The CPUstress test image is an initramfs image that contains several tools for CPU stressing.
It contains the following tools:
- CPUburn
- CPU Burn-in
- CPUinfo
- Intel Optimized LINPACK Benchmark
- Mersenne Prime Test (prime95)
- Stress
- StressCPU
- System Stability Tester
- Sensors (from lm_sensors)
CPUstress is used in Ultimate Boot CD.
This repository contains a few shell scripts that allows you to build disk images for different uses. However, there's no Makefile yet so you have to execute several scripts in a sequence.
Tools required:
- XZ-Utils
- p7zip
- mkisofs or genisoimage
Except for p7zip, your Linux distribution should have provided these off-the-shelf.
Building CPUstress for Ultimate Boot CD:
- (Optional) Run 'scripts/ --apply' to update the file modification dates. Git do not store the file dates normally so these have to be stored and applied manually.
- Run 'scripts/'
- A 7z archive should appear in the top directory of the repo. This archive contains files you need to update CPUstress in UBCD. Unpack it to the 'ubcd/boot/cpustress' of your extracted UBCD directory.
Building CPUstress in a standalone ISO image:
- (Optional) Run 'scripts/ --apply' to update the file modification dates. Git do not store the file dates normally so these have to be stored and applied manually.
- Run 'scripts/'
- An ISO file should appear in the top directory of the repo. You may burn it into a CD if you like.
The CPUstress image is originally made by Gert Hulselmans ("Icecube"). Based on a CPU Burn-in bootable image by Adrian Stanciu.
The image is now modified and maintained by Kang-Che Sung ("Explorer") < explorer09 at gmail dot com >.
The CPUstress image contains non-free programs, please read 'cpustress/nonfree.txt' for details. Unless mentioned otherwise, the programs are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.
The text of the GNU General Public License version 2 is available at 'cpustress/gpl-2.0.txt'.
The GNU General Public License is applied to the shell scripts and build scripts of the initrd image.
For licensing information about individual programs, please refer to the website or the about page of that specific program.
CPU Burn-in
Intel Optimized LINPACK Benchmark
Mersenne Prime test (Prime95)
System Stability Tester
Ultimate Boot CD