Makes teleportation possible on your server
- tpa accept
- tpa send [playerName]
- tpa cancel
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:WrongUsage" Value="Correct command usage: /tpa <accept|send|cancel>" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:WrongUsage:Send" Value="Correct command usage: /tpa send <playerName>" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:WrongUsage:NotFound" Value="Player with name {0} was not found" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Send:Yourself" Value="There is no point on sending a tpa request to yourself" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Send:Target" Value="{0} has just sent you a tpa request. Use "/tpa accept" to accept it or 
/tpa cancel
 to cancel it" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Send:Sender" Value="Successfully sent a tpa request to {0}. Use "/tpa cancel" to cancel it" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Accept:NoRequests" Value="There are no tpa requests to accept" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Accept:Delay" Value="You will be teleported to {0} in {1} seconds" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Accept:Success" Value="Successfully accepted {0}'s tpa" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Accept:Teleported" Value="Successfully teleported to {0}" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Cancel:NotRequests" Value="There are no tpa requests to cancel" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Cancel:Other" Value="{0} has just cancelled the tpa request" />
<Translation Id="TpaCommand:Cancel:Success" Value="Successfully canceled the tpa with {0}" />
<Translation Id="TpaValidation:Car:Other" Value="The teleport was cancelled because {0} is on a car" />
<Translation Id="TpaValidation:Car:Self" Value="The teleport was cancelled because you are on a car" />
<Translation Id="TpaValidation:Leave" Value="The teleport was cancelled because {0} left the server" />
<Translation Id="TpaValidation:Balance:Sender" Value="You dont have enough balance to teleport. Teleport cost: {0}" />
<Translation Id="TpaValidation:Balance:Target" Value="The teleport was cancelled because {0} does not have enough balance" />