This document descibes how to tune a guitar with the Virtual Tuner software.
You will need a PC with Windows operation system like XP, Vista or Windows 7 and a microphone, first install the software by downloading it from here, accept the "unknown publisher" and run and follow the step in the installer.
Start the program and you will see a frequency meter with the closes note detected, its target frequency and a needle indicating how far the detect frequency is (as shown in the screenshot below)
The open string of a guitar from the thinnes to the thickest are as follows:
- E(4): thinnest and highest is the 1th
- B(3): 2nd
- G(3): 3rd
- D(3): 4th
- A(2): 5th
- E(2): thickest and lowest is 6th
Do the following step to tune the strings:
- Play the target string starting with the 1st string, if you get a note number that is greater then E or (4) you need to release the string, if its less you need to tighten the string. Repeat this step until E(4) is displayed. Now you need to fine tune the guitar.
- Play the target string, if the needle is lower than the target frequency you need to tighten the string and the other way around, repeat this step until the needle is straight upwards.
- Repeat the first and second steps for the other strings.
Good luck and good tuning
Note(1): Some time the string pitch frequncy may dominat the target frequnecy so you get for example a E(5) instead of a E(4), try to tune the string with note from one of its fret.
- The 1st string 1st fret should be a F(4)
Note(2): Some microphone may have problem detecting low frequecy like the an open 6th string you can then using the string fret.
- The 6th string 5th fret have the same frequency as the 5th string (A(2))
- The 6th string 10th fret have the same frequency as the 4th string (D(3))
- The 5th string 5th fred have the same frequency as the 4th string (D(3))