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原文地址:Twitter’s Heart Animation in Full CSSHow Did They Do That? The Twitter “Like” Animation.

译者的话:Twitter 的 'like' 效果相信不少人已经发现了,Medium 上有两位开发者模拟了这个效果。今天这篇文章是那两位开发者文章的译文综合,文末有译者对实现方式的思考,请轻拍。

How Did They Do That? The Twitter “Like” Animation.

Twitter “赞” 动画教程

Or, An Introduction to CSS Sprite Sheet Animation.

这篇文章其实是,CSS 雪碧图动画教程。

By now, you’ve probably seen or heard — the Twitter star has been replaced with a little heart, and the “favorite” has been re-dubbed the “like.”

现在,你大概已经见过或者听说了 Twitter 把星星换成了小爱心,“收藏”也变成了“赞”。

Regardless of whether you love or hate the change, the new like animation is a great example of how CSS sprite sheets can be used to bring really awesome animation to the web.

不管你喜不赞 Twitter 的这个改变,“赞”可是个 CSS 雪碧图动画很好的模仿例子。

I won’t go into detail on the actual process of designing the animation in this post, because I don’t know the process they used— you can go ask Brian Waddington if you’d like to know.

这篇文章不会涉及到对 Twitter 新动画的细节分析,毕竟我并不了解实际的实现过程,如果读者对这方面有疑问,可以直接问问 Brian Waddington

Getting it into the browser is a different story.


In order to get this animation to display fast and fluidly on the web, the Twitter team utilized a technique made famous in video games of old known as sprite sheet animation.

为了让动画尽可能快速且流畅,Twitter 运用了一个在游戏领域很经典的方法 -- 雪碧图动画(定个动画)。

This process involves exporting each frame of the animation side-by-side into a single image, so that instead of loading 29 different assets to play a simple animation, you just have to load one.


Why is this so important? Trips to and from the server are expensive from a speed and resource standpoint, and when you have 320 million active users on your site, small savings result in huge performance gains. Making one trip instead of 29 is one great way to optimize.



Once the animation has been compiled into one image as seen above, we can “flip” through the frames using CSS, emulating animation techniques made famous by Flipbooks and the Zoetrope.

雪碧图(如上图)做好了之后,我们可以通过 CSS 一帧帧地展现这张图片,原理和走马灯类似。

So, how do we animate it?


The Code


In order to replicate what the folks at Twitter did, we’ll need three things:

为了模拟出 Twitter 的爱心动画,我们需要做三件事情:

  1. A div for our heart, with the sprite sheet as its background image.

    1. 有一个 div 放爱心,这个 div 的背景图就是上面那张雪碧图。
  2. A CSS keyframe animation that moves the background position from left to right.

    1. 构建一个 keyframe 执行 background-position 动画,让背景图的位置从左移动到右。
  3. A way to trigger the animation to play when the user clicks it.

    1. 当用户点击的时候,触发这个动画。

First, we’ll make a pretty straight-forward div:

首先,让我们先来个 div:


<div class=”heart”></div>


.heart {
 cursor: pointer;
 height: 50px;
 width: 50px;
 background-position: left;

If you know CSS, you should understand what’s going on here. We give the div a set width and height, make it’s background image the sprite-sheet, position that background image all the way to the left (which will be the first frame of the animation), and then set it’s background size to be 2900% so that it will properly fill the div. We also set the cursor to a pointer so the user knows it’s clickable.

上面的 CSS 做了什么事情呢?我们给一个 div 定了宽高;并将它的背景图设置为上面那张很长的雪碧图;然后将它的 background-position 固定到雪碧图的最左边(动画的起始帧;background-size 设定为 2900%,这样可以保证雪碧图可以完全占满这个 div 。不要忘了 cursor 设置成可点击的。

Here’s what we have so far:



Next, the fun part — animating it! Alright, so it’s not that fun, but it is very straightforward.

接下来是最激动人心的时刻 -- 让爱心动起来!讲真,是没有那么激动啦,但是够直白:


@keyframes heart-burst {
 from {background-position:left;}
 to { background-position:right;}

What we’ve done here is define a custom CSS keyframe animation. We’re telling CSS to animate the background position from the left to the right, and we’re naming it heart-burst.

这个关键帧的名字叫做 heart-burst,它要执行的动画,就是将 background-positionleft 变成 right

Note: We’ve left it out, but you’ll need to use proper vendor prefixes for cross-browser support. More info here.


Now that we’ve defined the animation, we can play it by adding this to our heart div:

现在动画已经定义好了,我们可以把它加到爱心的 div 上了:


Obviously not what we were going for, but close!


To make it display properly, we’ll need to utilize steps(). This will allow us to break up the animation into individual segments, so instead of smoothly animating from left to right, we’ll do it in a number of chunks that syncs up with our number of frames.

我们需要借助 steps() 调整动画,这个函数可以把序列帧动画变成定格动画。也就说,现在动画执行起来,不是直接从左到右移动背景图了,而是一帧一帧地移动。

While we’re at it, we’re also going to break out the animation into a separate class, so that the animation will only play when that class is applied to the div. This way, we can trigger it whenever we want.

首先我们要把动画分到另一个 class 上,这样只有当特定的 class 应用到爱心 div 上,动画才会执行。这样我们就能保重用户点击的时候,才触发动画。

.is_animating {
  animation: heart-burst .8s steps(28) 1;

Here, we’re saying play the animation named *heart-burst *for a duration of 0.8s, and do it in 28 frames. When we apply this class to our heart div, we should get this:

heart-burst 动画有28帧,会执行800毫秒。当把它应用到我们的爱心上,它会变成这样:

Now that we have a working animation, the last thing to do is trigger it when a user clicks.

I’ll use good ‘ol jQuery for that:

现在我们有一个像样的动画了,不过还有最后一件事情 -- 绑定点击事件,就交给 jQuery 来做啦:

$(.heart”).on(‘click’, function(){
$(.heart”).on(‘animationend’, function(){

Here, the first event listener waits for the user to click, and then toggles our ‘is_animating’ class to be applied to the heart, triggering the animation.

用户点击爱心之后,通过切换 is_animating class,来触发动画。

The second listener waits for the animationend event, which is fired when a CSS animation completes, and then removes the ‘is_animating’ class, so when we click it again, we’ll see the animation again.

我们还加上了监听 animationed 事件的代码,当动画执行完毕后,div 上的 is_animating class 会被移除。当我们再次点击爱心的时候,才能再看到动画。

And last but not least, let’s add a hover effect to complete the experience:

最后的最后,要保证体验的完整,不要忘了加上 hover 态时的样式哦:

.heart:hover {

The Final Product


And there you have it!


Check out the full code here, or go inspect the actual element on Twitter.

可以从这里看到完整的代码,或者用开发者工具直接上 Twitter 看。

Want to learn more about CSS animation? Here are a few good resources:


Twitter’s Heart Animation in Full CSS

CSS 实现Twitter 的“爱心动画”

A few weeks ago, as everybody, I saw the Twitter Star turned into a Heart. The favorite into a like.

几周前,我发现 twitter 的“收藏”不再使用星星的图标,而是变成一颗爱心。将“收藏”变成了”赞“。

twitter 官方也发推说了这事儿

You can say a lot with a heart. Introducing a new way to show how you feel on Twitter: ...

That was a huge source for debates for sure … but the only thing that I had in mind was … is it possible to make it with only CSS (not a single picture or SVG) ?

这一改动肯定是经过了各方拉锯,不过我关心的只是,爱心动画可不可以用 CSS 实现呢?我指的是“纯 css”,不是一张图片或者 SVG。

I know it’s not a matter of life and death but when something like that gets in my head it’s too late, I can’t sleep until I have a viable answer.


After a few trials on this challenge I finally have my answer. The result is not perfect (and it’s a lot of SCSS / CSS — almost 400 lines) but it’s satisfying (based on my expectations at least).

在经过一些尝试之后,我终于实现了。不过你可能会觉得我的代码不够漂亮,毕竟 400 行之长 SCSS/CSS 代码真的也不算回事儿嘛,不过对我来说,能找到这个方案已经很高兴了。

I will now describe the steps I went through to find it.


First I divided it in 3 layers : the Heart (.heart), the Ring (.ring) and the Circles (.circles), and grouped them in a wrapper (.heart-wrapper). After this, I made the drawing for each layer, then the animation of each layer and finally mixed them all together.

首先,我把这个效果分成了三个层级:爱心(.heart)、环形(.ring)以及圆形(.circles),接着将它们三个都放进 .heart-wrapper 这个容器中。然后分别绘制每个层级,接着实现对应的动画,最后把所有动画整合到一起。





First part was the Heart.


I separated the full area in 4 rectangles :


  • Top / Left and Top / Right : 25% high / 50% wide
  • 左上和右上区域都是占总高度的 25%,总宽度的 50%
  • Bottom / Left and Bottom / Right : 75% high / 50% wide
  • 左下和右下区域是占总高度的 75%,总宽度的 50%

And I used a pseudo element (:after) inside every rectangle and played with border-radius property to be as close as possible to the original shape for each part.

接着在每个矩形结构中,我都使用上设置了 border-radius 值的伪元素(:after),尽可能地模拟每个对应部分的形状。

Then I applied the color and overflow:hidden

接着再使用 coloroverflow:hidden



The second part was the Ring.


This one is a simple rounded element with different border-size values and width / height values.

通过设置不同的 border-sizewidthheight 就能画出各种各样的环形了。



The third part was the Circles.


I built this one using a transparent rounded element in the middle and adding shadow boxes on it.


A shadow-box value for each circle, comma separated. The position x / y is computed based on the angle with sin / cos using Compass






Nothing too complex.


Increasing / decreasing the width / height of the main element (and setting the position left / top accordingly). The only thing is to make sure everything inside is relative to this element to adjust.

通过增减“爱心”元素的宽高比,并相应调整元素的 lefttop 值,要保证其他和“爱心”元素有相对位置关系的元素的位置也校正好了。



Adjusting the size of the border and the circle inside and the position accordingly as well as the color.




This one is a bit more tricky because all the border-shadow values have to be udpated all at the same time (position x / y, size, color) as it’s only one property with several comma separated values.

这里用到的方法比较有技巧性,box-shadow 的值要跟着元素的坐标值、元素的大小还有颜色同时变化。

For instance :


  51.85185% {
      -8.48528em -8.48528em 0 -0.83333em #a068ce,
      -8.38671em -5.44639em 0 -0.83333em #b752e1,
      1.34357em -11.92455em 0 -0.83333em #99e9c8,
      -0.97087em -9.95276em 0 -0.83333em #bae3d7,
      10.16069em -6.38438em 0 -0.83333em #d3f491,
      7.17606em -6.9645em 0 -0.83333em #dce483,
      11.3266em 3.96335em 0 -0.83333em #59c392,
      9.91926em 1.26817em 0 -0.83333em #67cd9f,
      3.96335em 11.3266em 0 -0.83333em #caadc7,
      5.19306em 8.54588em 0 -0.83333em #959ff3,
      -6.38438em 10.16069em 0 -0.83333em #ca5ed8,
      -3.44362em 9.38837em 0 -0.83333em #a975d1,
      -11.92455em 1.34357em 0 -0.83333em #c35dd1,
      -9.48718em 3.16122em 0 -0.83333em #90e0be;

And this is only for one step…


To make it easier to read and adjust, I created a SASS function to handle this :

为了方便阅读和更改,我写了一个 SASS 函数来处理它:

  @function setBoxShadow($distance1, $distance2, $size1, $size2, $shiftAngle, $colorRatio) {
    $boxS: ();

    @for $i from 1 through length($circles) {
      $circle: nth($circles, $i);
      $order: $i - 1;
      $angle1: ($order * $angleBetweenCircles) + $shiftAngleBeginning;
      $angle2: $angle1 + $shiftAngle;
      $distanceRatio1: $size * $distance1;
      $distanceRatio2: $size * $distance2;
      $firstCircle: map-get($circle, first);
      $firstCircleStart: map-get($firstCircle, start);
      $firstCircleEnd: map-get($firstCircle, end);
      $secondCircle: map-get($circle, second);
      $secondCircleStart: map-get($secondCircle, start);
      $secondCircleEnd: map-get($secondCircle, end);

      $boxS: append($boxS,
        cos($angle1) * $distanceRatio1
        sin($angle1) * $distanceRatio1
        $circleSize * $size1
        mix($firstCircleStart, $firstCircleEnd, $colorRatio)

      $boxS: append($boxS,
        cos($angle2) * $distanceRatio2
        sin($angle2) * $distanceRatio2
        $circleSize * $size2
        mix($secondCircleStart, $secondCircleEnd, $colorRatio)

    @return join($boxS, (), "comma");

This function loops through all the Circles (stored in a SASS Map) and set 2 by 2 (the big and the small Circles) the box-shadow values accordingly, based on the distances, the sizes, the angle of shift between them and the progression in the color, all passed as arguments.

这个方法循环读取了所有的储存在 SASS Map 中的圆形,然后根据元素间的距离、尺寸、偏移角度以及颜色的变化程度,两个两个地(一大小两个圆)更新 box-shadow 的值,这些值都会以变量的形式传入。



Then I adjusted the timings / percentages of the animations according to what is explained in this post by @chrismabry

接着我参考了@chrismabry这篇文章 调整了动画的时间间隔。

Therefore I separated in 28 steps


  $animStep: 100% / 27;

that run in 0.8s

在 800ms 内完成

  $animDuration: 0.8s;

using a function to generate the percentages of the various steps :


  @function setStep($n) { @return ($n — 1) * $animStep }

For instance :

当向这个方法传入 6 的时候:


will output :



And make the three layers superimpose with the good timing.


A picture will be better than a long explanation :


The animation will be active / inactive just by adding / removing the class (.active) on the container (.heart-wrapper). In my example this class toggles on click.

通过在容器(.heart-wrapper)上添加 active 这个class来控制动画。在我的代码中,通过点击可以切换效果。



I achieved my goal but as you can imagine for me it was more a question of winning this personal challenge, nothing more.

Browser support is the same as the current version (IE10+) because the most advanced requirement is CSS3 Animation (

This is what it looks like :

I tried to keep the code as clean and structured as possible, and I used SASS variables for settings at the top to let people easily make some tests and changes. Feel free to let me know what you think and if you find something that can be improved (by setting the debug to true in the JS you’ll be able to see the animation step by step, with 1 click for each step).

Thanks for reading