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Scaling up/down pet-store cell

Each component within the cells can be scaled up or down. Cellery supports auto scaling with Horizontal pod autoscaler, and Zero-scaling.

In this READE we focus on scaling up pet-be's controller component with,

  1. Horizontal Autoscaler
  2. Zero Scaling

Horizontal Autoscaler

An updated controller component in the pet-be cell is attached with autoscaling policy as explained here. Therefore, inorder to validate the behaviour we require to run the cell with the updated controller component.


  1. Execute below command and confirm the autoscaling with HPA is enabled.
$ cellery setup status 

cluster name: cellery-admin@cellery

 ---------------------------- ----------
  ApiManager                   Enabled
  Observability                Enabled
  Scale to zero                Disabled
  Horizontal pod auto scalar   Enabled
  1. If that is not enabled, you have to enable as explained here.

Run auto scaling enabled pet-be

  1. Run pet-be cell instance with cell image wso2cellery/pet-be-auto-scale-cell:latest. You can optionally build the pet-be-auto-scale.bal as mentioned here.
$ cellery run  wso2cellery/pet-be-auto-scale-cell:latest -n pet-be
  1. Now execute kubectl get hpa and you see the resource utilization.
$ kubectl get hpa

NAME                                     REFERENCE                                  TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
istio-pilot                              Deployment/istio-pilot                     <unknown>/80%   1         5         0          2d14h
pet-be--controller-autoscalepolicy-hpa   Deployment/pet-be--controller-deployment   9%/40%          1         3         1          6m36s
  1. Execute the export-policy command and view the current autoscaling configuration. This will create a file where you execute the command. You can also optionally pass the -f flag to point to the file location to be used to store the policy as explained here.
 $ cellery export-policy autoscale pet-be 
  1. Run a load generator cell which invokes the pet-be's catalog component in a high concurrency. There are optional environmental variables can be passed to the load-gen cell to configure the duration (default 5minutes), concurrency (default 40) of the load test, and pet-store instance name (default pet-be).
$ cellery run wso2cellery/load-gen-cell:latest -n load-gen -y 


$ cellery run wso2cellery/load-gen-cell:latest -e DURATION=10m -e CONCURRENCY=20 -e PET_STORE_INST=pet-be
  1. Execute kubectl get hpa to see the current load for pet-be's controller component once the load-gen cell instance is running.
$ kubectl get hpa
NAME                                     REFERENCE                                  TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
istio-pilot                              Deployment/istio-pilot                     <unknown>/80%   1         5         0          2d14h
pet-be--controller-autoscalepolicy-hpa   Deployment/pet-be--controller-deployment   151%/40%        1         3         3          25m
  1. Check the pods by executing kubectl get pods, and you can see 3 replica's of controller components are started.
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
load-gen--gateway-deployment-68dcfb5699-p5jr7    1/1     Running   0          93s
load-gen--load-gen-deployment-7fdbfbdc8b-8w2l6   2/2     Running   0          93s
load-gen--sts-deployment-5c9cdf4dd5-8lc5m        3/3     Running   0          93s
pet-be--catalog-deployment-67b8565469-q24bk      2/2     Running   0          25m
pet-be--controller-deployment-7ffbd8bfdc-7bvfc   1/2     Running   0          16s
pet-be--controller-deployment-7ffbd8bfdc-j5glt   1/2     Running   0          16s
pet-be--controller-deployment-7ffbd8bfdc-z6mdq   2/2     Running   0          25m
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-lctk4    2/2     Running   0          25m
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-c4fjm      2/2     Running   0          19m
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-qlllk       2/2     Running   0          25m
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-d425x          3/3     Running   0          25m
  1. Now terminate the load-gen cell to stop the load by below command.
$ cellery terminate load-gen
  1. Check for HPA and pods, and you can see the system can return back to the original state.
$ kubectl get hpa
NAME                                     REFERENCE                                  TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
istio-pilot                              Deployment/istio-pilot                     <unknown>/80%   1         5         0          2d14h
pet-be--controller-autoscalepolicy-hpa   Deployment/pet-be--controller-deployment   4%/40%          1         3         3          31m
  1. Wait for some time for the components to scale down. It will eventually come to 1 from 3.
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pet-be--catalog-deployment-67b8565469-q24bk      2/2     Running   0          72m
pet-be--controller-deployment-7ffbd8bfdc-z6mdq   2/2     Running   0          72m
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-lctk4    2/2     Running   0          72m
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-c4fjm      2/2     Running   0          66m
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-qlllk       2/2     Running   0          72m
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-d425x          3/3     Running   0          72m
  1. You can terminate the instance by executing below command.
$ cellery terminate pet-be

Zero scaling

An update controller and catalog component is attached to zero scaling configurations as mentioned in pet-be-zero-scale.bal. Based on that configuration, both controller and catalogue components are configured with zero scaling. The zero scale configuration used in the component is provided below.

scalingPolicy: <cellery:ZeroScalingPolicy> {
             maxReplicas: 3,
             concurrencyTarget: 10

As per above configuration, if there is no request coming for the component, the component will scale down to zero replicas. The component will only deployed if it receives a request, and the component will be scaled up if there is more than 10 concurrent requests for one replica up to max of 3 replicas.

In this sample, we will be deploying the same load generator cell which invokes the pet-be's catalog component in a high concurrency, and evaluate the zero scaling behaviour.


  1. Execute below command and confirm the zero scaling is enabled.
$ cellery setup status 

cluster name: cellery-admin@cellery

 ---------------------------- ----------
  ApiManager                   Enabled
  Observability                Enabled
  Scale to zero                Enabled
  Horizontal pod auto scalar   Disabled
  1. If that is not enabled, you have to enable as explained here.

Run auto scaling enabled pet-be

  1. Run pet-be cell instance with cell image wso2cellery/pet-be-zero-scale-cell:latest. You can optionally build the pet-be-zero-scale.bal as mentioned here.
$ cellery run  wso2cellery/pet-be-zero-scale-cell:latest -n pet-be
  1. Execute kubectl get pods. Approximately after two minutes the pods for controller and catalog will be terminated.
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                        READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-dr9q2     2/3     Terminating   0          109s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-pcx5j   2/3     Terminating   0          109s
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-csx2x               2/2     Running       0          113s
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-fb8q6                 2/2     Running       0          113s
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-pqwjl                  2/2     Running       0          113s
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-qwfzw                     3/3     Running       0          113s

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-csx2x   2/2     Running   0          7m27s
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-fb8q6     2/2     Running   0          7m27s
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-pqwjl      2/2     Running   0          7m27s
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-qwfzw         3/3     Running   0          7m27s
  1. Run a load generator cell which invokes the pet-be's catalog component in a high concurrency. There are optional environmental variables can be passed to the load-gen cell to configure the duration (default 5minutes), concurrency (default 40) of the load test, and pet-store instance name (default pet-be).
$ cellery run wso2cellery/load-gen-cell:latest -n load-gen -y 


$ cellery run wso2cellery/load-gen-cell:latest -e DURATION=10m -e CONCURRENCY=20 -e PET_STORE_INST=pet-be
  1. Once the load-gen cell is started, the controller and catalog components will be running as shown below.
 kubectl get pods                                                                                                                                    

NAME                                                        READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
load-gen--gateway-deployment-68dcfb5699-2hfsj               1/1     Running    0          48s
load-gen--load-gen-deployment-7fdbfbdc8b-snq5q              2/2     Running    0          48s
load-gen--sts-deployment-5c9cdf4dd5-7vr49                   3/3     Running    0          48s
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-697hl     2/3     Running    0          6s
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-8bgrh     0/3     Init:0/1   0          2s
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-tth8z     2/3     Running    0          7s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-8wd29   3/3     Running    0          14s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-m6qgj   3/3     Running    0          12s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-xhlrg   3/3     Running    0          12s
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-csx2x               2/2     Running    0          8m54s
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-fb8q6                 2/2     Running    0          8m54s
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-pqwjl                  2/2     Running    0          8m54s
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-qwfzw                     3/3     Running    0          8m54s
  1. Terminate the load cell to stop the traffic to the pet-be cell.
$ cellery terminate load-gen
  1. After approximately two minutes, controller and catalog components will be terminating again as there are no requests.
$ kubectl get pods                                                             

NAME                                                        READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-697hl     2/3     Terminating   0          4m51s
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-8bgrh     2/3     Terminating   0          4m47s
pet-be--catalog-service-rev-deployment-7ff685cf54-tth8z     2/3     Terminating   0          4m52s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-8wd29   2/3     Terminating   0          4m59s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-m6qgj   2/3     Terminating   0          4m57s
pet-be--controller-service-rev-deployment-f8b75d65d-xhlrg   2/3     Terminating   0          4m57s
pet-be--customers-deployment-7997974649-csx2x               2/2     Running       0          13m
pet-be--gateway-deployment-7f787575c6-fb8q6                 2/2     Running       0          13m
pet-be--orders-deployment-7d9fd8f5ff-pqwjl                  2/2     Running       0          13m
pet-be--sts-deployment-7f4f56b5d5-qwfzw                     3/3     Running       0          13m

  1. You can now clean up the pet-be instance as well.
$ cellery terminate pet-be

What's Next?