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File metadata and controls

156 lines (98 loc) · 12.8 KB


We describe the functionality of each python source file and each folder in the followings:

  • analysis folder contains the definition fo abstracted values and abstract interpretations for operations in computation graphs.

    • contains the class type of abstracted values that we use for our tensor abstraction and interval abstraction with affine relations.
    • contains the abstract interpretations for operations in computation graphs.

    For more information please see Analysis.

  • parse folder contains the parsing process of the Protocol Buffer format to the computation graph, the process of static dataflow analysis, the parsing process of values, and the user-specified weights/inputs ranges.

    • contains the parsing process of the Protocol Buffer format to the computation graph and the process of static dataflow analysis.
    • contains the parsing process of constant values, variables, and placeholders.
    • contains the reusable weights/inputs ranges specified by users.

    For more information please see Parse.

  • is the entry of DEBAR. It takes one argument that is the target Protocol Buffer file containing the computation graph under verification. It also takes one option argument denoting whether to specify the range of the weights and the range of the inputs. Please see Running DEBAR Section in README for how the usage of DEBAR. The workflow of

    • First, it calls to obtain the computation graph.
    • Second, it scans the list of unsafe operations and calls the dataflow analysis in to get the range of the input to the unsafe operations.
    • Third, it checks whether the range of the input to the unsafe operation intersects with its danger zone.
      • If safe, then the unsafe operation is verified to be safe.
      • Otherwise, go to the next step.
    • Fourth, if the range of input to the unsafe operation cannot be proved as safe, we will further split the ranges of some nodes using constant predicates such as 0. If all the splits of any node can prove the range of input to the unsafe operation does not intersect with its danger zone, then the operation is safe. The motivation and the details of predicate splitting can be found at Predicate Splitting Section.
      • If safe, then the unsafe operation is verified to be safe.
      • Otherwise, DEBAR generates a warning for the unsafe operation.
  • is the entry of reproducing the evaluation results reported in the paper. It takes one argument that is the path to the downloaded datasets. Please see Reproduce Evaluation in our Paper Section in README for how to reproduce the evaluation results in our paper.


    • Solver is a legacy class that was used in z3-solver aided dataflow analysis. We are considering removing it because it is never used.

    • Range is a data structure for interval abstraction. left and right denote the lower and upper bound of the abstracted value.

    • check_range_const(range_const) checks whether a Range object range_const has const lower and upper bound. It is also a legacy function. Because we do not use z3-solver any more, the function should always return true, also considering removing it.

    • meet(range, range_const) checks whether the interval of range intersects with the interval of range_const. In other words, meet returns true iff range $\cap$ range_const $= \varnothing$. meet will be called in to check whether the interval bound of unsafe operations computed by static analysis intersects with their danger zone.

    • Array is the data structure supporting the tensor partitioning. It mainly contains:

      • index_slices: a list stores the partitioning positions of each dimension. If the tensor has dimension $d$ then index_slices contains $d$ tuples, each of which is the set of partitioning positions. If the $i$-th dimension is partitioned to $[0,p^{(i)}_0), [p^{(i)}_0,p^{(i)}1), \dots, [p^{(i)}{m-1},p^{(i)}_m)$, where $p^{(i)}_m$ is equal to the size of $i$-th dimension, then the $i$-th tuple of index_slices will be $(p^{(i)}_0,p^{(i)}_2,\ldots,p^{(i)}_m)$. Figure0

        For example, a two-dimension tensor (matrix) A has the shape $3\times 4$ and it is partitioned into 6 partitions $[0,1)\times [0,2)$, $[0,1)\times [2,3)$, $[0,1)\times [3,4)$, $[1,3)\times [0,2)$, $[1,3)\times [2,3)$, $[1,3)\times [3,4)$. Then the index_slices will be [(1, 3), (2, 3, 4)].

      • block_to_symbol: a map maps from each partition to a Linear object, which maintains the linear affine relation. Each partition is defined by the Cartesian product of $d$ tuples in index_slices, called partitioning positions.

        Taking the above example, the keys of the map block_to_symbol will be a set of 6 $2$-tuples: $(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4)$, each of which denotes the ending points of partitions in all dimensions.

      • join_index_slices(a, b) aligns two sets of partitioning positions a and b. Both a and b are in the form of Array.index_slices.

        For example, suppose a = [(1,3), (2,3,4)] and b=[(3), (1,4)], then the aligned partitioning positions c will be [(1,3), (1,2,3,4)]. It can be seen that c has a finer granularity of partitioning than a and b in this case.

      • get_corresponding_keys(self, index_slices) gets the corresponding Linear objects according to index_slices. Notice that index_slices may have a finer granularity of partitioning than self.index_slices, so the Linear object (as well as the variables stored in the Linear object) may need to be further partitioned. Figure1

        For example, suppose self.index_slices=[(1, 3), (2, 3, 4)] and index_slices = [(1, 3), (1, 2, 3, 4)], then the partition $[1,3)\times[0,1)$ corresponds to the partition $[0,2)\times[0,1)$ of self.block_to_symbol[(3,2)].

    • Linear is the data structure supporting the linear affine relation. For example, considering the following affine relation: $$ 3x-relu(x)+4y-z+5=0. $$ Each Linear object has a main variable, because each Linear object is stored in the block_to_symbol field in an Array object, and the Array object is the abstracted value of the main variable. For example, $z$ may be the main variable in the above affine relation, then what is stored in the Linear object is the following affine expression: $$ 3x-relu(x)+4y+5, $$ whose semantics is $z=3x-relu(x)+4y+5$, where $z$ is omitted since it can be inferred since $z$ is the main variable.

      In order to store such affine expression, Linear uses:

      • value: a map maps from variables to their factors. Taking the above example, value[x] = 3, value[relu(x)] = -1, value[y] = 4, and value[CONST] = 5. And each variable is a partition of a tensor which is the output of one operation. The variable is defined as a pair of (name, indexes), where the name is the name of the operation, and indexes is the partitioning positions.

      • map_to_index: a map maintains an index mapping. The purpose of maintaining this index mapping is that additional dimensions may be added after operations like pack , the dimensions may be deleted (these dimensions are all equal to 1 and do not change the size of the partition) after operations like unpack, the dimensions may be permuted after operations like transpose. Considering the following code:

        z = transpose(x) 

        , where z is a matrix $3\times 4$ and x is a matrix $4 \times 3$. Suppose there is only one (whole) partition of z, then the tensor partition Array of z contains index_slices=[(3,), (4,)] and block_to_symbol=[(3,4)] maps to the linear affine expression x, where the partition positions of x are [(4,), (3,)]. Notice that the 0-th dimension of z is the 1-th dimension of x and the 1-th dimension of z is the 0-th dimension of x.

        The semantics of map_to_index is that z[t] corresponds to x[map_to_index[t]].

      • __add__(self, other), __sub__(self, other): adds/subs between two affine expressions and returns a new Linear object.

      • neg(self): calculates the negation of the affine expression.

      • choose(self, start_ind): further partitions the variables inside the Linear object and returns a new partitioned Linear object. Recall in Array.get_corresponding_keys, we may further partition the Linear object as well as the variables stored in the Linear object.

      • add_pack_ind(self, pack_ind): adds an axis at the pack_ind-th dimension and returns a new packed Linear object.

      • remove_unpack_axis(self, axis): removes an axis at the axis-th dimension and returns a new unpacked Linear object.

      • transpose(self, perm): transposes the map_to_index according to the permutation perm and returns a new transposed Linear object.

      • relu(self): calculates the $relu$ of the affine expression and returns a new Linear object. It only supports calculating the relu of a singleton affine expression that only contains one variable or one constant value, e.g., x, -x, relu(x), -relu(x), and constant value c. The following axioms are used to calculate $relu$: $$ relu(x)=relu(x)\ relu(-x)=-x+relu(x)\ relu(relu(x))=relu(x)\ relu(-relu(x))=0\ relu(c)=max(c,0). $$

    • meet_relation_variable(rv, range_const) is never used, also considering removing it.


    • OVERFLOW_LIMIT, UNDERFLOW_LIMIT, OVERFLOW_D, and UNDERFLOW_D specify the overflow and underflow limit in tf.float32.
    • resolve_type(y) converts y from data types in numpy to python primitive data types.
    • shape_from_proto(shape) parses the tensor shape from protocol buffer format shape into a python list.

Predicate Splitting

The workflow of has been described previously. We further describe the motivation and the details of predicate splitting.


Considering the following expression: $$ y = e^{-relu(x)} + e^{x-relu(x)} $$


The range of $y$ is $(1,2]$ if the range of $x$ is $[-50,40]$. Using the interval abstraction with affine relation, we are able to calculate the range of $-relu(x)$ is $[-40,0]$ and the range of $x-relu(x)$ is $[-50,0]$. Then the range of $e^{-relu(x)}$ is $[0,1]$ and the range of $e^{x-relu(x)}$ is $[0,1]$, leading the range of $y$ to be $[0,2]$.

The range of $y$ is an over-approximation because $e^{-relu(x)}$ is decreasing and $e^{x-relu(x)}$ is increasing. Besides, due to the nonlinearity of the exponential function, affine relation alone cannot eliminate the over-approximation of $y$. However, we can infer that $y$ depends on $x$ nonlinearly.

When we find out a variable $y$ is depends on another variable $x$ nonlinearly, we apply the predicate splitting technique, which further splits the range of $x$ according to some constant predicates like 0, and then merge the ranges of $y$ to get a preciser result.

In this case, if we split the range of $x$ to $[-50, 0]\cup [0, 40]$.

  • $x=[-50,0]$: we are able to calculate the range of $-relu(x)$ is $[0,0]$ and the range of $x-relu(x)$ is $[-50,0]$. Then the range of $e^{-relu(x)}$ is $[1,1]$ and the range of $e^{x-relu(x)}$ is $[0,1]$, leading the range of $y$ to be $[1,2]$.
  • $x=[0,40]$: we are able to calculate the range of $-relu(x)$ is $[-40,0]$ and the range of $x-relu(x)$ is $[0,0]$. Then the range of $e^{-relu(x)}$ is $[0,1]$ and the range of $e^{x-relu(x)}$ is $[1,1]$, leading the range of $y$ to be $[1,2]$.

After merge the two ranges of $y$, we get the precise range $[1,2]$.


For each unsafe operation under verification, first calls graph.forward_analysis in to get the dataflow analysis results of the computation graph. The analysis results are stored in graph.node_output, and the return values of graph.forward_analysis contain the ranges of node needed to be split range_to_split.

Function is_valid_by_split checks whether the unsafe operation's input is valid. It first checks whether the input ranges of the unsafe operation is valid without without predicate splitting, if false, it tries to split each node in range_to_split and reevaluate the dataflow analysis in an incremental manner by calling graph.reevaluate. If the merged result of any split node is valid, then the input ranges of the unsafe operation is proved to be valid.

Theoretically, the more splits we try the preciser results we will get. In the implementation, we only try to split the range into two splits and the constant predicate is always 0.