Can a student or mentor from any college participate?
****Yes, anyone who likes open source software is welcome!\ -
Can a student without any programming experience participate?
****Yes, the program spans 2-3 months which we think is enough time for a beginner with basic familiarity with computers to learn the basics of a language like Python or JavaScript and build a mini project!\ -
Is there an entry fee or selection criteria?
****No.\ -
Is programming background necessary to start learning Git?
****No, Git is a version control system that can be used to record changes to even a .txt file\ -
What’s the difference between Git & GitHub?
****Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history whereas GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories (and much more).\ -
Do you have any more resources to get familiar with Git & GitHub?
****Yes we do! Here's our resources section.\ -
Would you teach programming to beginners?
****Unforunately no. We won't be able to teach you programming but we’ll guide and help you with coding the right way, suggest resources and inculcate best practices!\ -
What should I do if I need help?
****Please check out the getting help section and the communication section.