A script that take statistics from Bittorrent OpenTracker and write it into a InfluxDB database to use it later with any type of graph generator software like Grafana or Chronograf.
You need to install python-lxml package
sudo apt install python-lxml
Before install the script edit the next variables on it with the correct values:
# InfluxDB server and port (IP:PORT)
influxdb_server = 'MyInfluxDB.com:8086'
# Uncomment the line below if you use 'https://' to access to your server
influxdb_server = 'https://' + influxdb_server + "/write"
# Uncomment the line below if you use 'http://' to access to your server
#influxdb_server = 'http://' + influxdb_server + "/write"
# InfluxDB Database name
database = 'testdb'
# InfluxDB Auth
username = 'unflux-suser'
password = 'AtB73HeTqp'
Copy the script to /usr/local/bin:
sudo cp opentracker-stats.py /usr/local/bin
Copy the systemd service and enable it:
sudo cp opentracker-stats.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/opentracker-stats.service
sudo service opentracker-stats start
sudo service opentracker-stats stop
sudo service opentracker-stats status
sudo service opentracker-stats reload
sudo service opentracker-stats....
Now you can create your graphs, for example with Grafana....