- Half-time epoch loss and metric output added for increased information
- Gradient clipping added
- Per-epoch details in validation output added
- Different types of normalization layer options added
- Hausdorff as a validation metric has been added
- Refactoring the training and inference code
- Added offline mechanism to generate padded images to improve training RAM requirements
- Pre-split training/validation data can now be provided
- Major code refactoring to make extensions easier
- Added a way to ignore a label during validation dice calculation
- Added more options for VGG
- Tests can now be run on GPU
- New scheduling options added
- New modality switch added for rad/path
- Class list can now be defined as a range
- Added option to train and infer on fused labels
- Rotation 90 and 180 augmentation added
- Cropping zero planes added for preprocessing
- Normalization options added
- Added option to save generated masks on validation and (if applicable) testing data
- Added PyVIPS support
- SubjectID-based split added
- 2D support added
- Pre-processing module added
- Added option to threshold or clip the input image
- Code consolidation
- Added generic DenseNet
- Added option to switch between Uniform and Label samplers
- Added histopathology input (patch-based extraction)
- Added full image validation for generating loss and dice scores
- Nested cross-validation added
- Collect statistics and plot them
- Weighted DICE computation for handling class imbalances in segmentation
- Added detailed documentation
- Added MSE from Torch
- Added option to parameterize model properties
- Final convolution layer (softmax/sigmoid/none)
- Added option to resize input dataset
- Added new regression architecture (VGG)
- Version checking in config file
- More scheduling options
- Automatic mixed precision training is now enabled by default
- Subject-based shuffle for training queue construction is now enabled by default
- Single place to parse and pass around parameters to make training/inference API easier to handle
- Configuration file mechanism switched to YAML
- First tag of GaNDLF
- Initial feature list:
- Supports multiple
- Deep Learning model architectures
- Channels/modalities
- Prediction classes
- Data augmentation
- Built-in cross validation
- Supports multiple