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Allen edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 17 revisions

The editor is a powerful tool, it allows you to not only edit existing Pokemon, but also allows you to generate new ones as well.

Editing an existing Pokemon

To begin, move your cursor over an existing Pokemon and press A on it

This will bring you to another screen:

Top screen

The top screen displays the following information

  • Species Name
  • Gender
  • Level
  • Nickname
  • OT (Original Trainer)
  • Pokerus status (does it have Pokerus or not)
  • Nature
  • Ability
  • Item held
  • ESV/TSV (Egg Shiny Value/Trainer Shiny Value)
  • TID/SID (Trainer ID/Secret ID)
  • CT/OT F.ship (Current trainer/Original trainer friendship)
  • Hidden Power type
  • HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed stats
  • Moves known by the Pokemon

Bottom screen

The bottom screen allows you to begin modifying information, right off the bat on the screen you can modify the following

  • Species Type
  • Gender
  • Level
  • Nature
  • Ability
  • Item held
  • Shiny status (is it shiny or not)
  • Pokerus status
  • OT
  • Nickname
  • Friendship level

There are also 4 additional buttons on the screen that take you to different parts of the editor.


The stats screen changes the bottom screen while keeping the top screen from the previous editor screen (except when changing hidden power, as it will change to list the hidden power you wish to select)

The bottom screen while in stats editing mode allows you to change the following

  • IV/EV
    • HP
    • Attack
    • Defense
    • Special Attack
    • Special Defense
    • Speed
  • Hidden Power (note depending on your stats above, it will determine your hidden power, by changing your hidden power, you also change the IV)

You can press B to return to the previous screen


As before, the top screen remains the same (except when selecting a move, similar to selecting a hidden power)

The bottom screen allows you to change the following

  • Current known moves
  • Relearn moves

As before press B to return to the previous screen

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