Some key-bindings
- <prefix>X Kill-session
- <Prefix>P Set current path as default path of new panes
- <prefix><C-c> New-session
- <prefix><C-h> Previous-window
- <prefix><C-l> Next-window
- <prefix>" Split horizontally
- <prefix>% Split vertically
- <prefix>{h,j,k,l} Pane-navigation
- <prefix>{n,p} Move pane forward or backward
Plugins management
- <prefix>I Install listed plugins
- <prefix>U Update installed plugins
- <prefix>C Clean the plugins thats not on the plugin list
- First, clone
, the tmux plugin manager.
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Reload TMUX environment so TPM is sourced.
# type this in terminal if tmux is already running
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
Used plugins
- Tmux plugins
- [✓] tpm, tmux-sensible, tmux-yank
- Colorscheme
- [✓] tmux-power
- Prefix
- [✓] tmux-prefix-highlight
- Restore
- [✓] tmux-resurrect, tmux-continuum
- Tmux plugins