diff --git a/lib/str.d.ts b/lib/str.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f48bc35a..00000000
--- a/lib/str.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-declare const Str: {
- /**
- * Return true if the string is ending with the provided suffix
- *
- * @param str String ot search in
- * @param suffix What to look for
- */
- endsWith(str: string, suffix: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Converts a USD string into th number of cents it represents.
- *
- * @param amountStr A string representing a USD value.
- * @param allowFraction Flag indicating if fractions of cents should be
- * allowed in the output.
- *
- * @returns The cent value of the @p amountStr.
- */
- fromUSDToNumber(amountStr: string, allowFraction: boolean): number;
- /**
- * Truncates the middle section of a string based on the max allowed length
- *
- * @param fullStr
- * @param maxLength
- */
- truncateInMiddle(fullStr: string, maxLength: number): string;
- /**
- * Convert new line to
- *
- * @param str
- */
- nl2br(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Decodes the given HTML encoded string.
- *
- * @param s The string to decode.
- * @returns The decoded string.
- */
- htmlDecode(s: string): string;
- /**
- * HTML encodes the given string.
- *
- * @param s The string to encode.
- * @returns @p s HTML encoded.
- */
- htmlEncode(s: string): string;
- /**
- * Escape text while preventing any sort of double escape, so 'X & Y' -> 'X & Y' and 'X & Y' -> 'X & Y'
- *
- * @param s the string to escape
- * @returns the escaped string
- */
- safeEscape(s: string): string;
- /**
- * HTML encoding insensitive equals.
- *
- * @param first string to compare
- * @param second string to compare
- * @returns true when first === second, ignoring HTML encoding
- */
- htmlEncodingInsensitiveEquals(first: string, second: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Creates an ID that can be used as an HTML attribute from @p str.
- *
- * @param str A string to create an ID from.
- * @returns The ID string made from @p str.
- */
- makeID(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Extracts an ID made with Str.makeID from a larger string.
- *
- * @param str A string containing an id made with Str.makeID
- * @returns The ID string.
- */
- extractID(str: string): string | null;
- /**
- * Modifies the string so the first letter of each word is capitalized and the
- * rest lowercased.
- *
- * @param val The string to modify
- */
- recapitalize(val: string): string;
- /**
- * Replace all the non alphanumerical character by _
- *
- * @param input
- */
- sanitizeToAlphaNumeric(input: string): string;
- /**
- * Strip out all the non numerical characters
- *
- * @param input
- */
- stripNonNumeric(input: string): string;
- /**
- * Strips all non ascii characters from a string
- * @param input
- * @returns The ascii version of the string.
- */
- stripNonASCIICharacters(input: string): string;
- /**
- * Shortens the @p text to @p length and appends an ellipses to it.
- *
- * The ellipses will only be appended if @p text is longer than the @p length
- * given.
- *
- * @param val The string to reduce in size.
- * @param length The maximal length desired.
- * @returns The shortened @p text.
- */
- shortenText(val: string, length: number): string;
- /**
- * Returns the byte size of a character
- * @param inputChar You can input more than one character, but it will only return the size of the first
- * one.
- * @returns Byte size of the character
- */
- getRawByteSize(inputChar: string): number;
- /**
- * Gets the length of a string in bytes, including non-ASCII characters
- * @param input
- * @returns The number of bytes used by string
- */
- getByteLength(input: string): number;
- /**
- * Shortens the input by max byte size instead of by character length
- * @param input
- * @param maxSize The max size in bytes, e.g. 256
- * @returns Returns a shorted input if the input size exceeds the max
- */
- shortenByByte(input: string, maxSize: number): string;
- /**
- * Returns true if the haystack begins with the needle
- *
- * @param haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param needle The case-sensitive string to search for
- * @returns Retruns true if the haystack starts with the needle.
- */
- startsWith(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Gets the textual value of the given string.
- *
- * @param str The string to fetch the text value from.
- * @returns The text from within the HTML string.
- */
- stripHTML(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Modifies the string so the first letter of the string is capitalized
- *
- * @param str The string to modify.
- * @returns The recapitalized string.
- */
- UCFirst(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Returns a string containing all the characters str from the beginning
- * of str to the first occurrence of substr.
- * Example: Str.cutAfter( 'hello$%world', '$%' ) // returns 'hello'
- *
- * @param str The string to modify.
- * @param substr The substring to search for.
- * @returns The cut/trimmed string.
- */
- cutAfter(str: string, substr: string): string;
- /**
- * Returns a string containing all the characters str from after the first
- * occurrence of substr to the end of the string.
- * Example: Str.cutBefore( 'hello$%world', '$%' ) // returns 'world'
- *
- * @param str The string to modify.
- * @param substr The substring to search for.
- * @returns The cut/trimmed string.
- */
- cutBefore(str: string, substr: string): string;
- /**
- * Checks that the string is a domain name (e.g. example.com)
- *
- * @param string The string to check for domainnameness.
- *
- * @returns True iff the string is a domain name
- */
- isValidDomainName(string: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks that the string is a valid url
- *
- * @param string
- *
- * @returns True if the string is a valid hyperlink
- */
- isValidURL(string: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks that the string is an email address.
- * NOTE: TLDs are not just 2-4 characters. Keep this in sync with _inputrules.php
- *
- * @param string The string to check for email validity.
- *
- * @returns True iff the string is an email
- */
- isValidEmail(string: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks if the string is an valid email address formed during comment markdown formation.
- *
- * @param string The string to check for email validity.
- *
- * @returns True if the string is an valid email created by comment markdown.
- */
- isValidEmailMarkdown(string: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Remove trailing comma from a string.
- *
- * @param string The string with any trailing comma to be removed.
- *
- * @returns string with the trailing comma removed
- */
- removeTrailingComma(string: string): string;
- /**
- * Checks that the string is a list of coma separated email addresss.
- *
- * @param str The string to check for emails validity.
- *
- * @returns True if all emails are valid or if input is empty
- */
- areValidEmails(str: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Extract the email addresses from a string
- *
- * @param string
- */
- extractEmail(string: string): RegExpMatchArray | null;
- /**
- * Extracts the domain name from the given email address
- * (e.g. "domain.com" for "joe@domain.com").
- *
- * @param email The email address.
- *
- * @returns The domain name in the email address.
- */
- extractEmailDomain(email: string): string;
- /**
- * Tries to extract the company name from the given email address
- * (e.g. "yelp" for "joe@yelp.co.uk").
- *
- * @param email The email address.
- *
- * @returns The company name in the email address or null.
- */
- extractCompanyNameFromEmailDomain(email: string): string | null;
- /**
- * Extracts the local part from the given email address
- * (e.g. "joe" for "joe@domain.com").
- *
- * @param email The email address.
- *
- * @returns The local part in the email address.
- */
- extractEmailLocalPart(email: string): string;
- /**
- * Sanitize phone number to return only numbers. Return null if non valid phone number.
- *
- * @param str
- */
- sanitizePhoneNumber(str: string): string | null;
- /**
- * Sanitize email. Return null if non valid email.
- *
- * @param str
- */
- sanitizeEmail(str: string): string | null;
- /**
- * Escapes all special RegExp characters from a string
- *
- * @param string The subject
- *
- * @returns The escaped string
- */
- escapeForRegExp(string: string): string;
- /**
- * Escapes all special RegExp characters from a string except for the period
- *
- * @param string The subject
- * @returns The escaped string
- */
- escapeForExpenseRule(string: string): string;
- /**
- * Adds a backslash in front of each of colon
- * if they don't already have a backslash in front of them
- *
- * @param string The subject
- * @returns The escaped string
- */
- addBackslashBeforeColonsForTagNamesComingFromQBD(string: string): string;
- /**
- * Removes backslashes from string
- * eg: myString\[\]\* -> myString[]*
- *
- * @param string
- *
- */
- stripBackslashes(string: string): string;
- /**
- * Checks if a string's length is in the specified range
- *
- * @param string The subject
- * @param minimumLength
- * @param [maximumLength]
- *
- * @returns true if the length is in the range, false otherwise
- */
- isOfLength(string: string, minimumLength: number, maximumLength: number): boolean;
- /**
- * Count the number of occurences of needle in haystack.
- * This is faster than counting the results of haystack.match( /needle/g )
- * via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4009756/how-to-count-string-occurrence-in-string
- *
- * @param haystack The string to look inside of
- * @param needle What we're looking for
- * @param allowOverlapping Defaults to false
- *
- * @returns The number of times needle is in haystack.
- */
- occurences(haystack: string, needle: string, allowOverlapping: boolean): number;
- /**
- * Uppercases the first letter of each word
- * via https://github.com/kvz/phpjs/blob/master/functions/strings/ucwords.js
- *
- * @param str to uppercase words
- * @returns Uppercase worded string
- */
- ucwords(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Returns true if the haystack contains the needle
- *
- * @param haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param needle The case-sensitive string to search for
- *
- * @returns Returns true if the haystack contains the needle
- */
- contains(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Returns true if the haystack contains the needle, ignoring case
- *
- * @param haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param needle The case-insensitive string to search for
- *
- * @returns Returns true if the haystack contains the needle, ignoring case
- */
- caseInsensitiveContains(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Case insensitive compare function
- *
- * @param string1 string to compare
- * @param string2 string to compare
- *
- * @returns -1 if first string < second string
- * 1 if first string > second string
- * 0 if first string = second string
- */
- caseInsensitiveCompare(string1: string, string2: string): 1 | 0 | -1;
- /**
- * Case insensitive equals
- *
- * @param first string to compare
- * @param second string to compare
- * @returns true when first == second except for case
- */
- caseInsensitiveEquals(first: string, second: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Compare function
- *
- * @param string1 string to compare
- * @param string2 string to compare
- *
- * @returns -1 if first string < second string
- * 1 if first string > second string
- * 0 if first string = second string
- */
- compare(string1: string, string2: string): 1 | 0 | -1;
- /**
- * Check if a file extension is supported by SmartReports
- * @param filename
- */
- isFileExtensionSmartReportsValid(filename: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Mask Permanent Account Number (PAN) the same way Auth does
- * @param number account number
- * @returns masked account number
- */
- maskPAN(number: number | string): string;
- /**
- * Checks if something is a string
- * Stolen from underscore
- * @param obj
- */
- isString(obj: unknown): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks if something is a number
- * Stolen from underscore
- * @param obj
- */
- isNumber(obj: unknown): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks if something is a certain type
- * Stolen from underscore
- * @param obj
- * @param type one of ['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date',
- * 'RegExp', 'Error', 'Symbol', 'Map', 'WeakMap', 'Set', 'WeakSet']
- */
- isTypeOf(obj: unknown, type: 'Arguments' | 'Function' | 'String' | 'Number' | 'Date' | 'RegExp' | 'Error' | 'Symbol' | 'Map' | 'WeakMap' | 'Set' | 'WeakSet'): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks to see if something is undefined
- * Stolen from underscore
- * @param obj
- */
- isUndefined(obj: unknown): boolean;
- /**
- * Replace first N characters of the string with maskChar
- * eg: maskFirstNCharacters( '1234567890', 6, 'X' ) yields XXXXXX7890
- * @param str string to mask
- * @param n number of characters we want to mask from the string
- * @param mask string we want replace the first N chars with
- * @returns masked string
- */
- maskFirstNCharacters(str: string, n: number, mask: string): string;
- /**
- * Trim a string
- *
- * @param str
- */
- trim(str: string): string;
- /**
- * Convert a percentage string like '25%' to 25/
- * @param percentageString The percentage as a string
- */
- percentageStringToNumber(percentageString: string): number;
- /**
- * Remoce all the spaces from a string
- * @param input
- *
- */
- removeSpaces(input: string): string;
- /**
- * Returns the proper phrase depending on the count that is passed.
- * Example:
- * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 1)); // puppy
- * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 3)); // puppies
- *
- * @param singular form of the phrase
- * @param plural form of the phrase
- * @param n the count which determines the plurality
- */
- pluralize(singular: string, plural: string, n: number): string;
- /**
- * Returns whether or not a string is an encrypted number or not.
- *
- * @param number that we want to see if its encrypted or not
- *
- * @returns Whether or not this string is an encrpypted number
- */
- isEncryptedCardNumber(number: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Converts a value to boolean, case-insensitive.
- * @param value
- */
- toBool(value: unknown): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks if a string could be the masked version of another one.
- *
- * @param first string to compare
- * @param second string to compare
- * @param [mask] defaults to X
- * @returns true when first could be the masked version of second
- */
- maskedEquals(first: string, second: string, mask: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Bold any word matching the regexp in the text.
- * @param text, htmlEncoded
- * @param regexp
- */
- boldify(text: string, regexp: RegExp): string;
- /**
- * Check for whether a phone number is valid.
- * @param phone
- * @deprecated use isValidE164Phone to validate E.164 phone numbers, isValidPhoneFormat to validate phone number format, or isValidPhoneNumber to validate phone numbers in general
- */
- isValidPhone(phone: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Check for whether a phone number is valid.
- * @param phone
- */
- isValidPhoneNumber(phone: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Check for whether a phone number is valid according to E.164 standard.
- * @param phone
- */
- isValidE164Phone(phone: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Check for whether a phone number is valid in different formats/standards. For example:
- * significant: 4404589784
- * international: +1 440-458-9784
- * e164: +14404589784
- * national: (440) 458-9784
- * 123.456.7890
- * @param phone
- */
- isValidPhoneFormat(phone: string): boolean;
- /**
- * We validate mentions by checking if it's first character is an allowed character.
- *
- * @param mention
- */
- isValidMention(mention: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Returns text without our SMS domain
- *
- * @param text
- */
- removeSMSDomain(text: string): string;
- /**
- * Returns true if the text is a valid E.164 phone number with our SMS domain removed
- *
- * @param text
- */
- isSMSLogin(text: string): boolean;
- /**
- * This method will return all matches of a single regex like preg_match_all() in PHP. This is not a common part of
- * JS yet, so this is a good way of doing it according to
- * https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/issues/1439#issuecomment-306297399 and doesn't get us in trouble with
- * linting rules.
- *
- * @param str
- * @param regex
- */
- matchAll(str: string, regex: RegExp): Array;
- /**
- * A simple GUID generator taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/32760401/9114791
- *
- * @param [prefix] an optional prefix to put in front of the guid
- *
- */
- guid(prefix?: string): string;
- /**
- * Takes in a URL and returns it with a leading '/'
- *
- * @param url The URL to be formatted
- * @returns The formatted URL
- */
- normalizeUrl(url: string): string;
- /**
- * Formats a URL by converting the domain name to lowercase and adding the missing 'https://' protocol.
- *
- * @param url The URL to be formatted
- * @returns The formatted URL
- */
- sanitizeURL(url: string): string;
- /**
- * Checks if parameter is a string or function
- * if it is a function then we will call it with
- * any additional arguments.
- *
- * @param parameter
- */
- result: {
- (parameter: string): string;
- (parameter: (...args: A) => R, ...args: A): R;
- };
- /**
- * Get file extension for a given url with or
- * without query parameters
- *
- * @param url
- */
- getExtension(url: string): string | undefined;
- /**
- * Takes in a URL and checks if the file extension is PDF
- *
- * @param url The URL to be checked
- * @returns Whether file path is PDF or not
- */
- isPDF(url: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Takes in a URL and checks if the file extension is an image
- * that can be rendered by React Native. Do NOT add extensions
- * to this list unless they appear in this list and are
- * supported by all platforms.
- *
- * https://reactnative.dev/docs/image#source
- *
- * @param url
- */
- isImage(url: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Takes in a URL and checks if the file extension is a video
- * that can be rendered by React Native. Do NOT add extensions
- * to this list unless they are supported by all platforms.
- *
- * https://developer.android.com/media/platform/supported-formats#video-formats
- * https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coremedia/1564239-video_codec_constants
- * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Video_codecs
- *
- * @param url
- */
- isVideo(url: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks whether the given string is a +@ domain email account, such as
- * +@domain.com
- *
- * @param email
- * @returns True if is a domain account email, otherwise false.
- */
- isDomainEmail(email: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Polyfill for String.prototype.replaceAll
- *
- * @param text
- * @param searchValue
- * @param replaceValue
- */
- replaceAll(text: string, searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string | ((...args: unknown[]) => string)): string;
-export default Str;
diff --git a/lib/str.js b/lib/str.ts
similarity index 58%
rename from lib/str.js
rename to lib/str.ts
index 12571587..0e9da4a4 100644
--- a/lib/str.js
+++ b/lib/str.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
-import _ from 'underscore';
+import lodashEscape from 'lodash/escape';
+import lodashUnescape from 'lodash/unescape';
import {parsePhoneNumber} from 'awesome-phonenumber';
import * as HtmlEntities from 'html-entities';
import * as Constants from './CONST';
@@ -7,15 +8,29 @@ import * as UrlPatterns from './Url';
const REMOVE_SMS_DOMAIN_PATTERN = /@expensify\.sms/gi;
+ * Checks if parameter is a string or function
+ * if it is a function then we will call it with
+ * any additional arguments.
+ */
+function resultFn(parameter: string): string;
+function resultFn(parameter: (...args: A) => R, ...args: A): R;
+function resultFn(parameter: string | ((...a: A) => R), ...args: A): string | R {
+ if (typeof parameter === 'function') {
+ return parameter(...args);
+ }
+ return parameter;
const Str = {
* Return true if the string is ending with the provided suffix
- * @param {String} str String ot search in
- * @param {String} suffix What to look for
- * @return {Boolean}
+ * @param str String ot search in
+ * @param suffix What to look for
- endsWith(str, suffix) {
+ endsWith(str: string, suffix: string): boolean {
if (!str || !suffix) {
return false;
@@ -25,37 +40,28 @@ const Str = {
* Converts a USD string into th number of cents it represents.
- * @param {String} amountStr A string representing a USD value.
- * @param {Boolean} allowFraction Flag indicating if fractions of cents should be
+ * @param amountStr A string representing a USD value.
+ * @param allowFraction Flag indicating if fractions of cents should be
* allowed in the output.
- * @return {Number} The cent value of the @p amountStr.
+ * @returns The cent value of the @p amountStr.
- fromUSDToNumber(amountStr, allowFraction) {
- let amount = String(amountStr).replace(/[^\d.\-()]+/g, '');
+ fromUSDToNumber(amountStr: string, allowFraction: boolean): number {
+ let amount: string | number = String(amountStr).replace(/[^\d.\-()]+/g, '');
if (amount.match(/\(.*\)/)) {
const modifiedAmount = amount.replace(/[()]/g, '');
amount = `-${modifiedAmount}`;
amount = Number(amount) * 100;
- // We round it here to a precision of 3 because some floating point numbers, when multiplied by 100
- // don't give us a very pretty result. Try this in the JS console:
- // 0.678 * 100
- // 67.80000000000001
- // 0.679 * 100
- // 67.9
amount = Math.round(amount * 1e3) / 1e3;
return allowFraction ? amount : Math.round(amount);
* Truncates the middle section of a string based on the max allowed length
- * @param {string} fullStr
- * @param {int} maxLength
- * @returns {string}
- truncateInMiddle(fullStr, maxLength) {
+ truncateInMiddle(fullStr: string, maxLength: number): string {
if (fullStr.length <= maxLength) {
return fullStr;
@@ -70,21 +76,18 @@ const Str = {
* Convert new line to
- *
- * @param {String} str
- * @returns {string}
- nl2br(str) {
+ nl2br(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/\n/g, '
* Decodes the given HTML encoded string.
- * @param {String} s The string to decode.
- * @return {String} The decoded string.
+ * @param s The string to decode.
+ * @returns The decoded string.
- htmlDecode(s) {
+ htmlDecode(s: string): string {
// Use jQuery if it exists or else use html-entities
if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') {
return jQuery('').html(s).text();
@@ -95,10 +98,10 @@ const Str = {
* HTML encodes the given string.
- * @param {String} s The string to encode.
- * @return {String} @p s HTML encoded.
+ * @param s The string to encode.
+ * @return string @p s HTML encoded.
- htmlEncode(s) {
+ htmlEncode(s: string): string {
// Use jQuery if it exists or else use html-entities
if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') {
return jQuery('').text(s).html();
@@ -109,31 +112,31 @@ const Str = {
* Escape text while preventing any sort of double escape, so 'X & Y' -> 'X & Y' and 'X & Y' -> 'X & Y'
- * @param {String} s the string to escape
- * @return {String} the escaped string
+ * @param s The string to escape
+ * @returns The escaped string
- safeEscape(s) {
- return _.escape(_.unescape(s));
+ safeEscape(s: string): string {
+ return lodashEscape(lodashUnescape(s));
* HTML encoding insensitive equals.
- * @param {String} first string to compare
- * @param {String} second string to compare
- * @return {Boolean} true when first === second, ignoring HTML encoding
+ * @param first string to compare
+ * @param second string to compare
+ * @returns True when first === second, ignoring HTML encoding
- htmlEncodingInsensitiveEquals(first, second) {
+ htmlEncodingInsensitiveEquals(first: string, second: string): boolean {
return first === second || this.htmlDecode(first) === second || this.htmlEncode(first) === second;
* Creates an ID that can be used as an HTML attribute from @p str.
- * @param {String} str A string to create an ID from.
- * @return {String} The ID string made from @p str.
+ * @param str A string to create an ID from.
+ * @returns The ID string made from @p str.
- makeID(str) {
+ makeID(str: string): string {
const modifiedString = String(str)
.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '_')
@@ -143,22 +146,21 @@ const Str = {
* Extracts an ID made with Str.makeID from a larger string.
- * @param {String} str A string containing an id made with Str.makeID
- * @return {String|null} The ID string.
+ * @param str A string containing an id made with Str.makeID
+ * @returns The ID string.
- extractID(str) {
+ extractID(str: string): string | null {
const matches = str.match(/id[A-Z0-9_]+/);
- return matches.length > 0 ? matches[0] : null;
+ return matches && matches.length > 0 ? matches[0] : null;
* Modifies the string so the first letter of each word is capitalized and the
* rest lowercased.
- * @param {String} val The string to modify
- * @return {String}
+ * @param val The string to modify
- recapitalize(val) {
+ recapitalize(val: string): string {
// First replace every letter with its lowercase equivalent
// Cast to string.
let str = String(val);
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ const Str = {
str = str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase();
- function recap_callback(t, a, b) {
+ function recap_callback(t: unknown, a: string, b: string) {
return a + b.toUpperCase();
return str.replace(
@@ -179,30 +181,23 @@ const Str = {
* Replace all the non alphanumerical character by _
- *
- * @param {String} input
- * @returns {String}
- sanitizeToAlphaNumeric(input) {
+ sanitizeToAlphaNumeric(input: string): string {
return String(input).replace(/[^\d\w]/g, '_');
* Strip out all the non numerical characters
- *
- * @param {String} input
- * @returns {String}
- stripNonNumeric(input) {
+ stripNonNumeric(input: string): string {
return String(input).replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
* Strips all non ascii characters from a string
- * @param {String} input
- * @returns {String} The ascii version of the string.
+ * @returns The ascii version of the string.
- stripNonASCIICharacters(input) {
+ stripNonASCIICharacters(input: string): string {
return String(input).replace(/[\u0000-\u0019\u0080-\uffff]/g, '');
@@ -212,11 +207,11 @@ const Str = {
* The ellipses will only be appended if @p text is longer than the @p length
* given.
- * @param {String} val The string to reduce in size.
- * @param {Number} length The maximal length desired.
- * @return {String} The shortened @p text.
+ * @param val The string to reduce in size.
+ * @param length The maximal length desired.
+ * @returns The shortened @p text.
- shortenText(val, length) {
+ shortenText(val: string, length: number): string {
// Remove extra spaces because they don't show up in html anyway.
const text = String(val).replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
const truncatedText = text.substr(0, length - 3);
@@ -225,13 +220,13 @@ const Str = {
* Returns the byte size of a character
- * @param {String} inputChar You can input more than one character, but it will only return the size of the first
+ * @param inputChar You can input more than one character, but it will only return the size of the first
* one.
- * @returns {Number} Byte size of the character
+ * @returns Byte size of the character
- getRawByteSize(inputChar) {
+ getRawByteSize(inputChar: string): number {
const onlyChar = String(inputChar);
- const c = onlyChar.charCodeAt();
+ const c = onlyChar.charCodeAt(0);
// If we are grabbing the byte size, we need to temporarily diable no-bitwise for linting
/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */
@@ -259,26 +254,21 @@ const Str = {
* Gets the length of a string in bytes, including non-ASCII characters
- * @param {String} input
- * @returns {Number} The number of bytes used by string
+ * @returns The number of bytes used by string
- getByteLength(input) {
+ getByteLength(input: string): number {
// Force string type
const stringInput = String(input);
- let byteLength = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < stringInput.length; i++) {
- byteLength += this.getRawByteSize(stringInput[i]);
- }
+ const byteLength = Array.from(stringInput).reduce((acc, char) => acc + this.getRawByteSize(char), 0);
return byteLength;
* Shortens the input by max byte size instead of by character length
- * @param {String} input
- * @param {Number} maxSize The max size in bytes, e.g. 256
- * @returns {String} Returns a shorted input if the input size exceeds the max
+ * @param maxSize The max size in bytes, e.g. 256
+ * @returns Returns a shorted input if the input size exceeds the max
- shortenByByte(input, maxSize) {
+ shortenByByte(input: string, maxSize: number): string {
const stringInput = String(input);
let totalByteLength = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < stringInput.length; i++) {
@@ -295,21 +285,21 @@ const Str = {
* Returns true if the haystack begins with the needle
- * @param {String} haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param {String} needle The case-sensitive string to search for
- * @return {Boolean} Retruns true if the haystack starts with the needle.
+ * @param haystack The full string to be searched
+ * @param needle The case-sensitive string to search for
+ * @returns True if the haystack starts with the needle.
- startsWith(haystack, needle) {
+ startsWith(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean {
return this.isString(haystack) && this.isString(needle) && haystack.substring(0, needle.length) === needle;
* Gets the textual value of the given string.
- * @param {String} str The string to fetch the text value from.
- * @return {String} The text from within the HTML string.
+ * @param str The string to fetch the text value from.
+ * @returns The text from within the HTML string.
- stripHTML(str) {
+ stripHTML(str: string): string {
if (!this.isString(str)) {
return '';
@@ -320,10 +310,10 @@ const Str = {
* Modifies the string so the first letter of the string is capitalized
- * @param {String} str The string to modify.
- * @return {String} The recapitalized string.
+ * @param str The string to modify.
+ * @returns The recapitalized string.
- UCFirst(str) {
+ UCFirst(str: string): string {
return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
@@ -332,11 +322,11 @@ const Str = {
* of str to the first occurrence of substr.
* Example: Str.cutAfter( 'hello$%world', '$%' ) // returns 'hello'
- * @param {String} str The string to modify.
- * @param {String} substr The substring to search for.
- * @return {String} The cut/trimmed string.
+ * @param str The string to modify.
+ * @param substr The substring to search for.
+ * @returns The cut/trimmed string.
- cutAfter(str, substr) {
+ cutAfter(str: string, substr: string): string {
const index = str.indexOf(substr);
if (index !== -1) {
return str.substring(0, index);
@@ -349,11 +339,11 @@ const Str = {
* occurrence of substr to the end of the string.
* Example: Str.cutBefore( 'hello$%world', '$%' ) // returns 'world'
- * @param {String} str The string to modify.
- * @param {String} substr The substring to search for.
- * @return {String} The cut/trimmed string.
+ * @param str The string to modify.
+ * @param substr The substring to search for.
+ * @returns The cut/trimmed string.
- cutBefore(str, substr) {
+ cutBefore(str: string, substr: string): string {
const index = str.indexOf(substr);
if (index !== -1) {
return str.substring(index + substr.length);
@@ -364,101 +354,91 @@ const Str = {
* Checks that the string is a domain name (e.g. example.com)
- * @param {String} string The string to check for domainnameness.
+ * @param str The string to check for domainnameness.
- * @returns {Boolean} True iff the string is a domain name
+ * @returns True if the string is a domain name
- isValidDomainName(string) {
- return Boolean(String(string).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.DOMAIN));
+ isValidDomainName(str: string): boolean {
+ return Boolean(String(str).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.DOMAIN));
* Checks that the string is a valid url
- * @param {String} string
- *
- * @returns {Boolean} True if the string is a valid hyperlink
+ * @returns True if the string is a valid hyperlink
- isValidURL(string) {
- return Boolean(String(string).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.HYPERLINK));
+ isValidURL(str: string): boolean {
+ return Boolean(String(str).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.HYPERLINK));
* Checks that the string is an email address.
* NOTE: TLDs are not just 2-4 characters. Keep this in sync with _inputrules.php
- * @param {String} string The string to check for email validity.
+ * @param str The string to check for email validity.
- * @returns {Boolean} True iff the string is an email
+ * @returns True if the string is an email
- isValidEmail(string) {
- return Boolean(String(string).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.EMAIL));
+ isValidEmail(str: string): boolean {
+ return Boolean(String(str).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.EMAIL));
* Checks if the string is an valid email address formed during comment markdown formation.
- * @param {String} string The string to check for email validity.
+ * @param str The string to check for email validity.
- * @returns {Boolean} True if the string is an valid email created by comment markdown.
+ * @returns True if the string is an valid email created by comment markdown.
- isValidEmailMarkdown(string) {
- return Boolean(String(string).match(`^${Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.MARKDOWN_EMAIL}$`));
+ isValidEmailMarkdown(str: string): boolean {
+ return Boolean(String(str).match(`^${Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.MARKDOWN_EMAIL}$`));
* Remove trailing comma from a string.
- * @param {String} string The string with any trailing comma to be removed.
+ * @param str The string with any trailing comma to be removed.
- * @returns {String} string with the trailing comma removed
+ * @returns string with the trailing comma removed
- removeTrailingComma(string) {
- return string.trim().replace(/(,$)/g, '');
+ removeTrailingComma(str: string): string {
+ return str.trim().replace(/(,$)/g, '');
* Checks that the string is a list of coma separated email addresss.
- * @param {String} str The string to check for emails validity.
+ * @param str The string to check for emails validity.
- * @returns {Boolean} True if all emails are valid or if input is empty
+ * @returns True if all emails are valid or if input is empty
- areValidEmails(str) {
+ areValidEmails(str: string): boolean {
const string = this.removeTrailingComma(str);
if (string === '') {
return true;
const emails = string.split(',');
- let result = true;
- for (let i = 0; i < emails.length; i += 1) {
- if (!this.isValidEmail(emails[i].trim())) {
- result = false;
- }
- }
+ const result = emails.every((email) => this.isValidEmail(email.trim()));
return result;
* Extract the email addresses from a string
- *
- * @param {String} string
- * @returns {String[]|null}
- extractEmail(string) {
- return String(string).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.EMAIL_SEARCH);
+ extractEmail(str: string): RegExpMatchArray | null {
+ return String(str).match(Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.EMAIL_SEARCH);
* Extracts the domain name from the given email address
* (e.g. "domain.com" for "joe@domain.com").
- * @param {String} email The email address.
+ * @param email The email address.
- * @returns {String} The domain name in the email address.
+ * @returns The domain name in the email address.
- extractEmailDomain(email) {
+ extractEmailDomain(email: string): string {
return this.cutBefore(email, '@');
@@ -466,11 +446,11 @@ const Str = {
* Tries to extract the company name from the given email address
* (e.g. "yelp" for "joe@yelp.co.uk").
- * @param {String} email The email address.
+ * @param email The email address.
- * @returns {String|null} The company name in the email address or null.
+ * @returns The company name in the email address or null.
- extractCompanyNameFromEmailDomain(email) {
+ extractCompanyNameFromEmailDomain(email: string): string | null {
const domain = this.extractEmailDomain(email);
if (!domain) {
return null;
@@ -488,32 +468,26 @@ const Str = {
* Extracts the local part from the given email address
* (e.g. "joe" for "joe@domain.com").
- * @param {String} email The email address.
+ * @param email The email address.
- * @returns {String} The local part in the email address.
+ * @returns The local part in the email address.
- extractEmailLocalPart(email) {
+ extractEmailLocalPart(email: string): string {
return this.cutAfter(email, '@');
* Sanitize phone number to return only numbers. Return null if non valid phone number.
- *
- * @param {String} str
- * @returns {String|null}
- sanitizePhoneNumber(str) {
+ sanitizePhoneNumber(str: string): string | null {
const string = str.replace(/(?!^\+)\D/g, '');
return string.length <= 15 && string.length >= 10 ? string : null;
* Sanitize email. Return null if non valid email.
- *
- * @param {String} str
- * @returns {String|null}
- sanitizeEmail(str) {
+ sanitizeEmail(str: string): string | null {
const string = str.toLowerCase().trim();
return Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.EMAIL.test(string) ? string : null;
@@ -521,63 +495,56 @@ const Str = {
* Escapes all special RegExp characters from a string
- * @param {String} string The subject
+ * @param str The subject
- * @returns {String} The escaped string
+ * @returns The escaped string
- escapeForRegExp(string) {
- return string.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
+ escapeForRegExp(str: string): string {
+ return str.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
* Escapes all special RegExp characters from a string except for the period
- * @param {String} string The subject
- * @returns {String} The escaped string
+ * @param str The subject
+ * @returns The escaped string
- escapeForExpenseRule(string) {
- return string.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
+ escapeForExpenseRule(str: string): string {
+ return str.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
* Adds a backslash in front of each of colon
* if they don't already have a backslash in front of them
- * @param {String} string The subject
- * @returns {String} The escaped string
+ * @param str The subject
+ * @returns The escaped string
- addBackslashBeforeColonsForTagNamesComingFromQBD(string) {
- return string.replace(/([^\\]):/g, '$1\\:');
+ addBackslashBeforeColonsForTagNamesComingFromQBD(str: string): string {
+ return str.replace(/([^\\]):/g, '$1\\:');
* Removes backslashes from string
* eg: myString\[\]\* -> myString[]*
- *
- * @param {String} string
- * @returns {String}
- stripBackslashes(string) {
- return string.replace(/\\/g, '');
+ stripBackslashes(str: string): string {
+ return str.replace(/\\/g, '');
* Checks if a string's length is in the specified range
- * @param {String} string The subject
- * @param {Number} minimumLength
- * @param {Number} [maximumLength]
- *
- * @returns {Boolean} true if the length is in the range, false otherwise
+ * @returns true if the length is in the range, false otherwise
- isOfLength(string, minimumLength, maximumLength) {
- if (!this.isString(string)) {
+ isOfLength(str: string, minimumLength: number, maximumLength: number): boolean {
+ if (!this.isString(str)) {
return false;
- if (string.length < minimumLength) {
+ if (str.length < minimumLength) {
return false;
- if (!this.isUndefined(maximumLength) && string.length > maximumLength) {
+ if (!this.isUndefined(maximumLength) && str.length > maximumLength) {
return false;
return true;
@@ -588,13 +555,13 @@ const Str = {
* This is faster than counting the results of haystack.match( /needle/g )
* via http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4009756/how-to-count-string-occurrence-in-string
- * @param {String} haystack The string to look inside of
- * @param {String} needle What we're looking for
- * @param {Boolean} allowOverlapping Defaults to false
+ * @param haystack The string to look inside of
+ * @param needle What we're looking for
+ * @param allowOverlapping Defaults to false
- * @returns {Integer} The number of times needle is in haystack.
+ * @returns The number of times needle is in haystack.
- occurences(haystack, needle, allowOverlapping) {
+ occurences(haystack: string, needle: string, allowOverlapping: boolean): number {
let count = 0;
let pos = 0;
@@ -622,81 +589,81 @@ const Str = {
* Uppercases the first letter of each word
* via https://github.com/kvz/phpjs/blob/master/functions/strings/ucwords.js
- * @param {String} str to uppercase words
- * @returns {String} Uppercase worded string
+ * @param str to uppercase words
+ * @returns Uppercase worded string
- ucwords(str) {
- const capitalize = ($1) => $1.toUpperCase();
+ ucwords(str: string): string {
+ const capitalize = ($1: string) => $1.toUpperCase();
return String(str).replace(/^([a-z\u00E0-\u00FC])|\s+([a-z\u00E0-\u00FC])/g, capitalize);
* Returns true if the haystack contains the needle
- * @param {String} haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param {String} needle The case-sensitive string to search for
+ * @param haystack The full string to be searched
+ * @param needle The case-sensitive string to search for
- * @return {Boolean} Retruns true if the haystack contains the needle
+ * @returns Returns true if the haystack contains the needle
- contains(haystack, needle) {
+ contains(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean {
return haystack.indexOf(needle) !== -1;
* Returns true if the haystack contains the needle, ignoring case
- * @param {String} haystack The full string to be searched
- * @param {String} needle The case-insensitive string to search for
+ * @param haystack The full string to be searched
+ * @param needle The case-insensitive string to search for
- * @return {Boolean} Retruns true if the haystack contains the needle, ignoring case
+ * @returns Returns true if the haystack contains the needle, ignoring case
- caseInsensitiveContains(haystack, needle) {
+ caseInsensitiveContains(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean {
return this.contains(haystack.toLowerCase(), needle.toLowerCase());
* Case insensitive compare function
- * @param {String} string1 string to compare
- * @param {String} string2 string to compare
+ * @param strA string to compare
+ * @param strB string to compare
- * @return {Number} -1 if first string < second string
+ * @returns -1 if first string < second string
* 1 if first string > second string
* 0 if first string = second string
- caseInsensitiveCompare(string1, string2) {
- const lowerCase1 = string1.toLocaleLowerCase();
- const lowerCase2 = string2.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ caseInsensitiveCompare(strA: string, strB: string): 1 | 0 | -1 {
+ const lowerCaseStrA = strA.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ const lowerCaseStrB = strB.toLocaleLowerCase();
- return this.compare(lowerCase1, lowerCase2);
+ return this.compare(lowerCaseStrA, lowerCaseStrB);
* Case insensitive equals
- * @param {String} first string to compare
- * @param {String} second string to compare
- * @return {Boolean} true when first == second except for case
+ * @param strA string to compare
+ * @param strB string to compare
+ * @returns true when first == second except for case
- caseInsensitiveEquals(first, second) {
- return this.caseInsensitiveCompare(first, second) === 0;
+ caseInsensitiveEquals(strA: string, strB: string): boolean {
+ return this.caseInsensitiveCompare(strA, strB) === 0;
* Compare function
- * @param {String} string1 string to compare
- * @param {String} string2 string to compare
+ * @param strA string to compare
+ * @param strB string to compare
- * @return {Number} -1 if first string < second string
+ * @returns -1 if first string < second string
* 1 if first string > second string
* 0 if first string = second string
- compare(string1, string2) {
- if (string1 < string2) {
+ compare(strA: string, strB: string): 1 | 0 | -1 {
+ if (strA < strB) {
return -1;
- if (string1 > string2) {
+ if (strA > strB) {
return 1;
return 0;
@@ -704,25 +671,23 @@ const Str = {
* Check if a file extension is supported by SmartReports
- * @param {String} filename
- * @return {Boolean}
- isFileExtensionSmartReportsValid(filename) {
+ isFileExtensionSmartReportsValid(filename: string): boolean {
// Allowed extensions. Make sure to keep them in sync with those defined
// in SmartReport_Utils::templateFileUploadCheck()
const allowedExtensions = ['xls', 'xlsx', 'xlsm', 'xltm'];
- const extension = filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
- return allowedExtensions.indexOf(extension) > -1;
+ const extension = filename.split('.').pop()?.toLowerCase();
+ return !!extension && allowedExtensions.indexOf(extension) > -1;
* Mask Permanent Account Number (PAN) the same way Auth does
- * @param {Number|String} number account number
- * @return {String} masked account number
+ * @param num account number
+ * @returns masked account number
- maskPAN(number) {
+ maskPAN(num: number | string): string {
// cast to string
- const accountNumber = String(number);
+ const accountNumber = String(num);
const len = accountNumber.length;
// Hide these numbers completely
@@ -746,42 +711,33 @@ const Str = {
* Checks if something is a string
* Stolen from underscore
- * @param {Mixed} obj
- * @return {Boolean}
- isString(obj) {
+ isString(obj: unknown): obj is string {
return this.isTypeOf(obj, 'String');
* Checks if something is a number
* Stolen from underscore
- * @param {Mixed} obj
- * @return {Boolean}
+ * @param obj
- isNumber(obj) {
+ isNumber(obj: unknown): obj is number {
return this.isTypeOf(obj, 'Number');
* Checks if something is a certain type
* Stolen from underscore
- * @param {Mixed} obj
- * @param {String} type one of ['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date',
- * 'RegExp', 'Error', 'Symbol', 'Map', 'WeakMap', 'Set', 'WeakSet']
- * @return {Boolean}
- isTypeOf(obj, type) {
+ isTypeOf(obj: unknown, type: 'Arguments' | 'Function' | 'String' | 'Number' | 'Date' | 'RegExp' | 'Error' | 'Symbol' | 'Map' | 'WeakMap' | 'Set' | 'WeakSet'): boolean {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === `[object ${type}]`;
* Checks to see if something is undefined
* Stolen from underscore
- * @param {Mixed} obj
- * @return {Boolean}
- isUndefined(obj) {
+ isUndefined(obj: unknown): boolean {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-void
return obj === void 0;
@@ -789,63 +745,55 @@ const Str = {
* Replace first N characters of the string with maskChar
* eg: maskFirstNCharacters( '1234567890', 6, 'X' ) yields XXXXXX7890
- * @param {String} str string to mask
- * @param {Number} n number of characters we want to mask from the string
- * @param {String} mask string we want replace the first N chars with
- * @return {String} masked string
+ * @param str String to mask
+ * @param num Number of characters we want to mask from the string
+ * @param mask String we want replace the first N chars with
+ * @returns Masked string
- maskFirstNCharacters(str, n, mask) {
+ maskFirstNCharacters(str: string, num: number, mask: string): string {
// if str is empty, str or mask aren't strings,
// or n is not a number, do nothing
- if (!this.isString(str) || !this.isString(mask) || str.length === 0 || !this.isNumber(n)) {
+ if (!this.isString(str) || !this.isString(mask) || str.length === 0 || !this.isNumber(num)) {
return str;
- return str.substring(0, n).replace(/./g, mask) + str.substring(n);
+ return str.substring(0, num).replace(/./g, mask) + str.substring(num);
* Trim a string
- *
- * @param {String} str
- * @returns {string}
- trim(str) {
+ trim(str: string): string {
return $.trim(str);
* Convert a percentage string like '25%' to 25/
- * @param {String} percentageString The percentage as a string
- * @returns {Number}
+ * @param percentageString The percentage as a string
- percentageStringToNumber(percentageString) {
+ percentageStringToNumber(percentageString: string): number {
return Number(this.cutAfter(percentageString, '%'));
- * Remoce all the spaces from a string
- * @param {string} input
- * @returns {string}
+ * Remove all the spaces from a string
- removeSpaces(input) {
+ removeSpaces(input: string): string {
return String(input).replace(' ', '');
* Returns the proper phrase depending on the count that is passed.
* Example:
- * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 1)); // puppy
- * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 3)); // puppies
+ * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 1)) { // puppy
+ * console.log(Str.pluralize('puppy', 'puppies', 3)) { // puppies
- * @param {String} singular form of the phrase
- * @param {String} plural form of the phrase
- * @param {Number} n the count which determines the plurality
- *
- * @return {String}
+ * @param singular form of the phrase
+ * @param plural form of the phrase
+ * @param num the count which determines the plurality
- pluralize(singular, plural, n) {
- if (!n || n > 1) {
+ pluralize(singular: string, plural: string, num: number): string {
+ if (!num || num > 1) {
return plural;
return singular;
@@ -854,19 +802,19 @@ const Str = {
* Returns whether or not a string is an encrypted number or not.
- * @param {String} number that we want to see if its encrypted or not
+ * @param num that we want to see if its encrypted or not
- * @return {Boolean} Whether or not this string is an encrpypted number
+ * @returns Whether or not this string is an encrpypted number
- isEncryptedCardNumber(number) {
+ isEncryptedCardNumber(num: string): boolean {
// Older encrypted versioning.
- if (/^[\da-fA-F]+$/.test(number)) {
- return number.length % 32 === 0;
+ if (/^[\da-fA-F]+$/.test(num)) {
+ return num.length % 32 === 0;
// Check with the new versioning.
- if (/^[vV][\d]+:[\da-fA-F]+$/.test(number)) {
- return number.split(':')[1].length % 32 === 0;
+ if (/^[vV][\d]+:[\da-fA-F]+$/.test(num)) {
+ return num.split(':')[1].length % 32 === 0;
return false;
@@ -874,10 +822,8 @@ const Str = {
* Converts a value to boolean, case-insensitive.
- * @param {mixed} value
- * @return {Boolean}
- toBool(value) {
+ toBool(value: unknown): boolean {
if (this.isString(value)) {
return value.toLowerCase() === 'true';
@@ -887,14 +833,14 @@ const Str = {
* Checks if a string could be the masked version of another one.
- * @param {String} first string to compare
- * @param {String} second string to compare
- * @param {String} [mask] defaults to X
- * @return {Boolean} true when first could be the masked version of second
- */
- maskedEquals(first, second, mask) {
- const firsts = first.match(/.{1,1}/g);
- const seconds = second.match(/.{1,1}/g);
+ * @param strA String to compare
+ * @param strB String to compare
+ * @param [mask] Defaults to X
+ * @returns True when first could be the masked version of second
+ */
+ maskedEquals(strA: string, strB: string, mask: string): boolean {
+ const firsts = strA.match(/.{1,1}/g) ?? [];
+ const seconds = strB.match(/.{1,1}/g) ?? [];
const defaultMask = mask || 'X';
if (firsts.length !== seconds.length) {
@@ -912,42 +858,30 @@ const Str = {
* Bold any word matching the regexp in the text.
- * @param {string} text, htmlEncoded
- * @param {RegExp} regexp
- * @return {string}
- boldify(text, regexp) {
+ boldify(text: string, regexp: RegExp): string {
return text.replace(regexp, '$1');
* Check for whether a phone number is valid.
- * @param {String} phone
- *
- * @return {bool}
* @deprecated use isValidE164Phone to validate E.164 phone numbers or isValidPhoneFormat to validate phone numbers in general
- isValidPhone(phone) {
+ isValidPhone(phone: string): boolean {
return Constants.CONST.SMS.E164_REGEX.test(phone);
* Check for whether a phone number is valid.
- * @param {String} phone
- *
- * @return {bool}
- isValidPhoneNumber(phone) {
+ isValidPhoneNumber(phone: string): boolean {
return parsePhoneNumber(phone).possible;
* Check for whether a phone number is valid according to E.164 standard.
- * @param {String} phone
- *
- * @return {bool}
- isValidE164Phone(phone) {
+ isValidE164Phone(phone: string): boolean {
return Constants.CONST.SMS.E164_REGEX.test(phone);
@@ -958,21 +892,15 @@ const Str = {
* e164: +14404589784
* national: (440) 458-9784
* 123.456.7890
- * @param {String} phone
- *
- * @return {bool}
- isValidPhoneFormat(phone) {
+ isValidPhoneFormat(phone: string): boolean {
return Constants.CONST.REG_EXP.GENERAL_PHONE_PART.test(phone);
* We validate mentions by checking if it's first character is an allowed character.
- *
- * @param {String} mention
- * @returns {bool}
- isValidMention(mention) {
+ isValidMention(mention: string): boolean {
// Mentions can start @ proceeded by a space, eg "ping @user@domain.tld"
if (/[\s@]/g.test(mention.charAt(0))) {
return true;
@@ -987,21 +915,15 @@ const Str = {
* Returns text without our SMS domain
- *
- * @param {String} text
- * @return {String}
- removeSMSDomain(text) {
+ removeSMSDomain(text: string): string {
return text.replace(REMOVE_SMS_DOMAIN_PATTERN, '');
* Returns true if the text is a valid E.164 phone number with our SMS domain removed
- *
- * @param {String} text
- * @return {String}
- isSMSLogin(text) {
+ isSMSLogin(text: string): boolean {
return this.isValidE164Phone(this.removeSMSDomain(text));
@@ -1010,32 +932,29 @@ const Str = {
* JS yet, so this is a good way of doing it according to
* https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/issues/1439#issuecomment-306297399 and doesn't get us in trouble with
* linting rules.
- *
- * @param {String} str
- * @param {RegExp} regex
- *
- * @returns {Array}
- matchAll(str, regex) {
- const matches = [];
- const collectMatches = (...args) => {
- const match = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 0, -2);
+ matchAll(str: string, regex: RegExp): Array {
+ const matches: Array = [];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ const collectMatches = (...args: any[]) => {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ const match: any = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 0, -2);
match.input = args[args.length - 1];
match.index = args[args.length - 2];
- str.replace(regex, collectMatches);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ str.replace(regex, collectMatches as any);
return matches;
* A simple GUID generator taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/32760401/9114791
- * @param {String} [prefix] an optional prefix to put in front of the guid
- * @returns {String}
+ * @param [prefix] an optional prefix to put in front of the guid
- guid(prefix = '') {
+ guid(prefix = ''): string {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
@@ -1047,20 +966,20 @@ const Str = {
* Takes in a URL and returns it with a leading '/'
- * @param {mixed} url The URL to be formatted
- * @returns {String} The formatted URL
+ * @param url The URL to be formatted
+ * @returns The formatted URL
- normalizeUrl(url) {
+ normalizeUrl(url: string): string {
return typeof url === 'string' && url.startsWith('/') ? url : `/${url}`;
* Formats a URL by converting the domain name to lowercase and adding the missing 'https://' protocol.
- * @param {url} url The URL to be formatted
- * @returns {String} The formatted URL
+ * @param url The URL to be formatted
+ * @returns The formatted URL
- sanitizeURL(url) {
+ sanitizeURL(url: string): string {
const regex = new RegExp(`^${UrlPatterns.URL_REGEX}$`, 'i');
const match = regex.exec(url);
if (!match) {
@@ -1074,32 +993,24 @@ const Str = {
* Checks if parameter is a string or function
* if it is a function then we will call it with
* any additional arguments.
- *
- * @param {String|Function} parameter
- * @returns {String}
- result(parameter, ...args) {
- return _.isFunction(parameter) ? parameter(...args) : parameter;
- },
+ result: resultFn,
* Get file extension for a given url with or
* without query parameters
- *
- * @param {String} url
- * @returns {String|undefined}
- getExtension(url) {
- return _.first(_.last(url.split('.')).split('?')).toLowerCase();
+ getExtension(url: string): string | undefined {
+ return url.split('.').pop()?.split('?')[0]?.toLowerCase();
* Takes in a URL and checks if the file extension is PDF
- * @param {String} url The URL to be checked
- * @returns {Boolean} Whether file path is PDF or not
+ * @param url The URL to be checked
+ * @returns Whether file path is PDF or not
- isPDF(url) {
+ isPDF(url: string): boolean {
return this.getExtension(url) === 'pdf';
@@ -1110,12 +1021,15 @@ const Str = {
* supported by all platforms.
* https://reactnative.dev/docs/image#source
- *
- * @param {String} url
- * @returns {Boolean}
- isImage(url) {
- return _.contains(['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'webp'], this.getExtension(url));
+ isImage(url: string): boolean {
+ const extension = this.getExtension(url);
+ if (!extension) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'webp'].includes(extension);
@@ -1126,35 +1040,32 @@ const Str = {
* https://developer.android.com/media/platform/supported-formats#video-formats
* https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coremedia/1564239-video_codec_constants
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Video_codecs
- *
- * @param {String} url
- * @returns {Boolean}
- isVideo(url) {
- return _.contains(['mov', 'mp4', 'webm', 'mkv'], this.getExtension(url));
+ isVideo(url: string): boolean {
+ const extension = this.getExtension(url);
+ if (!extension) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ['mov', 'mp4', 'webm', 'mkv'].includes(extension);
* Checks whether the given string is a +@ domain email account, such as
* +@domain.com
- * @param {String} email
- * @return {Boolean} True if is a domain account email, otherwise false.
+ * @returns True if is a domain account email, otherwise false.
- isDomainEmail(email) {
+ isDomainEmail(email: string): boolean {
return this.startsWith(email, '+@');
* Polyfill for String.prototype.replaceAll
- *
- * @param {String} text
- * @param {String|RegExp} searchValue
- * @param {String|Function} replaceValue
- * @returns {String}
- replaceAll(text, searchValue, replaceValue) {
- return String.prototype.replaceAll.call(text, searchValue, replaceValue);
+ replaceAll(text: string, searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string | ((...args: unknown[]) => string)): string {
+ return String.prototype.replaceAll.call(text, searchValue, replaceValue as (...args: unknown[]) => string);
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