Contact: Huihuo Zheng [email protected]
In the distributed training, all the workers compute the loss and gradients with respect to the sub-minibatch of dataset. It then synchronize the loss and gradients across all the workers. This is typicall done by communication libraries such as MPI or NCCL, CCL, Gloo.
In this example, we would like to do a flat profiling on the MPI communication involved in the training. We use a library called mpitrace by Bob Walker (IBM). The only thing you need to do is setting the LD_PRELOAD
- On ThetaGPU
export LD_PRELOAD=/lus/theta-fs0/software/datascience/thetagpu/hpctw/lib/
- On Theta
export LD_PRELOAD=/soft/perftools/hpctw/NONE/
Then after the run, in your job directory, it will output the MPI profiling results mpi_profile.XXXXX.RANKID. It shows a histogram of the MPI communications.
To run the examples
- Theta
cd theta/
- ThetaGPU
cd thetagpu/
The following show the results for example we provided in the distributed data parallel training. We find that
- On CPU, the MPI communication involves are mostly MPI_Allreduce. In this example, 8 byte Allreduce dominate the communication. This is from negotiation stage where the application is checking the tensors accross the workers which are ready to be reduced.
- On GPU, however, we do not see too much MPI_Allreduce, since the communication is done through NCCL.
Data for MPI rank 0 of 32:
Times and statistics from MPI_Init() to MPI_Finalize().
MPI Routine #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
MPI_Comm_rank 5 0.0 0.000
MPI_Comm_size 3 0.0 0.000
MPI_Bcast 261 713382.3 0.743
MPI_Allreduce 47108 247017.5 250.492
MPI_Gather 112 4.0 0.085
MPI_Gatherv 112 0.0 0.007
MPI_Allgather 2 4.0 0.000
MPI task 0 of 32 had the minimum communication time.
total communication time = 251.328 seconds.
total elapsed time = 317.922 seconds.
user cpu time = 8761.318 seconds.
system time = 308.435 seconds.
max resident set size = 1177.191 MBytes.
Rank 3 reported the largest memory utilization : 1177.88 MBytes
Rank 0 reported the largest elapsed time : 317.92 sec
Message size distributions:
MPI_Bcast #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
117 4.0 0.005
101 25.0 0.002
2 40.0 0.000
2 256.0 0.000
6 283.7 0.000
8 867.2 0.000
3 1573.7 0.000
1 2121.0 0.000
3 6232.3 0.000
4 16384.0 0.046
2 163840.0 0.002
2 442368.0 0.051
6 2850816.0 0.085
2 16777216.0 0.114
2 67108864.0 0.437
MPI_Allreduce #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
20 4.0 0.001
45773 8.0 214.933
124 40.0 0.137
16 256.0 0.002
43 952.6 0.006
12 1536.0 0.002
124 7135.0 0.026
125 16384.0 0.282
125 163840.3 0.954
124 443061.7 0.230
372 2851875.8 3.562
125 16865650.7 5.794
125 67108864.0 24.563
MPI_Gather #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
112 4.0 0.085
MPI_Allgather #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
2 4.0 0.000
Communication summary for all tasks:
minimum communication time = 251.328 sec for task 0
median communication time = 273.408 sec for task 26
maximum communication time = 278.406 sec for task 28
MPI timing summary for all ranks:
taskid hostname comm(s) elapsed(s) user(s) system(s) size(MB) switches
0 nid00102 251.33 317.92 8761.32 308.44 1177.19 634913
1 nid00102 267.30 317.92 4895.77 158.60 1168.41 257482
2 nid00102 269.22 317.92 4937.79 160.15 1165.58 253738
3 nid00102 269.65 317.92 5059.87 157.44 1177.88 265483
Data for MPI rank 0 of 8:
Times and statistics from MPI_Init() to MPI_Finalize().
MPI Routine #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
MPI_Comm_rank 5 0.0 0.000
MPI_Comm_size 3 0.0 0.000
MPI_Bcast 64 129.3 0.000
MPI_Barrier 1 0.0 0.001
MPI_Allreduce 8758 8.0 6.038
MPI_Gather 29 4.0 0.007
MPI_Gatherv 29 0.0 0.000
MPI_Allgather 2 4.0 0.000
total communication time = 6.047 seconds.
total elapsed time = 49.737 seconds.
user cpu time = 28.839 seconds.
system time = 58.022 seconds.
max resident set size = 4025.664 MBytes.
Rank 2 reported the largest memory utilization : 4045.00 MBytes
Rank 1 reported the largest elapsed time : 49.85 sec
Message size distributions:
MPI_Bcast #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
34 4.0 0.000
17 25.0 0.000
1 128.0 0.000
8 211.0 0.000
1 281.0 0.000
1 569.0 0.000
2 2525.0 0.000
MPI_Allreduce #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
40 4.0 0.002
8718 8.0 6.036
Data for MPI rank 0 of 8:
Times and statistics from MPI_Init() to MPI_Finalize().
MPI Routine #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
MPI_Comm_rank 5 0.0 0.000
MPI_Comm_size 3 0.0 0.000
MPI_Bcast 91 2046004.3 0.136
MPI_Allreduce 123445 739019.0 109.085
MPI_Gather 27 4.0 0.001
MPI_Gatherv 27 0.0 0.000
MPI_Allgather 2 4.0 0.000
MPI task 0 of 8 had the median communication time.
total communication time = 109.223 seconds.
total elapsed time = 671.970 seconds.
user cpu time = 883.652 seconds.
system time = 583.520 seconds.
max resident set size = 820.883 MBytes.
Rank 2 reported the largest memory utilization : 839.72 MBytes
Rank 2 reported the largest elapsed time : 671.97 sec
Message size distributions:
MPI_Bcast #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
32 4.0 0.000
12 25.0 0.000
2 40.0 0.000
15 219.5 0.000
6 938.7 0.000
2 1536.0 0.000
2 2525.0 0.000
2 6912.0 0.000
4 16384.0 0.002
2 163840.0 0.001
2 442368.0 0.001
6 2850816.0 0.024
2 16777216.0 0.023
2 67108864.0 0.084
MPI_Allreduce #calls avg. bytes time(sec)
40 4.0 0.000
115190 8.0 12.123
24 40.0 0.000
6 256.0 0.000
18 1024.0 0.000
9 1536.0 0.000
648 7181.0 0.030
980 16384.0 0.081
980 163879.0 0.319
980 445554.2 0.640
2610 2914170.0 9.014
980 17588391.2 17.817
980 67108864.0 69.061