Student project for DHBW-Friedrichshafen to search for restaurant or recipe suggestions.
Go to ReadTheDocs:
See GitHub-Pages
If you want to run it make sure you habe a GoogleAPI KEY
The Application use Geocoding, place-details and nearby-search
!!! The GoogleAPI Requests are not for free, so pay attention on the pricing !!!
To run the application install the requirements:
pip install requirements.txt
poetry install --no-dev
If you dont have a PostgreSQL Database use .env-example1
with only the GOOGLE_API. With this Configuration it will create a SQL-Lite DB in the app folder. Not Recommended for Production!
# Copy the Example
cp .env-example1 .env
# Edit the File
nano .env
If you have a PostgreSQL Database use .env-example2
# Copy the Example
cp .env-example2 .env
# Edit the File
nano .env
You also can build a docker container
git clone
cd essensfindung
docker build essensfindung .
If you dont have a PostgreSQL Database start the container:
docker run -p 8080:80 \
-v /essensfindung/app/data \
--name essensfindung \
If you have a PostgreSQL Database:
docker run -p 8080:80 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_SERVER=localhost \
-e POSTGRES_DATABASE=essensfindung \
--name essensfindung \
See the docker-compose.yml
Python-Verison 3.9 or higher
You can use pyenv to manage you virtual envioremnts.
pyenv install 3.9.7
pyenv rehash
pyenv global 3.9.7
Please formatt your Code with black and validate it with flake8 and pylint.
If you use git on console the pre-commit will take affect automatically. This will format the code to reduce merge conflicts and ensure some type of standards.
To activate the automaticall validation type:
pre-commit install
If you want to manuall start the pre-commit check run:
pre-commit run
To develop on this project we recommend to use venv.
You can use some extra tools like:
- pyenv (manage the global python version you can use)
- pipx (install global packages for all you venv's),
- poetry (manage the local venv)
To install the requierd dependencies via poetry do:
poetry install
To add a developer only dependencies do:
poetry add -D [Package] [Package]...
poetry export --dev -f requirements.txt -o requirements-dev.txt
To add a production dependencies do:
poetry add [Package] [Package]...
poetry export -f requirements.txt -o requirements.txt
To install the requierd dependencies via pip:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Here you have to manuel manage the requirements.txt files. Use a fixed versions only.