The Atlas DRFQ module is an implementation of the first on-chain intent-based Request for Quote (RFQ) system, and the Rocketboost frontend ( is an MIT-open sourced application which provides access to that onchain RFQ. Built with React and the Atlas SDK, this frontend leverages the Atlas Protocol to provide a seamless and efficient token swapping experience on EVM-compatible blockchain networks, starting with Polygon PoS.
Atlas is a permissionless and modular smart contract framework for Execution Abstraction. It provides applications and frontends with an auction system in which Solvers compete to provide optimal solutions for user intents or MEV redistribution. A User Operation is collected by the app's frontend via the Atlas SDK and sent to an app-designated bundler, which combines it with Solver Operations into a single transaction. The Atlas DRFQ is an implementation of an Atlas "module" which encapsulates application-specific auction logic on top of the core Atlas Protocol. To learn more about Atlas, check out the core repository ( and our alpha documenation ( The rest of this document will detail how the Atlas DRFQ module and Rocketboost frontend work, which are both MIT-licensed, unaudited for now (outside of Atlas core) and usable at your own risk and discretion.
Intent-Based Swaps: Utilizes Atlas's auction system to find optimal solutions for user swap intents, in this case, with zero dependencies on offchain infra.
Solver Competition: Leverages multiple Solvers that permissionlessly compete in providing the best execution for user intents.
User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design allowing users to easily input swap intents and execute trades.
Wallet Integration: Seamless connection with popular Web3 wallets for secure transaction signing and balance management.
Real-Time Quotes: Fetches and displays up-to-date swap quotes from a fallback router or aggregator, and has solvers compete to offer users price improvement on the swap.
Transaction Monitoring: Provides real-time updates on the status of ongoing and past transactions.
Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a consistent experience across platforms.
Customizable Settings: Allows users to adjust parameters for personalized trading preferences.
Network Flexibility: Supports multiple EVM-compatible networks, with clear network information and switching capabilities.
- Atlas SDK Integration: Utilizes the Atlas SDK to interact with the Atlas framework for intent creation.
- Component-Based Structure: Employs a modular React component architecture for maintainability and reusability.
- Service Abstraction: Implements service layers for handling User Operations, Solver interactions, and blockchain communications.
- State Management: Employs efficient state management techniques to handle complex application states and data flow.
- Theming Support: Includes light and dark mode themes for user comfort in various environments.
This application aims to showcase the power of intent-based trading using the Atlas framework, providing a seamless, efficient, and secure token swapping experience that leverages competition among Solvers to achieve optimal execution for users.
participant Browser
participant Wallet
participant RPC
participant P2P
participant Searchers
participant Validator
Validator ->> P2P: listen for transactions
Searchers ->> P2P: listen for transactions
Browser ->> RPC: view call to retrieve baseline quote
Browser ->> Browser: create user bundled transaction <br/>with SwapIntent and BaselineQuote
Browser ->> Wallet: sign user bundled transaction
Browser ->> RPC: submit signed transaction
RPC ->> P2P: gossip transaction
Browser ->> RPC: listen for transaction receipt
loop Searcher loop
Note right of P2P: Different searchers compete through the<br/>P2P in a PGA to find the winning solution<br/>of the users swap intent.
P2P -->> Searchers: user transaction or solver<br/>frontrun transaction
Searchers ->> Searchers: find solution
Searchers ->> P2P: submit signed solver<br/>frontrun transaction
Validator ->> Validator: build block
Validator ->> P2P: gossip block
RPC ->> Browser: transaction receipt
title Atlas DRFQ Onchain Flow
participant UserEOA
participant SolverEOA
participant SolverContract
participant FastLaneControl
participant Atlas
participant ExEnv
Note over UserEOA,ExEnv: Tx 1: User Permits Atlas
UserEOA->>+Atlas: permit token to be sold
Note over UserEOA,ExEnv: Tx 2: Solver frontruns user to register their solution
SolverEOA->>+SolverContract: call some userdata
SolverContract->>+FastLaneControl: register SolverOp for UserOp
FastLaneControl->>-SolverContract: OK
SolverContract->>-SolverEOA: OK
Note over UserEOA,ExEnv: Tx 3: Users signed SwapIntent is handled by FastLaneControl
UserEOA->>+FastLaneControl: call fastOnlineSwap(UserOperation)
FastLaneControl->>FastLaneControl: transfer from user to control
UserEOA-->>FastLaneControl: TokensUserSells
Note over FastLaneControl: control loads solverOp registered in 1.1 and uses it to create a bundle
FastLaneControl->>+Atlas: call metacall(Bundle)
Atlas->>+ExEnv: call userWrapper(userOp)
ExEnv->>+FastLaneControl: delegatecall swap(SwapIntent, BaselineCall)
Note over FastLaneControl: re-calculate the Baseline Call expected output amount using current on-chain data
FastLaneControl->>FastLaneControl: transfer TokensUserSells to exenv
FastLaneControl->>ExEnv: ReturnData
FastLaneControl-->>ExEnv: TokensUserSells
ExEnv->>-Atlas: UserReturnData
Atlas->>Atlas: bidFindingIteration
loop until solver successful
Atlas->>+ExEnv: call solverPreTryCatch(solverOp)
ExEnv->>+FastLaneControl: delegatecall preSolverCall
FastLaneControl->>FastLaneControl: optimistically transfer sold tokens to solver
ExEnv-->>SolverContract: TokensUserSells
FastLaneControl->>ExEnv: OK
ExEnv->>-Atlas: OK
Atlas->>+SolverContract: call atlasSolverCall(solverOp)
Note over SolverContract: solver fulfills the intent somehow
SolverContract->>SolverContract: transfer bought tokens to user
SolverContract-->>ExEnv: TokensUserBuys
SolverContract->>-Atlas: OK
Atlas->>+ExEnv: call allocateValue(bidAmount, returnData)
ExEnv->>ExEnv: transfer TokensUserBuys to user
ExEnv-->>UserEOA: TokensUserBuys
Atlas->>+ExEnv: call postOpsWrapper(solved, returnData)
ExEnv->>+FastLaneControl: delegatecall postOpsCall(solved, data)
Note over FastLaneControl: if a solver fulfills the intent, then this does nothing. otherwise, it will attempt to fulfill the user intent using the baseline call that was provided along with the intent.
FastLaneControl->>ExEnv: OK
ExEnv->>-Atlas: OK
Atlas->>-FastLaneControl: OK
FastLaneControl->>-UserEOA: OK
actor User
participant Frontend
participant RFQController
participant SwapPathService
participant SwapService
participant Wallet
participant FastLaneControl
User->>Frontend: Select buy/sell tokens
User->>Frontend: Input sell amount
User->>Frontend: Set slippage/deadline
Frontend->>RFQController: Initiate swap process (tokens, amount, settings)
RFQController->>SwapPathService: Request swap path (fromToken, toToken)
SwapPathService->>SwapPathService: Determine optimal swap path
SwapPathService-->>RFQController: Return swap path
RFQController->>SwapService: Request baseline quote (swap path, amount, token objects)
SwapService->>SwapService: Calculate quote based on path and token data
SwapService-->>RFQController: Return baseline quote
RFQController-->>Frontend: Return quote
Frontend->>User: Display quote
User->>Frontend: Generate token approval
Frontend->>RFQController: Request token approval
RFQController->>Wallet: Generate approval transaction
Wallet->>FastLaneControl: Approve token spending
FastLaneControl-->>Wallet: Approval confirmed
Wallet-->>RFQController: Approval transaction hash
RFQController-->>Frontend: Return approval confirmation
Frontend->>User: Display approval confirmation
User->>Frontend: Confirm swap
Frontend->>RFQController: Execute swap
RFQController->>SwapService: Generate UserOperation (swap path, amount, token objects)
SwapService->>SwapService: Generate swap calldata
SwapService-->>RFQController: Return UserOperation with calldata
RFQController->>RFQController: Build fastOnlineSwap transaction
RFQController->>Wallet: Request to sign and submit transaction
Wallet->>FastLaneControl: Sign and submit fastOnlineSwap transaction
FastLaneControl-->>Wallet: Transaction hash
Wallet-->>RFQController: Transaction hash
RFQController-->>Frontend: Return transaction submitted confirmation
Frontend->>User: Display transaction submitted
loop Transaction monitoring
RFQController->>FastLaneControl: Check transaction status
FastLaneControl-->>RFQController: Transaction status
RFQController-->>Frontend: Update transaction status
alt Transaction pending
Frontend->>User: Display pending status
else Transaction completed
Frontend->>User: Display success and swap details
else Transaction failed
Frontend->>User: Display failure and error details
The DApp will be deployed as a set of static assets on CloudFlare Pages, with no backend dependency other than RPC interaction through a users connected wallet.
graph TD
WebBrowser --> DNS
WebBrowser --> WAF
WAF --> Pages
- CloudFlare Pages must be configured to block connections from any US citizens using the WAF.
CloudFlare Pages supports the concept of branch based deployments from GitHub, where the app is deployed to a named environment for each branch. We will use a standard gitflow-like branching model with a main
and develop
branch, and feature branches as necessary.
Branching structure will look like:
graph LR
feature --> develop
develop --> main
graph TD
GP[GlobalProvider] --> A[App]
A --> B[Header]
A --> C[MainContent]
A --> D[Footer]
GP -.-> U[TransactionStatusService]
GP -.-> DD[NetworkConfigService]
B --> E[WalletConnector]
B --> F[NotificationOverview]
B --> H[NetworkInfo]
B --> I[ThemeToggle]
F --> T[NotificationEvent]
C --> G[RFQController]
G --> Ja[AppRouter]
Ja --> J[SwapView]
G -.-> V[BaseSwapService]
G -.-> W[TokenPriceService]
G -.-> R[TokenProviderService]
G -.-> SP[SwapPathService]
J --> L[TabNavigation]
J --> M[SwapPanel]
J --> N[SettingsButton]
J --> O[Logo]
N --> K[SettingsView]
M --> P[TokenInputPanel From]
M --> Q[TokenInputPanel To]
M --> S[SwapButton]
S --> T5[TransactionProgressView]
P --> T1[TokenInput]
P --> T2[TokenSelector]
P --> T3[TokenBalance]
P --> T4[MaxButton]
Q --> U1[TokenInput]
Q --> U2[TokenSelector]
V --> X[IBaseSwapProvider]
X --> Y[UniswapProvider]
R --> S1[ITokenProvider]
S1 --> AA[ConfigFileTokenProvider]
SP --> SPI[ISwapPathService]
SPI --> SSP[StaticSwapPathService]
D --> BB[VersionField]
D --> CC[Network Logo]
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style GP fill:#ffcccc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style G fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style V fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style W fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style R fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style SP fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style U fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style DD fill:#e6e6fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style X fill:#d8f0d8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style S1 fill:#d8f0d8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Y fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style AA fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style SSP fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef swapInterfaceText fill:#0fff,color:#000000,font-weight:bold
class J swapInterfaceText
classDef atlasRFQCoreText fill:#0fff,color:#000000,font-weight:bold
class G atlasRFQCoreText
classDef interfacesText fill:#dadb95,color:#000000,font-weight:bold
class S1,X,SPI interfacesText
classDef providerText fill:#c28894,color:#000000,font-weight:bold
class Y,AA,SSP providerText
classDef serviceText fill:#eef075,color:#677387,font-weight:bold
class V,W,R,SP,U,DD serviceText
classDef globalProviderText fill:#ffcccc,color:#000000,font-weight:bold
class GP globalProviderText
- Provides a global state management for the application
- Handles wallet connection and network configuration
- Provide a global state management for the application
- Handles wallet connection and network configuration
- Handles user input and settings
- Interacts with the SwapPathService and BaseSwapService
- Submits the swap to the Atlas SDK
- Responsible for orchestrating the swap process
- Determines swap path between token pairs
- Initially implements static routing through known high-liquidity pairs (WNATIVE/USDC)
- Generate swap routes for baseswaps between selected token pairs
- Maintain a list of high-liquidity token pairs for static routing
- Provide route information to other system components
- Handle cases where direct routes are unavailable
- Design for future extensibility to more dynamic routing algorithms
- Monitors the status of submitted transactions
- Provides access to past transaction statuses
- Registers monitor jobs for newly submitted transactions
- Keep track of all user transactions
- Update transaction statuses in real-time
- Persist transaction statuses for historical reference
- Notify other components (e.g., NotificationOverview) of status changes
- Interfaces with specific decentralized exchanges (DEXes) such as Uniswap and Quickswap
- Retrieves baseline quotes for token swaps
- Implement the IBaseSwapProvider interface
- Manage connections to different DEX providers (e.g., UniswapV2Provider, UniswapV3Provider, QuickswapProvider)
- Fetch real-time baseline quotes based on user input
- Construct and manage multicall requests for efficient quote retrieval
- Handle quote-related errors and edge cases
- Provide a standardized quote format regardless of the underlying DEX
- Fetches and manages token price data
- Provides up-to-date price information for supported tokens
- Regularly update token prices (e.g., every 2-3 minutes)
- Cache price data to reduce API calls
- Convert token amounts to their USD equivalent
- Handle network issues and API failures gracefully
- Manages the list of supported tokens
- Provides token metadata and balance information
- Implement the ITokenProvider interface
- Load token list from a configuration file (ConfigFileTokenProvider)
- Fetch token balances for connected wallets
- Provide methods to search and filter tokens
- Keep token metadata (symbol, name, decimals, etc.) up to date
- Integrates the Atlas SDK capabilities into the frontend application
- Manages the core interactions between the frontend and the Atlas framework
- User Operation Creation:
- Generate user operations based on swap intents input by users
- Handle necessary signing and validation of user operations
- Manages wallet connections and interactions using a wallet connection library (e.g., wagmi, Web3Modal, or RainbowKit)
- Provide a simple interface for connecting and disconnecting wallets
- Expose connected account information and network details
- Handle network switching requests
- Offer methods for transaction signing, including Atlas-specific operations
- Manage wallet connection state
- Stores and provides access to network-specific configurations for Atlas-RFQ Frontend
- Maintain a mapping of supported network configurations, including:
- Multicall contract addresses
- Atlas contract addresses
- Chain IDs
- Provide methods to retrieve configuration details for the current or a specified network
- Update configuration details when necessary (e.g., contract address changes)
Implementation Notes:
- Implemented as a simple service or context provider
- Does not handle network switching or detection (managed by wallet connection library)
- Coordinates with the Atlas SDK to ensure consistent network configurations