diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4796.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4796.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb3540b299..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4796.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-author: "rroqc"
-delete-after: True
- - bugfix: "plants no longer select reagent genes they already have while cross pollinating"
- - code_imp: "improves reagent cross pollination code\n:cl:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4797.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4797.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a78eb3634dc..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-4797.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-author: "AyIong"
-delete-after: True
- - rscadd: "Stat Panel now scales like a chat, depends on the font size. Defaults from the chat font size, but you can separate it."
- - refactor: "Refactored Stat Panel styles and Byond skin theme applying. Stat Panel now looks more like a TGUI"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/changelogs/archive/2024-07.yml b/html/changelogs/archive/2024-07.yml
index 4d966ba31f2..f7e60efeda0 100644
--- a/html/changelogs/archive/2024-07.yml
+++ b/html/changelogs/archive/2024-07.yml
@@ -1717,6 +1717,11 @@
- balance: TTV bombs can be implanted into people's chest once again
+ AyIong:
+ - rscadd: Stat Panel now scales like a chat, depends on the font size. Defaults
+ from the chat font size, but you can separate it.
+ - refactor: Refactored Stat Panel styles and Byond skin theme applying. Stat Panel
+ now looks more like a TGUI
- bugfix: All mining mobs now properly listen to the signals sent by attackers and
will respond appropriately.
@@ -1764,5 +1769,10 @@
- sound: leather, skins and cardboard have their own sound now
grungussuss and Kayozz:
- sound: more maintenance ambience has been added
+ rroqc:
+ - bugfix: plants no longer select reagent genes they already have while cross pollinating
+ - code_imp: 'improves reagent cross pollination code
+ :cl:'
- rscadd: Colonist modsuit skin can now be selected for the Entombed quirk