Releases: Farfetch/blackout
Releases · Farfetch/blackout
@farfetch/[email protected]
2.15.0 (2023-11-21)
Bug Fixes
- save exchanges filters by id (e1959ba)
- Exchange filters are now stored under entities by orderItemUuid (shippingOrderLineId).
Previously the user wasn't able to fetch multiple filters because each request cleared
the previous data, which this PR aims to fix.
- Exchange filters are now stored under entities by orderItemUuid (shippingOrderLineId).
- useCreateExchangeFilter hook renamed to useExchangeFilters.
- isCreating selector from the hook, renamed to isLoading.
@farfetch/[email protected]
1.9.1 (2023-11-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @farfetch/blackout-analytics
@farfetch/[email protected]
- add review checkout analytics event to v1 (db408e9)
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
@farfetch/[email protected]
1.14.0 (2023-11-08)
- add checkout step to analytics events main (2d4bd6a)
- add isMainWishlist parameter to main (923a37c)
- add new locations to Analytics FROM types for
(7193846) - add parameters to interact content event for
(e4bd28e) - add parameters to payment info added event (42e5ea1)
- add site performance measuring event to analytics (ed9dec1)
- analytics|react: update recommendations tracking parameters (3ec76e2)
- update forter script (3759e65)