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Releases: FrozenNode/Laravel-Administrator

Version 4.8.0

24 Nov 02:48
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  • Anonymous functions can now be passed for custom action title, confirmation, and messages options
  • It is now possible to return a redirect from custom actions
  • Selecting an item now scrolls the browser to the top of the page
  • It is now possible to return accessor values into the edit form
  • Default values can now be set for edit fields
  • Bugfix: Custom dashboards no longer include unnecessary js files
  • Bugfix: Updated to latest jQuery timepicker addon to fix some legacy jQuery UI bugs
  • Bugfix: The detach() method is now used to remove related items instead of delete()
  • Bugfix: The bool filter field wasn't properly grabbing results

Version 4.7.2

07 Oct 16:28
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  • Bugfix: New Laravel setRules method in validator was throwing Administrator's setRules typehinting off
  • Bugfix: Redirection was always pointing at the admin dashboard instead of the current page

Version 4.7.1

03 Oct 06:07
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  • Bugfix: IoC resolution of the '' instance was being called as 'session'

Version 4.7.0

28 Sep 22:09
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  • Custom pages are now available with the 'page.{path}.{to}.{view}' menu syntax
  • New translations (ca)
  • Bugfix: Autocomplete relationship fields weren't respecting prefixed table names

Version 4.6.1

23 Aug 04:20
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  • Bugfix: Call to App::make('itemconfig') in the header would cause an error on dashboard pages
  • Bugfix: Fonts are now loaded locally which should no longer cause hanging issues when you have no internet connection
  • Bugfix: <=IE9 was having issues with the dropdown menu

Version 4.6.0

22 Aug 09:23
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  • Support for smaller screens and mobile devices
  • Visible option for columns that accepts either a boolean or closure
  • Relationship constraints now work with hasMany and hasOne fields
  • There is now an options_filter option for relationship fields that lets you modify the query before getting the relationship options
  • Custom actions and saves now rebuild the supplied config file after performing the action
  • The editable property now accepts a closure and is passed the current page's data object
  • New translations (da, it)
  • Bugfix: Constraint fields no longer make multiple requests at a single time
  • Bugfix: The key field is no longer set on models. This would cause some bugs on some setups

Version 4.5.0

01 Aug 09:16
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  • You can now provide value, min_value, and max_value options in filter fields to set default values
  • It is now possible to specify as many submenus in the menus array as you want
  • The examples directory is now properly adjusted for L4
  • Bugfix: The CKEditor in WYSIWYG fields no longer jumps around and removes text selection on blur
  • Bugfix: Soft deleted values from a related table no longer get included in relationship columns
  • Bugfix: Relationship where clauses now work when you pre-specify the table name
  • Bugfix: Time fields weren't saving properly

Version 4.4.1

31 Jul 02:27
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  • Bugfix: Removed reliance on MySQL-specific backticks in queries
  • Bugfix: New validateArray method in Laravel core Validator class was messing with custom version in Administrator's Validator
  • Bugfix: In relationship where clauses, there would be issues with values defined on the pivot table

Version 4.4.0

30 Jul 00:33
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  • You can now provide custom actions to a "global_actions" option in model configs. These actions are passed the current filtered query object and can be used to perform table-wide actions.
  • There is now a query_filter option for model configs that lets you filter a model's results query before it's constructed
  • Relationship columns now respect WHERE filters in your Eloquent model
  • New translations (ru)
  • Bugfix: Enum fields were having issues on settings pages
  • Bugfix: Submenu titles weren't properly translating in the presence of multiple locales
  • Bugfix: BelongsToMany filters now work with table prefixes
  • Bugfix: Non-string name_fields and search_fields no longer break select2

Version 4.3.0

18 Jul 02:44
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  • Unit testing
  • A fourth basic action permission is now available: 'view'. This dictates whether or not the admin user can click an item to open it
  • There is now an optional 'rules' property in model configuration files which works just like the $rules static property in Eloquent models
  • You can now define where the raw settings data is stored by providing a 'storage_path' option to settings configs
  • You can now supply a 'confirmation' string option to your custom actions which will require a confirmation from the admin user before the action can go through
  • The active item now updates itself when you perform a custom action or when you save an item
  • You can now specify an options_sort_field and an options_sort_direction for relationship fields that use accessors as name fields, and as such require ordering on something other than the name_field
  • 'logout_path' option is now available in the main config. By default this is false, but if you provide a string value it will show a logout button and link the user to that path if clicked
  • Bugfix: Tons of other bugs that I caught while creating the unit tests :D
  • Bugfix: The model results no longer require an ajax load on pageload
  • Bugfix: Table prefixes are now taken into consideration
  • Bugfix: Number fields would take two tries to clear
  • Bugfix: Saving empty number field would result in 0
  • Bugfix: Using an accessor for a name_field in a relationship field would previously cause SQL errors