diff --git a/compose.env.yml b/compose.env.yml
index a7c620a8..71b72edb 100644
--- a/compose.env.yml
+++ b/compose.env.yml
@@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ services:
     image: geobon/bon-in-a-box:runner-r
     # build:
-    #   context: ./runners
+    #   context: ${PIPELINE_REPO_PATH}/runners
     #   dockerfile: r-dockerfile
-    command: sh # Override default command to avoid launching R-studio server.
     tty: true # Needed to keep the container alive, waiting for requests.
     image: geobon/bon-in-a-box:runner-julia
     # build:
-    #   context: ./runners
+    #   context: ${PIPELINE_REPO_PATH}/runners
     #   dockerfile: julia-dockerfile
     command: sh # Avoids launching julia session that will not be used.
     tty: true # Needed to keep the container alive, waiting for requests.