diff --git a/code/datums/components/regenerator.dm b/code/datums/components/regenerator.dm
index a6182935a3f..42d0a0f636c 100644
--- a/code/datums/components/regenerator.dm
+++ b/code/datums/components/regenerator.dm
@@ -9,8 +9,16 @@
 	/// You will only regain health if you haven't been hurt for this many seconds
-	/// Health to regenerate per second
-	var/health_per_second
+	/// Brute reagined every second
+	var/brute_per_second
+	/// Burn reagined every second
+	var/burn_per_second
+	/// Toxin reagined every second
+	var/tox_per_second
+	/// Oxygen reagined every second
+	var/oxy_per_second
+	/// If TRUE, we'll try to heal wounds as well. Useless for non-humans.
+	var/heals_wounds = FALSE
 	/// List of damage types we don't care about, in case you want to only remove this with fire damage or something
 	/// Colour of regeneration animation, or none if you don't want one
@@ -18,12 +26,25 @@
 	/// When this timer completes we start restoring health, it is a timer rather than a cooldown so we can do something on its completion
-/datum/component/regenerator/Initialize(regeneration_delay = 6 SECONDS, health_per_second = 2, ignore_damage_types = list(STAMINA), outline_colour = COLOR_PALE_GREEN)
+	regeneration_delay = 6 SECONDS,
+	brute_per_second = 2,
+	burn_per_second = 0,
+	tox_per_second = 0,
+	oxy_per_second = 0,
+	heals_wounds = FALSE,
+	ignore_damage_types = list(STAMINA),
+	outline_colour = COLOR_PALE_GREEN,
 	if (!isliving(parent))
 	src.regeneration_delay = regeneration_delay
-	src.health_per_second = health_per_second
+	src.brute_per_second = brute_per_second
+	src.burn_per_second = burn_per_second
+	src.tox_per_second = tox_per_second
+	src.oxy_per_second = oxy_per_second
+	src.heals_wounds = heals_wounds
 	src.ignore_damage_types = ignore_damage_types
 	src.outline_colour = outline_colour
@@ -48,24 +69,19 @@
 /datum/component/regenerator/proc/on_take_damage(datum/source, damage, damagetype)
-	if (damage <= 0)
-		return
-	if (locate(damagetype) in ignore_damage_types)
+	if (damagetype in ignore_damage_types)
-	if(regeneration_start_timer)
-		deltimer(regeneration_start_timer)
-	regeneration_start_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(start_regenerating)), regeneration_delay, TIMER_STOPPABLE)
+	regeneration_start_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(start_regenerating)), regeneration_delay, TIMER_UNIQUE|TIMER_OVERRIDE|TIMER_STOPPABLE)
 /// Start processing health regeneration, and show animation if provided
-	var/mob/living/living_parent = parent
-	if (living_parent.stat == DEAD)
-		return
-	if (living_parent.health == living_parent.maxHealth)
+	if (!should_be_regenning(parent))
+	var/mob/living/living_parent = parent
 	living_parent.visible_message(span_notice("[living_parent]'s wounds begin to knit closed!"))
+	regeneration_start_timer = null
 	if (!outline_colour)
 	living_parent.add_filter(REGENERATION_FILTER, 2, list("type" = "outline", "color" = outline_colour, "alpha" = 0, "size" = 1))
@@ -81,13 +97,44 @@
 /datum/component/regenerator/process(seconds_per_tick = SSMOBS_DT)
-	var/mob/living/living_parent = parent
-	if (living_parent.stat == DEAD)
+	if (!should_be_regenning(parent))
-	if (living_parent.health == living_parent.maxHealth)
-		stop_regenerating()
-		return
-	living_parent.heal_overall_damage(health_per_second * seconds_per_tick)
+	var/mob/living/living_parent = parent
+	// Heal bonus for being in crit. Only applies to carbons
+	var/heal_mod = HAS_TRAIT(living_parent, TRAIT_CRITICAL_CONDITION) ? 2 : 1
+	var/need_mob_update = FALSE
+	if(brute_per_second)
+		need_mob_update += living_parent.adjustBruteLoss(-1 * heal_mod * brute_per_second * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
+	if(burn_per_second)
+		need_mob_update += living_parent.adjustFireLoss(-1 * heal_mod * burn_per_second * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
+	if(tox_per_second)
+		need_mob_update += living_parent.adjustToxLoss(-1 * heal_mod * tox_per_second * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
+	if(oxy_per_second)
+		need_mob_update += living_parent.adjustOxyLoss(-1 * heal_mod * oxy_per_second * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
+	if(heals_wounds && iscarbon(parent))
+		var/mob/living/carbon/carbon_parent = living_parent
+		for(var/datum/wound/iter_wound as anything in carbon_parent.all_wounds)
+			if(SPT_PROB(2 - (iter_wound.severity / 2), seconds_per_tick))
+				iter_wound.remove_wound()
+				need_mob_update++
+	if(need_mob_update)
+		living_parent.updatehealth()
+/// Checks if the passed mob is in a valid state to be regenerating
+	if(who.stat == DEAD)
+		return FALSE
+	if(heals_wounds && iscarbon(who))
+		var/mob/living/carbon/carbon_who = who
+		if(length(carbon_who.all_wounds) > 0)
+			return TRUE
+	if(who.health != who.maxHealth)
+		return TRUE
+	return FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/bear/_bear.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/bear/_bear.dm
index 924cf854276..8ba6699648e 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/bear/_bear.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/bear/_bear.dm
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 		regeneration_delay = 1 SECONDS,\
-		health_per_second = 5,\
+		brute_per_second = 5,\
 		outline_colour = COLOR_YELLOW,\
@@ -167,4 +167,3 @@
 	playsound(loc, 'sound/misc/slip.ogg', 15)
 	victim.visible_message(span_danger("[victim] slips on [src]'s butter!"))
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/changeling/flesh_spider.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/changeling/flesh_spider.dm
index c73b008d6b4..a64250d891c 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/changeling/flesh_spider.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/changeling/flesh_spider.dm
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 		regeneration_delay = 4 SECONDS,\
-		health_per_second = maxHealth / 6,\
+		brute_per_second = maxHealth / 6,\
 		outline_colour = COLOR_PINK,\
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species_types/zombies.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species_types/zombies.dm
index 4f9b6f1b4af..54382dcf021 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species_types/zombies.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species_types/zombies.dm
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#define REGENERATION_DELAY 6 SECONDS  // After taking damage, how long it takes for automatic regeneration to begin
 	// 1spooky
 	name = "High-Functioning Zombie"
@@ -131,49 +129,48 @@
 		BODY_ZONE_L_LEG = /obj/item/bodypart/leg/left/zombie/infectious,
 		BODY_ZONE_R_LEG = /obj/item/bodypart/leg/right/zombie/infectious,
-	/// The rate the zombies regenerate at
-	var/heal_rate = 0.5
-	/// The cooldown before the zombie can start regenerating
-	COOLDOWN_DECLARE(regen_cooldown)
 /datum/species/zombie/infectious/on_species_gain(mob/living/carbon/human/new_zombie, datum/species/old_species)
 	. = ..()
-	new_zombie.AddComponent(/datum/component/mutant_hands, mutant_hand_path = /obj/item/mutant_hand/zombie)
+	new_zombie.set_combat_mode(TRUE)
+	// Deal with the source of this zombie corruption
+	// Infection organ needs to be handled separately from mutant_organs
+	// because it persists through species transitions
+	var/obj/item/organ/internal/zombie_infection/infection = new_zombie.get_organ_slot(ORGAN_SLOT_ZOMBIE)
+	if(isnull(infection))
+		infection = new()
+		infection.Insert(new_zombie)
+	new_zombie.AddComponent( \
+		/datum/component/mutant_hands, \
+		mutant_hand_path = /obj/item/mutant_hand/zombie, \
+	)
+	new_zombie.AddComponent( \
+		/datum/component/regenerator, \
+		regeneration_delay = 6 SECONDS, \
+		brute_per_second = 0.5, \
+		burn_per_second = 0.5, \
+		tox_per_second = 0.5, \
+		oxy_per_second = 0.25, \
+		heals_wounds = TRUE, \
+	)
 /datum/species/zombie/infectious/on_species_loss(mob/living/carbon/human/was_zombie, datum/species/new_species, pref_load)
 	. = ..()
+	qdel(was_zombie.GetComponent(/datum/component/regenerator))
 	return FALSE
-	. = min(20, amount)
-/datum/species/zombie/infectious/apply_damage(damage, damagetype = BRUTE, def_zone = null, blocked, mob/living/carbon/human/H, spread_damage = FALSE, forced = FALSE, wound_bonus = 0, bare_wound_bonus = 0, sharpness = NONE, attack_direction = null, attacking_item)
-	. = ..()
-	if(.)
+	return min(2 SECONDS, amount)
 /datum/species/zombie/infectious/spec_life(mob/living/carbon/carbon_mob, seconds_per_tick, times_fired)
 	. = ..()
 	carbon_mob.set_combat_mode(TRUE) // THE SUFFERING MUST FLOW
-	//Zombies never actually die, they just fall down until they regenerate enough to rise back up.
-	//They must be restrained, beheaded or gibbed to stop being a threat.
-	if(COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, regen_cooldown))
-		var/heal_amt = heal_rate
-			heal_amt *= 2
-		var/need_mob_update = FALSE
-		need_mob_update += carbon_mob.heal_overall_damage(heal_amt * seconds_per_tick, heal_amt * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
-		need_mob_update += carbon_mob.adjustToxLoss(-heal_amt * seconds_per_tick, updating_health = FALSE)
-		if(need_mob_update)
-			carbon_mob.updatehealth()
-		for(var/i in carbon_mob.all_wounds)
-			var/datum/wound/iter_wound = i
-			if(SPT_PROB(2-(iter_wound.severity/2), seconds_per_tick))
-				iter_wound.remove_wound()
 	if(!HAS_TRAIT(carbon_mob, TRAIT_CRITICAL_CONDITION) && SPT_PROB(2, seconds_per_tick))
 		playsound(carbon_mob, pick(spooks), 50, TRUE, 10)
@@ -212,5 +209,3 @@
 		BODY_ZONE_L_LEG = /obj/item/bodypart/leg/left/zombie,
 		BODY_ZONE_R_LEG = /obj/item/bodypart/leg/right/zombie