diff --git a/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/datums/quirks/negative.dm b/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/datums/quirks/negative.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c95664a01c..00000000000
--- a/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/datums/quirks/negative.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- name = "Nerve Stapled"
- desc = "You're a pacifist. Not because you want to be, but because of the device stapled into your eye."
- value = -10 // pacifism = -8, losing eye slots = -2
- gain_text = span_danger("You suddenly can't raise a hand to hurt others!")
- lose_text = span_notice("You think you can defend yourself again.")
- medical_record_text = "Patient is nerve stapled and is unable to harm others."
- forced_items = list(/obj/item/clothing/glasses/nerve_staple = list(ITEM_SLOT_EYES))
- /// The nerve staple attached to the quirk
- var/obj/item/clothing/glasses/nerve_staple/staple
-/datum/quirk/equipping/nerve_staple/on_equip_item(obj/item/equipped, successful)
- if (!istype(equipped, /obj/item/clothing/glasses/nerve_staple))
- return
- staple = equipped
- . = ..()
- if (!staple || staple != quirk_holder.get_item_by_slot(ITEM_SLOT_EYES))
- return
- to_chat(quirk_holder, span_warning("The nerve staple suddenly falls off your face and melts[istype(quirk_holder.loc, /turf/open/floor) ? " on the floor" : ""]!"))
- qdel(staple)
-// Re-labels TG brainproblems to be more generic. There never was a tumor anyways!
- name = "Brain Degeneration"
- desc = "You have a lethal condition in your brain that is slowly destroying it. Better bring some mannitol!"
- medical_record_text = "Patient has a lethal condition in their brain that is slowly causing brain death."
- icon = FA_ICON_BRAIN
-// Override of Brain Tumor quirk for robotic/synthetic species with posibrains.
-// Does not appear in TGUI or the character preferences window.
- name = "Positronic Cascade Anomaly"
- desc = "Your positronic brain is slowly corrupting itself due to a cascading anomaly. Better bring some liquid solder!"
- gain_text = "You feel glitchy."
- lose_text = "You no longer feel glitchy."
- medical_record_text = "Patient has a cascading anomaly in their brain that is slowly causing brain death."
- mail_goodies = list(/obj/item/storage/pill_bottle/liquid_solder/braintumor)
- hidden_quirk = TRUE
-// If brainproblems is added to a synth, this detours to the brainproblems/synth quirk.
-// TODO: Add more brain-specific detours when PR #16105 is merged
-/datum/quirk/item_quirk/brainproblems/add_to_holder(mob/living/new_holder, quirk_transfer, client/client_source)
- if(!issynthetic(new_holder) || type != /datum/quirk/item_quirk/brainproblems)
- // Defer to TG brainproblems if the character isn't robotic.
- return ..()
- // TODO: Check brain type and detour to appropriate brainproblems quirk
- var/datum/quirk/item_quirk/brainproblems/synth/bp_synth = new
- qdel(src)
- return bp_synth.add_to_holder(new_holder, quirk_transfer, client_source)
-// Synthetics get liquid_solder with Brain Tumor instead of mannitol.
- give_item_to_holder(
- /obj/item/storage/pill_bottle/liquid_solder/braintumor,
- list(
- ),
- flavour_text = "These will keep you alive until you can secure a supply of medication. Don't rely on them too much!",
- )
-// Override of Blood Deficiency quirk for robotic/synthetic species.
-// Does not appear in TGUI or the character preferences window.
- name = "Hydraulic Leak"
- desc = "Your body's hydraulic fluids are leaking through their seals."
- medical_record_text = "Patient requires regular treatment for hydraulic fluid loss."
- mail_goodies = list(/obj/item/reagent_containers/blood/oil)
- // min_blood = BLOOD_VOLUME_BAD - 25; // TODO: Uncomment after TG PR #70563
- hidden_quirk = TRUE
-// If blooddeficiency is added to a synth, this detours to the blooddeficiency/synth quirk.
-/datum/quirk/blooddeficiency/add_to_holder(mob/living/new_holder, quirk_transfer, client/client_source)
- if(!issynthetic(new_holder) || type != /datum/quirk/blooddeficiency)
- // Defer to TG blooddeficiency if the character isn't robotic.
- return ..()
- var/datum/quirk/blooddeficiency/synth/bd_synth = new
- qdel(src)
- return bd_synth.add_to_holder(new_holder, quirk_transfer)
- name = "Gifted"
- desc = "You were born a bit lucky, intelligent, or something in between. You're able to do a little more."
- icon = FA_ICON_DOVE
- value = -6
- mob_trait = TRAIT_GIFTED
- gain_text = span_danger("You feel like you're just a little bit more flexible.")
- lose_text = span_notice("You feel a little less flexible.")
- medical_record_text = "Patient has a history of uncanny fortune."
- hardcore_value = 0
- hidden_quirk = TRUE // FF EDIT: ADDITION - Removing freebie points, staff decision