Moving @compact
to Flux?
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Hey @MilesCranmer, please bear with us since this is literally the first time we need to consider how to do such a move. I'm not sure how everyone feels about it, so ping @FluxML/committers to get some input. If you want to discuss this in a sync fashion, we also have a ML call this Friday (see the Julia events calendar)—let me know if you have time and are interested, and I'll add it to the agenda. |
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I have strong reservations about copying this across. It seems like a first draft, and maybe in its present state very useful for some task / some ways of thinking. This is exactly what Fluxperimental is for. It could be merged here, and available as a registered package, without waiting to figure out the ideal thing. (Nor worrying about growing Flux's docs to have multiple ways of doing the same thing. Let alone worrying about testing & documenting as many edge cases as possible.) But the possible space of slightly similar designs is large. Are we sure there isn't some way to have 90% the benefit (or 200%) for 5% the code / complexity? E.g. if we kill What I think would be very helpful is examples of actual use. The documentation just re-makes things we can already do; we don't want to replace |
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I don't want to derail things with new feature ideas as I think current
Here's an option for getting around it: Rewrite struct CompactLayer{S,F,NT1<:NamedTuple,NT2<:NamedTuple}
CompactLayer(f::Function, name::Union{String,Nothing}, str::Tuple, setup_str::NamedTuple, symb=:Default; kw...) = CompactLayer(Val(symb), f, name, str, setup_str, NamedTuple(kw)) which is by default, just This would be used like: @compact(Linear, W=randn(5, 5), b=randn(5)) do x
W * x .+ b
end so that you can dispatch on specific layers using their symbol: function something(m::CompactLayer{:Linear})
end which would be stable, as it is insensitive to the specific function used in Edit: made a PR #14 |
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Here's a made-up example of
julia> using Fluxperimental: @compact; using Flux
julia> mylayer(n) = @compact( # this layer constructor is called mylayer
m = 2n,
tmp = randn32(m, n), # initialisation... these are not legal keyword arguments
mat = tmp ./= sum(tmp; dims=1) # ... and need not be Zygote-friendly
) do x
y = mat * x
y[1:n, :] .+ relu(y[n+1:end, :]) # forward pass
mylayer (generic function with 1 method)
julia> m = Chain(mylayer(3), Dense(3 => 1)) # notice that this stores tmp, and prints the init code
m = 2n,
tmp = randn32(m, n), # 18 parameters
mat = tmp ./= sum(tmp; dims = 1), # 18 parameters
) do x
y = mat * x
y[1:n, :] .+ relu(y[n + 1:end, :])
Dense(3 => 1), # 4 parameters
) # Total: 3 trainable arrays, 22 parameters,
# plus 1 non-trainable, 18 parameters, summarysize 754 bytes.
julia> m[1].variables
(m = 6, tmp = Float32[0.65733784 0.332404 0.06522033; 0.40533376 -0.18564595 0.38826385; … ; 0.17651373 0.089108355 0.22100908; -0.08086931 1.1042991 -0.32503128], mat = Float32[0.65733784 0.332404 0.06522033; 0.40533376 -0.18564595 0.38826385; … ; 0.17651373 0.089108355 0.22100908; -0.08086931 1.1042991 -0.32503128]) (Is there really a non-trainable parameter array?) We got to this design starting from one which stored a The downsides are that
julia> layerfactory(f; layers...) = Base.Fix1(f, NamedTuple(layers));
julia> function mylayer1(n)
(_, m, _) = n, 2n, 3n # useless destructuring, would be illegal in macro
tmp = randn32(m, n) # tmp will be discarded after this runs
mat = tmp ./ sum(tmp; dims=1)
return layerfactory(; mat) do store, x
y = store.mat * x # forward pass needs to qualify fields
y[1:n, :] .+ relu(y[n+1:end, :])
julia> m1 = Chain(mylayer1(3), Dense(3 => 1)) # clearly the printing of Fix1 isn't ideal
var"#37#38"{Int64, Matrix{Float32}}(3, Float32[0.16561371 0.6836739 -19.871439; 0.30575347 0.19557928 -14.132152; … ; 0.2924494 -0.20139198 36.675316; 2.0378335 -0.033085346 -5.4660473]),
(mat = Float32[0.16561371 0.6836739 -19.871439; 0.30575347 0.19557928 -14.132152; … ; 0.2924494 -0.20139198 36.675316; 2.0378335 -0.033085346 -5.4660473],), # 18 parameters
Dense(3 => 1), # 4 parameters
) # Total: 3 arrays, 22 parameters, 352 bytes.
julia> layerfactory(a=Dense(1=>2), b=Dense(1=>2)) do nt, x # printing is better here, not ideal
nt.a(x) + nt.b(x)
end |> Chain
Dense(1 => 2), # 4 parameters
Dense(1 => 2), # 4 parameters
) # Total: 4 arrays, 8 parameters, 352 bytes. Can the problems with the 1-line way be addressed by something simpler? I keep asking for examples because it's not clear to me whether this kind of layer is intended to be in-scope, or not. If not, then maybe init steps like this ought to be forbdden? Maybe the contents must always be other layers, never arrays? |
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Ping on this. Would be really nice to have! |
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Airing it out for any comments before I do it: I hope to replace the recursive addition of the (self, x) -> let a = self.a, W = self.W, ... begin
do x -> ... end # this is the user written function
end I think this should get all the same functionality. And means that minus the printing logic, Let me know if this makes sense! |
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Hi all,
I was wondering when
could be moved to Flux.jl?My experience with it has been great thus far. Every single time I make a neural net in Julia I use a mix of
for simple linear networks and@compact
for sticking operations and parameters together.I’ve shown a few people it when introducing them them to Flux.jl and they also find it very intuitive. Would be great to include in Flux.jl to help accelerate user growth!
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