diff --git a/modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi b/modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi
index dd76a562f7b..095fe3dbe02 100644
Binary files a/modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi and b/modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_nova/master_files/icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi b/modular_nova/master_files/icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi
index bd5fb3aebba..79f62422efc 100644
Binary files a/modular_nova/master_files/icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi and b/modular_nova/master_files/icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi differ
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/greyscale_configs.dm b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/greyscale_configs.dm
index 9844d2cf466..7134068f9a0 100644
--- a/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/greyscale_configs.dm
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/greyscale_configs.dm
@@ -796,6 +796,17 @@
name = "Varsity Jacket (Worn)"
json_config = 'modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/varsity/varsity_worn.json'
+ name = "Croptop Sweater"
+ icon_file = 'modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi'
+ json_config = 'modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop.json'
+ name = "Croptop Sweater (Worn)"
+ json_config = 'modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop_worn.json'
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop.json b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fd05c399e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "croptop": [
+ {
+ "type": "icon_state",
+ "icon_state": "croptop",
+ "blend_mode": "overlay",
+ "color_ids": [ 1 ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop_worn.json b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop_worn.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fd05c399e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/GAGS/json_configs/suits/croptop/croptop_worn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "croptop": [
+ {
+ "type": "icon_state",
+ "icon_state": "croptop",
+ "blend_mode": "overlay",
+ "color_ids": [ 1 ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/customization/modules/clothing/suits/coats.dm b/modular_nova/modules/customization/modules/clothing/suits/coats.dm
index 61d1c6696fe..b17ba3dd666 100644
--- a/modular_nova/modules/customization/modules/clothing/suits/coats.dm
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/customization/modules/clothing/suits/coats.dm
@@ -147,15 +147,24 @@
blood_overlay_type = "coat"
- name = "black crop top turtleneck"
- desc = "A comfy looking turtleneck that exposes your midriff, fashionable but makes the point of a sweater moot."
- icon_state = "croptop_black"
+ name = "crop top turtleneck"
+ desc = "A comfy looking turtleneck that exposes your midriff, fashionable but makes the point of a sweater moot. Now with Pycroft polychromatic tech!"
+ icon_state = "croptop"
+ greyscale_config = /datum/greyscale_config/croptop
+ greyscale_config_worn = /datum/greyscale_config/croptop/worn
+ greyscale_colors = "#1d1b1b"
body_parts_covered = CHEST|ARMS
cold_protection = CHEST|ARMS
icon = 'modular_nova/master_files/icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi'
worn_icon = 'modular_nova/master_files/icons/mob/clothing/suit.dmi'
+ . = ..()
+ AddElement(/datum/element/gags_recolorable)
+ update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS)
name = "varsity jacket"
desc = "A simple varsity jacket with no obvious sources."
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/loadouts/loadout_items/loadout_datum_suit.dm b/modular_nova/modules/loadouts/loadout_items/loadout_datum_suit.dm
index c807eba9e79..c3ad43d7ca1 100644
--- a/modular_nova/modules/loadouts/loadout_items/loadout_datum_suit.dm
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/loadouts/loadout_items/loadout_datum_suit.dm
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(loadout_exosuits, generate_loadout_items(/datum/loadout_item/su
item_path = /obj/item/clothing/suit/toggle/trackjacket
- name = "Black Crop Top Turtleneck"
+ name = "Crop Top Turtleneck"
item_path = /obj/item/clothing/suit/croptop
diff --git a/modular_nova/modules/xenoarch/code/modules/research/xenoarch/xenoarch_machine.dm b/modular_nova/modules/xenoarch/code/modules/research/xenoarch/xenoarch_machine.dm
index 92166f6d018..445ecf98950 100644
--- a/modular_nova/modules/xenoarch/code/modules/research/xenoarch/xenoarch_machine.dm
+++ b/modular_nova/modules/xenoarch/code/modules/research/xenoarch/xenoarch_machine.dm
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+// Researcher, Scanner, Recoverer, and Digger
icon = 'modular_nova/modules/xenoarch/icons/xenoarch_machines.dmi'
density = TRUE
@@ -5,124 +7,158 @@
use_power = IDLE_POWER_USE
idle_power_usage = 100
pass_flags = PASSTABLE
- ///The speed in which the machine will process each item
- var/process_speed = 20 SECONDS
- ///The efficacy that affects the process_speed. Start at -1 so tier 1 parts are efficacy of 0
- var/efficiency = -1
- ///The holding storage for the items inserted into the machines
- var/obj/item/holding_storage
- ///The time comparison, to make sure the machine doesn't perform faster than it should
- var/world_compare = 0
- . = ..()
- efficiency = -1
- for(var/datum/stock_part/micro_laser/laser_part in component_parts)
- efficiency += laser_part.tier
- process_speed = initial(process_speed) - (6 SECONDS * efficiency)
+ /// the item that holds everything
+ var/obj/item/storage_unit
+ ///how long between each process
+ var/process_speed = 10 SECONDS
+ COOLDOWN_DECLARE(process_delay)
. = ..()
- holding_storage = new /obj/item(src)
+ storage_unit = new /obj/item(src)
- qdel(holding_storage)
+ QDEL_NULL(storage_unit)
+ return ..()
. = ..()
+ var/efficiency = -2 //to allow t1 parts to not change the base speed
+ for(var/datum/stock_part/stockpart in component_parts)
+ efficiency += stockpart.tier
+ process_speed = initial(process_speed) - (efficiency)
+ if(machine_stat & (NOPOWER|BROKEN) || !anchored)
+ COOLDOWN_RESET(src, process_delay) //if you are broken or no power (or not anchored), you aren't allowed to progress!
+ return
+ if(!COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, process_delay))
+ return
+ COOLDOWN_START(src, process_delay, process_speed)
+ xenoarch_process()
-/obj/machinery/xenoarch/proc/insert_xeno_item(obj/item/insert_item, mob/living/user)
- insert_item.forceMove(holding_storage)
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- to_chat(user, span_notice("The [insert_item] has been inserted into [src]."))
- world_compare = world.time + process_speed
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), process_speed)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/wrench_act(mob/living/user, obj/item/tool)
+ . = ..()
+ if(default_unfasten_wrench(user, tool))
-/obj/machinery/xenoarch/attack_hand(mob/living/user, list/modifiers)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/screwdriver_act(mob/living/user, obj/item/tool)
. = ..()
- var/src_turf = get_turf(src)
- var/user_choice = tgui_alert(user, "Are you sure you want to remove all the items?", "Remove Items?", list("Yes", "No"))
- if(user_choice != "Yes")
- return
- for(var/move_out_item in holding_storage.contents)
- if(!isobj(move_out_item))
- continue
- var/obj/move_out_obj = move_out_item
- move_out_obj.forceMove(src_turf)
+ toggle_panel_open()
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("You [panel_open ? "open":"close"] the maintenance panel of [src]."))
+ tool.play_tool_sound(src)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/crowbar_act(mob/living/user, obj/item/tool)
. = ..()
- if(holding_storage?.contents.len)
- var/is_singular = holding_storage.contents.len == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE
- . += span_notice("There [is_singular ? "is" : "are"] [holding_storage.contents.len] [is_singular ? "item" : "items"] currently in the buffer.")
- . += span_warning("You can remove the contents, but the machine is currently trying to process the items!")
+ if(default_deconstruction_crowbar(tool))
name = "xenoarch researcher"
desc = "A machine that is used to condense strange rocks, useless relics, and broken objects into bigger artifacts."
icon_state = "researcher"
circuit = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/xenoarch_machine/xenoarch_researcher
- ///A variable that goes from 0 to 150. Depending on what is processed, increases the value. Once at or above 150, spawns an anomalous crystal.
+ /// the amount of research that is currently done
var/current_research = 0
+ /// the max amount of value we can have
+ var/max_research = 300
+ /// the value of each accepted item
+ var/list/accepted_types = list(
+ /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock = 1,
+ /obj/item/xenoarch/useless_relic = 5,
+ /obj/item/xenoarch/useless_relic/magnified = 10,
+ /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item = 10,
+ )
. = ..()
- . += span_notice("[current_research]/150 research points. Research more xenoarchaeological items.")
+ . += span_notice("
[current_research]/[max_research] research available.")
+ . += span_notice("L-Click to insert items or take out all the strange rocks. R-Click to use research points.")
/obj/machinery/xenoarch/researcher/attackby(obj/item/weapon, mob/user, params)
if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/storage/bag/xenoarch))
- var/obj/item/storage/bag/xenoarch/xenoarch_bag = weapon
- for(var/check_item in xenoarch_bag.contents)
- if(!istype(check_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- continue
- var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/strange_rock = check_item
- if(!do_after(user, xenoarch_bag.insert_speed, target = src))
- world_compare = world.time + process_speed
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), process_speed)
- return
- strange_rock.forceMove(holding_storage)
- to_chat(user, span_notice("The strange rock has been inserted into [src]."))
- world_compare = world.time + process_speed
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), process_speed)
+ for(var/obj/strange_rocks in weapon.contents)
+ strange_rocks.forceMove(storage_unit)
+ balloon_alert(user, "rocks inserted!")
- if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- insert_xeno_item(weapon, user)
+ if(is_type_in_list(weapon, accepted_types))
+ weapon.forceMove(storage_unit)
+ balloon_alert(user, "item inserted!")
- if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/useless_relic))
- insert_xeno_item(weapon, user)
+ return ..()
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/researcher/attack_hand(mob/living/user, list/modifiers)
+ . = ..()
+ var/choice = tgui_input_list(user, "Remove the rocks from [src]?", "Rock Removal", list("Yes", "No"))
+ if(choice != "Yes")
- if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item))
- insert_xeno_item(weapon, user)
+ var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ for(var/obj/item/removed_item in storage_unit.contents)
+ removed_item.forceMove(src_turf)
+ balloon_alert(user, "items removed!")
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/researcher/attack_hand_secondary(mob/user, list/modifiers)
+ . = ..()
+ var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ var/choice = tgui_input_list(user, "Choose which reward you would like!", "Reward Choice", list("Lavaland Chest (150)", "Anomalous Crystal (150)", "Bepis Tech (100)"))
+ if(!choice)
+ switch(choice)
+ if("Lavaland Chest (150)")
+ if(current_research < 150)
+ balloon_alert(user, "insufficient research!")
+ current_research -= 150
+ new /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/tendril(src_turf)
+ if("Anomalous Crystal (150)")
+ if(current_research < 150)
+ balloon_alert(user, "insufficient research!")
+ current_research -= 150
+ var/list/choices = subtypesof(/obj/machinery/anomalous_crystal)
+ var/random_crystal = pick(choices)
+ new random_crystal(src_turf)
+ if("Bepis Tech (100)")
+ if(current_research < 100)
+ balloon_alert(user, "insufficient research!")
+ current_research -= 100
+ new /obj/item/disk/design_disk/bepis/remove_tech(src_turf)
+ if(length(storage_unit.contents) <= 0)
- return ..()
- if(!holding_storage.contents.len)
- return
- if(world_compare > world.time)
- return
- var/obj/item/remove_item = holding_storage.contents[1]
- if(!remove_item)
- return
- if(!istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock) && !istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/useless_relic) && !istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item))
- qdel(remove_item)
- return
- if(istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- current_research += 1
- if(istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/useless_relic))
- current_research += 5
- if(istype(remove_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item))
- current_research += 10
- if(current_research >= 150)
- current_research -= 150
- var/list/choices = subtypesof(/obj/machinery/anomalous_crystal)
- var/random_crystal = pick(choices)
- new random_crystal(get_turf(src))
- qdel(remove_item)
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- world_compare = world.time + process_speed
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), process_speed)
+ if(current_research >= max_research)
+ return
+ var/obj/item/first_item = storage_unit.contents[1]
+ var/reward_attempt = accepted_types[first_item.type]
+ current_research = min(current_research + reward_attempt, 300)
+ qdel(first_item)
name = "xenoarch scanner"
@@ -131,17 +167,22 @@
circuit = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/xenoarch_machine/xenoarch_scanner
/obj/machinery/xenoarch/scanner/attackby(obj/item/weapon, mob/user, params)
- var/scan_speed = 4 SECONDS - (1 SECONDS * efficiency)
+ if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/storage/bag/xenoarch))
+ for(var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/chosen_rocks in weapon.contents)
+ chosen_rocks.get_scanned()
+ balloon_alert(user, "scan complete!")
+ return
if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/strange_rock = weapon
- if(!do_after(user, scan_speed, target = src))
- to_chat(user, span_warning("You interrupt the scanning process, aborting process."))
- return
- if(strange_rock.get_scanned())
- to_chat(user, span_notice("You successfully scan the strange rock. It will now report its depth in real time!"))
+ var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/chosen_rock
+ if(chosen_rock.get_scanned())
+ balloon_alert(user, "scan complete!")
- to_chat(user, span_warning("The strange rock was unable to be scanned, perhaps it has already been scanned?"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[chosen_rock] was unable to be scanned, perhaps it was already scanned?"))
return ..()
@@ -150,106 +191,123 @@
icon_state = "recoverer"
circuit = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/xenoarch_machine/xenoarch_recoverer
+ . = ..()
+ . += span_notice("
L-Click to remove all items inside [src].")
/obj/machinery/xenoarch/recoverer/attackby(obj/item/weapon, mob/user, params)
if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item))
- insert_xeno_item(weapon, user)
+ weapon.forceMove(storage_unit)
+ balloon_alert(user, "item inserted!")
- return ..()
-/obj/machinery/xenoarch/recoverer/proc/recover_item(obj/insert_obj, obj/delete_obj)
- var/src_turf = get_turf(src)
- new insert_obj(src_turf)
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- qdel(delete_obj)
- world_compare = world.time + process_speed
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), process_speed)
+ return ..()
- if(!holding_storage.contents.len)
- return
- if(world_compare > world.time)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/recoverer/attack_hand(mob/living/user, list/modifiers)
+ var/choice = tgui_input_list(user, "Remove the broken items from [src]?", "Item Removal", list("Yes", "No"))
+ if(choice != "Yes")
- var/obj/item/content_obj = holding_storage.contents[1]
- if(!content_obj)
+ var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ for(var/obj/item/removed_item in storage_unit.contents)
+ removed_item.forceMove(src_turf)
+ balloon_alert(user, "items removed!")
+ var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ if(length(storage_unit.contents) <= 0)
+ var/obj/item/content_obj = storage_unit.contents[1]
if(!istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item))
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/tech))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.tech_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/weapon))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.weapon_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/illegal))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.illegal_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/alien))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.alien_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/plant))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.plant_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/clothing))
var/spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.clothing_reward)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
if(istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/broken_item/animal))
- var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
for(var/looptime in 1 to rand(1,4))
spawn_item = pick_weight(GLOB.animal_reward)
new spawn_item(src_turf)
recover_item(spawn_item, content_obj)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/recoverer/proc/recover_item(obj/insert_obj, obj/delete_obj)
+ var/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ new insert_obj(src_turf)
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 50, TRUE)
+ qdel(delete_obj)
name = "xenoarch digger"
desc = "A machine that is used to slowly uncover items within strange rocks."
icon_state = "digger"
circuit = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/xenoarch_machine/xenoarch_digger
+ . = ..()
+ . += span_notice("
L-Click to remove all items inside [src].")
/obj/machinery/xenoarch/digger/attackby(obj/item/weapon, mob/user, params)
if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/storage/bag/xenoarch))
- var/obj/item/storage/bag/xenoarch/xenoarch_bag = weapon
- for(var/check_item in xenoarch_bag.contents)
- if(!istype(check_item, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- continue
- var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/strange_rock = check_item
- if(!do_after(user, 1 SECONDS, target = src))
- world_compare = world.time + (process_speed * 4)
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), (process_speed * 4))
- return
- strange_rock.forceMove(holding_storage)
- to_chat(user, span_notice("The strange rock has been inserted into [src]."))
- world_compare = world.time + (process_speed * 4)
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), (process_speed * 4))
- return
- else if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- insert_xeno_item(weapon, user)
+ for(var/obj/strange_rocks in weapon.contents)
+ strange_rocks.forceMove(storage_unit)
+ balloon_alert(user, "rocks inserted!")
- return ..()
- if(!holding_storage.contents.len)
+ if(istype(weapon, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
+ weapon.forceMove(src)
+ balloon_alert(user, "rock inserted!")
- if(world_compare > world.time)
+/obj/machinery/xenoarch/digger/attack_hand(mob/living/user, list/modifiers)
+ var/choice = tgui_input_list(user, "Remove the rocks from [src]?", "Rock Removal", list("Yes", "No"))
+ if(choice != "Yes")
var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
- var/obj/item/content_obj = holding_storage.contents[1]
- if(!content_obj)
- return
- if(!istype(content_obj, /obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock))
- qdel(content_obj)
+ for(var/obj/item/removed_item in storage_unit.contents)
+ removed_item.forceMove(src_turf)
+ balloon_alert(user, "items removed!")
+ var/turf/src_turf = get_turf(src)
+ if(length(storage_unit.contents) <= 0)
- var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/strange_rock = content_obj
- new strange_rock.hidden_item(src_turf)
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- qdel(strange_rock)
- world_compare = world.time + (process_speed * 4)
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(do_machine_process)), (process_speed * 4))
+ var/obj/item/xenoarch/strange_rock/first_item = storage_unit.contents[1]
+ new first_item.hidden_item(src_turf)
+ qdel(first_item)