployCash` issue via GitHub octokit library. + */ + static getStagingDeployCash() { + return this.octokit.issues + .listForRepo({ + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY, + state: 'open', + }) + .then(({ data }) => { + if (!data.length) { + throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); + } + if (data.length > 1) { + throw new Error(`Found more than one ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); + } + return this.getStagingDeployCashData(data[0]); + }); } - var ret = fn.apply(this, args) - var cb = args[args.length-1] - if (typeof ret === 'function' && ret !== cb) { - Object.keys(cb).forEach(function (k) { - ret[k] = cb[k] - }) + /** + * Takes in a GitHub issue object and returns the data we want. + */ + static getStagingDeployCashData(issue) { + try { + const versionRegex = new RegExp('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9]+))?', 'g'); + const tag = issue.body?.match(versionRegex)?.[0].replace(/`/g, ''); + return { + title: issue.title, + url: issue.url, + number: this.getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(issue.url), + labels: issue.labels, + PRList: this.getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue), + deployBlockers: this.getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue), + internalQAPRList: this.getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue), + isTimingDashboardChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked the \[App Timing Dashboard]/.test(issue.body) : false, + isFirebaseChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[Firebase Crashlytics]/.test(issue.body) : false, + isGHStatusChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[GitHub Status]/.test(issue.body) : false, + tag, + }; + } + catch (exception) { + throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue with correct data.`); + } } - return ret - } -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1935: -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const core_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); -const github_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(5438)); -const ActionUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(970)); -const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); -const GitUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(1547)); -async function run() { - try { - const inputTag = core_1.default.getInput('TAG', { required: true }); - const isProductionDeploy = ActionUtils_1.default.getJSONInput('IS_PRODUCTION_DEPLOY', { required: false }, false); - const deployEnv = isProductionDeploy ? 'production' : 'staging'; - console.log(`Looking for PRs deployed to ${deployEnv} in ${inputTag}...`); - const completedDeploys = (await GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.actions.listWorkflowRuns({ - owner: github_1.default.context.repo.owner, - repo: github_1.default.context.repo.repo, - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention - workflow_id: 'platformDeploy.yml', - status: 'completed', - event: isProductionDeploy ? 'release' : 'push', - })).data.workflow_runs; - const priorTag = completedDeploys[0].head_branch; - console.log(`Looking for PRs deployed to ${deployEnv} between ${priorTag} and ${inputTag}`); - const prList = await GitUtils_1.default.getPullRequestsMergedBetween(priorTag ?? '', inputTag); - console.log('Found the pull request list: ', prList); - core_1.default.setOutput('PR_LIST', prList); + /** + * Parse the PRList and Internal QA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. + * + * @private + */ + static getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue) { + let PRListSection = issue.body?.match(/pull requests:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)\r?\n\r?\n?/) ?? null; + if (PRListSection?.length !== 2) { + // No PRs, return an empty array + console.log('Hmmm...The open StagingDeployCash does not list any pull requests, continuing...'); + return []; + } + PRListSection = PRListSection[1]; + const PRList = [...PRListSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])] (${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ + url: match[2], + number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), + isVerified: match[1] === 'x', + })); + return PRList.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); } - catch (error) { - console.error(error.message); - core_1.default.setFailed(error); - } -} -if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { - run(); -} -exports["default"] = run; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9873: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { - GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', - APP_REPO: 'App', - APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', - OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', - LABELS: { - STAGING_DEPLOY: 'StagingDeployCash', - DEPLOY_BLOCKER: 'DeployBlockerCash', - INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', - }, - DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', -}; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; -exports["default"] = CONST; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1547: -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); - if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { - desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; - } - Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); -}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - o[k2] = m[k]; -})); -var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { - Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); -}) : function(o, v) { - o["default"] = v; -}); -var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { - if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; - var result = {}; - if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); - __setModuleDefault(result, mod); - return result; -}; -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const child_process_1 = __nccwpck_require__(2081); -const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); -const sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9338)); -const VERSION_UPDATER = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(8007)); -/** - * @param [shallowExcludeTag] When fetching the given tag, exclude all history reachable by the shallowExcludeTag (used to make fetch much faster) - */ -function fetchTag(tag, shallowExcludeTag = '') { - let shouldRetry = true; - let needsRepack = false; - while (shouldRetry) { - try { - let command = ''; - if (needsRepack) { - // We have seen some scenarios where this fixes the git fetch. - // Why? Who knows... https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/31459 - command = 'git repack -d'; - console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); - (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); - } - command = `git fetch origin tag ${tag} --no-tags`; - // Note that this condition is only ever NOT true in the 1.0.0-0 edge case - if (shallowExcludeTag && shallowExcludeTag !== tag) { - command += ` --shallow-exclude=${shallowExcludeTag}`; - } - console.log(`Running command: ${command}`); - (0, child_process_1.execSync)(command); - shouldRetry = false; - } - catch (e) { - console.error(e); - if (!needsRepack) { - console.log('Attempting to repack and retry...'); - needsRepack = true; - } - else { - console.error("Repack didn't help, giving up..."); - shouldRetry = false; - } - } - } -} -/** - * Get merge logs between two tags (inclusive) as a JavaScript object. - */ -function getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag) { - // Fetch tags, exclude commits reachable from the previous patch version (i.e: previous checklist), so that we don't have to fetch the full history - const previousPatchVersion = VERSION_UPDATER.getPreviousVersion(fromTag, VERSION_UPDATER.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - fetchTag(fromTag, previousPatchVersion); - fetchTag(toTag, previousPatchVersion); - console.log('Getting pull requests merged between the following tags:', fromTag, toTag); - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - let stdout = ''; - let stderr = ''; - const args = ['log', '--format={"commit": "%H", "authorName": "%an", "subject": "%s"},', `${fromTag}...${toTag}`]; - console.log(`Running command: git ${args.join(' ')}`); - const spawnedProcess = (0, child_process_1.spawn)('git', args); - spawnedProcess.on('message', console.log); - spawnedProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { - console.log(chunk.toString()); - stdout += chunk.toString(); - }); - spawnedProcess.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { - console.error(chunk.toString()); - stderr += chunk.toString(); - }); - spawnedProcess.on('close', (code) => { - if (code !== 0) { - return reject(new Error(`${stderr}`)); - } - resolve(stdout); - }); - spawnedProcess.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); - }).then((stdout) => { - // Sanitize just the text within commit subjects as that's the only potentially un-parseable text. - const sanitizedOutput = stdout.replace(/(?<="subject": ").*?(?="})/g, (subject) => (0, sanitizeStringForJSONParse_1.default)(subject)); - // Then remove newlines, format as JSON and convert to a proper JS object - const json = `[${sanitizedOutput}]`.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '').replace('},]', '}]'); - return JSON.parse(json); - }); -} -/** - * Parse merged PRs, excluding those from irrelevant branches. - */ -function getValidMergedPRs(commits) { - const mergedPRs = new Set(); - commits.forEach((commit) => { - const author = commit.authorName; - if (author === CONST_1.default.OS_BOTIFY) { - return; - } - const match = commit.subject.match(/Merge pull request #(\d+) from (?!Expensify\/.*-cherry-pick-staging)/); - if (!Array.isArray(match) || match.length < 2) { - return; - } - const pr = Number.parseInt(match[1], 10); - if (mergedPRs.has(pr)) { - // If a PR shows up in the log twice, that means that the PR was deployed in the previous checklist. - // That also means that we don't want to include it in the current checklist, so we remove it now. - mergedPRs.delete(pr); - return; - } - mergedPRs.add(pr); - }); - return Array.from(mergedPRs); -} -/** - * Takes in two git tags and returns a list of PR numbers of all PRs merged between those two tags - */ -async function getPullRequestsMergedBetween(fromTag, toTag) { - console.log(`Looking for commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}...`); - const commitList = await getCommitHistoryAsJSON(fromTag, toTag); - console.log(`Commits made between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}:`, commitList); - // Find which commit messages correspond to merged PR's - const pullRequestNumbers = getValidMergedPRs(commitList).sort((a, b) => a - b); - console.log(`List of pull requests merged between ${fromTag} and ${toTag}`, pullRequestNumbers); - return pullRequestNumbers; -} -exports["default"] = { - getValidMergedPRs, - getPullRequestsMergedBetween, -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9296: -/***/ (function(module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); - if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { - desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; - } - Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); -}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; - o[k2] = m[k]; -})); -var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { - Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); -}) : function(o, v) { - o["default"] = v; -}); -var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { - if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; - var result = {}; - if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); - __setModuleDefault(result, mod); - return result; -}; -var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.POLL_RATE = exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = void 0; -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, import/no-import-module-exports */ -const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); -const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3030); -const plugin_paginate_rest_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4193); -const plugin_throttling_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9968); -const EmptyObject_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8227); -const arrayDifference_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(7034)); -const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); -const GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX = new RegExp('https?://(?:github\\.com|api\\.github\\.com)'); -const PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/pull/([0-9]+).*`); -const ISSUE_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/issues/([0-9]+).*`); -const ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = new RegExp(`${GITHUB_BASE_URL_REGEX.source}/.*/.*/(?:pull|issues)/([0-9]+).*`); -exports.ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX = ISSUE_OR_PULL_REQUEST_REGEX; -/** - * The standard rate in ms at which we'll poll the GitHub API to check for status changes. - * It's 10 seconds :) - */ -const POLL_RATE = 10000; -exports.POLL_RATE = POLL_RATE; -class GithubUtils { - static internalOctokit; - static POLL_RATE; /** - * Initialize internal octokit - * - * @private - */ - static initOctokit() { - const Octokit = utils_1.GitHub.plugin(plugin_throttling_1.throttling, plugin_paginate_rest_1.paginateRest); - const token = core.getInput('GITHUB_TOKEN', { required: true }); - // Save a copy of octokit used in this class - this.internalOctokit = new Octokit((0, utils_1.getOctokitOptions)(token, { - throttle: { - retryAfterBaseValue: 2000, - onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { - console.warn(`Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); - // Retry five times when hitting a rate limit error, then give up - if (options.request.retryCount <= 5) { - console.log(`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`); - return true; - } - }, - onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => { - // does not retry, only logs a warning - console.warn(`Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`); - }, - }, - })); - } - /** - * Either give an existing instance of Octokit rest or create a new one - * - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get octokit() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.rest; - } - /** - * Get the graphql instance from internal octokit. - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get graphql() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.graphql; - } - /** - * Either give an existing instance of Octokit paginate or create a new one - * - * @readonly - * @static - */ - static get paginate() { - if (!this.internalOctokit) { - this.initOctokit(); - } - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style - return this.internalOctokit.paginate; - } - /** - * Finds one open `StagingDeployCash` issue via GitHub octokit library. - */ - static getStagingDeployCash() { - return this.octokit.issues - .listForRepo({ - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - labels: CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY, - state: 'open', - }) - .then(({ data }) => { - if (!data.length) { - throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); - } - if (data.length > 1) { - throw new Error(`Found more than one ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue.`); - } - return this.getStagingDeployCashData(data[0]); - }); - } - /** - * Takes in a GitHub issue object and returns the data we want. - */ - static getStagingDeployCashData(issue) { - try { - const versionRegex = new RegExp('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9]+))?', 'g'); - const tag = issue.body?.match(versionRegex)?.[0].replace(/`/g, ''); - return { - title: issue.title, - url: issue.url, - number: this.getIssueOrPullRequestNumberFromURL(issue.url), - labels: issue.labels, - PRList: this.getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue), - deployBlockers: this.getStagingDeployCashDeployBlockers(issue), - internalQAPRList: this.getStagingDeployCashInternalQA(issue), - isTimingDashboardChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked the \[App Timing Dashboard]/.test(issue.body) : false, - isFirebaseChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[Firebase Crashlytics]/.test(issue.body) : false, - isGHStatusChecked: issue.body ? /-\s\[x]\sI checked \[GitHub Status]/.test(issue.body) : false, - tag, - }; - } - catch (exception) { - throw new Error(`Unable to find ${CONST_1.default.LABELS.STAGING_DEPLOY} issue with correct data.`); - } - } - /** - * Parse the PRList and Internal QA section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. - * - * @private - */ - static getStagingDeployCashPRList(issue) { - let PRListSection = issue.body?.match(/pull requests:\*\*\r?\n((?:-.*\r?\n)+)\r?\n\r?\n?/) ?? null; - if (PRListSection?.length !== 2) { - // No PRs, return an empty array - console.log('Hmmm...The open StagingDeployCash does not list any pull requests, continuing...'); - return []; - } - PRListSection = PRListSection[1]; - const PRList = [...PRListSection.matchAll(new RegExp(`- \\[([ x])] (${PULL_REQUEST_REGEX.source})`, 'g'))].map((match) => ({ - url: match[2], - number: Number.parseInt(match[3], 10), - isVerified: match[1] === 'x', - })); - return PRList.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); - } - /** - * Parse DeployBlocker section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. + * Parse DeployBlocker section of the StagingDeployCash issue body. * * @private */ @@ -12353,2518 +12184,335 @@ class GithubUtils { } return Number.parseInt(matches[1], 10); } - /** - * Return the login of the actor who closed an issue or PR. If the issue is not closed, return an empty string. - */ - static getActorWhoClosedIssue(issueNumber) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listEvents, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - issue_number: issueNumber, - per_page: 100, - }) - .then((events) => events.filter((event) => event.event === 'closed')) - .then((closedEvents) => closedEvents.at(-1)?.actor?.login ?? ''); - } - static getArtifactByName(artefactName) { - return this.paginate(this.octokit.actions.listArtifactsForRepo, { - owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, - repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, - per_page: 100, - }).then((artifacts) => artifacts.find((artifact) => artifact.name === artefactName)); - } -} -exports["default"] = GithubUtils; -// This is a temporary solution to allow the use of the GithubUtils class in both TypeScript and JavaScript. -// Once all the files that import GithubUtils are migrated to TypeScript, this can be removed. -module.exports = GithubUtils; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3902: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const replacer = (str) => ({ - '\\': '\\\\', - '\t': '\\t', - '\n': '\\n', - '\r': '\\r', - '\f': '\\f', - '"': '\\"', -}[str] ?? ''); -/** - * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output - * - * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 - * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading - */ -const sanitizeStringForJSONParse = (inputString) => { - if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); - } - // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes - return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); -}; -exports["default"] = sanitizeStringForJSONParse; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8982: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.getPreviousVersion = exports.incrementPatch = exports.incrementMinor = exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = exports.incrementVersion = exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = exports.getVersionNumberFromString = void 0; -const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { - MAJOR: 'MAJOR', - MINOR: 'MINOR', - PATCH: 'PATCH', - BUILD: 'BUILD', -}; -exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS; -const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; -exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = MAX_INCREMENTS; -/** - * Transforms a versions string into a number - */ -const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { - const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); - const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map((n) => Number(n)); - return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; -}; -exports.getVersionNumberFromString = getVersionNumberFromString; -/** - * Transforms version numbers components into a version string - */ -const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; -exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = getVersionStringFromNumber; -/** - * Increments a minor version - */ -const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { - if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); -}; -exports.incrementMinor = incrementMinor; -/** - * Increments a Patch version - */ -const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { - if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); - } - return incrementMinor(major, minor); -}; -exports.incrementPatch = incrementPatch; -/** - * Increments a build version - */ -const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); - // Majors will always be incremented - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - return incrementMinor(major, minor); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); - } - if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); - } - return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); -}; -exports.incrementVersion = incrementVersion; -function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { - const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { - if (major === 1) { - return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { - if (minor === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); - } - if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { - if (patch === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); - } - if (build === 0) { - return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); - } - return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); -} -exports.getPreviousVersion = getPreviousVersion; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 8227: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -exports.isEmptyObject = void 0; -function isEmptyObject(obj) { - return Object.keys(obj ?? {}).length === 0; -} -exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7034: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -"use strict"; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -/** - * This function is an equivalent of _.difference, it takes two arrays and returns the difference between them. - * It returns an array of items that are in the first array but not in the second array. - */ -function arrayDifference(array1, array2) { - return [array1, array2].reduce((a, b) => a.filter((c) => !b.includes(c))); -} -exports["default"] = arrayDifference; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2877: -/***/ ((module) => { - -module.exports = eval("require")("encoding"); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9491: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("assert"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2081: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("child_process"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6113: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("crypto"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2361: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("events"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7147: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("fs"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3685: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("http"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5687: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("https"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1808: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("net"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2037: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("os"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1017: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("path"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 5477: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("punycode"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 2781: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("stream"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4404: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("tls"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 7310: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("url"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 3837: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("util"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 9796: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; -module.exports = require("zlib"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 6717: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { - -// Underscore.js 1.13.6 -// https://underscorejs.org -// (c) 2009-2022 Jeremy Ashkenas, Julian Gonggrijp, and DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors -// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. - -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); - -// Current version. -var VERSION = '1.13.6'; - -// Establish the root object, `window` (`self`) in the browser, `global` -// on the server, or `this` in some virtual machines. We use `self` -// instead of `window` for `WebWorker` support. -var root = (typeof self == 'object' && self.self === self && self) || - (typeof global == 'object' && global.global === global && global) || - Function('return this')() || - {}; - -// Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version: -var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype; -var SymbolProto = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' ? Symbol.prototype : null; - -// Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes. -var push = ArrayProto.push, - slice = ArrayProto.slice, - toString = ObjProto.toString, - hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty; - -// Modern feature detection. -var supportsArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined', - supportsDataView = typeof DataView !== 'undefined'; - -// All **ECMAScript 5+** native function implementations that we hope to use -// are declared here. -var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray, - nativeKeys = Object.keys, - nativeCreate = Object.create, - nativeIsView = supportsArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView; - -// Create references to these builtin functions because we override them. -var _isNaN = isNaN, - _isFinite = isFinite; - -// Keys in IE < 9 that won't be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed. -var hasEnumBug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable('toString'); -var nonEnumerableProps = ['valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString', - 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString']; - -// The largest integer that can be represented exactly. -var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; - -// Some functions take a variable number of arguments, or a few expected -// arguments at the beginning and then a variable number of values to operate -// on. This helper accumulates all remaining arguments past the function’s -// argument length (or an explicit `startIndex`), into an array that becomes -// the last argument. Similar to ES6’s "rest parameter". -function restArguments(func, startIndex) { - startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex; - return function() { - var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0), - rest = Array(length), - index = 0; - for (; index < length; index++) { - rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex]; - } - switch (startIndex) { - case 0: return func.call(this, rest); - case 1: return func.call(this, arguments[0], rest); - case 2: return func.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest); - } - var args = Array(startIndex + 1); - for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) { - args[index] = arguments[index]; - } - args[startIndex] = rest; - return func.apply(this, args); - }; -} - -// Is a given variable an object? -function isObject(obj) { - var type = typeof obj; - return type === 'function' || (type === 'object' && !!obj); -} - -// Is a given value equal to null? -function isNull(obj) { - return obj === null; -} - -// Is a given variable undefined? -function isUndefined(obj) { - return obj === void 0; -} - -// Is a given value a boolean? -function isBoolean(obj) { - return obj === true || obj === false || toString.call(obj) === '[object Boolean]'; -} - -// Is a given value a DOM element? -function isElement(obj) { - return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1); -} - -// Internal function for creating a `toString`-based type tester. -function tagTester(name) { - var tag = '[object ' + name + ']'; - return function(obj) { - return toString.call(obj) === tag; - }; -} - -var isString = tagTester('String'); - -var isNumber = tagTester('Number'); - -var isDate = tagTester('Date'); - -var isRegExp = tagTester('RegExp'); - -var isError = tagTester('Error'); - -var isSymbol = tagTester('Symbol'); - -var isArrayBuffer = tagTester('ArrayBuffer'); - -var isFunction = tagTester('Function'); - -// Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around some `typeof` bugs in old -// v8, IE 11 (#1621), Safari 8 (#1929), and PhantomJS (#2236). -var nodelist = root.document && root.document.childNodes; -if ( true && typeof Int8Array != 'object' && typeof nodelist != 'function') { - isFunction = function(obj) { - return typeof obj == 'function' || false; - }; -} - -var isFunction$1 = isFunction; - -var hasObjectTag = tagTester('Object'); - -// In IE 10 - Edge 13, `DataView` has string tag `'[object Object]'`. -// In IE 11, the most common among them, this problem also applies to -// `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set`. -var hasStringTagBug = ( - supportsDataView && hasObjectTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))) - ), - isIE11 = (typeof Map !== 'undefined' && hasObjectTag(new Map)); - -var isDataView = tagTester('DataView'); - -// In IE 10 - Edge 13, we need a different heuristic -// to determine whether an object is a `DataView`. -function ie10IsDataView(obj) { - return obj != null && isFunction$1(obj.getInt8) && isArrayBuffer(obj.buffer); -} - -var isDataView$1 = (hasStringTagBug ? ie10IsDataView : isDataView); - -// Is a given value an array? -// Delegates to ECMA5's native `Array.isArray`. -var isArray = nativeIsArray || tagTester('Array'); - -// Internal function to check whether `key` is an own property name of `obj`. -function has$1(obj, key) { - return obj != null && hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} - -var isArguments = tagTester('Arguments'); - -// Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE < 9), where -// there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type. -(function() { - if (!isArguments(arguments)) { - isArguments = function(obj) { - return has$1(obj, 'callee'); - }; - } -}()); - -var isArguments$1 = isArguments; - -// Is a given object a finite number? -function isFinite$1(obj) { - return !isSymbol(obj) && _isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)); -} - -// Is the given value `NaN`? -function isNaN$1(obj) { - return isNumber(obj) && _isNaN(obj); -} - -// Predicate-generating function. Often useful outside of Underscore. -function constant(value) { - return function() { - return value; - }; -} - -// Common internal logic for `isArrayLike` and `isBufferLike`. -function createSizePropertyCheck(getSizeProperty) { - return function(collection) { - var sizeProperty = getSizeProperty(collection); - return typeof sizeProperty == 'number' && sizeProperty >= 0 && sizeProperty <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX; - } -} - -// Internal helper to generate a function to obtain property `key` from `obj`. -function shallowProperty(key) { - return function(obj) { - return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key]; - }; -} - -// Internal helper to obtain the `byteLength` property of an object. -var getByteLength = shallowProperty('byteLength'); - -// Internal helper to determine whether we should spend extensive checks against -// `ArrayBuffer` et al. -var isBufferLike = createSizePropertyCheck(getByteLength); - -// Is a given value a typed array? -var typedArrayPattern = /\[object ((I|Ui)nt(8|16|32)|Float(32|64)|Uint8Clamped|Big(I|Ui)nt64)Array\]/; -function isTypedArray(obj) { - // `ArrayBuffer.isView` is the most future-proof, so use it when available. - // Otherwise, fall back on the above regular expression. - return nativeIsView ? (nativeIsView(obj) && !isDataView$1(obj)) : - isBufferLike(obj) && typedArrayPattern.test(toString.call(obj)); -} - -var isTypedArray$1 = supportsArrayBuffer ? isTypedArray : constant(false); - -// Internal helper to obtain the `length` property of an object. -var getLength = shallowProperty('length'); - -// Internal helper to create a simple lookup structure. -// `collectNonEnumProps` used to depend on `_.contains`, but this led to -// circular imports. `emulatedSet` is a one-off solution that only works for -// arrays of strings. -function emulatedSet(keys) { - var hash = {}; - for (var l = keys.length, i = 0; i < l; ++i) hash[keys[i]] = true; - return { - contains: function(key) { return hash[key] === true; }, - push: function(key) { - hash[key] = true; - return keys.push(key); - } - }; -} - -// Internal helper. Checks `keys` for the presence of keys in IE < 9 that won't -// be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed. Extends `keys` in place if -// needed. -function collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys) { - keys = emulatedSet(keys); - var nonEnumIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length; - var constructor = obj.constructor; - var proto = (isFunction$1(constructor) && constructor.prototype) || ObjProto; - - // Constructor is a special case. - var prop = 'constructor'; - if (has$1(obj, prop) && !keys.contains(prop)) keys.push(prop); - - while (nonEnumIdx--) { - prop = nonEnumerableProps[nonEnumIdx]; - if (prop in obj && obj[prop] !== proto[prop] && !keys.contains(prop)) { - keys.push(prop); - } - } -} - -// Retrieve the names of an object's own properties. -// Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`. -function keys(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return []; - if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj); - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) if (has$1(obj, key)) keys.push(key); - // Ahem, IE < 9. - if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); - return keys; -} - -// Is a given array, string, or object empty? -// An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties. -function isEmpty(obj) { - if (obj == null) return true; - // Skip the more expensive `toString`-based type checks if `obj` has no - // `.length`. - var length = getLength(obj); - if (typeof length == 'number' && ( - isArray(obj) || isString(obj) || isArguments$1(obj) - )) return length === 0; - return getLength(keys(obj)) === 0; -} - -// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs. -function isMatch(object, attrs) { - var _keys = keys(attrs), length = _keys.length; - if (object == null) return !length; - var obj = Object(object); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var key = _keys[i]; - if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false; - } - return true; -} - -// If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that can -// be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all functions added -// through `_.mixin`. Wrapped objects may be chained. -function _$1(obj) { - if (obj instanceof _$1) return obj; - if (!(this instanceof _$1)) return new _$1(obj); - this._wrapped = obj; -} - -_$1.VERSION = VERSION; - -// Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object. -_$1.prototype.value = function() { - return this._wrapped; -}; - -// Provide unwrapping proxies for some methods used in engine operations -// such as arithmetic and JSON stringification. -_$1.prototype.valueOf = _$1.prototype.toJSON = _$1.prototype.value; - -_$1.prototype.toString = function() { - return String(this._wrapped); -}; - -// Internal function to wrap or shallow-copy an ArrayBuffer, -// typed array or DataView to a new view, reusing the buffer. -function toBufferView(bufferSource) { - return new Uint8Array( - bufferSource.buffer || bufferSource, - bufferSource.byteOffset || 0, - getByteLength(bufferSource) - ); -} - -// We use this string twice, so give it a name for minification. -var tagDataView = '[object DataView]'; - -// Internal recursive comparison function for `_.isEqual`. -function eq(a, b, aStack, bStack) { - // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical. - // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](https://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal). - if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; - // `null` or `undefined` only equal to itself (strict comparison). - if (a == null || b == null) return false; - // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. - if (a !== a) return b !== b; - // Exhaust primitive checks - var type = typeof a; - if (type !== 'function' && type !== 'object' && typeof b != 'object') return false; - return deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack); -} - -// Internal recursive comparison function for `_.isEqual`. -function deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack) { - // Unwrap any wrapped objects. - if (a instanceof _$1) a = a._wrapped; - if (b instanceof _$1) b = b._wrapped; - // Compare `[[Class]]` names. - var className = toString.call(a); - if (className !== toString.call(b)) return false; - // Work around a bug in IE 10 - Edge 13. - if (hasStringTagBug && className == '[object Object]' && isDataView$1(a)) { - if (!isDataView$1(b)) return false; - className = tagDataView; - } - switch (className) { - // These types are compared by value. - case '[object RegExp]': - // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i') - case '[object String]': - // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is - // equivalent to `new String("5")`. - return '' + a === '' + b; - case '[object Number]': - // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. - // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN. - if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b; - // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values. - return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b; - case '[object Date]': - case '[object Boolean]': - // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their - // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations - // of `NaN` are not equivalent. - return +a === +b; - case '[object Symbol]': - return SymbolProto.valueOf.call(a) === SymbolProto.valueOf.call(b); - case '[object ArrayBuffer]': - case tagDataView: - // Coerce to typed array so we can fall through. - return deepEq(toBufferView(a), toBufferView(b), aStack, bStack); - } - - var areArrays = className === '[object Array]'; - if (!areArrays && isTypedArray$1(a)) { - var byteLength = getByteLength(a); - if (byteLength !== getByteLength(b)) return false; - if (a.buffer === b.buffer && a.byteOffset === b.byteOffset) return true; - areArrays = true; - } - if (!areArrays) { - if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false; - - // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s or `Array`s - // from different frames are. - var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor; - if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(isFunction$1(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor && - isFunction$1(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor) - && ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b)) { - return false; - } - } - // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic - // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`. - - // Initializing stack of traversed objects. - // It's done here since we only need them for objects and arrays comparison. - aStack = aStack || []; - bStack = bStack || []; - var length = aStack.length; - while (length--) { - // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of - // unique nested structures. - if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; - } - - // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects. - aStack.push(a); - bStack.push(b); - - // Recursively compare objects and arrays. - if (areArrays) { - // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary. - length = a.length; - if (length !== b.length) return false; - // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties. - while (length--) { - if (!eq(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) return false; - } - } else { - // Deep compare objects. - var _keys = keys(a), key; - length = _keys.length; - // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality. - if (keys(b).length !== length) return false; - while (length--) { - // Deep compare each member - key = _keys[length]; - if (!(has$1(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) return false; - } - } - // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects. - aStack.pop(); - bStack.pop(); - return true; -} - -// Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal. -function isEqual(a, b) { - return eq(a, b); -} - -// Retrieve all the enumerable property names of an object. -function allKeys(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return []; - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); - // Ahem, IE < 9. - if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); - return keys; -} - -// Since the regular `Object.prototype.toString` type tests don't work for -// some types in IE 11, we use a fingerprinting heuristic instead, based -// on the methods. It's not great, but it's the best we got. -// The fingerprint method lists are defined below. -function ie11fingerprint(methods) { - var length = getLength(methods); - return function(obj) { - if (obj == null) return false; - // `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set` have no enumerable keys. - var keys = allKeys(obj); - if (getLength(keys)) return false; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - if (!isFunction$1(obj[methods[i]])) return false; - } - // If we are testing against `WeakMap`, we need to ensure that - // `obj` doesn't have a `forEach` method in order to distinguish - // it from a regular `Map`. - return methods !== weakMapMethods || !isFunction$1(obj[forEachName]); - }; -} - -// In the interest of compact minification, we write -// each string in the fingerprints only once. -var forEachName = 'forEach', - hasName = 'has', - commonInit = ['clear', 'delete'], - mapTail = ['get', hasName, 'set']; - -// `Map`, `WeakMap` and `Set` each have slightly different -// combinations of the above sublists. -var mapMethods = commonInit.concat(forEachName, mapTail), - weakMapMethods = commonInit.concat(mapTail), - setMethods = ['add'].concat(commonInit, forEachName, hasName); - -var isMap = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(mapMethods) : tagTester('Map'); - -var isWeakMap = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(weakMapMethods) : tagTester('WeakMap'); - -var isSet = isIE11 ? ie11fingerprint(setMethods) : tagTester('Set'); - -var isWeakSet = tagTester('WeakSet'); - -// Retrieve the values of an object's properties. -function values(obj) { - var _keys = keys(obj); - var length = _keys.length; - var values = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - values[i] = obj[_keys[i]]; - } - return values; -} - -// Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs. -// The opposite of `_.object` with one argument. -function pairs(obj) { - var _keys = keys(obj); - var length = _keys.length; - var pairs = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - pairs[i] = [_keys[i], obj[_keys[i]]]; - } - return pairs; -} - -// Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable. -function invert(obj) { - var result = {}; - var _keys = keys(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - result[obj[_keys[i]]] = _keys[i]; - } - return result; -} - -// Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object. -function functions(obj) { - var names = []; - for (var key in obj) { - if (isFunction$1(obj[key])) names.push(key); - } - return names.sort(); -} - -// An internal function for creating assigner functions. -function createAssigner(keysFunc, defaults) { - return function(obj) { - var length = arguments.length; - if (defaults) obj = Object(obj); - if (length < 2 || obj == null) return obj; - for (var index = 1; index < length; index++) { - var source = arguments[index], - keys = keysFunc(source), - l = keys.length; - for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - if (!defaults || obj[key] === void 0) obj[key] = source[key]; - } - } - return obj; - }; -} - -// Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s). -var extend = createAssigner(allKeys); - -// Assigns a given object with all the own properties in the passed-in -// object(s). -// (https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign) -var extendOwn = createAssigner(keys); - -// Fill in a given object with default properties. -var defaults = createAssigner(allKeys, true); - -// Create a naked function reference for surrogate-prototype-swapping. -function ctor() { - return function(){}; -} - -// An internal function for creating a new object that inherits from another. -function baseCreate(prototype) { - if (!isObject(prototype)) return {}; - if (nativeCreate) return nativeCreate(prototype); - var Ctor = ctor(); - Ctor.prototype = prototype; - var result = new Ctor; - Ctor.prototype = null; - return result; -} - -// Creates an object that inherits from the given prototype object. -// If additional properties are provided then they will be added to the -// created object. -function create(prototype, props) { - var result = baseCreate(prototype); - if (props) extendOwn(result, props); - return result; -} - -// Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object. -function clone(obj) { - if (!isObject(obj)) return obj; - return isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : extend({}, obj); -} - -// Invokes `interceptor` with the `obj` and then returns `obj`. -// The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in -// order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain. -function tap(obj, interceptor) { - interceptor(obj); - return obj; -} - -// Normalize a (deep) property `path` to array. -// Like `_.iteratee`, this function can be customized. -function toPath$1(path) { - return isArray(path) ? path : [path]; -} -_$1.toPath = toPath$1; - -// Internal wrapper for `_.toPath` to enable minification. -// Similar to `cb` for `_.iteratee`. -function toPath(path) { - return _$1.toPath(path); -} - -// Internal function to obtain a nested property in `obj` along `path`. -function deepGet(obj, path) { - var length = path.length; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - if (obj == null) return void 0; - obj = obj[path[i]]; - } - return length ? obj : void 0; -} - -// Get the value of the (deep) property on `path` from `object`. -// If any property in `path` does not exist or if the value is -// `undefined`, return `defaultValue` instead. -// The `path` is normalized through `_.toPath`. -function get(object, path, defaultValue) { - var value = deepGet(object, toPath(path)); - return isUndefined(value) ? defaultValue : value; -} - -// Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly on -// itself (in other words, not on a prototype). Unlike the internal `has` -// function, this public version can also traverse nested properties. -function has(obj, path) { - path = toPath(path); - var length = path.length; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var key = path[i]; - if (!has$1(obj, key)) return false; - obj = obj[key]; - } - return !!length; -} - -// Keep the identity function around for default iteratees. -function identity(value) { - return value; -} - -// Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of -// `key:value` pairs. -function matcher(attrs) { - attrs = extendOwn({}, attrs); - return function(obj) { - return isMatch(obj, attrs); - }; -} - -// Creates a function that, when passed an object, will traverse that object’s -// properties down the given `path`, specified as an array of keys or indices. -function property(path) { - path = toPath(path); - return function(obj) { - return deepGet(obj, path); - }; -} - -// Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version -// of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore -// functions. -function optimizeCb(func, context, argCount) { - if (context === void 0) return func; - switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) { - case 1: return function(value) { - return func.call(context, value); - }; - // The 2-argument case is omitted because we’re not using it. - case 3: return function(value, index, collection) { - return func.call(context, value, index, collection); - }; - case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) { - return func.call(context, accumulator, value, index, collection); - }; - } - return function() { - return func.apply(context, arguments); - }; -} - -// An internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied to each -// element in a collection, returning the desired result — either `_.identity`, -// an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor. -function baseIteratee(value, context, argCount) { - if (value == null) return identity; - if (isFunction$1(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount); - if (isObject(value) && !isArray(value)) return matcher(value); - return property(value); -} - -// External wrapper for our callback generator. Users may customize -// `_.iteratee` if they want additional predicate/iteratee shorthand styles. -// This abstraction hides the internal-only `argCount` argument. -function iteratee(value, context) { - return baseIteratee(value, context, Infinity); -} -_$1.iteratee = iteratee; - -// The function we call internally to generate a callback. It invokes -// `_.iteratee` if overridden, otherwise `baseIteratee`. -function cb(value, context, argCount) { - if (_$1.iteratee !== iteratee) return _$1.iteratee(value, context); - return baseIteratee(value, context, argCount); -} - -// Returns the results of applying the `iteratee` to each element of `obj`. -// In contrast to `_.map` it returns an object. -function mapObject(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var _keys = keys(obj), - length = _keys.length, - results = {}; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys[index]; - results[currentKey] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return results; + /** + * Return the login of the actor who closed an issue or PR. If the issue is not closed, return an empty string. + */ + static getActorWhoClosedIssue(issueNumber) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.issues.listEvents, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + issue_number: issueNumber, + per_page: 100, + }) + .then((events) => events.filter((event) => event.event === 'closed')) + .then((closedEvents) => closedEvents.at(-1)?.actor?.login ?? ''); + } + static getArtifactByName(artefactName) { + return this.paginate(this.octokit.actions.listArtifactsForRepo, { + owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, + repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, + per_page: 100, + }).then((artifacts) => artifacts.find((artifact) => artifact.name === artefactName)); + } } +exports["default"] = GithubUtils; +// This is a temporary solution to allow the use of the GithubUtils class in both TypeScript and JavaScript. +// Once all the files that import GithubUtils are migrated to TypeScript, this can be removed. +module.exports = GithubUtils; -// Predicate-generating function. Often useful outside of Underscore. -function noop(){} -// Generates a function for a given object that returns a given property. -function propertyOf(obj) { - if (obj == null) return noop; - return function(path) { - return get(obj, path); - }; -} +/***/ }), -// Run a function **n** times. -function times(n, iteratee, context) { - var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n)); - iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 1); - for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i); - return accum; -} +/***/ 3902: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// Return a random integer between `min` and `max` (inclusive). -function random(min, max) { - if (max == null) { - max = min; - min = 0; - } - return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); -} +"use strict"; -// A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer. -var now = Date.now || function() { - return new Date().getTime(); +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +const replacer = (str) => ({ + '\\': '\\\\', + '\t': '\\t', + '\n': '\\n', + '\r': '\\r', + '\f': '\\f', + '"': '\\"', +}[str] ?? ''); +/** + * Replace any characters in the string that will break JSON.parse for our Git Log output + * + * Solution partly taken from SO user Gabriel Rodríguez Flores 🙇 + * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52789718/how-to-remove-special-characters-before-json-parse-while-file-reading + */ +const sanitizeStringForJSONParse = (inputString) => { + if (typeof inputString !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('Input must me of type String'); + } + // Replace any newlines and escape backslashes + return inputString.replace(/\\|\t|\n|\r|\f|"/g, replacer); }; +exports["default"] = sanitizeStringForJSONParse; -// Internal helper to generate functions for escaping and unescaping strings -// to/from HTML interpolation. -function createEscaper(map) { - var escaper = function(match) { - return map[match]; - }; - // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped. - var source = '(?:' + keys(map).join('|') + ')'; - var testRegexp = RegExp(source); - var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g'); - return function(string) { - string = string == null ? '' : '' + string; - return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string; - }; -} - -// Internal list of HTML entities for escaping. -var escapeMap = { - '&': '&', - '<': '<', - '>': '>', - '"': '"', - "'": ''', - '`': '`' -}; -// Function for escaping strings to HTML interpolation. -var _escape = createEscaper(escapeMap); +/***/ }), -// Internal list of HTML entities for unescaping. -var unescapeMap = invert(escapeMap); +/***/ 8982: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// Function for unescaping strings from HTML interpolation. -var _unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap); +"use strict"; -// By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters. Change the -// following template settings to use alternative delimiters. -var templateSettings = _$1.templateSettings = { - evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, - interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, - escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getPreviousVersion = exports.incrementPatch = exports.incrementMinor = exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = exports.incrementVersion = exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = exports.getVersionNumberFromString = void 0; +const SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = { + MAJOR: 'MAJOR', + MINOR: 'MINOR', + PATCH: 'PATCH', + BUILD: 'BUILD', }; - -// When customizing `_.templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an -// interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is -// guaranteed not to match. -var noMatch = /(.)^/; - -// Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a -// string literal. -var escapes = { - "'": "'", - '\\': '\\', - '\r': 'r', - '\n': 'n', - '\u2028': 'u2028', - '\u2029': 'u2029' +exports.SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS = SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS; +const MAX_INCREMENTS = 99; +exports.MAX_INCREMENTS = MAX_INCREMENTS; +/** + * Transforms a versions string into a number + */ +const getVersionNumberFromString = (versionString) => { + const [version, build] = versionString.split('-'); + const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map((n) => Number(n)); + return [major, minor, patch, Number.isInteger(Number(build)) ? Number(build) : 0]; }; - -var escapeRegExp = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g; - -function escapeChar(match) { - return '\\' + escapes[match]; -} - -// In order to prevent third-party code injection through -// `_.templateSettings.variable`, we test it against the following regular -// expression. It is intentionally a bit more liberal than just matching valid -// identifiers, but still prevents possible loopholes through defaults or -// destructuring assignment. -var bareIdentifier = /^\s*(\w|\$)+\s*$/; - -// JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation. -// Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace, -// and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code. -// NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility. -function template(text, settings, oldSettings) { - if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings; - settings = defaults({}, settings, _$1.templateSettings); - - // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation. - var matcher = RegExp([ - (settings.escape || noMatch).source, - (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source, - (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source - ].join('|') + '|$', 'g'); - - // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately. - var index = 0; - var source = "__p+='"; - text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) { - source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escapeRegExp, escapeChar); - index = offset + match.length; - - if (escape) { - source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"; - } else if (interpolate) { - source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'"; - } else if (evaluate) { - source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='"; - } - - // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offset. - return match; - }); - source += "';\n"; - - var argument = settings.variable; - if (argument) { - // Insure against third-party code injection. (CVE-2021-23358) - if (!bareIdentifier.test(argument)) throw new Error( - 'variable is not a bare identifier: ' + argument - ); - } else { - // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope. - source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n'; - argument = 'obj'; - } - - source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," + - "print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" + - source + 'return __p;\n'; - - var render; - try { - render = new Function(argument, '_', source); - } catch (e) { - e.source = source; - throw e; - } - - var template = function(data) { - return render.call(this, data, _$1); - }; - - // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation. - template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}'; - - return template; -} - -// Traverses the children of `obj` along `path`. If a child is a function, it -// is invoked with its parent as context. Returns the value of the final -// child, or `fallback` if any child is undefined. -function result(obj, path, fallback) { - path = toPath(path); - var length = path.length; - if (!length) { - return isFunction$1(fallback) ? fallback.call(obj) : fallback; - } - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - var prop = obj == null ? void 0 : obj[path[i]]; - if (prop === void 0) { - prop = fallback; - i = length; // Ensure we don't continue iterating. - } - obj = isFunction$1(prop) ? prop.call(obj) : prop; - } - return obj; -} - -// Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session). -// Useful for temporary DOM ids. -var idCounter = 0; -function uniqueId(prefix) { - var id = ++idCounter + ''; - return prefix ? prefix + id : id; -} - -// Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object. -function chain(obj) { - var instance = _$1(obj); - instance._chain = true; - return instance; -} - -// Internal function to execute `sourceFunc` bound to `context` with optional -// `args`. Determines whether to execute a function as a constructor or as a -// normal function. -function executeBound(sourceFunc, boundFunc, context, callingContext, args) { - if (!(callingContext instanceof boundFunc)) return sourceFunc.apply(context, args); - var self = baseCreate(sourceFunc.prototype); - var result = sourceFunc.apply(self, args); - if (isObject(result)) return result; - return self; -} - -// Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its -// arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. `_` acts -// as a placeholder by default, allowing any combination of arguments to be -// pre-filled. Set `_.partial.placeholder` for a custom placeholder argument. -var partial = restArguments(function(func, boundArgs) { - var placeholder = partial.placeholder; - var bound = function() { - var position = 0, length = boundArgs.length; - var args = Array(length); - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { - args[i] = boundArgs[i] === placeholder ? arguments[position++] : boundArgs[i]; - } - while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]); - return executeBound(func, bound, this, this, args); - }; - return bound; -}); - -partial.placeholder = _$1; - -// Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments, -// optionally). -var bind = restArguments(function(func, context, args) { - if (!isFunction$1(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function'); - var bound = restArguments(function(callArgs) { - return executeBound(func, bound, context, this, args.concat(callArgs)); - }); - return bound; -}); - -// Internal helper for collection methods to determine whether a collection -// should be iterated as an array or as an object. -// Related: https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-tolength -// Avoids a very nasty iOS 8 JIT bug on ARM-64. #2094 -var isArrayLike = createSizePropertyCheck(getLength); - -// Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function. -function flatten$1(input, depth, strict, output) { - output = output || []; - if (!depth && depth !== 0) { - depth = Infinity; - } else if (depth <= 0) { - return output.concat(input); - } - var idx = output.length; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(input); i < length; i++) { - var value = input[i]; - if (isArrayLike(value) && (isArray(value) || isArguments$1(value))) { - // Flatten current level of array or arguments object. - if (depth > 1) { - flatten$1(value, depth - 1, strict, output); - idx = output.length; - } else { - var j = 0, len = value.length; - while (j < len) output[idx++] = value[j++]; - } - } else if (!strict) { - output[idx++] = value; - } - } - return output; -} - -// Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments -// are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks -// defined on an object belong to it. -var bindAll = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - keys = flatten$1(keys, false, false); - var index = keys.length; - if (index < 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names'); - while (index--) { - var key = keys[index]; - obj[key] = bind(obj[key], obj); - } - return obj; -}); - -// Memoize an expensive function by storing its results. -function memoize(func, hasher) { - var memoize = function(key) { - var cache = memoize.cache; - var address = '' + (hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key); - if (!has$1(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments); - return cache[address]; - }; - memoize.cache = {}; - return memoize; -} - -// Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls -// it with the arguments supplied. -var delay = restArguments(function(func, wait, args) { - return setTimeout(function() { - return func.apply(null, args); - }, wait); -}); - -// Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has -// cleared. -var defer = partial(delay, _$1, 1); - -// Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once -// during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run -// as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration; -// but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass -// `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto. -function throttle(func, wait, options) { - var timeout, context, args, result; - var previous = 0; - if (!options) options = {}; - - var later = function() { - previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : now(); - timeout = null; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - }; - - var throttled = function() { - var _now = now(); - if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = _now; - var remaining = wait - (_now - previous); - context = this; - args = arguments; - if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { - if (timeout) { - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = null; - } - previous = _now; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); +exports.getVersionNumberFromString = getVersionNumberFromString; +/** + * Transforms version numbers components into a version string + */ +const getVersionStringFromNumber = (major, minor, patch, build = 0) => `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${build}`; +exports.getVersionStringFromNumber = getVersionStringFromNumber; +/** + * Increments a minor version + */ +const incrementMinor = (major, minor) => { + if (minor < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor + 1, 0, 0); } - return result; - }; - - throttled.cancel = function() { - clearTimeout(timeout); - previous = 0; - timeout = context = args = null; - }; - - return throttled; -} - -// When a sequence of calls of the returned function ends, the argument -// function is triggered. The end of a sequence is defined by the `wait` -// parameter. If `immediate` is passed, the argument function will be -// triggered at the beginning of the sequence instead of at the end. -function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { - var timeout, previous, args, result, context; - - var later = function() { - var passed = now() - previous; - if (wait > passed) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - passed); - } else { - timeout = null; - if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args); - // This check is needed because `func` can recursively invoke `debounced`. - if (!timeout) args = context = null; + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); +}; +exports.incrementMinor = incrementMinor; +/** + * Increments a Patch version + */ +const incrementPatch = (major, minor, patch) => { + if (patch < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch + 1, 0); } - }; - - var debounced = restArguments(function(_args) { - context = this; - args = _args; - previous = now(); - if (!timeout) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); - if (immediate) result = func.apply(context, args); + return incrementMinor(major, minor); +}; +exports.incrementPatch = incrementPatch; +/** + * Increments a build version + */ +const incrementVersion = (version, level) => { + const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(version); + // Majors will always be incremented + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major + 1, 0, 0, 0); } - return result; - }); - - debounced.cancel = function() { - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = args = context = null; - }; - - return debounced; -} - -// Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second, -// allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and -// conditionally execute the original function. -function wrap(func, wrapper) { - return partial(wrapper, func); -} - -// Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate. -function negate(predicate) { - return function() { - return !predicate.apply(this, arguments); - }; -} - -// Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each -// consuming the return value of the function that follows. -function compose() { - var args = arguments; - var start = args.length - 1; - return function() { - var i = start; - var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments); - while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result); - return result; - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will only be executed on and after the Nth call. -function after(times, func) { - return function() { - if (--times < 1) { - return func.apply(this, arguments); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { + return incrementMinor(major, minor); } - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will only be executed up to (but not including) the -// Nth call. -function before(times, func) { - var memo; - return function() { - if (--times > 0) { - memo = func.apply(this, arguments); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { + return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); } - if (times <= 1) func = null; - return memo; - }; -} - -// Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how -// often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization. -var once = partial(before, 2); - -// Returns the first key on an object that passes a truth test. -function findKey(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = keys(obj), key; - for (var i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - key = _keys[i]; - if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) return key; - } -} - -// Internal function to generate `_.findIndex` and `_.findLastIndex`. -function createPredicateIndexFinder(dir) { - return function(array, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var length = getLength(array); - var index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; - for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { - if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) return index; + if (build < MAX_INCREMENTS) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build + 1); } - return -1; - }; -} - -// Returns the first index on an array-like that passes a truth test. -var findIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(1); - -// Returns the last index on an array-like that passes a truth test. -var findLastIndex = createPredicateIndexFinder(-1); - -// Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which -// an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search. -function sortedIndex(array, obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context, 1); - var value = iteratee(obj); - var low = 0, high = getLength(array); - while (low < high) { - var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); - if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; - } - return low; -} - -// Internal function to generate the `_.indexOf` and `_.lastIndexOf` functions. -function createIndexFinder(dir, predicateFind, sortedIndex) { - return function(array, item, idx) { - var i = 0, length = getLength(array); - if (typeof idx == 'number') { - if (dir > 0) { - i = idx >= 0 ? idx : Math.max(idx + length, i); - } else { - length = idx >= 0 ? Math.min(idx + 1, length) : idx + length + 1; - } - } else if (sortedIndex && idx && length) { - idx = sortedIndex(array, item); - return array[idx] === item ? idx : -1; + return incrementPatch(major, minor, patch); +}; +exports.incrementVersion = incrementVersion; +function getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, level) { + const [major, minor, patch, build] = getVersionNumberFromString(currentVersion); + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR) { + if (major === 1) { + return getVersionStringFromNumber(1, 0, 0, 0); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major - 1, 0, 0, 0); } - if (item !== item) { - idx = predicateFind(slice.call(array, i, length), isNaN$1); - return idx >= 0 ? idx + i : -1; + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR) { + if (minor === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MAJOR); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor - 1, 0, 0); } - for (idx = dir > 0 ? i : length - 1; idx >= 0 && idx < length; idx += dir) { - if (array[idx] === item) return idx; + if (level === SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH) { + if (patch === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.MINOR); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch - 1, 0); } - return -1; - }; + if (build === 0) { + return getPreviousVersion(currentVersion, SEMANTIC_VERSION_LEVELS.PATCH); + } + return getVersionStringFromNumber(major, minor, patch, build - 1); } +exports.getPreviousVersion = getPreviousVersion; -// Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array, -// or -1 if the item is not included in the array. -// If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true` -// for **isSorted** to use binary search. -var indexOf = createIndexFinder(1, findIndex, sortedIndex); -// Return the position of the last occurrence of an item in an array, -// or -1 if the item is not included in the array. -var lastIndexOf = createIndexFinder(-1, findLastIndex); +/***/ }), -// Return the first value which passes a truth test. -function find(obj, predicate, context) { - var keyFinder = isArrayLike(obj) ? findIndex : findKey; - var key = keyFinder(obj, predicate, context); - if (key !== void 0 && key !== -1) return obj[key]; -} +/***/ 8227: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.find`: getting the first -// object containing specific `key:value` pairs. -function findWhere(obj, attrs) { - return find(obj, matcher(attrs)); -} +"use strict"; -// The cornerstone for collection functions, an `each` -// implementation, aka `forEach`. -// Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all -// sparse array-likes as if they were dense. -function each(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context); - var i, length; - if (isArrayLike(obj)) { - for (i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - iteratee(obj[i], i, obj); - } - } else { - var _keys = keys(obj); - for (i = 0, length = _keys.length; i < length; i++) { - iteratee(obj[_keys[i]], _keys[i], obj); - } - } - return obj; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.isEmptyObject = void 0; +function isEmptyObject(obj) { + return Object.keys(obj ?? {}).length === 0; } +exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject; -// Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element. -function map(obj, iteratee, context) { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length, - results = Array(length); - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return results; -} - -// Internal helper to create a reducing function, iterating left or right. -function createReduce(dir) { - // Wrap code that reassigns argument variables in a separate function than - // the one that accesses `arguments.length` to avoid a perf hit. (#1991) - var reducer = function(obj, iteratee, memo, initial) { - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length, - index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; - if (!initial) { - memo = obj[_keys ? _keys[index] : index]; - index += dir; - } - for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); - } - return memo; - }; - return function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) { - var initial = arguments.length >= 3; - return reducer(obj, optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 4), memo, initial); - }; -} +/***/ }), -// **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`, -// or `foldl`. -var reduce = createReduce(1); +/***/ 7034: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { -// The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`. -var reduceRight = createReduce(-1); +"use strict"; -// Return all the elements that pass a truth test. -function filter(obj, predicate, context) { - var results = []; - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - each(obj, function(value, index, list) { - if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value); - }); - return results; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +/** + * This function is an equivalent of _.difference, it takes two arrays and returns the difference between them. + * It returns an array of items that are in the first array but not in the second array. + */ +function arrayDifference(array1, array2) { + return [array1, array2].reduce((a, b) => a.filter((c) => !b.includes(c))); } +exports["default"] = arrayDifference; -// Return all the elements for which a truth test fails. -function reject(obj, predicate, context) { - return filter(obj, negate(cb(predicate)), context); -} -// Determine whether all of the elements pass a truth test. -function every(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false; - } - return true; -} +/***/ }), -// Determine if at least one element in the object passes a truth test. -function some(obj, predicate, context) { - predicate = cb(predicate, context); - var _keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && keys(obj), - length = (_keys || obj).length; - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - var currentKey = _keys ? _keys[index] : index; - if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true; - } - return false; -} +/***/ 2877: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Determine if the array or object contains a given item (using `===`). -function contains(obj, item, fromIndex, guard) { - if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = values(obj); - if (typeof fromIndex != 'number' || guard) fromIndex = 0; - return indexOf(obj, item, fromIndex) >= 0; -} +module.exports = eval("require")("encoding"); -// Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection. -var invoke = restArguments(function(obj, path, args) { - var contextPath, func; - if (isFunction$1(path)) { - func = path; - } else { - path = toPath(path); - contextPath = path.slice(0, -1); - path = path[path.length - 1]; - } - return map(obj, function(context) { - var method = func; - if (!method) { - if (contextPath && contextPath.length) { - context = deepGet(context, contextPath); - } - if (context == null) return void 0; - method = context[path]; - } - return method == null ? method : method.apply(context, args); - }); -}); -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.map`: fetching a property. -function pluck(obj, key) { - return map(obj, property(key)); -} +/***/ }), -// Convenience version of a common use case of `_.filter`: selecting only -// objects containing specific `key:value` pairs. -function where(obj, attrs) { - return filter(obj, matcher(attrs)); -} +/***/ 9491: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Return the maximum element (or element-based computation). -function max(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity, - value, computed; - if (iteratee == null || (typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null)) { - obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : values(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - value = obj[i]; - if (value != null && value > result) { - result = value; - } - } - } else { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(v, index, list) { - computed = iteratee(v, index, list); - if (computed > lastComputed || (computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity)) { - result = v; - lastComputed = computed; - } - }); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("assert"); -// Return the minimum element (or element-based computation). -function min(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity, - value, computed; - if (iteratee == null || (typeof iteratee == 'number' && typeof obj[0] != 'object' && obj != null)) { - obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : values(obj); - for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { - value = obj[i]; - if (value != null && value < result) { - result = value; - } - } - } else { - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(v, index, list) { - computed = iteratee(v, index, list); - if (computed < lastComputed || (computed === Infinity && result === Infinity)) { - result = v; - lastComputed = computed; - } - }); - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable. -var reStrSymbol = /[^\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udfff]/g; -function toArray(obj) { - if (!obj) return []; - if (isArray(obj)) return slice.call(obj); - if (isString(obj)) { - // Keep surrogate pair characters together. - return obj.match(reStrSymbol); - } - if (isArrayLike(obj)) return map(obj, identity); - return values(obj); -} +/***/ 2081: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Sample **n** random values from a collection using the modern version of the -// [Fisher-Yates shuffle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher–Yates_shuffle). -// If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element. -// The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `_.map`. -function sample(obj, n, guard) { - if (n == null || guard) { - if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = values(obj); - return obj[random(obj.length - 1)]; - } - var sample = toArray(obj); - var length = getLength(sample); - n = Math.max(Math.min(n, length), 0); - var last = length - 1; - for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) { - var rand = random(index, last); - var temp = sample[index]; - sample[index] = sample[rand]; - sample[rand] = temp; - } - return sample.slice(0, n); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("child_process"); -// Shuffle a collection. -function shuffle(obj) { - return sample(obj, Infinity); -} +/***/ }), -// Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee. -function sortBy(obj, iteratee, context) { - var index = 0; - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - return pluck(map(obj, function(value, key, list) { - return { - value: value, - index: index++, - criteria: iteratee(value, key, list) - }; - }).sort(function(left, right) { - var a = left.criteria; - var b = right.criteria; - if (a !== b) { - if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1; - if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1; - } - return left.index - right.index; - }), 'value'); -} - -// An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations. -function group(behavior, partition) { - return function(obj, iteratee, context) { - var result = partition ? [[], []] : {}; - iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - each(obj, function(value, index) { - var key = iteratee(value, index, obj); - behavior(result, value, key); - }); - return result; - }; -} +/***/ 6113: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute -// to group by, or a function that returns the criterion. -var groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - if (has$1(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value]; -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("crypto"); -// Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `_.groupBy`, but for -// when you know that your index values will be unique. -var indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - result[key] = value; -}); +/***/ }), -// Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass -// either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the -// criterion. -var countBy = group(function(result, value, key) { - if (has$1(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1; -}); +/***/ 2361: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all pass the given -// truth test, and one whose elements all do not pass the truth test. -var partition = group(function(result, value, pass) { - result[pass ? 0 : 1].push(value); -}, true); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("events"); -// Return the number of elements in a collection. -function size(obj) { - if (obj == null) return 0; - return isArrayLike(obj) ? obj.length : keys(obj).length; -} +/***/ }), -// Internal `_.pick` helper function to determine whether `key` is an enumerable -// property name of `obj`. -function keyInObj(value, key, obj) { - return key in obj; -} +/***/ 7147: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Return a copy of the object only containing the allowed properties. -var pick = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - var result = {}, iteratee = keys[0]; - if (obj == null) return result; - if (isFunction$1(iteratee)) { - if (keys.length > 1) iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, keys[1]); - keys = allKeys(obj); - } else { - iteratee = keyInObj; - keys = flatten$1(keys, false, false); - obj = Object(obj); - } - for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - var value = obj[key]; - if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value; - } - return result; -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("fs"); -// Return a copy of the object without the disallowed properties. -var omit = restArguments(function(obj, keys) { - var iteratee = keys[0], context; - if (isFunction$1(iteratee)) { - iteratee = negate(iteratee); - if (keys.length > 1) context = keys[1]; - } else { - keys = map(flatten$1(keys, false, false), String); - iteratee = function(value, key) { - return !contains(keys, key); - }; - } - return pick(obj, iteratee, context); -}); +/***/ }), -// Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on -// the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in -// the array, excluding the last N. -function initial(array, n, guard) { - return slice.call(array, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n))); -} +/***/ 3685: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N -// values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with `_.map`. -function first(array, n, guard) { - if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null || guard ? void 0 : []; - if (n == null || guard) return array[0]; - return initial(array, array.length - n); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("http"); -// Returns everything but the first entry of the `array`. Especially useful on -// the `arguments` object. Passing an **n** will return the rest N values in the -// `array`. -function rest(array, n, guard) { - return slice.call(array, n == null || guard ? 1 : n); -} +/***/ }), -// Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N -// values in the array. -function last(array, n, guard) { - if (array == null || array.length < 1) return n == null || guard ? void 0 : []; - if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1]; - return rest(array, Math.max(0, array.length - n)); -} +/***/ 5687: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Trim out all falsy values from an array. -function compact(array) { - return filter(array, Boolean); -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("https"); -// Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or up to `depth`. -// Passing `true` or `false` as `depth` means `1` or `Infinity`, respectively. -function flatten(array, depth) { - return flatten$1(array, depth, false); -} +/***/ }), -// Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays. -// Only the elements present in just the first array will remain. -var difference = restArguments(function(array, rest) { - rest = flatten$1(rest, true, true); - return filter(array, function(value){ - return !contains(rest, value); - }); -}); +/***/ 1808: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s). -var without = restArguments(function(array, otherArrays) { - return difference(array, otherArrays); -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("net"); -// Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already -// been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm. -// The faster algorithm will not work with an iteratee if the iteratee -// is not a one-to-one function, so providing an iteratee will disable -// the faster algorithm. -function uniq(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) { - if (!isBoolean(isSorted)) { - context = iteratee; - iteratee = isSorted; - isSorted = false; - } - if (iteratee != null) iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); - var result = []; - var seen = []; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) { - var value = array[i], - computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, i, array) : value; - if (isSorted && !iteratee) { - if (!i || seen !== computed) result.push(value); - seen = computed; - } else if (iteratee) { - if (!contains(seen, computed)) { - seen.push(computed); - result.push(value); - } - } else if (!contains(result, value)) { - result.push(value); - } - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of -// the passed-in arrays. -var union = restArguments(function(arrays) { - return uniq(flatten$1(arrays, true, true)); -}); +/***/ 2037: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the -// passed-in arrays. -function intersection(array) { - var result = []; - var argsLength = arguments.length; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(array); i < length; i++) { - var item = array[i]; - if (contains(result, item)) continue; - var j; - for (j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) { - if (!contains(arguments[j], item)) break; - } - if (j === argsLength) result.push(item); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("os"); -// Complement of zip. Unzip accepts an array of arrays and groups -// each array's elements on shared indices. -function unzip(array) { - var length = (array && max(array, getLength).length) || 0; - var result = Array(length); +/***/ }), - for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { - result[index] = pluck(array, index); - } - return result; -} +/***/ 1017: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share -// an index go together. -var zip = restArguments(unzip); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("path"); -// Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]` -// pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of -// the corresponding values. Passing by pairs is the reverse of `_.pairs`. -function object(list, values) { - var result = {}; - for (var i = 0, length = getLength(list); i < length; i++) { - if (values) { - result[list[i]] = values[i]; - } else { - result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1]; - } - } - return result; -} +/***/ }), -// Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of -// the native Python `range()` function. See -// [the Python documentation](https://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range). -function range(start, stop, step) { - if (stop == null) { - stop = start || 0; - start = 0; - } - if (!step) { - step = stop < start ? -1 : 1; - } +/***/ 5477: +/***/ ((module) => { - var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0); - var range = Array(length); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("punycode"); - for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) { - range[idx] = start; - } +/***/ }), - return range; -} +/***/ 2781: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Chunk a single array into multiple arrays, each containing `count` or fewer -// items. -function chunk(array, count) { - if (count == null || count < 1) return []; - var result = []; - var i = 0, length = array.length; - while (i < length) { - result.push(slice.call(array, i, i += count)); - } - return result; -} +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("stream"); -// Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results. -function chainResult(instance, obj) { - return instance._chain ? _$1(obj).chain() : obj; -} +/***/ }), -// Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object. -function mixin(obj) { - each(functions(obj), function(name) { - var func = _$1[name] = obj[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var args = [this._wrapped]; - push.apply(args, arguments); - return chainResult(this, func.apply(_$1, args)); - }; - }); - return _$1; -} - -// Add all mutator `Array` functions to the wrapper. -each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) { - var method = ArrayProto[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var obj = this._wrapped; - if (obj != null) { - method.apply(obj, arguments); - if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) { - delete obj[0]; - } - } - return chainResult(this, obj); - }; -}); +/***/ 4404: +/***/ ((module) => { -// Add all accessor `Array` functions to the wrapper. -each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) { - var method = ArrayProto[name]; - _$1.prototype[name] = function() { - var obj = this._wrapped; - if (obj != null) obj = method.apply(obj, arguments); - return chainResult(this, obj); - }; -}); +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("tls"); -// Named Exports - -var allExports = { - __proto__: null, - VERSION: VERSION, - restArguments: restArguments, - isObject: isObject, - isNull: isNull, - isUndefined: isUndefined, - isBoolean: isBoolean, - isElement: isElement, - isString: isString, - isNumber: isNumber, - isDate: isDate, - isRegExp: isRegExp, - isError: isError, - isSymbol: isSymbol, - isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer, - isDataView: isDataView$1, - isArray: isArray, - isFunction: isFunction$1, - isArguments: isArguments$1, - isFinite: isFinite$1, - isNaN: isNaN$1, - isTypedArray: isTypedArray$1, - isEmpty: isEmpty, - isMatch: isMatch, - isEqual: isEqual, - isMap: isMap, - isWeakMap: isWeakMap, - isSet: isSet, - isWeakSet: isWeakSet, - keys: keys, - allKeys: allKeys, - values: values, - pairs: pairs, - invert: invert, - functions: functions, - methods: functions, - extend: extend, - extendOwn: extendOwn, - assign: extendOwn, - defaults: defaults, - create: create, - clone: clone, - tap: tap, - get: get, - has: has, - mapObject: mapObject, - identity: identity, - constant: constant, - noop: noop, - toPath: toPath$1, - property: property, - propertyOf: propertyOf, - matcher: matcher, - matches: matcher, - times: times, - random: random, - now: now, - escape: _escape, - unescape: _unescape, - templateSettings: templateSettings, - template: template, - result: result, - uniqueId: uniqueId, - chain: chain, - iteratee: iteratee, - partial: partial, - bind: bind, - bindAll: bindAll, - memoize: memoize, - delay: delay, - defer: defer, - throttle: throttle, - debounce: debounce, - wrap: wrap, - negate: negate, - compose: compose, - after: after, - before: before, - once: once, - findKey: findKey, - findIndex: findIndex, - findLastIndex: findLastIndex, - sortedIndex: sortedIndex, - indexOf: indexOf, - lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf, - find: find, - detect: find, - findWhere: findWhere, - each: each, - forEach: each, - map: map, - collect: map, - reduce: reduce, - foldl: reduce, - inject: reduce, - reduceRight: reduceRight, - foldr: reduceRight, - filter: filter, - select: filter, - reject: reject, - every: every, - all: every, - some: some, - any: some, - contains: contains, - includes: contains, - include: contains, - invoke: invoke, - pluck: pluck, - where: where, - max: max, - min: min, - shuffle: shuffle, - sample: sample, - sortBy: sortBy, - groupBy: groupBy, - indexBy: indexBy, - countBy: countBy, - partition: partition, - toArray: toArray, - size: size, - pick: pick, - omit: omit, - first: first, - head: first, - take: first, - initial: initial, - last: last, - rest: rest, - tail: rest, - drop: rest, - compact: compact, - flatten: flatten, - without: without, - uniq: uniq, - unique: uniq, - union: union, - intersection: intersection, - difference: difference, - unzip: unzip, - transpose: unzip, - zip: zip, - object: object, - range: range, - chunk: chunk, - mixin: mixin, - 'default': _$1 -}; +/***/ }), -// Default Export - -// Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object. -var _ = mixin(allExports); -// Legacy Node.js API. -_._ = _; - -exports.VERSION = VERSION; -exports._ = _; -exports._escape = _escape; -exports._unescape = _unescape; -exports.after = after; -exports.allKeys = allKeys; -exports.before = before; -exports.bind = bind; -exports.bindAll = bindAll; -exports.chain = chain; -exports.chunk = chunk; -exports.clone = clone; -exports.compact = compact; -exports.compose = compose; -exports.constant = constant; -exports.contains = contains; -exports.countBy = countBy; -exports.create = create; -exports.debounce = debounce; -exports.defaults = defaults; -exports.defer = defer; -exports.delay = delay; -exports.difference = difference; -exports.each = each; -exports.every = every; -exports.extend = extend; -exports.extendOwn = extendOwn; -exports.filter = filter; -exports.find = find; -exports.findIndex = findIndex; -exports.findKey = findKey; -exports.findLastIndex = findLastIndex; -exports.findWhere = findWhere; -exports.first = first; -exports.flatten = flatten; -exports.functions = functions; -exports.get = get; -exports.groupBy = groupBy; -exports.has = has; -exports.identity = identity; -exports.indexBy = indexBy; -exports.indexOf = indexOf; -exports.initial = initial; -exports.intersection = intersection; -exports.invert = invert; -exports.invoke = invoke; -exports.isArguments = isArguments$1; -exports.isArray = isArray; -exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; -exports.isBoolean = isBoolean; -exports.isDataView = isDataView$1; -exports.isDate = isDate; -exports.isElement = isElement; -exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; -exports.isEqual = isEqual; -exports.isError = isError; -exports.isFinite = isFinite$1; -exports.isFunction = isFunction$1; -exports.isMap = isMap; -exports.isMatch = isMatch; -exports.isNaN = isNaN$1; -exports.isNull = isNull; -exports.isNumber = isNumber; -exports.isObject = isObject; -exports.isRegExp = isRegExp; -exports.isSet = isSet; -exports.isString = isString; -exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; -exports.isTypedArray = isTypedArray$1; -exports.isUndefined = isUndefined; -exports.isWeakMap = isWeakMap; -exports.isWeakSet = isWeakSet; -exports.iteratee = iteratee; -exports.keys = keys; -exports.last = last; -exports.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf; -exports.map = map; -exports.mapObject = mapObject; -exports.matcher = matcher; -exports.max = max; -exports.memoize = memoize; -exports.min = min; -exports.mixin = mixin; -exports.negate = negate; -exports.noop = noop; -exports.now = now; -exports.object = object; -exports.omit = omit; -exports.once = once; -exports.pairs = pairs; -exports.partial = partial; -exports.partition = partition; -exports.pick = pick; -exports.pluck = pluck; -exports.property = property; -exports.propertyOf = propertyOf; -exports.random = random; -exports.range = range; -exports.reduce = reduce; -exports.reduceRight = reduceRight; -exports.reject = reject; -exports.rest = rest; -exports.restArguments = restArguments; -exports.result = result; -exports.sample = sample; -exports.shuffle = shuffle; -exports.size = size; -exports.some = some; -exports.sortBy = sortBy; -exports.sortedIndex = sortedIndex; -exports.tap = tap; -exports.template = template; -exports.templateSettings = templateSettings; -exports.throttle = throttle; -exports.times = times; -exports.toArray = toArray; -exports.toPath = toPath$1; -exports.union = union; -exports.uniq = uniq; -exports.uniqueId = uniqueId; -exports.unzip = unzip; -exports.values = values; -exports.where = where; -exports.without = without; -exports.wrap = wrap; -exports.zip = zip; -//# sourceMappingURL=underscore-node-f.cjs.map +/***/ 7310: +/***/ ((module) => { +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("url"); /***/ }), -/***/ 5067: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -// Underscore.js 1.13.6 -// https://underscorejs.org -// (c) 2009-2022 Jeremy Ashkenas, Julian Gonggrijp, and DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors -// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. - -var underscoreNodeF = __nccwpck_require__(6717); +/***/ 3837: +/***/ ((module) => { +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("util"); +/***/ }), -module.exports = underscoreNodeF._; -//# sourceMappingURL=underscore-node.cjs.map +/***/ 9796: +/***/ ((module) => { +"use strict"; +module.exports = require("zlib"); /***/ }), diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/getPullRequestDetails/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/getPullRequestDetails/index.js index 777d8597b7a5..23bcb28119f1 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/getPullRequestDetails/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/getPullRequestDetails/index.js @@ -1,58 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 970: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); - -/** - * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. - * - * @param {String} name - The name of the input. - * @param {Object} options - Options to pass to core.getInput - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. - * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. - * @returns {any} - */ -function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (input) { - return JSON.parse(input); - } - return defaultValue; -} - -/** - * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Object} options - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - * @returns {string|undefined} - */ -function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (!input) { - return defaultValue; - } - return input; -} - -module.exports = { - getJSONInput, - getStringInput, -}; - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -9100,1544 +9051,1544 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 + +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } }; -const failure = Symbol("failure"); +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +/***/ }), -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ }), -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } +/***/ }), - return "%" + hex; -} +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); +"use strict"; - let str = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - return str; -} -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; + + +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; } -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; } -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - return cStr; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } + } + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } - return parseInt(input, R); -} + // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. + self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { + socket.on('free', onFree); + socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); + req.onSocket(socket); -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); + function onFree() { + self.emit('free', socket, options); } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; + function onCloseOrRemove(err) { + self.removeSocket(socket); + socket.removeListener('free', onFree); + socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); } + }); +}; - numbers.push(n); - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + var placeholder = {}; + self.sockets.push(placeholder); - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; + var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { + method: 'CONNECT', + path: options.host + ':' + options.port, + agent: false, + headers: { + host: options.host + ':' + options.port } + }); + if (options.localAddress) { + connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; + if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { + connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; + connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + + new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); } - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; + debug('making CONNECT request'); + var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); + connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later + connectReq.once('error', onError); + connectReq.end(); - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; + function onResponse(res) { + // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. + res.upgrade = true; } - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); + function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { + // Hacky. + process.nextTick(function() { + onConnect(res, socket, head); + }); } - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; - - -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; - -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); - -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; - -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; - - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) - -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) - - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) - -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - f.called = false - return f -} - -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4219: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - - -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - - -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - - -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; - - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } - } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; - } - - // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. - self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { - socket.on('free', onFree); - socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - req.onSocket(socket); - - function onFree() { - self.emit('free', socket, options); - } - - function onCloseOrRemove(err) { - self.removeSocket(socket); - socket.removeListener('free', onFree); - socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - } - }); -}; - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - var placeholder = {}; - self.sockets.push(placeholder); - - var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { - method: 'CONNECT', - path: options.host + ':' + options.port, - agent: false, - headers: { - host: options.host + ':' + options.port - } - }); - if (options.localAddress) { - connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; - } - if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { - connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; - connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + - new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); - } - - debug('making CONNECT request'); - var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); - connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later - connectReq.once('error', onError); - connectReq.end(); - - function onResponse(res) { - // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. - res.upgrade = true; - } - - function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { - // Hacky. - process.nextTick(function() { - onConnect(res, socket, head); - }); - } - - function onConnect(res, socket, head) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - socket.removeAllListeners(); + function onConnect(res, socket, head) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); + socket.removeAllListeners(); if (res.statusCode !== 200) { debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', @@ -11503,7 +11454,7 @@ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); -const ActionUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(970)); +const ActionUtils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(6981); const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); const EmptyObject_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8227); @@ -11511,9 +11462,10 @@ const DEFAULT_PAYLOAD = { owner: CONST_1.default.GITHUB_OWNER, repo: CONST_1.default.APP_REPO, }; -const pullRequestNumber = ActionUtils_1.default.getJSONInput('PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER', { required: false }, null); +const pullRequestNumber = (0, ActionUtils_1.getJSONInput)('PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER', { required: false }, null); const user = core.getInput('USER', { required: true }); if (pullRequestNumber) { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string, @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions console.log(`Looking for pull request w/ number: ${pullRequestNumber}`); } if (user) { @@ -11568,6 +11520,68 @@ GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.pulls }); +/***/ }), + +/***/ 6981: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { + +"use strict"; + +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getStringInput = exports.getJSONInput = void 0; +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +/** + * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. + * + * @param name - The name of the input. + * @param options - Options to pass to core.getInput + * @param [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. + * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. + */ +function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (input) { + return JSON.parse(input); + } + return defaultValue; +} +exports.getJSONInput = getJSONInput; +/** + * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. + */ +function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (!input) { + return defaultValue; + } + return input; +} +exports.getStringInput = getStringInput; + + /***/ }), /***/ 9873: @@ -11576,9 +11590,12 @@ GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.pulls "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11587,11 +11604,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; @@ -12252,17 +12267,6 @@ module.exports = JSON.parse('[[[0,44],"disallowed_STD3_valid"],[[45,46],"valid"] /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ // define __esModule on exports -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.r = (exports) => { -/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); -/******/ } -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); -/******/ }; -/******/ })(); -/******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat */ /******/ /******/ if (typeof __nccwpck_require__ !== 'undefined') __nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/"; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/getReleaseBody/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/getReleaseBody/index.js index 9a091ad4ee00..b787b8bff5a1 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/getReleaseBody/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/getReleaseBody/index.js @@ -1,58 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 970: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); - -/** - * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. - * - * @param {String} name - The name of the input. - * @param {Object} options - Options to pass to core.getInput - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. - * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. - * @returns {any} - */ -function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (input) { - return JSON.parse(input); - } - return defaultValue; -} - -/** - * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Object} options - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - * @returns {string|undefined} - */ -function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (!input) { - return defaultValue; - } - return input; -} - -module.exports = { - getJSONInput, - getStringInput, -}; - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -9100,1544 +9051,1544 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; + -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } }; -const failure = Symbol("failure"); +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +/***/ }), -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ }), -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } +/***/ }), - return "%" + hex; -} +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); +"use strict"; - let str = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - return str; -} -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; + + +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; } -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; } -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - return cStr; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } + } + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } - return parseInt(input, R); -} + // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. + self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { + socket.on('free', onFree); + socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); + req.onSocket(socket); -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); + function onFree() { + self.emit('free', socket, options); } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; + function onCloseOrRemove(err) { + self.removeSocket(socket); + socket.removeListener('free', onFree); + socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); } + }); +}; - numbers.push(n); - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + var placeholder = {}; + self.sockets.push(placeholder); - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; + var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { + method: 'CONNECT', + path: options.host + ':' + options.port, + agent: false, + headers: { + host: options.host + ':' + options.port } + }); + if (options.localAddress) { + connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; + if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { + connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; + connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + + new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); } - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; + debug('making CONNECT request'); + var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); + connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later + connectReq.once('error', onError); + connectReq.end(); - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; + function onResponse(res) { + // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. + res.upgrade = true; } - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); + function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { + // Hacky. + process.nextTick(function() { + onConnect(res, socket, head); + }); } - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; - - -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; - -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); - -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; - -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; - - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) - -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) - - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) - -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - f.called = false - return f -} - -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4219: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - - -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - - -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - - -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; - - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } - } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; - } - - // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. - self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { - socket.on('free', onFree); - socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - req.onSocket(socket); - - function onFree() { - self.emit('free', socket, options); - } - - function onCloseOrRemove(err) { - self.removeSocket(socket); - socket.removeListener('free', onFree); - socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - } - }); -}; - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - var placeholder = {}; - self.sockets.push(placeholder); - - var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { - method: 'CONNECT', - path: options.host + ':' + options.port, - agent: false, - headers: { - host: options.host + ':' + options.port - } - }); - if (options.localAddress) { - connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; - } - if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { - connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; - connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + - new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); - } - - debug('making CONNECT request'); - var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); - connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later - connectReq.once('error', onError); - connectReq.end(); - - function onResponse(res) { - // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. - res.upgrade = true; - } - - function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { - // Hacky. - process.nextTick(function() { - onConnect(res, socket, head); - }); - } - - function onConnect(res, socket, head) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - socket.removeAllListeners(); + function onConnect(res, socket, head) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); + socket.removeAllListeners(); if (res.statusCode !== 200) { debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', @@ -11468,6 +11419,68 @@ function wrappy (fn, cb) { } +/***/ }), + +/***/ 6981: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { + +"use strict"; + +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getStringInput = exports.getJSONInput = void 0; +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +/** + * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. + * + * @param name - The name of the input. + * @param options - Options to pass to core.getInput + * @param [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. + * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. + */ +function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (input) { + return JSON.parse(input); + } + return defaultValue; +} +exports.getJSONInput = getJSONInput; +/** + * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. + */ +function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (!input) { + return defaultValue; + } + return input; +} +exports.getStringInput = getStringInput; + + /***/ }), /***/ 9873: @@ -11476,9 +11489,12 @@ function wrappy (fn, cb) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11487,11 +11503,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/isStagingDeployLocked/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/isStagingDeployLocked/index.js index baadfbc209dc..e171e90646d1 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/isStagingDeployLocked/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/isStagingDeployLocked/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9054,1303 +9051,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11491,9 +11488,12 @@ exports["default"] = run; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11502,11 +11502,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/markPullRequestsAsDeployed/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/markPullRequestsAsDeployed/index.js index ebc0d239acf1..5dbc6767da01 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/markPullRequestsAsDeployed/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/markPullRequestsAsDeployed/index.js @@ -1,58 +1,9 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ -/***/ 970: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -const core = __nccwpck_require__(2186); - -/** - * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. - * - * @param {String} name - The name of the input. - * @param {Object} options - Options to pass to core.getInput - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. - * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. - * @returns {any} - */ -function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (input) { - return JSON.parse(input); - } - return defaultValue; -} - -/** - * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Object} options - * @param {*} [defaultValue] - * @returns {string|undefined} - */ -function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue = undefined) { - const input = core.getInput(name, options); - if (!input) { - return defaultValue; - } - return input; -} - -module.exports = { - getJSONInput, - getStringInput, -}; - - -/***/ }), - /***/ 7351: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { @@ -9144,1544 +9095,1544 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; + + +/***/ }), + +/***/ 276: +/***/ ((module) => { + +"use strict"; -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 + +module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } }; -const failure = Symbol("failure"); +module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); +module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} +module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { + return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; +}; -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} +module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { + return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; +}; -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} +/***/ }), -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} +/***/ 1223: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} +var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) +module.exports = wrappy(once) +module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} +once.proto = once(function () { + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { + value: function () { + return once(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} + Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { + value: function () { + return onceStrict(this) + }, + configurable: true + }) +}) -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +function once (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) return f.value + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + f.called = false + return f } -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +function onceStrict (fn) { + var f = function () { + if (f.called) + throw new Error(f.onceError) + f.called = true + return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) + } + var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' + f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" + f.called = false + return f } -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} +/***/ }), -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} +/***/ 4294: +/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} +module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } +/***/ }), - return "%" + hex; -} +/***/ 4219: +/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); +"use strict"; - let str = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } +var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); +var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); +var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); +var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); +var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); +var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); +var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - return str; -} -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); +exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; +exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; +exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; +exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; + + +function httpOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + return agent; } -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +function httpsOverHttp(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = http.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + return agent; } -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +function httpsOverHttps(options) { + var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); + agent.request = https.request; + agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; + agent.defaultPort = 443; + return agent; } -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } +function TunnelingAgent(options) { + var self = this; + self.options = options || {}; + self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; + self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; + self.requests = []; + self.sockets = []; - return cStr; + self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { + var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); + for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { + var pending = self.requests[i]; + if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { + // Detect the request to connect same origin server, + // reuse the connection. + self.requests.splice(i, 1); + pending.request.onSocket(socket); + return; + } + } + socket.destroy(); + self.removeSocket(socket); + }); } +util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { + var self = this; + var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; + if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { + // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. + self.requests.push(options); + return; } - return parseInt(input, R); -} + // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. + self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { + socket.on('free', onFree); + socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); + req.onSocket(socket); -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); + function onFree() { + self.emit('free', socket, options); } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; + function onCloseOrRemove(err) { + self.removeSocket(socket); + socket.removeListener('free', onFree); + socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); + socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); } + }); +}; - numbers.push(n); - } +TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { + var self = this; + var placeholder = {}; + self.sockets.push(placeholder); - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; + var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { + method: 'CONNECT', + path: options.host + ':' + options.port, + agent: false, + headers: { + host: options.host + ':' + options.port } + }); + if (options.localAddress) { + connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; + if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { + connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; + connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + + new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); } - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; + debug('making CONNECT request'); + var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); + connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 + connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later + connectReq.once('error', onError); + connectReq.end(); - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; + function onResponse(res) { + // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. + res.upgrade = true; } - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); + function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { + // Hacky. + process.nextTick(function() { + onConnect(res, socket, head); + }); } - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 276: -/***/ ((module) => { - -"use strict"; - - -module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { - const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); - for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { - Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); - } -}; - -module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); -module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); - -module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { - return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; -}; - -module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { - return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; -}; - - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 1223: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -var wrappy = __nccwpck_require__(2940) -module.exports = wrappy(once) -module.exports.strict = wrappy(onceStrict) - -once.proto = once(function () { - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'once', { - value: function () { - return once(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) - - Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'onceStrict', { - value: function () { - return onceStrict(this) - }, - configurable: true - }) -}) - -function once (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) return f.value - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - f.called = false - return f -} - -function onceStrict (fn) { - var f = function () { - if (f.called) - throw new Error(f.onceError) - f.called = true - return f.value = fn.apply(this, arguments) - } - var name = fn.name || 'Function wrapped with `once`' - f.onceError = name + " shouldn't be called more than once" - f.called = false - return f -} - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4294: -/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(4219); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ 4219: -/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { - -"use strict"; - - -var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808); -var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404); -var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685); -var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687); -var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361); -var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491); -var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837); - - -exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp; -exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp; -exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps; -exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps; - - -function httpOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttp(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = http.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - -function httpOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - return agent; -} - -function httpsOverHttps(options) { - var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options); - agent.request = https.request; - agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket; - agent.defaultPort = 443; - return agent; -} - - -function TunnelingAgent(options) { - var self = this; - self.options = options || {}; - self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {}; - self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets; - self.requests = []; - self.sockets = []; - - self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) { - var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress); - for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) { - var pending = self.requests[i]; - if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) { - // Detect the request to connect same origin server, - // reuse the connection. - self.requests.splice(i, 1); - pending.request.onSocket(socket); - return; - } - } - socket.destroy(); - self.removeSocket(socket); - }); -} -util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter); - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) { - var self = this; - var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress)); - - if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) { - // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. - self.requests.push(options); - return; - } - - // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. - self.createSocket(options, function(socket) { - socket.on('free', onFree); - socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - req.onSocket(socket); - - function onFree() { - self.emit('free', socket, options); - } - - function onCloseOrRemove(err) { - self.removeSocket(socket); - socket.removeListener('free', onFree); - socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove); - socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove); - } - }); -}; - -TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) { - var self = this; - var placeholder = {}; - self.sockets.push(placeholder); - - var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, { - method: 'CONNECT', - path: options.host + ':' + options.port, - agent: false, - headers: { - host: options.host + ':' + options.port - } - }); - if (options.localAddress) { - connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress; - } - if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) { - connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {}; - connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + - new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64'); - } - - debug('making CONNECT request'); - var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions); - connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade); // for v0.6 - connectReq.once('connect', onConnect); // for v0.7 or later - connectReq.once('error', onError); - connectReq.end(); - - function onResponse(res) { - // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks. - res.upgrade = true; - } - - function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) { - // Hacky. - process.nextTick(function() { - onConnect(res, socket, head); - }); - } - - function onConnect(res, socket, head) { - connectReq.removeAllListeners(); - socket.removeAllListeners(); + function onConnect(res, socket, head) { + connectReq.removeAllListeners(); + socket.removeAllListeners(); if (res.statusCode !== 200) { debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d', @@ -11549,7 +11500,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, import/no-import-module-exports */ const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); const github_1 = __nccwpck_require__(5438); -const ActionUtils = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(970)); +const ActionUtils = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(6981)); const CONST_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9873)); const GithubUtils_1 = __importDefault(__nccwpck_require__(9296)); /** @@ -11664,6 +11615,68 @@ if (require.main === require.cache[eval('__filename')]) { module.exports = run; +/***/ }), + +/***/ 6981: +/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) { + +"use strict"; + +var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); +}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +})); +var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); +}) : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; +}); +var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +}; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); +exports.getStringInput = exports.getJSONInput = void 0; +const core = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2186)); +/** + * Safely parse a JSON input to a GitHub Action. + * + * @param name - The name of the input. + * @param options - Options to pass to core.getInput + * @param [defaultValue] - A default value to provide for the input. + * Not required if the {required: true} option is given in the second arg to this function. + */ +function getJSONInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (input) { + return JSON.parse(input); + } + return defaultValue; +} +exports.getJSONInput = getJSONInput; +/** + * Safely access a string input to a GitHub Action, or fall back on a default if the string is empty. + */ +function getStringInput(name, options, defaultValue) { + const input = core.getInput(name, options); + if (!input) { + return defaultValue; + } + return input; +} +exports.getStringInput = getStringInput; + + /***/ }), /***/ 9873: @@ -11672,9 +11685,12 @@ module.exports = run; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11683,11 +11699,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/postTestBuildComment/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/postTestBuildComment/index.js index f36ba12e6476..b15e5950396a 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/postTestBuildComment/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/postTestBuildComment/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9098,1303 +9095,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11590,9 +11587,12 @@ exports["default"] = run; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11601,11 +11601,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/reopenIssueWithComment/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/reopenIssueWithComment/index.js index 273aed3db92f..de5c3adcccf1 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/reopenIssueWithComment/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/reopenIssueWithComment/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9054,1303 +9051,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11501,9 +11498,12 @@ reopenIssueWithComment() "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11512,11 +11512,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/reviewerChecklist/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/reviewerChecklist/index.js index 07c87374ad56..5c5f8cfcc44c 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/reviewerChecklist/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/reviewerChecklist/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9098,1303 +9095,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11474,9 +11471,12 @@ function wrappy (fn, cb) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11485,11 +11485,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; diff --git a/.github/actions/javascript/verifySignedCommits/index.js b/.github/actions/javascript/verifySignedCommits/index.js index 86cd661b34e3..1813f2fe74e2 100644 --- a/.github/actions/javascript/verifySignedCommits/index.js +++ b/.github/actions/javascript/verifySignedCommits/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/** - * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. - */ /** * NOTE: This is a compiled file. DO NOT directly edit this file. */ @@ -9098,1303 +9095,1303 @@ exports.parseURL = __nccwpck_require__(33).parseURL; /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => { "use strict"; - -const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); -const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); - -const specialSchemes = { - ftp: 21, - file: null, - gopher: 70, - http: 80, - https: 443, - ws: 80, - wss: 443 -}; - -const failure = Symbol("failure"); - -function countSymbols(str) { - return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; -} - -function at(input, idx) { - const c = input[idx]; - return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); -} - -function isASCIIDigit(c) { - return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; -} - -function isASCIIAlpha(c) { - return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); -} - -function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { - return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); -} - -function isASCIIHex(c) { - return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); -} - -function isSingleDot(buffer) { - return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; -} - -function isDoubleDot(buffer) { - buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); - return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { - return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); -} - -function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { - return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { - return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; -} - -function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; -} - -function isSpecial(url) { - return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); -} - -function defaultPort(scheme) { - return specialSchemes[scheme]; -} - -function percentEncode(c) { - let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - if (hex.length === 1) { - hex = "0" + hex; - } - - return "%" + hex; -} - -function utf8PercentEncode(c) { - const buf = new Buffer(c); - - let str = ""; - - for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { - str += percentEncode(buf[i]); - } - - return str; -} - -function utf8PercentDecode(str) { - const input = new Buffer(str); - const output = []; - for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { - if (input[i] !== 37) { - output.push(input[i]); - } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { - output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); - i += 2; - } else { - output.push(input[i]); - } - } - return new Buffer(output).toString(); -} - -function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { - return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; -} - -const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); -function isPathPercentEncode(c) { - return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = - new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); -function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { - return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); -} - -function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { - const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); - - if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { - return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); - } - - return cStr; -} - -function parseIPv4Number(input) { - let R = 10; - - if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { - input = input.substring(2); - R = 16; - } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { - input = input.substring(1); - R = 8; - } - - if (input === "") { - return 0; - } - - const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); - if (regex.test(input)) { - return failure; - } - - return parseInt(input, R); -} - -function parseIPv4(input) { - const parts = input.split("."); - if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { - if (parts.length > 1) { - parts.pop(); - } - } - - if (parts.length > 4) { - return input; - } - - const numbers = []; - for (const part of parts) { - if (part === "") { - return input; - } - const n = parseIPv4Number(part); - if (n === failure) { - return input; - } - - numbers.push(n); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { - if (numbers[i] > 255) { - return failure; - } - } - if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { - return failure; - } - - let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); - let counter = 0; - - for (const n of numbers) { - ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); - ++counter; - } - - return ipv4; -} - -function serializeIPv4(address) { - let output = ""; - let n = address; - - for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { - output = String(n % 256) + output; - if (i !== 4) { - output = "." + output; - } - n = Math.floor(n / 256); - } - - return output; -} - -function parseIPv6(input) { - const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; - let pieceIndex = 0; - let compress = null; - let pointer = 0; - - input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { - return failure; - } - - pointer += 2; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - } - - while (pointer < input.length) { - if (pieceIndex === 8) { - return failure; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 58) { - if (compress !== null) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - ++pieceIndex; - compress = pieceIndex; - continue; - } - - let value = 0; - let length = 0; - - while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { - value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); - ++pointer; - ++length; - } - - if (input[pointer] === 46) { - if (length === 0) { - return failure; - } - - pointer -= length; - - if (pieceIndex > 6) { - return failure; - } - - let numbersSeen = 0; - - while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - let ipv4Piece = null; - - if (numbersSeen > 0) { - if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { - ++pointer; - } else { - return failure; - } - } - - if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - return failure; - } - - while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { - const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); - if (ipv4Piece === null) { - ipv4Piece = number; - } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { - return failure; - } else { - ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; - } - if (ipv4Piece > 255) { - return failure; - } - ++pointer; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; - - ++numbersSeen; - - if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { - ++pieceIndex; - } - } - - if (numbersSeen !== 4) { - return failure; - } - - break; - } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { - ++pointer; - if (input[pointer] === undefined) { - return failure; - } - } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { - return failure; - } - - address[pieceIndex] = value; - ++pieceIndex; - } - - if (compress !== null) { - let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; - pieceIndex = 7; - while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { - const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; - address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; - address[pieceIndex] = temp; - --pieceIndex; - --swaps; - } - } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { - return failure; - } - - return address; -} - -function serializeIPv6(address) { - let output = ""; - const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); - const compress = seqResult.idx; - let ignore0 = false; - - for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { - if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { - continue; - } else if (ignore0) { - ignore0 = false; - } - - if (compress === pieceIndex) { - const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; - output += separator; - ignore0 = true; - continue; - } - - output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); - - if (pieceIndex !== 7) { - output += ":"; - } - } - - return output; -} - -function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { - if (input[0] === "[") { - if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { - return failure; - } - - return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); - } - - if (!isSpecialArg) { - return parseOpaqueHost(input); - } - - const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); - const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); - if (asciiDomain === null) { - return failure; - } - - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { - return failure; - } - - const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); - if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { - return ipv4Host; - } - - return asciiDomain; -} - -function parseOpaqueHost(input) { - if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { - return failure; - } - - let output = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - return output; -} - -function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { - let maxIdx = null; - let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 - let currStart = null; - let currLen = 0; - - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] !== 0) { - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - currStart = null; - currLen = 0; - } else { - if (currStart === null) { - currStart = i; - } - ++currLen; - } - } - - // if trailing zeros - if (currLen > maxLen) { - maxIdx = currStart; - maxLen = currLen; - } - - return { - idx: maxIdx, - len: maxLen - }; -} - -function serializeHost(host) { - if (typeof host === "number") { - return serializeIPv4(host); - } - - // IPv6 serializer - if (host instanceof Array) { - return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; - } - - return host; -} - -function trimControlChars(url) { - return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); -} - -function trimTabAndNewline(url) { - return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); -} - -function shortenPath(url) { - const path = url.path; - if (path.length === 0) { - return; - } - if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { - return; - } - - path.pop(); -} - -function includesCredentials(url) { - return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; -} - -function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { - return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; -} - -function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { - return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); -} - -function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { - this.pointer = 0; - this.input = input; - this.base = base || null; - this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; - this.stateOverride = stateOverride; - this.url = url; - this.failure = false; - this.parseError = false; - - if (!this.url) { - this.url = { - scheme: "", - username: "", - password: "", - host: null, - port: null, - path: [], - query: null, - fragment: null, - - cannotBeABaseURL: false - }; - - const res = trimControlChars(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - } - - const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); - if (res !== this.input) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.input = res; - - this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; - - this.buffer = ""; - this.atFlag = false; - this.arrFlag = false; - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; - - this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); - - for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { - const c = this.input[this.pointer]; - const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); - - // exec state machine - const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); - if (!ret) { - break; // terminate algorithm - } else if (ret === failure) { - this.failure = true; - break; - } - } -} - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - this.state = "scheme"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.state = "no scheme"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { - this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); - } else if (c === 58) { - if (this.stateOverride) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { - return false; - } - - if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { - return false; - } - - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { - return false; - } - } - this.url.scheme = this.buffer; - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - if (this.url.scheme === "file") { - if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { - this.state = "special relative or authority"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - this.state = "special authority slashes"; - } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "path or authority"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.url.path.push(""); - this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride) { - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "no scheme"; - this.pointer = -1; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { - if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { - return failure; - } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { - this.state = "file"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { - if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { - this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "relative slash"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - } else if (c === 47) { - this.state = "authority"; - } else { - this.url.username = this.base.username; - this.url.password = this.base.password; - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.port = this.base.port; - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { - if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - ++this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - this.state = "authority"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { - if (c === 64) { - this.parseError = true; - if (this.atFlag) { - this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; - } - this.atFlag = true; - - // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars - const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); - for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { - const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); - - if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; - continue; - } - const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); - if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { - this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; - } else { - this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; - } - } - this.buffer = ""; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "host"; - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { - if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { - --this.pointer; - this.state = "file host"; - } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { - if (this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "port"; - if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { - return false; - } - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - --this.pointer; - if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && - (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { - this.parseError = true; - return false; - } - - const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - - this.url.host = host; - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - } else { - if (c === 91) { - this.arrFlag = true; - } else if (c === 93) { - this.arrFlag = false; - } - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { - if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { - this.buffer += cStr; - } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || - (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - this.stateOverride) { - if (this.buffer !== "") { - const port = parseInt(this.buffer); - if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; - this.buffer = ""; - } - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - --this.pointer; - } else { - this.parseError = true; - return failure; - } - - return true; -}; - -const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { - this.url.scheme = "file"; - - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file slash"; - } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNaN(c)) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - } else if (c === 63) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - this.url.query = this.base.query; - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points - !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points - !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); - shortenPath(this.url); - } else { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - } else { - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { - if (c === 47 || c === 92) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "file host"; - } else { - if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { - if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { - this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); - } else { - this.url.host = this.base.host; - } - } - this.state = "path"; - --this.pointer; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { - --this.pointer; - if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - this.parseError = true; - this.state = "path"; - } else if (this.buffer === "") { - this.url.host = ""; - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - this.state = "path start"; - } else { - let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); - if (host === failure) { - return failure; - } - if (host === "localhost") { - host = ""; - } - this.url.host = host; - - if (this.stateOverride) { - return false; - } - - this.buffer = ""; - this.state = "path start"; - } - } else { - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { - if (isSpecial(this.url)) { - if (c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - this.state = "path"; - - if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { - --this.pointer; - } - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else if (c !== undefined) { - this.state = "path"; - if (c !== 47) { - --this.pointer; - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { - if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || - (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { - if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { - shortenPath(this.url); - if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } - } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && - !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { - this.url.path.push(""); - } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { - if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.host = ""; - } - this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; - } - this.url.path.push(this.buffer); - } - this.buffer = ""; - if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { - while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { - this.parseError = true; - this.url.path.shift(); - } - } - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { - if (c === 63) { - this.url.query = ""; - this.state = "query"; - } else if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } else { - // TODO: Add: not a URL code point - if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - if (!isNaN(c)) { - this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { - if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { - if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { - this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; - } - - const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { - if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || - buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { - this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); - } else { - this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); - } - } - - this.buffer = ""; - if (c === 35) { - this.url.fragment = ""; - this.state = "fragment"; - } - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.buffer += cStr; - } - - return true; -}; - -URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { - if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing - } else if (c === 0x0) { - this.parseError = true; - } else { - // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. - if (c === 37 && - (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || - !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { - this.parseError = true; - } - - this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); - } - - return true; -}; - -function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { - let output = url.scheme + ":"; - if (url.host !== null) { - output += "//"; - - if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { - output += url.username; - if (url.password !== "") { - output += ":" + url.password; - } - output += "@"; - } - - output += serializeHost(url.host); - - if (url.port !== null) { - output += ":" + url.port; - } - } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { - output += "//"; - } - - if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { - output += url.path[0]; - } else { - for (const string of url.path) { - output += "/" + string; - } - } - - if (url.query !== null) { - output += "?" + url.query; - } - - if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { - output += "#" + url.fragment; - } - - return output; -} - -function serializeOrigin(tuple) { - let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; - result += serializeHost(tuple.host); - - if (tuple.port !== null) { - result += ":" + tuple.port; - } - - return result; -} - -module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; - -module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { - // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin - switch (url.scheme) { - case "blob": - try { - return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); - } catch (e) { - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } - case "ftp": - case "gopher": - case "http": - case "https": - case "ws": - case "wss": - return serializeOrigin({ - scheme: url.scheme, - host: url.host, - port: url.port - }); - case "file": - // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" - return "file://"; - default: - // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" - return "null"; - } -}; - -module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); - if (usm.failure) { - return "failure"; - } - - return usm.url; -}; - -module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { - url.username = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { - url.password = ""; - const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); - for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { - url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); - } -}; - -module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; - -module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; - -module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { - return String(integer); -}; - -module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { - if (options === undefined) { - options = {}; - } - - // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: - return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); -}; + +const punycode = __nccwpck_require__(5477); +const tr46 = __nccwpck_require__(2299); + +const specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; + +const failure = Symbol("failure"); + +function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; +} + +function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); +} + +function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; +} + +function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); +} + +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); +} + +function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); +} + +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} + +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); +} + +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; +} + +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; +} + +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} + +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} + +function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + + return "%" + hex; +} + +function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + + let str = ""; + + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + + return str; +} + +function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); +} + +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; +} + +const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = + new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); +} + +function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + + return cStr; +} + +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + + return parseInt(input, R); +} + +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + + numbers.push(n); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + + return ipv4; +} + +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + + return output; +} + +function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + + pointer -= length; + + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + + let numbersSeen = 0; + + while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; + + ++numbersSeen; + + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === undefined) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { + return failure; + } + + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + + return address; +} + +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + + return output; +} + +function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + + return asciiDomain; +} + +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; +} + +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + + // if trailing zeros + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; +} + +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + + // IPv6 serializer + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + + return host; +} + +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); +} + +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); +} + +function shortenPath(url) { + const path = url.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + + path.pop(); +} + +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} + +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return url.host === null || url.host === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; +} + +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); +} + +function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + + const res = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + } + + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); + + // exec state machine + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; // terminate algorithm + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } +} + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + + // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && + (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || + (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + + return true; +}; + +const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== undefined) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || + (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && + !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + // TODO: Add: not a URL code point + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || + buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.buffer += cStr; + } + + return true; +}; + +URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing + } else if (c === 0x0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. + if (c === 37 && + (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || + !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + + return true; +}; + +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = url.scheme + ":"; + if (url.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + + output += serializeHost(url.host); + + if (url.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url.port; + } + } else if (url.host === null && url.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + + if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + + if (url.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url.query; + } + + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url.fragment; + } + + return output; +} + +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + + return result; +} + +module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + +module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { + // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host: url.host, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" + return "file://"; + default: + // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" + return "null"; + } +}; + +module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + + return usm.url; +}; + +module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { + url.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { + url.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } +}; + +module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + +module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + +module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { + return String(integer); +}; + +module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; + } + + // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: + return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); +}; /***/ }), @@ -11533,9 +11530,12 @@ GithubUtils_1.default.octokit.pulls "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); -const CONST = { +const GIT_CONST = { GITHUB_OWNER: 'Expensify', APP_REPO: 'App', +}; +const CONST = { + ...GIT_CONST, APPLAUSE_BOT: 'applausebot', OS_BOTIFY: 'OSBotify', LABELS: { @@ -11544,11 +11544,9 @@ const CONST = { INTERNAL_QA: 'InternalQA', }, DATE_FORMAT_STRING: 'yyyy-MM-dd', - APP_REPO_URL: '', - APP_REPO_GIT_URL: '', + APP_REPO_URL: `https://github.com/${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}`, + APP_REPO_GIT_URL: `git@github.com:${GIT_CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${GIT_CONST.APP_REPO}.git`, }; -CONST.APP_REPO_URL = `https://github.com/${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}`; -CONST.APP_REPO_GIT_URL = `git@github.com:${CONST.GITHUB_OWNER}/${CONST.APP_REPO}.git`; exports["default"] = CONST; @@ -12209,17 +12207,6 @@ module.exports = JSON.parse('[[[0,44],"disallowed_STD3_valid"],[[45,46],"valid"] /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ -/******/ (() => { -/******/ // define __esModule on exports -/******/ __nccwpck_require__.r = (exports) => { -/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); -/******/ } -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); -/******/ }; -/******/ })(); -/******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat */ /******/ /******/ if (typeof __nccwpck_require__ !== 'undefined') __nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/";