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168 lines (116 loc) · 7.13 KB

File metadata and controls

168 lines (116 loc) · 7.13 KB

Sparklyr 0.6.0 (UNRELEASED)

  • Added support to specify a vector of column names in spark_read_csv to specify column names without having to set the type of each column.

  • Improved copy_to, sdf_copy_to and dbWriteTable performance under yarn-client mode.

  • Added tbl_change_tb(). This function changes current database.

  • Added sdf_pivot(). This function provides a mechanism for constructing pivot tables, using Spark's 'groupBy' + 'pivot' functionality, with a formula interface similar to that of reshape2::dcast().

  • Spark Null objects (objects of class NullType) discovered within numeric vectors are now collected as NAs, rather than lists of NAs.

  • Fixed warning while connecting with livy and improved 401 message.

  • Fixed issue in spark_read_parquet() and other read methods in which spark_normalize_path() would not work in some platforms while loading data using custom protocols like s3n:// for Amazon S3.

  • Added ft_count_vectorizer(). This function can be used to transform columns of a Spark DataFrame so that they might be used as input to ml_lda(). This should make it easier to invoke ml_lda() on Spark data sets.

  • Added support for the sparklyr.ui.connections option, which adds additional connection options into the new connections dialog. The rstudio.spark.connections option is now deprecated.

  • Implemented the "new connection dialog" as a Shiny application to be able to support newer versions of RStudio that deprecate current connections ui.

  • Improved performance of sample_n() and sample_frac() by using TABLESAMPLE query.

  • Resolved issue in spark_save() / load_table() to support saving / loading data and added path parameter in spark_load_table() for consistency with other functions.

Sparklyr 0.5.0

  • Implemented basic authorization for Livy connections using livy_config_auth().

  • Added support to specify additional spark-submit parameters using the environment variable.

  • Renamed sdf_load() and sdf_save() to spark_read() and spark_write() for consistency.

  • The functions tbl_cache() and tbl_uncache() can now be using without requiring the dplyr namespace to be loaded.

  • spark_read_csv(..., columns = <...>, header = FALSE) should now work as expected -- previously, sparklyr would still attempt to normalize the column names provided.

  • Support to configure Livy using the livy. prefix in the config.yml file.

  • Implemented experimental support for Livy through: livy_install(), livy_service_start(), livy_service_stop() and spark_connect(method = "livy").

  • The ml routines now accept data as an optional argument, to support calls of the form e.g. ml_linear_regression(y ~ x, data = data). This should be especially helpful in conjunction with dplyr::do().

  • Spark DenseVector and SparseVector objects are now deserialized as R numeric vectors, rather than Spark objects. This should make it easier to work with the output produced by sdf_predict() with Random Forest models, for example.

  • Implemented dim.tbl_spark(). This should ensure that dim(), nrow() and ncol() all produce the expected result with tbl_sparks.

  • Improved Spark 2.0 installation in Windows by creating spark-defaults.conf and configuring spark.sql.warehouse.dir.

  • Embedded Apache Spark package dependencies to avoid requiring internet connectivity while connecting for the first through spark_connect. The sparklyr.csv.embedded config setting was added to configure a regular expression to match Spark versions where the embedded package is deployed.

  • Increased exception callstack and message length to include full error details when an exception is thrown in Spark.

  • Improved validation of supported Java versions.

  • The spark_read_csv() function now accepts the infer_schema parameter, controlling whether the columns schema should be inferred from the underlying file itself. Disabling this should improve performance when the schema is known beforehand.

  • Added a do_.tbl_spark implementation, allowing for the execution of dplyr::do statements on Spark DataFrames. Currently, the computation is performed in serial across the different groups specified on the Spark DataFrame; in the future we hope to explore a parallel implementation. Note that do_ always returns a tbl_df rather than a tbl_spark, as the objects produced within a do_ query may not necessarily be Spark objects.

  • Improved errors, warnings and fallbacks for unsupported Spark versions.

  • sparklyr now defaults to tar = "internal" in its calls to untar(). This should help resolve issues some Windows users have seen related to an inability to connect to Spark, which ultimately were caused by a lack of permissions on the Spark installation.

  • Resolved an issue where copy_to() and other R => Spark data transfer functions could fail when the last column contained missing / empty values. (#265)

  • Added sdf_persist() as a wrapper to the Spark DataFrame persist() API.

  • Resolved an issue where predict() could produce results in the wrong order for large Spark DataFrames.

  • Implemented support for na.action with the various Spark ML routines. The value of getOption("na.action") is used by default. Users can customize the na.action argument through the ml.options object accepted by all ML routines.

  • On Windows, long paths, and paths containing spaces, are now supported within calls to spark_connect().

  • The lag() window function now accepts numeric values for n. Previously, only integer values were accepted. (#249)

  • Added support to configure Ppark environment variables using spark.env.* config.

  • Added support for the Tokenizer and RegexTokenizer feature transformers. These are exported as the ft_tokenizer() and ft_regex_tokenizer() functions.

  • Resolved an issue where attempting to call copy_to() with an R data.frame containing many columns could fail with a Java StackOverflow. (#244)

  • Resolved an issue where attempting to call collect() on a Spark DataFrame containing many columns could produce the wrong result. (#242)

  • Added support to parameterize network timeouts using the sparklyr.backend.timeout, sparklyr.gateway.start.timeout and sparklyr.gateway.connect.timeout config settings.

  • Improved logging while establishing connections to sparklyr.

  • Added sparklyr.gateway.port and sparklyr.gateway.address as config settings.

  • The spark_log() function now accepts the filter parameter. This can be used to filter entries within the Spark log.

  • Increased network timeout for sparklyr.backend.timeout.

  • Moved spark.jars.default setting from options to Spark config.

  • sparklyr now properly respects the Hive metastore directory with the sdf_save_table() and sdf_load_table() APIs for Spark < 2.0.0.

  • Added sdf_quantile() as a means of computing (approximate) quantiles for a column of a Spark DataFrame.

  • Added support for n_distinct(...) within the dplyr interface, based on call to Hive function count(DISTINCT ...). (#220)

Sparklyr 0.4.0

  • First release to CRAN.