diff --git a/code/datums/components/tackle.dm b/code/datums/components/tackle.dm index 1148e2b5993..e4027e4565c 100644 --- a/code/datums/components/tackle.dm +++ b/code/datums/components/tackle.dm @@ -154,15 +154,17 @@ var/mob/living/carbon/target = hit var/tackle_word = isfeline(user) ? "pounce" : "tackle" //If cat, "pounce" instead of "tackle". // SKYRAT EDIT - FELINE TRAITS - ORIGINAL : var/tackle_word = isfelinid(user) ? "pounce" : "tackle" + var/roll = rollTackle(target) + tackling = FALSE + tackle.gentle = TRUE + if(target.check_block(user, 0, user.name, attack_type = LEAP_ATTACK)) user.visible_message(span_danger("[user]'s tackle is blocked by [target], softening the effect!"), span_userdanger("Your tackle is blocked by [target], softening the effect!"), ignored_mobs = target) to_chat(target, span_userdanger("[target] blocks [user]'s tackle attempt, softening the effect!")) neutral_outcome(user, target, tackle_word) //Forces a neutral outcome so you're not screwed too much from being blocked while tackling - return + return COMPONENT_MOVABLE_IMPACT_FLIP_HITPUSH + - var/roll = rollTackle(target) - tackling = FALSE - tackle.gentle = TRUE switch(roll) if(-INFINITY to -1)