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Releases: FBartos/RoBMA

RoBMA 2.1.2

13 Jan 08:12
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  • adding Windows ucrt patch (thanks to Tomas Kalibera)


  • adding BayesTools version check

RoBMA 2.1.1

03 Nov 09:40
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  • incorrectly formatted citations in vignettes and capitalization


  • adding informed_prior() function (from the BayesTools package) that allows specification of various informed prior distributions from the field of medicine and psychology
  • adding a vignette reproducing the example of dentine sensitivity with the informed Bayesian model-averaged meta-analysis from Bartoš et al., 2021 (open-access),
  • further reductions of fitted object size when setting save = "min"

RoBMA 2.1

14 Oct 06:10
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  • more informative error message when the JAGS module fails to load
  • correcting wrong PEESE transformation for the individual models summaries (issue #12)
  • fixing error message for missing conditional PET-PEESE
  • fixing incorrect lower bound check for log(OR)


  • adding interpret() function (issue #11)
  • adding effect size transformation via output_scale argument to plot() and plot_models() functions
  • better handling of effect size transformations and scaling - BayesTools style back-end functions with Jacobian transformations

RoBMA 2.0

14 Jul 08:24
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  • naming of the arguments specifying prior distributions for the different parameters/components of the models changed (priors_mu -> priors_effect, priors_tau -> priors_heterogeneity, and priors_omega -> priors_bias),
  • prior distributions for specifying weight functions now use a dedicated function (prior(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = ...) -> prior_weightfunction(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = ...)),
  • new dedicated function for specifying no publication bias adjustment component / no heterogeneity component (prior_none()),
  • new dedicated functions for specifying models with the PET and PEESE publication bias adjustments (prior_PET(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = ...) and prior_PEESE(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = ...)),
  • new default prior distribution specification for the publication bias adjustment part of the models (corresponding to the RoBMA-PSMA model from Bartoš et al., 2021 preprint),
  • new model_type argument allowing to specify different "pre-canned" models ("PSMA" = RoBMA-PSMA, "PP" = RoBMA-PP, "2w" = corresponding to Maier et al., in press , manuscript),
  • combine_data function allows combination of different effect sizes / variability measures into a common effect size measure (also used from within the RoBMA function),
  • better and improved automatic fitting procedure now enabled by default (can be turned of with autofit = FALSE)
  • prior distributions can be specified on the different scale than the supplied effect sizes (the package fits the model on Fisher's z scale and back transforms the results back to the scale that was used for prior distributions specification, Cohen's d by default, but both of them can be overwritten with the prior_scale and transformation arguments),
  • new prior distributions, e.g., beta or fixed weight functions,
  • estimates from individual models are now plotted with the plot_models() function and the forest plot can be obtained with the forest() function,
  • the posterior distribution plots for the individual weights are no able supported, however, the weightfunction and the PET-PEESE publication bias adjustments can be visualized with the plot.RoBMA() function and parameter = "weightfunction" and parameter = "PET-PEESE".