All notable changes to the "vjass" extension will be documented in this file.
Add 1.31 natives, constants, and types from common.j.
fixed a bug that completion won't work when jass file has been edited; improving of color highlighting and language snippets.
bugs fixed; refactoring referenceProvider; add vj .allocate .create .destroy .execute .evalute to completionProvider.
fixed a bug that I haven't catch an error throwed from the vscode_ripgrep. symbolprovider refactoring.
now the intellisense features works by searching over the whole jass files in the workspace
fixed some bugs caused by the pattern in the variable regexp.
add keyword and japifunction in the feature completionprovider.
Fixed a bug in the feature completionprovider.
Added features symbolprovider, completionprovider, definitionprovider, referenceprovider and hoverprovider.
Added features snippets and syntaxes highlight.