diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcg_primitive_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcg_primitive_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac451bdc66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcg_primitive_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ The dimensionality of the space.
+ The cardinality of the set, i.e. the number of members.
+ Computational geometry description of a set of primitives in Euclidean space.
+ Primitives must neither be degenerated nor self-intersect.
+ Individual primitives can differ in their properties (e.g. size, shape, rotation).
+ Hint to help resolve in which Euclidean coordinate system field values
+ like center or orientation are defined.
+ The dimensionality of the primitive set.
+ The cardinality of the primitive set.
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ Therefore, implicit identifier are completely defined by the value of
+ identifier_offset and cardinality. For example if identifier run from
+ -2 to 3 the value for identifier_offset is -2.
+ For explicit indexing the field identifier has to be used.
+ Fortran-/Matlab- and C-/Python-style indexing have specific implicit
+ identifier conventions where identifier_offset is 1 and 0 respectively.
+ Identifier of each member for explicit indexing.
+ The center of mass position of each primitive.
+ True if the center is a center of mass.
+ A qualitative description of the shape of each primitive.
+ Qualifier for the length of characteristic features of the primitive.
+ Often the term length is associated with the assumption that one
+ edge is parallel to an axis of the coordinate system.
+ Qualifier often used to describe the length of one characteristic edge
+ within the coordinate system.
+ True if primitive is closed such that it has properties like area or volume.
+ Volume of each primitive.
+ Set to NaN if does not apply for primitives for which is_closed is False.
+ Alias for surface_area of each primitive.
+ Set to NaN if does not apply for primitives for which is_closed is False.
+ Direction unit vector which points along the
+ longest principal axis of each primitive.
+ Use the depends_on attribute to specify in which coordinate system
+ these direction unit vectors are defined.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcomponent_em.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcomponent_em.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bedba8b6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcomponent_em.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ Base class for components used in an electron microscope.
+ The electron microscope can be a real one or a simulated microscope.
+ The key motivation behind this generalization is the observation that in all
+ cases a controlled electron beam is generated in reality or that beam is simulated
+ and this beam is then used or modified in a controlled manner for the purpose
+ of studying physical interaction mechanisms of the beam with matter.
+ Here it does not matter whether one considers a real specimen or a simulated one.
+ Using a common description for the real experiment in the lab and - what is
+ typically a simplification of it - via a computer simulation, has the benefit
+ that many pieces of information can be stored in the same way. In effect,
+ users are guided with finding information and unnecessary descriptive
+ variety for what are exactly the same concept is avoided to work towards
+ more interoperability.
+ Another motivation to make no fundamental distinction between a scanning and
+ a transmission electron microscope is that both are electron microscopes whose
+ components are often very similar.
+ Given name to the component e.g stage, lens C1, etc.
+ Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier, link, or text to a
+ resource which gives further details to this component.
+ If such resource does not exist, a free-text field to report
+ further details about the component is possible.
+ Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the
+ location and geometry of the component in the instrument.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8dcb83694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ Base class to detail a coordinate system (CS).
+ Whenever possible, an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` should be used as
+ a member in an :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` and the name of the instance
+ should be this alias. This may support a process whereby jargon when talking
+ about coordinate systems and conventions may become cleaner for users
+ because it is not evident for people outside a lab that terms like e.g.
+ tip space or specimen space refer to the same coordinate system.
+ This is an example of jargon used in e.g. the field of atom
+ probe tomography.
+ Human-readable field telling where the origin of this CS is.
+ Exemplar values could be *left corner of the lab bench*, *door-handle*
+ *pinhole through which the electron beam exists the pole piece*.
+ *barycenter of the triangle*, *center of mass of the stone*.
+ An alternative name given to that coordinate system.
+ Coordinate system type.
+ Handedness of the coordinate system if it is a Cartesian.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the x-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the x-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ Exemplar values could be direction of gravity.
+ Base unit vector along the first axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the x-axis in real space and
+ the i-axis in reciprocal space.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the y-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the y-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ Base unit vector along the second axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the y-axis in real space and
+ the j-axis in reciprocal space.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the z-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the z-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ Base unit vector along the second axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the z-axis in real space and
+ the k-axis in reciprocal space.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcrystal_structure.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcrystal_structure.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4baccda138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcrystal_structure.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ Number of reflectors (Miller crystallographic plane triplets).
+ Number of atom positions.
+ Dimensionality of the lattice.
+ Base class to describe the atomic crystal structure of a phase.
+ This base class contains key metadata that are relevant parameter to every
+ physics-based model to simulate radiation matter interaction.
+ Examples where such base class is useful are kinematic or dynamic
+ diffraction simulations of e.g. (Kikuchi or other type of) patterns.
+ Detail in which reference frame the unit cell is defined.
+ Dimensionality of the lattice.
+ Reference to another resource that was used for
+ instantiating this structure model.
+ Crystallography unit cell parameters a, b, and c.
+ Crystallography unit cell parameters alpha, beta, and gamma.
+ Area of the unit cell considering that d = 2.
+ Volume of the unit cell considering that d = 3.
+ Crystal system
+ Laue group using International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ Point group using International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ Space group from the International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ True if space group is considered a centrosymmetric one.
+ False if space group is considered a non-centrosymmetric one.
+ Centrosymmetric has all types and combinations of symmetry elements
+ (translation, rotational axis, mirror planes, center of inversion)
+ Non-centrosymmetric compared to centrosymmetric is constrained (no inversion).
+ Chiral compared to non-centrosymmetric is constrained (no mirror planes).
+ True if space group is considered a chiral one.
+ False if space group is consider a non-chiral one.
+ Identifier for each phase.
+ The value 0 is reserved for the unknown phase that represents the
+ null-model no sufficiently significant confirmation. In other words,
+ the phase_name is n/a, notIndexed.
+ The phase identifier value has to match with the integer postfix of the
+ group name which represents that instance in a NeXus/HDF5 file, i.e.
+ if two phases were used e.g. 0 and 1, two instances of an
+ :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` named phase0 and phase1
+ should be stored in the HDF5 file.
+ Name of the phase/alias.
+ If the phase_identifier is 0 and one would like to use the field
+ phase_name the value should be n/a.
+ Label for each atom position.
+ The hash value :math:`H` is :math:`H = Z + N*256` with :math:`Z`
+ the number of protons and :math:`N` the number of neutrons
+ of each isotope respectively. Z and N have to be 8-bit unsigned integers.
+ For the rationale behind this `M. Kühbach et al. (2021) <https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927621012241>`_
+ Atom positions.
+ Reference to an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system`
+ whereby the positions can be resolved.
+ Relative occupancy of the atom position.
+ How many reflectors are distinguished.
+ Value has to match value for symbol n_hkl.
+ Miller indices :math:`(hkl)[uvw]` of the planes.
+ The first triplet specify :math:`(hkl)` the second triplet :math:`[uvw]`.
+ Miller indices refer to the Cartesian right-handed coordinate system
+ of the unit cell.
+ Spacing between crystallographic planes as defined by field miller.
+ Relative intensity of the signal for the plane.
+ In case the :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` base class is used
+ with analyzed orientation maps this field stores how many scan points
+ of the map were identified as that phase.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_obj.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_obj.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ce5370a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_obj.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ Computer science description of a (central) processing unit (C)PU of a computer.
+ Given name of the CPU. Users should be as specific as possible.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_sys.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_sys.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0de162c661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_cpu_sys.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ Computer science description of a system of classical central processing units.
+ For coprocessor or graphic cards use :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys` instead.
+ Granularizing at the socket level.
+ Typical examples follow: A desktop computer with a single CPU one
+ could describe using one instance of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_obj` inside one instance of
+ :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
+ A dual-socket server one could describe using two instances of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_obj`
+ inside one instance of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
+ A server with two dual-socket server nodes one could describe
+ with the above group of one :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys` into another :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_obj.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_obj.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5b6c26ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_obj.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ Computer science description of a graphic processing unit (GPU) of a computer.
+ Given name of the GPU. Users should be as specific as possible.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_sys.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_sys.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..217f1adb2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_gpu_sys.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ Computer science description of a system of coprocessor or graphics processors.
+ Granularizing at the socket level.
+ Typical examples follow: A desktop computer with a single GPU one
+ could describe using one instance of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj` inside one instance of
+ :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys`.
+ A desktop computer with two GPUs one could describe using two instances
+ of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj` inside one instance of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys`.
+ A GPU server like nowadays used for artificial intelligence
+ one could describe as a system with n instances of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj`
+ in one :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys` or :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcs_mm_obj.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_mm_obj.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2b247079c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXcs_mm_obj.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ Computer science description of a memory in a memory system.
+ Qualifier for the type of random access memory.
+ Total amount of data which the medium can hold.
+ Given name to the I/O unit.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_adf.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_adf.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64534699cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_adf.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+ Base class method-specific for annular dark field imaging.
+ In the majority of cases simple d-dimensional regular scan patterns are used
+ to probe a region-of-interest (ROI). Examples can be single point aka spot
+ measurements, line profiles, or (rectangular) surface mappings.
+ The latter pattern is the most frequently used.
+ For now the base class provides for scans for which the settings,
+ binning, and energy resolution is the same for each scan point.
+ Annulus inner (first value) and outer (second value) half angle.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_base.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_base.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..479819893b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_base.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ Blue-print of a generic appdef for electron microscopy research formulated as a deep base class.
+ This base class combines a method-specific and technical-design-level base class
+ instance to provide a template for storing parameterized descriptions of
+ pieces of information collected when performing electron microscopy research.
+ The base class here shows all possible branches without making any statements
+ as to which of these have to be used in an instance. Thereby, the base class
+ provides a template how to name and structure concepts in a hierarchy
+ to support finding information and reducing the need for renaming and
+ restructuring information for a research field where many scientists perform
+ very specific research but who all also share commonalities like usage of
+ controlled electron beams, a focus on studies of electron beam matter interaction
+ to explore physical mechanisms and phenomena, or the desire to characterize materials
+ using electron microscopy.
+ A collection of all programs and libraries which are considered relevant
+ to understand with which software tools this NeXus file instance was
+ generated. Ideally, to enable a binary recreation from the input data.
+ Examples include the name and version of the libraries used to write the
+ instance. Ideally, the software that writes these :ref:`NXprogram` instances
+ also includes the version of the set of NeXus classes i.e. the specific
+ set of base classes, application definitions, and contributed definitions
+ with which the here described concepts can be resolved.
+ For the `pynxtools library <https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools>`_
+ which is used by the `NOMAD <https://nomad-lab.eu/nomad-lab>`_
+ research data management system, it makes sense to store e.g. the GitHub
+ repository commit and respective submodule references used.
+ The configuration of the I/O writer software (e.g. `pynxtools <https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools>`_)
+ which was used to generate this NeXus file instance.
+ An at least as strong as SHA256 hashvalue of the file
+ which specifies the application definition.
+ NeXus NXDL schema to which this file conforms.
+ Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier
+ for referring to this experiment.
+ An experiment should be understood in that this can be an experiment
+ in reality or a computer simulation because also the latter is an
+ experiment (see the Cambridge Dictionary experiment:
+ *a test done in order to find out something, eg if an idea is correct*).
+ The identifier is usually issued by the facility, laboratory,
+ or the principle investigator. The identifier enables to link
+ experiments/simulations to e.g. proposals.
+ Free-text description about the experiment.
+ Users are strongly advised to parameterize their description of the
+ experiment by using the respective base classes instead of writing prose
+ into this field.
+ The reason is that such free-text field is difficult to machine-interpret.
+ The motivation behind keeping this field for now is to learn through
+ the information entered in this field in how far the current base
+ classes are incomplete.
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC information included
+ when the microscope session started. If the application demands that time
+ codes in this section of the application definition should only be used
+ for specifying when the experiment was performed - and the exact
+ duration is not relevant - this start_time field should be used.
+ Often though it is useful to specify a time interval via setting both
+ a start_time and an end_time because this enables software tools and
+ users to collect a more detailed bookkeeping of the experiment.
+ The user should be aware that even with having both time instances specified,
+ it may not be possible to infer how long the experiment took or for how
+ long data were acquired.
+ More detailed timing data over the course of the experiment have
+ to be collected to compute this. These computations can take
+ advantage of individual time stamps start_time and end_time
+ in :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instances.
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC included when
+ the microscope session ended. See docstring of the start_time field
+ to see how the start_time and end_time should be used together.
+ The program and eventual software libraries used with which the
+ NeXus instance was created. For the NOMAD OASIS research data
+ management system e.g. pynxtools and eventually all modules
+ if desired.
+ Possibility to store a collection of data artifacts
+ associated with the experiment.
+ Contact information and eventually details of at least one person
+ who performed or was involved in the session. This can be the
+ principle investigator who performed this experiment or the student
+ who performed the simulation.
+ Adding multiple users if relevant is recommended.
+ Given (first) name and surname of the user.
+ Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time
+ when the experiment was performed.
+ Postal address of the affiliation.
+ Email address of the user at the point in time when the experiment
+ was performed. Writing the most permanently used email is recommended.
+ Service as another mean of identification of a user than by the name.
+ Examples could be details about an ORCID or social media account of
+ the user.
+ (Business) (tele)phone number of the user at the point
+ in time when the experiment was performed.
+ Which role does the user have in the place and at the point
+ in time when the experiment was performed? Technician operating
+ the microscope, student, postdoc, principle investigator, or guest
+ are common examples.
+ A description of the material characterized in the experiment.
+ Sample and specimen are threaded as de facto synonyms.
+ Samples can be real specimens or virtual (see method).
+ A qualifier whether the sample is a real one or a
+ virtual one (in a computer simulation)
+ Ideally, (globally) unique persistent identifier which distinguishes
+ the specimen from all others and especially the predecessor/origin
+ from where the specimen was cut.
+ This field must not be used for an alias! Instead, use name.
+ In cases where multiple specimens were loaded into the microscope,
+ the identifier has to resolve the specific sample, whose results are
+ stored by this :ref:`NXentry` instance, because a single NXentry should be
+ used only for the characterization of a single specimen.
+ Details about the specimen preparation should be
+ stored in resources referring to parent_identifier.
+ Identifier of the sample from which the sample was cut or the string
+ *None*. The purpose of this field is to support functionalities
+ for tracking sample provenance via a research data management system.
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ when the specimen was prepared.
+ Ideally, report the end of the preparation, i.e. the last known time
+ the measured specimen surface was actively prepared. Ideally, this
+ matches the last timestamp that is mentioned in the digital resource
+ pointed to by parent_identifier.
+ Knowing when the specimen was exposed to e.g. specific atmosphere is
+ especially required for environmentally sensitive material such as
+ hydrogen charged specimens or experiments including tracers with a
+ short half time. Additional time stamps prior to preparation_date
+ should better be placed in resources which describe but which do not pollute
+ the description here with prose. Resolving these connected pieces of information
+ is considered within the responsibility of the research data management
+ system.
+ An alias used to refer to the specimen to please readability for humans.
+ List of comma-separated elements from the periodic table that are
+ contained in the sample. If the sample substance has multiple
+ components, all elements from each component must be included in
+ `atom_types`.
+ The purpose of the field is to offer research data management systems an
+ opportunity to parse the relevant elements without having to interpret
+ these from the resources pointed to by parent_identifier or walk through
+ eventually deeply nested groups in data instances.
+ (Measured) sample thickness.
+ The information is recorded to qualify if the beam used was likely
+ able to shine through the specimen. For scanning electron microscopy,
+ in many cases the specimen is typically thicker than what is
+ illuminatable by the electron beam.
+ In this case the value should be set to the actual thickness of
+ the specimen viewed for an illumination situation where the nominal
+ surface normal of the specimen is parallel to the optical axis.
+ (Measured) density of the specimen.
+ For multi-layered specimens this field should only be used to describe
+ the density of the excited volume. For scanning electron microscopy
+ the usage of this field is discouraged and instead an instance of an
+ :ref:`NXinteraction_vol_em` within individual :ref:`NXevent_data_em`
+ instances can provide a cleaner description of the relevant details
+ why one may wish to store the density of the specimen.
+ Discouraged free-text field to provide further detail although adding
+ parent_identifier and having a working research data management system
+ should provide this contextualization.
+ A region-of-interest analyzed either during or after the session
+ for which specific processed data generated from the measured or the
+ simulated data are available.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_conventions_ebsd.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_conventions_ebsd.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a19f1e29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_conventions_ebsd.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ Base class for method-specific conventions EBSD.
+ This base class is expected to be used with :ref:`NXem_conventions`.
+ This is the main issue which currently is not in all cases documented
+ and thus limits the interoperability and value of collected EBSD data.
+ Not communicating EBSD data with such contextual pieces of information
+ and the use of file formats which do not store this information is the
+ key unsolved problem.
+ Details about the gnomonic projection reference frame.
+ Type of coordinate system/reference frame used for identifying
+ positions in the gnomonic projection space Xg, Yg, Zg
+ according to DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
+ Handedness of coordinate system.
+ Is the origin of the gnomonic coordinate system located
+ where we assume the location of the pattern centre.
+ This is the location Xg = 0, Yg = 0, Zg = 0 according to
+ reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" x-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
+ and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
+ details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
+ have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
+ define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
+ Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
+ capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" y-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" z-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ Details about the definition of the pattern centre
+ as a special point in the gnomonic projection reference frame.
+ From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference frame)
+ is the pattern centre's x-position (PCx) measured?
+ Keywords assume the region-of-interest is defined by
+ a rectangle. We observe this rectangle and inspect the
+ direction of the outer-unit normals to the edges of
+ this rectangle.
+ In which direction are positive values for PCx measured from
+ the specified boundary. Keep in mind that the gnomonic space
+ is in virtually all cases embedded in the detector space.
+ Specifically, the XgYg plane is defined such that it is
+ embedded/laying inside the XdYd plane (of the detector
+ reference frame).
+ When the normalization direction is the same as e.g. the
+ detector x-axis direction, we state that we effectively
+ normalize in fractions of the width of the detector.
+ The issue with terms like width and height is that these
+ degenerate if the detector region-of-interest is square-shaped.
+ This is why we should better avoid talking about width and height but
+ state how we would measure distances practically with a ruler and
+ how we then measure positive distances.
+ From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference
+ frame) is the pattern centre's y-position (PCy) measured?
+ For further details inspect the help button of
+ xaxis_boundary_convention.
+ In which direction are positive values for PCy measured from
+ the specified boundary.
+ For further details inspect the help button of
+ xaxis_normalization_direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_correlation.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_correlation.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c0f68255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_correlation.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ Base class to combine different method-specific data in electron microscopy.
+ This base class represent a template for documenting correlations
+ (spatial, temporal) between different method-specific results.
+ Details about processing steps.
+ Details about correlated or logically connected EBSD datasets.
+ One important class of such correlated experiments are the so-called
+ (quasi) in-situ experiments. In this case the same or nearly the same ROI
+ gets analyzed via a repetitive sequence of thermomechanical treatment,
+ sample preparation, measurement, on-the-fly-indexing. Phenomena
+ investigated are recrystallization, strain accumulation, material damage.
+ Post-processing is required to correlate and reidentify eventual
+ microstructural features or local ROIs across several orientation maps.
+ Another important class of correlated experiments are the so-called
+ serial-sectioning experiments. Here the same sample is measured
+ repetitively after polishing each time, to create a stack of
+ orientation data which can be reconstructed to a
+ three-dimensional volume ROI.
+ Data can be correlated in time, position (spatial), or both (spatiotemporal).
+ Spatial correlations between repetitively characterized regions-of-interests
+ are typically correlated using image registration and alignment algorithms.
+ For this typically so-called landmarks are used. These can be grains with
+ a very large size or specific shape, i.e. grains which are qualitatively
+ different enough to be used as a guide how images are shifted relative to
+ one another. Other commonly used landmarks are fiducial marks which are
+ milled into the specimen surface using focus-ion beam milling and/or various
+ types of indentation methods.
+ As far as the same physical region-of-interest is just measured several times,
+ the additional issue of the depth increment is not a concern. However, correct
+ assumptions for the depth increment, amount of material removed along the milling
+ direction is relevant for accurate and precise three-dimensional (serial-sectioning)
+ correlations. For these studies it can be tricky though to assume or estimate
+ useful depth increments. Different strategies have been proposed like
+ calibrations, wedged-shaped landmarks and computer simulation assisted
+ assumption making.
+ Despite the use of landmarks, there are many practical issues which make the
+ processing of correlations imprecise and inaccurate. Among these are drift
+ and shift of the specimen, instabilities of the holder, the beam, irrespective
+ of the source of the drift, charging effects, here specifically causing local
+ image distortions and rotations which may require special processing algorithms
+ to reduce such imprecisions.
+ Time correlations face all of the above-mentioned issues surplus the challenge
+ that specific experimental protocols have to be used to ensure the material state
+ is observed at specific physical time. The example of quasi in-situ characterization
+ of crystal growth phenomena, a common topic in engineering or modern catalysis research
+ makes it necessary to consider that e.g. the target value for the desired annealing
+ temperature is not just gauged based on macroscopic arguments but considers
+ that transient effects take place. Heating or quenching a sample might thus might
+ not have been executed under conditions in the interaction volume as they are
+ documented and/or assumed.
+ These issue cause that correlations have an error margin as to how accurately
+ respective datasets were not only just synced based on the geometry of the
+ region-of-interests and the time markers but also to asssure which physical
+ conditions the specimen experienced over the course of the measurements.
+ The fourth example of the em_om reference implementation explores the use of the
+ correlation group with a serial-sectioning datasets that was collected by the
+ classical Inconel 100 dataset collected by M. D. Uchic and colleagues
+ (M. Groeber M, Haley BK, Uchic MD, Dimiduk DM, Ghosh S 3d reconstruction and
+ characterization of polycrystalline microstructures using a fib-sem system data set.
+ Mater Charac 2006, 57 259–273. 10.1016/j.matchar.2006.01.019M).
+ This dataset was specifically relevant in driving forward the implementation
+ of the DREAM.3D software. DREAM.3D is an open-source software project for
+ post-processing and reconstructing, i.e. correlating sets of orientation
+ microscopy data foremost spatially. One focus of the software is the
+ (post-)processing of EBSD datasets. Another cutting edge tool with similar
+ scope but a commercial solution by Bruker is QUBE which was developed by
+ P. Konijnenberg and coworkers.
+ Conceptually, software like DREAM.3D supports users with creating linear
+ workflows of post-processing tasks. Workflows can be instructed via the
+ graphical user interface or via so-called pipeline processing via command line
+ calls. DREAM.3D is especially useful because its internal system documents all
+ input, output, and parameter of the processing steps. This makes DREAM.3D a
+ good candidate to interface with tools like em_om parser. Specifically, DREAM.3D
+ documents numerical results via a customized HDF5 file format called DREAM3D.
+ Workflow steps and settings are stored as nested dictionaries in JSON syntax
+ inside a supplementary JSON file or alongside the data in the DREAM3D file.
+ DREAM.3D has a few hundred algorithms implemented. These are called filters
+ in DREAM.3D terminology.
+ Users configure a workflow which instructs DREAM.3D to send the data through
+ a chain of predefined and configured filters. Given that for each analysis
+ the filter is documented via its version tags surplus its parameter and setting
+ via a controlled vocabulary, interpreting the content of a DREAM3D HDF5 file
+ is possible in an automated manner using a parser. This makes DREAM.3D analyses
+ repeatable and self-descriptive. A key limitation though is that most frequently
+ the initial set of input data come from commercial files like ANG.
+ This missing link between the provenance of these input files, their associated
+ creation as electron microscope session, is also what NXem_ebsd solves.
+ Nevertheless, as this can be solved with e.g. NXem_ebsd we are convinced that
+ the DREAM.3D and the em_om parser can work productively together to realize
+ RDMS-agnostic parsing of serial-section analyses.
+ The internal documentation of the DREAM.3D workflow also simplifies the
+ provenance tracking represented by an instance of NXem_ebsd as not every
+ intermediate results has to be stored. Therefore, the fourth example
+ focuses on the key result obtained from DREAM.3D - the reconstructed
+ and aligned three-dimensional orientation map.
+ Usually, this result is the starting point for further post-processing
+ and characterization of structural features. As here orientation microscopy
+ is insofar scale invariant using DREAM.3D, NXem_ebsd, and em_om should
+ be useful for different characterization methods, such as EBSD, Transmission
+ Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD), Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping (ACOM),
+ Nanobeam Electron Diffraction (using commercial systems like NanoMegas ASTAR)
+ or open-source implementations of these techniques (such as via pyxem/orix).
+ The result of orientation microscopy methods are maps of local orientation
+ and thermodynamic phase (crystal structure) pieces of information. Virtually
+ all post-processing of such results for structural features includes again
+ a workflow of steps which are covered though by the NXms partner application
+ definition. The respective source of the data in an instance of NXms can
+ again be a link or reference to an instance of NXem_ebsd to complete the
+ chain of provenance.
+ Descriptor representing the image contrast.
+ Title of the default plot.
+ Descriptor values displaying the ROI.
+ Descriptor values.
+ Calibrated coordinate along the z-axis.
+ Label for the z axis
+ Calibrated coordinate along the y-axis.
+ Label for the y axis
+ Calibrated coordinate along the x-axis.
+ Label for the x axis
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_ebsd_conventions.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_ebsd_conventions.nxdl.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef85f8716..0000000000
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXem_ebsd_conventions.nxdl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
- Conventions for rotations and coordinate systems to interpret EBSD data.
- This is the main issue which currently is not in all cases documented
- and thus limits the interoperability and value of collected EBSD data.
- Not communicating EBSD data with such contextual pieces of information
- and the use of file formats which do not store this information is the
- key unsolved problem.
- Mathematical conventions and materials-science-specific conventions
- required for interpreting every collection of orientation data.
- Convention how a positive rotation angle is defined when viewing
- from the end of the rotation unit vector towards its origin,
- i.e. in accordance with convention 2 of
- DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- Counter_clockwise is equivalent to a right-handed choice.
- Clockwise is equivalent to a left-handed choice.
- How are rotations interpreted into an orientation
- according to convention 3 of
- DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- How are Euler angles interpreted given that there are several
- choices (e.g. ZXZ, XYZ, etc.) according to convention 4 of
- DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- The most frequently used convention is ZXZ which is based on
- the work of H.-J. Bunge but other conventions are possible.
- To which angular range is the rotation angle argument of an
- axis-angle pair parameterization constrained according to
- convention 5 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- Which sign convention is followed when converting orientations
- between different parameterizations/representations according
- to convention 6 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- Details about eventually relevant named directions that may
- give reasons for anisotropies. The classical example is cold-rolling
- where one has to specify which directions (rolling, transverse, and normal)
- align how with the direction of the base vectors of the sample_reference_frame.
- Type of coordinate system and reference frame according to
- convention 1 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
- the processing_reference_frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector.
- Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector, e.g. rolling direction.
- Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
- the processing_reference_frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
- also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
- Name or alias assigned to the y-axis base vector, e.g. transverse direction.
- Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
- the processing_reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
- also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
- Name or alias assigned to the z-axis base vector, e.g. normal direction.
- Location of the origin of the processing_reference_frame.
- This specifies the location Xp = 0, Yp = 0, Zp = 0.
- Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
- rectangle or cuboid.
- Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
- outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
- along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
- Details about the sample/specimen reference frame.
- Type of coordinate system and reference frame according to
- convention 1 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
- The reference frame for the sample surface reference is used for
- identifying positions on a (virtual) image which is formed by
- information collected from an electron beam scanning the
- sample surface. We assume the configuration is inspected by
- looking towards the sample surface from a position that is
- located behind the detector.
- Reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008
- The sample surface reference frame has coordinates Xs, Ys, Zs.
- In three dimensions these coordinates are not necessarily
- located on the surface of the sample as there are multiple
- faces/sides of the sample. Most frequently though the coordinate
- system here is used to define the surface which the electron
- beam scans.
- Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
- the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector.
- Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
- and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
- details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
- have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
- define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
- Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
- capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
- Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
- the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
- also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
- Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
- the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
- also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
- Location of the origin of the sample surface reference frame.
- This specifies the location Xs = 0, Ys = 0, Zs = 0.
- Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
- rectangle or cuboid.
- Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
- outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
- along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
- Details about the detector reference frame.
- Type of coordinate system/reference frame used for
- identifying positions in detector space Xd, Yd, Zd,
- according to DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
- Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
- the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
- position that is located behind the detector.
- Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
- and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
- details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
- have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
- define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
- Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
- capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
- Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
- the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
- position that is located behind the detector.
- For further information consult also the help info for the
- xaxis_direction field.
- Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
- the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
- is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
- position that is located behind the detector.
- For further information consult also the help info for the
- xaxis_direction field.
- Where is the origin of the detector space reference
- frame located. This is the location of Xd = 0, Yd = 0, Zd = 0.
- Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
- rectangle or cuboid.
- Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
- outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
- along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
- Details about the gnomonic projection reference frame.
- Type of coordinate system/reference frame used for identifying
- positions in the gnomonic projection space Xg, Yg, Zg
- according to DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
- Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" x-axis base
- vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
- detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
- looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector.
- Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
- and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
- details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
- have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
- define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
- Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
- capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
- Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" y-axis base
- vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
- detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
- looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector.
- For further information consult also the help info for the
- xaxis_direction field.
- Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" z-axis base
- vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
- detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
- looking towards the sample surface from a position
- that is located behind the detector.
- For further information consult also the help info for the
- xaxis_direction field.
- Is the origin of the gnomonic coordinate system located
- where we assume the location of the pattern centre.
- This is the location Xg = 0, Yg = 0, Zg = 0 according to
- reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
- Details about the definition of the pattern centre
- as a special point in the gnomonic projection reference frame.
- From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference frame)
- is the pattern centre's x-position (PCx) measured?
- Keywords assume the region-of-interest is defined by
- a rectangle. We observe this rectangle and inspect the
- direction of the outer-unit normals to the edges of
- this rectangle.
- In which direction are positive values for PCx measured from
- the specified boundary. Keep in mind that the gnomonic space
- is in virtually all cases embedded in the detector space.
- Specifically, the XgYg plane is defined such that it is
- embedded/laying inside the XdYd plane (of the detector
- reference frame).
- When the normalization direction is the same as e.g. the
- detector x-axis direction, we state that we effectively
- normalize in fractions of the width of the detector.
- The issue with terms like width and height is that these
- degenerate if the detector region-of-interest is square-shaped.
- This is why we should better avoid talking about width and height but
- state how we would measure distances practically with a ruler and
- how we then measure positive distances.
- From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference
- frame) is the pattern centre's y-position (PCy) measured?
- For further details inspect the help button of
- xaxis_boundary_convention.
- In which direction are positive values for PCy measured from
- the specified boundary.
- For further details inspect the help button of
- xaxis_normalization_direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_eds.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_eds.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..735bfe8979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_eds.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ Number of pixel along the y direction, the slow direction
+ Number of pixel along the x direction, the fast direction
+ Number of X-ray photon energy (bins), the fastest direction.
+ Number of identified elements
+ Number of peaks detected
+ Base class method-specific for energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX).
+ `IUPAC instead of Siegbahn notation <https://doi.org/10.1002/xrs.1300200308>`_ should be used.
+ Details about computational steps how peaks were indexed as elements.
+ The program with which the indexing was performed.
+ Name and location of each X-ray line which was indexed as a known ion.
+ For each ion, an NXion instance should be created which specifies
+ the origin of the signal. For each ion also the relevant IUPAC notation
+ X-ray lines should be specified.
+ Associated lower :math:`[e_{min}, e_{max}]` bounds of the
+ energy which is assumed associated with this peak.
+ Theoretical energy of the line according to IUPAC.
+ IUPAC notation identifier of the line which the peak represents.
+ This can be a list of IUPAC notations for (the seldom) case that
+ multiple lines are grouped with the same peak.
+ List of the names of identified elements.
+ Individual element-specific EDS/EDX/EDXS/SXES mapping
+ A composition map is an image whose intensities for each pixel are the
+ accumulated X-ray quanta *under the curve(s)* of a set of peaks.
+ These element-specific EDS maps are NXimage_r_set instances
+ and need to be named with the name of the element from the
+ element_names field.
+ A list of NXpeak instance names whose X-ray quanta
+ where accumulated for each pixel which yields an element-specific
+ EDS map.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_eels.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_eels.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c355f6fd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_eels.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ Number of electron energy loss bins.
+ Base class method-specific for Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS).
+ NXspectrum_set_em specialized for EELS.
+ Energy loss.
+ Energy loss.
+ Energy loss.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_img.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_img.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebf17380a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_img.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+ Base class for method-specific generic imaging.
+ In the majority of cases simple d-dimensional regular scan patterns are used
+ to probe a region-of-interest (ROI). Examples can be single point aka spot
+ measurements, line profiles, or (rectangular) surface mappings.
+ The latter pattern is the most frequently used.
+ For now the base class provides for scans for which the settings,
+ binning, and energy resolution is the same for each scan point.
+ Which imaging mode was used?
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_method.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_method.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..086d4833d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_method.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ Base class to describe specific analysis methods in electron microscopy.
+ This base class represent a template how specialized, deep, and method-specific
+ base classes can be defined with which an (NXem) application
+ definition gets equipped with specific groups to document method-specific
+ processing steps and report analyzed quantities.
+ The template base class name :ref:`NXem_method` needs to be changed for each
+ method e.g. :ref:`NXem_adf`, :ref:`NXem_ebsd`, :ref:`NXem_eels`, :ref:`NXem_eds`.
+ Details about processing steps.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_msr.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_msr.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6442b1e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_msr.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ Base class for collecting a session with a real electron microscope.
+ For collecting data and experiments which are simulations of an
+ electron microscope use the :ref:`NXem_sim` base class.
+ (Meta)data of the microscope and the lab in which it stands.
+ This em_lab group differs from potential em_lab groups inside
+ :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instances in that here the more static descriptions
+ are kept while changing, i.e. time-dependent pieces of information are
+ logged, via the em_lab group inside the desired number of instances
+ of NXevent_data_em.
+ While using an :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instance, users should store only those
+ settings about a component which are relevant to understand the current
+ state of the component. Here, current means for the time interval which
+ the event covers (as it is detailed via start_time and end_time) timestamps.
+ For example it is not relevant to store in each :ref:`NXevent_data_em`
+ electron_source group again the details of the gun type and the manufacturer
+ but only the high-voltage value and that only if it is different from the value
+ that is specified in the em_lab section for the static settings.
+ In effect, this defines an information inference hierarchy which starts
+ in an individual :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instance followed by a probing of the
+ static section.
+ Given name of the microscope at the hosting institution.
+ This is an alias. Examples could be NionHermes, Titan, JEOL,
+ Gemini, etc.
+ Location of the lab or place where the instrument is installed.
+ Using GEOREF is preferred.
+ Description of the type of the detector.
+ Electron microscopes have typically multiple detectors.
+ Different technologies are in use like CCD, scintillator,
+ direct electron, CMOS, or image plate to name but a few.
+ Instrument-specific alias/name
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXem_sim.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXem_sim.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5f10b1b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXem_sim.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Base class for simulating electron microscopy relevant beam-matter interaction.
+ The concept behind this base class is to keep it as generic as possible
+ that simulations of electron/ion beam interaction with matter can be
+ represented. This base class is envisioned as the twin of the :ref:`NXem_msr`
+ base class.
+ It is an attempt to test the idea if at some point one might even use the
+ same base class template to describe measurements and computer simulations
+ of electron microscopy. This idea is attractive because the only practical
+ difference between a description of a measurement with a microscope and a
+ computer simulation is that the latter is typically a substantially simplified
+ representation of the real microscope surplus the focus of the research
+ in such cases on specific questions.
+ Such simplification can be with respect to the optical setup, typically the
+ ignoring of the fact that the electron beam is produced by a complex setup
+ of lenses while in simulations often single Einzel lenses are considered.
+ Dynamics of the environment like temperature fluctuation in a lab, vibrations,
+ users, and multiple detectors are typically either ignored or reduced in
+ complexity and number and coming with idealizations to keep the simulations
+ focused on the specific reason questions and efficiently numerically executable.
+ Details about the simulation.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXimage_c_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_c_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64c945c99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_c_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ Number of images in the (hyper)stack.
+ Number of pixel per image in the slowest direction.
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+ Specialized base class container for reporting a set of images in reciprocal space.
+ In practice, complex numbers are encoded via some formatted pair of real values.
+ Typically, fast Algorithms for computing Fourier Transformations (FFT) are
+ used to encode images in reciprocal (frequency) space. FFT libraries are used
+ for implementing the key functionalities of these mathematical operations.
+ Different libraries use different representations and encoding of the
+ image computed. Details can be found in the respective sections of the
+ typical FFT libraries:
+ * `FFTW by M. Frigo and S. G. Johnson <https://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Tutorial.html#Tutorial>`_
+ * `Intel MKL by the Intel Co. <https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/onemkl/developer-reference-c/2023-0/fourier-transform-functions.html>`_
+ * `cuFFT by the NVidia Co. <https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html>`_
+ Users are strongly advised to inspect carefully which specific conventions
+ their library uses to be able to store and modify the implementation of their
+ code so that the serialized representations as it is detailed
+ here for NeXus matches with their intention.
+ One- and two-dimensional FFTs should use the stack(NXdata) instances.
+ Three-dimensional FFTs should use the hyperstack(NXdata) instances.
+ Image stack.
+ Image intensity of the real part.
+ Image intensity of the imaginary part.
+ Magnitude of the image intensity.
+ Image identifier
+ Image identifier.
+ Pixel coordinate center along j direction.
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ Pixel coordinate center along i direction.
+ Coordinate along i direction.
+ Image hyperstack.
+ Image intensity of the real part.
+ Image intensity of the imaginary part.
+ Magnitude of the image intensity.
+ Image identifier
+ Image identifier.
+ Pixel coordinate center along k direction.
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ Pixel coordinate center along j direction.
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ Pixel coordinate center along i direction.
+ Coordinate along i direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ef371809d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+ Specialized base class container for reporting a set of images in real space.
+ Image (stack).
+ Image intensity values.
+ Image identifier
+ Image identifier.
+ Pixel coordinate center along y direction.
+ Coordinate along y direction.
+ Pixel coordinate center along x direction.
+ Coordinate along x direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set_diff.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set_diff.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9ff02c0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXimage_r_set_diff.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ Number of scanned points. Scan point may have none, one, or more pattern.
+ Number of diffraction pattern.
+ Number of pixel per pattern in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per pattern in the fast direction.
+ Base class specialized for reporting a cuboidal stack of diffraction pattern.
+ Diffraction pattern, whether they were simulated or measured are the raw data
+ for computational workflows to characterize the phase and orientation
+ of crystalline regions in matter.
+ Steps of post-processing the diffraction patterns should be documented using
+ method-specific specialized base classes. All eventual post-processing of
+ resulting orientation maps (2D or 3D) should be documented via :ref:`NXms_recon`.
+ To implement an example how this base class can be used we focused in FAIRmat
+ on Kikuchi diffraction pattern here specifically the research community
+ of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD).
+ For this reason, this base class and related :ref:`NXem_base` classes extend the
+ work of `M. A. Jackson et al. <https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-9772-3-4>`_
+ (one of the developers of DREAM.3D) and the H5OINA public file format developed by
+ `P. Pinard et al. <https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927621006103>`_ with Oxford Instruments.
+ Kikuchi pattern are typically collected with FIB/SEM microscopes,
+ for two- and three-dimensional orientation microscopy.
+ For a detailed overview of these techniques see e.g.
+ * `M. A. Groeber et al. <https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-9772-3-5>`_
+ * `A. J. Schwartz et al. <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4757-3205-4>`_
+ * `P. A. Rottman et al. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2021.05.003>`_
+ Serial-sectioning demands a recurrent sequence of ion milling and measuring.
+ This suggests that each serial section is at least an own NXevent_data_em
+ instance. The three-dimensional characterization as such demands a computational
+ step where the maps for each serial section get cleaned, aligned, and registered
+ into an image stack. This image stack represents a digital model of the
+ inspected microstructural volume. Often this volume is called a (representative)
+ volume element (RVE). Several software packages exists for performing
+ these post-processing tasks.
+ This example may inspire users of other types of diffraction methods.
+ Category which type of diffraction pattern is reported.
+ Collected diffraction pattern as an image stack. As raw and closest to the
+ first retrievable measured data as possible, i.e. do not use this
+ container to store already averaged, filtered or whatever post-processed
+ pattern unless these are generated unmodifiably in such manner by the
+ instrument given the way how the instrument and control software
+ was configured for your microscope session.
+ Array which resolves the scan point to which each pattern belongs.
+ Scan points are evaluated in sequence starting from scan point zero
+ until scan point n_sc - 1. Evaluating the cumulated of this array
+ decodes which pattern in intensity belongs to which scan point.
+ Take an example with three scan points: The first scan point has one
+ pattern, the second has three pattern, the last scan point has no
+ pattern. In this case the scan_point_identifier are 0, 1, 1, 1.
+ The length of the scan_point_identifier array is four because four
+ pattern were measured in total.
+ In most cases usually one pattern is averaged by the detector for
+ some amount of time and then reported as one pattern.
+ Intensity of the diffraction pattern.
+ Pattern intensity
+ Pattern are enumerated starting from 0 to n_p - 1.
+ Pattern identifier
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXinteraction_vol_em.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXinteraction_vol_em.nxdl.xml
index a6beeb6482..59c71c10ef 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXinteraction_vol_em.nxdl.xml
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXinteraction_vol_em.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,36 +1,56 @@
- Base class for storing details about a modelled shape of interaction volume.
+ Base class for describing the interaction volume of particle-matter interaction.
- The interaction volume is mainly relevant in scanning electron microscopy
- when the sample is thick enough so that the beam is unable to illuminate
- through the specimen.
- Computer models like Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics / electron beam
- interaction simulations can be used to qualify and/or quantify the shape of
- the interaction volume.
+ Computer models like Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics / electron- or ion-beam
+ interaction simulations can be used to qualify and (or) quantify the shape of
+ the interaction volume. Results of such simulations can be summary statistics
+ or single-particle resolved sets of trajectories.
Explicit or implicit descriptions are possible.
- * An implicit description is via a set of electron/specimen interactions
- represented ideally as trajectory data from the computer simulation.
- * An explicit description is via an iso-contour surface using either
- a simulation grid or a triangulated surface mesh of the approximated
- iso-contour surface evaluated at specific threshold values.
- Iso-contours could be computed from electron or particle fluxes through
- an imaginary control surface (the iso-surface).
- Threshold values can be defined by particles passing through a unit control
- volume (electrons) or energy-levels (e.g. the case of X-rays).
- Details depend on the model.
- * Another explicit description is via theoretical models which may
- be relevant e.g. for X-ray spectroscopy
+ * An implicit description is via a set of electron/specimen interactions
+ represented ideally as trajectory data from the computer simulation.
+ * An explicit description is via an iso-contour surface using either
+ a simulation grid or a triangulated surface mesh of the approximated
+ iso-contour surface evaluated at specific threshold values.
+ Iso-contours could be computed from electron or particle fluxes through
+ an imaginary control surface (the iso-surface).
+ Threshold values can be defined by particles passing through a unit control
+ volume (electrons) or energy-levels (e.g. the case of X-rays).
+ Details depend on the model.
+ * Another explicit description is via theoretical models which may
+ be relevant e.g. for X-ray spectroscopy
Further details on how the interaction volume can be quantified
is available in the literature for example:
- * `S. Richter et al. <https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/109/1/012014>`_
- * `J. Bünger et al. <https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927622000083>`_
+ * `S. Richter et al. <https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/109/1/012014>`_
+ * `J. Bünger et al. <https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927622000083>`_
+ * `J. F. Ziegler et al. <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-68779-2_5>`_
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49568b0ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ Number of pixel along the z slowest direction.
+ Number of pixel along the y slow direction.
+ Number of pixel along the x fast direction.
+ Number of RGB values along the fastest direction, always three.
+ Dimensionality of the mapping (either 2 or 3).
+ Base class to store an inverse pole figure (IPF) mapping (IPF map).
+ Reference to the coordinate system whereby the projection_direction is defined.
+ If the field depends_on is not provided but a parent of the instance
+ of this base class or its specialization defines an :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set`
+ and exactly one :ref:`NXcoordinate_system`, the reference points to this system.
+ If nothing is provided and none of the above-mentioned references pointing
+ in a parent, McStas is assumed.
+ The direction along which orientations are projected.
+ Details about the original grid.
+ Here original grid means the one onto which the IPF map was computed
+ when exported from the tech partner's file format representation.
+ Details about the grid onto which the IPF is recomputed.
+ Rescaling the visualization of the IPF map may be needed to enable
+ visualization in specific software tools like H5Web.
+ The value specifies the fractional change of the spacing between
+ the original mapping and the scaled one.
+ How where orientation values at the location of the output grid
+ positions computed.
+ Nearest neighbour means the orientation of the closed (Euclidean distance)
+ grid point of the input_grid was taken.
+ Inverse pole figure mapping.
+ Default inverse pole figure (IPF) plot of the data specific for each
+ phase. No ipf_mapID instances for non-indexed scan points as these are
+ by definition assigned the null phase with phase_identifier 0.
+ Inspect the definition of :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` and its field
+ phase_identifier for further details.
+ Details about possible regridding and associated interpolation
+ during the computation of the IPF map visualization can be stored
+ using the input_grid, output_grid, and interpolation fields.
+ The main purpose of this map is to offer a normalized default representation
+ of the IPF map for consumption by a research data management system (RDMS).
+ This is aligned with the first aim of :ref:`NXms_ipf`, to bring colleagues and
+ users of IPF maps together to discuss which pieces of information
+ need to be stored together. We are convinced a step-by-step design and
+ community-driven discussion about which pieces of information should
+ and/or need to be included is a practical strategy to work towards an
+ interoperable description and data model for exchanging IPF maps as specific
+ community-accepted tools to convey orientation maps.
+ With this design the individual RDMS solutions and tools can still continue
+ to support specific custom data analyses workflow and routes but at least
+ there is one common understanding which enables also those users who are
+ not necessarily experts in all the details of the underlying techniques
+ can understand and thus eventually judge if the dataset is worth to be
+ reused or repurposed.
+ Inverse pole figure color code for each map coordinate.
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the z axis of the map.
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the y axis of the map.
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the x axis of the map.
+ The color code which maps colors into orientation into the fundamental zone.
+ For each stereographic standard triangle (SST), i.e. a rendering of the
+ fundamental zone of the crystal-symmetry-reduced orientation space
+ SO3, it is possible to define a color model which assigns each point in
+ the fundamental zone a color.
+ Different mapping models are used. These implement (slightly) different
+ scaling relations. Differences exist across representations of tech partners.
+ Differences are which base colors of the RGB color model are placed in
+ which extremal position of the SST and where the white point is located.
+ For further details see:
+ * [G. Nolze et al.](https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576716012942)
+ * Srikanth Patala and coworkers"'" work and of others.
+ Details are implementation-specific and not standardized yet.
+ Given that the SST has a complicated geometry, it cannot yet be
+ visualized using tools like H5Web, which is why for now the matrix
+ of a rasterized image which is rendered by the backend tool gets
+ copied into an RGB matrix to offer a default plot.
+ Inverse pole figure color code for each map coordinate.
+ Pixel along the y-axis.
+ Pixel along the x-axis.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..776eb0a6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_ipf_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_ipf` instances.
+ A collection of inverse pole figure approximations.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_mtex_config.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_mtex_config.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a810d12b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_mtex_config.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ Base class to store the configuration when using the MTex/Matlab software.
+ MTex is a Matlab package for texture analysis used in the Materials and Earth Sciences.
+ See `R. Hielscher et al. <https://mtex-toolbox.github.io/publications>`_ and
+ the `MTex source code <https://github.com/mtex-toolbox>`_ for details.
+ Reference frame and orientation conventions.
+ Consult the `MTex docs <https://mtex-toolbox.github.io/EBSDReferenceFrame.html>`_ for details.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ Settings relevant for generating plots.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ True if MTex renders a scale bar with figures.
+ True if MTex renders a grid with figures.
+ Code for the function handle used for annotating pole figure plots.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ Miscellaneous other settings of MTex.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ Miscellaneous settings relevant for numerics.
+ Return value of the Matlab eps command.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ Miscellaneous settings relevant of the system where MTex runs.
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ Collection of paths from where MTex reads information and code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes
+ texture/pole figure information.
+ List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes EBSD content.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..988034557d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the varphi_one fastest direction.
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the capital_phi slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the varphi_two slowest direction.
+ Number of local maxima evaluated in the component analysis.
+ Base class to store an orientation distribution function (ODF) computation.
+ Details about the algorithm used for computing the ODF.
+ Point group of the crystal structure (International Table of Crystallography)
+ of the phase for which the here documented phase-dependent ODF was computed.
+ Point group assumed for processing-induced *sample symmetries*.
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ Halfwidth of the kernel.
+ Name of the kernel.
+ Resolution of the kernel.
+ Number of local maxima evaluated for the ODF.
+ Euler angle representation of the kth-most maxima of the ODF
+ in decreasing order of the intensity maximum.
+ Disorientation threshold within which intensity of the ODF
+ is integrated for the component analysis.
+ Integrated ODF intensity within a theta-ball of SO3 about
+ each location as specified for each location in the order
+ and reported in the order of these locations.
+ Visualization of the ODF intensity as orthogonal sections through Euler space.
+ This is one example of typical default plots used in the texture
+ community in Materials Engineering.
+ Mind that the Euler space is a distorted space. Therefore, equivalent
+ orientations show intensity contributions in eventually multiple
+ locations.
+ ODF intensity at probed locations relative to
+ null model of a completely random texture.
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\varphi_1` direction.
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\varphi_2` direction.
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\Phi` direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d41a609a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_odf_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_odf` instances.
+ A collection of orientation distribution function approximations.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a627ac62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ Number of pixel per pole figure in the slow direction.
+ Number of pixel per pole figure in the fast direction.
+ Base class to store a pole figure (PF) computation.
+ Details about the algorithm that was used to compute the pole figure.
+ Point group of the crystal structure of the phase for which the
+ here documented phase-dependent pole figure was computed
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ Point group assumed for processing induced *sample symmetries*
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ Halfwidth of the kernel.
+ Miller indices (:math:`(hkl)[uvw]`) to specify the pole figure.
+ Resolution of the kernel.
+ Pole figure.
+ Pole figure intensity.
+ Pixel center along y direction in the equatorial plane of
+ a stereographic projection of the unit sphere.
+ Pixel center along x direction in the equatorial plane of
+ a stereographic projection of the unit sphere.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ca5fc0005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_pf_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_pf` instances.
+ A collection of pole figure approximations.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXms_recon.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXms_recon.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99e629ba23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXms_recon.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ The number of crystal projections.
+ The number of interface projections.
+ The number of assumed triple junction projections aka triple points.
+ The number of crystals.
+ The number of interfaces
+ The number of triple lines
+ The number of quadruple junctions.
+ Base class to describe discretized (micro)structural features of a material.
+ One instance of this base class can be used to describe the current configuration
+ the base class does not include time-dependent descriptions for the sake of
+ clarity and because of the fact that virtually all simulations or experiments
+ probe time by sampling. Therefore, time-dependent state descriptions should
+ be realized with creating a set of :ref:`NXms_snapshot_set` with instances of
+ :ref:`NXms_snapshot` using e.g. :ref:`NXms_recon` base class instances.
+ The configuration and parameterization of the reconstruction algorithm
+ whereby the microstructural features were identified.
+ Dimensionality of the analysis.
+ This field can be used e.g. by a research data management system
+ to identify if the described feature set specifies a
+ one-, two-, or three-dimensional feature set.
+ Which algorithm is used to reconstruct the features.
+ Threshold to define at which disorientation angle to assume
+ two crystalline regions have a significant orientation difference
+ which warrants to argue that there is an interface between the
+ two regions.
+ Projections of crystals on the sample surface as typically
+ characterized with optical or electron microscopy.
+ Reference to lines(NXcg_polyline_set) which supports the
+ discretized shape of each cross-sectioned crystal.
+ Most microscopy techniques support to generate only a two-dimensional
+ representation (projection) of the characterized material.
+ For true volumetric techniques use the specifically
+ specialized crystals :ref:`NXms_feature_set` instead.
+ See stereology literature for more details e.g.
+ E.E. Underwood's book entitled Quantitative Stereology
+ Number of crystals.
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ Identifier used for crystals for explicit indexing.
+ How many phases are distinguished
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifier used for phase for explicit indexing.
+ True, if the crystal makes contact with the edge of the ROI,
+ false otherwise.
+ Average disorientation angle between individual orientation of the
+ crystal at probed positions (weighted by area of that position) versus
+ the average disorientation of the crystal.
+ Calibrated area of surrounded by the polyline about each crystal.
+ Projections of grain or phase boundaries as typically sectioned
+ with optical or electron microscopy characterization.
+ Reference to lines(NXcg_polyline_set) which supports the
+ discretized shape of each cross-sectioned crystal.
+ Set of tuples of polyline segments which build the interface.
+ Set of pairs of crystal_identifier resolved via depends_on which
+ are adjacent to each interface.
+ The specific crystal_projections(NXms_feature_set) instance
+ to resolve crystal identifier.
+ Set of pairs of triple_point_identifier which the interface connects.
+ For 2D projections of 3D microstructural features a triple point is
+ physically only the projection of a triple line.
+ The specific triple_line_projections(NXms_feature_set) instance
+ whereby to resolve triple_point identifier.
+ The length of the interface.
+ This is not necessarily the same as the length of the individual
+ polyline segments whereby the interface is discretized.
+ The actual coordinate system whereby the geometry is calibrated
+ with real physical dimensions is typically documented by the
+ depends_on attribute of the respective NXcg_primitive_set.
+ This depends_on attribute should point explicitly to an
+ instance of a :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` to support users as
+ much as possible with interpreting how and where the lines are
+ located in the reference frame.
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ Identifier for each interface using explicit indexing.
+ Projections of triple lines as typically characterized with optical
+ or electron microscopy.
+ Mind that most specimens are thermo-chemo-mechanically treated before
+ they are characterized. Therefore, the projected crystal defects are
+ have physically no longer the same structure as in the bulk.
+ Examples are manifest as effects such as thermal grooving, or relaxation
+ effects of an intersection between a triple line that is cut
+ by the specimen surface as these defects are then exposed typically
+ to a different atmosphere and hence have different thermodynamic boundary
+ conditions than of their true volumetric defects in the bulk.
+ Reference to points(NXcg_point_set) which supports the
+ locations of these triple points.
+ Number of triple points.
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ Identifier for each triple point using explicit indexing.
+ Set of triple point identifiers.
+ The relevant points(NXcg_point_set) instance whereby to
+ resolve interface identifiers.
+ Set of triplets of identifier of line-like features.
+ Each triplet resolves which three interface projections
+ the triple point connects.
+ The specific interface_projections(NXms_feature_set)
+ instance whereby to resolve interface identifiers.
+ Triplet of identifier of polyline segments. Each triplet resolves
+ which three segments of polyline segments the triple junction connects.
+ The specific lines(NXcg_polyline_set) instance to resolve
+ polyline segments.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXroi.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXroi.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b77834bb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXroi.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Base class to describe a region-of-interest analyzed.
+ Details about processing steps.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcg_primitive_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcg_primitive_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..586929596f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcg_primitive_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computational geometry description of a set of primitives in Euclidean space.
+ Primitives must neither be degenerated nor self-intersect.
+ Individual primitives can differ in their properties (e.g. size, shape, rotation).
+# this base class defines common fields and properties of geometric primitives
+# more complex primitive sets like NXcg_cylinder_set are considered specializations
+# of NXcg_primitive_set. They contain all fields and groups which NXcg_primitive_set
+# defines. This is an action of compositing an information set; an act of inheriting
+# TODO:: many properties of non-degenerate primitives are in the number set
+# R+ instead of in R+0 but currently NeXus does not allow for such value range
+# constraints unless the coarsely discretized NX_INT, NX_POSINT, NX_FLOAT
+# but there is no say NX_FLOAT+0
+# MK::but in computational geometry numerical precision matters as it defines
+# whether objects numerically intersect or not and thus it can make a real difference
+# if one stores triangles with 16, 32, or 64 bit precision, however:
+# are two triangle_set instance A and B no longer conceptually triangle sets
+# because A stores the positions of vertices using int8 while B stores such using float64 ?
+# we here assume that we still conceptually talk that A and B are triangle sets
+# but this brings at the level of the application definition the problem that if the
+# precision is not properly constrainted a consuming application will not obtain
+# the instances of the concept triangle_set with relevant high enough precision
+# and thus neither the base class nor the application definition is specific enough
+# for what it was designed in the first place - be specific about the requirements
+# on your data...
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ d: |
+ The dimensionality of the space.
+ c: |
+ The cardinality of the set, i.e. the number of members.
+type: group
+ # individual specializations like NXcg_polyline_set typically overwrite
+ # the meaning of the depends_on concept to build consistent inference chains
+ # to enable an instantiation of the actual geometric primitives
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Hint to help resolve in which Euclidean coordinate system field values
+ like center or orientation are defined.
+ dimensionality(NX_POSINT):
+ doc: |
+ The dimensionality of the primitive set.
+ enumeration: [1, 2, 3]
+ cardinality(NX_POSINT):
+ doc: |
+ The cardinality of the primitive set.
+ identifier_offset(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ Therefore, implicit identifier are completely defined by the value of
+ identifier_offset and cardinality. For example if identifier run from
+ -2 to 3 the value for identifier_offset is -2.
+ For explicit indexing the field identifier has to be used.
+ Fortran-/Matlab- and C-/Python-style indexing have specific implicit
+ identifier conventions where identifier_offset is 1 and 0 respectively.
+ identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier of each member for explicit indexing.
+ dim: (c,) # numpy style indexing
+ center(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ The center of mass position of each primitive.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ dim: (c, d)
+ # a depends_on to define in which coordinate system
+ is_center_of_mass(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if the center is a center of mass.
+ dim: (c,)
+ shape(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ A qualitative description of the shape of each primitive.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (c, d)
+ length(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Qualifier for the length of characteristic features of the primitive.
+ Often the term length is associated with the assumption that one
+ edge is parallel to an axis of the coordinate system.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (c,)
+ width(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Qualifier often used to describe the length of one characteristic edge
+ within the coordinate system.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (c,)
+ is_closed(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if primitive is closed such that it has properties like area or volume.
+ dim: (c,)
+ volume(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Volume of each primitive.
+ Set to NaN if does not apply for primitives for which is_closed is False.
+ unit: NX_VOLUME
+ dim: (c,)
+ area(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Alias for surface_area of each primitive.
+ Set to NaN if does not apply for primitives for which is_closed is False.
+ unit: NX_AREA
+ dim: (c,)
+ orientation(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Direction unit vector which points along the
+ longest principal axis of each primitive.
+ Use the depends_on attribute to specify in which coordinate system
+ these direction unit vectors are defined.
+ dim: (c, d)
+ vertex_normal(NXcg_unit_normal_set):
+ edge_normal(NXcg_unit_normal_set):
+ face_normal(NXcg_unit_normal_set):
+ # roi(NXcg_parallelogram_set or NXcg_hexahedron_set)
+ # aabb(NXcg_parallelogram_set or NXcg_hexahedron_set)
+ # obb(NXcg_parallelogram_set or NXcg_hexahedron_set)
+ # MK::one could add (NXcg_parallelogram_set) and/or (NXcg_hexahedron_set)
+ # but then one would not give any hint at the base class level how to name
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcomponent_em.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcomponent_em.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78870cc26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcomponent_em.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class for components used in an electron microscope.
+ The electron microscope can be a real one or a simulated microscope.
+ The key motivation behind this generalization is the observation that in all
+ cases a controlled electron beam is generated in reality or that beam is simulated
+ and this beam is then used or modified in a controlled manner for the purpose
+ of studying physical interaction mechanisms of the beam with matter.
+ Here it does not matter whether one considers a real specimen or a simulated one.
+ Using a common description for the real experiment in the lab and - what is
+ typically a simplification of it - via a computer simulation, has the benefit
+ that many pieces of information can be stored in the same way. In effect,
+ users are guided with finding information and unnecessary descriptive
+ variety for what are exactly the same concept is avoided to work towards
+ more interoperability.
+ Another motivation to make no fundamental distinction between a scanning and
+ a transmission electron microscope is that both are electron microscopes whose
+ components are often very similar.
+# `point Electronic GmbH `_
+type: group
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given name to the component e.g stage, lens C1, etc.
+ description(NX_CHAR): # NXidentifier
+ doc: |
+ Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier, link, or text to a
+ resource which gives further details to this component.
+ If such resource does not exist, a free-text field to report
+ further details about the component is possible.
+ (NXfabrication):
+ (NXprogram):
+ (NXtransformations):
+ doc: |
+ Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the
+ location and geometry of the component in the instrument.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcoordinate_system.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcoordinate_system.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b219399001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcoordinate_system.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to detail a coordinate system (CS).
+ Whenever possible, an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` should be used as
+ a member in an :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` and the name of the instance
+ should be this alias. This may support a process whereby jargon when talking
+ about coordinate systems and conventions may become cleaner for users
+ because it is not evident for people outside a lab that terms like e.g.
+ tip space or specimen space refer to the same coordinate system.
+ This is an example of jargon used in e.g. the field of atom
+ probe tomography.
+type: group
+ origin(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Human-readable field telling where the origin of this CS is.
+ Exemplar values could be *left corner of the lab bench*, *door-handle*
+ *pinhole through which the electron beam exists the pole piece*.
+ *barycenter of the triangle*, *center of mass of the stone*.
+ # implementing a proposal for "a common base table" along thoughts like:
+ # https://manual.nexusformat.org/classes/base_classes/NXtransformations.html#nxtransformations
+ # similar to a place where all transformations are stored
+ # https://www.zenodo.org/record/3526738/files/lyso009a_0087.JF07T32V01_master.h5?download=1
+ alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ An alternative name given to that coordinate system.
+ type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate system type.
+ enumeration: [cartesian]
+ handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Handedness of the coordinate system if it is a Cartesian.
+ enumeration: [right_handed, left_handed]
+ x_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the x-axis.
+ x_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the x-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ Exemplar values could be direction of gravity.
+ doc: |
+ Base unit vector along the first axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the x-axis in real space and
+ the i-axis in reciprocal space.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (3,)
+ y_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the y-axis.
+ y_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the y-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ doc: |
+ Base unit vector along the second axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the y-axis in real space and
+ the j-axis in reciprocal space.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (3,)
+ z_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the z-axis.
+ z_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the z-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ doc: |
+ Base unit vector along the second axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the z-axis in real space and
+ the k-axis in reciprocal space.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (3,)
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcrystal_structure.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcrystal_structure.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..796ac83d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcrystal_structure.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to describe the atomic crystal structure of a phase.
+ This base class contains key metadata that are relevant parameter to every
+ physics-based model to simulate radiation matter interaction.
+ Examples where such base class is useful are kinematic or dynamic
+ diffraction simulations of e.g. (Kikuchi or other type of) patterns.
+# The actual indexing of Kikuchi patterns may use different algorithms.
+# Such are used within different workflows where simulated and measured
+# Kikuchi pattern are compared to rate which phase and orientation is the most
+# likely candidate describing the pattern measured at that each scan point
+# respectively. If this evaluation yields scan points without any solutions,
+# these are represented using the null-phase model phase0, aka n/a aka notIndexed.
+# Traditionally, Hough transformation-based indexing has been the most frequently
+# used algorithm. Dictionary-based alternatives are emerging.
+ n_hkl: |
+ Number of reflectors (Miller crystallographic plane triplets).
+ n_pos: |
+ Number of atom positions.
+ d: |
+ Dimensionality of the lattice.
+type: group
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Detail in which reference frame the unit cell is defined.
+ dimensionality(NX_POSINT):
+ doc: |
+ Dimensionality of the lattice.
+ enumeration: [1, 2, 3]
+ reference(NXidentifier):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to another resource that was used for
+ instantiating this structure model.
+ a_b_c(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Crystallography unit cell parameters a, b, and c.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (d,)
+ # defined using which convention?
+ alpha_beta_gamma(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Crystallography unit cell parameters alpha, beta, and gamma.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (d,)
+ area(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Area of the unit cell considering that d = 2.
+ unit: NX_AREA
+ volume(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Volume of the unit cell considering that d = 3.
+ unit: NX_VOLUME
+ crystal_system(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Crystal system
+ enumeration: [triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral, hexagonal, cubic]
+ # 2d
+ laue_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Laue group using International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ # add enumeration of all possible
+ point_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Point group using International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ # add enumeration all possible
+ # 3d
+ space_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Space group from the International Table of Crystallography Notation.
+ # add enumeration of all possible
+ is_centrosymmetric(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if space group is considered a centrosymmetric one.
+ False if space group is considered a non-centrosymmetric one.
+ Centrosymmetric has all types and combinations of symmetry elements
+ (translation, rotational axis, mirror planes, center of inversion)
+ Non-centrosymmetric compared to centrosymmetric is constrained (no inversion).
+ Chiral compared to non-centrosymmetric is constrained (no mirror planes).
+ is_chiral(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if space group is considered a chiral one.
+ False if space group is consider a non-chiral one.
+ phase_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier for each phase.
+ The value 0 is reserved for the unknown phase that represents the
+ null-model no sufficiently significant confirmation. In other words,
+ the phase_name is n/a, notIndexed.
+ The phase identifier value has to match with the integer postfix of the
+ group name which represents that instance in a NeXus/HDF5 file, i.e.
+ if two phases were used e.g. 0 and 1, two instances of an
+ :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` named phase0 and phase1
+ should be stored in the HDF5 file.
+ # \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ # doc: |
+ # Refers to the specific identifier_offset to consider.
+ #
+ # If not provided assume identifier_offset is 0.
+ phase_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name of the phase/alias.
+ If the phase_identifier is 0 and one would like to use the field
+ phase_name the value should be n/a.
+ atom_identifier(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Label for each atom position.
+ dim: (n_pos,)
+ atom_type(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ The hash value :math:`H` is :math:`H = Z + N*256` with :math:`Z`
+ the number of protons and :math:`N` the number of neutrons
+ of each isotope respectively. Z and N have to be 8-bit unsigned integers.
+ For the rationale behind this `M. Kühbach et al. (2021) `_
+ dim: (n_pos,)
+ # atom_position(NXcg_point_set):
+ atom_position(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Atom positions.
+ dim: (n_pos, d)
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system`
+ whereby the positions can be resolved.
+ # in addition we need to have a physical model e.g. kinematic or dynamical e-diffraction theory
+ # to describe the simulated Kikuchi pattern generated from such a model
+ atom_occupancy(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Relative occupancy of the atom position.
+ dim: (n_pos,)
+ number_of_planes(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ How many reflectors are distinguished.
+ Value has to match value for symbol n_hkl.
+ # Miller indices :math:`(hkl)[uvw]`.
+ miller(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Miller indices :math:`(hkl)[uvw]` of the planes.
+ The first triplet specify :math:`(hkl)` the second triplet :math:`[uvw]`.
+ Miller indices refer to the Cartesian right-handed coordinate system
+ of the unit cell.
+ dim: (n_hkl, 6)
+ dspacing(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Spacing between crystallographic planes as defined by field miller.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (n_hkl,)
+ relative_intensity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Relative intensity of the signal for the plane.
+ dim: (n_hkl,)
+ number_of_scan_points(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ In case the :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` base class is used
+ with analyzed orientation maps this field stores how many scan points
+ of the map were identified as that phase.
+ ipfID(NXms_ipf):
+ pfID(NXms_pf):
+ odfID(NXms_odf):
+# here the theoreticians expert (Marc deGraeff, Aimo Winkelmann, Peter Rez)
+# can give some good suggestions on how to improve and ideally make even
+# more general this section
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_obj.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_obj.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73097d5ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_obj.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computer science description of a (central) processing unit (C)PU of a computer.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+type: group
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given name of the CPU. Users should be as specific as possible.
+ (NXfabrication):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_sys.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_sys.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eaf8f0eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_cpu_sys.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computer science description of a system of classical central processing units.
+ For coprocessor or graphic cards use :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys` instead.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+type: group
+ cpuID(NXcs_cpu_obj):
+ doc: |
+ Granularizing at the socket level.
+ Typical examples follow: A desktop computer with a single CPU one
+ could describe using one instance of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_obj` inside one instance of
+ :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
+ A dual-socket server one could describe using two instances of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_obj`
+ inside one instance of :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
+ A server with two dual-socket server nodes one could describe
+ with the above group of one :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys` into another :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_obj.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_obj.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04468b7b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_obj.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computer science description of a graphic processing unit (GPU) of a computer.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+type: group
+NXcs_gpu_obj(NXobject): # NXcircuit_board ?
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given name of the GPU. Users should be as specific as possible.
+ (NXfabrication):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_sys.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_sys.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dee199330c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_gpu_sys.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computer science description of a system of coprocessor or graphics processors.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+type: group
+ gpuID(NXcs_gpu_obj):
+ doc: |
+ Granularizing at the socket level.
+ Typical examples follow: A desktop computer with a single GPU one
+ could describe using one instance of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj` inside one instance of
+ :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys`.
+ A desktop computer with two GPUs one could describe using two instances
+ of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj` inside one instance of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys`.
+ A GPU server like nowadays used for artificial intelligence
+ one could describe as a system with n instances of :ref:`NXcs_gpu_obj`
+ in one :ref:`NXcs_gpu_sys` or :ref:`NXcs_cpu_sys`.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_mm_obj.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_mm_obj.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1fead8c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXcs_mm_obj.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Computer science description of a memory in a memory system.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+type: group
+ technology(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Qualifier for the type of random access memory.
+ # make an enumeration
+ max_physical_capacity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Total amount of data which the medium can hold.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ # NX_BIT
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given name to the I/O unit.
+ (NXfabrication):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_adf.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_adf.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7011639e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_adf.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class method-specific for annular dark field imaging.
+ In the majority of cases simple d-dimensional regular scan patterns are used
+ to probe a region-of-interest (ROI). Examples can be single point aka spot
+ measurements, line profiles, or (rectangular) surface mappings.
+ The latter pattern is the most frequently used.
+ For now the base class provides for scans for which the settings,
+ binning, and energy resolution is the same for each scan point.
+ n_images: |
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ IMAGE_R_SET(NXimage_r_set):
+ half_angle_interval(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Annulus inner (first value) and outer (second value) half angle.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (2,)
+ # all information about annular dark field images is composed from
+ # the NXimage_r_set_em base class
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_base.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_base.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2de8081a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_base.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+category: base
+# template to be used for an application definition
+doc: |
+ Blue-print of a generic appdef for electron microscopy research formulated as a deep base class.
+ This base class combines a method-specific and technical-design-level base class
+ instance to provide a template for storing parameterized descriptions of
+ pieces of information collected when performing electron microscopy research.
+ The base class here shows all possible branches without making any statements
+ as to which of these have to be used in an instance. Thereby, the base class
+ provides a template how to name and structure concepts in a hierarchy
+ to support finding information and reducing the need for renaming and
+ restructuring information for a research field where many scientists perform
+ very specific research but who all also share commonalities like usage of
+ controlled electron beams, a focus on studies of electron beam matter interaction
+ to explore physical mechanisms and phenomena, or the desire to characterize materials
+ using electron microscopy.
+# flesh out the description of that to read the docs, because currently the
+# description on the NeXus front-page is overwhelming
+# considering what we learned from the diataxis workshop we write here a
+# specification neither a how to nor a tutorial which explains all the context
+# because we address here developers of software
+type: group
+ (NXprogram):
+ doc: |
+ A collection of all programs and libraries which are considered relevant
+ to understand with which software tools this NeXus file instance was
+ generated. Ideally, to enable a binary recreation from the input data.
+ Examples include the name and version of the libraries used to write the
+ instance. Ideally, the software that writes these :ref:`NXprogram` instances
+ also includes the version of the set of NeXus classes i.e. the specific
+ set of base classes, application definitions, and contributed definitions
+ with which the here described concepts can be resolved.
+ For the `pynxtools library `_
+ which is used by the `NOMAD `_
+ research data management system, it makes sense to store e.g. the GitHub
+ repository commit and respective submodule references used.
+ # each NeXus file instance should have a default plot
+ # however as there are cases when this cannot be assured we cannot
+ # make the default required, one example is e.g. a NeXus instance
+ # where scientists just store conventions without a default plot
+ cs_profiling(NXcs_profiling):
+ doc: |
+ The configuration of the I/O writer software (e.g. `pynxtools `_)
+ which was used to generate this NeXus file instance.
+ (NXentry): # means ENTRY(NXentry)
+ \@version(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ An at least as strong as SHA256 hashvalue of the file
+ which specifies the application definition.
+ definition(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ NeXus NXDL schema to which this file conforms.
+ enumeration: [NXem]
+ experiment_identifier(NXidentifier):
+ doc: |
+ Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier
+ for referring to this experiment.
+ An experiment should be understood in that this can be an experiment
+ in reality or a computer simulation because also the latter is an
+ experiment (see the Cambridge Dictionary experiment:
+ *a test done in order to find out something, eg if an idea is correct*).
+ The identifier is usually issued by the facility, laboratory,
+ or the principle investigator. The identifier enables to link
+ experiments/simulations to e.g. proposals.
+ experiment_description(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Free-text description about the experiment.
+ Users are strongly advised to parameterize their description of the
+ experiment by using the respective base classes instead of writing prose
+ into this field.
+ The reason is that such free-text field is difficult to machine-interpret.
+ The motivation behind keeping this field for now is to learn through
+ the information entered in this field in how far the current base
+ classes are incomplete.
+ start_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ doc: |
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC information included
+ when the microscope session started. If the application demands that time
+ codes in this section of the application definition should only be used
+ for specifying when the experiment was performed - and the exact
+ duration is not relevant - this start_time field should be used.
+ Often though it is useful to specify a time interval via setting both
+ a start_time and an end_time because this enables software tools and
+ users to collect a more detailed bookkeeping of the experiment.
+ The user should be aware that even with having both time instances specified,
+ it may not be possible to infer how long the experiment took or for how
+ long data were acquired.
+ More detailed timing data over the course of the experiment have
+ to be collected to compute this. These computations can take
+ advantage of individual time stamps start_time and end_time
+ in :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instances.
+ end_time(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ doc: |
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC included when
+ the microscope session ended. See docstring of the start_time field
+ to see how the start_time and end_time should be used together.
+ (NXcite):
+ (NXprogram):
+ doc: |
+ The program and eventual software libraries used with which the
+ NeXus instance was created. For the NOMAD OASIS research data
+ management system e.g. pynxtools and eventually all modules
+ if desired.
+ # the above-description overwrites the default description of the NXprogram base class
+ # this is composed from the NXprogram base class
+ # program:
+ # \@version:
+ # \@url:
+ # NXnote and thumbnail dropped for the reason that these are
+ # arbitrary binary containers without any clear provenance.
+ (NXserialized):
+ doc: |
+ Possibility to store a collection of data artifacts
+ associated with the experiment.
+ # using NXserialized here instead of NXnote as the former is more specific
+ (NXuser):
+ doc: |
+ Contact information and eventually details of at least one person
+ who performed or was involved in the session. This can be the
+ principle investigator who performed this experiment or the student
+ who performed the simulation.
+ Adding multiple users if relevant is recommended.
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given (first) name and surname of the user.
+ affiliation(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time
+ when the experiment was performed.
+ address(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Postal address of the affiliation.
+ email(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Email address of the user at the point in time when the experiment
+ was performed. Writing the most permanently used email is recommended.
+ identifier(NXidentifier):
+ doc: |
+ Service as another mean of identification of a user than by the name.
+ Examples could be details about an ORCID or social media account of
+ the user.
+ telephone_number(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ (Business) (tele)phone number of the user at the point
+ in time when the experiment was performed.
+ role(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Which role does the user have in the place and at the point
+ in time when the experiment was performed? Technician operating
+ the microscope, student, postdoc, principle investigator, or guest
+ are common examples.
+ sample(NXsample):
+ # NEW ISSUE: inject the conclusion from the discussion with Andrea
+ # according to SAMPLE.yaml 0f8df14 2022/06/15
+ # ID: -> maps to name
+ # name: -> short_title
+ # user: -> not matched right now
+ # citation: doi ->why relevant, should be solved by RDMS
+ doc: |
+ A description of the material characterized in the experiment.
+ Sample and specimen are threaded as de facto synonyms.
+ Samples can be real specimens or virtual (see method).
+ method(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ A qualifier whether the sample is a real one or a
+ virtual one (in a computer simulation)
+ enumeration: [experiment, simulation]
+ # MK:: declared_by_vendor I would rather expect this for a substance
+ # COMPONENT.yaml
+ identifier(NXidentifier):
+ doc: |
+ Ideally, (globally) unique persistent identifier which distinguishes
+ the specimen from all others and especially the predecessor/origin
+ from where the specimen was cut.
+ This field must not be used for an alias! Instead, use name.
+ In cases where multiple specimens were loaded into the microscope,
+ the identifier has to resolve the specific sample, whose results are
+ stored by this :ref:`NXentry` instance, because a single NXentry should be
+ used only for the characterization of a single specimen.
+ Details about the specimen preparation should be
+ stored in resources referring to parent_identifier.
+ parent_identifier(NXidentifier):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier of the sample from which the sample was cut or the string
+ *None*. The purpose of this field is to support functionalities
+ for tracking sample provenance via a research data management system.
+ preparation_date(NX_DATE_TIME):
+ doc: |
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ when the specimen was prepared.
+ Ideally, report the end of the preparation, i.e. the last known time
+ the measured specimen surface was actively prepared. Ideally, this
+ matches the last timestamp that is mentioned in the digital resource
+ pointed to by parent_identifier.
+ Knowing when the specimen was exposed to e.g. specific atmosphere is
+ especially required for environmentally sensitive material such as
+ hydrogen charged specimens or experiments including tracers with a
+ short half time. Additional time stamps prior to preparation_date
+ should better be placed in resources which describe but which do not pollute
+ the description here with prose. Resolving these connected pieces of information
+ is considered within the responsibility of the research data management
+ system.
+ name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ An alias used to refer to the specimen to please readability for humans.
+ atom_types(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ List of comma-separated elements from the periodic table that are
+ contained in the sample. If the sample substance has multiple
+ components, all elements from each component must be included in
+ `atom_types`.
+ The purpose of the field is to offer research data management systems an
+ opportunity to parse the relevant elements without having to interpret
+ these from the resources pointed to by parent_identifier or walk through
+ eventually deeply nested groups in data instances.
+ # NEW ISSUE: use Andrea and MarkusK groups for describing the geometry of the sample
+ thickness(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ (Measured) sample thickness.
+ The information is recorded to qualify if the beam used was likely
+ able to shine through the specimen. For scanning electron microscopy,
+ in many cases the specimen is typically thicker than what is
+ illuminatable by the electron beam.
+ In this case the value should be set to the actual thickness of
+ the specimen viewed for an illumination situation where the nominal
+ surface normal of the specimen is parallel to the optical axis.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ # \@units: nm
+ # NEW ISSUE: error estimates of the thickness and origin, i.e. how the value was obtained would be useful
+ # NEW ISSUE: error model
+ # NEW ISSUE: the KIT/SCC SEM, TEM schemata further qualify samples whether they are conductive e/ibeam sensitive
+ # etc. The problem with this is that beam sensitivity is too vague but spatiotemporal electron dose integral dependent
+ # KIT/SCC distinguish further conductivity and magnetic properties. While the motivation is clear, making
+ # it thus simple is likely problematic when the data entered in such fields remaining qualitative.
+ # what are good or bad properties, it would make sense though to quantify these values
+ # this includes the description of eventual plasma cleaning steps,
+ # just knowing that a sample was plasma cleaned is insufficient, maybe it was not cleaned long enough
+ # if plasma cleaning is done outside the EM than its certainly history, if it happens inside the EM
+ # are the ibeam description capabilities not sufficient enough?
+ density(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ (Measured) density of the specimen.
+ For multi-layered specimens this field should only be used to describe
+ the density of the excited volume. For scanning electron microscopy
+ the usage of this field is discouraged and instead an instance of an
+ :ref:`NXinteraction_vol_em` within individual :ref:`NXevent_data_em`
+ instances can provide a cleaner description of the relevant details
+ why one may wish to store the density of the specimen.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ description:
+ doc: |
+ Discouraged free-text field to provide further detail although adding
+ parent_identifier and having a working research data management system
+ should provide this contextualization.
+ # (NXmonitor):
+ (NXdata):
+ (NXcoordinate_system_set):
+ # link to an instance of an NXinstrument but that is anyway specialized for EM
+ measurement(NXem_msr):
+ simulation(NXem_sim):
+ (NXroi):
+ doc: |
+ A region-of-interest analyzed either during or after the session
+ for which specific processed data generated from the measured or the
+ simulated data are available.
+ se(NXem_img):
+ bse(NXem_img):
+ ebsd(NXem_ebsd):
+ eds(NXem_eds):
+ adf(NXem_adf):
+ eels(NXem_eels):
+ correlation(NXem_correlation):
+ # cl(NXem_cl):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7835d9a654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+category: base
+# symbols:
+doc: |
+ Conventions for rotations and coordinate systems to interpret crystal orientation
+ and other data and results collected with electron microscopy research.
+ Documenting explicitly all used conventions and coordinate systems is
+ the decisive context whereby many results from electron microscopy are
+ at all interpretable.
+# This base class provides several sets of such assumptions and conventions.
+# Further base classes should be defined when specific techniques and methods
+# demand further specifications or have specialized demands. NXem_conventions_ebsd
+# is an example for such method-specific base class to summarize key conventions
+# for Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD).
+# What is could be a best practice for application definition developers
+# who would like to describe an electron microscopy case where multiple
+# methods and/or detectors are used. In this case one should define a
+# method-specific base class like the template NXem_conventions_ebsd.
+# Even though this may come at a cost of some duplicated information where
+# the same physical detector is used in different ways, i.e. the signal collect
+# from the detector is interpreted in a different way.
+# As in most cases established types of signal and thus detectors are used
+# (secondary electron, backscattered electron, etc.) one could equally use
+# just one NXem_conventions base class instance in an application definition
+# and use detector_reference_frame as a template. For each method and detector
+# one then creates one NXprocess group named detector_reference_frame1,
+# detector_reference_frame2, detector_reference_frame3, and so on and so forth
+# and adds inside that NXprocess and use the depends_on field.
+# What is considered best practice in an application definition with multiple
+# NXentry instances? In this case each NXentry instance should have an own
+# NXspecimen instance and thus the NXem_conventions instance should be place
+# inside that NXentry. This enables to group multiple experiments on multiple
+# samples together without setting a constraint that in all these instances
+# the conventions have to be the same.
+# However, best practice is the conventions should be expressed explicitly
+# and they should whenever possible be as simple as possible and as few
+# as possible to support users with understanding the content of the application
+# definition.
+type: group
+ # mandatory information about used or
+ # assumed reference frame and rotation conventions
+ rotation_conventions(NXobject):
+ doc: |
+ Mathematical conventions and materials-science-specific conventions
+ required for interpreting every collection of orientation data.
+ rotation_handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Convention how a positive rotation angle is defined when viewing
+ from the end of the rotation unit vector towards its origin,
+ i.e. in accordance with convention 2 of
+ DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ Counter_clockwise is equivalent to a right-handed choice.
+ Clockwise is equivalent to a left-handed choice.
+ enumeration: [undefined, counter_clockwise, clockwise]
+ rotation_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ How are rotations interpreted into an orientation
+ according to convention 3 of
+ DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ enumeration: [undefined, passive, active]
+ euler_angle_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ How are Euler angles interpreted given that there are several
+ choices (e.g. ZXZ, XYZ, etc.) according to convention 4 of
+ DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ The most frequently used convention is ZXZ which is based on
+ the work of H.-J. Bunge but other conventions are possible.
+ enumeration: [undefined, zxz]
+ axis_angle_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ To which angular range is the rotation angle argument of an
+ axis-angle pair parameterization constrained according to
+ convention 5 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ enumeration: [undefined, rotation_angle_on_interval_zero_to_pi]
+ sign_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Which sign convention is followed when converting orientations
+ between different parameterizations/representations according
+ to convention 6 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ enumeration: [undefined, p_plus_one, p_minus_one]
+ processing_reference_frame(NXcoordinate_system):
+ doc: |
+ Details about eventually relevant named directions that may
+ give reasons for anisotropies. The classical example is cold-rolling
+ where one has to specify which directions (rolling, transverse, and normal)
+ align how with the direction of the base vectors of the sample_reference_frame.
+ type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Type of coordinate system and reference frame according to
+ convention 1 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ enumeration: [undefined, cartesian]
+ handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Handedness of coordinate system.
+ enumeration: [right_handed, left_handed]
+ origin(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Location of the origin of the processing_reference_frame.
+ This specifies the location Xp = 0, Yp = 0, Zp = 0.
+ Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
+ rectangle or cuboid.
+ Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
+ outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
+ along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
+ enumeration: [undefined, front_top_left, front_top_right, front_bottom_right, front_bottom_left, back_top_left, back_top_right, back_bottom_right, back_bottom_left]
+ x_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector,
+ e.g. rolling direction.
+ x_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
+ the processing_reference_frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ y_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the y-axis base vector,
+ e.g. transverse direction.
+ y_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
+ the processing_reference_frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
+ also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ z_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the z-axis base vector,
+ e.g. normal direction.
+ z_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
+ the processing_reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
+ also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ sample_reference_frame(NXcoordinate_system):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the sample/specimen reference frame.
+ type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Type of coordinate system and reference frame according to
+ convention 1 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ The reference frame for the sample surface reference is used for
+ identifying positions on a (virtual) image which is formed by
+ information collected from an electron beam scanning the
+ sample surface. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position that is
+ located behind the detector.
+ Reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008
+ The sample surface reference frame has coordinates Xs, Ys, Zs.
+ In three dimensions these coordinates are not necessarily
+ located on the surface of the sample as there are multiple
+ faces/sides of the sample. Most frequently though the coordinate
+ system here is used to define the surface which the electron
+ beam scans.
+ enumeration: [undefined, cartesian]
+ handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Handedness of the coordinate system if it is a Cartesian.
+ enumeration: [right_handed, left_handed]
+ origin(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Location of the origin of the sample surface reference frame.
+ This specifies the location Xs = 0, Ys = 0, Zs = 0.
+ Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
+ rectangle or cuboid.
+ Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
+ outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
+ along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
+ enumeration: [undefined, front_top_left, front_top_right, front_bottom_right, front_bottom_left, back_top_left, back_top_right, back_bottom_right, back_bottom_left]
+ x_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector,
+ e.g. longest edge.
+ x_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
+ the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
+ and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
+ details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
+ have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
+ define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
+ Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
+ capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ y_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the y-axis base vector,
+ e.g. long edge.
+ y_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
+ the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
+ also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ z_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the z-axis base vector,
+ e.g. shortest edge.
+ z_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
+ the sample surface reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector. For further information consult
+ also the help info for the xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ detector_reference_frameID(NXcoordinate_system):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the detector reference frame for a specific detector.
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to the specifically named :ref:`NXdetector` instance
+ for which these conventions in this :ref:`NXprocess` group apply
+ (e.g. /entry1/instrument/detector1).
+ type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Type of coordinate system/reference frame used for
+ identifying positions in detector space Xd, Yd, Zd,
+ according to DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
+ enumeration: [undefined, cartesian]
+ handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Handedness of the coordinate system if it is a Cartesian.
+ enumeration: [right_handed, left_handed]
+ origin(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Where is the origin of the detector space reference
+ frame located. This is the location of Xd = 0, Yd = 0, Zd = 0.
+ Assume regions-of-interest in this reference frame form a
+ rectangle or cuboid.
+ Edges are interpreted by inspecting the direction of their
+ outer unit normals (which point either parallel or antiparallel)
+ along respective base vector direction of the reference frame.
+ enumeration: [undefined, front_top_left, front_top_right, front_bottom_right, front_bottom_left, back_top_left, back_top_right, back_bottom_right, back_bottom_left]
+ x_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector,
+ e.g. longest edge as some landmark on the detector.
+ x_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing x-axis base vector of
+ the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
+ position that is located behind the detector.
+ Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
+ and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
+ details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
+ have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
+ define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
+ Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
+ capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ y_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector,
+ e.g. long edge as some landmark on the detector.
+ y_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing y-axis base vector of
+ the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
+ position that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ z_alias(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name or alias assigned to the x-axis base vector,
+ e.g. short edge as some landmark on the detector.
+ z_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing z-axis base vector of
+ the detector space reference frame. We assume the configuration
+ is inspected by looking towards the sample surface from a
+ position that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ # conventions specific for EBSD
+ (NXem_conventions_ebsd):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions_ebsd.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions_ebsd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ec180e23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_conventions_ebsd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+category: base
+# symbols:
+doc: |
+ Base class for method-specific conventions EBSD.
+ This base class is expected to be used with :ref:`NXem_conventions`.
+ This is the main issue which currently is not in all cases documented
+ and thus limits the interoperability and value of collected EBSD data.
+ Not communicating EBSD data with such contextual pieces of information
+ and the use of file formats which do not store this information is the
+ key unsolved problem.
+type: group
+ gnomonic_projection_reference_frame(NXcoordinate_system):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the gnomonic projection reference frame.
+ type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Type of coordinate system/reference frame used for identifying
+ positions in the gnomonic projection space Xg, Yg, Zg
+ according to DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
+ enumeration: [undefined, cartesian]
+ handedness(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Handedness of coordinate system.
+ enumeration: [right_handed, left_handed]
+ origin(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Is the origin of the gnomonic coordinate system located
+ where we assume the location of the pattern centre.
+ This is the location Xg = 0, Yg = 0, Zg = 0 according to
+ reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008.
+ enumeration: [undefined, in_the_pattern_centre]
+ x_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" x-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ Different tools assume that different strategies can be used
+ and are perceived as differently convenient to enter
+ details about coordinate system definitions. In this ELN users
+ have to possibility to fill in what they assume is sufficient to
+ define the coordinate system directions unambiguously.
+ Software which works with this user input needs to offer parsing
+ capabilities which detect conflicting input and warn accordingly.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ y_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" y-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ z_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Direction of the positively pointing "gnomomic" z-axis base
+ vector when viewing how the diffraction pattern looks on the
+ detector screen. We assume the configuration is inspected by
+ looking towards the sample surface from a position
+ that is located behind the detector.
+ For further information consult also the help info for the
+ xaxis_direction field.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west, in, out]
+ pattern_centre(NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the definition of the pattern centre
+ as a special point in the gnomonic projection reference frame.
+ x_boundary_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference frame)
+ is the pattern centre's x-position (PCx) measured?
+ Keywords assume the region-of-interest is defined by
+ a rectangle. We observe this rectangle and inspect the
+ direction of the outer-unit normals to the edges of
+ this rectangle.
+ enumeration: [undefined, top, right, bottom, left]
+ x_normalization_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ In which direction are positive values for PCx measured from
+ the specified boundary. Keep in mind that the gnomonic space
+ is in virtually all cases embedded in the detector space.
+ Specifically, the XgYg plane is defined such that it is
+ embedded/laying inside the XdYd plane (of the detector
+ reference frame).
+ When the normalization direction is the same as e.g. the
+ detector x-axis direction, we state that we effectively
+ normalize in fractions of the width of the detector.
+ The issue with terms like width and height is that these
+ degenerate if the detector region-of-interest is square-shaped.
+ This is why we should better avoid talking about width and height but
+ state how we would measure distances practically with a ruler and
+ how we then measure positive distances.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west]
+ y_boundary_convention(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ From which border of the EBSP (in the detector reference
+ frame) is the pattern centre's y-position (PCy) measured?
+ For further details inspect the help button of
+ xaxis_boundary_convention.
+ enumeration: [undefined, top, right, bottom, left]
+ y_normalization_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ In which direction are positive values for PCy measured from
+ the specified boundary.
+ For further details inspect the help button of
+ xaxis_normalization_direction.
+ enumeration: [undefined, north, east, south, west]
+ # distance_convention:
+ # doc: |
+ # How is the third of the three pattern centre parameter values,
+ # the (distance) parameter DD, normalized. Which convention
+ # is followed. We are aware that specifying one of the options here
+ # also implicitly comes with conventions for some of the parameter
+ # requested in this ELN. For now we would rather like to ask
+ # the users though to be specific also to learn how such an ELN
+ # will be used in practice.
+ # enumeration: [undefined, Bruker, JEOL, FEI, Oxford]
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_correlation.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_correlation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2acf65ec86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_correlation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to combine different method-specific data in electron microscopy.
+ This base class represent a template for documenting correlations
+ (spatial, temporal) between different method-specific results.
+type: group
+ (NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about processing steps.
+ sequence_index(NX_INT):
+ indexing(NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about correlated or logically connected EBSD datasets.
+ One important class of such correlated experiments are the so-called
+ (quasi) in-situ experiments. In this case the same or nearly the same ROI
+ gets analyzed via a repetitive sequence of thermomechanical treatment,
+ sample preparation, measurement, on-the-fly-indexing. Phenomena
+ investigated are recrystallization, strain accumulation, material damage.
+ Post-processing is required to correlate and reidentify eventual
+ microstructural features or local ROIs across several orientation maps.
+ Another important class of correlated experiments are the so-called
+ serial-sectioning experiments. Here the same sample is measured
+ repetitively after polishing each time, to create a stack of
+ orientation data which can be reconstructed to a
+ three-dimensional volume ROI.
+ Data can be correlated in time, position (spatial), or both (spatiotemporal).
+ Spatial correlations between repetitively characterized regions-of-interests
+ are typically correlated using image registration and alignment algorithms.
+ For this typically so-called landmarks are used. These can be grains with
+ a very large size or specific shape, i.e. grains which are qualitatively
+ different enough to be used as a guide how images are shifted relative to
+ one another. Other commonly used landmarks are fiducial marks which are
+ milled into the specimen surface using focus-ion beam milling and/or various
+ types of indentation methods.
+ As far as the same physical region-of-interest is just measured several times,
+ the additional issue of the depth increment is not a concern. However, correct
+ assumptions for the depth increment, amount of material removed along the milling
+ direction is relevant for accurate and precise three-dimensional (serial-sectioning)
+ correlations. For these studies it can be tricky though to assume or estimate
+ useful depth increments. Different strategies have been proposed like
+ calibrations, wedged-shaped landmarks and computer simulation assisted
+ assumption making.
+ Despite the use of landmarks, there are many practical issues which make the
+ processing of correlations imprecise and inaccurate. Among these are drift
+ and shift of the specimen, instabilities of the holder, the beam, irrespective
+ of the source of the drift, charging effects, here specifically causing local
+ image distortions and rotations which may require special processing algorithms
+ to reduce such imprecisions.
+ Time correlations face all of the above-mentioned issues surplus the challenge
+ that specific experimental protocols have to be used to ensure the material state
+ is observed at specific physical time. The example of quasi in-situ characterization
+ of crystal growth phenomena, a common topic in engineering or modern catalysis research
+ makes it necessary to consider that e.g. the target value for the desired annealing
+ temperature is not just gauged based on macroscopic arguments but considers
+ that transient effects take place. Heating or quenching a sample might thus might
+ not have been executed under conditions in the interaction volume as they are
+ documented and/or assumed.
+ These issue cause that correlations have an error margin as to how accurately
+ respective datasets were not only just synced based on the geometry of the
+ region-of-interests and the time markers but also to asssure which physical
+ conditions the specimen experienced over the course of the measurements.
+ The fourth example of the em_om reference implementation explores the use of the
+ correlation group with a serial-sectioning datasets that was collected by the
+ classical Inconel 100 dataset collected by M. D. Uchic and colleagues
+ (M. Groeber M, Haley BK, Uchic MD, Dimiduk DM, Ghosh S 3d reconstruction and
+ characterization of polycrystalline microstructures using a fib-sem system data set.
+ Mater Charac 2006, 57 259–273. 10.1016/j.matchar.2006.01.019M).
+ This dataset was specifically relevant in driving forward the implementation
+ of the DREAM.3D software. DREAM.3D is an open-source software project for
+ post-processing and reconstructing, i.e. correlating sets of orientation
+ microscopy data foremost spatially. One focus of the software is the
+ (post-)processing of EBSD datasets. Another cutting edge tool with similar
+ scope but a commercial solution by Bruker is QUBE which was developed by
+ P. Konijnenberg and coworkers.
+ Conceptually, software like DREAM.3D supports users with creating linear
+ workflows of post-processing tasks. Workflows can be instructed via the
+ graphical user interface or via so-called pipeline processing via command line
+ calls. DREAM.3D is especially useful because its internal system documents all
+ input, output, and parameter of the processing steps. This makes DREAM.3D a
+ good candidate to interface with tools like em_om parser. Specifically, DREAM.3D
+ documents numerical results via a customized HDF5 file format called DREAM3D.
+ Workflow steps and settings are stored as nested dictionaries in JSON syntax
+ inside a supplementary JSON file or alongside the data in the DREAM3D file.
+ DREAM.3D has a few hundred algorithms implemented. These are called filters
+ in DREAM.3D terminology.
+ Users configure a workflow which instructs DREAM.3D to send the data through
+ a chain of predefined and configured filters. Given that for each analysis
+ the filter is documented via its version tags surplus its parameter and setting
+ via a controlled vocabulary, interpreting the content of a DREAM3D HDF5 file
+ is possible in an automated manner using a parser. This makes DREAM.3D analyses
+ repeatable and self-descriptive. A key limitation though is that most frequently
+ the initial set of input data come from commercial files like ANG.
+ This missing link between the provenance of these input files, their associated
+ creation as electron microscope session, is also what NXem_ebsd solves.
+ Nevertheless, as this can be solved with e.g. NXem_ebsd we are convinced that
+ the DREAM.3D and the em_om parser can work productively together to realize
+ RDMS-agnostic parsing of serial-section analyses.
+ The internal documentation of the DREAM.3D workflow also simplifies the
+ provenance tracking represented by an instance of NXem_ebsd as not every
+ intermediate results has to be stored. Therefore, the fourth example
+ focuses on the key result obtained from DREAM.3D - the reconstructed
+ and aligned three-dimensional orientation map.
+ Usually, this result is the starting point for further post-processing
+ and characterization of structural features. As here orientation microscopy
+ is insofar scale invariant using DREAM.3D, NXem_ebsd, and em_om should
+ be useful for different characterization methods, such as EBSD, Transmission
+ Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD), Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping (ACOM),
+ Nanobeam Electron Diffraction (using commercial systems like NanoMegas ASTAR)
+ or open-source implementations of these techniques (such as via pyxem/orix).
+ The result of orientation microscopy methods are maps of local orientation
+ and thermodynamic phase (crystal structure) pieces of information. Virtually
+ all post-processing of such results for structural features includes again
+ a workflow of steps which are covered though by the NXms partner application
+ definition. The respective source of the data in an instance of NXms can
+ again be a link or reference to an instance of NXem_ebsd to complete the
+ chain of provenance.
+ (NXcrystal_structure):
+ roi(NXdata):
+ descriptor:
+ doc: |
+ Descriptor representing the image contrast.
+ # \@signal: # data
+ # \@axes: # [axis_y, axis_x]
+ # \@axis_x_indices: 0
+ # \@axis_y_indices: 1
+ # \@signal:
+ # \@axes:
+ # \@AXISNAME_indices:
+ # \@long_name:
+ title:
+ doc: |
+ Title of the default plot.
+ data(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Descriptor values displaying the ROI.
+ dim: (n_z, n_y, n_x)
+ # n_0 slowest 3, n_1 slow 2, n_2 fast 1, rgb triplet is fastest 0
+ # in axes fast to fastest
+ # while for _indices fastest to fast
+ \@long_name:
+ doc: |
+ Descriptor values.
+ axis_z(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ doc: |
+ Calibrated coordinate along the z-axis.
+ dim: (n_z,)
+ \@long_name:
+ doc: |
+ Label for the z axis
+ axis_y(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ doc: |
+ Calibrated coordinate along the y-axis.
+ dim: (n_y,)
+ \@long_name:
+ doc: |
+ Label for the y axis
+ axis_x(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ doc: |
+ Calibrated coordinate along the x-axis.
+ dim: (n_x,)
+ \@long_name:
+ doc: |
+ Label for the x axis
+ # NEW ISSUE: implement support for filters eventually many of them
+ # NEW ISSUE: for now only show that data from DREAM3D can be loaded.
+ # NEW ISSUE: how to handle landmarks
+ # NEW ISSUE: again an entire set of workflows such as rigid or non-rigid
+ # image registration etc.
+ # sequence_index(N0):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eds.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eds.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a5a97fcd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eds.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class method-specific for energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX).
+ `IUPAC instead of Siegbahn notation `_ should be used.
+# NEW ISSUE: use computational geometry to offer arbitrary scan pattern
+# NEW ISSUE: make the binning flexible per scan point
+ # n_p: Number of scan points
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel along the y direction, the slow direction
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel along the x direction, the fast direction
+ n_photon_energy: |
+ Number of X-ray photon energy (bins), the fastest direction.
+ n_elements: |
+ Number of identified elements
+ n_peaks: |
+ Number of peaks detected
+type: group
+ # NXprocess is composed from NXem_method base class
+ # SPECTRUM_SET(NXspectrum_set) is composed from NXem_method base class
+ # for post-processing of/with the above-defined data entries
+ # including feedback from Christoph Pauly (from MX Uni Saarland, NFDI-MatWerk),
+ # Sabine Bergmann and Sebastian Brückner (both from FAIRmat, IKZ),
+ # and Adrien Teutrie, Cecile Hebert (EPFL)
+ indexing(NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about computational steps how peaks were indexed as elements.
+ (NXprogram):
+ doc: |
+ The program with which the indexing was performed.
+ PEAK(NXpeak):
+ doc: |
+ Name and location of each X-ray line which was indexed as a known ion.
+ For each ion, an NXion instance should be created which specifies
+ the origin of the signal. For each ion also the relevant IUPAC notation
+ X-ray lines should be specified.
+ (NXion):
+ energy_range(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Associated lower :math:`[e_{min}, e_{max}]` bounds of the
+ energy which is assumed associated with this peak.
+ unit: NX_ENERGY
+ dim: (2,)
+ energy(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Theoretical energy of the line according to IUPAC.
+ unit: NX_ENERGY
+ iupac_line_names(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ IUPAC notation identifier of the line which the peak represents.
+ This can be a list of IUPAC notations for (the seldom) case that
+ multiple lines are grouped with the same peak.
+ dim: (i,)
+ element_names(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ List of the names of identified elements.
+ dim: (n_elements,)
+ IMAGE_R_SET(NXimage_r_set):
+ doc: |
+ Individual element-specific EDS/EDX/EDXS/SXES mapping
+ A composition map is an image whose intensities for each pixel are the
+ accumulated X-ray quanta *under the curve(s)* of a set of peaks.
+ These element-specific EDS maps are NXimage_r_set instances
+ and need to be named with the name of the element from the
+ element_names field.
+ (NXprocess):
+ peaks(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ A list of NXpeak instance names whose X-ray quanta
+ where accumulated for each pixel which yields an element-specific
+ EDS map.
+ dim: (n_peaks,)
+ # everything else is composed from NXimage_r_set
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eels.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eels.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e5c69fe4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_eels.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class method-specific for Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS).
+ n_energy_loss: |
+ Number of electron energy loss bins.
+type: group
+ # NXem_method can offers to keep a SPECTRUM_SET
+ # NXem_method also has an NXprocess which in this base class can be
+ # specialized to include EELS-specific post-processing
+ SPECTRUM_SET(NXspectrum_set):
+ doc: |
+ NXspectrum_set_em specialized for EELS.
+ stack(NXdata):
+ # \@signal: data_counts
+ # \@axes: [axis_y, axis_x, axis_energy_loss]
+ # \@energy_loss_indices: 2
+ # \@axis_x_indices: 1
+ # \@axis_y_indices: 0
+ axis_energy_loss(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_ENERGY
+ dim: (n_energy_loss,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Energy loss.
+ summary(NXdata):
+ # \@signal: data_counts
+ # \@axes: [axis_energy_loss]
+ # \@energy_loss_indices: 0
+ axis_energy_loss(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_ENERGY
+ doc: |
+ Energy loss.
+ dim: (n_energy_loss,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Energy loss.
+ # collection if needed can be composed from NXspectrum_set
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_img.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_img.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c257d121a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_img.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class for method-specific generic imaging.
+ In the majority of cases simple d-dimensional regular scan patterns are used
+ to probe a region-of-interest (ROI). Examples can be single point aka spot
+ measurements, line profiles, or (rectangular) surface mappings.
+ The latter pattern is the most frequently used.
+ For now the base class provides for scans for which the settings,
+ binning, and energy resolution is the same for each scan point.
+ n_images: |
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ imaging_mode(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Which imaging mode was used?
+ enumeration: [secondary_electron, backscattered_electron]
+ IMAGE_R_SET(NXimage_r_set):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_method.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_method.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afe91de973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_method.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to describe specific analysis methods in electron microscopy.
+ This base class represent a template how specialized, deep, and method-specific
+ base classes can be defined with which an (NXem) application
+ definition gets equipped with specific groups to document method-specific
+ processing steps and report analyzed quantities.
+ The template base class name :ref:`NXem_method` needs to be changed for each
+ method e.g. :ref:`NXem_adf`, :ref:`NXem_ebsd`, :ref:`NXem_eels`, :ref:`NXem_eds`.
+# :ref:`NXem_se`, :ref:`NXem_bse`.
+type: group
+ (NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about processing steps.
+ sequence_index(NX_INT):
+ IMAGE_R_SET(NXimage_r_set):
+ IMAGE_C_SET(NXimage_c_set):
+ SPECTRUM_SET(NXspectrum_set):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_msr.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_msr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16c349ca58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_msr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class for collecting a session with a real electron microscope.
+ For collecting data and experiments which are simulations of an
+ electron microscope use the :ref:`NXem_sim` base class.
+type: group
+ em_lab(NXinstrument):
+ doc: |
+ (Meta)data of the microscope and the lab in which it stands.
+ This em_lab group differs from potential em_lab groups inside
+ :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instances in that here the more static descriptions
+ are kept while changing, i.e. time-dependent pieces of information are
+ logged, via the em_lab group inside the desired number of instances
+ of NXevent_data_em.
+ While using an :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instance, users should store only those
+ settings about a component which are relevant to understand the current
+ state of the component. Here, current means for the time interval which
+ the event covers (as it is detailed via start_time and end_time) timestamps.
+ For example it is not relevant to store in each :ref:`NXevent_data_em`
+ electron_source group again the details of the gun type and the manufacturer
+ but only the high-voltage value and that only if it is different from the value
+ that is specified in the em_lab section for the static settings.
+ In effect, this defines an information inference hierarchy which starts
+ in an individual :ref:`NXevent_data_em` instance followed by a probing of the
+ static section.
+ instrument_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Given name of the microscope at the hosting institution.
+ This is an alias. Examples could be NionHermes, Titan, JEOL,
+ Gemini, etc.
+ location(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Location of the lab or place where the instrument is installed.
+ Using GEOREF is preferred.
+ (NXfabrication):
+ (NXchamber):
+ (NXebeam_column):
+ (NXibeam_column):
+ (NXoptical_system_em):
+ (NXdetector):
+ doc: |
+ Description of the type of the detector.
+ Electron microscopes have typically multiple detectors.
+ Different technologies are in use like CCD, scintillator,
+ direct electron, CMOS, or image plate to name but a few.
+ local_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Instrument-specific alias/name
+ # it is unfortunate that for NXdetector there are already many places
+ # how one can specify details which could equally end up in fabrications
+ # we should give better guidance which option to use, pr to niac
+ # (NXfabrication):
+ (NXpump):
+ (NXstage_lab):
+ (NXevent_data_em_set):
+# (NXevent_data_em):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_sim.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_sim.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81fe20db1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXem_sim.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class for simulating electron microscopy relevant beam-matter interaction.
+ The concept behind this base class is to keep it as generic as possible
+ that simulations of electron/ion beam interaction with matter can be
+ represented. This base class is envisioned as the twin of the :ref:`NXem_msr`
+ base class.
+ It is an attempt to test the idea if at some point one might even use the
+ same base class template to describe measurements and computer simulations
+ of electron microscopy. This idea is attractive because the only practical
+ difference between a description of a measurement with a microscope and a
+ computer simulation is that the latter is typically a substantially simplified
+ representation of the real microscope surplus the focus of the research
+ in such cases on specific questions.
+ Such simplification can be with respect to the optical setup, typically the
+ ignoring of the fact that the electron beam is produced by a complex setup
+ of lenses while in simulations often single Einzel lenses are considered.
+ Dynamics of the environment like temperature fluctuation in a lab, vibrations,
+ users, and multiple detectors are typically either ignored or reduced in
+ complexity and number and coming with idealizations to keep the simulations
+ focused on the specific reason questions and efficiently numerically executable.
+# abTEM and other simulation packages, TEMgym, etc.
+type: group
+ simulation(NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the simulation.
+ # sequence_index(N):
+ (NXprogram):
+ (NXcg_geodesic_mesh):
+ (NXimage_r_set_diff):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_c_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_c_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dcd85706d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_c_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Specialized base class container for reporting a set of images in reciprocal space.
+ In practice, complex numbers are encoded via some formatted pair of real values.
+ Typically, fast Algorithms for computing Fourier Transformations (FFT) are
+ used to encode images in reciprocal (frequency) space. FFT libraries are used
+ for implementing the key functionalities of these mathematical operations.
+ Different libraries use different representations and encoding of the
+ image computed. Details can be found in the respective sections of the
+ typical FFT libraries:
+ * `FFTW by M. Frigo and S. G. Johnson `_
+ * `Intel MKL by the Intel Co. `_
+ * `cuFFT by the NVidia Co. `_
+ Users are strongly advised to inspect carefully which specific conventions
+ their library uses to be able to store and modify the implementation of their
+ code so that the serialized representations as it is detailed
+ here for NeXus matches with their intention.
+ One- and two-dimensional FFTs should use the stack(NXdata) instances.
+ Three-dimensional FFTs should use the hyperstack(NXdata) instances.
+ n_images: |
+ Number of images in the (hyper)stack.
+ n_k: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the slowest direction.
+ n_j: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ n_i: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ # details about the FFT library used could for instance be stored in the
+ # NXprocess group which the NXimage_c_set base class can borrow from its
+ # NXimage_set parent base class
+ # process information are composable from the NXimage_set base class
+ stack(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Image stack.
+ real(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Image intensity of the real part.
+ dim: (n_images, n_j, n_i)
+ imag(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Image intensity of the imaginary part.
+ dim: (n_images, n_j, n_i)
+ magnitude(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Magnitude of the image intensity.
+ dim: (n_images, n_j, n_i)
+ axis_image_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier
+ dim: (n_images,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier.
+ # axis_k(NX_NUMBER):
+ # doc: |
+ # Pixel coordinate center along k direction.
+ # dim: (n_k,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ # doc: |
+ # Coordinate along j direction.
+ axis_j(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along j direction.
+ dim: (n_j,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ axis_i(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along i direction.
+ dim: (n_i,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along i direction.
+ hyperstack(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Image hyperstack.
+ real(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Image intensity of the real part.
+ dim: (n_images, n_k, n_j, n_i)
+ imag(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Image intensity of the imaginary part.
+ dim: (n_images, n_k, n_j, n_i)
+ magnitude(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Magnitude of the image intensity.
+ dim: (n_images, n_k, n_j, n_i)
+ axis_image_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier
+ dim: (n_images,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier.
+ axis_k(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along k direction.
+ dim: (n_k,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ axis_j(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along j direction.
+ dim: (n_j,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along j direction.
+ axis_i(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along i direction.
+ dim: (n_i,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along i direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0437e6e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Specialized base class container for reporting a set of images in real space.
+ n_images: |
+ Number of images in the stack.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel per image in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ # process information are composable from the NXimage_set base class
+ stack(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Image (stack).
+ intensity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Image intensity values.
+ dim: (n_images, n_y, n_x)
+ axis_image_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier
+ dim: (n_images,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Image identifier.
+ axis_y(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along y direction.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (n_y,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along y direction.
+ axis_x(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel coordinate center along x direction.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (n_x,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Coordinate along x direction.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set_diff.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set_diff.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79ca31b168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXimage_r_set_diff.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class specialized for reporting a cuboidal stack of diffraction pattern.
+ Diffraction pattern, whether they were simulated or measured are the raw data
+ for computational workflows to characterize the phase and orientation
+ of crystalline regions in matter.
+ Steps of post-processing the diffraction patterns should be documented using
+ method-specific specialized base classes. All eventual post-processing of
+ resulting orientation maps (2D or 3D) should be documented via :ref:`NXms_recon`.
+ To implement an example how this base class can be used we focused in FAIRmat
+ on Kikuchi diffraction pattern here specifically the research community
+ of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD).
+ For this reason, this base class and related :ref:`NXem_base` classes extend the
+ work of `M. A. Jackson et al. `_
+ (one of the developers of DREAM.3D) and the H5OINA public file format developed by
+ `P. Pinard et al. `_ with Oxford Instruments.
+ Kikuchi pattern are typically collected with FIB/SEM microscopes,
+ for two- and three-dimensional orientation microscopy.
+ For a detailed overview of these techniques see e.g.
+ * `M. A. Groeber et al. `_
+ * `A. J. Schwartz et al. `_
+ * `P. A. Rottman et al. `_
+ Serial-sectioning demands a recurrent sequence of ion milling and measuring.
+ This suggests that each serial section is at least an own NXevent_data_em
+ instance. The three-dimensional characterization as such demands a computational
+ step where the maps for each serial section get cleaned, aligned, and registered
+ into an image stack. This image stack represents a digital model of the
+ inspected microstructural volume. Often this volume is called a (representative)
+ volume element (RVE). Several software packages exists for performing
+ these post-processing tasks.
+ This example may inspire users of other types of diffraction methods.
+ n_sc: |
+ Number of scanned points. Scan point may have none, one, or more pattern.
+ n_p: |
+ Number of diffraction pattern.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel per pattern in the slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel per pattern in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ pattern_type(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Category which type of diffraction pattern is reported.
+ enumeration: [kikuchi]
+ stack(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Collected diffraction pattern as an image stack. As raw and closest to the
+ first retrievable measured data as possible, i.e. do not use this
+ container to store already averaged, filtered or whatever post-processed
+ pattern unless these are generated unmodifiably in such manner by the
+ instrument given the way how the instrument and control software
+ was configured for your microscope session.
+ scan_point_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Array which resolves the scan point to which each pattern belongs.
+ Scan points are evaluated in sequence starting from scan point zero
+ until scan point n_sc - 1. Evaluating the cumulated of this array
+ decodes which pattern in intensity belongs to which scan point.
+ Take an example with three scan points: The first scan point has one
+ pattern, the second has three pattern, the last scan point has no
+ pattern. In this case the scan_point_identifier are 0, 1, 1, 1.
+ The length of the scan_point_identifier array is four because four
+ pattern were measured in total.
+ In most cases usually one pattern is averaged by the detector for
+ some amount of time and then reported as one pattern.
+ dim: (n_p,)
+ intensity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Intensity of the diffraction pattern.
+ dim: (n_p, n_y, n_x)
+ # n_p fast 2, n_y faster 1, n_x fastest 0
+ # in axes fast to fastest
+ # while for _indices fastest to fast
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Pattern intensity
+ # \@signal: intensity
+ # \@axes: [pattern_identifier, ypos, xpos]
+ # \@xpos_indices: 0
+ # \@ypos_indices: 1
+ # \@pattern_identifier_indices: 2
+ pattern_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Pattern are enumerated starting from 0 to n_p - 1.
+ dim: (n_p,)
+ \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Pattern identifier
+ # the following fields are taken from the NXimage_r_set base class
+ # axis_y(R):
+ # axis_x(R):
+# If we envision a (knowledge) graph for EBSD it consists of individual sub-graphs
+# which convey information about the specimen preparation, the measurement of
+# the specimen in the electron microscope, the indexing of the collected
+# Kikuchi pattern stack, eventual post-processing of the indexed orientation
+# images via similarity grouping algorithms to yield (grains, texture).
+# Conceptually, these post-processing steps are most frequently serving
+# the idea how can one reconstruct so-called microstructural features
+# (grains, phases, interfaces) to infer material properties.
+# In practice this calls for workflows which quantify correlations between
+# the spatial arrangement of the microstructural features, the individual
+# (thermodynamic, chemo-mechanical) properties of the features with the
+# properties of materials at a coarser scale.
+# With NXem and related NXms base classes we propose a covering
+# and general solution how to handle such (meta)data with NeXus.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11bfc59831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to store an inverse pole figure (IPF) mapping (IPF map).
+ # how to make this optional
+ n_z: |
+ Number of pixel along the z slowest direction.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel along the y slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel along the x fast direction.
+ n_rgb: |
+ Number of RGB values along the fastest direction, always three.
+ d: |
+ Dimensionality of the mapping (either 2 or 3).
+type: group
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to the coordinate system whereby the projection_direction is defined.
+ If the field depends_on is not provided but a parent of the instance
+ of this base class or its specialization defines an :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set`
+ and exactly one :ref:`NXcoordinate_system`, the reference points to this system.
+ If nothing is provided and none of the above-mentioned references pointing
+ in a parent, McStas is assumed.
+ projection_direction(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ The direction along which orientations are projected.
+ dim: (3,)
+ input_grid(NXcg_grid):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the original grid.
+ Here original grid means the one onto which the IPF map was computed
+ when exported from the tech partner's file format representation.
+ output_grid(NXcg_grid):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the grid onto which the IPF is recomputed.
+ Rescaling the visualization of the IPF map may be needed to enable
+ visualization in specific software tools like H5Web.
+ The value specifies the fractional change of the spacing between
+ the original mapping and the scaled one.
+ interpolation(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ How where orientation values at the location of the output grid
+ positions computed.
+ Nearest neighbour means the orientation of the closed (Euclidean distance)
+ grid point of the input_grid was taken.
+ enumeration: [nearest_neighbour]
+ map(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Inverse pole figure mapping.
+ Default inverse pole figure (IPF) plot of the data specific for each
+ phase. No ipf_mapID instances for non-indexed scan points as these are
+ by definition assigned the null phase with phase_identifier 0.
+ Inspect the definition of :ref:`NXcrystal_structure` and its field
+ phase_identifier for further details.
+ Details about possible regridding and associated interpolation
+ during the computation of the IPF map visualization can be stored
+ using the input_grid, output_grid, and interpolation fields.
+ The main purpose of this map is to offer a normalized default representation
+ of the IPF map for consumption by a research data management system (RDMS).
+ This is aligned with the first aim of :ref:`NXms_ipf`, to bring colleagues and
+ users of IPF maps together to discuss which pieces of information
+ need to be stored together. We are convinced a step-by-step design and
+ community-driven discussion about which pieces of information should
+ and/or need to be included is a practical strategy to work towards an
+ interoperable description and data model for exchanging IPF maps as specific
+ community-accepted tools to convey orientation maps.
+ With this design the individual RDMS solutions and tools can still continue
+ to support specific custom data analyses workflow and routes but at least
+ there is one common understanding which enables also those users who are
+ not necessarily experts in all the details of the underlying techniques
+ can understand and thus eventually judge if the dataset is worth to be
+ reused or repurposed.
+ # \@signal: data
+ # \@axes: [axis_y, axis_x]
+ # \@axis_x_indices: 0
+ # \@axis_y_indices: 1
+ data(NX_NUMBER):
+ # assume a mapping with step size 0.5 micron
+ # we need to distinguish
+ # pixel position, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, unit px
+ # answers in which pixel on the map but map is disconnected from sample surface context
+ # calibrated pixel position 0., 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, unit micron
+ # answers in addition physical dimensions (relevant to get crystal extent etc.) but still disconnected from sample surface context
+ # calibrated pixel position including the offset of the original coordinate system
+ # answers everything would enable one to point if still in the microscope where on the sample surface each pixel is located
+ # tech partners oftentimes do not report to more than calibrated pixel position
+ doc: |
+ Inverse pole figure color code for each map coordinate.
+ dim: (n_y, n_x, 3) # | (n_z, n_y, n_x, 3)
+ axis_z(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the z axis of the map.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (n_z,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ axis_y(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the y axis of the map.
+ dim: (n_y,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ axis_x(NX_NUMBER):
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center coordinate calibrated for step size along the x axis of the map.
+ dim: (n_x,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ # title:
+ legend(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ The color code which maps colors into orientation into the fundamental zone.
+ For each stereographic standard triangle (SST), i.e. a rendering of the
+ fundamental zone of the crystal-symmetry-reduced orientation space
+ SO3, it is possible to define a color model which assigns each point in
+ the fundamental zone a color.
+ Different mapping models are used. These implement (slightly) different
+ scaling relations. Differences exist across representations of tech partners.
+ Differences are which base colors of the RGB color model are placed in
+ which extremal position of the SST and where the white point is located.
+ For further details see:
+ * [G. Nolze et al.](https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576716012942)
+ * Srikanth Patala and coworkers"'" work and of others.
+ Details are implementation-specific and not standardized yet.
+ Given that the SST has a complicated geometry, it cannot yet be
+ visualized using tools like H5Web, which is why for now the matrix
+ of a rasterized image which is rendered by the backend tool gets
+ copied into an RGB matrix to offer a default plot.
+ # \@signal: data
+ # \@axes: [axis_y, axis_x]
+ # \@axis_x_indices: 0
+ # \@axis_y_indices: 1
+ data(NX_NUMBER):
+ # hehe, but can be larger than one but could also be an NX_DIMENSIONLESS !
+ doc: |
+ Inverse pole figure color code for each map coordinate.
+ dim: (n_y, n_x, 3)
+ axis_y(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel along the y-axis.
+ dim: (n_y,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ axis_x(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel along the x-axis.
+ dim: (n_x,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ # title:
+# keep this for now for FAIRmat internal documentation
+# It is important to mention that we cannot assume, at least for now,
+# that the parser which writes to an NXem_ebsd-compliant file is also
+# responsible or capable at all of computing the inverse pole figure
+# color keys and maps itself. This cannot be assumed working because
+# this mapping of orientation data uses involved mathematical algorithms
+# and functions which not every tools used in the EBSD community is capable
+# of using or is for sure not using in exactly the same way.
+# Currently, we assume it is the responsibilty of the tool used which
+# generated the data under on_the_fly_indexing to compute these
+# plots and deliver these to the parser.
+# Specific case studies have been explored by the experiment team of
+# Area B of the FAIRmat project to realize and implement such mapping.
+# The first case study uses the H5OINA format and the pyxem/orix library.
+# As orix is a Python library, the coloring is performed by the em_om parser.
+# The second case study uses MTex and its EBSD color coding model.
+# As MTex is a Matlab tool, an intermediate format is written from MTex
+# first which stores these pieces of information. The parser then pulls
+# these data from the intermediate Matlab-agnostic representation and
+# supplements the file with missing pieces of information as it is
+# required by NXem_ebsd.
+# The third case study shows how a generic set of Kikuchi pattern
+# can be loaded with the em_om parser. The pattern are loaded directly
+# from a ZIP file and mapped to an simulation image section for now.
+# The fourth case study uses the DREAM.3D package which provides an own
+# set of EBSD data post-processing procedures. DREAM.3D documents the
+# processing steps with a pipeline file which is stored inside DREAM.3D
+# output files. In this case study, the parser reads the DREAM.3D file
+# and maps data relevant from the perspective of NXem_ebsd plus adds
+# relevant IPF color maps as they were computed by DREAM.3D.
+# Given that in this case the origin of the data is the DREAM.3D file
+# again provenance is kept and more details can be followed upon when
+# resolving origin.
+# These examples offer a first set of suggestions on how to make EBSD
+# data injectable into research data management system using schemes
+# which themselves are agnostic to the specific RDMS and interoperable.
+# Steps of collecting the raw data and post-processing these with custom
+# scripts like MTex or commercial tools so far are mainly undocumented.
+# The limitation is that a program which consumes results or dump files
+# from these tools may not have necessarily all the sufficient information
+# available to check if the injected orientation data and color models
+# are matching the conventions which a user or automated system has
+# injected into an electronic lab notebook from which currently the em_om
+# parser collects the conventions and stores them into this NXem_ebsd instance.
+# The immediate benefit of the here presented NXem_ebsd concept though
+# is that the conventions and reference frame definitions are expected
+# in an ELN-agnostic representation to make NXem_ebsd a generally useful
+# data scheme for EBSD.
+# Ideally, the em_om parser would load convention-compliant EBSD data
+# and use subsequently a community library to transcode/convert orientation
+# conventions and parameterized orientation values. Thereafter, convention-
+# compliant default plot(s) could be created that would be truely interoperable.
+# However, given the variety of post-processing tools available surplus
+# the fact that these are not usually executed along standardized
+# post-processing workflows which perform exactly the same algorithmic steps,
+# this is currently not a practically implementable option. Indeed, first
+# developers who wish to implement this would first have to create a library
+# for performing such tasks, mapping generally between conventions,
+# i.e. map and rotate coordinate systems at the parser level.
+# The unfortunate situation in EBSD is that due to historical reasons
+# and competitive strategies, different players in the field have
+# implemented (slightly) different approaches each of which misses
+# some part of a complete workflow description which is behind EBSD analyses:
+# Sample preparation, measurement, indexing, post-processing, paper...
+# The here exemplified default plot do not so far apply relevant rotations
+# but takes the orientation values as they come from the origin and using
+# coloring them as they come. It is thus the scientists responsibility to
+# enter and check if the respective dataset is rotation-conventions-wise
+# consistent and fit for a particular task.
+# Ideally, with all conventions defined it can be possible to develop
+# a converter which rotates the input data. This application definition
+# does not assume this and users should be aware of this limitation.
+# The key point is that the conventions however are captured and this is
+# the most important step to the development of such a generic transcoder
+# for creating interoperable EBSD datasets.
+# Currently the conventions remain in the mind or manual lab book of the
+# respective scientists or technicians instead of getting stored and
+# communicated with research papers that are written based on
+# specific dataset, i.e. database entries.
+# The default gridded representation of the data should not be
+# misinterpreted as the only possible way how EBSD data and OIM
+# maps can be created!
+# Indeed, the most general case is that patterns are collected for
+# scan points. The scan generator of an electron microscope is instructed
+# to steer the beam in such a way across the specimen surface that the
+# beam illuminates certain positions for a certain amount time (usually
+# equally-spaced and spending about the same amount of time at each
+# position).
+# Therefore, scan positions can be due to such regular flight plans and
+# represent sampling on lines, line stacks, rectangular regions-of-
+# interests, but also could instruct spiral, random, or adaptive scans
+# instead of tessellations with square or hexagonal pixels.
+# The majority of EBSD maps is though is reporting results for a regular
+# grid (square, hexagon). What matters though in terms of damage induced
+# by the electron beam and signal quality is the real electron dose
+# history, i.e. for how long the beam exposed which location of the
+# specimen. Especially when electron charging occurs (i.e. an excess
+# amount of charge accumulates due to e.g. poor conducting away of this
+# charge or an improper mounting, too high dose, etc. such details are
+# relevant.
+# Specifically, the default visualization is an inverse pole-figure (IPF)
+# map with the usual RGB color coding. Different strategies and
+# normalization schemes are in use to define such color coding.
+# Finally, we should mention that each ipf_map represents data for
+# scan points indexed as one phase. The alias/name of this phase should
+# be stored in phase_name, the phase_identifier give an ID which must
+# not be zero as this value is reserved for non-indexed / null model scan
+# points.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a783655a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_ipf_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_ipf` instances.
+ A collection of inverse pole figure approximations.
+# symbols:
+type: group
+ (NXms_ipf):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_mtex_config.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_mtex_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8fee982d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_mtex_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to store the configuration when using the MTex/Matlab software.
+ MTex is a Matlab package for texture analysis used in the Materials and Earth Sciences.
+ See `R. Hielscher et al. `_ and
+ the `MTex source code `_ for details.
+type: group
+ conventions(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Reference frame and orientation conventions.
+ Consult the `MTex docs `_ for details.
+ x_axis_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ # enumeration:
+ # check against v5.12
+ z_axis_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ # enumeration:
+ a_axis_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ # enumeration:
+ b_axis_direction(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ # enumeration:
+ euler_angle(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ enumeration: [unknown, undefined, bunge]
+ plotting(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Settings relevant for generating plots.
+ font_size(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ inner_plot_spacing(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ outer_plot_spacing(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ marker_size(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ figure_size(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ show_micron_bar(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if MTex renders a scale bar with figures.
+ show_coordinates(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True if MTex renders a grid with figures.
+ pf_anno_fun_hdl:
+ doc: |
+ Code for the function handle used for annotating pole figure plots.
+ color_map(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ dim: (i, 3)
+ default_color_map(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ dim: (i, 3)
+ # phase_color_order:
+ # doc: |
+ # TODO with MTex developers
+ # unit: NX_UNITLESS
+ # dim: (i,)
+ color_palette(NX_CHAR):
+ degree_char(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ arrow_char(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ marker(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ marker_edge_color(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ marker_face_color(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ hit_test(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ miscellaneous(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Miscellaneous other settings of MTex.
+ mosek(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ generating_help_mode(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ methods_advise(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ stop_on_symmetry_mismatch(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ inside_poly(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ text_interpreter:
+ numerics(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Miscellaneous settings relevant for numerics.
+ eps(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Return value of the Matlab eps command.
+ fft_accuracy(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ max_stwo_bandwidth(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY # radiant?
+ max_sothree_bandwidth(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ unit: NX_ANY # radiant?
+ system(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Miscellaneous settings relevant of the system where MTex runs.
+ memory(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ open_gl_bug(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ save_to_file(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ TODO with MTex developers
+ path(NXcollection):
+ doc: |
+ Collection of paths from where MTex reads information and code.
+ mtex(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ data(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ cif(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ ebsd(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ pf(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ odf(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ tensor(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ example(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ import_wizard(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.
+ pf_extensions(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes
+ texture/pole figure information.
+ ebsd_extensions(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes EBSD content.
+ # version as an instance of (NXprogram) one for MTex one for Matlab
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92ad96589a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to store an orientation distribution function (ODF) computation.
+ n_varphi_one: |
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the varphi_one fastest direction.
+ n_capital_phi: |
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the capital_phi slow direction.
+ n_varphi_two: |
+ Number of pixel per varphi section plot along the varphi_two slowest direction.
+ k: |
+ Number of local maxima evaluated in the component analysis.
+type: group
+ configuration(NXobject):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the algorithm used for computing the ODF.
+ crystal_symmetry_point_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Point group of the crystal structure (International Table of Crystallography)
+ of the phase for which the here documented phase-dependent ODF was computed.
+ specimen_symmetry_point_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Point group assumed for processing-induced *sample symmetries*.
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ kernel_halfwidth(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Halfwidth of the kernel.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ kernel_name(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Name of the kernel.
+ resolution(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Resolution of the kernel.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ kth_extrema(NXobject):
+ kth(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ Number of local maxima evaluated for the ODF.
+ # value of kth should be k
+ location(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Euler angle representation of the kth-most maxima of the ODF
+ in decreasing order of the intensity maximum.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (k, 3)
+ theta(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Disorientation threshold within which intensity of the ODF
+ is integrated for the component analysis.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ volume_fraction(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Integrated ODF intensity within a theta-ball of SO3 about
+ each location as specified for each location in the order
+ and reported in the order of these locations.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ dim: (k,)
+ phi_two_plot(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Visualization of the ODF intensity as orthogonal sections through Euler space.
+ This is one example of typical default plots used in the texture
+ community in Materials Engineering.
+ Mind that the Euler space is a distorted space. Therefore, equivalent
+ orientations show intensity contributions in eventually multiple
+ locations.
+ # \@signal: intensity
+ # \@axes: [varphi_two, capital_phi, varphi_one]
+ # \@varphi_one_indices: 0
+ # \@capital_phi: 1
+ # \@varphi_two_indices: 2
+ intensity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ ODF intensity at probed locations relative to
+ null model of a completely random texture.
+ dim: (n_varphi_two, n_capital_phi, n_varphi_one)
+ varphi_one(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\varphi_1` direction.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (n_varphi_one,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ varphi_two(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\varphi_2` direction.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (n_varphi_two,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ capital_phi(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center angular position along the :math:`\Phi` direction.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (n_capital_phi,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ea1c4d6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_odf_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_odf` instances.
+ A collection of orientation distribution function approximations.
+# symbols:
+type: group
+ (NXms_odf):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09ab12f785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to store a pole figure (PF) computation.
+ n_y: |
+ Number of pixel per pole figure in the slow direction.
+ n_x: |
+ Number of pixel per pole figure in the fast direction.
+type: group
+ configuration(NXobject):
+ doc: |
+ Details about the algorithm that was used to compute the pole figure.
+ crystal_symmetry_point_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Point group of the crystal structure of the phase for which the
+ here documented phase-dependent pole figure was computed
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ specimen_symmetry_point_group(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Point group assumed for processing induced *sample symmetries*
+ (according to International Table of Crystallography).
+ halfwidth(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Halfwidth of the kernel.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ miller_indices(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Miller indices (:math:`(hkl)[uvw]`) to specify the pole figure.
+ resolution(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Resolution of the kernel.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ pf(NXdata):
+ doc: |
+ Pole figure.
+ # \@signal: intensity
+ # \@axes: [axis_y, axis_x]
+ # \@axis_x_indices: 0
+ # \@axis_y_indices: 1
+ intensity(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pole figure intensity.
+ dim: (n_y, n_x)
+ axis_y(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center along y direction in the equatorial plane of
+ a stereographic projection of the unit sphere.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ dim: (n_y,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
+ axis_x(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Pixel center along x direction in the equatorial plane of
+ a stereographic projection of the unit sphere.
+ unit: NX_ANY
+ dim: (n_x,)
+ # \@long_name(NX_CHAR):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf_set.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf_set.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afd785f157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_pf_set.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to group multiple :ref:`NXms_pf` instances.
+ A collection of pole figure approximations.
+# symbols:
+type: group
+ (NXms_pf):
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_recon.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_recon.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd6825bacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXms_recon.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# position would need another depends_on the specific coordinate system used, currently we assume McStas
+# roi1/ebsd/microstructure1
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to describe discretized (micro)structural features of a material.
+ One instance of this base class can be used to describe the current configuration
+ the base class does not include time-dependent descriptions for the sake of
+ clarity and because of the fact that virtually all simulations or experiments
+ probe time by sampling. Therefore, time-dependent state descriptions should
+ be realized with creating a set of :ref:`NXms_snapshot_set` with instances of
+ :ref:`NXms_snapshot` using e.g. :ref:`NXms_recon` base class instances.
+ doc: |
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ # in so-called linear intercept analysis we observe
+ # one-dimensional sections of either projections (see below)
+ # or true one-dimensional cuts across a volume of material
+ # n_icept: |
+ # The number of linear intercepts defined.
+ # n_c_one: |
+ # The number of crystal projections segmented by crossing (projected or real) interfaces
+ # n_i_one: |
+ # The number of crossings
+ # two-dimensional projections of characterized in reality three-dimensional objects
+ # using E. E. Underwood notation
+ # crystals/grains are projections that are delineated by projections of interface, i.e. interface lines which meet at projections of triple lines i.e. triple "points"
+ n_c_two: |
+ The number of crystal projections.
+ n_i_two: |
+ The number of interface projections.
+ n_t_two: |
+ The number of assumed triple junction projections aka triple points.
+ # three-dimensional real objects, volumetrically characterized
+ # crystals are delineated by interfaces that are delineated by triple lines that meet at quad junctions
+ n_c: |
+ The number of crystals.
+ n_i: |
+ The number of interfaces
+ n_t: |
+ The number of triple lines
+ n_q: |
+ The number of quadruple junctions.
+type: group
+ # as e.g. a result of one grain reconstruction with MTex or othe
+ # grain reconstruction software in commercial tools
+ # the idea is we may wish to run as many grain reconstructions as we want...
+ # add details about the processing
+ configuration(NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ The configuration and parameterization of the reconstruction algorithm
+ whereby the microstructural features were identified.
+ # maybe a depends_on what was the input however if the group is injected
+ # in an roi1/ebsd instance isnt this information implicit?
+ dimensionality(NX_POSINT):
+ doc: |
+ Dimensionality of the analysis.
+ This field can be used e.g. by a research data management system
+ to identify if the described feature set specifies a
+ one-, two-, or three-dimensional feature set.
+ enumeration: [1, 2, 3]
+ algorithm(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Which algorithm is used to reconstruct the features.
+ enumeration: [unknown, disorientation_clustering, fast_multiscale_clustering, markov_chain_clustering]
+ disorientation_threshold(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Threshold to define at which disorientation angle to assume
+ two crystalline regions have a significant orientation difference
+ which warrants to argue that there is an interface between the
+ two regions.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ # the result of running one grain reconstruction
+ # ms_feature_set1
+ # we could also enumerate instances ms_feature_setID here because configuration
+ # may specify a range of different parameter resulting in multiple ms_feature_sets
+ # dimensionality(N) composed from NXms_feature_set base:
+ # controlled vocabulary of base class instances to be used to inform about the
+ # discretization of these features instances to discretize the features
+ # wherever possible the computational geometry specific instances whose
+ # purpose is only to support/represent the discretization of the features should
+ # be separated out from the materials engineering interpretation of what these
+ # features are, i.e. a grain that is measured with a 2d section ends up
+ # modelled as an projection of that real 3d grain object
+ # the model is discretized usign a polyline which models the location of the
+ # interface at the required here coarse-grained continuum picture
+ points(NXcg_point_set):
+ lines(NXcg_polyline_set):
+ surfaces(NXcg_triangle_set):
+ volumes(NXcg_polyhedron_set):
+ # domain-specific, i.e. microstructural features
+ crystal_projections(NXms_feature_set):
+ doc: |
+ Projections of crystals on the sample surface as typically
+ characterized with optical or electron microscopy.
+ \@discretization(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to lines(NXcg_polyline_set) which supports the
+ discretized shape of each cross-sectioned crystal.
+ Most microscopy techniques support to generate only a two-dimensional
+ representation (projection) of the characterized material.
+ For true volumetric techniques use the specifically
+ specialized crystals :ref:`NXms_feature_set` instead.
+ See stereology literature for more details e.g.
+ E.E. Underwood's book entitled Quantitative Stereology
+ number_of_crystals(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ Number of crystals.
+ crystal_identifier_offset(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ crystal_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier used for crystals for explicit indexing.
+ dim: (n_c_two,)
+ number_of_phases(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ How many phases are distinguished
+ phase_identifier_offset(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ phase_identifier(NX_INT):
+ # \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier used for phase for explicit indexing.
+ dim: (n_c_two,)
+ # properties of crystal_projections aka grain properties
+ boundary_contact(NX_BOOLEAN):
+ doc: |
+ True, if the crystal makes contact with the edge of the ROI,
+ false otherwise.
+ dim: (n_c_two,)
+ orientation_spread(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Average disorientation angle between individual orientation of the
+ crystal at probed positions (weighted by area of that position) versus
+ the average disorientation of the crystal.
+ unit: NX_ANGLE
+ dim: (n_c_two,)
+ (NXrotation_set):
+ area(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ Calibrated area of surrounded by the polyline about each crystal.
+ unit: NX_AREA
+ dim: (n_c_two,)
+ interface_projections(NXms_feature_set):
+ # grain boundaries have a network of line-like defects, its explicit description
+ # often generates unnecessary information duplication and cluttering,
+ # therefore here a compact and suggestion how to store such data
+ doc: |
+ Projections of grain or phase boundaries as typically sectioned
+ with optical or electron microscopy characterization.
+ \@discretization(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to lines(NXcg_polyline_set) which supports the
+ discretized shape of each cross-sectioned crystal.
+ Set of tuples of polyline segments which build the interface.
+ # topology
+ # i) Set of pair of crystals sharing an interface
+ crystals(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Set of pairs of crystal_identifier resolved via depends_on which
+ are adjacent to each interface.
+ dim: (n_i_two, 2)
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ The specific crystal_projections(NXms_feature_set) instance
+ to resolve crystal identifier.
+ # ii) Set of pair of topologically connected triple points
+ triple_points(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Set of pairs of triple_point_identifier which the interface connects.
+ For 2D projections of 3D microstructural features a triple point is
+ physically only the projection of a triple line.
+ dim: (n_i_two, 2)
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ The specific triple_line_projections(NXms_feature_set) instance
+ whereby to resolve triple_point identifier.
+ # alternatively which polyline of adjoining interfaces
+ # properties, descriptors
+ length(NX_NUMBER):
+ doc: |
+ The length of the interface.
+ This is not necessarily the same as the length of the individual
+ polyline segments whereby the interface is discretized.
+ The actual coordinate system whereby the geometry is calibrated
+ with real physical dimensions is typically documented by the
+ depends_on attribute of the respective NXcg_primitive_set.
+ This depends_on attribute should point explicitly to an
+ instance of a :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` to support users as
+ much as possible with interpreting how and where the lines are
+ located in the reference frame.
+ unit: NX_LENGTH
+ dim: (n_i_two,)
+ interface_identifier_offset(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ interface_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier for each interface using explicit indexing.
+ dim: (n_i_two,)
+ triple_line_projections(NXms_feature_set):
+ # only for 2D, quad junction is the equivalent for 3D is not a triple_line
+ # four alternative descriptors with different strength to specify spatial
+ # or logical information about the triple junction feature set.
+ # the explicit description often generating unnecessary information duplication
+ doc: |
+ Projections of triple lines as typically characterized with optical
+ or electron microscopy.
+ Mind that most specimens are thermo-chemo-mechanically treated before
+ they are characterized. Therefore, the projected crystal defects are
+ have physically no longer the same structure as in the bulk.
+ Examples are manifest as effects such as thermal grooving, or relaxation
+ effects of an intersection between a triple line that is cut
+ by the specimen surface as these defects are then exposed typically
+ to a different atmosphere and hence have different thermodynamic boundary
+ conditions than of their true volumetric defects in the bulk.
+ \@discretization(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ Reference to points(NXcg_point_set) which supports the
+ locations of these triple points.
+ # another view to describe a triple junction is via its topology/connection expressed either via
+ # i) triplet of interface identifier
+ number_of_triple_points(NX_UINT):
+ doc: |
+ Number of triple points.
+ triple_point_identifier_offset(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Integer offset whereby the identifier of the first member
+ of the set differs from zero.
+ Identifiers can be defined either implicitly or explicitly.
+ For implicit indexing identifiers are defined on the interval
+ :math:`[identifier_offset, identifier_offset + c - 1]`.
+ triple_point_identifier(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Identifier for each triple point using explicit indexing.
+ dim: (n_t_two,)
+ location(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Set of triple point identifiers.
+ dim: (n_t_two,)
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ The relevant points(NXcg_point_set) instance whereby to
+ resolve interface identifiers.
+ interfaces(NX_INT): # aka topology or interfaces
+ doc: |
+ Set of triplets of identifier of line-like features.
+ Each triplet resolves which three interface projections
+ the triple point connects.
+ dim: (n_t_two, 3)
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ The specific interface_projections(NXms_feature_set)
+ instance whereby to resolve interface identifiers.
+ # ii) a triplet of line segment identifier whereby the point-like features
+ # is assumed discretized via three polylines representing interfaces
+ polylines(NX_INT):
+ doc: |
+ Triplet of identifier of polyline segments. Each triplet resolves
+ which three segments of polyline segments the triple junction connects.
+ dim: (n_t_two, 3)
+ \@depends_on(NX_CHAR):
+ doc: |
+ The specific lines(NXcg_polyline_set) instance to resolve
+ polyline segments.
+ # the difference in the interpretation of interfaces and polylines
+ # is that the interface resolves interface (e.g. phase boundary names)
+ # while polylines resolves segments within the set of named geometric primitive
+ # instances!
+ # add all sort of other qualitative or quantitive descriptors (triple junction
+ # energy, volume etc), i.e properties of that triple point
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXroi.yaml b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXroi.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8ba2426ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contributed_definitions/nyaml/NXroi.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+category: base
+doc: |
+ Base class to describe a region-of-interest analyzed.
+type: group
+ (NXprocess):
+ doc: |
+ Details about processing steps.
+ sequence_index(NX_INT):
diff --git a/manual/source/classes/contributed_definitions/icme-structure.rst b/manual/source/classes/contributed_definitions/icme-structure.rst
index b21ad199e5..07aa6ee4e1 100644
--- a/manual/source/classes/contributed_definitions/icme-structure.rst
+++ b/manual/source/classes/contributed_definitions/icme-structure.rst
@@ -19,19 +19,22 @@ a design strategy and workflow whereby physics-based modelling of microstructure
evolution is used to understand the relations between the microstructure and
its technologically relevant descriptors to understand and tailor properties of materials.
-The following application definitions are proposed to support the discussion
-how materials engineering-specific data schemas can connect to or be mapped on
+The following application definitions are proposed to support the discussion on how
+materials-engineering-specific data schemas can connect to or be mapped on
concepts which are equally modellable with NeXus:
An application definition for arbitrary spatiotemporally resolved simulations.
+ :ref:`NXms_recon`:
+ A base class for documenting results of reconstructed microstructures.
- A specific example how :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_ranger` can be
+ A specific example of how :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_ranger` can be
specialized for documenting the configuration of a computer simulation
with the static recrystallization cellular automata model SCORE.
- A specific example how :ref:`NXms` can be specialized for documenting
+ A specific example of how :ref:`NXms` can be specialized for documenting
results of computer simulations with the static recrystallization
cellular automata model SCORE.