, policy: OnyxEntry, policy: OnyxEntry | undefined = undefined): string {
const moneyRequestTotal = getMoneyRequestReimbursableTotal(report);
const formattedAmount = CurrencyUtils.convertToDisplayString(moneyRequestTotal, report?.currency, hasOnlyDistanceRequestTransactions(report?.reportID));
- const payerName = isExpenseReport(report) ? getPolicyName(report, false, policy) : getDisplayNameForParticipant(report?.managerID) ?? '';
+ const payerOrApproverName = isExpenseReport(report) ? getPolicyName(report, false, policy) : getDisplayNameForParticipant(report?.managerID) ?? '';
const payerPaidAmountMessage = Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerPaidAmount', {
- payer: payerName,
+ payer: payerOrApproverName,
amount: formattedAmount,
+ if (isReportApproved(report)) {
+ return Localize.translateLocal('iou.managerApprovedAmount', {
+ manager: payerOrApproverName,
+ amount: formattedAmount,
+ });
+ }
if (report?.isWaitingOnBankAccount) {
return `${payerPaidAmountMessage} • ${Localize.translateLocal('iou.pending')}`;
@@ -1725,11 +1754,11 @@ function getMoneyRequestReportName(report: OnyxEntry, policy: OnyxEntry<
if (hasNonReimbursableTransactions(report?.reportID)) {
- return Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerSpentAmount', {payer: payerName, amount: formattedAmount});
+ return Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerSpentAmount', {payer: payerOrApproverName, amount: formattedAmount});
if (isProcessingReport(report) || isDraftExpenseReport(report) || moneyRequestTotal === 0) {
- return Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerOwesAmount', {payer: payerName, amount: formattedAmount});
+ return Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerOwesAmount', {payer: payerOrApproverName, amount: formattedAmount});
return payerPaidAmountMessage;
@@ -1791,6 +1820,7 @@ function canEditMoneyRequest(reportAction: OnyxEntry, fieldToEdit
const moneyRequestReport = getReport(String(moneyRequestReportID));
const isReportSettled = isSettled(moneyRequestReport?.reportID);
+ const isApproved = isReportApproved(moneyRequestReport);
const isAdmin = isExpenseReport(moneyRequestReport) && (getPolicy(moneyRequestReport?.policyID ?? '')?.role ?? '') === CONST.POLICY.ROLE.ADMIN;
const isRequestor = currentUserAccountID === reportAction?.actorAccountID;
@@ -1802,7 +1832,7 @@ function canEditMoneyRequest(reportAction: OnyxEntry, fieldToEdit
return true;
- return !isReportSettled && isRequestor;
+ return !isApproved && !isReportSettled && isRequestor;
@@ -1962,8 +1992,11 @@ function getReportPreviewMessage(
const payerName = isExpenseReport(report) ? getPolicyName(report, false, policy) : getDisplayNameForParticipant(report.managerID, true);
const formattedAmount = CurrencyUtils.convertToDisplayString(totalAmount, report.currency);
- if (isReportApproved(report) && getPolicyType(report, allPolicies) === CONST.POLICY.TYPE.CORPORATE) {
- return `approved ${formattedAmount}`;
+ if (isReportApproved(report) && isGroupPolicy(report)) {
+ return Localize.translateLocal('iou.managerApprovedAmount', {
+ manager: payerName ?? '',
+ amount: formattedAmount,
+ });
if (isNotEmptyObject(reportAction) && shouldConsiderReceiptBeingScanned && reportAction && ReportActionsUtils.isMoneyRequestAction(reportAction)) {
@@ -2394,7 +2427,7 @@ function getParsedComment(text: string): string {
return text.length <= CONST.MAX_MARKUP_LENGTH ? parser.replace(text) : lodashEscape(text);
-function buildOptimisticAddCommentReportAction(text?: string, file?: File & {source: string; uri: string}): OptimisticReportAction {
+function buildOptimisticAddCommentReportAction(text?: string, file?: File): OptimisticReportAction {
const parser = new ExpensiMark();
const commentText = getParsedComment(text ?? '');
const isAttachment = !text && file !== undefined;
@@ -3074,7 +3107,7 @@ function buildOptimisticChatReport(
oldPolicyName = '',
visibility: ValueOf | undefined = undefined,
writeCapability: ValueOf | undefined = undefined,
- notificationPreference: string | number = CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS,
+ notificationPreference: NotificationPreference = CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS,
parentReportActionID = '',
parentReportID = '',
welcomeMessage = '',
@@ -3644,8 +3677,8 @@ function getRouteFromLink(url: string | null): string {
// Get the reportID from URL
let route = url;
+ const localWebAndroidRegEx = /^(https:\/\/([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3}))/;
linkingConfig.prefixes.forEach((prefix) => {
- const localWebAndroidRegEx = /^(http:\/\/([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3}))/;
if (route.startsWith(prefix)) {
route = route.replace(prefix, '');
} else if (localWebAndroidRegEx.test(route)) {
@@ -4145,15 +4178,15 @@ function getIOUReportActionDisplayMessage(reportAction: OnyxEntry)
return '';
const originalMessage = reportAction.originalMessage;
+ const {IOUReportID} = originalMessage;
+ const iouReport = getReport(IOUReportID);
let translationKey: TranslationPaths;
if (originalMessage.type === CONST.IOU.REPORT_ACTION_TYPE.PAY) {
- const {IOUReportID} = originalMessage;
// The `REPORT_ACTION_TYPE.PAY` action type is used for both fulfilling existing requests and sending money. To
// differentiate between these two scenarios, we check if the `originalMessage` contains the `IOUDetails`
// property. If it does, it indicates that this is a 'Send money' action.
const {amount, currency} = originalMessage.IOUDetails ?? originalMessage;
const formattedAmount = CurrencyUtils.convertToDisplayString(amount, currency) ?? '';
- const iouReport = getReport(IOUReportID);
const payerName = isExpenseReport(iouReport) ? getPolicyName(iouReport) : getDisplayNameForParticipant(iouReport?.managerID, true);
switch (originalMessage.paymentType) {
@@ -4175,11 +4208,17 @@ function getIOUReportActionDisplayMessage(reportAction: OnyxEntry)
const transactionDetails = getTransactionDetails(isNotEmptyObject(transaction) ? transaction : null);
const formattedAmount = CurrencyUtils.convertToDisplayString(transactionDetails?.amount ?? 0, transactionDetails?.currency);
const isRequestSettled = isSettled(originalMessage.IOUReportID);
+ const isApproved = isReportApproved(iouReport);
if (isRequestSettled) {
return Localize.translateLocal('iou.payerSettled', {
amount: formattedAmount,
+ if (isApproved) {
+ return Localize.translateLocal('iou.approvedAmount', {
+ amount: formattedAmount,
+ });
+ }
translationKey = ReportActionsUtils.isSplitBillAction(reportAction) ? 'iou.didSplitAmount' : 'iou.requestedAmount';
return Localize.translateLocal(translationKey, {
@@ -4187,44 +4226,6 @@ function getIOUReportActionDisplayMessage(reportAction: OnyxEntry)
- * Return room channel log display message
- */
-function getChannelLogMemberMessage(reportAction: OnyxEntry): string {
- const verb =
- ? 'invited'
- : 'removed';
- const mentions = (reportAction?.originalMessage as ChangeLog)?.targetAccountIDs?.map(() => {
- const personalDetail = allPersonalDetails?.accountID;
- const displayNameOrLogin = LocalePhoneNumber.formatPhoneNumber(personalDetail?.login ?? '') || (personalDetail?.displayName ?? '') || Localize.translateLocal('common.hidden');
- return `@${displayNameOrLogin}`;
- });
- const lastMention = mentions?.pop();
- let message = '';
- if (mentions?.length === 0) {
- message = `${verb} ${lastMention}`;
- } else if (mentions?.length === 1) {
- message = `${verb} ${mentions?.[0]} and ${lastMention}`;
- } else {
- message = `${verb} ${mentions?.join(', ')}, and ${lastMention}`;
- }
- const roomName = (reportAction?.originalMessage as ChangeLog)?.roomName ?? '';
- if (roomName) {
- const preposition =
- ? ' to'
- : ' from';
- message += `${preposition} ${roomName}`;
- }
- return message;
* Checks if a report is a group chat.
@@ -4302,12 +4303,12 @@ function shouldAutoFocusOnKeyPress(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean {
* Navigates to the appropriate screen based on the presence of a private note for the current user.
function navigateToPrivateNotes(report: Report, session: Session) {
- if (isEmpty(report) || isEmpty(session)) {
+ if (isEmpty(report) || isEmpty(session) || !session.accountID) {
- const currentUserPrivateNote = report.privateNotes?.[String(session.accountID)]?.note ?? '';
+ const currentUserPrivateNote = report.privateNotes?.[session.accountID]?.note ?? '';
if (isEmpty(currentUserPrivateNote)) {
- Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.PRIVATE_NOTES_EDIT.getRoute(report.reportID, String(session.accountID)));
+ Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.PRIVATE_NOTES_EDIT.getRoute(report.reportID, session.accountID));
@@ -4356,6 +4357,8 @@ export {
+ isGroupPolicyExpenseChat,
+ isGroupPolicyExpenseReport,
@@ -4476,7 +4479,6 @@ export {
- getChannelLogMemberMessage,
@@ -4485,4 +4487,4 @@ export {
-export type {OptionData};
+export type {OptionData, OptimisticChatReport};
diff --git a/src/libs/SessionUtils.ts b/src/libs/SessionUtils.ts
index 6cd20e0b56b2..1afa3a75e081 100644
--- a/src/libs/SessionUtils.ts
+++ b/src/libs/SessionUtils.ts
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Onyx.connect({
function resetDidUserLogInDuringSession() {
- loggedInDuringSession = undefined;
+ loggedInDuringSession = true;
function didUserLogInDuringSession() {
diff --git a/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts b/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
index 9a1db07ca683..1813d4f0a795 100644
--- a/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
+++ b/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ function getOptionData(
const result: ReportUtils.OptionData = {
alternateText: null,
- pendingAction: null,
allReportErrors: null,
brickRoadIndicator: null,
tooltipText: null,
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ function getOptionData(
result.isExpenseRequest = ReportUtils.isExpenseRequest(report);
result.isMoneyRequestReport = ReportUtils.isMoneyRequestReport(report);
result.shouldShowSubscript = ReportUtils.shouldReportShowSubscript(report);
- result.pendingAction = report.pendingFields ? report.pendingFields.addWorkspaceRoom || report.pendingFields.createChat : null;
+ result.pendingAction = report.pendingFields ? report.pendingFields.addWorkspaceRoom || report.pendingFields.createChat : undefined;
result.allReportErrors = OptionsListUtils.getAllReportErrors(report, reportActions) as OnyxCommon.Errors;
result.brickRoadIndicator = Object.keys(result.allReportErrors ?? {}).length !== 0 ? CONST.BRICK_ROAD_INDICATOR_STATUS.ERROR : '';
result.ownerAccountID = report.ownerAccountID;
@@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ function getOptionData(
result.hasOutstandingChildRequest = report.hasOutstandingChildRequest;
result.parentReportID = report.parentReportID ?? '';
result.isWaitingOnBankAccount = report.isWaitingOnBankAccount;
- result.notificationPreference = report.notificationPreference ?? '';
+ result.notificationPreference = report.notificationPreference;
result.isAllowedToComment = ReportUtils.canUserPerformWriteAction(report);
result.chatType = report.chatType;
@@ -372,17 +371,17 @@ function getOptionData(
const targetAccountIDs = lastAction?.originalMessage?.targetAccountIDs ?? [];
const verb =
- ? 'invited'
- : 'removed';
- const users = targetAccountIDs.length > 1 ? 'users' : 'user';
+ ? Localize.translate(preferredLocale, 'workspace.invite.invited')
+ : Localize.translate(preferredLocale, 'workspace.invite.removed');
+ const users = Localize.translate(preferredLocale, targetAccountIDs.length > 1 ? 'workspace.invite.users' : 'workspace.invite.user');
result.alternateText = `${verb} ${targetAccountIDs.length} ${users}`;
const roomName = lastAction?.originalMessage?.roomName ?? '';
if (roomName) {
const preposition =
- ? ' to'
- : ' from';
+ ? ` ${Localize.translate(preferredLocale, 'workspace.invite.to')}`
+ : ` ${Localize.translate(preferredLocale, 'workspace.invite.from')}`;
result.alternateText += `${preposition} ${roomName}`;
} else if (lastAction?.actionName !== CONST.REPORT.ACTIONS.TYPE.REPORTPREVIEW && lastActorDisplayName && lastMessageTextFromReport) {
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/IOU.js b/src/libs/actions/IOU.js
index c65b56313a2d..adf184729001 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/IOU.js
+++ b/src/libs/actions/IOU.js
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import * as Localize from '@libs/Localize';
import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
import * as NumberUtils from '@libs/NumberUtils';
import * as OptionsListUtils from '@libs/OptionsListUtils';
+import Permissions from '@libs/Permissions';
import * as ReportActionsUtils from '@libs/ReportActionsUtils';
import * as ReportUtils from '@libs/ReportUtils';
import * as TransactionUtils from '@libs/TransactionUtils';
@@ -25,6 +26,12 @@ import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
import * as Policy from './Policy';
import * as Report from './Report';
+let betas;
+ callback: (val) => (betas = val || []),
let allPersonalDetails;
@@ -54,6 +61,29 @@ Onyx.connect({
+let allTransactionDrafts = {};
+ waitForCollectionCallback: true,
+ callback: (val) => {
+ allTransactionDrafts = val || {};
+ },
+let allTransactionViolations;
+ waitForCollectionCallback: true,
+ callback: (val) => {
+ if (!val) {
+ allTransactionViolations = {};
+ return;
+ }
+ allTransactionViolations = val;
+ },
let allDraftSplitTransactions;
@@ -92,9 +122,10 @@ Onyx.connect({
* Initialize money request info
* @param {String} reportID to attach the transaction to
+ * @param {Boolean} isFromGlobalCreate
* @param {String} [iouRequestType] one of manual/scan/distance
-function startMoneyRequest_temporaryForRefactor(reportID, iouRequestType = CONST.IOU.REQUEST_TYPE.MANUAL) {
+function startMoneyRequest_temporaryForRefactor(reportID, isFromGlobalCreate, iouRequestType = CONST.IOU.REQUEST_TYPE.MANUAL) {
// Generate a brand new transactionID
const created = currentDate || format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
@@ -118,6 +149,7 @@ function startMoneyRequest_temporaryForRefactor(reportID, iouRequestType = CONST
transactionID: newTransactionID,
+ isFromGlobalCreate,
@@ -177,6 +209,13 @@ function setMoneyRequestCategory_temporaryForRefactor(transactionID, category) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION_DRAFT}${transactionID}`, {category});
+ * @param {String} transactionID
+ */
+function resetMoneyRequestCategory_temporaryForRefactor(transactionID) {
+ Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION_DRAFT}${transactionID}`, {category: null});
* @param {String} transactionID
* @param {String} tag
@@ -631,11 +670,12 @@ function getMoneyRequestInformation(
// data. This is a big can of worms to change it to `Onyx.merge()` as explored in https://expensify.slack.com/archives/C05DWUDHVK7/p1692139468252109.
// I want to clean this up at some point, but it's possible this will live in the code for a while so I've created https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/25417
// to remind me to do this.
- const existingTransaction = existingTransactionID && TransactionUtils.getTransaction(existingTransactionID);
- if (existingTransaction) {
+ if (existingTransaction && existingTransaction.iouRequestType === CONST.IOU.REQUEST_TYPE.DISTANCE) {
optimisticTransaction = {
+ transactionID: optimisticTransaction.transactionID,
@@ -2140,6 +2180,7 @@ function deleteMoneyRequest(transactionID, reportAction, isSingleTransactionView
const chatReport = allReports[`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${iouReport.chatReportID}`];
const reportPreviewAction = ReportActionsUtils.getReportPreviewAction(iouReport.chatReportID, iouReport.reportID);
const transaction = allTransactions[`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION}${transactionID}`];
+ const transactionViolations = allTransactionViolations[`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION_VIOLATIONS}${transactionID}`];
const transactionThreadID = reportAction.childReportID;
let transactionThread = null;
if (transactionThreadID) {
@@ -2220,6 +2261,15 @@ function deleteMoneyRequest(transactionID, reportAction, isSingleTransactionView
value: null,
+ ...(Permissions.canUseViolations(betas)
+ ? [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.SET,
+ value: null,
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
? [
@@ -2251,6 +2301,17 @@ function deleteMoneyRequest(transactionID, reportAction, isSingleTransactionView
[reportPreviewAction.reportActionID]: updatedReportPreviewAction,
+ ...(!shouldDeleteIOUReport && updatedReportPreviewAction.childMoneyRequestCount === 0
+ ? [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${chatReport.reportID}`,
+ value: {
+ hasOutstandingChildRequest: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
? [
@@ -2283,6 +2344,15 @@ function deleteMoneyRequest(transactionID, reportAction, isSingleTransactionView
value: transaction,
+ ...(Permissions.canUseViolations(betas)
+ ? [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.SET,
+ value: transactionViolations,
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
? [
@@ -2323,6 +2393,17 @@ function deleteMoneyRequest(transactionID, reportAction, isSingleTransactionView
: []),
+ ...(!shouldDeleteIOUReport && updatedReportPreviewAction.childMoneyRequestCount === 0
+ ? [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${chatReport.reportID}`,
+ value: {
+ hasOutstandingChildRequest: true,
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
// STEP 6: Make the API request
@@ -3164,6 +3245,7 @@ export {
+ resetMoneyRequestCategory_temporaryForRefactor,
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts b/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
index b3d1e3e23a24..3547a3053a02 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
+++ b/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
import {createRef} from 'react';
import Onyx, {OnyxUpdate} from 'react-native-onyx';
+import {OnyxEntry} from 'react-native-onyx/lib/types';
import {ValueOf} from 'type-fest';
import * as API from '@libs/API';
import * as CardUtils from '@libs/CardUtils';
import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
import CONST from '@src/CONST';
-import ONYXKEYS, {OnyxValues} from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
+import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
+import type {BankAccountList, FundList} from '@src/types/onyx';
import PaymentMethod from '@src/types/onyx/PaymentMethod';
import {FilterMethodPaymentType} from '@src/types/onyx/WalletTransfer';
@@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ function dismissSuccessfulTransferBalancePage() {
* Looks through each payment method to see if there is an existing error
-function hasPaymentMethodError(bankList: OnyxValues[typeof ONYXKEYS.BANK_ACCOUNT_LIST], fundList: OnyxValues[typeof ONYXKEYS.FUND_LIST]): boolean {
+function hasPaymentMethodError(bankList: OnyxEntry, fundList: OnyxEntry): boolean {
const combinedPaymentMethods = {...bankList, ...fundList};
return Object.values(combinedPaymentMethods).some((item) => Object.keys(item.errors ?? {}).length);
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/PersonalDetails.ts b/src/libs/actions/PersonalDetails.ts
index 29d18d543a11..02b5f70db285 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/PersonalDetails.ts
+++ b/src/libs/actions/PersonalDetails.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import * as UserUtils from '@libs/UserUtils';
import CONST from '@src/CONST';
import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
-import {DateOfBirthForm, PersonalDetails, PrivatePersonalDetails} from '@src/types/onyx';
+import {DateOfBirthForm, PersonalDetails, PersonalDetailsList, PrivatePersonalDetails} from '@src/types/onyx';
import {SelectedTimezone, Timezone} from '@src/types/onyx/PersonalDetails';
type FirstAndLastName = {
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Onyx.connect({
-let allPersonalDetails: OnyxEntry> = null;
+let allPersonalDetails: OnyxEntry = null;
callback: (val) => (allPersonalDetails = val),
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/Policy.js b/src/libs/actions/Policy.js
index 04f62ab0c393..f33e6637e2de 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/Policy.js
+++ b/src/libs/actions/Policy.js
@@ -112,13 +112,6 @@ Onyx.connect({
callback: (val) => (allRecentlyUsedTags = val),
-let networkStatus = {};
- waitForCollectionCallback: true,
- callback: (val) => (networkStatus = val),
* Stores in Onyx the policy ID of the last workspace that was accessed by the user
* @param {String|null} policyID
@@ -957,7 +950,7 @@ function updateWorkspaceCustomUnitAndRate(policyID, currentCustomUnit, newCustom
- ...(!networkStatus.isOffline && {lastModified}),
+ lastModified,
customUnit: JSON.stringify(newCustomUnitParam),
customUnitRate: JSON.stringify(newCustomUnitParam.rates),
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/Report.js b/src/libs/actions/Report.ts
similarity index 61%
rename from src/libs/actions/Report.js
rename to src/libs/actions/Report.ts
index 5bc6bfe8c58d..bea4ab8aed77 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/Report.js
+++ b/src/libs/actions/Report.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import {format as timezoneFormat, utcToZonedTime} from 'date-fns-tz';
import ExpensiMark from 'expensify-common/lib/ExpensiMark';
import Str from 'expensify-common/lib/str';
import lodashDebounce from 'lodash/debounce';
-import lodashGet from 'lodash/get';
+import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
import {DeviceEventEmitter, InteractionManager} from 'react-native';
-import Onyx from 'react-native-onyx';
-import _ from 'underscore';
+import Onyx, {OnyxCollection, OnyxEntry, OnyxUpdate} from 'react-native-onyx';
+import {NullishDeep} from 'react-native-onyx/lib/types';
+import {PartialDeep, ValueOf} from 'type-fest';
+import {Emoji} from '@assets/emojis/types';
import * as ActiveClientManager from '@libs/ActiveClientManager';
import * as API from '@libs/API';
import * as CollectionUtils from '@libs/CollectionUtils';
@@ -16,6 +18,8 @@ import * as ErrorUtils from '@libs/ErrorUtils';
import Log from '@libs/Log';
import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
import LocalNotification from '@libs/Notification/LocalNotification';
+import {ReportCommentParams} from '@libs/Notification/LocalNotification/types';
+import * as OptionsListUtils from '@libs/OptionsListUtils';
import * as PersonalDetailsUtils from '@libs/PersonalDetailsUtils';
import * as Pusher from '@libs/Pusher/pusher';
import * as ReportActionsUtils from '@libs/ReportActionsUtils';
@@ -25,70 +29,84 @@ import Visibility from '@libs/Visibility';
import CONFIG from '@src/CONFIG';
import CONST from '@src/CONST';
import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
-import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
+import ROUTES, {Route} from '@src/ROUTES';
+import {PersonalDetails, PersonalDetailsList, ReportActionReactions, ReportUserIsTyping} from '@src/types/onyx';
+import {Decision, OriginalMessageIOU} from '@src/types/onyx/OriginalMessage';
+import Report, {NotificationPreference, WriteCapability} from '@src/types/onyx/Report';
+import ReportAction, {Message, ReportActionBase, ReportActions} from '@src/types/onyx/ReportAction';
+import {EmptyObject, isEmptyObject, isNotEmptyObject} from '@src/types/utils/EmptyObject';
import * as Session from './Session';
import * as Welcome from './Welcome';
-let currentUserAccountID;
+type SubscriberCallback = (isFromCurrentUser: boolean, reportActionID: string | undefined) => void;
+type ActionSubscriber = {
+ reportID: string;
+ callback: SubscriberCallback;
+let currentUserAccountID = -1;
- callback: (val) => {
+ callback: (value) => {
// When signed out, val is undefined
- if (!val) {
+ if (!value?.accountID) {
- currentUserAccountID = val.accountID;
+ currentUserAccountID = value.accountID;
-let preferredSkinTone;
+let preferredSkinTone: number = CONST.EMOJI_DEFAULT_SKIN_TONE;
- callback: (val) => {
- preferredSkinTone = EmojiUtils.getPreferredSkinToneIndex(val);
+ callback: (value) => {
+ preferredSkinTone = EmojiUtils.getPreferredSkinToneIndex(value);
-const allReportActions = {};
+const allReportActions: OnyxCollection = {};
- callback: (actions, key) => {
- if (!key || !actions) {
+ callback: (action, key) => {
+ if (!key || !action) {
const reportID = CollectionUtils.extractCollectionItemID(key);
- allReportActions[reportID] = actions;
+ allReportActions[reportID] = action;
-const currentReportData = {};
+const currentReportData: OnyxCollection = {};
- callback: (data, key) => {
- if (!key || !data) {
+ callback: (report, key) => {
+ if (!key || !report) {
const reportID = CollectionUtils.extractCollectionItemID(key);
- currentReportData[reportID] = data;
+ currentReportData[reportID] = report;
let isNetworkOffline = false;
- callback: (val) => (isNetworkOffline = lodashGet(val, 'isOffline', false)),
+ callback: (value) => {
+ isNetworkOffline = value?.isOffline ?? false;
+ },
-let allPersonalDetails;
+let allPersonalDetails: OnyxEntry = {};
- callback: (val) => {
- allPersonalDetails = val || {};
+ callback: (value) => {
+ allPersonalDetails = value ?? {};
-const draftNoteMap = {};
+const draftNoteMap: OnyxCollection = {};
callback: (value, key) => {
@@ -101,17 +119,12 @@ Onyx.connect({
-const allReports = {};
-let conciergeChatReportID;
-const typingWatchTimers = {};
+const allReports: OnyxCollection = {};
+let conciergeChatReportID: string | undefined;
+const typingWatchTimers: Record = {};
- * Get the private pusher channel name for a Report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @returns {String}
- */
-function getReportChannelName(reportID) {
+/** Get the private pusher channel name for a Report. */
+function getReportChannelName(reportID: string): string {
@@ -122,26 +135,21 @@ function getReportChannelName(reportID) {
* 2. The "old" way from e.com which is passed as {userLogin: login} (e.g. {userLogin: bstites@expensify.com})
* This method makes sure that no matter which we get, we return the "new" format
- *
- * @param {Object} status
- * @returns {Object}
-function getNormalizedStatus(status) {
- let normalizedStatus = status;
+function getNormalizedStatus(typingStatus: Pusher.UserIsTypingEvent | Pusher.UserIsLeavingRoomEvent): ReportUserIsTyping {
+ let normalizedStatus: ReportUserIsTyping;
- if (_.first(_.keys(status)) === 'userLogin') {
- normalizedStatus = {[status.userLogin]: true};
+ if (typingStatus.userLogin) {
+ normalizedStatus = {[typingStatus.userLogin]: true};
+ } else {
+ normalizedStatus = typingStatus;
return normalizedStatus;
- * Initialize our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone typing in a report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function subscribeToReportTypingEvents(reportID) {
+/** Initialize our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone typing in a report. */
+function subscribeToReportTypingEvents(reportID: string) {
if (!reportID) {
@@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ function subscribeToReportTypingEvents(reportID) {
// login OR by 'Concierge'. If the pusher message comes from NewDot, it is keyed by accountID
// since personal details are keyed by accountID.
const normalizedTypingStatus = getNormalizedStatus(typingStatus);
- const accountIDOrLogin = _.first(_.keys(normalizedTypingStatus));
+ const accountIDOrLogin = Object.keys(normalizedTypingStatus)[0];
if (!accountIDOrLogin) {
@@ -173,22 +181,18 @@ function subscribeToReportTypingEvents(reportID) {
// Wait for 1.5s of no additional typing events before setting the status back to false.
typingWatchTimers[reportUserIdentifier] = setTimeout(() => {
- const typingStoppedStatus = {};
+ const typingStoppedStatus: ReportUserIsTyping = {};
typingStoppedStatus[accountIDOrLogin] = false;
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_USER_IS_TYPING}${reportID}`, typingStoppedStatus);
delete typingWatchTimers[reportUserIdentifier];
}, 1500);
}).catch((error) => {
- Log.hmmm('[Report] Failed to initially subscribe to Pusher channel', false, {errorType: error.type, pusherChannelName});
+ Log.hmmm('[Report] Failed to initially subscribe to Pusher channel', {errorType: error.type, pusherChannelName});
- * Initialize our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone leaving a room.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function subscribeToReportLeavingEvents(reportID) {
+/** Initialize our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone leaving a room. */
+function subscribeToReportLeavingEvents(reportID: string) {
if (!reportID) {
@@ -197,12 +201,12 @@ function subscribeToReportLeavingEvents(reportID) {
const pusherChannelName = getReportChannelName(reportID);
- Pusher.subscribe(pusherChannelName, Pusher.TYPE.USER_IS_LEAVING_ROOM, (leavingStatus) => {
+ Pusher.subscribe(pusherChannelName, Pusher.TYPE.USER_IS_LEAVING_ROOM, (leavingStatus: Pusher.UserIsLeavingRoomEvent) => {
// If the pusher message comes from OldDot, we expect the leaving status to be keyed by user
// login OR by 'Concierge'. If the pusher message comes from NewDot, it is keyed by accountID
// since personal details are keyed by accountID.
const normalizedLeavingStatus = getNormalizedStatus(leavingStatus);
- const accountIDOrLogin = _.first(_.keys(normalizedLeavingStatus));
+ const accountIDOrLogin = Object.keys(normalizedLeavingStatus)[0];
if (!accountIDOrLogin) {
@@ -214,16 +218,14 @@ function subscribeToReportLeavingEvents(reportID) {
}).catch((error) => {
- Log.hmmm('[Report] Failed to initially subscribe to Pusher channel', false, {errorType: error.type, pusherChannelName});
+ Log.hmmm('[Report] Failed to initially subscribe to Pusher channel', {errorType: error.type, pusherChannelName});
* Remove our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone typing in a report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
-function unsubscribeFromReportChannel(reportID) {
+function unsubscribeFromReportChannel(reportID: string) {
if (!reportID) {
@@ -235,10 +237,8 @@ function unsubscribeFromReportChannel(reportID) {
* Remove our pusher subscriptions to listen for someone leaving a report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
-function unsubscribeFromLeavingRoomReportChannel(reportID) {
+function unsubscribeFromLeavingRoomReportChannel(reportID: string) {
if (!reportID) {
@@ -249,31 +249,23 @@ function unsubscribeFromLeavingRoomReportChannel(reportID) {
// New action subscriber array for report pages
-let newActionSubscribers = [];
+let newActionSubscribers: ActionSubscriber[] = [];
* Enables the Report actions file to let the ReportActionsView know that a new comment has arrived in realtime for the current report
* Add subscriber for report id
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Function} callback
- * @returns {Function} Remove subscriber for report id
+ * @returns Remove subscriber for report id
-function subscribeToNewActionEvent(reportID, callback) {
+function subscribeToNewActionEvent(reportID: string, callback: SubscriberCallback): () => void {
newActionSubscribers.push({callback, reportID});
return () => {
- newActionSubscribers = _.filter(newActionSubscribers, (subscriber) => subscriber.reportID !== reportID);
+ newActionSubscribers = newActionSubscribers.filter((subscriber) => subscriber.reportID !== reportID);
- * Notify the ReportActionsView that a new comment has arrived
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Number} accountID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
- */
-function notifyNewAction(reportID, accountID, reportActionID) {
- const actionSubscriber = _.find(newActionSubscribers, (subscriber) => subscriber.reportID === reportID);
+/** Notify the ReportActionsView that a new comment has arrived */
+function notifyNewAction(reportID: string, accountID?: number, reportActionID?: string) {
+ const actionSubscriber = newActionSubscribers.find((subscriber) => subscriber.reportID === reportID);
if (!actionSubscriber) {
@@ -287,15 +279,11 @@ function notifyNewAction(reportID, accountID, reportActionID) {
* - Adding one comment
* - Adding one attachment
* - Add both a comment and attachment simultaneously
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} [text]
- * @param {Object} [file]
-function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
+function addActions(reportID: string, text = '', file?: File) {
let reportCommentText = '';
- let reportCommentAction;
- let attachmentAction;
+ let reportCommentAction: Partial | undefined;
+ let attachmentAction: Partial | undefined;
let commandName = 'AddComment';
if (text) {
@@ -313,43 +301,53 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
// Always prefer the file as the last action over text
- const lastAction = attachmentAction || reportCommentAction;
+ const lastAction = attachmentAction ?? reportCommentAction;
const currentTime = DateUtils.getDBTime();
+ const lastComment = lastAction?.message?.[0];
+ const lastCommentText = ReportUtils.formatReportLastMessageText(lastComment?.text ?? '');
- const lastCommentText = ReportUtils.formatReportLastMessageText(lastAction.message[0].text);
- const optimisticReport = {
+ const optimisticReport: Partial = {
lastVisibleActionCreated: currentTime,
- lastMessageTranslationKey: lodashGet(lastAction, 'message[0].translationKey', ''),
+ lastMessageTranslationKey: lastComment?.translationKey ?? '',
lastMessageText: lastCommentText,
lastMessageHtml: lastCommentText,
lastActorAccountID: currentUserAccountID,
lastReadTime: currentTime,
- if (ReportUtils.getReportNotificationPreference(ReportUtils.getReport(reportID)) === CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.HIDDEN) {
+ const report = ReportUtils.getReport(reportID);
+ if (isNotEmptyObject(report) && ReportUtils.getReportNotificationPreference(report) === CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.HIDDEN) {
optimisticReport.notificationPreference = CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS;
// Optimistically add the new actions to the store before waiting to save them to the server
- const optimisticReportActions = {};
- if (text) {
+ const optimisticReportActions: OnyxCollection> = {};
+ if (text && reportCommentAction?.reportActionID) {
optimisticReportActions[reportCommentAction.reportActionID] = reportCommentAction;
- if (file) {
+ if (file && attachmentAction?.reportActionID) {
optimisticReportActions[attachmentAction.reportActionID] = attachmentAction;
- const parameters = {
+ type AddCommentOrAttachementParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID?: string;
+ commentReportActionID?: string | null;
+ reportComment?: string;
+ file?: File;
+ timezone?: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: AddCommentOrAttachementParameters = {
- reportActionID: file ? attachmentAction.reportActionID : reportCommentAction.reportActionID,
+ reportActionID: file ? attachmentAction?.reportActionID : reportCommentAction?.reportActionID,
commentReportActionID: file && reportCommentAction ? reportCommentAction.reportActionID : null,
reportComment: reportCommentText,
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -362,15 +360,21 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
- const successData = [
+ const successReportActions: OnyxCollection> = {};
+ Object.entries(optimisticReportActions).forEach(([actionKey]) => {
+ successReportActions[actionKey] = {pendingAction: null};
+ });
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: _.mapObject(optimisticReportActions, () => ({pendingAction: null})),
+ value: successReportActions,
- let failureReport = {
+ let failureReport: Partial = {
lastMessageTranslationKey: '',
lastMessageText: '',
lastVisibleActionCreated: '',
@@ -378,8 +382,8 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
const {lastMessageText = '', lastMessageTranslationKey = ''} = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleMessage(reportID);
if (lastMessageText || lastMessageTranslationKey) {
const lastVisibleAction = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleAction(reportID);
- const lastVisibleActionCreated = lodashGet(lastVisibleAction, 'created');
- const lastActorAccountID = lodashGet(lastVisibleAction, 'actorAccountID');
+ const lastVisibleActionCreated = lastVisibleAction?.created;
+ const lastActorAccountID = lastVisibleAction?.actorAccountID;
failureReport = {
@@ -387,7 +391,17 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
- const failureData = [
+ const failureReportActions: OnyxCollection> = {};
+ Object.entries(optimisticReportActions).forEach(([actionKey, action]) => {
+ failureReportActions[actionKey] = {
+ ...action,
+ errors: ErrorUtils.getMicroSecondOnyxError('report.genericAddCommentFailureMessage'),
+ };
+ });
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -396,21 +410,18 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: _.mapObject(optimisticReportActions, (action) => ({
- ...action,
- errors: ErrorUtils.getMicroSecondOnyxError('report.genericAddCommentFailureMessage'),
- })),
+ value: failureReportActions,
// Update optimistic data for parent report action if the report is a child report
const optimisticParentReportData = ReportUtils.getOptimisticDataForParentReportAction(reportID, currentTime, CONST.RED_BRICK_ROAD_PENDING_ACTION.ADD);
- if (!_.isEmpty(optimisticParentReportData)) {
+ if (isNotEmptyObject(optimisticParentReportData)) {
// Update the timezone if it's been 5 minutes from the last time the user added a comment
- if (DateUtils.canUpdateTimezone()) {
+ if (DateUtils.canUpdateTimezone() && currentUserAccountID) {
const timezone = DateUtils.getCurrentTimezone();
parameters.timezone = JSON.stringify(timezone);
@@ -426,62 +437,58 @@ function addActions(reportID, text = '', file) {
- notifyNewAction(reportID, lastAction.actorAccountID, lastAction.reportActionID);
+ notifyNewAction(reportID, lastAction?.actorAccountID, lastAction?.reportActionID);
- *
- * Add an attachment and optional comment.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {File} file
- * @param {String} [text]
- */
-function addAttachment(reportID, file, text = '') {
+/** Add an attachment and optional comment. */
+function addAttachment(reportID: string, file: File, text = '') {
addActions(reportID, text, file);
- * Add a single comment to a report
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} text
- */
-function addComment(reportID, text) {
+/** Add a single comment to a report */
+function addComment(reportID: string, text: string) {
addActions(reportID, text);
-function reportActionsExist(reportID) {
- return allReportActions[reportID] !== undefined;
+function reportActionsExist(reportID: string): boolean {
+ return allReportActions?.[reportID] !== undefined;
* Gets the latest page of report actions and updates the last read message
* If a chat with the passed reportID is not found, we will create a chat based on the passed participantList
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Array} participantLoginList The list of users that are included in a new chat, not including the user creating it
- * @param {Object} newReportObject The optimistic report object created when making a new chat, saved as optimistic data
- * @param {String} parentReportActionID The parent report action that a thread was created from (only passed for new threads)
- * @param {Boolean} isFromDeepLink Whether or not this report is being opened from a deep link
- * @param {Array} participantAccountIDList The list of accountIDs that are included in a new chat, not including the user creating it
- */
-function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, parentReportActionID = '0', isFromDeepLink = false, participantAccountIDList = []) {
+ * @param participantLoginList The list of users that are included in a new chat, not including the user creating it
+ * @param newReportObject The optimistic report object created when making a new chat, saved as optimistic data
+ * @param parentReportActionID The parent report action that a thread was created from (only passed for new threads)
+ * @param isFromDeepLink Whether or not this report is being opened from a deep link
+ * @param participantAccountIDList The list of accountIDs that are included in a new chat, not including the user creating it
+ */
+function openReport(
+ reportID: string,
+ participantLoginList: string[] = [],
+ newReportObject: Partial = {},
+ parentReportActionID = '0',
+ isFromDeepLink = false,
+ participantAccountIDList: number[] = [],
+) {
if (!reportID) {
+ const optimisticReport = reportActionsExist(reportID)
+ ? {}
+ : {
+ reportName: allReports?.[reportID]?.reportName ?? CONST.REPORT.DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME,
+ };
const commandName = 'OpenReport';
- const optimisticReportData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: reportActionsExist(reportID)
- ? {}
- : {
- reportName: lodashGet(allReports, [reportID, 'reportName'], CONST.REPORT.DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME),
- },
+ value: optimisticReport,
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -494,7 +501,7 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
- const reportSuccessData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -517,7 +524,7 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
- const reportFailureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -527,13 +534,18 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
- const onyxData = {
- optimisticData: optimisticReportData,
- successData: reportSuccessData,
- failureData: reportFailureData,
+ type OpenReportParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ emailList?: string;
+ accountIDList?: string;
+ parentReportActionID?: string;
+ shouldRetry?: boolean;
+ createdReportActionID?: string;
+ clientLastReadTime?: string;
+ idempotencyKey?: string;
- const params = {
+ const parameters: OpenReportParameters = {
emailList: participantLoginList ? participantLoginList.join(',') : '',
accountIDList: participantAccountIDList ? participantAccountIDList.join(',') : '',
@@ -542,23 +554,24 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
if (isFromDeepLink) {
- params.shouldRetry = false;
+ parameters.shouldRetry = false;
+ const report = ReportUtils.getReport(reportID);
// If we open an exist report, but it is not present in Onyx yet, we should change the method to set for this report
// and we need data to be available when we navigate to the chat page
- if (_.isEmpty(ReportUtils.getReport(reportID))) {
- onyxData.optimisticData[0].onyxMethod = Onyx.METHOD.SET;
+ if (isEmptyObject(report)) {
+ optimisticData[0].onyxMethod = Onyx.METHOD.SET;
// If we are creating a new report, we need to add the optimistic report data and a report action
- if (!_.isEmpty(newReportObject)) {
+ if (isNotEmptyObject(newReportObject)) {
// Change the method to set for new reports because it doesn't exist yet, is faster,
// and we need the data to be available when we navigate to the chat page
- onyxData.optimisticData[0].onyxMethod = Onyx.METHOD.SET;
- onyxData.optimisticData[0].value = {
+ optimisticData[0].onyxMethod = Onyx.METHOD.SET;
+ optimisticData[0].value = {
+ ...optimisticReport,
- ...onyxData.optimisticData[0].value,
pendingFields: {
@@ -566,28 +579,33 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
isOptimisticReport: true,
- let emailCreatingAction = CONST.REPORT.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE;
+ let emailCreatingAction: string = CONST.REPORT.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE;
if (newReportObject.ownerAccountID && newReportObject.ownerAccountID !== CONST.REPORT.OWNER_ACCOUNT_ID_FAKE) {
- emailCreatingAction = lodashGet(allPersonalDetails, [newReportObject.ownerAccountID, 'login'], '');
+ emailCreatingAction = allPersonalDetails?.[newReportObject.ownerAccountID]?.login ?? '';
const optimisticCreatedAction = ReportUtils.buildOptimisticCreatedReportAction(emailCreatingAction);
- onyxData.optimisticData.push({
+ optimisticData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.SET,
value: {[optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID]: optimisticCreatedAction},
- onyxData.successData.push({
+ successData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: {[optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID]: {pendingAction: null}},
// Add optimistic personal details for new participants
- const optimisticPersonalDetails = {};
- const settledPersonalDetails = {};
- _.map(participantLoginList, (login, index) => {
- const accountID = newReportObject.participantAccountIDs[index];
- optimisticPersonalDetails[accountID] = allPersonalDetails[accountID] || {
+ const optimisticPersonalDetails: OnyxCollection = {};
+ const settledPersonalDetails: OnyxCollection = {};
+ participantLoginList.forEach((login, index) => {
+ const accountID = newReportObject?.participantAccountIDs?.[index];
+ if (!accountID) {
+ return;
+ }
+ optimisticPersonalDetails[accountID] = allPersonalDetails?.[accountID] ?? {
avatar: UserUtils.getDefaultAvatarURL(accountID),
@@ -595,37 +613,37 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
isOptimisticPersonalDetail: true,
- settledPersonalDetails[accountID] = allPersonalDetails[accountID] || null;
+ settledPersonalDetails[accountID] = allPersonalDetails?.[accountID] ?? null;
- onyxData.optimisticData.push({
+ optimisticData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: optimisticPersonalDetails,
- onyxData.successData.push({
+ successData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: settledPersonalDetails,
- onyxData.failureData.push({
+ failureData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: settledPersonalDetails,
// Add the createdReportActionID parameter to the API call
- params.createdReportActionID = optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID;
- params.idempotencyKey = `${params.idempotencyKey}_NewReport_${optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID}`;
+ parameters.createdReportActionID = optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID;
+ parameters.idempotencyKey = `${parameters.idempotencyKey}_NewReport_${optimisticCreatedAction.reportActionID}`;
// If we are creating a thread, ensure the report action has childReportID property added
if (newReportObject.parentReportID && parentReportActionID) {
- onyxData.optimisticData.push({
+ optimisticData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${newReportObject.parentReportID}`,
value: {[parentReportActionID]: {childReportID: reportID, childType: CONST.REPORT.TYPE.CHAT}},
- onyxData.failureData.push({
+ failureData.push({
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS}${newReportObject.parentReportID}`,
value: {[parentReportActionID]: {childReportID: '0', childType: ''}},
@@ -633,27 +651,27 @@ function openReport(reportID, participantLoginList = [], newReportObject = {}, p
- params.clientLastReadTime = lodashGet(currentReportData, [reportID, 'lastReadTime'], '');
+ parameters.clientLastReadTime = currentReportData?.[reportID]?.lastReadTime ?? '';
if (isFromDeepLink) {
// eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/no-api-side-effects-method
- API.makeRequestWithSideEffects(commandName, params, onyxData).finally(() => {
+ API.makeRequestWithSideEffects(commandName, parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData}).finally(() => {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/no-multiple-api-calls
- API.write(commandName, params, onyxData);
+ API.write(commandName, parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
* This will find an existing chat, or create a new one if none exists, for the given user or set of users. It will then navigate to this chat.
- * @param {Array} userLogins list of user logins to start a chat report with.
- * @param {Boolean} shouldDismissModal a flag to determine if we should dismiss modal before navigate to report or navigate to report directly.
+ * @param userLogins list of user logins to start a chat report with.
+ * @param shouldDismissModal a flag to determine if we should dismiss modal before navigate to report or navigate to report directly.
-function navigateToAndOpenReport(userLogins, shouldDismissModal = true) {
- let newChat = {};
+function navigateToAndOpenReport(userLogins: string[], shouldDismissModal = true) {
+ let newChat: ReportUtils.OptimisticChatReport | EmptyObject = {};
const participantAccountIDs = PersonalDetailsUtils.getAccountIDsByLogins(userLogins);
const chat = ReportUtils.getChatByParticipants(participantAccountIDs);
@@ -675,10 +693,10 @@ function navigateToAndOpenReport(userLogins, shouldDismissModal = true) {
* This will find an existing chat, or create a new one if none exists, for the given accountID or set of accountIDs. It will then navigate to this chat.
- * @param {Array} participantAccountIDs of user logins to start a chat report with.
+ * @param participantAccountIDs of user logins to start a chat report with.
-function navigateToAndOpenReportWithAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs) {
- let newChat = {};
+function navigateToAndOpenReportWithAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs: number[]) {
+ let newChat: ReportUtils.OptimisticChatReport | EmptyObject = {};
const chat = ReportUtils.getChatByParticipants(participantAccountIDs);
if (!chat) {
newChat = ReportUtils.buildOptimisticChatReport(participantAccountIDs);
@@ -693,23 +711,22 @@ function navigateToAndOpenReportWithAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs) {
* This will navigate to an existing thread, or create a new one if necessary
- * @param {String} childReportID The reportID we are trying to open
- * @param {Object} parentReportAction the parent comment of a thread
- * @param {String} parentReportID The reportID of the parent
- *
+ * @param childReportID The reportID we are trying to open
+ * @param parentReportAction the parent comment of a thread
+ * @param parentReportID The reportID of the parent
-function navigateToAndOpenChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction = {}, parentReportID = '0') {
+function navigateToAndOpenChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction: Partial = {}, parentReportID = '0') {
if (childReportID !== '0') {
} else {
- const participantAccountIDs = _.uniq([currentUserAccountID, Number(parentReportAction.actorAccountID)]);
- const parentReport = allReports[parentReportID];
+ const participantAccountIDs = [...new Set([currentUserAccountID, Number(parentReportAction.actorAccountID)])];
+ const parentReport = allReports?.[parentReportID];
const newChat = ReportUtils.buildOptimisticChatReport(
- lodashGet(parentReportAction, ['message', 0, 'text']),
- lodashGet(parentReport, 'chatType', ''),
- lodashGet(parentReport, 'policyID', CONST.POLICY.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE),
+ parentReportAction?.message?.[0]?.text,
+ parentReport?.chatType,
+ parentReport?.policyID ?? CONST.POLICY.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE,
@@ -720,242 +737,246 @@ function navigateToAndOpenChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction =
- const participantLogins = PersonalDetailsUtils.getLoginsByAccountIDs(newChat.participantAccountIDs);
+ const participantLogins = PersonalDetailsUtils.getLoginsByAccountIDs(newChat?.participantAccountIDs ?? []);
openReport(newChat.reportID, participantLogins, newChat, parentReportAction.reportActionID);
- * Get the latest report history without marking the report as read.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function reconnect(reportID) {
- API.write(
- 'ReconnectToReport',
+/** Get the latest report history without marking the report as read. */
+function reconnect(reportID: string) {
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ reportName: allReports?.[reportID]?.reportName ?? CONST.REPORT.DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME,
+ },
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- reportName: lodashGet(allReports, [reportID, 'reportName'], CONST.REPORT.DEFAULT_REPORT_NAME),
- },
- },
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingInitialReportActions: true,
- isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
- isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingInitialReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingInitialReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingInitialReportActions: true,
+ isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
+ isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingInitialReportActions: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingInitialReportActions: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ type ReconnectToReportParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: ReconnectToReportParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ };
+ API.write('ReconnectToReport', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
* Gets the older actions that have not been read yet.
* Normally happens when you scroll up on a chat, and the actions have not been read yet.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
-function getOlderActions(reportID, reportActionID) {
- API.read(
- 'GetOlderActions',
+function getOlderActions(reportID: string, reportActionID: string) {
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingOlderReportActions: true,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
- reportActionID,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
+ },
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingOlderReportActions: true,
- },
- },
- ],
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingOlderReportActions: false,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ type GetOlderActionsParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: GetOlderActionsParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ reportActionID,
+ };
+ API.read('GetOlderActions', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
* Gets the newer actions that have not been read yet.
* Normally happens when you are not located at the bottom of the list and scroll down on a chat.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
-function getNewerActions(reportID, reportActionID) {
- API.read(
- 'GetNewerActions',
+function getNewerActions(reportID: string, reportActionID: string) {
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingNewerReportActions: true,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
- reportActionID,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
+ },
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingNewerReportActions: true,
- },
- },
- ],
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingNewerReportActions: false,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ type GetNewerActionsParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: GetNewerActionsParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ reportActionID,
+ };
+ API.read('GetNewerActions', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
* Gets metadata info about links in the provided report action
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
-function expandURLPreview(reportID, reportActionID) {
- API.read('ExpandURLPreview', {
+function expandURLPreview(reportID: string, reportActionID: string) {
+ type ExpandURLPreviewParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: ExpandURLPreviewParameters = {
- });
+ };
+ API.read('ExpandURLPreview', parameters);
- * Marks the new report actions as read
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function readNewestAction(reportID) {
+/** Marks the new report actions as read */
+function readNewestAction(reportID: string) {
const lastReadTime = DateUtils.getDBTime();
- API.write(
- 'ReadNewestAction',
- {
- reportID,
- lastReadTime,
- },
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- lastReadTime,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ lastReadTime,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ type ReadNewestActionParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ lastReadTime: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: ReadNewestActionParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ lastReadTime,
+ };
+ API.write('ReadNewestAction', parameters, {optimisticData});
* Sets the last read time on a report
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionCreated
-function markCommentAsUnread(reportID, reportActionCreated) {
+function markCommentAsUnread(reportID: string, reportActionCreated: string) {
// If no action created date is provided, use the last action's
- const actionCreationTime = reportActionCreated || lodashGet(allReports, [reportID, 'lastVisibleActionCreated'], DateUtils.getDBTime(new Date(0)));
+ const actionCreationTime = reportActionCreated || (allReports?.[reportID]?.lastVisibleActionCreated ?? DateUtils.getDBTime(0));
// We subtract 1 millisecond so that the lastReadTime is updated to just before a given reportAction's created date
// For example, if we want to mark a report action with ID 100 and created date '2014-04-01 16:07:02.999' unread, we set the lastReadTime to '2014-04-01 16:07:02.998'
// Since the report action with ID 100 will be the first with a timestamp above '2014-04-01 16:07:02.998', it's the first one that will be shown as unread
const lastReadTime = DateUtils.subtractMillisecondsFromDateTime(actionCreationTime, 1);
- API.write(
- 'MarkAsUnread',
- {
- reportID,
- lastReadTime,
- },
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- lastReadTime,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ lastReadTime,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ type MarkAsUnreadParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ lastReadTime: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: MarkAsUnreadParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ lastReadTime,
+ };
+ API.write('MarkAsUnread', parameters, {optimisticData});
DeviceEventEmitter.emit(`unreadAction_${reportID}`, lastReadTime);
- * Toggles the pinned state of the report.
- *
- * @param {Object} reportID
- * @param {Boolean} isPinnedChat
- */
-function togglePinnedState(reportID, isPinnedChat) {
+/** Toggles the pinned state of the report. */
+function togglePinnedState(reportID: string, isPinnedChat: boolean) {
const pinnedValue = !isPinnedChat;
// Optimistically pin/unpin the report before we send out the command
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -963,76 +984,57 @@ function togglePinnedState(reportID, isPinnedChat) {
- API.write(
- 'TogglePinnedChat',
- {
- reportID,
- pinnedValue,
- },
- {optimisticData},
- );
+ type TogglePinnedChatParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ pinnedValue: boolean;
+ };
+ const parameters: TogglePinnedChatParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ pinnedValue,
+ };
+ API.write('TogglePinnedChat', parameters, {optimisticData});
* Saves the comment left by the user as they are typing. By saving this data the user can switch between chats, close
* tab, refresh etc without worrying about loosing what they typed out.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} comment
-function saveReportComment(reportID, comment) {
+function saveReportComment(reportID: string, comment: string) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_DRAFT_COMMENT}${reportID}`, comment);
- * Saves the number of lines for the comment
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Number} numberOfLines
- */
-function saveReportCommentNumberOfLines(reportID, numberOfLines) {
+/** Saves the number of lines for the comment */
+function saveReportCommentNumberOfLines(reportID: string, numberOfLines: number) {
- * Immediate indication whether the report has a draft comment.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Boolean} hasDraft
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-function setReportWithDraft(reportID, hasDraft) {
+/** Immediate indication whether the report has a draft comment. */
+function setReportWithDraft(reportID: string, hasDraft: boolean): Promise {
return Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportID}`, {hasDraft});
- * Broadcasts whether or not a user is typing on a report over the report's private pusher channel.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function broadcastUserIsTyping(reportID) {
+/** Broadcasts whether or not a user is typing on a report over the report's private pusher channel. */
+function broadcastUserIsTyping(reportID: string) {
const privateReportChannelName = getReportChannelName(reportID);
- const typingStatus = {};
- typingStatus[currentUserAccountID] = true;
+ const typingStatus: Pusher.UserIsTypingEvent = {
+ [currentUserAccountID]: true,
+ };
Pusher.sendEvent(privateReportChannelName, Pusher.TYPE.USER_IS_TYPING, typingStatus);
- * Broadcasts to the report's private pusher channel whether a user is leaving a report
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function broadcastUserIsLeavingRoom(reportID) {
+/** Broadcasts to the report's private pusher channel whether a user is leaving a report */
+function broadcastUserIsLeavingRoom(reportID: string) {
const privateReportChannelName = getReportChannelName(reportID);
- const leavingStatus = {};
- leavingStatus[currentUserAccountID] = true;
+ const leavingStatus: Pusher.UserIsLeavingRoomEvent = {
+ [currentUserAccountID]: true,
+ };
Pusher.sendEvent(privateReportChannelName, Pusher.TYPE.USER_IS_LEAVING_ROOM, leavingStatus);
- * When a report changes in Onyx, this fetches the report from the API if the report doesn't have a name
- *
- * @param {Object} report
- */
-function handleReportChanged(report) {
+/** When a report changes in Onyx, this fetches the report from the API if the report doesn't have a name */
+function handleReportChanged(report: OnyxEntry) {
if (!report) {
@@ -1040,7 +1042,7 @@ function handleReportChanged(report) {
// It is possible that we optimistically created a DM/group-DM for a set of users for which a report already exists.
// In this case, the API will let us know by returning a preexistingReportID.
// We should clear out the optimistically created report and re-route the user to the preexisting report.
- if (report && report.reportID && report.preexistingReportID) {
+ if (report?.reportID && report.preexistingReportID) {
Onyx.set(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${report.reportID}`, null);
// Only re-route them if they are still looking at the optimistically created report
@@ -1051,7 +1053,7 @@ function handleReportChanged(report) {
- if (report && report.reportID) {
+ if (allReports && report?.reportID) {
allReports[report.reportID] = report;
if (ReportUtils.isConciergeChatReport(report)) {
@@ -1071,16 +1073,16 @@ Onyx.connect({
callback: handleReportChanged,
- * Deletes a comment from the report, basically sets it as empty string
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} reportAction
- */
-function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
+/** Deletes a comment from the report, basically sets it as empty string */
+function deleteReportComment(reportID: string, reportAction: ReportAction) {
const originalReportID = ReportUtils.getOriginalReportID(reportID, reportAction);
const reportActionID = reportAction.reportActionID;
- const deletedMessage = [
+ if (!reportActionID || !originalReportID) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const deletedMessage: Message[] = [
translationKey: '',
type: 'COMMENT',
@@ -1090,7 +1092,7 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
isDeletedParentAction: ReportActionsUtils.isThreadParentMessage(reportAction, reportID),
- const optimisticReportActions = {
+ const optimisticReportActions: NullishDeep = {
[reportActionID]: {
previousMessage: reportAction.message,
@@ -1102,16 +1104,16 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
// If we are deleting the last visible message, let's find the previous visible one (or set an empty one if there are none) and update the lastMessageText in the LHN.
// Similarly, if we are deleting the last read comment we will want to update the lastVisibleActionCreated to use the previous visible message.
- let optimisticReport = {
+ let optimisticReport: Partial = {
lastMessageTranslationKey: '',
lastMessageText: '',
lastVisibleActionCreated: '',
- const {lastMessageText = '', lastMessageTranslationKey = ''} = ReportUtils.getLastVisibleMessage(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions);
+ const {lastMessageText = '', lastMessageTranslationKey = ''} = ReportUtils.getLastVisibleMessage(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions as ReportActions);
if (lastMessageText || lastMessageTranslationKey) {
- const lastVisibleAction = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleAction(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions);
- const lastVisibleActionCreated = lodashGet(lastVisibleAction, 'created');
- const lastActorAccountID = lodashGet(lastVisibleAction, 'actorAccountID');
+ const lastVisibleAction = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleAction(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions as ReportActions);
+ const lastVisibleActionCreated = lastVisibleAction?.created;
+ const lastActorAccountID = lastVisibleAction?.actorAccountID;
optimisticReport = {
@@ -1122,7 +1124,7 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
// If the API call fails we must show the original message again, so we revert the message content back to how it was
// and and remove the pendingAction so the strike-through clears
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1136,7 +1138,7 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1149,7 +1151,7 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1163,32 +1165,28 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
// Update optimistic data for parent report action if the report is a child report and the reportAction has no visible child
- const childVisibleActionCount = reportAction.childVisibleActionCount || 0;
+ const childVisibleActionCount = reportAction.childVisibleActionCount ?? 0;
if (childVisibleActionCount === 0) {
const optimisticParentReportData = ReportUtils.getOptimisticDataForParentReportAction(
- optimisticReport.lastVisibleActionCreated,
+ optimisticReport?.lastVisibleActionCreated ?? '',
- if (!_.isEmpty(optimisticParentReportData)) {
+ if (isNotEmptyObject(optimisticParentReportData)) {
- // Check to see if the report action we are deleting is the first comment on a thread report. In this case, we need to trigger
- // an update to let the LHN know that the parentReportAction is now deleted.
- if (ReportUtils.isThreadFirstChat(reportAction, reportID)) {
- optimisticData.push({
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {updateReportInLHN: true},
- });
- }
+ type DeleteCommentParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ };
- const parameters = {
+ const parameters: DeleteCommentParameters = {
reportID: originalReportID,
API.write('DeleteComment', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
@@ -1198,29 +1196,24 @@ function deleteReportComment(reportID, reportAction) {
* html="test https://www.google.com test"
* links=["https://www.google.com"]
* returns: "test https://www.google.com test"
- *
- * @param {String} html
- * @param {Array} links
- * @returns {String}
-const removeLinksFromHtml = (html, links) => {
+function removeLinksFromHtml(html: string, links: string[]): string {
let htmlCopy = html.slice();
- _.forEach(links, (link) => {
+ links.forEach((link) => {
// We want to match the anchor tag of the link and replace the whole anchor tag with the text of the anchor tag
const regex = new RegExp(`<(a)[^><]*href\\s*=\\s*(['"])(${Str.escapeForRegExp(link)})\\2(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'"><])*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/\\1>(?![^<]*(<\\/pre>|<\\/code>))`, 'g');
htmlCopy = htmlCopy.replace(regex, '$4');
return htmlCopy;
* This function will handle removing only links that were purposely removed by the user while editing.
- * @param {String} newCommentText text of the comment after editing.
- * @param {String} originalCommentMarkdown original markdown of the comment before editing.
- * @returns {String}
+ * @param newCommentText text of the comment after editing.
+ * @param originalCommentMarkdown original markdown of the comment before editing.
-const handleUserDeletedLinksInHtml = (newCommentText, originalCommentMarkdown) => {
+function handleUserDeletedLinksInHtml(newCommentText: string, originalCommentMarkdown: string): string {
const parser = new ExpensiMark();
if (newCommentText.length > CONST.MAX_MARKUP_LENGTH) {
return newCommentText;
@@ -1228,24 +1221,22 @@ const handleUserDeletedLinksInHtml = (newCommentText, originalCommentMarkdown) =
const htmlForNewComment = parser.replace(newCommentText);
const removedLinks = parser.getRemovedMarkdownLinks(originalCommentMarkdown, newCommentText);
return removeLinksFromHtml(htmlForNewComment, removedLinks);
- * Saves a new message for a comment. Marks the comment as edited, which will be reflected in the UI.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} originalReportAction
- * @param {String} textForNewComment
- */
-function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
+/** Saves a new message for a comment. Marks the comment as edited, which will be reflected in the UI. */
+function editReportComment(reportID: string, originalReportAction: OnyxEntry, textForNewComment: string) {
const parser = new ExpensiMark();
const originalReportID = ReportUtils.getOriginalReportID(reportID, originalReportAction);
+ if (!originalReportID || !originalReportAction) {
+ return;
+ }
// Do not autolink if someone explicitly tries to remove a link from message.
// https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/9090
// https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/13221
- const originalCommentHTML = lodashGet(originalReportAction, 'message[0].html');
- const originalCommentMarkdown = parser.htmlToMarkdown(originalCommentHTML).trim();
+ const originalCommentHTML = originalReportAction.message?.[0]?.html;
+ const originalCommentMarkdown = parser.htmlToMarkdown(originalCommentHTML ?? '').trim();
// Skip the Edit if draft is not changed
if (originalCommentMarkdown === textForNewComment) {
@@ -1259,12 +1250,12 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
// For longer comments, skip parsing and display plaintext for performance reasons. It takes over 40s to parse a 100k long string!!
let parsedOriginalCommentHTML = originalCommentHTML;
if (textForNewComment.length <= CONST.MAX_MARKUP_LENGTH) {
- const autolinkFilter = {filterRules: _.filter(_.pluck(parser.rules, 'name'), (name) => name !== 'autolink')};
+ const autolinkFilter = {filterRules: parser.rules.map((rule) => rule.name).filter((name) => name !== 'autolink')};
parsedOriginalCommentHTML = parser.replace(originalCommentMarkdown, autolinkFilter);
// Delete the comment if it's empty
- if (_.isEmpty(htmlForNewComment)) {
+ if (!htmlForNewComment) {
deleteReportComment(originalReportID, originalReportAction);
@@ -1276,13 +1267,14 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
// Optimistically update the reportAction with the new message
const reportActionID = originalReportAction.reportActionID;
- const originalMessage = lodashGet(originalReportAction, ['message', 0]);
- const optimisticReportActions = {
+ const originalMessage = originalReportAction?.message?.[0];
+ const optimisticReportActions: PartialDeep = {
[reportActionID]: {
message: [
isEdited: true,
html: htmlForNewComment,
text: reportComment,
@@ -1291,7 +1283,7 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1299,8 +1291,8 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
- const lastVisibleAction = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleAction(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions);
- if (reportActionID === lodashGet(lastVisibleAction, 'reportActionID')) {
+ const lastVisibleAction = ReportActionsUtils.getLastVisibleAction(originalReportID, optimisticReportActions as ReportActions);
+ if (reportActionID === lastVisibleAction?.reportActionID) {
const lastMessageText = ReportUtils.formatReportLastMessageText(reportComment);
const optimisticReport = {
lastMessageTranslationKey: '',
@@ -1313,7 +1305,7 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1326,7 +1318,7 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1338,66 +1330,64 @@ function editReportComment(reportID, originalReportAction, textForNewComment) {
- const parameters = {
+ type UpdateCommentParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportComment: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdateCommentParameters = {
reportID: originalReportID,
reportComment: htmlForNewComment,
API.write('UpdateComment', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * Saves the draft for a comment report action. This will put the comment into "edit mode"
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} reportAction
- * @param {String} draftMessage
- */
-function saveReportActionDraft(reportID, reportAction, draftMessage) {
+/** Saves the draft for a comment report action. This will put the comment into "edit mode" */
+function saveReportActionDraft(reportID: string, reportAction: ReportAction, draftMessage: string) {
const originalReportID = ReportUtils.getOriginalReportID(reportID, reportAction);
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_ACTIONS_DRAFTS}${originalReportID}`, {[reportAction.reportActionID]: draftMessage});
- * Saves the number of lines for the report action draft
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Number} reportActionID
- * @param {Number} numberOfLines
- */
-function saveReportActionDraftNumberOfLines(reportID, reportActionID, numberOfLines) {
+/** Saves the number of lines for the report action draft */
+function saveReportActionDraftNumberOfLines(reportID: string, reportActionID: string, numberOfLines: number) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_DRAFT_COMMENT_NUMBER_OF_LINES}${reportID}_${reportActionID}`, numberOfLines);
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} previousValue
- * @param {String} newValue
- * @param {boolean} navigate
- * @param {String} parentReportID
- * @param {String} parentReportActionID
- * @param {Object} report
- */
-function updateNotificationPreference(reportID, previousValue, newValue, navigate, parentReportID = 0, parentReportActionID = 0, report = {}) {
+function updateNotificationPreference(
+ reportID: string,
+ previousValue: NotificationPreference | undefined,
+ newValue: NotificationPreference,
+ navigate: boolean,
+ parentReportID?: string,
+ parentReportActionID?: string,
+ report: OnyxEntry | EmptyObject = {},
+) {
if (previousValue === newValue) {
- if (navigate && report.reportID) {
+ if (navigate && isNotEmptyObject(report) && report.reportID) {
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: {notificationPreference: newValue},
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: {notificationPreference: previousValue},
if (parentReportID && parentReportActionID) {
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1410,8 +1400,16 @@ function updateNotificationPreference(reportID, previousValue, newValue, navigat
value: {[parentReportActionID]: {childReportNotificationPreference: previousValue}},
- API.write('UpdateReportNotificationPreference', {reportID, notificationPreference: newValue}, {optimisticData, failureData});
- if (navigate) {
+ type UpdateReportNotificationPreferenceParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ notificationPreference: NotificationPreference;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdateReportNotificationPreferenceParameters = {reportID, notificationPreference: newValue};
+ API.write('UpdateReportNotificationPreference', parameters, {optimisticData, failureData});
+ if (navigate && isNotEmptyObject(report)) {
@@ -1419,29 +1417,28 @@ function updateNotificationPreference(reportID, previousValue, newValue, navigat
* This will subscribe to an existing thread, or create a new one and then subsribe to it if necessary
- * @param {String} childReportID The reportID we are trying to open
- * @param {Object} parentReportAction the parent comment of a thread
- * @param {String} parentReportID The reportID of the parent
- * @param {String} prevNotificationPreference The previous notification preference for the child report
- *
+ * @param childReportID The reportID we are trying to open
+ * @param parentReportAction the parent comment of a thread
+ * @param parentReportID The reportID of the parent
+ * @param prevNotificationPreference The previous notification preference for the child report
-function toggleSubscribeToChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction = {}, parentReportID = '0', prevNotificationPreference) {
+function toggleSubscribeToChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction: Partial = {}, parentReportID = '0', prevNotificationPreference?: NotificationPreference) {
if (childReportID !== '0') {
- const parentReportActionID = lodashGet(parentReportAction, 'reportActionID', '0');
+ const parentReportActionID = parentReportAction?.reportActionID ?? '0';
if (!prevNotificationPreference || prevNotificationPreference === CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.HIDDEN) {
updateNotificationPreference(childReportID, prevNotificationPreference, CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS, false, parentReportID, parentReportActionID);
} else {
updateNotificationPreference(childReportID, prevNotificationPreference, CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.HIDDEN, false, parentReportID, parentReportActionID);
} else {
- const participantAccountIDs = _.uniq([currentUserAccountID, Number(parentReportAction.actorAccountID)]);
- const parentReport = allReports[parentReportID];
+ const participantAccountIDs = [...new Set([currentUserAccountID, Number(parentReportAction?.actorAccountID)])];
+ const parentReport = allReports?.[parentReportID];
const newChat = ReportUtils.buildOptimisticChatReport(
- lodashGet(parentReportAction, ['message', 0, 'text']),
- lodashGet(parentReport, 'chatType', ''),
- lodashGet(parentReport, 'policyID', CONST.POLICY.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE),
+ parentReportAction?.message?.[0]?.text,
+ parentReport?.chatType,
+ parentReport?.policyID ?? CONST.POLICY.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE,
@@ -1452,20 +1449,15 @@ function toggleSubscribeToChildReport(childReportID = '0', parentReportAction =
- const participantLogins = PersonalDetailsUtils.getLoginsByAccountIDs(newChat.participantAccountIDs);
+ const participantLogins = PersonalDetailsUtils.getLoginsByAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs);
openReport(newChat.reportID, participantLogins, newChat, parentReportAction.reportActionID);
const notificationPreference =
- updateNotificationPreference(newChat.reportID, prevNotificationPreference, notificationPreference, false, parentReportID, parentReportAction.reportActionID);
+ updateNotificationPreference(newChat.reportID, prevNotificationPreference, notificationPreference, false, parentReportID, parentReportAction?.reportActionID);
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} previousValue
- * @param {String} newValue
- */
-function updateWelcomeMessage(reportID, previousValue, newValue) {
+function updateWelcomeMessage(reportID: string, previousValue: string, newValue: string) {
// No change needed, navigate back
if (previousValue === newValue) {
@@ -1473,49 +1465,62 @@ function updateWelcomeMessage(reportID, previousValue, newValue) {
const parsedWelcomeMessage = ReportUtils.getParsedComment(newValue);
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: {welcomeMessage: parsedWelcomeMessage},
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
value: {welcomeMessage: previousValue},
- API.write('UpdateWelcomeMessage', {reportID, welcomeMessage: parsedWelcomeMessage}, {optimisticData, failureData});
+ type UpdateWelcomeMessageParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ welcomeMessage: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdateWelcomeMessageParameters = {reportID, welcomeMessage: parsedWelcomeMessage};
+ API.write('UpdateWelcomeMessage', parameters, {optimisticData, failureData});
- * @param {Object} report
- * @param {String} newValue
- */
-function updateWriteCapabilityAndNavigate(report, newValue) {
+function updateWriteCapabilityAndNavigate(report: Report, newValue: WriteCapability) {
if (report.writeCapability === newValue) {
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${report.reportID}`,
value: {writeCapability: newValue},
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${report.reportID}`,
value: {writeCapability: report.writeCapability},
- API.write('UpdateReportWriteCapability', {reportID: report.reportID, writeCapability: newValue}, {optimisticData, failureData});
+ type UpdateReportWriteCapabilityParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ writeCapability: WriteCapability;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdateReportWriteCapabilityParameters = {reportID: report.reportID, writeCapability: newValue};
+ API.write('UpdateReportWriteCapability', parameters, {optimisticData, failureData});
// Return to the report settings page since this field utilizes push-to-page
@@ -1523,7 +1528,7 @@ function updateWriteCapabilityAndNavigate(report, newValue) {
* Navigates to the 1:1 report with Concierge
- * @param {Boolean} ignoreConciergeReportID - Flag to ignore conciergeChatReportID during navigation. The default behavior is to not ignore.
+ * @param ignoreConciergeReportID - Flag to ignore conciergeChatReportID during navigation. The default behavior is to not ignore.
function navigateToConciergeChat(ignoreConciergeReportID = false) {
// If conciergeChatReportID contains a concierge report ID, we navigate to the concierge chat using the stored report ID.
@@ -1542,18 +1547,14 @@ function navigateToConciergeChat(ignoreConciergeReportID = false) {
- * Add a policy report (workspace room) optimistically and navigate to it.
- *
- * @param {Object} policyReport
- */
-function addPolicyReport(policyReport) {
+/** Add a policy report (workspace room) optimistically and navigate to it. */
+function addPolicyReport(policyReport: ReportUtils.OptimisticChatReport) {
const createdReportAction = ReportUtils.buildOptimisticCreatedReportAction(CONST.POLICY.OWNER_EMAIL_FAKE);
// Onyx.set is used on the optimistic data so that it is present before navigating to the workspace room. With Onyx.merge the workspace room reportID is not present when
// fetchReportIfNeeded is called on the ReportScreen, so openReport is called which is unnecessary since the optimistic data will be stored in Onyx.
// Therefore, Onyx.set is used instead of Onyx.merge.
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.SET,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${policyReport.reportID}`,
@@ -1575,7 +1576,7 @@ function addPolicyReport(policyReport) {
value: {isLoading: true},
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${policyReport.reportID}`,
@@ -1600,7 +1601,7 @@ function addPolicyReport(policyReport) {
value: {isLoading: false},
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${policyReport.reportID}`,
@@ -1617,53 +1618,61 @@ function addPolicyReport(policyReport) {
- API.write(
- 'AddWorkspaceRoom',
- {
- policyID: policyReport.policyID,
- reportName: policyReport.reportName,
- visibility: policyReport.visibility,
- reportID: policyReport.reportID,
- createdReportActionID: createdReportAction.reportActionID,
- writeCapability: policyReport.writeCapability,
- welcomeMessage: policyReport.welcomeMessage,
- },
- {optimisticData, successData, failureData},
- );
+ type AddWorkspaceRoomParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ createdReportActionID: string;
+ policyID?: string;
+ reportName?: string;
+ visibility?: ValueOf;
+ writeCapability?: WriteCapability;
+ welcomeMessage?: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: AddWorkspaceRoomParameters = {
+ policyID: policyReport.policyID,
+ reportName: policyReport.reportName,
+ visibility: policyReport.visibility,
+ reportID: policyReport.reportID,
+ createdReportActionID: createdReportAction.reportActionID,
+ writeCapability: policyReport.writeCapability,
+ welcomeMessage: policyReport.welcomeMessage,
+ };
+ API.write('AddWorkspaceRoom', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
+ Navigation.dismissModal(policyReport.reportID);
- * Deletes a report, along with its reportActions, any linked reports, and any linked IOU report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function deleteReport(reportID) {
- const report = allReports[reportID];
- const onyxData = {
+/** Deletes a report, along with its reportActions, any linked reports, and any linked IOU report. */
+function deleteReport(reportID: string) {
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID];
+ const onyxData: Record = {
// Delete linked transactions
- const reportActionsForReport = allReportActions[reportID];
- _.chain(reportActionsForReport)
- .filter((reportAction) => reportAction.actionName === CONST.REPORT.ACTIONS.TYPE.IOU)
- .map((reportAction) => reportAction.originalMessage.IOUTransactionID)
- .uniq()
- .each((transactionID) => (onyxData[`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION}${transactionID}`] = null));
+ const reportActionsForReport = allReportActions?.[reportID];
+ const transactionIDs = Object.values(reportActionsForReport ?? {})
+ .filter((reportAction): reportAction is ReportActionBase & OriginalMessageIOU => reportAction.actionName === CONST.REPORT.ACTIONS.TYPE.IOU)
+ .map((reportAction) => reportAction.originalMessage.IOUTransactionID);
+ [...new Set(transactionIDs)].forEach((transactionID) => {
+ onyxData[`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.TRANSACTION}${transactionID}`] = null;
+ });
// Delete linked IOU report
- if (report && report.iouReportID) {
+ if (report?.iouReportID) {
- * @param {String} reportID The reportID of the policy report (workspace room)
+ * @param reportID The reportID of the policy report (workspace room)
-function navigateToConciergeChatAndDeleteReport(reportID) {
+function navigateToConciergeChatAndDeleteReport(reportID: string) {
// Dismiss the current report screen and replace it with Concierge Chat
@@ -1671,12 +1680,9 @@ function navigateToConciergeChatAndDeleteReport(reportID) {
- * @param {Object} policyRoomReport
- * @param {Number} policyRoomReport.reportID
- * @param {String} policyRoomReport.reportName
- * @param {String} policyRoomName The updated name for the policy room
+ * @param policyRoomName The updated name for the policy room
-function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport, policyRoomName) {
+function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport: Report, policyRoomName: string) {
const reportID = policyRoomReport.reportID;
const previousName = policyRoomReport.reportName;
@@ -1685,7 +1691,8 @@ function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport, policyRoomName) {
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1700,7 +1707,7 @@ function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport, policyRoomName) {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1711,7 +1718,7 @@ function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport, policyRoomName) {
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1720,14 +1727,22 @@ function updatePolicyRoomNameAndNavigate(policyRoomReport, policyRoomName) {
- API.write('UpdatePolicyRoomName', {reportID, policyRoomName}, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
+ type UpdatePolicyRoomNameParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ policyRoomName: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdatePolicyRoomNameParameters = {reportID, policyRoomName};
+ API.write('UpdatePolicyRoomName', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * @param {String} reportID The reportID of the policy room.
+ * @param reportID The reportID of the policy room.
-function clearPolicyRoomNameErrors(reportID) {
+function clearPolicyRoomNameErrors(reportID: string) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportID}`, {
errorFields: {
reportName: null,
@@ -1738,21 +1753,15 @@ function clearPolicyRoomNameErrors(reportID) {
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Boolean} isComposerFullSize
- */
-function setIsComposerFullSize(reportID, isComposerFullSize) {
+function setIsComposerFullSize(reportID: string, isComposerFullSize: boolean) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_IS_COMPOSER_FULL_SIZE}${reportID}`, isComposerFullSize);
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object|null} action the associated report action (optional)
- * @param {Boolean} isRemote whether or not this notification is a remote push notification
- * @returns {Boolean}
+ * @param action the associated report action (optional)
+ * @param isRemote whether or not this notification is a remote push notification
-function shouldShowReportActionNotification(reportID, action = null, isRemote = false) {
+function shouldShowReportActionNotification(reportID: string, action: ReportAction | null = null, isRemote = false): boolean {
const tag = isRemote ? '[PushNotification]' : '[LocalNotification]';
// Due to payload size constraints, some push notifications may have their report action stripped
@@ -1768,7 +1777,7 @@ function shouldShowReportActionNotification(reportID, action = null, isRemote =
// We don't want to send a local notification if the user preference is daily, mute or hidden.
- const notificationPreference = lodashGet(allReports, [reportID, 'notificationPreference'], CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS);
+ const notificationPreference = allReports?.[reportID]?.notificationPreference ?? CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.ALWAYS;
Log.info(`${tag} No notification because user preference is to be notified: ${notificationPreference}`);
return false;
@@ -1786,40 +1795,36 @@ function shouldShowReportActionNotification(reportID, action = null, isRemote =
return false;
- const report = allReports[reportID];
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID];
if (!report || (report && report.pendingAction === CONST.RED_BRICK_ROAD_PENDING_ACTION.DELETE)) {
Log.info(`${tag} No notification because the report does not exist or is pending deleted`, false);
return false;
// If this notification was delayed and the user saw the message already, don't show it
- if (action && report && report.lastReadTime >= action.created) {
+ if (action && report?.lastReadTime && report.lastReadTime >= action.created) {
Log.info(`${tag} No notification because the comment was already read`, false, {created: action.created, lastReadTime: report.lastReadTime});
return false;
// Only show notifications for supported types of report actions
if (!ReportActionsUtils.isNotifiableReportAction(action)) {
- Log.info(`${tag} No notification because this action type is not supported`, false, {actionName: lodashGet(action, 'actionName')});
+ Log.info(`${tag} No notification because this action type is not supported`, false, {actionName: action?.actionName});
return false;
return true;
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} reportAction
- */
-function showReportActionNotification(reportID, reportAction) {
+function showReportActionNotification(reportID: string, reportAction: ReportAction) {
if (!shouldShowReportActionNotification(reportID, reportAction)) {
Log.info('[LocalNotification] Creating notification');
- const report = allReports[reportID];
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID] ?? null;
- const notificationParams = {
+ const notificationParams: ReportCommentParams = {
onClick: () => Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.REPORT_WITH_ID.getRoute(reportID)),
@@ -1833,29 +1838,18 @@ function showReportActionNotification(reportID, reportAction) {
notifyNewAction(reportID, reportAction.actorAccountID, reportAction.reportActionID);
- * Clear the errors associated with the IOUs of a given report.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function clearIOUError(reportID) {
+/** Clear the errors associated with the IOUs of a given report. */
+function clearIOUError(reportID: string) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportID}`, {errorFields: {iou: null}});
* Adds a reaction to the report action.
* Uses the NEW FORMAT for "emojiReactions"
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
- * @param {Object} emoji
- * @param {String} emoji.name
- * @param {String} emoji.code
- * @param {String[]} [emoji.types]
- * @param {Number} [skinTone]
-function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredSkinTone) {
+function addEmojiReaction(reportID: string, reportActionID: string, emoji: Emoji, skinTone: string | number = preferredSkinTone) {
const createdAt = timezoneFormat(utcToZonedTime(new Date(), 'UTC'), CONST.DATE.FNS_DB_FORMAT_STRING);
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1866,7 +1860,7 @@ function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredS
users: {
[currentUserAccountID]: {
skinTones: {
- [!_.isUndefined(skinTone) ? skinTone : -1]: createdAt,
+ [skinTone ?? CONST.EMOJI_DEFAULT_SKIN_TONE]: createdAt,
@@ -1875,7 +1869,7 @@ function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredS
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1887,7 +1881,7 @@ function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredS
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1899,7 +1893,16 @@ function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredS
- const parameters = {
+ type AddEmojiReactionParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ skinTone: string | number;
+ emojiCode: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ createdAt: string;
+ useEmojiReactions: boolean;
+ };
+ const parameters: AddEmojiReactionParameters = {
emojiCode: emoji.name,
@@ -1908,21 +1911,16 @@ function addEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji, skinTone = preferredS
// This will be removed as part of https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/19535
useEmojiReactions: true,
API.write('AddEmojiReaction', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
* Removes a reaction to the report action.
* Uses the NEW FORMAT for "emojiReactions"
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} reportActionID
- * @param {Object} emoji
- * @param {String} emoji.name
- * @param {String} emoji.code
- * @param {String[]} [emoji.types]
-function removeEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji) {
- const optimisticData = [
+function removeEmojiReaction(reportID: string, reportActionID: string, emoji: Emoji) {
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -1936,37 +1934,51 @@ function removeEmojiReaction(reportID, reportActionID, emoji) {
- const parameters = {
+ type RemoveEmojiReactionParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ emojiCode: string;
+ useEmojiReactions: boolean;
+ };
+ const parameters: RemoveEmojiReactionParameters = {
emojiCode: emoji.name,
// This will be removed as part of https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/19535
useEmojiReactions: true,
API.write('RemoveEmojiReaction', parameters, {optimisticData});
* Calls either addEmojiReaction or removeEmojiReaction depending on if the current user has reacted to the report action.
* Uses the NEW FORMAT for "emojiReactions"
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} reportAction
- * @param {Object} reactionObject
- * @param {Object} existingReactions
- * @param {Number} [paramSkinTone]
-function toggleEmojiReaction(reportID, reportAction, reactionObject, existingReactions, paramSkinTone = preferredSkinTone) {
+function toggleEmojiReaction(
+ reportID: string,
+ reportAction: ReportAction,
+ reactionObject: Emoji,
+ existingReactions: ReportActionReactions | undefined,
+ paramSkinTone: number = preferredSkinTone,
+) {
const originalReportID = ReportUtils.getOriginalReportID(reportID, reportAction);
+ if (!originalReportID) {
+ return;
+ }
const originalReportAction = ReportActionsUtils.getReportAction(originalReportID, reportAction.reportActionID);
- if (_.isEmpty(originalReportAction)) {
+ if (isEmptyObject(originalReportAction)) {
// This will get cleaned up as part of https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/16506 once the old emoji
// format is no longer being used
const emoji = EmojiUtils.findEmojiByCode(reactionObject.code);
- const existingReactionObject = lodashGet(existingReactions, [emoji.name]);
+ const existingReactionObject = existingReactions?.[emoji.name];
// Only use skin tone if emoji supports it
const skinTone = emoji.types === undefined ? -1 : paramSkinTone;
@@ -1979,11 +1991,7 @@ function toggleEmojiReaction(reportID, reportAction, reactionObject, existingRea
addEmojiReaction(originalReportID, reportAction.reportActionID, emoji, skinTone);
- * @param {String|null} url
- * @param {Boolean} isAuthenticated
- */
-function openReportFromDeepLink(url, isAuthenticated) {
+function openReportFromDeepLink(url: string, isAuthenticated: boolean) {
const reportID = ReportUtils.getReportIDFromLink(url);
if (reportID && !isAuthenticated) {
@@ -2020,25 +2028,23 @@ function openReportFromDeepLink(url, isAuthenticated) {
- Navigation.navigate(route, CONST.NAVIGATION.ACTION_TYPE.PUSH);
+ Navigation.navigate(route as Route, CONST.NAVIGATION.ACTION_TYPE.PUSH);
-function getCurrentUserAccountID() {
+function getCurrentUserAccountID(): number {
return currentUserAccountID;
- * Leave a report by setting the state to submitted and closed
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Boolean} isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom
- */
-function leaveRoom(reportID, isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom = false) {
- const report = lodashGet(allReports, [reportID], {});
- const reportKeys = _.keys(report);
+/** Leave a report by setting the state to submitted and closed */
+function leaveRoom(reportID: string, isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom = false) {
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID];
+ if (!report) {
+ return;
+ }
// Pusher's leavingStatus should be sent earlier.
// Place the broadcast before calling the LeaveRoom API to prevent a race condition
@@ -2047,7 +2053,7 @@ function leaveRoom(reportID, isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom = false) {
// If a workspace member is leaving a workspace room, they don't actually lose the room from Onyx.
// Instead, their notification preference just gets set to "hidden".
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
? {
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2060,6 +2066,7 @@ function leaveRoom(reportID, isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom = false) {
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.SET,
value: {
+ reportID,
chatType: report.chatType,
@@ -2070,169 +2077,181 @@ function leaveRoom(reportID, isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom = false) {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom ? {notificationPreference: CONST.REPORT.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE.HIDDEN} : _.object(reportKeys, Array(reportKeys.length).fill(null)),
+ value: isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom
+ : Object.keys(report).reduce>((acc, key) => {
+ acc[key] = null;
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
- API.write(
- 'LeaveRoom',
- {
- reportID,
- },
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData,
- successData,
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: report,
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: report,
- );
+ ];
+ type LeaveRoomParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: LeaveRoomParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ };
+ API.write('LeaveRoom', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
if (isWorkspaceMemberLeavingWorkspaceRoom) {
const participantAccountIDs = PersonalDetailsUtils.getAccountIDsByLogins([CONST.EMAIL.CONCIERGE]);
const chat = ReportUtils.getChatByParticipants(participantAccountIDs);
- Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.REPORT_WITH_ID.getRoute(chat.reportID));
+ if (chat?.reportID) {
+ Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.REPORT_WITH_ID.getRoute(chat.reportID));
+ }
- * Invites people to a room
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs
- */
-function inviteToRoom(reportID, inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs) {
- const report = lodashGet(allReports, [reportID], {});
+/** Invites people to a room */
+function inviteToRoom(reportID: string, inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs: Record) {
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID];
+ if (!report) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const inviteeEmails = Object.keys(inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs);
+ const inviteeAccountIDs = Object.values(inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs);
+ const participantAccountIDsAfterInvitation = [...new Set([...(report?.participantAccountIDs ?? []), ...inviteeAccountIDs])].filter(
+ (accountID): accountID is number => typeof accountID === 'number',
+ );
- const inviteeEmails = _.keys(inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs);
- const inviteeAccountIDs = _.values(inviteeEmailsToAccountIDs);
+ type PersonalDetailsOnyxData = {
+ optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[];
+ successData: OnyxUpdate[];
+ failureData: OnyxUpdate[];
+ };
- const {participantAccountIDs} = report;
- const participantAccountIDsAfterInvitation = _.uniq([...participantAccountIDs, ...inviteeAccountIDs]);
+ const logins = inviteeEmails.map((memberLogin) => OptionsListUtils.addSMSDomainIfPhoneNumber(memberLogin));
+ const newPersonalDetailsOnyxData = PersonalDetailsUtils.getNewPersonalDetailsOnyxData(logins, inviteeAccountIDs) as PersonalDetailsOnyxData;
- API.write(
- 'InviteToRoom',
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
- inviteeEmails,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterInvitation,
+ },
+ ...newPersonalDetailsOnyxData.optimisticData,
+ ];
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = newPersonalDetailsOnyxData.successData;
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterInvitation,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- participantAccountIDs,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ participantAccountIDs: report.participantAccountIDs,
+ },
- );
+ ...newPersonalDetailsOnyxData.failureData,
+ ];
+ type InviteToRoomParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ inviteeEmails: string[];
+ };
+ const parameters: InviteToRoomParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ inviteeEmails,
+ };
+ API.write('InviteToRoom', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * Removes people from a room
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Array} targetAccountIDs
- */
-function removeFromRoom(reportID, targetAccountIDs) {
- const report = lodashGet(allReports, [reportID], {});
+/** Removes people from a room */
+function removeFromRoom(reportID: string, targetAccountIDs: number[]) {
+ const report = allReports?.[reportID];
- const {participantAccountIDs} = report;
- const participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval = _.difference(participantAccountIDs, targetAccountIDs);
+ const participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval = report?.participantAccountIDs?.filter((id: number) => !targetAccountIDs.includes(id));
- API.write(
- 'RemoveFromRoom',
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
- targetAccountIDs,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval,
+ },
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- participantAccountIDs,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ participantAccountIDs: report?.participantAccountIDs,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
- // We need to add success data here since in high latency situations,
- // the OpenRoomMembersPage call has the chance of overwriting the optimistic data we set above.
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval,
- },
- },
- ],
+ // We need to add success data here since in high latency situations,
+ // the OpenRoomMembersPage call has the chance of overwriting the optimistic data we set above.
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ participantAccountIDs: participantAccountIDsAfterRemoval,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ type RemoveFromRoomParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ targetAccountIDs: number[];
+ };
+ const parameters: RemoveFromRoomParameters = {
+ reportID,
+ targetAccountIDs,
+ };
+ API.write('RemoveFromRoom', parameters, {optimisticData, failureData, successData});
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function setLastOpenedPublicRoom(reportID) {
+function setLastOpenedPublicRoom(reportID: string) {
- * Navigates to the last opened public room
- *
- * @param {String} lastOpenedPublicRoomID
- */
-function openLastOpenedPublicRoom(lastOpenedPublicRoomID) {
+/** Navigates to the last opened public room */
+function openLastOpenedPublicRoom(lastOpenedPublicRoomID: string) {
Navigation.isNavigationReady().then(() => {
- * Flag a comment as offensive
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Object} reportAction
- * @param {String} severity
- */
-function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
+/** Flag a comment as offensive */
+function flagComment(reportID: string, reportAction: OnyxEntry, severity: string) {
const originalReportID = ReportUtils.getOriginalReportID(reportID, reportAction);
- const message = reportAction.message[0];
- let updatedDecision;
+ const message = reportAction?.message?.[0];
+ if (!message) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let updatedDecision: Decision;
- if (!message.moderationDecision) {
+ if (!message?.moderationDecision) {
updatedDecision = {
@@ -2251,12 +2270,12 @@ function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
const reportActionID = reportAction.reportActionID;
- const updatedMessage = {
+ const updatedMessage: Message = {
moderationDecision: updatedDecision,
- const optimisticData = [
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2269,7 +2288,7 @@ function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2282,7 +2301,7 @@ function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2294,7 +2313,13 @@ function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
- const parameters = {
+ type FlagCommentParameters = {
+ severity: string;
+ reportActionID: string;
+ isDevRequest: boolean;
+ };
+ const parameters: FlagCommentParameters = {
// This check is to prevent flooding Concierge with test flags
@@ -2305,15 +2330,9 @@ function flagComment(reportID, reportAction, severity) {
API.write('FlagComment', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * Updates a given user's private notes on a report
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Number} accountID
- * @param {String} note
- */
-const updatePrivateNotes = (reportID, accountID, note) => {
- const optimisticData = [
+/** Updates a given user's private notes on a report */
+const updatePrivateNotes = (reportID: string, accountID: number, note: string) => {
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2329,7 +2348,7 @@ const updatePrivateNotes = (reportID, accountID, note) => {
- const successData = [
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2344,7 +2363,7 @@ const updatePrivateNotes = (reportID, accountID, note) => {
- const failureData = [
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
@@ -2358,152 +2377,134 @@ const updatePrivateNotes = (reportID, accountID, note) => {
- API.write(
- 'UpdateReportPrivateNote',
- {
- reportID,
- privateNotes: note,
- },
- {optimisticData, successData, failureData},
- );
+ type UpdateReportPrivateNoteParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ privateNotes: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: UpdateReportPrivateNoteParameters = {reportID, privateNotes: note};
+ API.write('UpdateReportPrivateNote', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * Fetches all the private notes for a given report
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- */
-function getReportPrivateNote(reportID) {
- if (_.isEmpty(reportID)) {
+/** Fetches all the private notes for a given report */
+function getReportPrivateNote(reportID: string) {
+ if (!reportID) {
- API.read(
- 'GetReportPrivateNote',
+ const optimisticData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- reportID,
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingPrivateNotes: true,
+ },
+ ];
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- optimisticData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingPrivateNotes: true,
- },
- },
- ],
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingPrivateNotes: false,
- },
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: {
- isLoadingPrivateNotes: false,
- },
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingPrivateNotes: false,
+ },
- );
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: {
+ isLoadingPrivateNotes: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ type GetReportPrivateNoteParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: GetReportPrivateNoteParameters = {reportID};
+ API.read('GetReportPrivateNote', parameters, {optimisticData, successData, failureData});
- * Loads necessary data for rendering the RoomMembersPage
- *
- * @param {String|Number} reportID
- */
-function openRoomMembersPage(reportID) {
- API.read('OpenRoomMembersPage', {
- reportID,
- });
+/** Loads necessary data for rendering the RoomMembersPage */
+function openRoomMembersPage(reportID: string) {
+ type OpenRoomMembersPageParameters = {
+ reportID: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: OpenRoomMembersPageParameters = {reportID};
+ API.read('OpenRoomMembersPage', parameters);
* Checks if there are any errors in the private notes for a given report
- * @param {Object} report
- * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if there are errors in any of the private notes on the report
+ * @returns Returns true if there are errors in any of the private notes on the report
-function hasErrorInPrivateNotes(report) {
- const privateNotes = lodashGet(report, 'privateNotes', {});
- return _.some(privateNotes, (privateNote) => !_.isEmpty(privateNote.errors));
+function hasErrorInPrivateNotes(report: OnyxEntry): boolean {
+ const privateNotes = report?.privateNotes ?? {};
+ return Object.values(privateNotes).some((privateNote) => !isEmpty(privateNote.errors));
- * Clears all errors associated with a given private note
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {Number} accountID
- */
-function clearPrivateNotesError(reportID, accountID) {
+/** Clears all errors associated with a given private note */
+function clearPrivateNotesError(reportID: string, accountID: number) {
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportID}`, {privateNotes: {[accountID]: {errors: null}}});
-function getDraftPrivateNote(reportID) {
- return draftNoteMap[reportID] || '';
+function getDraftPrivateNote(reportID: string): string {
+ return draftNoteMap?.[reportID] ?? '';
* Saves the private notes left by the user as they are typing. By saving this data the user can switch between chats, close
* tab, refresh etc without worrying about loosing what they typed out.
- *
- * @param {String} reportID
- * @param {String} note
-function savePrivateNotesDraft(reportID, note) {
+function savePrivateNotesDraft(reportID: string, note: string) {
- * @private
- * @param {string} searchInput
- */
-function searchForReports(searchInput) {
+function searchForReports(searchInput: string) {
// We do not try to make this request while offline because it sets a loading indicator optimistically
if (isNetworkOffline) {
- API.read(
- 'SearchForReports',
- {searchInput},
+ const successData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
- successData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: false,
- },
- ],
- failureData: [
- {
- onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
- value: false,
- },
- ],
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: false,
- );
+ ];
+ const failureData: OnyxUpdate[] = [
+ {
+ onyxMethod: Onyx.METHOD.MERGE,
+ value: false,
+ },
+ ];
+ type SearchForReportsParameters = {
+ searchInput: string;
+ };
+ const parameters: SearchForReportsParameters = {searchInput};
+ API.read('SearchForReports', parameters, {successData, failureData});
- * @private
- * @param {string} searchInput
- */
const debouncedSearchInServer = lodashDebounce(searchForReports, CONST.TIMING.SEARCH_FOR_REPORTS_DEBOUNCE_TIME, {leading: false});
- * @param {string} searchInput
- */
-function searchInServer(searchInput) {
+function searchInServer(searchInput: string) {
if (isNetworkOffline || !searchInput.trim().length) {
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/Task.js b/src/libs/actions/Task.js
index e5037d250d2e..5ed44fb5d983 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/Task.js
+++ b/src/libs/actions/Task.js
@@ -747,7 +747,6 @@ function cancelTask(taskReportID, taskTitle, originalStateNum, originalStatusNum
lastVisibleActionCreated: optimisticCancelReportAction.created,
lastMessageText: message,
lastActorAccountID: optimisticCancelReportAction.actorAccountID,
- updateReportInLHN: true,
isDeletedParentAction: true,
diff --git a/src/pages/DetailsPage.js b/src/pages/DetailsPage.js
index 66345107dbb1..9145459e42d1 100755
--- a/src/pages/DetailsPage.js
+++ b/src/pages/DetailsPage.js
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function DetailsPage(props) {
if (!el) {
diff --git a/src/pages/EditRequestMerchantPage.js b/src/pages/EditRequestMerchantPage.js
index 53cb4946d640..af6ff89296f1 100644
--- a/src/pages/EditRequestMerchantPage.js
+++ b/src/pages/EditRequestMerchantPage.js
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function EditRequestMerchantPage({defaultMerchant, onSubmit}) {
ref={(e) => (merchantInputRef.current = e)}