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172 lines (118 loc) · 4.77 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (118 loc) · 4.77 KB


Install dependencies:

$ yarn install


Start the development server:

$ PORT=8081 REACT_APP_DHIS2_BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080" yarn start

Now in your browser, go to http://localhost:8081.


  • Requests to DHIS2 will be transparently proxied (see src/setupProxy.js) from http://localhost:8081/dhis2/path to http://localhost:8080/path to avoid CORS and cross-domain problems.

  • The optional environment variable REACT_APP_DHIS2_AUTH=USERNAME:PASSWORD forces some credentials to be used by the proxy. This variable is usually not set, so the app has the same user logged in at REACT_APP_DHIS2_BASE_URL.

  • The optional environment variable REACT_APP_PROXY_LOG_LEVEL can be helpful to debug the proxyfied requests (accepts: "warn" | "debug" | "info" | "error" | "silent")

  • Create a file .env.local (copy it from .env) to customize environment variables so you can simply run yarn start.

  • why-did-you-render is installed, but it does not work when using standard react scripts (yarn start). Instead, use yarn start-profiling to debug re-renders with WDYR. Note that hot reloading does not work out-of-the-box with craco.


Unit tests

$ yarn test

Integration tests (Cypress)

Create the required users for testing (cypress/support/App.ts) in your instance and run:

$ export CYPRESS_EXTERNAL_API="http://localhost:8080"
$ export CYPRESS_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8081

# non-interactive
$ yarn cy:e2e:run

# interactive UI
$ yarn cy:e2e:open

Build app ZIP

$ yarn build

Some development tips


  • i18n/: Contains literal translations (gettext format)
  • public/: Main app folder with a index.html, exposes the APP, contains the feedback-tool.
  • src/pages: Main React components.
  • src/domain: Domain layer of the app (clean architecture)
  • src/data: Data of the app (clean architecture)
  • src/components: Reusable React components.
  • src/types: .d.ts file types for modules without TS definitions.
  • src/utils: Misc utilities.
  • src/locales: Auto-generated, do not update or add to the version control.
  • cypress/integration/: Cypress integration tests.


$ yarn localize

App context

The file src/contexts/app-context.ts holds some general context so typical infrastructure objects (api, d2, ...) are readily available. Add your own global objects if necessary.


Check the example script, entry "script-example"in package.json->scripts and src/scripts/example.ts.

About Plugins

Right now the application support 5 different plugins:

Report plugin filename
Pivot Tables reporttable.js
Event Charts eventchart.js
Event Reports eventreport.js
Maps map.js
Charts chart.js

You can see within the public folder the following folder structure:

  # all the other plugins

  # all the other plugins

  # all the other plugins

Plugins have different functionality depending on the DHIS2 version, so we first get the version and then load all the scripts from the specific folder.

Adding a new version

If you want to add a new version the first thing to do is download the .war file from the releases page. Pick the version you want.

Now you need to unzip the war file into a folder in your computer

$ unzip ./dhis2-stable-2.39.0.war -d ./war-239

Now go into the new folder and find the plugins:

$ cd war-239
$ find | grep '\(eventreport\|reporttable\|chart\|map\)\.js$'

Which returns the path to plugin scripts (not all the versions have the plugins in the same paths):


Inside public, create a new folder with the version (example: 239) you want to add:


Now copy all files inside the folder. As a final step, please add the word ".min" to the every file so prettier does not try to do its magic on them.


Now you can start the server and check if every visualization is working properly.


Settings can be saved in the data store (default) or as constants. Use the env variable REACT_APP_STORAGE to select which one to use (datastore or constants).