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A Whirlwind Introduction to Jerboa

The Very Basics

Integers are a thing. 2, 3, 4, 5. Integers are -2^31 to 2^31-1 and wrap.

Floats! 2.0, 3.0, 4., etc. 32-bit IEEE floats, the regular.

Bools have two values, true and false.

The value null exists. It is the default value.

Comments are done as in C: /* and */ mark a multiline comment, // marks the rest of the line as a comment.

Math is done by infix operators. The operator precedence is:

precedence operator meaning
0 || short-circuit or
1 && short-circuit and
2 < > <= >= == != comparisons
3 + - addition, subtraction
4 * / % multiplication, division, modulo
5 | arithmetic or
6 & arithmetic and

Postfix works, prefix doesn't. TODO. Also a += b is the same exactly as a = a + b.

Precedence can be enforced with parens, ie. (2 + 3) * 4. Evaluation is left to right.

Functions are expressions. A function is called with fun(param1, param2, param3). This has higher precedence than any infix operation.

Strings are defined using quote marks: "Hello World" or 'Hello World'.

The equality operation == may be overloaded - for instance, 2 == 2.0, and arrays are equal if all their elements are equal. For identity comparison, which yields true if two objects are identical, that is the same object, use the is operator: a is b is true iff a and b are the same object. So for instance, [2] is [2] is false, because those are two different array objects.

Note: ints, floats and bools with the same value are always the same object.


A Jerboa file consists of a list of statements.

Expressions are statements. When an expression is to be interpreted as a statement, it must be terminated by a semicolon.

A list of statements enclosed in brackets is a statement: { statement1; statement2; }

Branching is done via the if statement, as in

if (condition) statement;

Optionally, an else branch can be added.

if (condition) statement; else statement;

While loops and for loops work as in C, analogously.

while (condition) statement;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Loops may be marked using a label:

label:while (condition) statement;

When marked as such, break and continue can specify the loop to be broken using break label and continue label.


When evaluating a condition, we test a property called "truthiness" to disambiguate it from the boolean true and false values.

type truthiness
null always false
bool true if true, false if false
int true if not zero
float true if not zero
object always true

The "Boolean" operators in Jerboa are a bit unusual. They're short-circuiting, but operate on values, not bools.

a || b has the value of a if a is truthy, else b. If a is truthy, b is not evaluated.

a && b has the value of b if a is truthy, else a. If a is falsy, b is not evaluated.

Boolean logic falls out of this as a special case.


Variables must be declared before they can be used. To declare a variable, simply write var identifier;. The variable will start out with the value null. To initialize the variable, write var identifier = value;. To assign a value to a variable later, write identifier = value;. You can declare multiple variables at once by separating them with commas: var a = 2, b = 3;. Variables are scoped to the current block.

If you declare a variable with const identifier instead of var identifier, its immediate value cannot be changed.

Variable lookup proceeds lexically.

Note: Variable declarations are expressions. That means they can be used like this:

if (var foo = someFunction()) { print(foo); }


An object is something that contains a bunch of name-value pairs, called "properties", with each name being unique, as well as a "prototype" or "parent" which is another object, which may have its own prototype and so on until you reach an object whose prototype is null.

An object is made using an "object literal":

var object = {
  a = 5;
  b = 6;

Note the use of "=" as opposed to ":" in Javascript.

The values of the properties can be accessed with object.a. If a property is not found, the object's prototype will be searched, and then its prototype and so on. Accessing a missing property is an error. To check if a property can be accessed, you can use "a" in object, which will be true if object.a succeeds. Accessing a property this way is called "access as object".

To define a new object whose prototype is another object, use new:

var child = new object {
  c = 5;
print(child.a); // still works and prints 5 because a is in prototype
child.a = 8;

When you do not want to set any further properties, this works as a shortcut: var child = new object;.

Important: assigning a value to a property will always set it in the actual object, even if the value exists in a prototype.

Also important: assigning a property that is not in the object yet at all, is an error. Defining new properties should only be done by defining a new object with the old one as prototype. In case this cannot done, you can use the index operator.

An array is formed by using the an array literal:

var array = [2, 25, 254, 2573];

Array values are accessed via the index operator: array[2] == 254, array[3] = -7. Indexes are 0-based. Accessing past the end of the array is an error.

Properties can also be accessed via the index operator: object["a"]. This syntax allows you to use properties that cannot be identifiers. It works otherwise exactly the same as object access. The difference lies in assignment: while object.a will error if the identifier is not yet in the prototype hierarchy, object["a"] = 5; will happily define a as a property of object. This is called "access as array".


Functions are expressions with the following syntax: function(parameterlist) statement;.

When assigned to a variable, like var fn = function(a) { };, the following equivalent syntax should be used:

function fn(a) { }

The variable will be constant. A terminating semicolon is not required.

When method is used instead of function (as in, method(a) { }), the object that the method is called on is passed in as an implicit parameter called this. That is, if the method is called like object.method(5), then this is set to object inside the method.

Code inside a function may access variables declared outside it, even if the surrounding function has already returned. These variables will have the values that they had when their containing block ended.

Type constraints

Variables and object properties can be "[proto]type constrained" using the following syntax:

var a: int = 5
var obj = {
  a: int = 6;

When constrained, assigning a value with a different prototype to the variable will cause a runtime error.

Other stuff

Since every value is an object, the infix math shown earlier are simply properties of the "int" prototype. That is, 2*3+4 is the same as 2["*"](3)["+"](4).

Use instanceof to check if an object has another object as a prototype. To check types of values, simply use val instanceof int, float or bool.

Most operations will error if their arguments are missing. To avoid if-heavy code, use the "conditional access" operators: a?.b, which is null if a is null or b is not in it, a?[b] likewise, and a?(), which is null if a is null and calls it otherwise. When a condition fails, the rest of the "property expression" - ie. any chain of a.b, a[b] and a(b) - is not evaluated.

Objects may be marked as "frozen" using Object.freeze(object). In this state, values of keys in the object may no longer be modified through any means.

Objects may be marked as "closed" using Object.close(object). In this state, no new keys may be added to the object.

These states are occasionally useful for optimization. For instance, accesses to a const frozen object may be replaced with their values.

Fun trivia: Ints aren't really objects internally, but they act like closed frozen objects for all intents and purposes.

Source file management

To import other files, use the function require(filename). require(filename) executes the given file, using a search path of /usr/share/jerboa, $HOME/.local/share/jerboa (more specifically, following the XDG spec), and then the current directory; it then returns all variables defined in the toplevel as an object. Multiple calls to require for the same file will result in the same object being returned.

Note: when importing libraries, such as var gl = require('c/opengl.jb'), it is strongly recommended to make the module variable const, as in const gl = require('c/opengl.jb'). Doing so allows calls to imported functions to be more effectively optimized.

Standard Functions and Objects

  • int: prototype of integer values, used for instanceof tests and constraints
    • int.parse() parse string as int
  • float: prototype of floating point values
    • float.toInt() to cast to int
  • bool: prototype of boolean values
  • function: prototype of function expressions
    • function.apply(this, array): call a function, with array used for arguments
    •, arg, arg, arg): call a function, with arg used for arguments
  • string
    • prototype of strings
    • string["+"]: string concatenation is implemented with the addition operator
    • string.startsWith(fragment): returns the rest of the string if it starts with fragment, null otherwise
    • string.endsWith(fragment): returns the front of the string if it ends with fragment, null otherwise
    • string.slice(from, to): return a substring from from to to, 0-based
    • string.find(marker): return the offset into the string where marker was found, or -1 otherwise
    • string.replace(marker, replacement): replace marker with replacement in string
  • require(filename): execute filename, then return the defined variables as an object.
  • print(arg, arg, arg): print given values to stdout in an appropriate format. Useful for debugging.
  • assert(condition, message): aborts with message if condition is falsy.
  • Math: maths functions
    • Math.sin(x): sine function, domain of 0..2π
    • Math.cos(x): cosine function, domain of 0..2π
    • Math.tan(x): tangent function, domain of -π/2..π/2
    • Math.log(x): natural logarithm
    • Math.sqrt(x): square root
    • Math.pow(base, exp): exponentiation function
    • Math.max(arg, ...): the maximum of its arguments
    • Math.min(arg, ...): the minimum of its arguments
  • Object: Not the prototype of all objects; merely a collection of useful object-management functions
    • Object.keys(obj): returns an array of all (string) keys in the object. Array keys are not returned.
    • Object.freeze(obj): freezes the object, preventing all future changes of defined values
    • Object.close(obj): closes the object, preventing all future definitions of new values