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330 lines (238 loc) · 4.87 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (238 loc) · 4.87 KB


ls -al
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
npm install -g kmdr

# Program grep

grep -RI "ERROR" .
grep -i "info" .

# Program rm 

rm --recursive --force
rm -f -r /
rm -rf node_modules/

# Program tar

tar -xvzf file.tgz -C directory/
tar -x -v -z -f file.tgz
tar --extract --verbose --gzip --file file.tgz

# Program git

git commit --all --message "Message"
git commit -am "Message"
git reset --hard
git clone [email protected]:facebook/react.git
git clone -q

# Program aws

# Program brew

brew install 

# Program Docker

docker ps -a
docker pull image
docker run -it --rm  kmdr-cli
# Program du

du -sh dir/
du -ah dir

# Program mysql

mysql --user=root --password=root

# Program find

find . -name asdf
find . -P -L -H

# Program ps
ps -ef

# Program echo
echo "			hello"

# Iptables
iptables -t nat -A Clash -d -j RETURN

# Rsync

rsync -avzh /source/path /destination/path/

# npm
/Users/ediardo/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/npm install --global kmdr
npm install typescript
npm i -g npm
npm install --save lodash
npm install chalk yargs inquirer

Commands that take other commands

# Program sudo

sudo rm -rf
sudo apt install
sudo -u admin /usr/bin/vim  /etc/config

# Program watch
watch date
watch -n 5 df -h

List of commands

ls && rm
rm || ls || tar && cat
cat file.tx | grep "error"
cd dir/ ; ls -l ; rm file.txt
history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5

Conditional Statements

if [ $1 -gt 100 ]
    echo Hey that\'s a large number.

[ -f /etc/resolv.conf ] && echo "$FILE exist" || echo "$FILE does not exist"

Loop structures

for i in 1 2 3 4 5
   echo "Welcome $i times"


test() {
  ls # show files
  rm -rf . # delete all files and directories

function anotherTest {
  ls # show files
  rm -rf . # delete all files and directories

Command Substitution



# Redirect stdout to file 
ls -alh > allfiles.txt
# Redirect and append stdout to file "filename."
ls 1>> filename

# Redirect stderr to file "filename."
rm dir/ 2> filename

# Redirect and append stderr to file "filename."
rm dir/ 2>>filename

# Redirect both stdout and stderr to file "filename."      
who &> filename

# Redirects stderr to stdout.
# Error messages get sent to same place as standard output.
rm dir/ 2>&1

Variable Assignment

NODE_ENV=production npm install

With dollar sign (execute as normal user)

Some technical documentation use the dollar sign to indicate that the command should be executed as a non-root user

$ ls
$ rm
$ tar
$ git

With Output

$ ls -alh dist               package-lock.json  tests
LICENCE            extension          package.json       tsconfig.json          jest.config.js     screenshot.png     views
coverage           node_modules       src                webpack.config.js

$ rm -rf /
are you sure ?


document.querySelectorAll("pre > code");
function createParagraph() {
  let para = document.createElement('p');
  para.textContent = 'You clicked the button!';


nums = [2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 0]

print(sorted(nums))   # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
print(nums)           # [2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 0]

print(nums.sort())    # None
print(nums)           # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
from datetime import timedelta, date

def daterange(start, end):
  return [start + timedelta(n) for n in range(int((end - start).days))]


Example 0

.class {
  display: inline-flex !important;
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;
  position: relative;
  right: 0;
  text-align: right;
  top: 0;
  color: SandyBrown;
  z-index: 99999999;

Example 1

body {
  font-family: Arial;
  color: magenta;

Example 2

color: white;
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: blue;
position: relative;

Example 3

 Shared styles

footer p {
	font: 100% Rockwell, Arvo, serif;


Exmaple 0


Example 1

<!-- comment -->

Example 2

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My test page</title>
    <p class="c">This is my page</p>

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