diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/camera_static.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/camera_static.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb3436a7a4..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/camera_static.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- name = "Camera static"
- documentation = "Holds camera static images. Usually only visible to people who can well, see static.\
We use images rather then vis contents because they're lighter on maptick, and maptick sucks butt."
- . = ..()
- if(!.)
- return
- var/datum/hud/our_hud = home.our_hud
- if(isnull(our_hud))
- return
- // We'll hide the slate if we're not seeing through a camera eye
- // This can call on a cycle cause we don't clear in hide_from
- // Yes this is the best way of hooking into the hud, I hate myself too
- RegisterSignal(our_hud, COMSIG_HUD_EYE_CHANGED, PROC_REF(eye_changed), override = TRUE)
- eye_changed(our_hud, null, our_hud.mymob?.canon_client?.eye)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/camera_static/proc/eye_changed(datum/hud/source, atom/old_eye, atom/new_eye)
- if(!isaicamera(new_eye))
- if(!force_hidden)
- hide_plane(source.mymob)
- return
- if(force_hidden)
- unhide_plane(source.mymob)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/clickcatcher.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/clickcatcher.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e581dc081c..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/clickcatcher.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- name = "Click Catcher"
- documentation = "Contains the screen object we use as a backdrop to catch clicks on portions of the screen that would otherwise contain nothing else. \
Will always be below almost everything else"
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- multiz_scaled = FALSE
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/clickcatcher/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- RegisterSignal(SSmapping, COMSIG_PLANE_OFFSET_INCREASE, PROC_REF(offset_increased))
- offset_increased(SSmapping, 0, SSmapping.max_plane_offset)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/clickcatcher/proc/offset_increased(datum/source, old_off, new_off)
- // We only want need the lowest level
- // If my system better supported changing PM plane values mid op I'd do that, but I do NOT so
- if(new_off > offset)
- hide_plane(home?.our_hud?.mymob)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/core_game_planes.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/core_game_planes.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 89379070b35..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/core_game_planes.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-//-------------------- FLOOR PLANE --------------------
-///Contains just the floor
- name = "Floor"
- documentation = "The well, floor. This is mostly used as a sorting mechanism, but it also lets us create a \"border\" around the game world plane, so its drop shadow will actually work."
- plane = FLOOR_PLANE
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
- name = "Transparent Floor"
- documentation = "Really just openspace, stuff that is a turf but has no color or alpha whatsoever.\
We use this to draw to just the light mask plane, cause if it's not there we get holes of blackness over openspace"
- render_relay_planes = list(LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
- // Needs to be critical or it uh, it'll look white
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/floor/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_FLOOR_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
-//-------------------- WALL PLANE --------------------
- name = "Wall"
- documentation = "Holds all walls. We render this onto the game world. Separate so we can use this + space and floor planes as a guide for where byond blackness is NOT."
- plane = WALL_PLANE
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/wall/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_WALL_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
- name = "Upper wall"
- documentation = "There are some walls that want to render above most things (mostly minerals since they shift over.\
We draw them to their own plane so we can hijack them for our emissive mask stuff"
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/wall_upper/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_WALL_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
-//-------------------- AREA PLANE --------------------
- name = "Area"
- documentation = "Holds the areas themselves, which ends up meaning it holds any overlays/effects we apply to areas. NOT snow or rad storms, those go on above lighting"
- plane = AREA_PLANE
-//-------------------- GAME PLANES --------------------
- name = "Lower game world"
- documentation = "Exists mostly because of FOV shit. Basically, if you've just got a normal not ABOVE fov thing, and you don't want it masked, stick it here yeah?"
- plane = GAME_PLANE
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
- name = "High Game"
- documentation = "Holds anything that wants to be displayed above the rest of the game plane, and doesn't want to be clickable. \
This includes atmos debug overlays, blind sound images, and mining scanners. \
Really only exists for its layering potential, we don't use this for any vfx"
-//-------------------- FOV PLANES --------------------
- name = "lower game world fov hidden"
- documentation = "If you want something to be hidden by fov, stick it on this plane. We're masked by the fov blocker plane, so the items on us can actually well, disappear."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/game_world_fov_hidden/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
- . = ..()
- add_filter("vision_cone", 1, alpha_mask_filter(render_source = OFFSET_RENDER_TARGET(FIELD_OF_VISION_BLOCKER_RENDER_TARGET, offset), flags = MASK_INVERSE))
- name = "Field of vision blocker"
- documentation = "This is one of those planes that's only used as a filter. It masks out things that want to be hidden by fov.\
Literally just contains FOV images, or masks."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list()
- // We do NOT allow offsetting, because there's no case where you would want to block only one layer, at least currently
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
- start_hidden = TRUE
- // We mark as multiz_scaled FALSE so transforms don't effect us, and we draw to the planes below us as if they were us.
- // This is safe because we will ALWAYS be on the top z layer, so it DON'T MATTER
- multiz_scaled = FALSE
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/field_of_vision_blocker/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- mirror_parent_hidden()
- name = "Above game world"
- documentation = "We need a place that's unmasked by fov that also draws above the upper game world fov hidden plane. I told you fov was hacky man."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
- name = "Upper game world"
- documentation = "Ok so fov is kinda fucky, because planes in byond serve both as effect groupings and as rendering orderers. Since that's true, we need a plane that we can stick stuff that draws above fov blocked stuff on."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
- name = "Upper game world fov hidden"
- documentation = "Just as we need a place to draw things \"above\" the hidden fov plane, we also need to be able to hide stuff that draws over the upper game plane."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/game_world_upper_fov_hidden/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
- . = ..()
- // Dupe of the other hidden plane
- add_filter("vision_cone", 1, alpha_mask_filter(render_source = OFFSET_RENDER_TARGET(FIELD_OF_VISION_BLOCKER_RENDER_TARGET, offset), flags = MASK_INVERSE))
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/default.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/default.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index f4f49f5bdd8..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/default.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Plane master that byond will by default draw to
- * Shouldn't be used, exists to prevent people using plane 0
- * NOTE: If we used SEE_BLACKNESS on a map format that wasn't SIDE_MAP, this is where its darkness would land
- * This would allow us to control it and do fun things. But we can't because side map doesn't support it, so this is just a stub
- */
- name = "Default"
- documentation = "This is quite fiddly, so bear with me. By default (in byond) everything in the game is rendered onto plane 0. It's the default plane. \
But, because we've moved everything we control off plane 0, all that's left is stuff byond internally renders. \
What I'd like to do with this is capture byond blackness by giving mobs the SEE_BLACKNESS sight flag. \
But we CAN'T because SEE_BLACKNESS does not work with our rendering format. So I just eat it I guess"
- multiz_scaled = FALSE
- start_hidden = TRUE // Doesn't DO anything, exists to hold this place
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/in_world_chat.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/in_world_chat.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7d327b8fb..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/in_world_chat.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- name = "Runechat"
- documentation = "Holds runechat images, that text that pops up when someone say something. Uses a dropshadow to well, look nice."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- . = ..()
- if(!.)
- return
- remove_filter("AO")
- if(istype(mymob) && mymob.canon_client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/ambient_occlusion))
- add_filter("AO", 1, drop_shadow_filter(x = 0, y = -2, size = 4, color = "#04080FAA"))
- name = "Balloon chat"
- documentation = "Holds ballon chat images, those little text bars that pop up for a second when you do some things. NOT runechat."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/lighting.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/lighting.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac4139b78f..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/lighting.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-///Contains all turf lighting
- name = "Turf Lighting"
- documentation = "Contains all lighting drawn to turfs. Not so complex, draws directly onto the lighting plate."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_LIGHTING)
- blend_mode_override = BLEND_ADD
-/// This will not work through multiz, because of a byond bug with BLEND_MULTIPLY
-/// Bug report is up, waiting on a fix
- name = "Overlight light visual"
- documentation = "Holds overlay lighting objects, or the sort of lighting that's a well, overlay stuck to something.\
Exists because lighting updating is really slow, and movement needs to feel smooth.\
We draw to the game plane, and mask out space for ourselves on the lighting plane so any color we have has the chance to display."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- blend_mode = BLEND_MULTIPLY
- name = "Above lighting"
- documentation = "Anything on the game plane that needs a space to draw on that will be above the lighting plane.\
Mostly little alerts and effects, also sometimes contains things that are meant to look as if they glow."
- * Handles emissive overlays and emissive blockers.
- */
- name = "Emissive"
- documentation = "Holds things that will be used to mask the lighting plane later on. Masked by the Emissive Mask plane to ensure we don't emiss out under a wall.\
Relayed onto the Emissive render plane to do the actual masking of lighting, since we need to be transformed and other emissive stuff needs to be transformed too.\
Don't want to double scale now."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/parallax.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/parallax.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index ee49ab17700..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/parallax.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- name = "Parallax whitifier"
- documentation = "Essentially a backdrop for the parallax plane. We're rendered just below it, so we'll be multiplied by its well, parallax.\
If you want something to look as if it has parallax on it, draw it to this plane."
- plane = PLANE_SPACE
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
- critical = PLANE_CRITICAL_FUCKO_PARALLAX // goes funny when touched. no idea why I don't trust byond
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax_white/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_SPACE_LAYER)
-///Contains space parallax
- name = "Parallax"
- documentation = "Contains parallax, or to be more exact the screen objects that hold parallax.\
Note the BLEND_MULTIPLY. The trick here is how low our plane value is. Because of that, we draw below almost everything in the game.\
We abuse this to ensure we multiply against the Parallax whitifier plane, or space's plane. It's set to full white, so when you do the multiply you just get parallax out where it well, makes sense to be.\
Also notice that the parent parallax plane is mirrored down to all children. We want to support viewing parallax across all z levels at once."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- blend_mode = BLEND_MULTIPLY
- multiz_scaled = FALSE
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
- . = ..()
- if(offset != 0)
- // You aren't the source? don't change yourself
- return
- RegisterSignal(SSmapping, COMSIG_PLANE_OFFSET_INCREASE, PROC_REF(on_offset_increase))
- RegisterSignal(SSdcs, COMSIG_NARSIE_SUMMON_UPDATE, PROC_REF(narsie_modified))
- if(GLOB.narsie_summon_count >= 1)
- narsie_start_midway(GLOB.narsie_effect_last_modified) // We assume we're on the start, so we can use this number
- offset_increase(0, SSmapping.max_plane_offset)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/on_offset_increase(datum/source, old_offset, new_offset)
- offset_increase(old_offset, new_offset)
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/offset_increase(old_offset, new_offset)
- // Parallax will be mirrored down to any new planes that are added, so it will properly render across mirage borders
- for(var/offset in old_offset to new_offset)
- if(offset != 0)
- // Overlay so we don't multiply twice, and thus fuck up our rendering
- add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(plane, offset), BLEND_OVERLAY)
-// Hacky shit to ensure parallax works in perf mode
- if(offset == 0)
- remove_relay_from(GET_NEW_PLANE(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, 0))
- is_outside_bounds = TRUE // I'm sorry :(
- return
- // If we can't render, and we aren't the bottom layer, don't render us
- // This way we only multiply against stuff that's not fullwhite space
- var/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parent_parallax = home.our_hud.get_plane_master(PLANE_SPACE_PARALLAX)
- var/turf/viewing_turf = get_turf(relevant)
- if(!viewing_turf || offset != GET_LOWEST_STACK_OFFSET(viewing_turf.z))
- parent_parallax.remove_relay_from(plane)
- else
- parent_parallax.add_relay_to(plane, BLEND_OVERLAY)
- return ..()
- if(offset == 0)
- is_outside_bounds = FALSE
- return
- // Always readd, just in case we lost it
- var/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parent_parallax = home.our_hud.get_plane_master(PLANE_SPACE_PARALLAX)
- parent_parallax.add_relay_to(plane, BLEND_OVERLAY)
- return ..()
-// Needs to handle rejoining on a lower z level, so we NEED to readd old planes
- // If we're outside bounds AND we're the 0th plane, we need to show cause parallax is hacked to hell
- return offset != 0 && is_outside_bounds
-/// Starts the narsie animation midway, so we can catch up to everyone else quickly
- var/time_elapsed = world.time - start_time
- narsie_summoned_effect(max(16 SECONDS - time_elapsed, 0))
-/// Starts the narsie animation, make us grey, then red
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/narsie_modified(datum/source, new_count)
- if(new_count >= 1)
- narsie_summoned_effect(16 SECONDS)
- else
- narsie_unsummoned()
- if(GLOB.narsie_summon_count >= 2)
- var/static/list/nightmare_parallax = list(255,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1, -130,0,0,0)
- animate(src, color = nightmare_parallax, time = animate_time)
- return
- var/static/list/grey_parallax = list(0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0,0,0,1, -0.1,-0.1,-0.1,0)
- // We're gonna animate ourselves grey
- // Then, once it's done, about 40 seconds into the event itself, we're gonna start doin some shit. see below
- animate(src, color = grey_parallax, time = animate_time)
- animate(src, color = null, time = 8 SECONDS)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/pipecrawl.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/pipecrawl.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index cb75135e1a4..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/pipecrawl.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- name = "Pipecrawl"
- documentation = "Holds pipecrawl images generated during well, pipecrawling.\
Has a few effects and a funky color matrix designed to make things a bit more visually readable."
- start_hidden = TRUE
-/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/pipecrawl/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
- . = ..()
- // Makes everything on this plane slightly brighter
- // Has a nice effect, makes thing stand out
- color = list(1.2,0,0,0, 0,1.2,0,0, 0,0,1.2,0, 0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,0)
- // This serves a similar purpose, I want the pipes to pop
- add_filter("pipe_dropshadow", 1, drop_shadow_filter(x = -1, y= -1, size = 1, color = "#0000007A"))
- mirror_parent_hidden()
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/plane_master_subtypes.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/plane_master_subtypes.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8988b2f7f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/plane_master_subtypes.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ name = "Click Catcher"
+ documentation = "Contains the screen object we use as a backdrop to catch clicks on portions of the screen that would otherwise contain nothing else. \
Will always be below almost everything else"
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ multiz_scaled = FALSE
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/clickcatcher/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ RegisterSignal(SSmapping, COMSIG_PLANE_OFFSET_INCREASE, PROC_REF(offset_increased))
+ offset_increased(SSmapping, 0, SSmapping.max_plane_offset)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/clickcatcher/proc/offset_increased(datum/source, old_off, new_off)
+ // We only want need the lowest level
+ // If my system better supported changing PM plane values mid op I'd do that, but I do NOT so
+ if(new_off > offset)
+ hide_plane(home?.our_hud?.mymob)
+ name = "Parallax whitifier"
+ documentation = "Essentially a backdrop for the parallax plane. We're rendered just below it, so we'll be multiplied by its well, parallax.\
If you want something to look as if it has parallax on it, draw it to this plane."
+ plane = PLANE_SPACE
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
+ critical = PLANE_CRITICAL_FUCKO_PARALLAX // goes funny when touched. no idea why I don't trust byond
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax_white/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_SPACE_LAYER)
+///Contains space parallax
+ name = "Parallax"
+ documentation = "Contains parallax, or to be more exact the screen objects that hold parallax.\
Note the BLEND_MULTIPLY. The trick here is how low our plane value is. Because of that, we draw below almost everything in the game.\
We abuse this to ensure we multiply against the Parallax whitifier plane, or space's plane. It's set to full white, so when you do the multiply you just get parallax out where it well, makes sense to be.\
Also notice that the parent parallax plane is mirrored down to all children. We want to support viewing parallax across all z levels at once."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ blend_mode = BLEND_MULTIPLY
+ multiz_scaled = FALSE
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ if(offset != 0)
+ // You aren't the source? don't change yourself
+ return
+ RegisterSignal(SSmapping, COMSIG_PLANE_OFFSET_INCREASE, PROC_REF(on_offset_increase))
+ RegisterSignal(SSdcs, COMSIG_NARSIE_SUMMON_UPDATE, PROC_REF(narsie_modified))
+ if(GLOB.narsie_summon_count >= 1)
+ narsie_start_midway(GLOB.narsie_effect_last_modified) // We assume we're on the start, so we can use this number
+ offset_increase(0, SSmapping.max_plane_offset)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/on_offset_increase(datum/source, old_offset, new_offset)
+ offset_increase(old_offset, new_offset)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/offset_increase(old_offset, new_offset)
+ // Parallax will be mirrored down to any new planes that are added, so it will properly render across mirage borders
+ for(var/offset in old_offset to new_offset)
+ if(offset != 0)
+ // Overlay so we don't multiply twice, and thus fuck up our rendering
+ add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(plane, offset), BLEND_OVERLAY)
+// Hacky shit to ensure parallax works in perf mode
+ if(offset == 0)
+ remove_relay_from(GET_NEW_PLANE(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, 0))
+ is_outside_bounds = TRUE // I'm sorry :(
+ return
+ // If we can't render, and we aren't the bottom layer, don't render us
+ // This way we only multiply against stuff that's not fullwhite space
+ var/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parent_parallax = home.our_hud.get_plane_master(PLANE_SPACE_PARALLAX)
+ var/turf/viewing_turf = get_turf(relevant)
+ if(!viewing_turf || offset != GET_LOWEST_STACK_OFFSET(viewing_turf.z))
+ parent_parallax.remove_relay_from(plane)
+ else
+ parent_parallax.add_relay_to(plane, BLEND_OVERLAY)
+ return ..()
+ if(offset == 0)
+ is_outside_bounds = FALSE
+ return
+ // Always readd, just in case we lost it
+ var/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parent_parallax = home.our_hud.get_plane_master(PLANE_SPACE_PARALLAX)
+ parent_parallax.add_relay_to(plane, BLEND_OVERLAY)
+ return ..()
+// Needs to handle rejoining on a lower z level, so we NEED to readd old planes
+ // If we're outside bounds AND we're the 0th plane, we need to show cause parallax is hacked to hell
+ return offset != 0 && is_outside_bounds
+/// Starts the narsie animation midway, so we can catch up to everyone else quickly
+ var/time_elapsed = world.time - start_time
+ narsie_summoned_effect(max(16 SECONDS - time_elapsed, 0))
+/// Starts the narsie animation, make us grey, then red
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/parallax/proc/narsie_modified(datum/source, new_count)
+ if(new_count >= 1)
+ narsie_summoned_effect(16 SECONDS)
+ else
+ narsie_unsummoned()
+ if(GLOB.narsie_summon_count >= 2)
+ var/static/list/nightmare_parallax = list(255,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1, -130,0,0,0)
+ animate(src, color = nightmare_parallax, time = animate_time)
+ return
+ var/static/list/grey_parallax = list(0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0.4,0.4,0.4,0, 0,0,0,1, -0.1,-0.1,-0.1,0)
+ // We're gonna animate ourselves grey
+ // Then, once it's done, about 40 seconds into the event itself, we're gonna start doin some shit. see below
+ animate(src, color = grey_parallax, time = animate_time)
+ animate(src, color = null, time = 8 SECONDS)
+ name = "Gravpulse"
+ documentation = "Ok so this one's fun. Basically, we want to be able to distort the game plane when a grav annom is around.\
So we draw the pattern we want to use to this plane, and it's then used as a render target by a distortion filter on the game plane.\
Note the blend mode and lack of relay targets. This plane exists only to distort, it's never rendered anywhere."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ blend_mode = BLEND_ADD
+ render_relay_planes = list()
+///Contains just the floor
+ name = "Floor"
+ documentation = "The well, floor. This is mostly used as a sorting mechanism, but it also lets us create a \"border\" around the game world plane, so its drop shadow will actually work."
+ plane = FLOOR_PLANE
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
+ name = "Transparent Floor"
+ documentation = "Really just openspace, stuff that is a turf but has no color or alpha whatsoever.\
We use this to draw to just the light mask plane, cause if it's not there we get holes of blackness over openspace"
+ render_relay_planes = list(LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
+ // Needs to be critical or it uh, it'll look white
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/floor/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_FLOOR_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
+ name = "Wall"
+ documentation = "Holds all walls. We render this onto the game world. Separate so we can use this + space and floor planes as a guide for where byond blackness is NOT."
+ plane = WALL_PLANE
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/wall/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_WALL_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
+ name = "Lower game world"
+ documentation = "Exists mostly because of FOV shit. Basically, if you've just got a normal not ABOVE fov thing, and you don't want it masked, stick it here yeah?"
+ plane = GAME_PLANE
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+ name = "lower game world fov hidden"
+ documentation = "If you want something to be hidden by fov, stick it on this plane. We're masked by the fov blocker plane, so the items on us can actually well, disappear."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/game_world_fov_hidden/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
+ . = ..()
+ add_filter("vision_cone", 1, alpha_mask_filter(render_source = OFFSET_RENDER_TARGET(FIELD_OF_VISION_BLOCKER_RENDER_TARGET, offset), flags = MASK_INVERSE))
+ name = "Field of vision blocker"
+ documentation = "This is one of those planes that's only used as a filter. It masks out things that want to be hidden by fov.\
Literally just contains FOV images, or masks."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list()
+ // We do NOT allow offsetting, because there's no case where you would want to block only one layer, at least currently
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
+ start_hidden = TRUE
+ // We mark as multiz_scaled FALSE so transforms don't effect us, and we draw to the planes below us as if they were us.
+ // This is safe because we will ALWAYS be on the top z layer, so it DON'T MATTER
+ multiz_scaled = FALSE
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/field_of_vision_blocker/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ mirror_parent_hidden()
+ name = "Upper game world"
+ documentation = "Ok so fov is kinda fucky, because planes in byond serve both as effect groupings and as rendering orderers. Since that's true, we need a plane that we can stick stuff that draws above fov blocked stuff on."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+ name = "Upper wall"
+ documentation = "There are some walls that want to render above most things (mostly minerals since they shift over.\
We draw them to their own plane so we can hijack them for our emissive mask stuff"
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD, LIGHT_MASK_PLANE)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/wall_upper/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner, datum/plane_master_group/home, offset)
+ . = ..()
+ add_relay_to(GET_NEW_PLANE(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE, offset), relay_layer = EMISSIVE_WALL_LAYER, relay_color = GLOB.em_block_color)
+ name = "Upper game world fov hidden"
+ documentation = "Just as we need a place to draw things \"above\" the hidden fov plane, we also need to be able to hide stuff that draws over the upper game plane."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/game_world_upper_fov_hidden/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
+ . = ..()
+ // Dupe of the other hidden plane
+ add_filter("vision_cone", 1, alpha_mask_filter(render_source = OFFSET_RENDER_TARGET(FIELD_OF_VISION_BLOCKER_RENDER_TARGET, offset), flags = MASK_INVERSE))
+ name = "Seethrough"
+ documentation = "Holds the seethrough versions (done using image overrides) of large objects. Mouse transparent, so you can click through them."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+ start_hidden = TRUE
+ name = "Above game world"
+ documentation = "We need a place that's unmasked by fov that also draws above the upper game world fov hidden plane. I told you fov was hacky man."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
+ * Plane master that byond will by default draw to
+ * Shouldn't be used, exists to prevent people using plane 0
+ * NOTE: If we used SEE_BLACKNESS on a map format that wasn't SIDE_MAP, this is where its darkness would land
+ * This would allow us to control it and do fun things. But we can't because side map doesn't support it, so this is just a stub
+ */
+ name = "Default"
+ documentation = "This is quite fiddly, so bear with me. By default (in byond) everything in the game is rendered onto plane 0. It's the default plane. \
But, because we've moved everything we control off plane 0, all that's left is stuff byond internally renders. \
What I'd like to do with this is capture byond blackness by giving mobs the SEE_BLACKNESS sight flag. \
But we CAN'T because SEE_BLACKNESS does not work with our rendering format. So I just eat it I guess"
+ multiz_scaled = FALSE
+ start_hidden = TRUE // Doesn't DO anything, exists to hold this place
+ name = "Area"
+ documentation = "Holds the areas themselves, which ends up meaning it holds any overlays/effects we apply to areas. NOT snow or rad storms, those go on above lighting"
+ plane = AREA_PLANE
+ name = "Massive object"
+ documentation = "Huge objects need to render above everything else on the game plane, otherwise they'd well, get clipped and look not that huge. This does that."
+ name = "Point"
+ documentation = "I mean like, what do you want me to say? Points draw over pretty much everything else, so they get their own plane. Remember we layer render relays to draw planes in their proper order on render plates."
+ plane = POINT_PLANE
+///Contains all turf lighting
+ name = "Turf Lighting"
+ documentation = "Contains all lighting drawn to turfs. Not so complex, draws directly onto the lighting plate."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_LIGHTING)
+ blend_mode_override = BLEND_ADD
+/// This will not work through multiz, because of a byond bug with BLEND_MULTIPLY
+/// Bug report is up, waiting on a fix
+ name = "Overlight light visual"
+ documentation = "Holds overlay lighting objects, or the sort of lighting that's a well, overlay stuck to something.\
Exists because lighting updating is really slow, and movement needs to feel smooth.\
We draw to the game plane, and mask out space for ourselves on the lighting plane so any color we have has the chance to display."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ blend_mode = BLEND_MULTIPLY
+ name = "Above lighting"
+ documentation = "Anything on the game plane that needs a space to draw on that will be above the lighting plane.\
Mostly little alerts and effects, also sometimes contains things that are meant to look as if they glow."
+ * Handles emissive overlays and emissive blockers.
+ */
+ name = "Emissive"
+ documentation = "Holds things that will be used to mask the lighting plane later on. Masked by the Emissive Mask plane to ensure we don't emiss out under a wall.\
Relayed onto the Emissive render plane to do the actual masking of lighting, since we need to be transformed and other emissive stuff needs to be transformed too.\
Don't want to double scale now."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(EMISSIVE_RENDER_PLATE)
+ name = "Pipecrawl"
+ documentation = "Holds pipecrawl images generated during well, pipecrawling.\
Has a few effects and a funky color matrix designed to make things a bit more visually readable."
+ start_hidden = TRUE
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/pipecrawl/Initialize(mapload, datum/hud/hud_owner)
+ . = ..()
+ // Makes everything on this plane slightly brighter
+ // Has a nice effect, makes thing stand out
+ color = list(1.2,0,0,0, 0,1.2,0,0, 0,0,1.2,0, 0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,0)
+ // This serves a similar purpose, I want the pipes to pop
+ add_filter("pipe_dropshadow", 1, drop_shadow_filter(x = -1, y= -1, size = 1, color = "#0000007A"))
+ mirror_parent_hidden()
+ name = "Camera static"
+ documentation = "Holds camera static images. Usually only visible to people who can well, see static.\
We use images rather then vis contents because they're lighter on maptick, and maptick sucks butt."
+ . = ..()
+ if(!.)
+ return
+ var/datum/hud/our_hud = home.our_hud
+ if(isnull(our_hud))
+ return
+ // We'll hide the slate if we're not seeing through a camera eye
+ // This can call on a cycle cause we don't clear in hide_from
+ // Yes this is the best way of hooking into the hud, I hate myself too
+ RegisterSignal(our_hud, COMSIG_HUD_EYE_CHANGED, PROC_REF(eye_changed), override = TRUE)
+ eye_changed(our_hud, null, our_hud.mymob?.canon_client?.eye)
+/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/camera_static/proc/eye_changed(datum/hud/source, atom/old_eye, atom/new_eye)
+ if(!isaicamera(new_eye))
+ if(!force_hidden)
+ hide_plane(source.mymob)
+ return
+ if(force_hidden)
+ unhide_plane(source.mymob)
+ name = "High Game"
+ documentation = "Holds anything that wants to be displayed above the rest of the game plane, and doesn't want to be clickable. \
This includes atmos debug overlays, blind sound images, and mining scanners. \
Really only exists for its layering potential, we don't use this for any vfx"
+ name = "Ghost"
+ documentation = "Ghosts draw here, so they don't get mixed up in the visuals of the game world. Note, this is not not how we HIDE ghosts from people, that's done with invisible and see_invisible."
+ plane = GHOST_PLANE
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ name = "Fullscreen"
+ documentation = "Holds anything that applies to or above the full screen. \
Note, it's still rendered underneath hud objects, but this lets us control the order that things like death/damage effects render in."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
+ name = "Runechat"
+ documentation = "Holds runechat images, that text that pops up when someone say something. Uses a dropshadow to well, look nice."
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ . = ..()
+ if(!.)
+ return
+ remove_filter("AO")
+ if(istype(mymob) && mymob.canon_client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/ambient_occlusion))
+ add_filter("AO", 1, drop_shadow_filter(x = 0, y = -2, size = 4, color = "#04080FAA"))
+ name = "Balloon chat"
+ documentation = "Holds ballon chat images, those little text bars that pop up for a second when you do some things. NOT runechat."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ name = "HUD"
+ documentation = "Contains anything that want to be rendered on the hud. Typically is just screen elements."
+ plane = HUD_PLANE
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
+ name = "Above HUD"
+ documentation = "Anything that wants to be drawn ABOVE the rest of the hud. Typically close buttons and other elements that need to be always visible. Think preventing draggable action button memes."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
+ name = "Splashscreen"
+ documentation = "Cinematics and the splash screen."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
+ name = "Escape Menu"
+ documentation = "Anything relating to the escape menu."
+ appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
+ render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_MASTER)
+ allows_offsetting = FALSE
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/simple_plane_masters.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/simple_plane_masters.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index ea0ad21a773..00000000000
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/rendering/plane_masters/simple_plane_masters.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Put plane masters that are just a simple type def in here, anything more complex should get its own file
- */
- name = "Gravpulse"
- documentation = "Ok so this one's fun. Basically, we want to be able to distort the game plane when a grav annom is around.\
So we draw the pattern we want to use to this plane, and it's then used as a render target by a distortion filter on the game plane.\
Note the blend mode and lack of relay targets. This plane exists only to distort, it's never rendered anywhere."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- blend_mode = BLEND_ADD
- render_relay_planes = list()
- name = "Seethrough"
- documentation = "Holds the seethrough versions (done using image overrides) of large objects. Mouse transparent, so you can click through them."
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_GAME_WORLD)
- start_hidden = TRUE
- name = "Massive object"
- documentation = "Huge objects need to render above everything else on the game plane, otherwise they'd well, get clipped and look not that huge. This does that."
- name = "Point"
- documentation = "I mean like, what do you want me to say? Points draw over pretty much everything else, so they get their own plane. Remember we layer render relays to draw planes in their proper order on render plates."
- plane = POINT_PLANE
- name = "Ghost"
- documentation = "Ghosts draw here, so they don't get mixed up in the visuals of the game world. Note, this is not not how we HIDE ghosts from people, that's done with invisible and see_invisible."
- plane = GHOST_PLANE
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- name = "Fullscreen"
- documentation = "Holds anything that applies to or above the full screen. \
Note, it's still rendered underneath hud objects, but this lets us control the order that things like death/damage effects render in."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
- name = "HUD"
- documentation = "Contains anything that want to be rendered on the hud. Typically is just screen elements."
- plane = HUD_PLANE
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
- name = "Above HUD"
- documentation = "Anything that wants to be drawn ABOVE the rest of the hud. Typically close buttons and other elements that need to be always visible. Think preventing draggable action button memes."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
- name = "Splashscreen"
- documentation = "Cinematics and the splash screen."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_NON_GAME)
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
- name = "Escape Menu"
- documentation = "Anything relating to the escape menu."
- appearance_flags = PLANE_MASTER|NO_CLIENT_COLOR
- render_relay_planes = list(RENDER_PLANE_MASTER)
- allows_offsetting = FALSE
diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme
index 71bad6e81c2..4f06ab780c4 100644
--- a/tgstation.dme
+++ b/tgstation.dme
@@ -674,15 +674,7 @@
#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_master_group.dm"
#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\render_plate.dm"
#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\_plane_master.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\camera_static.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\clickcatcher.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\core_game_planes.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\default.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\in_world_chat.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\lighting.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\parallax.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\pipecrawl.dm"
-#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\simple_plane_masters.dm"
+#include "code\_onclick\hud\rendering\plane_masters\plane_master_subtypes.dm"
#include "code\controllers\admin.dm"
#include "code\controllers\controller.dm"
#include "code\controllers\failsafe.dm"