To contribute to miso
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch in your own repository
- Create a pull request to the
Contributions must not be just code. It can be:
- documentation and improvements in documentation,
- new functionalities,
- fixes to existing functionalities,
- etc.
When raising a Pull-Request, the contributor acknowledges that:
- The contribution improves quality aspects of the project like:
- functionality.
- maintainability.
- security.
- The contribution does not break existing functionality or it fixes issues reported or not.
- The contribution does not introduce conflicts related to licensing, patents or other legal aspects.
- The contribution does not introduce security vulnerabilities or is part of a security attack to any kind.
- The contribution adheres to the project licensing strategy.
- The contributor has the authorship or license to the contribution.
- The contributor allows the
project to use this code contribution. - New files contributed may include the contributor`s (author) name in the file header.
The repository owner or an appointed administrator decides a contribution is accepted or rejected.
A contribution may be rejected without notice.
C code is licensed using a 3-Clause BSD License
Zig code is licensed using the MIT License
Python code is licensed using the MIT License
is hosted in Github at
The main (human) communication language used in this project is English.
Code documentation must be in English. Write basic english words and short sentences.
The main programming languages used in miso
Tooling may include python
Configuration languages are
- Zon (Zig-Object Notation).
follows a trunk based development strategy. Small and frequent changes are performed on a feature or bugfix branch and then merged to the repository trunk branch. Once the development on the branch is ready, it may be merged into the repository trunk using the Github pull request.
The trunk branch in this project is called master
Third-party code may be included in the development of miso
. Depending on the availability, licensing and distribution strategy of the originating project, the code may be embedded into the repository (as, for example FatFS
and the CC3100 SDK
). It is preferred to use Git submodules to include external C-Code dependencies when possible.
The preferred methods are (in order of importance):
- Zig packages
- Git Submodules
- Code embeddings
// to do