diff --git a/tests/ui/GroupChatNameTests.tsx b/tests/ui/GroupChatNameTests.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc383efe4e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ui/GroupChatNameTests.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+/* eslint-disable testing-library/no-node-access */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
+import {act, render, screen, waitFor} from '@testing-library/react-native';
+import React from 'react';
+import Onyx from 'react-native-onyx';
+import * as Localize from '@libs/Localize';
+import * as AppActions from '@userActions/App';
+import * as User from '@userActions/User';
+import App from '@src/App';
+import CONST from '@src/CONST';
+import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
+import type {Participant} from '@src/types/onyx/Report';
+import PusherHelper from '../utils/PusherHelper';
+import * as TestHelper from '../utils/TestHelper';
+import {navigateToSidebarOption} from '../utils/TestHelper';
+import waitForBatchedUpdates from '../utils/waitForBatchedUpdates';
+import waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct from '../utils/waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct';
+// We need a large timeout here as we are lazy loading React Navigation screens and this test is running against the entire mounted App
+// Needed for: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76903168/mocking-libraries-in-jest
+jest.mock('react-native/Libraries/LogBox/LogBox', () => ({
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
+ __esModule: true,
+ default: {
+ ignoreLogs: jest.fn(),
+ ignoreAllLogs: jest.fn(),
+ },
+ * We need to keep track of the transitionEnd callback so we can trigger it in our tests
+ */
+let transitionEndCB: () => void;
+const REPORT_ID = '1';
+const USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID = 1;
+const USER_A_EMAIL = 'user_a@test.com';
+const USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID = 2;
+const USER_B_EMAIL = 'user_b@test.com';
+const USER_C_ACCOUNT_ID = 3;
+const USER_C_EMAIL = 'user_c@test.com';
+const USER_D_ACCOUNT_ID = 4;
+const USER_D_EMAIL = 'user_d@test.com';
+const USER_E_ACCOUNT_ID = 5;
+const USER_E_EMAIL = 'user_e@test.com';
+const USER_F_ACCOUNT_ID = 6;
+const USER_F_EMAIL = 'user_f@test.com';
+const USER_G_ACCOUNT_ID = 7;
+const USER_G_EMAIL = 'user_g@test.com';
+const USER_H_ACCOUNT_ID = 8;
+const USER_H_EMAIL = 'user_h@test.com';
+ * Sets up a test with a logged in user. Returns the test instance.
+ */
+function signInAndGetApp(reportName = '', participantAccountIDs?: number[]): Promise {
+ // Render the App and sign in as a test user.
+ render();
+ const participants: Record = {};
+ participantAccountIDs?.forEach((id) => {
+ participants[id] = {
+ notificationPreference: 'always',
+ hidden: false,
+ } as Participant;
+ });
+ return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct()
+ .then(async () => {
+ await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+ const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('loginForm.loginForm');
+ const loginForm = screen.queryAllByLabelText(hintText);
+ expect(loginForm).toHaveLength(1);
+ await act(async () => {
+ await TestHelper.signInWithTestUser(USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_A_EMAIL, undefined, undefined, 'A');
+ });
+ return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ User.subscribeToUserEvents();
+ return waitForBatchedUpdates();
+ })
+ .then(async () => {
+ // Simulate setting an unread report and personal details
+ reportID: REPORT_ID,
+ reportName,
+ lastMessageText: 'Test',
+ participants,
+ lastActorAccountID: USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID,
+ });
+ [USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_A_EMAIL, USER_A_ACCOUNT_ID, 'A'),
+ [USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_B_EMAIL, USER_B_ACCOUNT_ID, 'B'),
+ [USER_C_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_C_EMAIL, USER_C_ACCOUNT_ID, 'C'),
+ [USER_D_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_D_EMAIL, USER_D_ACCOUNT_ID, 'D'),
+ [USER_E_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_E_EMAIL, USER_E_ACCOUNT_ID, 'E'),
+ [USER_F_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_F_EMAIL, USER_F_ACCOUNT_ID, 'F'),
+ [USER_G_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_G_EMAIL, USER_G_ACCOUNT_ID, 'G'),
+ [USER_H_ACCOUNT_ID]: TestHelper.buildPersonalDetails(USER_H_EMAIL, USER_H_ACCOUNT_ID, 'H'),
+ });
+ // We manually setting the sidebar as loaded since the onLayout event does not fire in tests
+ AppActions.setSidebarLoaded();
+ return waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
+ });
+ * Tests for checking the group chat names at places like LHN, chat header, details page etc.
+ * Note that limit of 5 names is only for the header.
+ */
+describe('Tests for group chat name', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ Onyx.clear();
+ // Unsubscribe to pusher channels
+ PusherHelper.teardown();
+ });
+ const participantAccountIDs8 = [...participantAccountIDs4, USER_E_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_F_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_G_ACCOUNT_ID, USER_H_ACCOUNT_ID];
+ it('Should show correctly in LHN', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('A, B, C, D', participantAccountIDs4).then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D'));
+ }));
+ it('Should show correctly in LHN when report name is not present', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('', participantAccountIDs4).then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D'));
+ }));
+ it('Should show limited names in LHN when 8 participants are present', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('', participantAccountIDs8).then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D, E'));
+ }));
+ it('Check if group name shows fine for report header', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('', participantAccountIDs4)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D');
+ return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
+ })
+ .then(waitForBatchedUpdates)
+ .then(async () => {
+ await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
+ const name = 'A, B, C, D';
+ const displayNameTexts = screen.queryAllByLabelText(name);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameTexts).toHaveLength(1));
+ }));
+ it('Should show only 5 names when there are 8 participants in the report header', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('', participantAccountIDs8)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D, E');
+ return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
+ })
+ .then(waitForBatchedUpdates)
+ .then(async () => {
+ await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
+ const name = 'A, B, C, D, E';
+ const displayNameTexts = screen.queryAllByLabelText(name);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameTexts).toHaveLength(1));
+ }));
+ it('Should show exact name in header when report name is available with 4 participants', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('Test chat', participantAccountIDs4)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('Test chat');
+ return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
+ })
+ .then(waitForBatchedUpdates)
+ .then(async () => {
+ await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
+ const name = 'Test chat';
+ const displayNameTexts = screen.queryAllByLabelText(name);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameTexts).toHaveLength(1));
+ }));
+ it('Should show exact name in header when report name is available with 8 participants', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp("Let's talk", participantAccountIDs8)
+ .then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe("Let's talk");
+ return navigateToSidebarOption(0);
+ })
+ .then(waitForBatchedUpdates)
+ .then(async () => {
+ await act(() => transitionEndCB?.());
+ const name = "Let's talk";
+ const displayNameTexts = screen.queryAllByLabelText(name);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameTexts).toHaveLength(1));
+ }));
+ it('Should show last message preview in LHN', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('A, B, C, D', participantAccountIDs4).then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const lastChatHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.lastChatMessagePreview');
+ const lastChatText = screen.queryByLabelText(lastChatHintText);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(lastChatText?.props?.children).toBe('B: Test'));
+ }));
+ it('Should sort the names before displaying', () =>
+ signInAndGetApp('', [USER_E_ACCOUNT_ID, ...participantAccountIDs4]).then(() => {
+ // Verify the sidebar links are rendered
+ const sidebarLinksHintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
+ const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(sidebarLinksHintText);
+ expect(sidebarLinks).toHaveLength(1);
+ // Verify there is only one option in the sidebar
+ const optionRowsHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRows = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(optionRowsHintText);
+ expect(optionRows).toHaveLength(1);
+ const displayNameHintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.chatUserDisplayNames');
+ const displayNameText = screen.queryByLabelText(displayNameHintText);
+ return waitFor(() => expect(displayNameText?.props?.children?.[0]).toBe('A, B, C, D, E'));
+ }));
diff --git a/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx b/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
index 576696ef1965..e6acd3e9a19d 100644
--- a/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
+++ b/tests/ui/UnreadIndicatorsTest.tsx
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import type {ReportAction, ReportActions} from '@src/types/onyx';
import type {NativeNavigationMock} from '../../__mocks__/@react-navigation/native';
import PusherHelper from '../utils/PusherHelper';
import * as TestHelper from '../utils/TestHelper';
+import {navigateToSidebarOption} from '../utils/TestHelper';
import waitForBatchedUpdates from '../utils/waitForBatchedUpdates';
import waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct from '../utils/waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct';
@@ -82,16 +83,6 @@ function navigateToSidebar(): Promise {
return waitForBatchedUpdates();
-async function navigateToSidebarOption(index: number): Promise {
- const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
- const optionRow = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(hintText).at(index);
- if (!optionRow) {
- return;
- }
- fireEvent(optionRow, 'press');
- await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
function areYouOnChatListScreen(): boolean {
const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('sidebarScreen.listOfChats');
const sidebarLinks = screen.queryAllByLabelText(hintText);
diff --git a/tests/unit/ReportUtilsTest.ts b/tests/unit/ReportUtilsTest.ts
index 2af8a0777c74..4144a6334150 100644
--- a/tests/unit/ReportUtilsTest.ts
+++ b/tests/unit/ReportUtilsTest.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import type {PersonalDetailsList, Policy, Report, ReportAction} from '@src/types
import {toCollectionDataSet} from '@src/types/utils/CollectionDataSet';
import * as NumberUtils from '../../src/libs/NumberUtils';
import * as LHNTestUtils from '../utils/LHNTestUtils';
+import {fakePersonalDetails} from '../utils/LHNTestUtils';
import waitForBatchedUpdates from '../utils/waitForBatchedUpdates';
// Be sure to include the mocked permissions library or else the beta tests won't work
@@ -1068,4 +1069,115 @@ describe('ReportUtils', () => {
+ describe('getGroupChatName tests', () => {
+ afterEach(() => Onyx.clear());
+ const fourParticipants = [
+ {accountID: 1, login: 'email1@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 2, login: 'email2@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 3, login: 'email3@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 4, login: 'email4@test.com'},
+ ];
+ const eightParticipants = [
+ {accountID: 1, login: 'email1@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 2, login: 'email2@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 3, login: 'email3@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 4, login: 'email4@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 5, login: 'email5@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 6, login: 'email6@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 7, login: 'email7@test.com'},
+ {accountID: 8, login: 'email8@test.com'},
+ ];
+ describe('When participantAccountIDs is passed to getGroupChatName', () => {
+ it('Should show all participants name if count <= 5 and shouldApplyLimit is false', async () => {
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(fourParticipants)).toEqual('Four, One, Three, Two');
+ });
+ it('Should show all participants name if count <= 5 and shouldApplyLimit is true', async () => {
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(fourParticipants)).toEqual('Four, One, Three, Two');
+ });
+ it('Should show 5 participants name if count > 5 and shouldApplyLimit is true', async () => {
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(eightParticipants, true)).toEqual('Five, Four, One, Three, Two');
+ });
+ it('Should show all participants name if count > 5 and shouldApplyLimit is false', async () => {
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(eightParticipants, false)).toEqual('Eight, Five, Four, One, Seven, Six, Three, Two');
+ });
+ it('Should use correct display name for participants', async () => {
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, participantsPersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(fourParticipants, true)).toEqual('(833) 240-3627, floki@vikings.net, Lagertha, Ragnar');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('When participantAccountIDs is not passed to getGroupChatName and report ID is passed', () => {
+ it('Should show report name if count <= 5 and shouldApplyLimit is false', async () => {
+ const report = {
+ ...LHNTestUtils.getFakeReport([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, false, [1]),
+ reportID: `1`,
+ reportName: "Let's talk",
+ };
+ await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}1`, report);
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(undefined, false, report)).toEqual("Let's talk");
+ });
+ it('Should show report name if count <= 5 and shouldApplyLimit is true', async () => {
+ const report = {
+ ...LHNTestUtils.getFakeReport([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, false, [1]),
+ reportID: `1`,
+ reportName: "Let's talk",
+ };
+ await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}1`, report);
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(undefined, true, report)).toEqual("Let's talk");
+ });
+ it('Should show report name if count > 5 and shouldApplyLimit is true', async () => {
+ const report = {
+ ...LHNTestUtils.getFakeReport([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 0, false, [1, 2]),
+ reportID: `1`,
+ reportName: "Let's talk",
+ };
+ await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}1`, report);
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(undefined, true, report)).toEqual("Let's talk");
+ });
+ it('Should show report name if count > 5 and shouldApplyLimit is false', async () => {
+ const report = {
+ ...LHNTestUtils.getFakeReport([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 0, false, [1, 2]),
+ reportID: `1`,
+ reportName: "Let's talk",
+ };
+ await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}1`, report);
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(undefined, false, report)).toEqual("Let's talk");
+ });
+ it('Should show participant names if report name is not available', async () => {
+ const report = {
+ ...LHNTestUtils.getFakeReport([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 0, false, [1, 2]),
+ reportID: `1`,
+ reportName: '',
+ };
+ await Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}1`, report);
+ await Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST, fakePersonalDetails);
+ expect(ReportUtils.getGroupChatName(undefined, false, report)).toEqual('Eight, Five, Four, One, Seven, Six, Three, Two');
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/tests/utils/LHNTestUtils.tsx b/tests/utils/LHNTestUtils.tsx
index cdb9f51bb3b7..73d10365c272 100644
--- a/tests/utils/LHNTestUtils.tsx
+++ b/tests/utils/LHNTestUtils.tsx
@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@ const fakePersonalDetails: PersonalDetailsList = {
avatar: 'none',
firstName: 'Nine',
+ 10: {
+ accountID: 10,
+ login: 'email10@test.com',
+ displayName: 'Email Ten',
+ avatar: 'none',
+ firstName: 'Ten',
+ },
let lastFakeReportID = 0;
@@ -121,16 +128,25 @@ let lastFakeReportActionID = 0;
* @param millisecondsInThePast the number of milliseconds in the past for the last message timestamp (to order reports by most recent messages)
-function getFakeReport(participantAccountIDs = [1, 2], millisecondsInThePast = 0, isUnread = false): Report {
+function getFakeReport(participantAccountIDs = [1, 2], millisecondsInThePast = 0, isUnread = false, adminIDs: number[] = []): Report {
const lastVisibleActionCreated = DateUtils.getDBTime(Date.now() - millisecondsInThePast);
+ const participants = ReportUtils.buildParticipantsFromAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs);
+ adminIDs.forEach((id) => {
+ participants[id] = {
+ notificationPreference: 'always',
+ };
+ });
return {
reportID: `${++lastFakeReportID}`,
reportName: 'Report',
lastReadTime: isUnread ? DateUtils.subtractMillisecondsFromDateTime(lastVisibleActionCreated, 1) : lastVisibleActionCreated,
- participants: ReportUtils.buildParticipantsFromAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs),
+ participants,
diff --git a/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts b/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
index c44710f5f466..394c05fe8b7c 100644
--- a/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
+++ b/tests/utils/TestHelper.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+import {fireEvent, screen} from '@testing-library/react-native';
import {Str} from 'expensify-common';
import {Linking} from 'react-native';
import Onyx from 'react-native-onyx';
import type {ApiCommand, ApiRequestCommandParameters} from '@libs/API/types';
+import * as Localize from '@libs/Localize';
import * as Pusher from '@libs/Pusher/pusher';
import PusherConnectionManager from '@libs/PusherConnectionManager';
import CONFIG from '@src/CONFIG';
@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
import appSetup from '@src/setup';
import type {Response as OnyxResponse, PersonalDetails, Report} from '@src/types/onyx';
import waitForBatchedUpdates from './waitForBatchedUpdates';
+import waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct from './waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct';
type MockFetch = jest.MockedFn & {
pause: () => void;
@@ -308,6 +311,16 @@ function assertFormDataMatchesObject(obj: Report, formData?: FormData) {
+async function navigateToSidebarOption(index: number): Promise {
+ const hintText = Localize.translateLocal('accessibilityHints.navigatesToChat');
+ const optionRow = screen.queryAllByAccessibilityHint(hintText).at(index);
+ if (!optionRow) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fireEvent(optionRow, 'press');
+ await waitForBatchedUpdatesWithAct();
export type {MockFetch, FormData};
export {
@@ -321,4 +334,5 @@ export {
+ navigateToSidebarOption,