Here details how to prepare all the datasets used in the training and testing stages of GLEE.
GLEE used the following 16 datasets for joint training, and perform zero-shot evaluation on additional 6 datasets. Among them, for Objects365, RefCOCO series, YouTubeVOS, Ref-YouTubeVOS, and BDD data, we followed UNINEXT for preprocessing. For the preprocessing of these datasets, you can refer to UNINEXT. For users who only want to test or continue fine-tune on part of the datasets, there is no need of downloading all datasets.
Please download COCO from the offical website. We use,,, &, We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- coco
-- annotations
-- train2017
-- train2014
-- val2017
-- test2017
Please download LVISv1 from the offical website. LVIS uses the COCO 2017 train, validation, and test image sets, so only Annotation needs to be,, lvis_v1_minival_inserted_image_name.json. We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- lvis
-- lvis_v1_train.json
-- lvis_v1_val.json
-- lvis_v1_minival_inserted_image_name.json
Please download VisualGenome images from the offical website: part 1 (9.2 GB), part 2 (5.47 GB), and download our preprocessed annotation file: train.json, train_from_objects.json . We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- visual_genome
-- images
-- *.jpg
-- annotations
-- train_from_objects.json
-- train.json
Please download OpenImages v6 images from the offical website, all detection annotations need to be preprocessed into coco format. We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- openimages
-- detection
-- openimages_v6_train_bbox.json
Download YouTube-VIS 2019, 2021, OVIS dataset for video instance segmentation task, and it is necessary to convert their video annotation into coco format in advance for image-level joint-training by run: python3 conversion/
We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- ytvis_2019
-- train
-- val
-- annotations
-- instances_train_sub.json
-- instances_val_sub.json
-- ytvis19_cocofmt.json
-- ytvis_2021
-- train
-- val
-- annotations
-- instances_train_sub.json
-- instances_val_sub.json
-- ytvis21_cocofmt.json
-- ovis
-- train
-- val
-- annotations_train.json
-- annotations_valid.json
-- ovis_cocofmt.json
We downloaded data from the SA1B official website, and only use [sa_000000.tar ~ sa_000050.tar] to preprocess into the required format and train the model. First, perform NMS operations on each sa_n directory to keep the larger object-level masks by running :
python3 --src sa_000000
python3 --src sa_000001
python3 --src sa_000002
python3 --src sa_000003
python3 --src sa_000050
then merge all the annotations by running
We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- SA1B
-- images
-- sa_000000
-- sa_1.jpg
-- sa_1.json
-- ...
-- sa_000001
-- ...
-- sa1b_subtrain_500k.json
-- sa1b_subtrain_1m.json
-- sa1b_subtrain_2m.json
Please download UVO from the offical website, and download our preprocessed annotation file annotations:
We expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- UVO
-- uvo_videos_dense_frames_jpg
-- uvo_videos_sparse_frames_jpg
-- uvo_videos_frames
-- annotations
-- FrameSet
-- UVO_frame_train_onecate.json
-- UVO_frame_val_onecate.json
-- VideoDenseSet
-- UVO_video_train_dense_objectlabel.json
-- UVO_video_val_dense_objectlabel.json
Following UNINEXT, we prepare Objects365, RefCOCO series, YouTubeVOS, Ref-YouTubeVOS, and BDD data, and we expect that they are organized as below:
-- datasets
-- Objects365v2
-- annotations
-- zhiyuan_objv2_train_new.json
-- zhiyuan_objv2_val_new.json
-- images
-- annotations
-- refcoco-unc
-- refcocog-umd
-- refcocoplus-unc
-- ytbvos18
-- train
-- val
-- ref-youtube-vos
-- meta_expressions
-- train
-- valid
-- train.json
-- valid.json
-- RVOS_refcocofmt.json
-- bdd
-- images
-- 10k
-- 100k
-- seg_track_20
-- track
-- labels
-- box_track_20
-- det_20
-- ins_seg
-- seg_track_20
RVOS_refcocofmt.json is the conversion of the annotation of ref-youtube-vos into the format of RefCOCO, which is used for image-level training. It can be converted by run python3 conversion/
The following datasets are only used for zero-shot evaluation, and are not used in joint-training.
Please download OmniLabel from the offical website, and download our converted annotation in coco formation: omnilabel. we expect that the data is organized as below.
-- datasets
-- omnilabel
-- images
-- coco
-- object365
-- openimagesv5
-- omnilabel_coco.json
-- omnilabel_obj365.json
-- omnilabel_openimages.json
-- omnilabel_cocofmt.json
We follow GLIP to prepare the ODinW 35 dataset, and run python3
to download it and organized as below.
-- datasets
-- odinw
-- dataset
-- coAerialMaritimeDroneco
-- CottontailRabbits
-- NorthAmericaMushrooms
-- ...
TAO and BURST share the same video frames.
First, download the validation set zip files (, and unzip them from
Then, download our preprocessed YTVIS format (COCO-like) annotation files from huggingface:
And organize them as below:
-- datasets
-- TAO
-- TAO_val_withlabel_ytvisformat.json
-- val
-- all_classes.json
-- ...
-- validation_ytvisfmt.json
-- validation.json
-- frames
-- val
-- ArgoVerse
-- ava
-- ...