assuming you install from endeavour, that will not come with kitty by default. So, you must install it so that you can open things in hyprland once it's installed
sudo pacman -S kitty #Terminal
sudo pacman -S wl-clipboard cliphist # Wayland compatible clipboard
sudo pacman -S hyprland
# Notification display. This or another notification daemon MUST be installed so
# that notifications work properly
sudo pacman -S dunst
sudo pacman -S polkit-kde-agent # Authentication agent (popup when trying to do root things in GUI)
sudo pacman -S nvim
sudo pacman -S ripgrep
sudo pacman -S tmux # tmux
# Used for sessionizer thing in tmux
sudo pacman -S go && go install
yay -S rofi-wayland # App launcher
sudo pacman -S waybar # Top bar
sudo pacman -S stow # stow
sudo pacman -S hyprpaper
sudo pacman -S ttf-cascadia-code-nerd
yay -S ttf-space-grotesk
sudo pacman -S ttf-font-awesome