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153 lines (111 loc) · 3.28 KB

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153 lines (111 loc) · 3.28 KB
   _____ _            _      _           _     _            _            
  / ____| |          | |    | |         | |   | |          | |           
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install (todo)

npm install slack-bot-tester

example test using tape

Let's say you have a bot that says 'hello' when you say hi to it, and it reacts with a ❤️ when you tell it 'you rock'. Here is how you test it.

var test = require('tape');
var botTester = require('slack-bot-tester');

test('simple test', function (t) {
  tester = botTester({
    token: '<your slack topen here>',
    name: <name of bot you want to test>



  function onreply (err, msg) {
    t.equal(msg.text, 'hello');

  function onreaction (err, reaction) {
    t.equal(reaction.reaction, 'heart');



var mokbot = require('slack-bot-tester');

var tester = mokbot({
  token: '<your slack topen here>',
  name: '<name of bot you want to test>'


Join a channel



Say something in the channel

tester.say('Hello everyone!');


Mention the bot by name directly in a message

tester.mention('Can I have some beer?');


Notice: Not working yet.

Directly message your bot'I like private chats more.');


Calls the callback the next time your bot says something, either in the channel, or as a direct message.

tester.nextReply(function (message) {
  console.log('My bot said', message, 'in the channel or as a direct message');


Calls the callback the next time the tester bot is mentioned.

tester.nextMention(function (message) {
  console.log('I got a mention with this message:', message);

.nextMatch(regex, callback)

Calls the callback the next time a message matches your regex.

tester.nextMention(/hello/, function (message) {
  console.log('This message contains the word "hello":', message);


Call a callback when the bot reacts to a message in the current channel.

tester.nextReaction(function (reaction) {
  console.log('The bot reacted to a message in the channel.');

.script(array, callback)

You can do entire scripts with this convenience method.

  {tester: 'Romeo!'},
  {bot: 'My dear?'},
  {tester: 'At what o\'clock to-morrow. Shall I send to thee?'},
  {bot: 'At the hour of nine.'},
  {tester: 'I will not fail: \'tis twenty years till then. I have forgot why I did call thee back.'},
  {bot: 'Let me stand here till thou remember it.'},
  {tester: 'I shall forget, to have thee still stand there, Remembering how I love thy company.'},
  {bot: 'And I\'ll still stay, to have thee still forget, Forgetting any other home but this.'}
], function (err, result) {
  // ...