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Pet store pet-fe cell

The portal web application is a React application, and it invokes the pet-be cell to get the data based on the business logic and logged in user.

Development of portal app

  • The front end logic is written in React, and it make calls to pet-be.
  • The swagger file of the pet-fe can be fetched by executing command cellery extract-resources which will extract the swagger file in the same location where you run the command.
    cellery extract-resources wso2cellery/cells-pet-fe:latest
  • Then based on the swagger file, the client source is generated which can be used to invoke the pet-fe cell.

Pet-fe cell

The below shown is the cell file for the pet-fe cell which is in pet-fe.bal.

import celleryio/cellery;
import ballerina/config;

public function build(cellery:ImageName iName) returns error? {
    // Portal Component
    // This is the Component which exposes the Pet Store portal
    cellery:Component portalComponent = {
        name: "portal",
        source: {
            image: "wso2cellery/samples-pet-store-portal:latest"
        ingresses: {
            portal: <cellery:WebIngress>{ // Web ingress will be always exposed globally.
                port: 80,
                gatewayConfig: {
                    vhost: "",
                    context: "/",
                    oidc: {
                        nonSecurePaths: ["/", "/app/*"],
                        providerUrl: "",
                        clientId: "",
                        clientSecret: {
                            dcrUser: "",
                            dcrPassword: ""
                        redirectUrl: "",
                        baseUrl: "",
                        subjectClaim: "given_name"
        envVars: {
            PET_STORE_CELL_URL: { value: "" },
            PORTAL_PORT: { value: 80 },
            BASE_PATH: { value: "." }
        dependencies: {
            cells: {
                petStoreBackend: <cellery:ImageName>{ org: "wso2cellery", name: "pet-be-cell", ver: "latest" }

    // Assign the URL of the backend cell
    portalComponent.envVars.PET_STORE_CELL_URL.value = <string>cellery:getReference(portalComponent, "petStoreBackend").

    // Cell Initialization
    cellery:CellImage petStoreFrontendCell = {
        components: {
            portal: portalComponent
    return cellery:createImage(petStoreFrontendCell, untaint iName);

public function run(cellery:ImageName iName, map<cellery:ImageName> instances) returns error? {
    cellery:CellImage petStoreFrontendCell = check cellery:constructCellImage(untaint iName);
    cellery:Component portalComponent = petStoreFrontendCell.components.portal;
    string vhostName = config:getAsString("VHOST_NAME");
    if (vhostName !== "") {
        cellery:WebIngress web = <cellery:WebIngress>portalComponent.ingresses.portal;
        web.gatewayConfig.vhost = vhostName;
        web.gatewayConfig.oidc.redirectUrl = "http://" + vhostName + "/_auth/callback";
        web.gatewayConfig.oidc.baseUrl = "http://" + vhostName + "/";

    cellery:WebIngress portalIngress = <cellery:WebIngress>portalComponent.ingresses.portal;
    portalIngress.gatewayConfig.oidc.providerUrl = config:getAsString("providerUrl", default =
    portalIngress.gatewayConfig.oidc.clientId = config:getAsString("clientId", default = "petstoreapplication");
    cellery:DCR dcrConfig = {
        dcrUser: config:getAsString("dcrUser", default = "admin"),
        dcrPassword: config:getAsString("dcrPassword", default = "admin")
    portalIngress.gatewayConfig.oidc.clientSecret = dcrConfig;

    return cellery:createInstance(petStoreFrontendCell, iName, instances);

Build method

  • The pet-fe cell consists of one component portalComponent which has a web ingress that is exposed globally by default.
  • The gatewayConfig in the portalComponent defines the configurations such as OIDC configurations, vhost and context properties. By default all context of the portalComponent is secured and hence when the user tries to access the any page in the portalComponent, the user will be redirected to login page.
  • As portalComponent has a landing page which is not secured, nonSecurePaths is defined with contexts ["/", "/app/*"].
  • The secured configurations of the oidc elements are left blank, and it'll be populated during the runtime by extracting the runtime configurations provided by user.
  • The pet-fe cell depends on pet-be cell, and it's defined in the dependencies section in the portalComponent.
  • As the pet-fe cell depends on pet-be cell, method cellery:getReference(portalComponent, "petStoreBackend").controller_api_url will help to resolve the actual controller API url in portalComponent.
  • The build method is executed when cellery build is performed, and it creates the cell image with the method cellery:createImage.

Run method

  • The run method will be executed when cellery run is performed.
  • cellery:ImageName iName will be passed into the run method which will have both cell image and the corresponding instance name that the cellery runtime should spawn.
  • The oidc configurations such as providerUrl, clientId, dcrUser, and dcrPassword are loaded from the runtime parameters, and will use the default values if there is no runtime parameters provided.
  • Finally, the method cellery:createInstance will spawn an instance of the cellery:ImageName iName